/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

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MaidCom Kiwi 02/08/2024 (Thu) 06:40:01 No.29219
MaidCom Project Thread 2 Project Goal: Simple, low cost, extensible platform for robowaifu development. Picrel shows the model which is being developed. Every part will be designed to be easily printable and replaceable. Her designs will be open source. Modding and customization will be encouraged. This is a base model. Early revisions will be heavily limited in functionality. I invite you to help design and define standards so that it is easy to create specialized add-ons to allow her to become your own waifu. Collaboration is important, MaidCom is officially partnered with Lin and his Waifu Wheelchair, if you'd also like to be officially partnered, say so. Cat eats and miniskirts are encouraged! <--- Previous thread: ( >>15630 ) >=== -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/14/2024 (Wed) 21:50:13.
>>33842 I think you're correct for the most part, Anon. While there are some subtleties involved with good sn*snu, domestic work is in fact far more nuanced, expansive, and detailed. Good point, thanks. Cheers. :^)
@Kiwi What do you think about the idea of starting with one or two of these little Arduino-based car kits, as Maidcom Mini's mobility base? (cf. >>33809 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkCP95zLvSQ&list=PLrOv9FMX8xJEEQFU_eAvYTsyudrewymNl&index=21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2kxAh_I4ew
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>>33913 I fully intend to make a mini. Honestly, I'm considering starting with a mini again due to this project taking too long. Been working on her chest again, which do you prefer?
>>35503 Glad to see you working on the board's project again, Kiwi! >which do you prefer? The one on 'stage right' (our image left side). Natural-looking boobas are preferable to my tastes. 'Over-stuffed, silicone-implant' looking Bimbo boobas are popular for many men, OTOH. The only critique is, IMO, you should radially space them out just slighty further, or at least extend the anti-sagittal form of the 'tissue' to extend up to more-naturally blend into the shoulder area? <---> Looking forward to seeing where this is going, Kiwi! Cheers. :^)
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>>35505 Perky has a 90 degree radial separation at their core. Along with being designed to look more natural, something a woman could have IRL if they were small and athletic. I think Flat with the breasts Perky being an optional add on could be a good balance.
>>35515 They both look good. Perky's my preference. :^)
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Printers having problems but, what of the chest that was printed, feels great
>>35557 Neat! I really like your internal structural arrangement, Kiwi. How's the mass so far?
>>35557 Looking at the print sitting on a filament spool ( 1kg?), is that going to be the final size?
>>35559 About 100g though the full print would have been 150g with her shoulders and base of her neck. >>35560 It's an 80% scaled test to better understand how her body would look and feel IRL. A practice I recommend for anyone else working on these things. Full scale would have taken over an hour longer and much more filament.
>>35569 >About 100g though the full print would have been 150g with her shoulders and base of her neck. Excellent. Keeping masses of every.single.component. low is, as you know, of the highest priority. I'm presuming this is the current Maidcom-Mini design?
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Test print at 1/3 scale, my printer is a tad screwed up
>>35585 That's looking really good, Kiwi! You're developing quite the modelling skills. As a critique, it seems to me that her spine has too much dorsal concavity (visible from your #2 side pic). I'd suggest you 'flatten' that out a bit. Do you have a real human model reference you're working from? Otherwise GG, keep up the good work! Cheers. :^)
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>>35586 >Flatten her back/human model Felt the same avout her back. It will be fixed when everything is put together. As for human reference, I use them often. Anatomically, my designs are close to human. They're also close to my waifu, Aigis. Striking that balance is personally important. Newest chest test came out beautiful. It's my favorite. Looks and feels great IRL. Surprisingly durable for 120 grams too. Worth every second of those long years studying to get here. Now, I'm going to get her hips right.
>>35592 How did you get it so smooth and shiny?
>>35592 Those are looking quite nice, Kiwi. Any advice on your printing settings to achieve success? I'm presuming you're taking a 'vase' printing approach? >Worth every second of those long years studying to get here. Really proud of you, Anon. Keep going! :^) >>35595 This. I really like the anisotropic glint look!
>>35595 Vase mode with tuned settings, 30mm/s, 240 hotend, 70 bed, and .8 line width. This is for Comgrow PETG, settings will vary for different filaments. It's shiny because PETG is shiny, I prefer matte PLA visually but, they shatter when I lay on them. >>35603 It's very high poly, I've done heaps of sculpting and smoothing to get it to look that nice at large scales. You can still see her polys because going too high poly causes Cura to take a long time. Don't want to cause older machines to combust slicing their own MaidComs.
