8th Birthday Edition greeting here:
>original (albeit a bit edited) OP follows:
Well it's Thanksgiving time again and that means it's /robowaifu/s birthday time too.
It's been
3 full years since we began, and this last one has been a bit of a ride tbh. With the deplatforming of 8ch all of us who had communities there were mostly left out in the cold. Thankfully we've been given a new home here in our
bunkerhome at
JulaynuJulay, and a few of us have found our way back together here. Hopefully the rest of us will find Julay, and /robowaifu/ again as well. We've also made some new friends since we've been here, and I think we're in pretty good shape all things considered.
On the topic of deplatforming, we have a new archival system in action that keeps a copy of the board up to date on my machine. Note that my original intent was to fully automate the archive.today archives, but it hasn't worked properly (they seem to be fighting against bots pretty hard now). I hope at least one other of you will also join in for the approach that's actually working, and use BUMP to keep at least one other copy of /robowaifu/ safe in addition to my own.
You never know what might happen to my gear (or even to me), and it's just smart thinking to have at least two of us keeping this board safe. My intent is to finish up the system for board migrations (along with Robi), and then bring over other things from the old files and get this board in shape again. Then we can keep it fully backed up together. As you regulars know, /robowaifu/ is basically unique among imageboards and well-deserves preservation IMO. Any other takers for doing backups as well? I just use a cronjob and it's all fully automatic daily I never have to touch it. I'll explain everything in detail how to do it if anyone else wants to participate. One other thing; should anything ever happen to Julay, just regroup on
Fatchan Anoncafe Trashchan in our bunker there.
Actually, I'm pretty upbeat about both the world of IB communities in general, and our own /robowaifu/ in particular. We all took a hard knock a few months ago, but we're back on our feet and in the fight again. Kudos in particular to both Julay and Smug for their innovations with the webring introduction. It's lent a resilience to the underlying systems for all our various communities that we've never had before afaict. This alone should help to ensure we have a long future of shitposting together anons.
Anyway moving on, I hope this coming year will also see a resurgence in everyone's posts here about their personal projects. I intend to do so myself. It's always a pleasure to see Anon's efforts and blog-posts about their current attempts and ideas, regardless whether they are successes or failures.
Persistence is really the single most important factor for eventual success--even more than innate talent--and so just don't quit anon! Don't be afraid to get back in the game even if you met with failure before. Try something different this time, right?
Industry-wise, I think that most predictions about the ever-increasing pace of technological innovations in the areas pertinent to robowaifu production are on track. I believe this will eventually also translate into much cheaper components and other resources that we all need for our projects. AI is gradually improving and becoming more accessible for the budding software engineers among us (and the old hands too). 3D printing is still improving and becoming more widespread and a bit cheaper in general. Mechanism designs are slowly becoming better suited to cheap production techniques. Electronics of all sorts keep getting better. Materials science breakthroughs also pop up occasionally.
I hope this will be a great year for all of us, and that we each can find some work, project or ideas here that we will all agree on and can get behind together as a team. When we work together, we can be assured of progress--and then eventual success. Let's stay focused and make our dreams become real during this 4th year together.
We can do it /robowaifu/, you have some amazing ideas!
Previous greetings:
4th Birthday Edition (
added link to current birthday message
redirect anons to anon.cafe instead
add strikeouts
minor prose edits
begin 'previous greetings' list
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/30/2024 (Sat) 22:14:08.