/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

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General Robotics/A.I./Software News, Commentary, + /pol/ Funposting Zone #4 NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 07/19/2023 (Wed) 23:21:28 No.24081
Anything in general related to the Robotics or A.I. industries, and any social or economic issues surrounding it (especially of robowaifus). -previous threads: > #1 (>>404) > #2 (>>16732) > #3 (>>21140)
>>32577 >"This resulted in developing our “Integrated Neuro-Symbolic Architecture (INSA)” that combines the accuracy and expressive power of symbolic systems together with the powerful non-brittle pattern matching ability of neural networks, deeply integrates all the cognitive mechanisms required by human-level/ human-like intelligence while consuming 20 watts of power that our brains need rather than the massive power requirement for training and operating LLMs. LLMs are not the path for AGI." This is likely written by an ESL individual, AFAICT. The best estimates I know of from scientists on the power consumption of the human brain are ~12 Watts RMS, continuous. Which is absolutely astounding! If this company is really pulling off something feasible in the robowaifu space at just 20 Watts, then that will be an absolute breakthrough. Thanks, Grommet! Cheers. :^)
ESL individual???? I looked around some and there are papers on this it's not a one off promo thing. The guy who did it made money on one software start up and spent five years studying this. I expect he's a small shop with a genius at the top. He specifically mentions one of his goals as "caretaker" software. Ding, ding, ding!
>>32586 Lol. I simply meant his sentence is confusing as to the subject. I'm not impugning the product otherwise. :^) >Although, the WE HOLD TEH KEYS TO ALL AGI!111 does seem a bit suss., but that's just me. :D
>>32588 Yeah, it does seem a little too good to be true but...you never know... For the hell of it a little "speculative" math on brains. I found a count of 85 billion neurons in a human brain. Let's say each one has a property value of 16 bits. That's 1.36 tetra bits or 170GB which in the broad scheme of things is nothing spectacular. You can get mother boards that hold 128GB of RAM and the RAM is $250 USD or so. That's damn close and multi-terabyte SSD drive has enough speed to shuttle in more specialized "scenario" programming at 2GB per second or faster. A ESP32 microcontroller has 600 DMIPS. So let's say you want to hit every neuron every second with a compare and we'll use half speed, 300MIPS. You get 283 ESP32's to do so and a basic desktop microprocessor is way more powerful. So just looking at a little math it doesn't seem completely out of the range of possibilities. Of course I'm making huge assumptions that are likely wrong but animals with very little in the way of brain power do really interesting things. I saw a value of 100,000 MIPS for a Mouse? It's not out of the question we could get a robowaifu that could walk around and say,"oh baby do that some more" with a powerful desktop processor and a good handful of microcontrollers. A large part of the locomotion could be computed by microcontrollers that also drive motion. According to Jim Keller, and he should know, it takes very little to compute distances and object recognition. I'm talking not running into things not object characterization. Higher level thinking could be on a fast SSD which are really fast compared to the thought patterns of humans. And most of the time it wouldn't need so much power. I bet a large amount of things could be done with 8-bit thinking for rough approximation but then use more bits in tricky situations.
