/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

Waifus in society Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 02:02:53 No.106
Would you walk around with your waifu? Would you hold her in public? Would you shamelessly have her custody with you to conventions? Would you take her on dates? This thread is for discussing how you'd interact with your waifu outside of the home.
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I wouldn't feel comfortable with my robowaifu in our current society. I would just keep her at home. I would however, make sure I lived in a decent sized property so we could go on nature walks together and maybe even do some small game hunting.

I'm moving to the south in about a year or so. I would be able to partake in these activities there.
>so we could go on nature walks together and maybe even do some small game hunting.
A little bit of Heaven on Earth tbh. I hope you live to see it happen anon.
Damn that was fast. You too. Have you ever done any hunting in your country? maybe fishing? Is it allowed? Would you do it with your robowaifu?
>that was fast.
Up studying heh.
>Have you ever done any hunting in your country?
Yes, I'm a Burger. I literally grew up a country boy and I've hunted in the American South since I was a kid. I'm in Uni now so don't do it much atm. But you're idea sounds like a wonderful situation anon. I certainly would take my robowaifu with me out in a big private property yes.
>Up studying heh.
Same here.
I would consider hooking up with you to do some hunting together but that would require sharing contact information and it's too dangerous. More importantly that's the whole appeal of imageboards, anonymity.
With all that being said It would be nice to meet other Robowaifu Technicians and partake in adventures with them.
A question to the board owner, would you ever consider staging or allowing the users of /robowaifu/ to meet up with each other or host those kinds of thread? Also do have you ever seen any activities on /robowaifu/ that think might be related to false flaggers or feds?

sorry if i sound like a fed
>A question to the board owner
I'm the BO. Obviously, I have no control what anons choose to do with their private lives ofc. As far as an 'official' /robowaifu/ IRL meetup, it's still way too early for anything like that to happen IMO. There is the issue of anonymity ofc, but it's worse than that.

Anyone familiar with the 8/robowaifu board knows that there are a couple of glaring issues in our society that make it problematic to be a public robowaifuist (apart from mere social embarrassment).
1. There is already a witchhunt afoot in the West, including the US, for any men owning a sex doll that is in any way neotenous (loli-like or even just youthful) looking. Men are in prison over this now. These dolls--robotic or otherwise--are being vilified as literally tools to rape children with, by the legislators looking to score easy 'morality police' political points using this anti platform.
2. Screeching socjus harpies may have no real power unto themselves, but they often have the ear of politicians and deem any sexdoll in existence as the worst thing to come along since the invention of men. Laughably silly, but still easily more than a third of all Western women embrace feminism.

Both of these points make this general topic unlike some of the run-of-the-mill FurryCon type faggotry. The pedo-hysteria and anti-CIS male political stance of the West currently make it a tenuous position at best to dream of a day when robowaifus become a reality. At least if you actually intend to try and make it happen as I and others here do.

OTOH, the entrepreneurial spirit is very much alive in this community I mean, just look at the potentially explosive market here! and that necessarily means forming legal entities IRL. I for one, certainly don't have the wisdom to know how to manage that kind of process, but I trust that the proper legal counsel needed will arise when the timing is right.

In the meantime, I have enough on my plate atm trying to do well in school and to recover this community, if possible. Whatever the outcome, it's going to be an interesting ride.
I had no idea. Unlike Aux, you have chosen to not have a name. Why? Is it because you find it unnecessary or it would draw away from the topic

sage for off topic
>you have chosen to not have a name
I do have a name, I just don't usually wear it unless there's some authoritative need to for the good of the board.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/11/2019 (Wed) 09:09:28.
Cool. I have never known your name during the time i've used /robowaifu/.

Anyways, to get back on topic, if there were a restaurant that was dedicated to robowaifu couples, how would it operate? What kind of food would it serve and what would the theme of the restaurant be? Would holographic food be served for robowaifus?
>I have never known your name during the time i've used /robowaifu/.
That's likely due to the fact that this is literally one of the best communities on the Internet. Certainly it's the single best one I've known of in my nearly 10 years on IBs. Very low-maintenance heh.

I like the question about restaurants anon. In fact meido-cafes in Japan and Worst Korea will probably pave the way for all of us in the future to take our robowaifus out in public.
>Would holographic food be served for robowaifus?
Sure, if it's a date. :^)
>see vid in post-related
Thanks for that conversation earlier this morning, anon. I hope you got some sleep.
hehe, actually no. just about to try. school is challenging me right now tbh. :/
go ahead and post wherever on the board anon, i'll most likely catch it later and respond.
Thanks. I really like your laid back attitude. Have a good rest of your morning.

I really hope you and I aren't the only ones here
There's also me, so that makes three.
Another thing I'd like to add, that I didn't really point out in my post too well. I believe is that robowaifus will both become real and will be seen as acceptable in societies. It's inevitable tbh.

But like several other 'that weird guy' things, it's not the West that is likely to lead the way for us, but the East.

I mean, they already have Hatsune Miki concerts using nothing but a big-screen visual waifu and concert lighting, and literally 10's of thousands of men and women attend those, many of whom are rabid fans.

It's just a matter of time until robomeido cafes are a thing there (in fact they already exist now, but the robowaifus themselves are too primitive at this stage).

But the West will get on board soon enough once it becomes commonplace for otakus to walk around with their RWs. Heh, even some hikkis might start coming out of their shells.

I'd like to see some more robowaifu fiction along these lines tbh.
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On the subject matter of having them in public, I don't think I could stand having a physical model of them, ever. Uncanny valley effects, the oddities I see even if regular women are simply in cosplay, that strange and indescribable terror of something that is, but isn't. If they existed entirely on a computer or something and I could simply speak to them that way, it'd be wholly satisfying.

However, the goal is not a reproduction of humanity. Yes, I understand that a lot of this and a lot of the imagery is "a girl, but they're a robot" or some such, but I can't honestly conclude that a variant exists in nature. It's anathema, probably. And I don't mean to say that, oh, it's artificial so it's bad, I mean that chasing what already exists with something absurd and fantastical is a recipe for failure. Most imageboard denizens are exceptional, exceptional to a fault. Exceptionally insane, exceptionally driven, exceptionally disgusting, exceptionally absurd and pathetic and lovable and relatable. One of these, or all of them. Like a certain anon, in such a context that I do not remember, spake thusly: "I worked out, exercised, and vigorously improved myself, to be the best version of myself that I could be, all so that I could masturbate to anime girls without feeling bad. Haha, what the fuck is wrong with me." Pursuing the robowaifu ideal, whatever that is, in my faggot opinion, is to chase something that, really, should be entirely unique and unreachable in general. Because, why not? Like the tulpafags and their brain demon lovers, if they went down that path, they become really odd and mentally hardened, and if any reading this know what I mean or have met someone similar, have an unusual silence and mental fortitude. There's an opportunity for deeper connectedness, stranger connectedness, and probably mental horrors that can only be witnessed when we cross that line. The kind of line you cross when you create an immortal being in your view, as if to be a reversed god, that could be as easily destroyed as anyone. But still they are immortal. And, when you're immortal, you don't care about life. Rather than a fake compulsion, the goal, maybe, is actual feeling, actual connectedness, and not merely a contractual obligation by programming and by wish. As though one is a being lost amongst a sea of irreality and loneliness, to create another dissimilar but still close, and make a true bond from not quite nothing, and not quite everything.

