/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

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AI Robowaifu Art and References ** SoaringMoon 11/25/2022 (Fri) 06:43:32 No.17763
I generated a whole much of neat images with Stable Diffusion 1.6. Enjoy. You are free to use the for whatever. >OP images are my five favorite of the bunch. Some proportions are off obviously. < "a robowaifu with [color] hair, digital painting, trending on artstation" Was the generation phrase. --- >Sorry to spoil all your files, rather than just the one (w/ Lynxchan it's all or nothing after the fact). The Problem Glasses are a Leftist dog-whistle that is rather distasteful around here (and also a red-flag). Certainly not something we would want to look at year-after-year in the catalog. Hope you understand, OP. ** Probably best to limit it to image generation, but also tolerating clips. Anything more advanced goes into the current propaganda thread : (>> TBD) . >=== -edit subject -add footnote
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/06/2024 (Fri) 09:14:10.
>>33029 This brings up an intredasting set of questions, Anon. So, say the Globohomo under the tutelage of their father Satan actually manage to pull this off, and destroy the civilization that men like we Anons have created. Further, say we here (and cadres like us) succeed in our dream of creating an opensauce/smol-businesses-by-the-thousands, where millions upon millions of robowaifus are out there serving their master. Let's make it a Billion Robowaifus functioning before the GH triggers it's destruction on the European-descent nations (just for a nice, even number). Let's say the first nukes/EMPs/whatever take out 99% of the robowaifus from functioning (setting aside similar numbers of Whites/invaders killed too, and entirely-discounting any such attacks against the baste Chinese/baste Russians). So, that leaves about what (please check me on my numbers here) 10'000'000' functioning robowaifus left in our nations? What then? What happens when 10M robowaifus are left wandering aimlessly amidst the rubble of our once-great Western Tradition'' ? While the CY jew Isaac Asimov had his 3 Laws of Robotics, the man Mark Tilden had his own three laws as well : ( >>32792 ) . Tilden's laws were all about the robot(waifu, in this scenario) working to preserve herself in an emergency : > Tilden’s laws of robotics : > A robot must protect its existence at all costs. > A robot must obtain and maintain access to its own power source. > A robot must continually search for better power sources. Presuming that we here win the day in our grand vision, and also presuming that we here instill Tilden's 3 laws into our robowaifus (as opposed to the asimovian version) -- what will the outcome be? How will the 10M robowaifus keep themselves powered up? What sorts of energy systems will survive the fallout (both literal & figurative) of the GH's attacks? Will they themselves be able to rebuild the technology around them (remember, many, many artifacts of tech will survive these events) into a viable power system? Lots of things to think about in such an outcome tbh. :///
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>>33069 The reason for my picture generation was more aesthetically motivated, and from a narrative perspective of a possible interesting story for future scifi. But it wasn't thought out very well, I just like the mix of calm post-apocalype and waifus, like Yokohama Shopping Log and Quiet Country Cafe. Also, I didn't make my mind up about humans still being around or not. If not, or not on the outside, then it might be because of oxygen depletion (it mostly comes from the oceans). I don't think your scenario is quite realistic, but we're not in meta here and this is really some edge case aside from storytelling. I'm pretty sure the EMP problem is rather overestimated. I thought about a security mechanism, using heavy and cheap batteries to charge the waifu, and the cable will physically disconnect while she's charging, then it switches back and charges these batteries. Also, I don't think humans would've an energy problem in most scenarios after a big collapse, especially not after deployment of "renewables". The simplest way would be small electro motors and a stream with a dam, I guess. Anyways, in my pictures they still drive around, so they still seem to have some source of energy. I thought about some extreme edge cases when it comes to individual waifus surviving in the wild before. One idea is that robowaifus could've heatpipes in their ribs and heat up water which would power a very small steam engine inside till the batteries are recharged, or as a addition energy boost. This would not just be there for such a scenario but would also charge her sitting around a pool or walking outside in a bikini. > Will they themselves be able to rebuild the technology around them (remember, many, many artifacts of tech will survive these events) into a viable power system? It's up to us to get them there at some point. But generally their purpose should be humans or men in more particular. I once thought about another good trope covering that, where they do survive and use biotechnology and frozen human cells to bring men back. >Picrel I'm a thigh person, how did you know?!