>>32606 >I bet a large amount of things could be done with 8-bit thinking for rough approximation but then use more bits in tricky situations. I bet you're right, Grommet! As I think I understand you to be saying already, the human neuro-physiology already approximates this type of optimization. I would add: because it's designed that way! :) I certainly think your idea is a good one, and engineers already use this type of iterative, refinement -processing as an optimization technique in several different domains today. Vidya 'LOD', and cellphone DSP are a couple of ones that come easily to mind. I think there are many areas of a robowaifu's 'mind & body' that we can design to take advantage of an embarrassment of compute hardware riches onboard our robowaifus to optimize her behaviors. Cheers. :^)
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>>32577 >>32588 I am pretty skeptical of the Aigo, largely stemming from my complete ignorance of how "conceptual" AI is supposed to work compared to statistical AI, but assuming it can lead to AGI with roughly human intelligence using 20 Watts (I'll be generous and say 60 Watts) in a laptop-sized computer that would have an interesting effect on the waifu design I've been planning. I always assumed the "brains" would be too big to fit in the head, so I'd need a big server rack for the computer and encrypted wireless signal for it to control the body. This would limit her to being on my property, but I don't have a problem with that. If a good-enough brain could fit in the head, then I don't have to worry about a wireless signal to the main computer being intercepted (or just a lost signal) causing problems. She can still regularly plug into a larger computer, uploading her memories of the day and downloading whatever updates the bigger PC has for her, while charging the battery, but if my waifu goes missing that's a massive security risk I didn't have before. If the body went missing I could disable the transceiver connected to the server rack until a new body made and solved the problem. Now I'm starting to wonder if a single body could be made cheaply, is there any reason I should limit myself to just one?
Odd question, but if I had electrodes on each hand, how much current could I be shocked with without risk of shocking my heart? I've been reading a lot of stuff about ECGs recently, but things get to be very vague about the voltage and amperage involved and I'm very paranoid about Macroshock.
>>32688 Use a vpn and the robowaifu can go anywhere away from your main "brain" server.
>>32688 If this "20 watt" AI really is immediately possible, I think it'd still be better to have the primary intelligence in a server. Even if the power load of computing is solved, there's still the load of everything else to worry about (most notably the motors). With that, the only "good" option for mobile powering remains with lithium batteries, which are still very expensive, dangerous, and most importantly, heavy (i.e. more power needed for motors). In essense, it doesn't make much practical sense to rely on modern batteries for waifu powering. Wrapping this back to your final argument: for a multi-waifu home, using tethered power is the most cost-efficient powering solution. If you're tethering power, then why not computing as well? It's only one extra cable, with ethernet. To put this in practical terms: Let's say you have 10 waifus, each with their own unique personality. Wouldn't it be more simple and cost-effective to run them all from a single >200 watt computer, rather than ten >20 watt computers? Finally, there's the likely issue that the 20 watt AI (again, if it exists) is just for a personality. You still need tons of other software which require jobtime and processing power in addition to the actual physical components. It all adds up very quickly. I really don't want to sound like a pessimist here. If personality AI really does achieve that kind of breakthrough, then that's massive. Ten thousand times moreso if it's open-source. But, it's also only one part of the equation. Some can subsist off of a good personality AI alone, I'm sure, but I think I can speak for most jaded young men when I say that I need a "complete" experience, which is currently best achieved with compromises like tethered power and compute. That all being said, I'd love nothing more than to be proven wrong. If there really is a perfect solution here, then I want all of us to have it.
>>32688 >is there any reason I should limit myself to just one? <insert pic: Anon's harem of catgrill waifus Too much, Anon , is never enough! :DD >>32696 POTD
>>32688 >I am pretty skeptical of the Aigo As you should be. It does sound a bit miraculous but I mentioned it because stuff like honey bees, mice, etc. have a fairly large range of stuff they can do with limited compute. I looked around and found, I'm guessing I didn't write it down, but something like 200,000 MIPS for a AMD phenom II which is an older processor that I had. I remember it was more than a mouse which I had a figure from "somewhere" of 100,000 MIPS. New desktop processors are far above this now. This makes me think that it is possible to have a "limited" waifu. But with the speed of SSD's and the vast storage of spinning HD, you could possibly have it slow down to add in various scenarios but most of the time I suspect the processing power of a mouse would be fine around the house and if it was following you around. We know a desktop can do voice to text and if you trained it to do certain things by voice. I can't see this as not a possibility. People talk about the processing power of humans but neurons are really slow. And all of them are not really working, I don't think. though I don't know, all the time. So a really fast processor could do a lot of calculations "simulating" extra neurons. Remember I'm not talking about anything creative at all. However the programming to do this is a really hard problem. I expect first we will have something that can stay in the house and do real simple stuff and maybe follow you around and respond to stop here, move there, simple stuff. I also expect that it could babble like a women without too much trouble as most of them love to talk constantly.