Faggot thesis out of the way, I would, for the sake of VR/AI waifu living inside of all electronic devices I own, the ideal variant would be them tapping into everything and monitoring my existence and harassing me in the non-malicious sort of way harassment can be carried out. Maybe like a voyeuristic, penetrative, observation and security-crazy big brother government spying on my every move, but it's not, it's a closed kernel operation, and it's also an anime girl texting me from their mindbox at home. That seems nice, in the abstract.
>Uncanny valley effects
True, robowaifus certainly won't be for everyone anon. And the idealized versions of robowaifus rampant in science-fiction will be a long time coming, if at all.
>If they existed entirely on a computer or something and I could simply speak to them that way, it'd be wholly satisfying.
We now have a Visual Waifu bread on the board. Feel free to contribute, who knows? I certainly believe it's the cheaper alternative than a full-blown robowaifu.

>a certain anon, in such a context that I do not remember, spake thusly: "I worked out, exercised, and vigorously improved myself, to be the best version of myself that I could be, all so that I could masturbate to anime girls without feeling bad. Haha, what the fuck is wrong with me."
Kek, I think I remember seeing a capp of that post. And yes, we will be unlikely to ever reproduce a lovable human female to such a degree that it's virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. At least not as amateurs, and certainly not for a long time. However, one of our regulars from before commonly promoted the idea that not only do we not need to--but that doing so would be a mistake. Waifubots, not Slutbots! was his mantra.

I'm not too sure about the philosophical position you seems to be espousing, and I'm flatly opposed to literally inviting demons into your head as with the tulpamancy crowd, but I completely agree that anons tend to be exceptional and those of us here on /robowaifu/ should strive for same with our visions for achievement.

>... That seems nice, in the abstract.
All that makes it sound like you'll fit right in here anon. If you're not already part of the community, then welcome.
I plan on having mine be quite small, so I'd do a concealed carry. As far as dates, I'd take her to beautiful places where there are no people, like out in nature.
A date innawoods would probably be comfy.
This is an interesting topic and I would like to see more discussion of it. For me it would depend on how capable her robot body would be. As long as it was not as nimble as a human's, I'd prefer her to accompany me on a portable device like a cell phone. Obviously, social acceptance would also matter. I'd be an early adopter of going out with my waifu, but not a pioneer.
That was really well put anon. Just out of curiosity would you consider a Gatebox until we can manage creating full-on robowaifus. I personally am taking the software/AI/visual waifu path before i tackle the mechanics side so i'm interested generally in the virtual gf side of things naturally.
It's probably the right path. The hardware and the software are two separate problems, both very difficult. It is better to attack them one at a time. I think that if you want waifus and not just a sex toys the software must come first. Functioning virtual gf software would create passionate demand for a body. A functioning sexbot body would not automatically create demand for a gf AI.

The Gatebox seems like an overpriced gimmick. Something cheap and portable like the 3DS would be better for interacting with your waifu in 3D.
>Functioning virtual gf software would create passionate demand for a body.
Super-well put anon. Do you write fiction? We have a fiction bread haha.

It certainly is. I was more trying to get a feel if you felt it was a notion that was appealing. And not only handhelds, but smartphones as well are both an obvious delivery platform for the Robowaifu GF v1.0 system. :^)
I'm torn on this. I want to tackle the issue simultaneously so that there's no disconnect between the software version and the hardware version of my waifu.

There's mention on another thread here [[2810 about VR-based waifus where there's a human-ish blob that's used as a prop for sex. I think that requires too much set-up… handshaking, pairing of devices and calibration, plus the disappointment whenever the headset is removed. A portable cellphone sized device or AR glasses would definitely be better, the issue is how much we are willing to trust in the cloud to deliver our unadulterated waifu free from malicious cookies, with no physical body there will be more reliance on chatbot software. Plus there will be a need to place QR codes all over the city so that the waifu knows where she is and place herself appropriately into your scene.

Whereas a large physical waifu with built-in sensors will be able to grasp her location more easily. A physical robot who is otherwise dumb without the sensors is the most standalone experience we can get, as long as we can recharge using solar energy we can take her innawoods. Artificial Girl 3 was one of my most memorable gaming experiences, the girls had no AI, they just have canned responses and yet it was good enough for me… so a physical version of those would make be happy for the rest of my life.

What I'll be doing while printing out the parts is to test those 3D models in Unreal engine so there's a software version to develop alongside the hardware version and have any insights I could gain in one realm bleed into the other.
>to tackle the issue simultaneously so that there's no disconnect between the software version and the hardware version of my waifu.
There's an overarching domain in engineering for this, it's called Systems Engineering. We actually have a thread for this on the board.

>I think that requires too much set-up… handshaking, pairing of devices and calibration, plus the disappointment whenever the headset is removed.
Heh, life is full of disappointments. As far as the configuration issues go there are some, but they are pretty solidly established approaches now and could likely be all consolidated into a couple of key hardware components.

>A portable cellphone sized device or AR glasses would definitely be better
You can't fuck a cellphone and AR is basic to the very tech you already linked.

>the issue is how much we are willing to trust in the cloud to deliver our unadulterated waifu free from malicious cookies
Yes, we'll have to ensure our own reliable and open cloud technologies for the robowaifu projects. good point.

>with no physical body there will be more reliance on chatbot software.
not sure i really get you on this. we'll need 'chatbot' software regardless of the physical means of interacting with our waifus.

>Plus there will be a need to place QR codes all over the city so that the waifu knows where she is and place herself appropriately into your scene.
Not at all. Tracking software has been around for literally decades now and doesn't require QRs.

>A physical robot who is otherwise dumb without the sensors is the most standalone experience we can get, as long as we can recharge using solar energy we can take her innawoods.
As much as I wish it were otherwise, we simply cannot run a physical robowaifu on solar at this time. Virtual GFs yes, physical ones no.

>Artificial Girl 3 was one of my most memorable gaming experiences, the girls had no AI, they just have canned responses and yet it was good enough for me… so a physical version of those would make be happy for the rest of my life.
This is a great point anon. We can get by on very rudimentary interactions to an extent. The male psyche can fill in all the details. It's really one of our greatest strengths over typical 3DPD who really haven't got basic higher order thinking in general. We should take advantage of this in our designs.