>>33842 > the maid aspect of robotwaifu might be harder than Yes, archiving the same dexterity of the hands than humans is likely to be even harder than some reasonable level of walking in a home. >>35619 Congrats
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>>35620 Thanks >Hand dexterity MaidCom is going to use a simple hand that fakes that dexterity through simple linkages, similar to this. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0954411919874523 Her hip development is going good.
>>35641 >hands Oh yeah, that's great. Are those really printed entirely in-place at one go, Kiwi? >hips Really looking forward to see how you tackle the ball-joint+3-axis motion requirements, Anon. I've thought long and hard about this, but I'm still in a bit of a quandry. I love Sukabu's design motifs, but I can't see how to pull them off w/o several-thousand-us-dollars-a-pop hip actuators. Hmmm...still thinking on it. Cheers. :^)
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>>35663 >Hand As far as I can tell, that hand is print-in place. At least, they claim it is, though I'm not willing to pay them to find out. Wish they'd provide the hand for free, if only for the benefit it would bring to poor people. My hand will come in at least two parts due to aesthetic reasons. >Hips MaidCom will only move her leg in-and-out with a pivot about the apex of her hip joint. I can understand this may be disappointing but, it's necessary due to mass/cost/volume constraints. A full 3 DOF hip joint would require a more complex design to appear feminine. It's more of something for gen 3 or 4. Unless some one else wants to design it for us.
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>>35684 Thanks, that's a great resource Current potential hip
>>35684 Any idea if they test these in any way, Anon?
>>35668 That's fine, Kiwi. Good thinking, actually. Start smol, grow big. Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>35689 I haven't seen anything about verified testing, but it looks like they're made by a dedicated and tight-knit community (sounds familiar...), and some have been printed before
@Kiwi Can you check the final video of crosslink-related : ( >>35675 ) please? At about 8mins, there's a humanoid torso/bust attached to a more-standard mobile robot base. I know we here are going for a full, 4-limb robowaifu, but maybe we can design some sort of mobile 'scooter' she can step onto that would both motivator her around on smooth surfaces, but also support her with it's base mass for doing tasks like reaching & moving things? For example a basket of laundry. I'm sure we've covered these concepts before in throd#1 : ( >>15630 ). inb4 tachikoma spooder... :D >>35691 Thanks, GreerTech! Some of these look quite advanced. I've been a believer in us here following the medical prosthetics industry, at the least for inspiration.
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Close to a truly finalized design.
>>35938 Neat! GG, Kiwi. :^) I'm a little concerned about a pinch hazard between the hips & thighs though. Will there be some kind of covering there?
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>>35951 OK, I LOL'd despite my better judgement. :D One big advantage of BJD designs is to reduce pinch hazards at the joints. I'd simply like us to capitalize on that idea for our group project here. Cheers. :^)
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>>35941 My idea is cover her in clothes for safety. ...Also for personal reasons. >>35953 Could you provide some 3D printed ball joint hip designs? I'm open to ideas. I like my back joints, though I recognize that they could be improved.
>>35991 In Greentext anon's Doll thread ( >>28514 ), there was linked a life-sized BJD ( >>29758 ) AFAICT. Here's the printables: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:614366 Also, I know we have some other doll internals designs here, but I can't locate them ATM. Maybe this will be enough to go on with, Kiwi?
>>35991 I would recommend the dress, so that the clothes don't get pinched either
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>>35992 Was interesting to compare Robotica to my MaidCom design. I do like the aesthetics of Robotica's hips. They're designed with the luxury of an internal elastic cord that allows for her hip beans to twist and contort between her pelvis and thighs. Something I can't replicate. I'll do more investigation into mitigating potential pinching. >>35993 We are of kindred spirit, dresses are great for protection. Cloves are also necessary. Giant gloves are actually needed in many factories so those big arms don't pinch operators if an actuator loses power and droops. Also, helps to prevent burs from getting into the joints. Ferrous burs love to stick to giant steppers.
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>>35991 Check out the "My Size Barbie Mod - 3d Print files for Download" thread over on the dollforum for a different take on BJDs: NSFW https://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=69416 In that case the "ball" part of the joint is part of the hip and is made from a steel hemisphere. The joint with the leg is held together by powerful magnets. Instead, if you made the hemisphere so it could rotate, you would have the forward and back motion. Cut a vertical (while standing) slot in the hemisphere to allow for leg movement to the side for balance and the sinusoidal motion to of the foot during walking- one foot in front of the other. The slot doesn't have to be very big, as you should only need at most 60 degrees of rotation (unless you want her to be a gymnast). This way the slot ends are always covered by the top of the leg. Add a rotation bearing at the point where the new printed leg top joins the original leg to allow for the vertical rotation of the leg for turning while walking, crossing the legs while seated and the "schoolgirl twist" during snu-snu. I was planning to build one of these and then a robowaifu version as a retrofit thread, until I found this site.
