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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Homemade doll waifu thread Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 03:58:38 No.372
I just found this board a few days ago but I've been planning for about a year to make a homemade sex doll, like the kind that will imminently be made illegal here in the US. I want to detail my plan. I know this board has an anti-3DPD/anti-sex-doll bias, but hear me out.

Like many on this board, I initially had the ambition to make a sophisticated robot, but realized I should start small and reproduce something others have already created. Since my preferred, ahem, flatness of doll is soon to be illegal, it would be nice to have a homemade alternative.

Smooth-On Inc sells a brand of mold-and-set silicone, available on Amazon and elsewhere, that is easy to use and designed for human prosthesis. I intend to use Ecoflex 00-30 with Silc-Pig for pigment (and freckles). I experimented with creating a homemade onahole using Ecoflex with limited success.

For the mold, I intend to build it in segments using a 3D printer. I've be practicing modeling girls in Blender. What I have so far is acceptable for my tastes, although I'm no expert at 3D modelling or the human form. I also designed 2 mold halves for a tinkerbell sized prototype. The mold halves have holes for screws (to press them together) and a funnel at the top. I got as far as exporting to STL to observe how the slicer handles it. Once I get a new 3D printer, I'll print these mold halves and pour some Ecoflex into them. I may also put in some steel wire as a makeshift skeleton.

I had a crap 3D printer that I threw out. I'm currently trying to move to a new city and therefore won't be able to buy a new printer until I get settled. Not having a printer is the number one impediment to this project right now. I would love to hear opinions on what 3D printer model is ideal. I'd be willing to spend upwards of $1k. I've been thinking of buying used to get a better deal. I'd like a large build plate to minimize the number of parts for the full sized mold.

One thing I'm not sure of is how to make the skeleton. I will experiment with 3D printing the skeleton, but I don't really know how to make linkages. Nevertheless I have started designing them using SCAD. I also wonder how the pros make the skeleton sit in the right place within the mold, without any part of the skeleton touching the mold. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Usually doll heads are separate from the body (screwed on at the neck) and the body is completely one piece. This is my plan, although removable arms and legs would be a possibility. I'm hoping to make a removable vagina as well, for ease of cleaning.
That sounds very interesting anon. Sorry about the printer problems I hope you get a good one soon. Probably a big print volume would be valuable for your needs. As far as professional techniques for construction and assembly, if you can find tutorials from some of the Creature Effects guys from Hollyjew I imagine they can give you some really good ideas. Stan Winston studios is one group that comes immediately to mind. Personally, I'd certainly like to see more ideas ideas (sketches, pictures?) of your mold and silicone work. That's probably an important area for all of us. Hackaday may be able to give you good ideas about how to create the armatures, etc. you mentioned.

>anti-sex-doll bias
No it doesn't. An important aspect of making lovable waifubots for anons is to be able to have sexual enjoyment with them. Asexual robowaifus are perfectly fine, but I'm fairly sure most of us want fuggable waifus. What most of us are opposed to is the uncanny-valley foam doll shit the world thinks of as 'sex robots'. I think most of us want cute waifus, not uncanny sluts.

Good luck anon, please keep us posted.
Seeing current replies to months old threads when the OP might not be here to respond is why I think you should post the original creation date(06/27/18) and a link to the archive(http://archive.is/fZCiJ) admin. Anyone interested can also read the previous replies.

This guy tried casting and molding a small test item and didn't succeed. Which is a good idea as he didn't jump into making a large expensive doll right away.

The outer covering might be the most expensive and difficult part of creating a sex doll. It might be easier and cheaper to buy parts from Chinese TPE/TPU dolls and modifying them than making your own.

You're right about what currently sells as 'sex dolls' they're just expensive huge chunks of cold plastic that generally look disgusting. That was the general consensus on the old board at the time when this thread was posted.

I've looked into what the special effects guys are doing and the silicon they use is very expensive and so are the specialized tools they use for proper casting.
not sure how the age of the post affects the information contained. and no, i've got enough on my plate already, feel free to follow along and tag every single post if you feel so inclined anon. At some point I'll populate the archives thread with both old and new archives.
>and the silicon they use is very expensive and so are the specialized tools they use for proper casting.
BTW, I've attended a Smooth-On class since this original thread was made.
Some of the postings in another thread are more about this here, I also posted in the wrong one, and this bothered me a while ago >>8216. So at least it should be cross-linked: Home-made Ball Jointed Dolls (BJDs) >>7531 and following, including something about a poseable figure and Quin Doll from Thingiverse >>7625. We also had 'Polaris: Double jointed ball jointed doll': https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3184441 - but this is for now not available anymore, since the license wasn't honored enough. Maybe someone should look into these things more regularly and make copies. Also feel free to try hunting down the ones which have been taken down but re-uploaded somewhere else. Here's a whole group on Thingiverse with similar dolls: https://www.thingiverse.com/groups/ball-jointed-dolls-bjds/forums These dolls might not be good for changing them into robowaifus, but there's no point in modeling everything when it's already available. Also, for some guys simple dolls with some AI and maybe an animated head would be at least a good start.
>>18710 >Also, for some guys simple dolls with some AI and maybe an animated head would be at least a good start. I think you're right Anon.
>>18710 Also, I just wanted to double-check and make sure you were aware that we have some wonderful on-topic neighbors on the webring, Anon. /doll/ https://anon.cafe/doll/res/191.html
>>18722 Yeah, I know, but thanks. I think they were inactive a while ago. What I'd like is that they would keep us in the loop and make backups of what's available. But I didn't look yet, tbh.
>>18731 >Yeah, I know, but thanks. I think they were inactive a while ago. What I'd like is that they would keep us in the loop and make backups of what's available. But I didn't look yet, tbh. A new BO took over a little while back, and he's been injecting life into the board. We keep backups of /doll/ and dozens of other IBs. /robowaifu/ gets the most attention ofc, but /doll/ is kept pretty current.
>>18710 > ball jointed doll BJD 60cm by SorrowBJD Forgot the link to the last one, or thought it's in the Thingiverse group I mentioned above anyways. But here it is: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2941323/ - also look into the remix section. If the "non-commercial use allowed" licenses bother you, make your own design. We might not need very much work to make the parts switchable. My goal is to keep everything as flexible as possible. The mentioned and linked doll design above is used here >>18780 and in following posts.

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