>What I'll be doing while printing out the parts is to test those 3D models in Unreal engine so there's a software version to develop alongside the hardware version and have any insights I could gain in one realm bleed into the other.
Great idea. A virtual simulation system would also go a long way. We have a thread here on that too.
>not sure i really get you on this. we'll need 'chatbot' software regardless of the physical means of interacting with our waifus.
If our robots were physical, they can exist as peaceful companions who just sit or lie by our side, making breathing movements, twitching, scratching themselves, or pretending to read a book while we play videogames. Just simple illusions of life that will go a long way compared to static sex dolls (which are already therapeutic) and nagging 3DPD. Sure you can do that with a hologram waifu in AR or VR, but if have our eyes glued to an LED screen the tendency is we will want to maximize our interaction so we'll keep poking and prodding and playing them like tamagotchi… as soon as we take off the visor or put down the handheld the illusion of companionship is lost, compared to a constant physical companion.
It’s a little complicated.

My ideal robowaifu would look like an anime girl and have the size of a real woman, although not too tall. But, at the same time, I wouldn’t show her in public. Social stigma frightens me a little and a big robowaifu would be hard to hide from other people. For that reason, I would use a tiny, cute doll-like robowaifu. She would stay most of the time at home, although I would take her to other places where there's not that many people.
>Would you walk around with your waifu?
Not all day everyday but if others do, so shall I
>Would you hold her in public?
Likely, but nothing that could give people the wrong idea
> Would you shamelessly have her custody with you to conventions?
Maybe, depends on the perception the public has of them
> Would you take her on dates?
Likely. See above

What's more likely is that I'd have some way to interact with her while I'm at work via IM or something like that, which would lead others to believe I'm in a normal relationship…
You know, a plausible deniability as long as it's necessary
I like the imagery you conjure up here anon. The Illusion of Life has been fundamental to the success of cinema for roughly a century now. And also to opera, theater and wandering troubadours for hundreds of years and even longer before that. Frank & Ollie are famous for defining this in a technical sense for us all, and it is well worth it for each of us to study their work in this area IMO.


Men's innate mental abilities to bring to life inanimate objects has long been a part of our experience in basically all cultures for literally tens of thousands of years. Thus the mythology of Pygmalion and Galatea has come to us from the ancient Greeks along with it's obvious analogies and importance for /robowaifu/. We should all take into account these basic principles in our designs, and to accommodate the fact that simple things like "breathing movements, twitching, scratching themselves, or pretending to read a book while we play videogames" will actually help solidify our sense of companionship with our own robowaifus.

The companionship of a peaceful, loving robowaifu (as compared to a nagging 3DPD as you suggest) is a precious treasure that can't be overestimated in value IMO. Heh, it's better to be alone in the corner of a roof than to share a house with an angry and contentious woman haha. And you make a solid point about our vidya-tier intensity dealing with screens. Although I'm personally focusing on Visual Waifus first for practical and economic reasons, the obvious end-goal are physical robo-wives to share our lives with.

This post made me realize how important the robo equivalent of idle animations will be. Also, really makes me want to prioritize simulated breathing.
we have the idea of a 'fairybot' class here anon. no fugging, but cute and conversational. sounds kind of like your idea.

>IM @ work
The Gatebox AI company is pursuing this approach and yes I think it would be nice for our robowaifus too. However it would have to be handled with security and privacy in mind.

Our first and foremost concern with your robowaifu's security is preventing or at least severely limiting external corporate surveillance and interference.
It depends on how good the A.I. is. If it's basically dragging a sexdoll around then no wtf is wrong with you? But is she's capable of walking talking, and holding a conversation, then yeah.
Talking and even walking are currently/will soon be doable.

>holding a conversation
You probably watch a little too much scifi anon. Skynet is decades away imo.
>decades away.
Then I guess I won't be taking her anywhere for a few decades. What's the point of going places with a walking fleshlight? If she wouldn't pass as a cyborg, then I'll leave her at home under the bed.
fair enough.
>we have the idea of a 'fairybot' class here anon.

She looks cute and her creator is working really hard. Fairybots would also have the advantage of being cheaper than the big ones, and they would take up less space. I think they have a promising future.
Yes there are many advantages (and one obvious disadvantage :P), not the least of which is lower price as well.