>>33073 >but we're not in meta here Lol, true. See how it's hard to stay on-topic here? :DD (Actually, this convo would be well-suited to +/pol/ funposting zone IMO.) Please feel free to open this up to wider discussion there. I think Tilden's Laws bear fair-scrutiny by us here, of all people. >It's up to us to get them there at some point. I like the way you think, Anon! :^) >we build robowaifus, they save us from disappearing... I almost broached this topic in my initial post of this convo, but though better of it. Certainly a nice scenario for a trilogy of SciFi books!! :) >I'm a thigh person, how did you know?!
>>33069 >Tilden's Laws of Robotics "Protect thy ass, feed thy ass, move thy ass to better real estate." - Dave Hrynkiw with Mark Tilden in Junkbots, Bugbots & Bots on Wheels.
>>33078 Leld. :D
>>33075 >See how it's hard to stay on-topic here? Yes it is. I was going to comment that emp is the least of our problems compared to the "pole shift" that's coming, but didn't. They could run themselves on the heat of bacterial decomposition of vegetable matter by chewing a lot of grass and wood. Maybe they could burn it.
>>33073 Runway video test. It somewhat failed, since in the first video she was supposed to get into the car and drive backwards into the fog. Hmm. Maybe just not a good choice for a prompt. Anyways, the lip sync seems to be nice, considering it's not a portrait. The other one looks not as good as the best of Hedra but better than recent generations. Either way, I'm not going to pay $95 ever month for Runway right now, though I might get a small plan to further test it a few times every month.
>>33117 Very-impressive results, NoidoDev. GG. :^)
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>>33117 Here Pika.art for comparison. It allows only 3-4 seconds of audio, and only from own sources, no generation. I even had to speed up the clip to make anything useful. The videos also seem to not do much, just zooming in and things like that, with some added facial movements like blinking.
>>33139 The video is from Luma again. Didn't follow the prompt, but it's kinda okay. The pics are from Ideogram, which was rather tricky to get anything useful out, since it has a tendency to a certain form of realism and also requires different prompts. It also doesn't follow the prompt all the time, same as Flux but in a different way. I did not ask for these huge eyelashes. >A realistic picture of an doll that has skin like a young woman. She has very huge doll-like but otherwise realistic looking eyes, similar to Alita. The eyes have a realistic eyeball, she has very realistic light blonde hair, realistic but small eye brows and short eyelashes out of human hair, bluegreen eye color and realistic looking skin. She also has very smooth lips, small chin like a female anime character and high cheekbones. Her eyelashes have no extensions. Her neck looks very human like.
>>33166 Next step with Ideogram was to make me some robot bodies. Look really good, tbh. I'm actually getting some likes there. Never happened on any other platform. My pics there will be here, the prompts can be copied: https://ideogram.ai/u/noidodev/pinned
>>33192 All these recent pieces have been interesting, NoidoDev. This specific set reminds me of an idea I had years ago to build some robowaifus with fine, handcrafted wood shells. Certain collectors would go wild for such unique creations. Cheers, Anon. :^)
@Kiwi Do you have any standard you'd like the board to adhere to regarding doll photography? >>33369
>>33383 I think this is the most appropriate thread. If you agree, this thread may as well be renamed to "AI Robowaifu Art and References." This would broaden the scope while keeping the original intent in tact. If SoaringMoon has any objections, I would respect them.
