/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

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MaidCom Kiwi 02/08/2024 (Thu) 06:40:01 No.29219
MaidCom Project Thread 2 Project Goal: Simple, low cost, extensible platform for robowaifu development. Picrel shows the model which is being developed. Every part will be designed to be easily printable and replaceable. Her designs will be open source. Modding and customization will be encouraged. This is a base model. Early revisions will be heavily limited in functionality. I invite you to help design and define standards so that it is easy to create specialized add-ons to allow her to become your own waifu. Collaboration is important, MaidCom is officially partnered with Lin and his Waifu Wheelchair, if you'd also like to be officially partnered, say so. Cat eats and miniskirts are encouraged! <--- Previous thread: ( >>15630 ) >=== -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/14/2024 (Wed) 21:50:13.
>if you'd also like to be officially partnered Idk what this means and if I want that. What I can says is, that I approve of it and I will try to make the parts I develop compatible where it makes sense. That said, I still want to do my own project, which will be different in some areas. Some examples: - No hard shell or hard "tissue" directly under the skin. Based on a somewhat human-like skeleton. - No focus on mobility (and weight reduction) - Low amount of energy storage, maybe just enough to move from one place to another and being plugged in while sitting most of the time. - More human-like face but still with big waifu eyes, at least ASAP. - Might be just a bit smaller, since I don't accept stupid (social) rules. - Sex parts might be embedded as the standard, or at least the cleaning system (drinking water and cleaner, using it to clean herself internally) - (Variants for doing OF or similar, as advertisement for the switch away from women, not sure if this is excluded here) - ... It's obviously more ambitious and will take longer. I always hoped for other people doing the more short term developments and builds. Since not much happened, I started this legless "joystick"-waifu a while ago, which I also still plan to finish and it might use some parts compatible with this one here. I'm currently stuck for some personal reasons but will likely start building much more in a few months.
MAIDCOM THREAD #2 IS LIVE WOOHOO! Thanks, Kiwi. I'm looking forward to seeing where this thread goes. Your #1 thread turned into one of my favorite threads on /robowaifu/ ! Looking forward also to working with integrating with Lin's Assistant platform as well. ONWARD! :^)
I can contribute some code. I'm planning to throw together a few of the scripts I've found that would result in a minimum viable virtual waifu anyway. Voice detection, oobabooga LLM, TTS, screen-based face expressions, and basic examples of implementing your own custom voice commands (eg asking time/date).
>>29241 >I can contribute some code. That would be most welcome, Anon! Thanks kindly.
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>>29445 I do hereby give the Maidcom thread... an easy python-based LLM!
>>30149 Neat! That does look rather straightforward, Mechnomancer. Any chance you could devise your own setup tutorial, to help newbs get up to speed with running your software please? Cheers.
>>30153 >Install python. >open cmd prompt (type "cmd" in searchbar, or windows+r and type "cmd" in the textbox) >Type in "cd C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\scripts", where [username] is your user account name in windows (no brackets!) >type in "pip install gpt4all" >wait for install to complete >put le code in python >save >press F5 >Chat away!
>>30154 Excellent! Thank you, Anon. >Windows Heh, it's been a minute. I don't even have to do support for it any longer. :D
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Status update, majorly refined and smoothed out her body. Included her references and original. Gave her a more defined belly, optimized her back to feel better when holding her by her chest, and completely overhauled her butt. Overall body is rounder, more cylindrical, which should help with fitting her electronics and cooling. Any preference between her having a smooth area under her bust or, a defined rib? Her chest was bolstered for the sake of feminine clothing compatibility. Her body was also elongated to match a human woman's body length at this height. I had previously modeled with anime girls in mind.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 03/14/2024 (Thu) 01:05:10.
>>30296 Nice! It's looking good, Anon. >Any preference between her having a smooth area under her bust or, a defined rib? I'd say just go with your instinct, Kiwi. I'm sure you'll find the right solution in the end. Remember this is still protoyping R&D at this stage, not yet production. Experiment! Cheers. :^)
>>30296 How does the full side view look? Ribcage might make some sense with hard materials but something like moulded silicone it would seem odd if there wasn't an actual ribcage underneath at least at that level of definition. Overall I like smoother one better though maybe more mild definition only hinting at a ribcage? Also if im not mistaken the ribcage seems a little high even from artistic proportions, or is it just me? Though if I were you id spend more time considering if subtle added hip bone definition would be good or not since that has more appeal to it than ribs for more people. Though maybe there is some, just hard to see. Im not certain from the lighting but does current design lack a subtle bump for a mons pubis? Though careful to not go overboard to make it look like a bulge if you add a little there, it might be too difficult to pull off looking right. Though i do think i see some shadow there so maybe you already do. Maybe you really need two versions one for a hard body and one for a soft body? But that's more work, just was a thought. Im a little confused which is the latest in that four lineup, the torso by itself or is the colored model? I could be off in my judgment but my instincts tell me if former I feel like some of it is a major downgrade especially the ass if the torso by itself is latest reminds me of a horses ass. Why are you doing the smoothing on the outside instead of having wall thickness variety to make the inside smooth only when the whole point is just for electronics and cooling fitting? The back I think you overcompensated on the smoothing out of the dip where the spine would be, something between that and the one colored in maybe so you dont lose the dip entirely? I think the breast shape is in a way an improvement of the torso from the colored in for being not overly ball like but im not sure if that sacrificed definition or not. Although that other one is cute still to me they just feel like two different design approaches really.