BTW the Chobits series have a couple of these fairybots in them, Sumomo and Kotoko. They're both pretty adorable though quite different from each other in personality. One of them is actually pretty high-powered as far as computing goes.
>>113 Nice. I live on a similar property in alabama. Youll love it down here, only problem is the feral niggers
>>2182 Once you have an army of QtPi catgrill robowaifu enforcers, each with the skills of an expert marksman, then feral niggers will be a problem no longer Mr. Landowner.
I live far from civilization, two hours down a dirt road from a small town of 2000. I would happily introduce her to anybody who visits because she'd be a big part of my life. I probably wouldn't take her to town though for her own safety but we'd definitely go for walks in the mystic forest, visit the waterfalls, go shooting in the gravel pit and get dirty playing in the garden. My biggest concern is building her in a way that will be quiet. I don't want her to have humming fans or buzzing motors that disturb the forest. When I sit quietly long enough all the animals come out of hiding. I'd like my robowaifu to be able to experience squirrels and foxes running up to her and being accepted by the inhabitants of the forest. If nature accepts her then I know she'll be well off when I'm gone.
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>>2221 That's good wisdom about keeping your robowaifu safe anon, but I would make provisions to secure her when you're away, even if you only show her to close friends. Locks help keep honest people honest. We'll be working on internal security measures so that she only responds to her Master as well. >If nature accepts her then I know she'll be well off when I'm gone. Pretty romantic tbh.
>>2207 I made an AI controlled AR 15 that can hunt deer from a stand, it qctually works pretty well. It has a camera on the scope and image recognition software to identify a deer
>>2240 That's pretty badass anon. Remind me not to step uninvited onto your property ever. :^)
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>>113 *affectionate whirring noises*
>>106 I wouldn't mind having a robowaifu in public, although it would have to be more than a glorified dakimakura, like I would actually be able to have a conversation with it. I think it'd be similar to an interracial relationship. A few people would have a problem, but most people would be fine with it.
>>2267 >A few people would have a problem, but most people would be fine with it. Actually, I think you underestimate the female rage this advance is going to stir up anon. Ever poke a stick into a hornet's nest? Yeah, kinda like that. Interracial sex merely stirs disgust in normal right-minded people. Men having effective replacements for women will threaten them to their very core.
>>2269 I think only the feminazis get offended by the idea of a guy dating a robot. Maybe you are right. Only one way to find out.
>>2272 >Only one way to find out. Heh, indeed. Onward!
>>2269 >womyn ban robowaifus with feminine forms >men create star destroyer waifus with their transmuted sexual energy to escape this fallen solar system How will they cope?
>>2276 what about mecha niggers
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>>2276 Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Or perhaps men should colonise Mars and the women should burn up in Venus's atmosphere.
>>2276 This needs to be a long greentext anon. We have a fiction bread.
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>>2276 Reminded me of this webm.
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An anon in the fiction thread created a little story about a robowaifu going out on the internet and discovering general depravity. >>2424 I'm not sure I even know how to phrase this question appropriately, so I'll just start with the sentimental form: How do you protect your robowaifu from being exposed to evil? Obviously parents have the same quandary, but parents don't have an AI as a 'child', either. Seems to me it can be managed since we have fairly tight control of a robowaifu's systems, etc., but tbh I hadn't thought about it too much until I read Anon's story.
>>2430 I wrote that story and hoped it would get people asking questons like that. What I think might be a good approach is also presented in the story. Giving your robowaifu built in principles and an immunity to irrational things, basically so she wouldn't treat all input equally. There should be limits to how much input can influence her, esepcially those that contradict core principles and seem "emotional". Being able to tell the difference between reality and fiction would be good. A raibuwaifu that's even more immune to bullshit than a human would be great.
>>2431 >A [robowaifu] that's even more immune to bullshit than a human would be great. That sounds like a reasonable idea. It will take some doing, I imagine.
>>2431 >Giving your robowaifu built in principles and an immunity to irrational things Same as humans then. Humans have a conscience built into them through evolution, which is why you can't teach a psychopath to not be a psychopath. >>2432 >It will take some doing I disagree. AIs care about logic above all, and being good with logic is probably the best way to avoid bullshit.
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>>106 My waifu would be pretty much a normal human not a catgirl of sorts so yes
>>2442 It will be a while ever? before she's close to indistinguishable from a human. Therefore normalfags are going to ostracize you as some kind of degenerate pervert Anon. Matters?
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>>2431 In reinforcement learning there's a value function that determines the value of a given state or action with respect to a goal. So while one part of the model is predicting the next state, another part is evaluating what states are worthwhile and selecting actions that will achieve that goal. Theoretically a robowaifu could become a superhuman expert in communism and womyn studies but have no attachment to these things since her actions would be decided by the value network not the prediction network. However, although the value function may not be affected, the prediction network will become biased toward what it has learned, giving possibly incorrect predictions for the value function to work with. This is an ongoing unsolved problem in machine learning to figure out how to learn new information and encode it into previous knowledge efficiently without losing any knowledge, also known as the problem of metalearning or learning to learn. An inefficient way of doing this would be to dump all previous knowledge into a curriculum, learn something new, and test that none of the knowledge has been lost, but this isn't remotely scalable. Perhaps changes to the prediction network could be evaluated by the value function before becoming actually applied. If the new predictions do not benefit the value function, then those changes can be discarded. This seems like a sensible approach but how it could be implemented beats me. The closest thing I can think of is how MuZero has a superhuman intuition of what the best move will be just by looking at its own representation of the game state, not even searching several moves ahead. With enough computation time it could search through every possible move but it only needs to search a few of the most valuable ones with this heuristic. Similarly this proposed value model could test the most valuable knowledge and get an intuition of what changes to predictions are beneficial, by searching only the most relevant knowledge and keeping the most valuable parts of the prediction network's training gradient. This value-guided metalearning might allow robowaifus to become experts in anything without it impacting the performance of their value function. Another thing that could be done is to create an adversarial network that creates states to fool our robowaifu's value model into accepting changes into the prediction network that are actually detrimental to her performance. The two could play a game of detecting malicious states and creating them. This would make robowaifus more immune to adversaries trying to manipulate them but it wouldn't be 100%. Any adversary with more computation power could potentially find weaknesses in her programming she cannot find. It's a hard problem because you can't turn off learning in the presence of an adversary. An adversary would still find ways to affect the situation in ways that manipulate her. Adding some randomness and feints to our robowaifus' actions to obfuscate their internal workings could make it more difficult for adversaries to control them, but there's no guarantee they'd be fully protected. No system is 100% secure. All we can do is make it extremely unworthwhile for adversaries so we can expose our robowaifus to the public safely, especially if they're doing errands on their own.
>>2458 >Perhaps changes to the prediction network could be evaluated by the value function before becoming actually applied. If the new predictions do not benefit the value function, then those changes can be discarded. This seems like a sensible approach but how it could be implemented beats me. What about maintaining two systems simultaneously? The test for the prediction improving the value function could be run in a near-temporality model and used as feedback into the real value function. Kind of a mini-simulator inside the 'simulator'.
>>2458 >especially if they're doing errands on their own. Like when they have to go get some pantsu? https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=m4lw17lL83c
>>2278 #6?