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>>36002 It appears that their solution is essentially to just have a huge thigh gap. Not sure that's better than having the pinch zone.
>>36016 > just have a huge thigh gap Well, it is a modification of an existing doll to fit a specific onahole. You are designing from scratch, so you can design for whatever spacing you want, and the mechanics should still allow for the legs to spread, if desired. Plus, most of the time she'll be wearing her uniform, so it may be a question of what you are willing to accept being hidden most of the time, vs exposed/used occasionally. This may always be a problem with hard-shelled bodies. Ultimately, it's a question of personal taste. I never even noticed the spacing of the MSB's legs, and it doesn't bother me, but those tiny hands and mis-proportioned arms really annoy me.
>>35998 >Was interesting to compare Robotica to my MaidCom design MaidCom is much, much better IMO. Yours has sovl, theirs hasn't managed that yet. Anyway, please take the good ideas about the BJD designs where you can, Kiwi. Thanks for the protip about the 'glove', Kiwi. I think our general consensus here is that we'll almost all devise padded, full bodysuits. Not only will it make our robowaifus more comfy in general, it increasing safety & cleanliness (both ours and waifus). >>36002 Excellent resource, Robophiliac. Thanks Anon. >>36016 >Not sure that's better than having the pinch zone. Pretty unappealing design in general IMO. But I do like the oversized hip-ball. I think that can be integrated into a highly pleasing female hip/thigh design with tweaking. >>36018 >You are designing from scratch, so you can design for whatever spacing you want, and the mechanics should still allow for the legs to spread, if desired. Really good points, Anon. <---> Cheers, Anons. :^)
>>35991 One more point, though it's a relatively minor consideration. Overlapping rigid material that can move tends to act like scissors, whenever any material that can be cut finds its way between two pieces of it. I speak from experience. Years ago, when I had much longer hair and still had complete coverage I used to fight for fun in full medieval plate armor I'm back on my meds and feeling much better now. It was part of a lifelong interest in all things robotic, including the concept of powered armor . After one particular day of battle, I realized that my hair- except for a few wispy strands- was several inches shorter than it had been. It had been trimmed by the plates of armor as I moved. Your picrels didn't show what wig, if any, your waifu will wear, but if it's going to be something very expensive like human hair (and long enough to fall down her back) you may want to take steps to protect it from a similar misfortune. I ended up using felt pads glued under the edges of the plates so that the surfaces could glide over each other without ever actually touching. It was also much quieter in use. This may also be a concern in the "pinch" zone- not so much trimming hair as snagging and plucking it from anon at extremely annoying moments, if anon doesn't trim down there. Yes, there are so many details... Cheers
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>>36045 Maybe then a Tomboy robot?
>>36045 >Haircut unawares by your favorite LARPwear. LOL I'm really glad that didn't take off anything more important, Robophiliac!! :D Thanks for the great safety advice here, BTW. >crosslinked to safety throd Cheers, Anon. :^)
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Getting there
>>36346 Good job!
>>36346 This looks like some very solid progress, Kiwi. GG.
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>>36348 >>36349 Thanks! Still learning but, I know it's getting close to done.
>>36579 That's looking really good now, Anon. I've been banging a number of ideas around about cheap actuation solutions that will fit into the volume available for each hip/upper_thigh. For some reason (maybe b/c thinking about pinching) I'm finding this render that NoidoDev posted ( >>36561 ) inspiring rn. I'm also picturing a partial inner ball to rest inside the visible outer ball that could allow for nearby linear actuators to rest inside the torso volume, w/o interfering with the needed major two servos per joint. This would allow for 3-axis movements, wouldn't over-complicate the mechanisms additionally, and would still provide good pinch-protection given those two constraints. When I pick up modelling, I'll diagram my ideas about this for everyone to brainstorm & critique together. <---> Looking forward to seeing what's coming next, Kiwi! Cheers. :^) Soon.
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>>36346 >>36579 Great progress. I like it. At least with the imagined flesh suit on top of it. Though, the back in the last pic still looks a bit to bubbly for my taste, but okay. Anyways, I posted many of the pics on this thread on Reddit. If you mind, tell me. It's here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gynoidappreciation/comments/1iiqpgg/maidcom_project/
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>>36609 Not quite sure I understand your idea. Could you provide a drawing? >>36646 I'm endeavoring to de-bubble her booty. Feel free to share anything I post anywhere. Heck, I'll freely share any model I still have with anyone that asks. I welcome distribution of anything related to MaidCom
>>36657 >I'm endeavoring to de-bubble her booty OH NO! I was looking and thinking,"Wow look at that booty", and now your going to debootie it. A crime.

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