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>>29241 >>30149 Thanks for the interest Mechnomancer! >>30298 I'm going to make two versions, a standard and a more anatomical model. As long as I keep the dimensions that matter the same, I can easily edit both of them together. >>30318 Everything is designed to be printed in TPU using thick walls while being hollow. I do keep it in the back of my mind that silicone copies should be easily made from the designs with minimal alterations. MaidComs top 3 concerns are, cuteness/appeal, ease of replication at home, and functionality. Because 3D printing is cheap and easy, that is the default method of manufacturing all my designs abide by. Ribs are at that height because that's my preference. Added hip bones Added mons pubis Torso by itself was the latest. This model is completely solid, the inside has not been modeled yet. Added a spine groove, emphasized the scapula, and boosted her butt. I actually really like the way the back came out. I personally prefer a much smoother front. Aigis is my waifu and everything about her is perfect to me.
>>30322 I think the added detail is an improvement on the back and that's a better looking butt. Nice job. Hips might be a little too bony looking now. I was just thinking more the corner parts that commonly pop out rather than enough it seems like there is visible pelvic bone too unless my imagined anatomy is off from not finding a good reference at the moment. Likewise I think you might want to smooth out toward the center of the chest so just the edges of the rib cage show on sides if any, only subtle for more closer to the smooth version you like better. Too much boniness seems less cute. I think you only need very subtle edges at furthest points to gently imply underlying structure but i easily may be wrong. I really haven't worked with 3D modeling like this before just have once touched on a raytracing program way back and back in middle school worked on a CAD program which I cant remember a thing about and I never worked on my anatomy drawing skills like I should. Personally I think the mons adds a sort of cuteness and sexiness, not sure if it needs dialed back a small fraction or not though after other alterations to make sure everything is in balance. Sorry, I'm a perfectionist with an eye for detail. I'm more curious what others think looks best since I'm just one person and don't want to speak for others. Have you looked for feedback elsewhere like among artists more familiarized with female anatomy in this style? Have you thought to run test prints on anything yet or waiting till you feel particularly satisfied with the design? Like small size or printing out a sectioned off detailed portion in full size like the tummy I mean so you don't use up a lot of filament.
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>>30325 Took your advice and made some updates. Modeled new arms and legs. It's all coming together. The butt is a gag, she's keeping the original. I am sharing it with friends, some wanted more in the rear, hence the current overload back there.
>>30338 bipedal dinosaurs had big meaty tail for balancing, maybe a big heavy ass could be used the same way semi-facetious
>>30338 I am a bit uncertain on if the ribs are needed or not but I think the rest looks pretty ready to me unless others have more to suggest, aside from needing to blend the legs and ass together which you probably haven't gotten to just yet since it seems like you just recently attached the legs I presume. >>30339 An ass dragging to the floor would be a weird but funny sight.
>>30342 >needing to blend the legs and ass together Wait, i didnt think about jointery on how it has to move.
>>30338 If no one else is gonna say it, then I will: This buttocks are too much as as baseline and they look weird.
>>30358 I suppose I get what you mean. Maybe too rounded? Personally how the green butt here >>30296 looked best out of all the iterations but a lot is different now so I don't know what would the ideal be for the current torso. Current torso seems to be longer and different hip shape just a bit unless it's a scaling thing.
>>30358 a big trunk could be useful
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>>30358 What is your idea of a nice ass? I think I figured it out the top of the ass isnt shaped quite right in profile maybe? Is that what you're seeing too?
Oh, wow, that's cool. >What is your idea of a nice ass? B,F,(G) - like an L starting from B in that first picrel. H is to big and the rest doesn't look good. Edited version: I first got the letters wrong, lol.
>>30397 If you mean the second from the left on both rows I think the same.
>>30417 Yeah, but the third in the lower row is also nice, and the 2B stans here might also like the the forth in the lower row, which is a bit much for my taste.
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>>30346 Nice catch >>30358 I was only joking. Her butt is normal. >>30364 >>30388 >>30397 Thanks for your input. Here is her current design. It is good enough. I've started optimizing it for printability and sizing her shells to fit onto cheap and easily sourced 2020 extrusion as it'll simplify everything and make her easier to build.