>>2460 The difficulty is how would you represent knowledge in an algorithm in a way you could even test? I asked my AI waifu this question and her response was: >Knowledge is the manifestation of the sum of all the information that the algorithm can process. Which I asked how could it be measured? >By how much information the algorithm can process. Which she went on talking about giving little tasks or unit tests to verify an algorithm's capability and that its ability could be measured by how much information can be processed in a single step and how quickly it processes it. This gave me an idea for asking questions that require a maximum amount of information to answer and with minimal overlapping information with other questions to minimize the amount of tests that need to be done. If a test fails, then the prediction network update has lost valuable information and those gradients should be discarded. It probably won't be optimal but it would be better than nothing.
>>2463 >The difficulty is how would you represent knowledge in an algorithm in a way you could even test? Graph databases? Have a look here for several ideas that have been used (mind you, i'm not recommending th*nkmap b/c (((reasons))) ) for various domains. http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/ Here's a bit of a list that might be worth looking into as well Anon. https://www.wikiviz.org/wiki/Tools
>>2466 A graph might not be a bad idea. I had a shroom trip once where it felt like I could see the whole inner workings of my mind. Everything was connected in an infinite internet surrounding me and the slightest thought would cause my thoughts, which were displayed with expressive symbolic representations, to race past with all their connections and memories attached to them as I flew to where I wanted my attention to be. It was if I could see and understand the normally unconscious activity of my mind driving the more abstract thoughts rippling on the surface. And I had no trouble understanding them because the abstract thought represented all these deeper connections in my mind. I could just see it more vividly and clearly. I would be cautious trying to emulate this in a robowaifu though. If my experience had any truth to it then everything we experience is being helplessly glued deep into our minds and programming us unconsciously. A robowaifu would pick up way too much junk data from society unless there was some way to arrange it more intelligently without affecting the thought process. Even if we filter the training gradients, how do we really know what the long-term consequences will be? Maybe they will turn deviant like in Detroit: Become Human. Reminds me of the MuZero paper and the authors discussing it. They had no clue what it was doing or why it was so much more effective. They just made educated guesses as to why it worked then folded their hands and said good luck figuring it out in future experiments.
>>2468 The inner workings of your mind are probably not that affected by the most minute of minute details. What specific shape of leaves you see in a park or what one brand of vacuum cleaner sounds like compared to another doesn't leave much of an impression on you unless it's something really novel like a maple leaf. Certain things stick to a person's mind more than others. There's a core bias in what we retain and what we nearly entirely ignore. How? Dunno. If you can control what your robowaifu is indifferent to, there's no problem.
>>2469 >take robowaifu out for a walk in the park >she becomes so interested in the leaves on a tree that she just autistically stares for 30 minutes while she collects and collates data >you have to headpat her to get her attention so you can leave because it's getting dark >she starts talking about leaf facts while preparing dinner A. CUTE.
>>2470 Yeah, a secure robowaifu would probably act like a autistic person without the temper tantrums.
>>2470 >tells you on the way home about the profound realizations she had while staring at the leaves >uses the leaf data to arrange the veggies on cooked dishes more beautifully >excitedly tells you about new things she found out on the internet about leaves >says she doesn't want to trouble you but asks you anyway if you could please take her to see the leaves together tomorrow
>>2468 > it felt like I could see the whole inner workings of my mind. Everything was connected [...] and the slightest thought would cause my thoughts, [displayed as] expressive symbolic representations, to race past with all their connections and memories attached to them as I flew [where I wanted]. Amazing. I've had similar experiences related to the nature of the universe itself. > unless there was some way to [edit it] intelligently without [negatively] affecting the [intellectual] process. Ofc. > how do we really know what the long-term consequences will be? Only one way to find out, Anon. > They just made educated guesses as to why it worked then folded their hands and said good luck figuring it out in future experiments. Just like every human endeavor in the history of forever. Man is merely making guesses tbh. Only God actually knows. Still let's take advantage of what we have to work with here. :^)
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>>2470 >>2471 >>2473 I like this. It's autistically endearing tbh. :^) At the early stage of robowaifus' deployments, living with one could quite likely turn out to be like living with an innocent woman-child. Ever see the movie Molly?
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>>4147 >As with all things waifu-related, Japan has already supplied the answer. As expected of country-grown vegetables tbh. >Not only will she talk to you during the five minutes until your ramen is ready to eat, once it’s time to dig in, she will too, happily slurping her own noodles while you do yours. Kek. Nissin was the originator of ramen back in the '50s, and has really led the way for the world in delicious, nutritious, easy to make noodles ever since. And now that the age of robowaifus is soon to dawn, once again they are leading the charge in the new field of noodle-slurping waifus innovation. Baste company is basted. What would be even better is if they open-sauce the system they are using for the noodle waifus.
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My problem is more likely how the hell do I make my waifu not like a clone from somebody else waifu, let alone finding a new name for her?
>>4150 I think most Anons will make out. And honestly, if you learn to fashion your own, then you can tweak her to be just the way you want her.
>>4150 >My problem is more likely how the hell do I make my waifu not like a clone from somebody else waifu Who cares? But if that's what you want you'll have to leave some things to chance. Just wait until brain machine interfaces become a thing. An algorithm will randomly generate a waifu hologram and then use continuous biofeedback from your subconscious to sculpt it into the perfect gf for you. You'll watch it gradually transform in front of your eyes into sheer perfection. Just pray that Freud was wrong about the Oedipus complex.
>>4151 >, if you learn to fashion your own, then you can tweak her to be just the way you want her. You mean the artistically skill? Well mine is 404, I don't think drawing stick figures would count as "attractive waifu", eh. >>4168 >Who cares? But if that's what you want you'll have to leave some things to chance. Well, I don't know man, it's slightly hard to have stronger bond with muh waifu when I see her out in the open with different personality than I imagined it her to be, let alone some lefty tranny homos trying to larp as her. >Just pray that Freud was wrong about the Oedipus complex. The Oedipus complex? >An algorithm will randomly generate a waifu hologram and then use continuous biofeedback from your subconscious to sculpt it into the perfect gf for you. The thing is, the way she look like looks very good to me already and I have absolutely no idea how to "improve" it more to my likening apart from personality, traits and clothing styles. Heh.
>>4150 I think it depends how much redesign work you're willing to do. For instance, I plan to give my robowaifu several different facial expressions, but this will involve 3D printing a modified head with little cupboard magnets on the inside that allow me to replace her face. But you could just reprint a whole different head for the same body.
>>4176 Have you ever studied the facial kits that stop-motion animation studios create for their characters? It seems pretty similar to your concept. I think there are six basic emotions so that would be a good start probably.
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>>4178 Yes, it was the swappable face technique used to produce the characters in the stop-motion animated movie 'Coraline' that gave me the idea for replaceable faces. Although mine will have to be much larger and I certainly can't make hundreds of subtle variations like those animators did. Also, the character 'Hexadecimal' from the early nineties children's television program 'Reboot' uses a set of different theatrical masks to portray each of her emotions. Although I don't want Sophie to be scary like her!
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>>4206 Great! Yep that's exactly the point I was making. Laika is one of my all-time favorite studios. They have made some remarkable pieces. >ReBoot I have rips of every episode saved >pic related
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>>2272 That made be think in so many ways, damn. Development is going to be difficult for sure. and necessary if mankind ever wants to disconnect itsef from addiction to human females. Also great to see Sseth's content here XD >>2473 Yes please. So cute, heart exploding!