>>33383 Those images are AI generated, not photographs
>>33401 The prompt has no references to ‘doll’ It is a robot That’s why it has wires coming out if it and stuff
>>33386 Concur, wilco. Daily reminder, we actually do have a doll thread here, thanks to Greentext anon. (If you recall the debacle where a 3DPD took & killed /doll/ .) >>33401 >>33402 >Those images are AI generated, not photographs That's not the primary point of my question, Anon. And very-clearly, that generation model was trained on sexdoll photographs.
>>33403 You’re wrong. The Lora was trained on 2004 photographs https://huggingface.co/spaces/multimodalart/LoraTheExplorer
>>33407 OK, granted it's irrelevant to me one way or other. I was simply asking our Mod what he thought about the topic. The question wasn't directed at you. The secondary point being if you or anyone tries to squeeze sexdoll photography onto this board by w/e means, just know it's going to be resisted by me. Fair warning ahead of time. :^)
>>33409 I never posted sexdolls on here so the warning isn’t relevant to me
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Painterly, sketch, and lighting are my favorite words to add to prompts. All are made with these 3 LoRA bocchi_style_offset (Improves eyes and face) 2B-08 (More mature structure) ATRItest (Atri) First one has a random Nazrin LoRA for ears, there's heaps of 'em that'll do the same thing. WasWorse was a complete mess, so I quickly scribbled over it to make it barely usable. For personal reasons, I had wanted a more mature Atri. Unfortunately, I could only do so much by combining her with 2B.
>>33477 >Nazrin LoRA for ears Foxgirls! There's a great story on a site of dubious repute 7chan, with such winning deviance as "My Sister is a Dick Girl" but this story is great. About a guy flung into a parallel universe where they have fox girls. It's really good. He, cough, cough, buys one, there that's normal, she is very useful in all sorts of ways, other than what you are thinking. Hiraeth 7ch@n.org/elit/res/26149.html#i26149 In case you wonder MSIADG 7ch@n.org/elit/res/15127.html I think it would be great to have a foxgirl. It might defeat some of the uncanny valley and be seen as more in the vein of cartoon characters. Some foxgirls, https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2413720/header.jpg https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a44cd4fe-459f-4fd7-987b-e5efc4abad35/da3uh17-6f8f5e61-766b-4982-9820-1464299a7ad0.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9hNDRjZDRmZS00NTlmLTRmZDctOTg3Yi1lNWVmYzRhYmFkMzUvZGEzdWgxNy02ZjhmNWU2MS03NjZiLTQ5ODItOTgyMC0xNDY0Mjk5YTdhZDAucG5nIn1dXX0.QWfnJu_-M5CLsrx3tw82J1YJcz2jyHYEaWdx_S8y-Xg https://avatarfiles.alphacoders.com/340/340766.png >=== -obfuscate hotlinks
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/28/2024 (Sat) 11:25:07.
>>33797 Lol, I can't leave these as active hotlinks, Grommet. :D >I think it would be great to have a foxgirl. Certainly kemonomimi fans like Gunship would be very appreciative if you created these foxgrill robowaifus you speak of. :^)
>>33798 >Lol, I can't leave these as active hotlinks HAha the MSIADG, well it so perverted, but the Hiraeth one. It's not bad it's a great story. It has some racy moments but it;s a lot more than that. The guy who wrote it is really talented but most of his stories are WAY more...off.
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>>33797 >Foxgirls! Put a little Senko in my Atri for a foxy Atri! >Buying Foxgirls I'm fully supportive of buying and selling robot girls of all kinds for all reasons. They're cute appliances after all! Those stories made me sad, commodifying and objectifying living girls feels wrong.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 09/28/2024 (Sat) 21:35:49.
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>>33369 Interesting. Thanks. The first one is hard to distinct from some cosplay or other dress up. But, maybe ask for bigger eyes next time. >>33477 Nice. I never tried myself getting a lot of drawings from AI. The ones I got were mostly or all accidents.