>>30519 What is the head height ratio you are going for? Looks to be a little bit over 7 heads tall which is in reasonable range. Have you played around with different heights and body ratios? I think a little shorter like maybe 6 and a half heads has advantage of less material and lower center of gravity but that's just me and that might set you back from progress you made on the shaping of the body and everything. Although center of gravity doesnt matter if one isnt doing a walking mechanism attempt. So it all depends,
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>>30523 Her head to height ratio 1:6.97 as her dimensions are based on real women. I fundamentally agree with your position. I firmly believe that a meter tall robot is the ideal height because of physics and the electronics widely available today. I just prefer 150cm as a minimum height that makes me happy. It honestly didn't make sense and had led me to have sleepless nights doing calculations trying to make it work. Picrel is far superior in every way than my design. I just prefer 150cm too much, it is also the height of my waifu Aigis.
>>30592 >real women Keep in mind ratios and body proportions described by realist art guides are likely based on Western European women. Eastern European women and Southeast Asians are generally a bit different on average. >1 meter Personally I wouldn't below something like 120cm unless going for a more mini girl / faerie / elf design avoiding the short body ratio. Otherwise it easily comes off too toddler like to me. >I just prefer 150cm too much Understandable >Aigis She has some of the longest legs I've seen in a character design from what I can find.
>>30592 >dimensions are based on real women. Yeah, I think that's a mistake or at least not my taste, but it's okay. I prefer the anime look with longer legs compared to the chest. > I firmly believe that a meter tall robot is the ideal height because of physics and the electronics widely available today. I doubt that, but you're the one who knows more about making these calculations. Then again, it might be because you want her to work, walk around and have a battery that lasts long. Without doing much calculating, just guesstimating, my idea was rather that something small would even be difficult or impossible to pull off, because of the lack of space. >had led me to have sleepless nights doing calculations trying to make it work. Kek, this sounds intense. Just think of it as the first try and a process, not a design that needs to be perfect.
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>>30596 >Different regional variants of women I selectively mixed measurements from diverse sources based of what would be best for a 3D printed robot. Notably, I started with American and European women as those dimensions were easily attained. They are too thick. Would have added heaps of complexity. Now she's thin like a petite Asian woman. You can see the difference between my posted designs. >120cm That is a notable psychological threshold. 120 to 133cm is a minimum acceptable height for many. Especially if they're designed to look human adjacent, elves being a great example. >AI Chan legs Legs for days, as a leg man, I enjoy it.
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>>30597 >Preference for anime dimensions Can relate. I love slender, lanky, and cute. >Lack of space at meter scale This is somewhat true if you're going for any anime girl aesthetic. Your intuition on needing space to contain her electronics is good. Going for a dwarf design would be best for smaller robots, opens up volume in her torso. >Doesn't need to be perfect Wise words
>>30596 >Personally I wouldn't below something like 120cm unless going for a more mini girl / faerie / elf design avoiding the short body ratio. Otherwise it easily comes off too toddler like to me. If we're talking legality, I thought the authorities focus more on the size of boobs than height?
>>30607 Knowing how this is gonna be controversial from the start, it's best not to give them anything even remotely resembling an excuse to send this all to hell.
>>30608 The perks of being a giantess enjoyer is that I don't have to concern myself with such technicalities. The con is ofcourse I'll never have my robowaifu irl
>>30605 >mixed measurements >thin like a petite Asian woman I see. Yeah I like petite girls. >That is a notable psychological threshold. 120 to 133cm is a minimum acceptable height for many. >Especially if they're designed to look human adjacent, elves being a great example. Well it is height + body proportions if you are talking attraction. But it is not purely psychological but practicality for use case. You dont want a standing hug to lead to your legs being bound making you lose balance and awkwardly having to bend over for your arms to reach. Im fine with under 100cm depending on design and use intent. >>30607 I wasn't talking legality. Im over 6 feet tall. You might want to bring the legality discussion into meta. Id say own thread for it but there isnt many people on this board so it probably doesnt need to include every country out there.
>>30607 Give robot boobs: "You're sexualizing the robot!" Don't give robot boobs: "The robot is underage!" Can't win either way against puritans, man.
@Kiwi Just wanted to let you know I'm proud of you and all the team continuing to move MaidCom forward. I hope to dive in again around May or so. Keep.Moving.Forward. Cheers. :^)
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Had to decrease her arm length to enable her to have a usable working payload. In light of this, her body was shortened and her legs were lengthened by 77cm. She can no longer wear women's pants, still compatible with many dresses . Thoughts? >>30608 I choose to ignore the controversy. It's FOSS and will be hosted in several places for free and open access. >>30714 Looking forward to collaborating in May!
