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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

Dolls, Dollmaking Techniques, and Their Use for Robowaifu Construction Greentext anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 05:14:05 No.28514
Dollmaking is an ancient art, dating back as far as recorded history. Throughout these many years, dollmakers have invented and innovated at a steady pace, making each doll just a little bit better than the last while still leaning on tried-and-true techniques. This thread is here to discuss those techniques, and other relevant aspects of the doll world (including mannequins and marionettes) which we can apply to make our own waifus. One common example most of you may have seen already is the ball-jointed doll. However, there is more than one type. Higher-end BJDs commonly use elastic string to bind limbs to sockets in a method not too dissimilar to how tendons link our bones. There are also peg linked joints. where you (usually) have two hemispheres connected to eachother and connecting two seperate limb parts with pegs. There are also double-joints which work on the same basic principle. The attached images show both principles. Simple hinges are also quite the staple. They often have varying levels of tightness, depending on the application. A marionette, for instance, will typically have very loose hinges which allow for great ease of movement via user-operated strings. A system like that is quite easy to motorize, though one would want to consider how to get the limbs to stay in position without constant motor input. On the more complex end of things, some dolls feature endoskeletons, which allow for more realistic sometimes and complex poses. However, in addition to being more complex, these are much more expensive, fragile, and difficult to repair. While some of these things could be solved here, I doubt that a perfect solution is realistic at this time. It's good to keep in mind, though. Outside of basic frame components, there are also the details, such as the eyes. Glass eyes have the interesting effect of "following" the viewer without requiring any motors or electronics. Weight and cost are both important considerations, however, especially for a full-size waifu with anime doe eyes. Resin eyes are also quite popular, as ithey're easier to make at home. Wigs, of course, are also important to consider. I assume everyone here will want their waifus to have hair, and said hair will be easier to install (and detach for cleaning) if treated as a seperate component. They're usually kept in place with simple elastic, and I imagine it'd be easy to introduce magnets into the equation for better stability. What do you guys think about these concepts, and what do you have to add? It's a vast field, with plenty of potential uses for waifu making. Concepts from doll-adjacent items, such as action figures, plushbots, puppets, etcetera are also welcome for discussion.
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Beautiful OP, Greentext anon. I look forward to seeing where this one goes! Cheers. :^)
>>28514 well this drove me down an interesting rabbit hole to the discovery of things like body kun/chan posing dolls. I imagine taking notes from doll making of yore would be for very niche waifu collectors or of someone with stupid-money.
https://www.shfiguarts.com/category/1/154/SHFiguarts/SHFiguarts-Body-kunBody-chan.html forgot to post a link of an example With robotics becoming more and more advanced, fluid/liquid/organics robotics is going to become more and more of a thing. https://orl.mae.cornell.edu/ So with waifus, it may come down to a flavor choice of sculpted vs die-cast body creation
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I'd be willing to make a doll version of the current MaidCom body if that was wanted. Fits small woman clothes a treat mostly. Aigis head is used because she's my waifu and the head I made looks weird in CAD.
>>28558 I personally think that'd be cool, and probably a bit of a learning experience Anon. DOO EET! :D
>you must log in to view X >you must log in to view Y >you must log in to look at literally anything but vapid meaningless discussion 'Den of Angels' my ass. Not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting the forum experience to be this atrocious. I had a better time reading thousands of pages of manuals trying to diagnose my IBM 5120. And failing. Because I didn't have the other several thousand pages of manual that most likely pointed to the actual problem. RIP In Peace you behemoth. You'll live on in the stress crack on my solid wood desk. You'd think it'd be easier to find info on a hobby that's as old as the human race, but even here expectation is nothing more than the gateway to dissapointment. There's a light note to my search, though. I just today happened across a book about the history of dolls. It's simply titled as "The Doll" [LoC # 77-160218]. It doesn't seem to contain much technical information, but it was written in flowery romanticist purple prose. Which is right up my alley. I'll share more about it later once I read through it, but here's a paragraph that caught my eye when I was flipping through it in the store, and ultimately lead to the books purchase: "Whether one is a scientific Frankenstein, a Pygmaleon who imbues his statue of Galatea with life, or, as is familiar to the theatergoer of our time, a Professor Higgins who creates a 'lady' from a 'guttersnipe,' the intent is the same - the transformation of a human shape into the stuff of dreams. Prehistoric man worked in clay, and his three-dimensional figures were talismans of fertility. All objects were were religious and magical, performing good and evil as projected by the worshipper, the priest, or the witch doctor. Belief was omnipresent. How could it have been otherwise in a hostile world? Man's sophisticated technilogical advancements had not yet supplanted his covert fears." Aside from that, I found some clues about newer books that can provide more insight, but I'll likely have to buy them online. Attached are two threads from a forum that actually lets me browse its contents without an account, both about silicon molding. If they don't upload on the first try, I'll have to bitcrush them until they do (due to massive filesizes), so if you're having to read text through a film of JPEG artifacts, then that's why. >=== -merge msg here
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/22/2024 (Mon) 03:14:18.