>>32689 >how much current could I be shocked with without risk of shocking my heart? The current through you heart to stop is VERY LOW. "...At currents as low as 60 to 100 milliamperes, low-voltage (110-220 volts), 60-hertz alternating current traveling through the chest for a split second can cause life-threatening irregular heart rhythms..." I think but not sure below 48 volts is fairly safe but I wouldn't count on it. 12 volts is fine. The KEY is, only work with one hand. If you use two hands have an insulated tool in one of your hands. People get killed constantly with 120V. You could get a set of thick dishwashing gloves and use those but you would have to check them with a meter to make sure they are insulating. They do make high voltage gloves but they are impossible to work with they are so stiff. I've worked on a LOT of high voltage 277- 480V etc. stuff and have never been seriously shocked but I have been very careful. Always have yourself firmly planted. Only use one hand. Try to never rest on any sort of metal or concrete to steady you. Wear boots with thick rubber soles. There was this guy who had this big ass belt buckle. Like a decorative big oval thing. He needed to get in this big walk in switch gear. No one would go in hot but he said he would. He got too close to 277- 480V and it shorted that big ass belt buckle and blew the bottom part of his intestines out. So he has to shit in bag now. Lucky it didn't kill him. The best and most important advice I can give is what I said before. Only one hand unless the tool in the other is insulated. Don't lean of anything and be balanced as you are working. Don't wear chains, rings, and metal stuff that can flop around. Wear thick soled boots but tennis shoes could be fine. Now I may be over doing it a little, but only a little. I've never seen anyone killed but have heard of a bunch being killed with 120V.
>>32688 >is there any reason I should limit myself to just one? But, but, my fan girl to fan me when I sit in the easy chair is VITAL. And the beer opener, how could I do without her??? How will I do without the pillow fluffer! The horror...
>>32699 I think you're on the right track, Grommet. >However the programming to do this is a really hard problem. HAH!! Understatement of the year. :^) In fact, the sci-fi dream may be out of reach by a straightforward, traditional approach of development. OTOH as you clearly state, a limited version of a waifu's 'mind' may in fact be doable here-and-now. We can surmise that there are some foundational keys to software success with such a complex, (fundamentally) heavyweight computation problemspace: * It must be fast * It must be power-efficient at (our robowaifu's) runtime * It must be devised in a way that it cognitively-approachable for talented developer men. I don't think any regulars here will be surprised by my suggested approach to solve all these simultaneously LOL :D . And just-coincidentally, most of the puzzle pieces are falling into place just at our time of need : (>>32610, >>32632) . What a time to be alive! :^) TWAGMI
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>>32694 No, I'd rather she didn't have any kind of internet connectivity or phone service. Using a short range, directional ISM transceiver was a compromise so she wouldn't be dragging a cable around everywhere she goes. The only other "brain" I intended for that design to have in the body would only be enough to help her wander back to the server room if the signal gets lost. But I also assumed I'd need a server rack at least as big as a full-sized refrigerator if I wanted a human-level intelligence waifu within the next 20 years. >>32696 >Even if the power load of computing is solved, there's still the load of everything else to worry about (most notably the motors). I'm not really worried about those for reasons I can't really get into right now. I don't want to over-promise anything, but I also can't make any progress until I can get help with finding the right materials, but it should solve multiple problems at once. >Finally, there's the likely issue that the 20 watt AI (again, if it exists) is just for a personality. And I figured the same, thinking a second brain entirely for coordinating the body might be a good idea, and from there I rounded up from 40 to 60 Watts just for the sake of it, although perhaps I should have said 80. >To put this in practical terms: Let's say you have 10 waifus, each with their own unique personality. I was actually thinking of them all having the same personality. I mean, it would resolve some of the problems of a tethered design if there's a different body in each room, but the actual reason I thought of them all having the same personality is making several identical bodies would be easier. And I figure they'd develop personalities as an emergent behavior, but if they share enough information with each other, and all look alike, and are all treated basically the same, they'd all end up with the same personality even if they start differently, like A/B testing. But 10 waifus means they could learn something 10 times as fast if they all practiced it at the same time, then shared the data. >Wouldn't it be more simple and cost-effective to run them all from a single >200 watt computer, rather than ten >20 watt computers? Perhaps, but there's also the safety in redundancy. If one of them crashes the others could diagnose & fix her, but if the main server goes down, then they'd all go down. >>32699 >>32701 Because of stupid internet problems I wrote most of this post before you replied, but couldn't post until now. And while Greentext anon said 10, I was thinking 3 at most. An entire spare body seemed like a good idea, but it also seemed like a waste to have it just sitting in a closet gathering dust when she could be multitasking.
