>Was interesting to compare Robotica to my MaidCom design
MaidCom is much, much better IMO. Yours has sovl, theirs hasn't managed that yet. Anyway, please take the good ideas about the BJD designs where you can, Kiwi.
Thanks for the protip about the 'glove', Kiwi. I think our general consensus here is that we'll almost all devise padded, full bodysuits. Not only will it make our robowaifus more comfy in general, it increasing safety & cleanliness (both ours and waifus).
Excellent resource, Robophiliac. Thanks Anon.
>Not sure that's better than having the pinch zone.
Pretty unappealing design in general IMO. But I
do like the oversized hip-ball. I think that can be integrated into a highly pleasing female hip/thigh design with tweaking.
>You are designing from scratch, so you can design for whatever spacing you want, and the mechanics should still allow for the legs to spread, if desired.
Really good points, Anon.
Cheers, Anons. :^)