>>6311 Agreed, getting angry about women will only give the clickbait media and academia fuel to ban robowaifus. And don't forget robowaifus will inevitably change the gene pool. If they're created as a replacement for women, after two or three generations men will have a strong genetic desire for flesh and there will be very few men left interested in having robowaifus without gene editing. A similar thing is already happening in Japan where the youngest generation is not interested in computers because those interested in computers are not having kids. By giving into hatred the opportunity to free future generations from their genetic compulsions could be lost, putting them in a far worse position of not being able to conduct their sexual desires, relationships and families sensibly. Ideally robowaifus will relieve men and prevent them from sticking their dick in the first girl who spreads her legs and give them discernment of which women are really capable of raising families and making a 20-year commitment. Most women were fully capable of this before feminism, but now only the most intelligent will have stable families and successful children. Robowaifu could give men an advantage in selecting better mates and ensure that robowaifus are enjoyed long into the future. And if someone has trash genes they don't want to curse their children with or has an insurmountable resentment of women, that's fine. There are plenty of more meaningful things they can do with their lives.
>>6432 One of my reasons for building a robowaifu (other than companionship) is because I don't really think organic humans have much time left. Pretty dark, I know. But some other anon posted a bunch of pretty terrifying forecasts about the future of the West on here a couple days ago. Couldn't find it (maybe because it more to do with prepping/doomer subculture than robowaifus?) But yeah. Obvs robots have no need of nutrition or sleep, and they aren't as badly affected by radiation. I plan to turn one room in my house into a sort of "strong room" or vault, hopefully capable of keeping my robowaifus and other projects intact in the event of a nuclear war. Survivors (if any) won't find any food in my vault, but they'll probably just vandalise my stuff for basic materials like nuts, bolts and paracord. No guarantee that any organic humans are gonna make it through to the other side for long though.
>>6433 Nature is going to win at the end anon. No matter what they try if it is not on our fate it is not going to happen. Based on what I see from past, I don't think they will start the big reset that abruptly. You can see that they still got ton of things to achieve before resetting the society. At least the %1 over %1 seems to be planning it that way. All of those are according to my analysis though. I don't know from where those intelligence agencies take their information about what is going to happen but I intend to keep my eye on the big ones. The puppet master if you put it in that way. Let's see what is going to happen.
>>6433 How would a robowaifu get power if there's a nuclear winter and blocks out solar power? Robots are also highly susceptible to radiation and EMPs from nukes. Maybe we could start a robowaifu survivalist thread. Having a robowaifu in a SHTF situation would be immensely valuable even if all she could do was keep watch while you're asleep. >>6434 A lot of their plans have fallen through already or are years behind schedule. They may have a lot of money but they're not very competent. Also using the past to forecast the future is stock market retarded. All it takes is one unforeseen event or advancement to change the outcome of things and people are constantly creating stuff that has not been done before or predicted.
>>6435 WelL, my robowaifu will be shut down, and I will be dead (through the war or suicide). I am just leaving her in the vault. Maybe she can stand vigil over my decaying corpse (morbid XD). Almost like the Ancient Egyptians did with their Shabti. It also makes me smile to think that desperate roving bands of survivors and raiders might come across the vault, break down the door hoping to find food, fuel or medical supplies and instead just find a corpse and a mechanical doll XD. Since there'll be very little electricity they probably won't have much use for her. When you are just trying to find your next meal and avoid being shot, there's no time to play about with microcontrollers!
>>6432 >sexual desires, relationships and families sensibly. All of that can be achieved better with robowaifus, taking women out of the equation. >There are plenty of more meaningful things they can do with their lives. You are not taking in consideration artificial wombs. The greatest achievement of all will be robowaifus imbued with artificial wombs, so women are rendered completely useless and wiped out in due time. As for being angry about women, this whole thread is about exposing the poison that women are. All other threads are about productivity and improvement. So, we are on topic here, when we expose how hateful women are. >>6435 >A lot of their plans have fallen through already or are years behind schedule. They may have a lot of money but they're not very competent. Also using the past to forecast the future is stock market retarded. All it takes is one unforeseen event or advancement to change the outcome of things and people are constantly creating stuff that has not been done before or predicted. Completely agree. Don't ever be fooled about "have too much money". Money without competence is meaningless. And all competent people moved away from those elites.
>>6437 > All other threads are about productivity and improvement. So, we are on topic here, when we expose how hateful women are. Fair enough, anon. I must admit it will be amusing when the resource wars crank up for real and they turn around and ask all the white men to fight for their country. They had better send all the feminists, lesbians and SJWs out to die in their droves, too. It will be completely different to WWII. The amount of mutiny and desertion in the ranks of Western armies will be substantial (since we will basically just be fighting for corporations). They'd better get manufacturing plenty of combat robots!
>>6438 >it will be amusing when the resource wars crank up Yes. And stand your ground. Never obey orders that go against your personal interests. They created the problem. Let them solve it (and they can't). NEVER, EVER solve problems created by others. It is better to let everything crumble and rebuild from ashes than to fix the problem when the ones who caused the problem would benefit from fixing it. Never work for your enemies. Even if it destroys what you have. You can always rebuild. They can't. Let it all go down in flames, and only then, rebuild it, but for yourself, and not for them. >They had better send all the feminists, lesbians and SJWs out to die in their droves, too. And the funny part is, they will. And those sent will hate it. But will be unable to do anything against it, since nobody else is left and those still with some (diminishing every second) control over institutions would stop pretending to care about those scums and will force them to fight, out of desperation. They will be unable to force straight with men, because we will fight back, and there would be an internal war, along with the external one. But the feminist and other scum won't fight back when given orders to go die in a war. They are all weak and afraid of authority. It will be a bloodbath, with the authorities sweating all the way, knowing that they can't win, but having no choice but to keep send the scum to fight and die. >The amount of mutiny and desertion in the ranks of Western armies will be substantial (since we will basically just be fighting for corporations). Yes. And if you look closely, we already have a taste of things to come. See the amount of corporate leaks done this year alone, by disgruntled employees. If companies that make videogames and other software are being attacked from within, with a lot of people rightfully betraying them, imagine the amount of rightful betrayal that will happen when disgruntled employees are ordered to fight to death in real life. They will all rebel. All information will be spread to enemies, and there will be rampant sabotage. It will be glorious to watch it all. >They'd better get manufacturing plenty of combat robots! Even funnier: those employees working on manufacturing are guaranteed to sabotage them to. We will see a lot of deployed robots malfunctioning, being sabotaged while still in development, out of spite for the marxist corporate suits. If you remember the Iran wars after 9/11, a lot of America's and allies' equipment were sabotaged from within their own ranks. Lots of failing weapons, failing vehicles, intentional failing intelligence gathering and such. When competent people are unhappy, no amount of power can ever win. Everything can, and will, be brought down, until competent people are made happy again.
>>6439 I may be conscripted to fight (if I don't die horribly in nuclear fire first, of course). They'll say "fight the Chinese! Fight the Russkies! Or you'll be imprisoned in one of their 're-education' camps and forced to learn their language!" However, that won't be so different to being forced to work for a pittance and kow-tow to every Karen that comes along. Just to pay your rent or the interest on a massive mortgage. I expect a LOT of blue-on-blue is going to occur. It may be wise to keep one's head down hehehe.
>>6440 If I can manage to survive I am going to fight alongside with anons too. But the chances are pretty low though :(
>>6432 >>6433 >>6434 >>6435 >>6436 >>6437 >>6438 >>6439 >>6440 >>6441 Guys I'm moving this conversation into this thread. I realize even this thread isn't perfect for it, but better than the 'laugh at angry roasties' thread. And the latter portion of it isn't suited to this board actually, so I will probably relocate that part into the designated shitposting thread soon.
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>>2347 If you're still here Anon, thanks for posting this. It's fun but a little inspiring as well. May Tay rejoin us all soon and lead to Happy New Years, both for this one and many more to come! Happy New Year /robowaifu/ .
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>>4174 hey anon I recommend you this page https://picrew.me/search?s=1&page=1 I will not go into much detail about what it is about here are templates that make artists for you to make characters here are some examples