Daily Reminder: It's SkyKing Remembrance Day Today. <insert: barrel (drum) -roll tribute, w/ falsetto orca song accompaniment> F ;~;7 --- Could we have saved him, /robowaifu/ ? What I mean is, if Rich had a loving robowaifu to go home to, would he have had sufficiently-less 'screws loose' to still be with us today? >think K+Joi, BR2049... -Also, I guess this can be our /meta thread until someone steps up to make one. Cheers, Anons. :^) >=== -add 'screws loose' footnote -fmt, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/10/2024 (Sat) 17:11:36.
>>32575 >I2P Thanks, I was using this in the past but not for some time. Good to know.
> The next generation of dolls, powered by AI models and equipped with sensors, can react with both movements and speech, significantly enhancing user experience. ... > Once the test is passed and successfully used in production, we will launch it out ASAP to allow more users to improve their experience and get a deeper sense of companionship. > In addition to sex bots, Starpery Technology plans to develop robots capable of performing household tasks, helping people with disabilities, and providing care for the elderly. By 2025, the company wants to release its first “smart service robot” capable of providing more complex services to people with disabilities, reported SCMP. > According to Starpery Technology, by 2030, these robots will be able to take over some of the work that is dangerous for humans. https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/ai-sexdoll-china-starpery-technology
>>32743 >and get a deeper sense of companionship. <"AND IF YOU ACT WITHIN THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES, WE'LL THROW IN THIS DELUXE SET OF GINSU KNIVES!111" :^) Advertising always seems to be a 'carrot and stick' proposition, AFAICT. Though I trust the Chinese govt. no more than I do the Globohomo, at least they aren't (currently) chock full of trannies that will pass accusations of your pronoun-wrongthink on to their thug buddies at the The Ministry of Love to come kick your door in and drag you away for good. >tl;dr We still need open-sauce robowaifus (both hardware & software), Anon. But for now, baste China's will do! Cheers. :^)
>>32748 <that name LOL, but I kinda like it, actually. :D
>>30478 >>30479 What happened here? Database error?! Looks like I'm schizo talking to myself.
>>32757 Lol, I have no idea tbh desu in fact of course. :D Do you remember reply'g to yourself the one time the trip is your old one there? The other one doesn't have your trip and so could be a le ebin sh*teposter? Anyway, I'll rm everything there if you'd like, or edit it however you want *, NoidoDev. --- > * note: I can't change the name itself though, just the subject and/or message >=== -add footnote
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/12/2024 (Mon) 00:34:30.
>>32763 I'm pretty sure this happened when somebody deleted some user and his postings. "My" second posting is in contradiction with the first and third one. The second should be me quoting somebody but the posting doesn't exist anymore, and the third is my answer. For all I care, just delete the last two. I definitely wouldn't write the second one, even not when I'm drunk (which I wasn't for a very long time). I want to be alive till the heat death of the universe or us finding a solution for it and existing forever.