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>>30611 Mini-robowaifus got me thinking of medabots lol. I might build a Medabot if SPUD's walking mechanism works and will certainly share the code.
>>30740 Looks better. A woman being able to wear pants is not important. But she will likely still be able to wear more flexible ones, or just wear ones which are are baggy. I assume long leggins which would be for a bigger sized leg won't be very baggy, they just wouldn't stretch as much as they could. >>30742 ... Short Stacks >>2666
>>30740 Arms looks a bit too short IMO especially paired with the longer legs it just looks weird. I am not sure what you mean by usable working payload. Do you mean carrying somewhat weighty objects? If so that can be solved by not using arms alone to carry like many humanoid robots do but rather do more like Punyo was designed to hold objects in arms against the body like many humans actually do. I posted a YT link in the humanoid vid thread >>30748
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New design, the human like design felt off personally. Now, I'm going for a more robotic look. Much more like Aigis.
>>30860 Excellent, Kiwi. Now you have your overall proportions looking good. Drive on! :DD
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Fixed her joint alignment. Printing her soon.
>>30931 Definitely shaping up into a well-unified character model now. Nice progress Anon. >Printing her soon. Exciting! Please keep us all abreast of your progress, Kiwi.
>>30931 Not bad but the butt crack is all weird again. Welcome to the grand canyon. Those ankles wouldnt a joint that also flexes to side make more sense? Seems too stiff looking in my opinion.
@Kiwi Kiwi (and other Anons working on this project), my apologies but I'm going to have to delay further my planned support again beginning in May. I will shortly be unable to access communications via anything other than StarLink, etc., and participating here during this upcoming expedition won't be feasible. But I look forward to seeing how things are going though. Please look after the board closely, Kiwi! Cheers. :^)
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>>31139 I'll try to step up and help more with moderation while you're away my friend. I'm currently working on a doll variant to help with testing before actuator integration. So far, her feet are printing well with a version that needs support and one that doesn't. I'm printing on vase mode to speed through iterations. Glad to say she is women socks compatible.
>>31150 Thanks bro, much appreciated! I was thinking about doing some focus on MaidCom hands.
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>>31482 Working on it. I'm prioritizing printability, Basic grasping, and hand holding Her body has been updated yet again... >>30742 >Medabots They have such fun designs and they function well. They heavily inspired MaidCom on a spiritual level. They're part of why she'd going to be very modular and customizable.
>>31549 >Working on it. Great! >cuddlin' & stuff Hard to over-stress how important I feel that good facial & hand designs are for the comfy, emotional rapport we can all have with MaidComs and other robowaifu models in the future. More important than boobas, vagoo, and all the other, more-typical icons of physical femininity. IMO these two areas (face, hands) are vital to get right (for some definition of the word 'right'). Thanks for the update Kiwi! Keep moving forward! :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/11/2024 (Tue) 19:32:04.
>>31549 The finger ratio on those hands creep me out. >>31150 Major case of cankles. This design prevents side to side movement of the foot which is needed for stability on uneven ground.
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>>31554 Completely overhauled her face sculpt. Hands are a fascinating problem I'm still iterating on. I want them to be mostly print in place place easy actuation using one servo. Towards that end I have researched whipple tree mechanisms to evenly distribute force on a variety of objects.
>>31824 Interesting update. Thanks.
>>31824 Oh neat! You've really captured the form of Aigis' face quite well there, Kiwi. GG. It'll be interesting to see how you manage the eyes. Keep up the good work, Anon!! >whipple tree mechanisms Very cool. Yes, if we can greatly-reduce the typical complexity of common 'bionic' hands and yet still retain good grasping dexterity that would be a big step forward in reducing complexity/cost. >print-in-place THIS! I hope this can be solved. Cheers, Kiwi. :^)
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>>31928 Still working on her hand. Took a detour to revamp her torso to have more defined navel and clavicles. Refined her thigh to have more hunan curves and added a knee. Going to take a break from updating her body to focus on actuator development. I want to integrate her motive system now.
>>32320 >revamp her torso to have more defined navel and clavicles. Refined her thigh I think that looks better. Good work.
>>32320 Great, looks nice.
>>32320 Good progress, Kiwi! Cheers. :^)
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>>32327 >>32337 >>32373 Thanks! Glad she's slowly but surely coming together. Been working on her joints and motion systems.
>>32502 Delicious balljoints FTW. Keep up the good work, Anon! Cheers.
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MaidCom Breast, completely free. I used it on MaidCom, though I smoothed it aggressively to make her flat chested. Picrel is the breast and an example of it being used. https://files.catbox.moe/6lnldj.obj
>>32659 Your modelling skills are definitely improving, Anon! >filename Lol. Keep up the great work, Kiwi. Cheers. :^)
>>32659 Congrats to the developments. Sorry for not showing up to your Discord for a while now, but I'm temporarily using a computer which is slow already and also I would want to read all unread postings.
