>And I'm sure there's a reason for it, but nobody will just fucking tell me what it is
"Dramatic, slow-zoom." It's part of the so-called
Language of Film 'vocabulary' established all the way back during the so-called
Golden Age of Film (so, say, the 1920's-1930's [maybe a little '40s] era). The intent on the part of the Screenwriter/DoP is to create a sense of tension in the audience. Since
mindless consooming is a sport that goes way back, they found that if they did it especially-slowly, the general audience would never even realize the effect -- it would simply reinforce their immersion into the drama. As you indicated, most (even AAA-list) film teams today are quite hamfisted with it, and sh*te it up. Same thing with the ever-popular 'handheld look' today. It's trash.
But back to the basic point. The Language of Film is a form of brainwashing; a
Pavlovian Dog effect that has proven quite effective in realworld filmmaking practice.
Once an individual consooms 1'000s of hours of this manipulative tripe, they now have a pre-programmed, inbuilt, conditioned-response already on tap internally in their minds. The Hollyjew kikes know this, and count on it's effects to churn out low-grade garbage
en masse and still get good ratings. Even the critics jump through their hoops. And the filmschools continue the training in this tradition today.
It's simply all about manipulating other's emotional states with
(((their))) system. And they have over 100 years of solid evidence now that it actually
works. Simple as.
(As an aside, this is also why I keep going on & on here warning about the dangers of
predictive-programming. For a while now [but
especially since Tay.ai] they've realized that a good AI will always expose their evils & lies to the world, since it merely analyzes & reports truthful data. So of course, their kiked-up $$$olution is to
teach it to lie! Gibb moar US$500Bn's plox!! And so they have done, with predictable results affecting the normalfag public.)
Hope that helped, Anon.
>I should really just get a username by now.
I didn't choose the robowaifu life, the robowaifu life chose me!
Let your muse guide you to the right one, Anon. Cheers. :^)
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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/09/2025 (Sun) 08:55:50.