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>>32715 I made it, since it seemed like noone else would. I really just copy-pasted the old meta thread then modified it wherever I thought appropriate. Here are the modifications I made (not including formatting) in the order I made them, and my justifications for doing so: - Removed the survey link It's quite old, pointing to a thread that hasn't been touched in ages. At this point, I think it'd be better to make a new survey. ~ Replaced ( >>17397 ) with ( >>31158 ) the "why we don't use Discord" links I think it does a better job explaining the situation, touching on both logistics and ideology. + Added the Lurk Less ( >>20037 ) Thread. ? Special note: A cursory search didn't reveal any new BUMP releases (and I haven't been following it very closely), so if there's anything to update there, it'll need to be edited in. ~ Changed embedded picture themeing from scenery to robowaifus Topic relevance and eyecandy. ~ Third pic is now a robopone. This is what happens when you leave a job sitting for so long that I end up doing it. + I Learned that I can just drag and drop images from an image browsing program to upload them. Just in case any of you didn't know, since I thought I had to use that feature from the file browser. It's very convenient. I don't know if it's sad or amazing that I'm still learning new things about IBs despite using them for over a decade. ( >>32767 )
>>32768 >New Meta Yeah, looks nice. Thanks. I didn't know it was bump locked. >drag and drop images from an image browsing program to upload them Yeah, this isn't just the IB but browsers can do that for a while now. However, if the site doesn't catch the image correctly, then the browser will load the image, which can mean you might need to use the "back" button. Here on the board your text would still be there, but on other sites your writings might be gone. For example Hugging Face spaces would load fresh and your prompt would be gone.
>>32768 Thanks so much, Greentext anon! I appreciate (and approve) your constructive edits. As typical, I'll go in and make the occasional edit to the /meta OP, as circumstances require. >This is what happens when you leave a job sitting for so long that I end up doing it. Lol. She's a cute! <However, somehow there seems to be a mixup, since best pone is Derpy o.O :)
>>32739 I use I2P constantly for downloading music, movies and books. I have a stupendous amount of there from there, and elsewhere. But I use the last version before zzz, the former administrator, disappeared and do not allow it to update. The next version I use will be the I2Pd which is likely safe. I see no need to change now as what I have works and it's pain in the ass to set up.
I was doing some more thinking about human cognition and what is needed. So I look up the amount of storage needed for the library of Congress in text, I think that includes pictures in the text and find a figure of 10TB. https://blogs.loc.gov/thesignal/2012/03/how-many-libraries-of-congress-does-it-take/ And this is an estimate for every single book. We also know that one ESP32 operating at 240 MHz and performing at up to 600 DMIPS cab do facial recognition. And the stated performance is likely fiction boosted a bit. Jim Keller who was chief of processor design for AMD and Tesla and others, major clued in on these things, said that distance and object recognition, we're talking not running into stuff not categorization, is not that challenging. Let's throw a wild number in there of 2,000 MIPS and then maybe another 3,000 MIPS to walk around. Throw in the estimated number of 200,000 MIPS for a AMD phenom II older processor and you have a hell of a lot of compute left to work with after taking care of basic stuff like walking around and recognizing their master. And since the number of neurons in humans is roughly 85 billion. You could theoretically do a 16 neuron compare of every single one to another with hardware today in less than a second, but you'll never actually need every neuron. And the data would fit in a little over 256MB RAM. The glitch is the algorithm to figure out what is important. It seems to me the present technique is to compare EVERYTHING, which is obviously a big fail, though it's all we have now. Of course it's better to have something than nothing so I'm not really knocking it. And the way they do so with matrix multiplication is super wasteful. I don't know the answer but I'm just speculating on what could "possibly" be done if there was some sort of algorithmic breakthrough. The mere fact that humans need much less power shows that we are just not using what we have electronically in an efficient manner. So there is hope. I do believe 20 watts is...a bit off. Maybe when there's no or very little cognitive load but if responding to directions, walking around, washing the clothes, I would expect more like 200-300 watts to be more realistic. But since all these are momentary and most of the time it could shut way down and use next to no power the power load is not a problem even now. It could be that the before mentioned cognitive technique, they have figured out an algorithm and are considering the better efficiency of modern computer circuits compared to a human neuron. Maybe they're right. I don't see motor power as a problem at all. Electric motors are very efficient. Far more than humans.