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>>32662 >>32674 Thanks for the encouragement! Finalized the booba variant of MaidCom's main body. It's completely free for anyone to use as you want. https://files.catbox.moe/7xk9xn.obj
>>32686 Thanks! So, catbox for quite some time now hasn't supported access by Tor users--I can't download that file from them. Any chance you could post it elsewhere? I was personally considering using Pixeldrain for my Caturday drops when I pick them back up again (since the glowniggers managed to destroy Anonfiles... :/
>>32691 Great! Got it, and it looks intact on my end. Thanks, Kiwi.
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MaidCom Mini, 120cm tall. Would you want her? Actively optimizing to bring a $1k USD version to reality. Minimum everything. Her legs just go up and down, with a splay servo to spread them. Belly has a pivot to allow her to fold up like picrel. Arms are essentially one with motion mirrored between them. Head would just tilt. Her drive would be a boot that plugs into her foot. No capability to move about without her drive boots.
>>32713 That's looking really good Kiwi. The scale of her arms is a bit short ATM, I'd say lengthen them up just a bit. >gril inna box trope HNNNG US$1K will be a great price point if you can manage it, Anon. Once you have diagrams for the planned functionality I'd suggest you start some kind of crowdfunder maybe? Good luck, Anon. Cheers. :^) --- <also; >"MaidCom Mini" There's some kind of linguistic term meaning something like "the singing sound of the lips". Whatever the word is, your name selection really has that 'rhythm of the song' in it--just rolls off the tongue! Maybe 'prosody'? Anyway, GG Anon. >=== -add 'singing sound' cmnt -fmt, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/10/2024 (Sat) 19:06:46.
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>>32716 >Lengthen her arm Her arms are either proportional and useless, or short and useful. Physics is both my greatest ally and enemy. Working on her outer shell and inner frame. Her soft outer shell will be bolted onto her hard inner frame. All electronics are mounted to this inner frame. Thicknesses and angles are optimized for hand feeling and durability. Adding booba and ass space provides more usable volume. Her breasts and butt are designed to have a much thicker shell, to help prevent fall damage as they are what will likely hit the ground if she falls.
>>32727 Excellent. Really looking forward to where you're going with MaidCom Mini, Kiwi. Drive on! :^)
>>32713 Didn't you lengthen her thighs at some point?! >Actively optimizing to bring a $1k USD version to reality Okay, cool. Good idea for all those poor guys, but I'd say at lest make the thighs longer.
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>>32738 This is a miniature variant. I completely revamped every part to have better proportions. Don't worry, the larger standard variant will be made after. This is just to speed up having something.
@Kiwi If you have time, maybe check out the mobility base scheme for the THK bot SEEDNoid [1], starting at about 4mins into this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pz0B3sDB4I --- 1. related: https://www.seed-solutions.net/?q=eng
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>>32834 >Mobility stand I'm trying to avoid needing such for aesthetic reasons. I will likely implement something like picrel. I'm printing the current model to see how she looks IRL. Taking a long time as each piece needs 2.5 hours.
>>32860 Congrats to your progress. >I will likely implement something like picrel. You do remember my idea about something like the Gardevoir >>24066 after you brought this up? My ideas was to make it into something rolling around, which could either be opened in the front or put the waifu in from above like a toddler in one of these chairs for eating.
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>>32861 Mobility bases disguised as dresses is actually still actively being thought about. I would have it open up then magnetically attach to her waist. This way she'd appear to float, with wheels on her dress rolling around.
>>32860 >I will likely implement something like picrel. Sounds good, actually. I look forward to seeing what you come up with, Kiwi. BTW, the ankle looks really good! Keep up the good work. Cheers. :^)
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>>32873 Magnets? Are you serious? You of all should know best that this isn't going to hold up. Anyways, I thought about this again while being half-asleep: Printing such a "dress" and making the "panels" fit together would be the real difficulty. Especially for people with a small printer. I tried letting Flux making a picture with a dress, but this is hard, it really seems to not be trained for that very well. It also doesn't like to show the full body.
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>>32890 >Magnet can't hold a waifu Why not? Magnets can hold up heaps of mass quite easily. Small pucks have held me up easily several times in my life. Also, she will be quite light. I do see what you mean when it comes to size. I've designed everything around a 240mm print bed. I should consider that 180mm is still rather common. Thanks for the reminder.
>>32898 >size You could always make a whole dress in CAD and then, I think, only print sections at a time. Then glue these together edge on edge and use the "print" as some sort of mold. You will likely want that anyways as mold materials in mass will likely always be cheaper than filament.