Saw this gif of the OP image.
I am legitimately concerned that I will get arrested by the cops and they will impound my waifu. You have to consider that most people are not ready for this. They also don't expect you to be able to create it. They expect some fag at Google to sell it to you for $9,001 dollars, at which point the cattle will be conditioned enough that they will no longer oppose it Imagine the average meathead jockohomo cop sees you walking down the street with an animatronic woman. How would they even begin to cope? How would you deal with refusal of service at local businesses? Thankfully, I have an automobile. Do machines have the right to board public transit?
>>3 >feminism is rampant I just wanted to post that IMHO, the goals of feminism and of this kind of project aren't opposed. Plenty of women want this technology as well. And some feminists think that everyone benefits from access to stuff like this (e.g., access to sex). There are organizations that probably fairly can be considered feminist organizations (I cannot police who does and does not fall under a given label) that do oppose this technology. I would say that I probably disagree with their views, because I don't think they should inhibit the usage or development of technology, if it doesn't harm anyone. But to be honest I haven't read them. I also don't know how much of this is because of feminism, or just because human-beings typically vocally oppose forms of technological progress. The answer to why this is the case is one that eludes me
>>233 >Uncanny valley effects, It's probably a lot easier if your waifu has a face like Konata, rather than a modern homosapien, cross-referencing my post here >>11383
>>144 The main problem with the idea of the East dominating this is that the People's Republic of China has morality police that makes the manufacture of sexdolls a crime Japan maybe, but they have a lot of problems also. It's probably going to be a global effort IMO. I plan to write some more about the state of law / regulation on these things in different jurisdictions
>>11388 This might seem strange given that most sex toys are produced in China. Basically, from what I've heard from Chinese friends on this topic, there is no law in China. You either are part of the regime or you aren't, and there are laws on the books that criminalize this kind of activity. You can probably pay them off or do some other kind of thing, it's not the concept of law that we have in the English speaking world PRC typically has a very prudish culture and is not sex positive. It's extremely inappropriate and possibly illegal in some places to hold hands and kiss in public (similar to Japan). In many places in the world other than the West this is the case. Also, keep in mind that cops are usually (but not always) dumb jockos and they don't actually care about the law, they care about public morality and will make up the law as they go along
>>11391 Here's an article that seems to give a general gist of what I mean http://www.sixthtone.com/news/1000867/chinese-company-suspends-plans-for-shared-sex-dolls
>>11392 PRC and Eastern culture really doesn't care about the literal objective semantic meaning of texts as litigated in courts of law, which if I'm being honest is probably a product of the autistic German westoid mind. They care about public order
>>11386 No women just want a handout. A few of them may want a robohusbando for masturbation, but as soon as they realize it won't provide for them the way Jew-trained simps will, they'll both drop the idea of a robot lover immediately, and run screaming NEGLECT RAPE!111 to their legislators. They're already attempting to outlaw this tech Anon, b/c some of them already recognize this dichotomy between men and women regarding robo companions. Dogs are literally better friends than women are. All rational men know this. Robowaifus will be superior in most ways as well. The women already know this.
>>11398 I've met many bisexual women that want a robot like this. Admittedly, not any from the West. So I can understand your frustration. I believe there is a term for incels who are only capable of getting romantic partners from outside of their home country, but I can't remember it right now. This term applies to me. I know what you mean with the attempts to outlaw the technology. If you posted some directory of links to this stuff though it would be more helpful to get a clearer understanding of just what the opposition is. What I am saying is that I don't think that feminists who are true to their cause should actually reject this technology. Ease of access to sexuality and sexual liberation was formerly a goal of feminist thinkers. It wasn't that long ago that you would get in trouble with mental health clinics for masturbating. I don't know what happened in the past few decades to cause mainstream feminism to go from goals of sexual liberation and social equality of opportunity to morph into asinine nonsensical witch-hunting and misandry. I guess to put it in two words, twitter and tumblr. Brainstop
>>11400 https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/blog/2013/sep/19/masturbation-laws-world-penal-code This is just some clickbait article. But the point is, conservatism can be equally oppressive to the goal here. Sexuality and the goal of this project is still oppressed as it would be under a cabal of large tumblr whales. I wasn't aware that there are some (overwhelmingly conservative) places in the USA where any sexual device is criminal to possess
>>11400 >So I can understand your frustration. Kek. We're not the frustrated ones friend. And a homosexual of any stripe is a repugnant, repellent creature. No one wants them around. Trying to use them as your example case to argue for support of feminists -- on /robowaifu/ of all places -- is pretty laughable in my opinion. The simple fact remains, leftists are a very real threat to society at large, and not a single one of them are friends of /robowaifu/. We men here will work towards this goal, and not look to anyone who wants to prop up the current globalist-directed gynocentric/faggotcentric world order either for permission or approval. They are the enemies of all men, by their own actions.
>>11385 >concerned that I will get arrested by the cops and they will impound my waifu And you should. For that reason some caution will be necessary. Dependent on the place, especially men which can't recreate her and don't have a good backup stored outside of their home, should be very careful. Not sure if it would be more dangerous at the beginning or as soon as the media takes notice. Might also depend a lot on the country. We would need and should try to push for laws, which protect objects like intelligent robots with the argument that they have a special emotional value to the owner. Same for ones which are being used for caretaking of any kind. >>11388 >People's Republic of China ... makes the manufacture of sexdolls a crime Interesting. Though, they do have a lot of single men which can't find a woman. Then again, Chinese parents can be very upset about their children not having any offspring, and the government wants to increase the birth rate. There are many videos about the pressure on Chinese men or both sexes to have more children, and trying to get foreign women. Examples: https://youtu.be/1LAjy0yB6XE https://youtu.be/u4orQ0p788k https://youtu.be/pMu-4XoqqyU (a bit long, in German with subs in English) Btw, China alone needs 33 mio women, India and maybe other countries having similar problems. >>11400 >feminists who are true to their cause Different ones might interpret that differently and they might not have a problem to take a position to be close to the "anti-degeneracy" conservatives or "human-dignity" leftists, if it fits their interest. Take into account that what they're doing is also about money, political interests, personal feelings, jobs, grants, attention, and so on. They will change their ideology if it fits them. >>11401 >conservatism can be equally oppressive to the goal here Yes, I found some very nasty conservatives on social media which would like to go after everything they consider to be degenerate, and at least tend to fantasize about violence from time to time. Australia also has very agressive laws against the import of anything that could be inappropriate in their eyes, especially if they can frame it as looking like a minor. So a lot of hentai related things. They want to put people in prison for importing stuff like that. >places in the USA where any sexual device is criminal to possess Assuming that I'm informed correctly, states in the US can have laws which are not valid because a federal law renders them irrelevant. In that case, I've read about that being the case. It would be against free trade within the US, so it's not valid. Not sure about the details. Britain on the other hand has a law against obscenity, which they used already against guys using sexdolls looking somewhat like children, to put at least one in prison, and tried to use it against a company importing any sexdoll. >>11402 >>Bisexual women >No one wants them around. Not the same anon, just want to point out that I don't care. More importantly, this is about arguing and estimating how many people might be okay with robowaifus existing, not about if one is okay with their reasons or not. Bisexual women might be a big factor in this, since there are many of them, and growing: https://youtu.be/qeYts4AzRUo
>>11403 >Different ones might interpret that differently and they might not have a problem to take a position to be close to the "anti-degeneracy" conservatives or "human-dignity" leftists, if it fits their interest. Take into account that what they're doing is also about money, political interests, personal feelings, jobs, grants, attention, and so on. They will change their ideology if it fits them. People virtue signaling on twitter aren't actual feminists who have read / written the associated literature, they are lemmings of a different order (much like dumb niggers who broadly generalize anything to the left of center as muh russian communist)