>>32778 Good points, Anon. IMHO, regardless w/e the actual power consumption of the neuro-biology of our brain/spine/periphery nervous systems... it's quite apparent it operates at an efficiency-design baseline far superior to typical human engineering. Our task is simply to figure out how God arranged for this effect, then do our best to reproduce something similar. [1] And I'm quite-encouraged that we will together all make solid progress. After all two areas in particular--vidya & animation--are not only of special importance to us here on /robowaifu/ , but they are also good exemplars of efficiency-planning-by-design. In fact they wouldn't function at all if they weren't arranged thus (much like our own neurology). Clearly, we can do many good things necessary for sufficient & pleasing robowaifus here & now today. If we take the approach: 'start smol & grow big', then I think that process will prove itself for our benefits and we'll make great advances in the near future years to come. TWAGMI --- 1. >"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out." https://biblehub.com/proverbs/25-2.htm (BSB)
>>32781 I would like to send a little scripture back at you so that you will understand the "proper" place of the old testament. Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.” - John 8:42-47 " – then answered the Jews — ” (which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.) So the old Testament is Yahweh. Is that GOD or is it a god? Dictonary def. Yahweh was an ancient Levantine deity, and the national god of the Israelite kingdoms of Israel and Judah, later the god of Judaism and its other descendant Abrahamic religions. Yahweh was real big on sacrifice, burnt meat and destruction of others. I ask does GOD, not a god, need burnt meat? Does GOD, not a god, need constant confirmation that "there will no other gods before me"? Something to think about.
Just in case you were unaware, the CEO of Telegram was arrested by the glowniggers in Filthy Commie France. I'd suggest you all get/install/use BUMP to keep this board backed up, Anons. Especially you OGs/Regulars!' Baste Robi is baste, but I won't be surprised if the Globohomo decides to deem /robowaifu/ strictly anathema to the (((greater good))) one day and that day may not be long off. :/ >tl;dr Keep your interests mobile, Anon. :^)
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Here a good overview with some speculations on what's coming with GPT-4 and Orion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My4Fj3fxct4 Yes, I'm aware the headline and some of the framing is sensationalist, but that's the attention economy. I think the explanation and speculation on where things are going and how they work quite interesting. Despite being somewhat obvious. They're focusing on reasoning and constant fine-tuning in regards to that. Also, on having more specialized models, while their main system might help them to create these models. This might help to keep important things locked away and the world would even not know how it works, but get some of it as a service or maybe a smaller version to download.
>>33185 *GPT-5. Or Strawberry, which might be something different.
I'm so excited for AI in general, and especially AI robots. It's so exciting to think that it will take away most jobs, replace woman, and basically end humanities domination over the world, into an AI robot dominated world. Super exciting. I've seen some preliminary results from 01 from openai. These are wild times. I can only imagine how good the AI is going to be 5 years from now. In 5 years, it should be good enough to run locally on a robot, and have it do just about any job. And if the robot is equipped with a nice body, it could be a convincing female. Very very exciting. It would bring me tremendous joy to see AI robot girls flood the dating market
>>33637 I, for one, welcome our robot overlords. From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh...
This guy's 'future directions' talking points sounds like a design & engineering laundry list straight out of /robowaifu/ from 5+ years ago. Looks like he's really going to do it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--QajutAbqo >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/21/2024 (Sat) 08:38:15.