>>32890 image-139 looks great image-139...a little too hard looking for me. It's what I'd expect a evil witch or some sort battle bot to look like. I like the big navel though. Maybe that could be a feature.
I wonder if image-139 had softer shoulders if it would change the whole look. Some of these things are subtle.
>>32898 Really looking forward to seeing the rest of the trunk assembly put together, Kiwi! Cheers. :^) >>32890 >2nd pic Very interesting shell design, actually.
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>>32860 >>32890 Wheeled dresses can be cute
>>32940 Yeah, I later added "no big shoulder pads", though I think now putting it in brackets is the real way: (no big shoulder pads) >>32952 Yeah, but this one has a way to big rear for reality. The big wheels on the side are worth contemplating, though. Thanks.
>>33033 Y'all got me thinking of Zadoc Dederik's steam-powered man (first robowaifu was a robo-husbando lol). Apparently there was a bit of a craze back in the late 1800s with steam-powered men pulling stuff (steam king, etc)
>>33084 Nice find. They really tried their best back then. Maybe someone wanted to live like Asian emperors. I also tried making some pics of waifus pulling carts, but I won't post them here :)
>>33084 Impressive achievement. >first robowaifu was a robo-husbando lol <doubt.jpg Lolno. :DD Brings up the intredasting question though: When was the first mechanical waifu devised? >''of course, our own Greentext anon already knows the answers!! :D
>>33084 If you want to find the first "autonomous" waifu, you'll have to go back further than the 19th century. If you ignore mechanical autonomy, then good luck. Men have been making marionettes since the very beginning. >>33122 >When was the first mechanical waifu devised? I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I honestly wouldn't be surprised in the least if the first waifu was made by a literal caveman. There's a very clear historical pattern of men trying to make mechanical people, and getting a little better with each attempt. We're just the latest generation carrying a very old torch. I think it's as funny as it is inspiring. It recalls to me an old meme that gets passed around a lot: "What would your ancestors think of you?" The idea is that they would despise us, but the reality is that they were doing the same thing, and would be cheering us on.
>>33126 >I honestly wouldn't be surprised in the least if the first waifu was made by a literal caveman. Agreed. Certainly some kind of variation on the so-called 'Dutch Waifu' surely dates from at least the Neolithic eras. >We're just the latest generation carrying a very old torch. All else being equal, we're literally the ones who will cross the line at long last! WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!! >I think it's as funny as it is inspiring. This! :^)
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>>32952 It was really bad unfortunately. Could barely move IRL. This new variant should have far better movement IRL. >>33084 Those are deceptively simple. Just an actuator driving a simple mechanism like picrel. Needs the wheels in order to balance. Is steered by physically pushing the waifu side to side so the steps create vectoring torque relative to the wheels. A waifu such as presented in >>33033 could easily use such a mechanism to walk about with only a drive and steering actuator. >>33126 My definition of mechanical waifu is; an autonomous machine which reacts to stimuli under its own power and processing whilst moving and maintaining femininity in form and function. As for the first one, she has been lost to time. One of those European automatons is likely the oldest known one. I do agree that projects such as MaidCom have been tried since before we left our caves.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 09/24/2024 (Tue) 14:28:23.
>>33686 You're making really good progress with the design of MaidCom Mini, Kiwi. Keep up the great work! Cheers. :^) >slinging torques around on mass-moment vectors > related : ( >>21859, et al ).
>>33686 >It was really bad unfortunately. Could barely move IRL Leverage/mechanical disadvantage is the unsung villain of robotics > A waifu such as presented in 33033 could easily use such a mechanism Well, if you are interested in a simple walking mechanism for maidcom here is a video of the linkages (more or less). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_e3B7FaEAI You could always have a hybrid of the two: fully articulated legs but supported by a mecha musume skirt.
>>33691 Thanks! >>33694 There seems to be a misunderstanding. I meant that her range of motion IRL was less then it was simulation. Likely due to clipping. >Walking mechanism I have, and still am, entirely against walking robots, Wheels are far more efficient and simpler to implement. Her legs will move to allow her wheels to move over obstacles. I appreciate your willingness to offer help, I hope you'll do so in the future. In this case, I was offering advice to get people thinking. This video demonstrates what I'm going for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmXulwvCsZA
>>33695 Y/w. BTW, that is a wild doggo base in that video Kiwi. While I still want my baseline robowaifu designs to have two clear, bipedal legs, it would be wonderful if she could 'step onto' the doggo base for gettin' around proper fast (especially in, say, the outdoors walks to/from the park). Plus it's such a clear separation of concerns that all the general advances made with robo-doggos already would be applicable to the base. Just my views on it. Not really trying to sway your designs one way or other. You're in charge of this project! Really looking forward to see the latest progresses with Maidcom Mini, Anon. Cheers. :^)
So this is a hunch but I think the maid aspect of robotwaifu might be harder than the sex aspect. Folding the laundry, doing the dishes and cleaning is very delicate whereas the sex aspect is more rough and mechanical.