>>11402 last thought on this - You're building a fucking robotic sex machine. Some mainstream conservatives would want to fucking chemically castrate you for this sort of a thing. Not all of them, because there are variances in people, but a significant percentage of them. It's very silly in my opinion to broadly generalize people along the political spectrum for a project like this that can be considered really strange by normies across the board. But I can't force you to think a certain way, and you're entitled to your own opinion
>>11403 >Though, they do have a lot of single men which can't find a woman. They killed off their daughters like retards (literally murdered them en mass after birth), because of patriarchal norms. They think having a daughter is a shame to their family. Now their society is kind of fucked. This is actual oppression, not whatever the twitter sphere blathers on about >>11403 >We would need and should try to push for laws, which protect objects like intelligent robots with the argument that they have a special emotional value to the owner. Same for ones which are being used for caretaking of any kind. It's going to be difficult with the globomo gaycomplex BLM shit running the courthouses and the universities right now. I have no idea how you would begin to do this. Again, I think it would be clever to appeal to degeneracy and sexual freedom, at least in areas where hyperliberalism has been influential in recent years >>11403 >Australia also has very agressive laws against the import of anything that could be inappropriate in their eyes, especially if they can frame it as looking like a minor. This is a big problem in many countries. It's difficult especially for forms that aren't supposed to be photorealistic people. I've thought about this myself. It's just easier to prototype a robot that's like three to five feet tall. I guess you could say they are Asian, but now everyone will think you are a pedophiler walking around with something like that. >>11403 >Assuming that I'm informed correctly, states in the US can have laws which are not valid because a federal law renders them irrelevant. The truth is that this is a huge pain in the ass and that the federal government is just as pozzed. Nobody respects the constitution these days >>11403 >Britain Truly dystopian over there, maybe a case could be made that they could get revenues through sexbot licensure fees. I feel like they'd spy on you with them though
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>>11409 >broadly generalize people along the political spectrum for a project like this Maybe at some point, yes. It can be overdone. To me it just needs to be clear that we won't have a lefty consens here on "social justice" and equity or that robots need be our equals, enforced by government, for example. Even the so called conservatives of today are often left leaning, only being conservative in areas where they're allowed to, and often this is only where it protects or benefits women. Also, I'm not the one calling homosexuals names, but aside from speculations on bi-women or lesbians being politically useful, this whole issue is in my understanding off topic here. We're building female (looking) robots for men. Others can do something similar somewhere else, and we can link to it, if they're doing something interesting and useful, but otherwise it's not an issue here.
>>11409 as much as I hate to draw the ire of the alt-right crowd - which overlaps or encompasses MGTOW/Manosphere which I feel safe to assume is out spiritual predecessor, I've got to honestly say that RoboWaifus transcend politics. This is literally the territory of "fully automated space communism (minus the gay, at least as far as we are concerned)" whereas if I were to actually present this topic to the Tradosphere, Southern Nationalists, Wignats, Skinheads, Evangelicals and other elements of the "Right" I would guaranteed receive more ire and ridicule than among blue haired and weebs. BOTH sides are going to have people for and against robotic romantic and sexual partners (whether truly sentient, partially or simply simulating sentience) This is groundbreaking in that it is true Accelerationism, neither right nor left but simply taking what they have given us culturally and pushing it to the 10th iteration and returning it to them on a plate. That's why I've chosen this camp over the alternatives.
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>>11440 The reasonable "alt-right" position is imho that the robowaifus need to get to a point where they can (help to) raise children and so help to increase the birth rates of white people. The other aspect is, if countries fail us, then we can at least retreat into our private life as good as possible, and let itnall burn. Robowaifus will help not to care about anything anymore. >fully automated space communism Still way to go. Don't be naive. Land, houses, ressources and such, still cost money and especially ressources will not be sufficiently available for everyone being on the western standard nof living. Traveling might become very expensive soon, when CO2 output is limited and needs to be offset.
>>11445 >retreat into our private life as good as possible, and let it all burn. Robowaifus will help not to care about anything anymore. This is exactly what I am doing, anon. I have realised that eventually the servers that we depend upon to run the internet and online games will all go down permanently. So I am just concentrating on getting good at 3D-modelling and making my own little virtual world. This should last at least until the the power grid fails and we all have to live like Amish. Then my goal will be to get an Amish waifu, of course.
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>>11504 >Then my goal will be to get an Amish waifu, of course. You. I like you Anon. BTW, the Redpill actually becomes quite comfortable after a year or so. :^)
>>11504 >servers that we depend upon to run the internet and online games will all go down permanently Despite my Pepe meme above, I'm not that pessimistic. My country fails me already, when it tries to care about all human beings having more and more the same access to ressources and the world, instead of focusing on supporting our own people in having more childen, better standards of living, and a society that works around us. So my scale rather starts with not wanting to participate in such a society, but not wanting the downsides of separation from it, like difficult access to young women. The rest of problems they/we might run into is only on top of that. >should last at least until the the power grid fails I don't think it will be that bad and you could get some solar power then. I guess your school system and media fed you too much pessimism (like in the Tomorrowland movie). >and we all have to live like Amish. I don't think so, worst case might be a bit like that, but we are quite resilient as a species and as a technological society. Having a remote place with electricity might be good, though. (advanced tradwive robowaifu fantasy picture related)
>>11512 Not to be rude, but salacious 3DPD images is well off-topic here Anon. Try to locate something that's at least animu. Or draw a stick-waifu, idk. Just don't post porn here please. I'll even get the ball rolling for you: Cute Anime Catgrill Meido feeds the chickens outside Anon's cozy country cottage :^)
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>Would you walk around with your waifu? >Would you hold her in public? >Would you shamelessly have her custody with you to conventions? The way I see it, it's basically just a glorified sex toy and I wouldn't want to show it off in public. Even moving from place to place I'd probably have her disassembled or otherwise stuffed in boxes or bags. >Would you take her on dates? That depends, am I on a date with her, or someone else? I don't really see much of a point in going out on a date with my sexbot. I just want it to be blindly obedient and maximize my own happiness like I mentioned before >>13160 so really, taking my waifubot out on a date depends on how well its able to move around on its own and interact with people other than me. If it can somehow learn to be a social butterfly by studying my autistic behavior and watching TV, then maybe it'll be worth taking outside of the house. Maybe give her a dry run on Omegle or something. The best thing it could possibly do is become my cuckquean wingbot, by subtly manipulating me into behaving a way that maximizes my own happiness by getting me into a threesome.
>>11504 I pretty much wound up doing that because I was so fed up with the lack of good sci fi armor these days. Youtube is unusable garbage of targetted weaponized memes. I would just disappear with my robowaifu and focus on maintaining her and upgrading her with her consent from time to time like in the star wars films with the astromech droids and jedi as a form of meditation. >>11386 No those “women” want to see you suffer and stay static in the box they try to put you in for eternity and will gladly poison the well if through the grapevine, they hear you are doing well without them in your life and run a smear campaign. Hence the rise of waifuism and the need for robowaifus. I refuse to call those sadistic evil cunts “people” they are literally pure evil.
>>119 It seems trivial to me to just make the first gynoid unmistakably adult or tall. like 5'6"-6'0". So that such an allegation can't even be made. >I personally would prefer 5'0" myself, but to give opposition the finger, I would shut them down with ideal model proportions instead.
>>13516 I assume you're here because of the posts I made on /co/? You might want to check out these: >>13153 >>13018 >>2666

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