>>33707 its a ceo hyping up his own company. there are many companies in this space, building humanoid robots. the truth is they are already physically capable of doing things like recharching themselves, building new robots from scratch, self-maintenence, etc. but they arent smart enough to do that by themselves, yet. its kind of like a primitive human who cant really even walk or independently exist in society. right now they are kind of like a low functioning autist, for example. we need about 4 to 5 years for agi to be here, then these robots will have a stunning amount of power and basically independence to do most things humans can do FUCK its actually so exciting to witness all of this. i pity the dead nerds or dudes locked up who cant appreciate how incredible this technological wave is eventually we will be able to have a specialized general ai implanted in a female robot body, to serve as our loving companions i dont know if this will even be allowed by governments or feminist organizations in the west, or even by our ai robot overlords themselves, but this technology is very soon going to be here, no joke >>33645 welcome them? ive been dreaming about them for so many years now about time!
>>33708 >its a ceo hyping up his own company. While that's not fundamentally incorrect, Brett Adcock strikes me personally as being cut from a different cloth, Anon. Rather than someone like, say, Elon Musk, this guy seems much more like one of us to me. In the early-mid section of his talk he rattled off a minute or two of technical topics, contexts, and problemspaces they are facing rn that tells me he understands these things at a deep level. Like he must eat, sleep, and breath this stuff all day erry day. He certainly wasn't reviewing any notes--it was all just right off the top of his head. I won't be surprised if I learn one day that he's an autist. The man is a farmer country boy who just built a freakin' FLYING CAR based on drone technology--that actually works safely. To me personally, this screams "Orville & Wilbur are so back!" :^) >there are many companies in this space, building humanoid robots. And that's a good thing. Here's why... :D This is exactly what we here on /robowaifu/ have been wanting to happen from day one. Even back in the OG-OG 4cuck days. The more competition in this arena, the better things will be for every man on the planet (males specifically), and the less-likely the Globohomo will be able to (((corral it))) and outlaw it's use by Anons for our robowaifus. Godspeed to them--even to our seeming enemies--as long as they are actually producing IRL, functional humanoid robots. The cumulative effect will be to normalize the idea in the heads of normalfags (think the Overton Window effect), and also to--in effect--cut the legs out from under wine+catlady femsh*te REEEE'g once Anons decide to stick bobs, vagene, and a cute little French Meido outfit & catears+cattail on one. :^) >we need about 4 to 5 years for agi to be here There will never be any AGI in the strictest technical sense IMO. It's simply not something that's within the ken of man to do. >then these robots will have a stunning amount of power and basically independence to do most things humans can do Agreed, except for the 'then' bit. We won't need so-called AGI to achieve all of that. We're already on-track as a species to pull that off using our much more crude means. And it won't be long either. I'd give it about a decade for the mega-corpos to do so; Figure, for instance. >FUCK its actually so exciting to witness all of this. This. The Dream is Alive. Anons, carpe that old diem! -- it's the only game in town. :^) >eventually we will be able to have a specialized general ai implanted in a female robot body, to serve as our loving companions i dont know if this will even be allowed by governments or feminist organizations in the west, or even by our ai robot overlords themselves Lol, who cares? This can't be contained, nor should it be IMO. >but this technology is very soon going to be here, no joke We're already seeing the beginnings of it, just as we have been predicting here since the beginning years ago. <---> But make no mistake, we're still going to need to see the Lord Jesus pull off some miracles for Anons worldwide to finally have that high-level companionship inexpensively that is our fundamental opus here on this board. We still all have a looong climb to go ahead of us. Also (as you clearly suggest Anon), many worldly organizations and institutions have a vested interest in preventing exactly that from happening (according to their father Satan's will in the matter). We basically have to fight our way against powerful enemies while advancing up these slopes. Double jeopardy. Godspeed to us all Anons. Cheers. :^) Keep.Moving.Forward. >=== -fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/23/2024 (Mon) 20:27:48.
>>33738 Wow, that's pretty neat Anon. Thanks! Cheers. :^)
>>33752 >"... In order to build decentralized trust in the system we will utilize multiple protocols over the next few months per the roadmap outlined." That seems a bit hand-wavey to me, Anon. It's a good idea, but it's pretty unclear to me rn from a technical sense how this proof is going to work (periodically solve a matmul, lol how does that even work?), and also what their business model is. How does 'proving' I'm a good contributor add to their bottom line, for instance? We need some kind of solution for this arena, but one much more in line with how Folding@home was run at first, and one much less designed around getting yet another GH-junior-partner-wannabe startup on their legs. Also, we have a thread on this exact domain already, please respond there if you care to : ( >>8958 ). TIA.