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I was recently introduced to this model which I call "n40". >https://civitai.com/models/952556/n40naillous-xl It's compatible with A1111, comfy, and forge. Just slap it into your SD model folder and start prompting. Generally speaking, I think it does a better job with hands and prompts involving different characters than Pony does. It still has some issues though in terms of visual slop. Most notably, you want to utilize artist names and styles to really make art pop, otherwise you get more bland outputs I think. I can share some prompts if necessary but mine are nothing to write home about.
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I found these images when I was searching for images.
>>34664 Thanks. Interesting. But I still think AI to some output that can easily be altered would be better. It should be a workflow of e.g. letting it make such a picture, then export it into a SVG file or so, where one can turn off the colors and add the back later after making changes to the elements. Idk, this here is nice for pictures, but we really need clean animations with consistent characters.
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>>34787 I would agree, it should be seen as more of a tool akin to photoshop or krita (funnily enough krita recently added some AI tools but I haven't had time to look into them). I'm optimistic as said tools on the market are relatively new. In the next decade, you'll have AI's that can pump out 3D models that can be 3D printed, Animations, and more. All of which will be customizable via an easy to understand interface. It may very well get to the point that you have kids pumping out feature length productions. There's already some of that right now on youtube but most of that AI content is rather sloppy. Some folks are pushing it in interesting directions though. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqwm7rdcX9E Then you have AI asisted frame painting with shit like this which is also neat. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PugcxQYJGjs&t=3s
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I was testing out some things with making Jenny gens. If anyone has some specific requests for Dorothy, Jenny, or other robot girls, I can try and create some. >what about Emmy? I don't think she's in my checkpoint.
>>35704 Second one is Jenny if she was human.
>>35713 I thought there was an episode where she got to try out a human skin. Truthbetold, I never watched MLaaTR. I was in college during its airing time around 2008 to 2009 and in that period I was steaming anime while at college where I could since I only had dial-up at home. When I was at home, I mostly did gaming and listened to Michael savage and the Phil Hendrie show.
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>>35719 playing around with some Jenny gens.
>>35791 I like it. Never watched anything with her, but the pictures look really good. On the other hand, I have to say this one >>34998 is quite cursed and irritating. Please hide such ones from now on.
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>>35806 cursed and irritating? Pose? the style? The Jenny gens used a similar style to Dorothy. Was it the foot emphasis? Her stark white skin contrasting against her black leggings & sweater was really striking to me. I liked the way most of her gens turned out.
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It's difficult to generate crosses. This is a mix of 2B and AIgis using HinwariMixV10. The idea is she's a robot who hides her hard plastic body under clothes to appeal to her master.
>>35810 I meant the foot emphasis, of course. The new one looks way better, and generally I like her. The anime is also fine, though I wasn't blown away by it.
Jenny & Dorothy a cute! Please keep it toned down for SFW consumption though, Anons. (On-topic spoilered is fine, though.) >>35897 She's beautiful, Kiwi. Super-charming waifu IMO. Cheers. :^)
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Portal Turret girl
>>36023 Haha. Had to happen eventually, I suppose. :D
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Core Mita
>>32653 3D bust to 3D model via Hunyan3D >>36287
>>36072 Heh. BTW, this is a good example of our opus about >Mind the fork, lass... (cf. >>4313, et al) If we watch our p's & q's, dot all our i's and cross all our t's, then we too can have snu-snu-sized waifus such as this, that we can casually carry around! :D
>>33117 I burned through the rest of my credits on Runway AI. I wasted 60-75€ for the last few month on a subscription which I didn't use. Now I'm out, this here is the rest. Now that I look through my pics here >>33029, I wished I had used some others or just made more. Maybe I will, but rather with another platform than Runway, maybe Pikalabs or Luma. I only post the relatively good videos here, the other ones are more flawed. The first three are about the robot waifu in the kitchen, these are just three variants of the same video. The third one is the shortest, but the endings of the others are a bit flawed.
>>36461 Apparently the max per posting is 20MB, not just per file.

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