/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

Emmy the Robot - Official Thread Robowaifu Technician 11/30/2023 (Thu) 03:58:48 No.26629
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Please refrain from posting off-topic or non-Nandroid related things. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) >=== -minor edit -add project crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/01/2023 (Fri) 00:35:17.
this weeks update >>27343
>>27341 What a riveting update.
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woodchads winning again this year
>>27346 Sigh.
>>27346 Why do you want splinters in your dick
>>27348 Why do you want rust in yours?
>>27346 new BTG-lulu hopefully for christmas/newyears
>>27354 SIGH.
>>27346 Needs preg version
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>>27373 sovl
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zero nandroid mistletoe content this year...
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>>27376 Do go on
>>27376 No Saturday thread either
>>27380 >No Saturday thread either Why not start a different 'Saturday thread' then, anons. Unless it's intentionally ecchi. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/17/2023 (Sun) 20:21:17.
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>>27377 With Dom dropping webtoons for patreon for full releases of the comic, at least based on last week with the "see the rest on patreon", a lot of people are going to balk at paying a dollar to read a comic that was up until now free, if delayed on different platforms. The only other place to read the comic for the /co/ fandom would be on /co/, where Emmy threads have been pruned two weeks in a row and none has been made for this week, so the fandom there is dead or at least dormant until someone with the patreon chooses to be an OP and post the comics... which takes money away from Dom, and means he'll take even longer on a slowing release pace for a comic most anons agree has diminished in artistic and written quality over the years. Obviously the /co/ fandom is a very small minority of Emmy fans, and Emmy the Robot will persist in some way into the future. But the /co/ fandom, arguably the most inventive and expansive relative to its size, is dying if not already dead. It all feels like watching the universe end- pinpoints of light recede from each other before fizzling out quietly and surrendering to the empty blackness of entropy. >inb4 picrel is before the universe starts again A new universe starts again just to end anyways.
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>>27383 >A new universe starts again just to end anyways. screw that, we recreating the entire fuckin universe https://youtu.be/Xkp0TmQFGp0?si=9fLCqGHHbgfMdrkk&t=138
>>27405 The others are obvious or have been explained but what the fuck is pip
>>27407 Dom's attempt at making a broadly appealing "scrunkly" character, for that kind of audience.
>>27408 That's not a satisfying answer in-universe at all
>>27409 Yeah, well, welcome to what the Dom writing has been for the comic for the past year or so
>>27404 I don't really care about that autistic aspect, robots can be male-programmed. I'm more concerned with these botlers being a foot-in-the-door for Tumblr-tier homo art.
>>27405 Looks like he's got at least three different types of char design going on. The nandroids and the humans are his main style, darcy, dennis, ula and ginny all match each other and are consistant with Emmy and her family's design. Socket is definitely out of place, from a completely different cartoon, cheap fredanator 'anime style'. Pip is terrible, reminds me of Gir from invader Zim but matches with doc but not with the nandroids or human and human style bots, while Garrison is too clanky compared to all the others. Darcy also seems to be very similar to Anne-Marie from all dogs go to heaven.
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>>27405 >So if I want to talk about the comic but I have theories or questions about the males robots, I can't post it here? As long as you can do so without being abusive against our >no literal faggots sh*te (>>3) rule, then sure, their discussion is fine. Images are simply off-limits as a tarbaby no one here in their right mind wants us to engage with (nor will we). >>27412 >I'm more concerned with these botlers being a foot-in-the-door for Tumblr-tier homo art. Pretty much this, yeah. But further as an industry, we just don't want to support the concept itself. We exist to help men get their waifus... not to create general humanoids. Male bots would support the feminist's and the faggot's agendas; not men's. And we're (explicitly) not here to promote either of those two groups -- but rather quite the opposite: to help & to serve men. Cheers, Anon. :^) --- >tl;dr There's a reason we're called robowaifu, not robohusbando. Simple as. >=== -add'l resp -fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/18/2023 (Mon) 05:36:29.
>>27383 >a lot of people are going to balk at paying a dollar to read a comic that was up until now free Apparently his patreon jumped up by around a hundred patrons after the change. Dunno if that's just a monthly flux or what, I recall it rising and diving by about as much in the past.
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>>27407 Original post was deleted for trolling. Pip is is the odd grey bot with black sclera and yellow pupils. Their gender is unknown. They live with Aunt Ginny as a saved outmode who brings her junk to use or sell. They're nice and try to be helpful.