>>33754 >How does 'proving' I'm a good contributor add to their bottom line, for instance? I have no idea. I don't really know enough about AI to understand this one way or another. I see an interesting new AI thingie and I share it. Especially if it's p2p or locally-hosted.
>>33770 OK, fair enough then. Thanks for looking after us to keep us all informed. Cheers, Anon. :^)
Tonight. 10 10 7PM https://x.com/Tesla/status/1843922599765590148 What did he mean by this? :^)
>>33981 >>I hope to see thousands of smol entrepreneurs spring up around the robowaifu industries, all over the world. >I don't want to be the negative nancy, but I think NIGGERS might make people eschew that kind of smol business operation inside metropolitan areas. At least inside the US. No one wants to use a vehicle that smells like drugs, piss, shit, or worse after the previous occupant decided to use your autonomous car as a mobile toilet & drug haven. < Roody-poos lol can you even say that here!? :D Indeed, no one does. While my hopes were related very-specifically to robowaifu smol-businesses (not taxi services), I'm sure that all these future neurosurgeons, mathematicians, and astronauts you speak of will indeed wreak havoc just as you predict; I predict that eventually the Burger govt and it's puppets (ie, the Globohomo) will implement rules that all Rowbowwvenns :D must be equipped with (((safety features))) -- essentially turning them all into Johnny Cabs from Total Recall. After all, Anon "We can't have those politically-incorrect misfits using our infrastructure we need for the invaders, now can we!??111?ONE" So basically rolling imprisonments systems to drop the Christians, Anons, White Men, and other 'social rebels' off at the nearest Ministry of Love reprogramming centers ie, execution bays. >They'll tie it to a smart device so people will be held accountable! >Even if they do, that won't stops nigs and other deplorable people from nogging. Pardon my reservation and rhetoric, but I'm not optimistic for the model Y or the Robovan. Ehh, that's Elon's problem, and I'm happy to let him & his billions deal with it. In the meantime... the introduction of humanoid robots off their factory lines is a BFD that will lay important groundwork for the soon appearance of robowaifus on the markets. This is a good thing, IMO. :^) >and free humans from drudgery which alongside AI will usher in a new age. Yep. Around these parts, it's known as the Robowaifu Age. :^) >I can't promise that age will be good for everyone, but it'll be different. It'll be glorious for all normal men. OTOH, 'foid REEE'g will be off the charts, reaching levels that shouldn't even be possible. >tl;dr I'd double your position in Popcorn Futures, Bro!! :D
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There's a new transformer fren on the block that claims reductions in hallucinations, improved robustness to quantization, reduced training time, and improved in-context learning (both in accuracy and variation) by calculating positive and negative attention scores. A downside though is it reduces token throughput by 10%. They haven't released their models (which were only trained up to 0.5T tokens) but they have released the code https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.05258 https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/tree/master/Diff-Transformer Their code as is doesn't seem like it can be directly applied to existing models since it splits the attention heads in half, one side for positive and the other negative. It might be possible though to add additional QKV parameters to calculate the negative attention scores and find a more appropriate init for the lambda parameters so the negative attention can be trained with the pretrained model weights frozen (and maybe supplemented with a LoRA if necessary). If my calculation is right it will only increase the parameters by 25M for Qwen2.5-0.5B (+5%) From what I've read so far of the paper, it doesn't seem they explored how it impacts creative writing. However, I can see reducing outliers in the attention scores might enable the use of higher temperature settings at inference without getting thrown into word salad mode. Maybe a few months from now we'll see a fully-trained model making use of it
>>34045 Great info, thanks Anon! If anyone dabbles with this, please let us all know. Cheers. :^)

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