>>33842 I think you're correct for the most part, Anon. While there are some subtleties involved with good sn*snu, domestic work is in fact far more nuanced, expansive, and detailed. Good point, thanks. Cheers. :^)
@Kiwi What do you think about the idea of starting with one or two of these little Arduino-based car kits, as Maidcom Mini's mobility base? (cf. >>33809 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkCP95zLvSQ&list=PLrOv9FMX8xJEEQFU_eAvYTsyudrewymNl&index=21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2kxAh_I4ew
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>>33913 I fully intend to make a mini. Honestly, I'm considering starting with a mini again due to this project taking too long. Been working on her chest again, which do you prefer?
>>35503 Glad to see you working on the board's project again, Kiwi! >which do you prefer? The one on 'stage right' (our image left side). Natural-looking boobas are preferable to my tastes. 'Over-stuffed, silicone-implant' looking Bimbo boobas are popular for many men, OTOH. The only critique is, IMO, you should radially space them out just slighty further, or at least extend the anti-sagittal form of the 'tissue' to extend up to more-naturally blend into the shoulder area? <---> Looking forward to seeing where this is going, Kiwi! Cheers. :^)
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>>35505 Perky has a 90 degree radial separation at their core. Along with being designed to look more natural, something a woman could have IRL if they were small and athletic. I think Flat with the breasts Perky being an optional add on could be a good balance.
>>35515 They both look good. Perky's my preference. :^)
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Printers having problems but, what of the chest that was printed, feels great
>>35557 Neat! I really like your internal structural arrangement, Kiwi. How's the mass so far?
>>35557 Looking at the print sitting on a filament spool ( 1kg?), is that going to be the final size?
>>35559 About 100g though the full print would have been 150g with her shoulders and base of her neck. >>35560 It's an 80% scaled test to better understand how her body would look and feel IRL. A practice I recommend for anyone else working on these things. Full scale would have taken over an hour longer and much more filament.
>>35569 >About 100g though the full print would have been 150g with her shoulders and base of her neck. Excellent. Keeping masses of every.single.component. low is, as you know, of the highest priority. I'm presuming this is the current Maidcom-Mini design?
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Test print at 1/3 scale, my printer is a tad screwed up
>>35585 That's looking really good, Kiwi! You're developing quite the modelling skills. As a critique, it seems to me that her spine has too much dorsal concavity (visible from your #2 side pic). I'd suggest you 'flatten' that out a bit. Do you have a real human model reference you're working from? Otherwise GG, keep up the good work! Cheers. :^)
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>>35586 >Flatten her back/human model Felt the same avout her back. It will be fixed when everything is put together. As for human reference, I use them often. Anatomically, my designs are close to human. They're also close to my waifu, Aigis. Striking that balance is personally important. Newest chest test came out beautiful. It's my favorite. Looks and feels great IRL. Surprisingly durable for 120 grams too. Worth every second of those long years studying to get here. Now, I'm going to get her hips right.
>>35592 How did you get it so smooth and shiny?
>>35592 Those are looking quite nice, Kiwi. Any advice on your printing settings to achieve success? I'm presuming you're taking a 'vase' printing approach? >Worth every second of those long years studying to get here. Really proud of you, Anon. Keep going! :^) >>35595 This. I really like the anisotropic glint look!
>>35595 Vase mode with tuned settings, 30mm/s, 240 hotend, 70 bed, and .8 line width. This is for Comgrow PETG, settings will vary for different filaments. It's shiny because PETG is shiny, I prefer matte PLA visually but, they shatter when I lay on them. >>35603 It's very high poly, I've done heaps of sculpting and smoothing to get it to look that nice at large scales. You can still see her polys because going too high poly causes Cura to take a long time. Don't want to cause older machines to combust slicing their own MaidComs.
>>33842 > the maid aspect of robotwaifu might be harder than Yes, archiving the same dexterity of the hands than humans is likely to be even harder than some reasonable level of walking in a home. >>35619 Congrats
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>>35620 Thanks >Hand dexterity MaidCom is going to use a simple hand that fakes that dexterity through simple linkages, similar to this. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0954411919874523 Her hip development is going good.