>>28683 Thanks for taking the time to suffer in our steads, and do this for us Greentext anon! I really liked those images' information. That book's description sounds really intredasting. Sauce for purchase? I hope the doll communities have lots of interesting facts and information useful to /robowaifu/ , that anons can further dig up there. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/22/2024 (Mon) 09:49:32.
Here's a thread I found on torso replacement for a specific type of doll. While it doesn't go too in-depth into the workings of the doll, it has some quality pictures and provides insights on how the doll's internal skeleton works. Spoilered because the doll is nude, and anatomically accurate. >>28690 >Sauce for purchase? It seems to be designated as an "art book" (meaning it probably wasn't printed in large numbers), and based on the dates on the plates and references, it was most likely printed in the very early 70's (I can't find an acual copyright date in the book). If you can't find it online, your best bet is to talk to a local bookseller and see if they can acquire it for you (since they'll know which publisher/printer to contact and be able to make an order). This might be iffy, though. I've made plenty of special orders before, but never for an art book, so it's possible that the rules might be different (like how religious texts need to be treated differently). It's just called "The Doll", by Carl Fox. If you try to go through a bookseller, you might be better off using the Library of Congress number ( 77-160218 ) or the Standard Book Number ( 8109-0018-5 ). If you can't access that book at all, then don't worry too much: I plan on flipping through it properly and posting the most relevant information here. I won't scan it, though, since my scanner can't handle pages of this size and I'm not going to go to the trouble of manually taking pictures of then editing over three hundred pages. >I hope the doll communities have lots of interesting facts and information The vast majority of in-depth guides I've seen thus far revolve around sewing, which isn't that relevant to anyone here other than me for acutal frame construction (and, franky, there are far better resources than doll communities for this). There's an asterisk to this though: I have not looked into Den of Angels at all, and I will not do so because they require an account to even look at that section of their forums. It's a matter of principle for me, as I don't want to give a community that hides what should be public knowledge the time of day, much less an email of mine. The internet is a vast place, and I have no problems with looking around a bit longer in order to find what I'm looking for instead.
Btw, we already had a thread where this would've fit into: >>372
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Probably the first life-size printed ball-jointed doll, of a robot. https://3dprint.com/43353/3d-printed-full-size-doll/
I like the idea of starting with a doll or action figure design as an exoskeleton and working on the internals based off of that. I don't really know why it is, but something about double hinged joints bothers me. I like the added range of motion, the way the hinges operate independently feels wrong, and seems like it'd be tricky to design for if I actually wanted to power the limbs. Same goes for the overuse of ball joints where they don't need to be, which seems common with dolls. Most of the times I've tried finding a model as a base to design my waifu I've found that action figures tend to have lot more articulation in the limbs than "dolls", but my biggest concern is that I'm never happy with the body proportions.
Found the easiest joint to tell how it works. Just a bead attached with string for the different parts to rotate around it.
>>30448 That's actually quite nice and interesting. But isn't the human knee more like a hinge? The bones in the upper leg (thighs) rotate against each other, the knee doesn't rotate that much. That said, using a mesh as material could also be interesting, since it would very likely be able to hold silicone rubber if cast around it.
>>30454 >knee hinge The knee is like a cushioned hinge but that is also why joints wear over time from stresses place on them. Instead of a bead alone on something more solid it could be art of one limb section while the other rotates over it. Otherwise it would act more like a double joint if you tried to make it move with an actuator. To make the correct stopping points you would just have overlapping pieces and cuts and grooves in places it needs to fold more if that makes sense. So actually it would work as a hinge with a central rotation point in such a setup. >mesh It is crotchet which would take a long time to do crochet but sure you could have a fabric mesh and make it go stiff with some kind of glue instead. I think the image comes from a YouTube video perhaps this one? It looks like it could be the same doll. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WavlpC__hf0
>>30456 >knee hinge I think I more or less understood how you meant it. I realized myself after posting above, that there might be at least some rotation in the knee. So we would need to design it with some stopgaps. >it needs to fold more if that makes sense I don't think I understood that, but I might try a design in OpenScad soon. I once made this here: >>13710 - which might be too close to a human.
