Alogs.Space is down
What happened?
The primary data storage for, which is a block storage device separate from the main VPS, is currently disconnected. The cause is unknown. I am currently away from home, so I can't allocate too much time to this.
What's the status?
I am communicating with the hosting service to see what's happening, and they're aware of the issue. No ETA on when the issue will be resolved.
Is there data loss?
If it's a simple mishap and the drive is reconnected, then there should be no data loss.
If the storage device is lost, I have already made a backup of the latest text data, so there will be no posts lost (+/- the last 4 hours). We have a full backup of the image data from about 20 days ago, so for images, the month of March may be lost.
Is user data safe?
All content, including posts, images and IP addresses are stored at-rest with full disk encryption. Even if someone tried to access the data in the block storage device, they would not be able to do so without the decryption keys, which are also stored encrypted with a key that I must enter manually.