>>27412 >for Tumblr-tier homo art Yeah, the majority of it isn't "tumblr tier". Also I noticed that no one griped and groaned over the Emmy lesbian art, glad that there's such a childish split between the two and in general. Big fan of male robots being "faggot shite" while the entire concept of replacing human women with robots is looked at as the manliest thing ever.
>>27425 >>27413 >Each character has a different design type of eye Goddamnit >The background is layer traced over I like his nandroid characters, they've got a nice cute flavor to them but he's killing me, can't decide between Don Bluth and 2010 sitcom flash animation. It hurts.
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>>27432 Yeah but the lesbian art, of equal "appropriateness" to the art of botlers holding hands, wasn't deleted. That's because in the eyes of people here lesbians aren't *really* gay, so it's okay to have lesbian art since it's not *really* lesbian art. Since it's not *really* gay, compared to two men holding hands, it's not deleted since it's rationalized as such.
>>27433 either way I don't like Emmy being shipped with a woman
>>27435 Chobitsu specifically mentioned the industry aspect, so that's the field you just entered. In that context your remark doesn't really matter much, because it just turned from >omg just let me post whatever I want into >build me my male robot or else you hate me
>>27437 I think you just seem a little surprised that it is homo stuff being moderated out of existence for a change, instead of the other way around. While I do think that deleting actual comic-related discussion about some male-modded robot characters should not take place, I chalk it up to growing pains, as the mods have hitherto mostly moderated actual project threads, and they don't want people making male robots here. I also fully understand the deletion of "faggot shite", though I'd also wish to see some doctrinal consistency resulting in the deletion of the lesbian images as well. Today most internet refuges have to take sides, whether they want to or not.
>>27443 This is roboWAIFU. Not robohusbando. Nobody wants to see your gay shit
>>27424 >>27433 Let me clarify. No one here cares about gay. We just don't want male robots unless they're integral to discussion of the web comic. Discuss gay politics somewhere else. Lesbians are fine because they are female robots. Being gey female robots is completely ignored. (Unless it is egregious, for example, excessively lewd art will need to be spoilered with clear warning.) >>27436 This is correct. This board is dedicated towards building feminine robots. Specifically for men. Wanting a male robot in anyway is antithetical to the board and will be met with natural pushback. >>27439 Correct, though I will allow male related posts as long as it is 1. Entirely ontopic to the comic 2. Not trolling 3 Not trying to encourage gay. Whereas I support the gays, it just doesn't belong here. Do it elsewhere. >>27444 Gay is ok as long as it is only women. :^) This is a thread about Emmy the Robot, not fighting about gays. If you don't like that you can't go off topic to talk about gay politics and wanting gay male robots, go somewhere else.
>>27453 That's cool, Anon, but HomoBots are not allowed. Shame you consider that to be such a deal-breaker, but at least it helps everyone get a more accurate measure of you.
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>>27454 (For reference, they were responding to a troll throwing a tantrum because moderation refuses to turn the Emmy thread into a thread dedicated to gay botlers.) Please, discuss Emmy and her comic here. I wonder how long it will be until she returns to the Delaire family? Would be sweet if Madeline found her.
>>27455 I accept this segway back into comic lore, mister moderator. I wouldn't expect Madeline to just cross a body of water and go look for Emmy in a kinda-dangerous district, I think the conclusion will look a little different. I also think there's a lot more story awaiting Emmy right where she is, probably some important lessons about outmodes and whatnot.
>>27455 mad's got no chance. Probably more likely for the Dad Bod Duo (Ted and Webb) to do so, following a trail of breadcrumbs out to the boonies
>>27455 I hope darcy gets adopted by the delaires
>>27458 Well what about the outmode gang and Aunt Ginny? That's the problem with trying to predict how the story will end. Some of these superficially good endings end up kinda sad when you think about either Emmy, her family, Darcy or the outmodes. It's going to be tricky to put a neat bow on everything, I'm sure.
>>27459 the mind of Aunt Ginny is already starting to slip, the signs of dementia are there. A year or two more and she'll be like Bruce Willis. Perhaps a new more "normal" family is what she needs
>>27460 This, darcys life is far from sustainable. She will need somewhere else to live eventually
>>27463 like the renovated GinnyMansion, after she makes a fortune on her workshop and buys out Sterling Robotics to get the entire software team to work on Emmy's repair.
>>27458 I liked that one Anon's idea of Darcy being adopted. And the new nandroid Avery having to be purchased to provide extra hands in the household
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My two beautiful nandroids posing for the camera ♡ Artist: Diegosagiro
OP, seems it's time for a new thread! Our autosage bump limit here on /robowaifu/ is 350. It's traditional form to link to the previous threads within the new thread's OP thus: > previous threads : (>>26629)

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