>>30461 By folding I mean if the parts are hard material that doesnt squish like a body does you need a way for thighs to touch calves and forearms to touch the biceps region of the upper arm. Same range of motion people can do. Without room as the parts bump into eachother it reduces range of motion. This is why dolls often dont perfectly mimic human bodies and why the somewhat unnerving double joints get used a lot because it is either double joints or sacrifice some of the anatomy away from human norms by making the joint attaching region more thin or have sections removed or reduce joint range. Does that clear it up?
>>30466 I think so, I started working on something here: >>30485
Okay so I took time to look into how doll hair is made. Here is a few materials that get used beside synthetic fiber. Some of these if you used them on anything larger than a doll you are restricted to shorter hair styles because fiber length. >ramie fibers which comes from a plant >mohair >alpaca which a few varieties exist such as suri >yak hair >modal or lyocell which are semi synthetics >horse mane hair which this also is used in wig making Advantage of natural fibers is you can dye them using things like mushroom dye which is more biodegradable. Im not sure on semi synthetics like modal and lyocell if you can use that . I haven't seen it mentioned on any doll making sources just i happen to know of this textile dye. Ive also seen people using tea to dye the hair but Id think something like the same natural hair dyes people use may be better in some cases so long as they dont have ammonia and stuff like that in them to deal with. Other advantage being petrol based synthetics melt when burned which is a safety hazard because it can make burns worse this is why people doing welding wear natural materials in many cases.
>>30524 Thanks, I looked into this before: >>13862 - backlinked your posting from the materials thread. This is especially useful for guys who might have children or maybe just pets around. I doubt these plastic hair fibers are good to have around. The thing I found back then is using fibers made from banana plants, which are normally left to rot after harvesting the fruit and might even get in the way as some kind of slow rotting waste. This can allegedly be made into hair, though it was expensive back when I looked into it.
>>30528 A finished product like that will generally be more expensive than raw material you finish up yourself unless it is mass produced or only sold in quantities much larger than you need for raw material
>>30531 Okay, do you mean more expensive than the materials in >>30524? I have no idea. Human hair is of course the other alternative. It would be interesting to know what a pro's and con's of each material are. But it's not urgent to me. Generally the work being put into it if it's not a wig but part of the skull plate will be the biggest cost or effort.
>>30600 Yes though I havent checked prices for everything individually. Presumably at times the price difference is small between raw material and something already dyed, combed, flat ironed and fixed into pieces to attach or a weave while other times the difference could be magnitudes more. Human hair is quite expensive where top quality human hair of long length can land someone thousands of USD....unless you want to just hang out at a salon and ask for random women's hair lol Generally speaking natural materials often have antimicrobial properties. Pictured is ramie.
Glad to see the doll thread is getting some activity, Greentext anon & all. Cheers! :^)
I recently bought a BJD, and I'm really impressed with it actually. There's a lot of engineering that goes into how these dolls function. The one I have has double joints and the legs lock to differnt positions and are really stable when straight so she can stand up on her own. I'm thinking it would be really neat to put a Bluetooth speaker inside her head connect her to my phone and an AI running on it. Dolls definitely have the customization options I would eventually want to see from future robotwaifus. And having a smaller 1/4 scale doll is much easier to manage than a full size 60lb plus silicone doll. I think they make a good vessel for the current AI we have. Like a much cuter smart speaker.
>>31408 >There's a lot of engineering that goes into how these dolls function. This. Cool idea Anon, please keep us all up to date with the progress of your robowaifu speaker project, Anon. Cheers! :^)
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>>36002 Related
>>31408 I find that the Backyard AI app is good for that. If you want an offline version, I made this guide.
>>36041 Thanks, Robophiliac! As you might guess, finding information here after the fact can be tedious. Keeping things sorted into proper threads+crosslinking helps immensely with this issue. Cheers, Anon. :^)
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>>36002 Discussion thread that preceded the "My Size Barbie BJD" thread on the dollforum: NSFW https://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57877&start=0
>>36105 I like the clean layout of that image, Robophiliac. Makes it a bit easier for my autistic mind to consider fully. Thanks! Cheers, Anon. :^)

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