>>35641 >hands Oh yeah, that's great. Are those really printed entirely in-place at one go, Kiwi? >hips Really looking forward to see how you tackle the ball-joint+3-axis motion requirements, Anon. I've thought long and hard about this, but I'm still in a bit of a quandry. I love Sukabu's design motifs, but I can't see how to pull them off w/o several-thousand-us-dollars-a-pop hip actuators. Hmmm...still thinking on it. Cheers. :^)
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>>35663 >Hand As far as I can tell, that hand is print-in place. At least, they claim it is, though I'm not willing to pay them to find out. Wish they'd provide the hand for free, if only for the benefit it would bring to poor people. My hand will come in at least two parts due to aesthetic reasons. >Hips MaidCom will only move her leg in-and-out with a pivot about the apex of her hip joint. I can understand this may be disappointing but, it's necessary due to mass/cost/volume constraints. A full 3 DOF hip joint would require a more complex design to appear feminine. It's more of something for gen 3 or 4. Unless some one else wants to design it for us.
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>>35684 Thanks, that's a great resource Current potential hip
>>35684 Any idea if they test these in any way, Anon?
>>35668 That's fine, Kiwi. Good thinking, actually. Start smol, grow big. Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>35689 I haven't seen anything about verified testing, but it looks like they're made by a dedicated and tight-knit community (sounds familiar...), and some have been printed before
@Kiwi Can you check the final video of crosslink-related : ( >>35675 ) please? At about 8mins, there's a humanoid torso/bust attached to a more-standard mobile robot base. I know we here are going for a full, 4-limb robowaifu, but maybe we can design some sort of mobile 'scooter' she can step onto that would both motivator her around on smooth surfaces, but also support her with it's base mass for doing tasks like reaching & moving things? For example a basket of laundry. I'm sure we've covered these concepts before in throd#1 : ( >>15630 ). inb4 tachikoma spooder... :D >>35691 Thanks, GreerTech! Some of these look quite advanced. I've been a believer in us here following the medical prosthetics industry, at the least for inspiration.
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Close to a truly finalized design.
>>35938 Neat! GG, Kiwi. :^) I'm a little concerned about a pinch hazard between the hips & thighs though. Will there be some kind of covering there?
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>>35951 OK, I LOL'd despite my better judgement. :D One big advantage of BJD designs is to reduce pinch hazards at the joints. I'd simply like us to capitalize on that idea for our group project here. Cheers. :^)
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>>35941 My idea is cover her in clothes for safety. ...Also for personal reasons. >>35953 Could you provide some 3D printed ball joint hip designs? I'm open to ideas. I like my back joints, though I recognize that they could be improved.
>>35991 In Greentext anon's Doll thread ( >>28514 ), there was linked a life-sized BJD ( >>29758 ) AFAICT. Here's the printables: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:614366 Also, I know we have some other doll internals designs here, but I can't locate them ATM. Maybe this will be enough to go on with, Kiwi?
>>35991 I would recommend the dress, so that the clothes don't get pinched either
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>>35992 Was interesting to compare Robotica to my MaidCom design. I do like the aesthetics of Robotica's hips. They're designed with the luxury of an internal elastic cord that allows for her hip beans to twist and contort between her pelvis and thighs. Something I can't replicate. I'll do more investigation into mitigating potential pinching. >>35993 We are of kindred spirit, dresses are great for protection. Cloves are also necessary. Giant gloves are actually needed in many factories so those big arms don't pinch operators if an actuator loses power and droops. Also, helps to prevent burs from getting into the joints. Ferrous burs love to stick to giant steppers.
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>>35991 Check out the "My Size Barbie Mod - 3d Print files for Download" thread over on the dollforum for a different take on BJDs: NSFW https://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=69416 In that case the "ball" part of the joint is part of the hip and is made from a steel hemisphere. The joint with the leg is held together by powerful magnets. Instead, if you made the hemisphere so it could rotate, you would have the forward and back motion. Cut a vertical (while standing) slot in the hemisphere to allow for leg movement to the side for balance and the sinusoidal motion to of the foot during walking- one foot in front of the other. The slot doesn't have to be very big, as you should only need at most 60 degrees of rotation (unless you want her to be a gymnast). This way the slot ends are always covered by the top of the leg. Add a rotation bearing at the point where the new printed leg top joins the original leg to allow for the vertical rotation of the leg for turning while walking, crossing the legs while seated and the "schoolgirl twist" during snu-snu. I was planning to build one of these and then a robowaifu version as a retrofit thread, until I found this site.
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>>36002 It appears that their solution is essentially to just have a huge thigh gap. Not sure that's better than having the pinch zone.
>>36016 > just have a huge thigh gap Well, it is a modification of an existing doll to fit a specific onahole. You are designing from scratch, so you can design for whatever spacing you want, and the mechanics should still allow for the legs to spread, if desired. Plus, most of the time she'll be wearing her uniform, so it may be a question of what you are willing to accept being hidden most of the time, vs exposed/used occasionally. This may always be a problem with hard-shelled bodies. Ultimately, it's a question of personal taste. I never even noticed the spacing of the MSB's legs, and it doesn't bother me, but those tiny hands and mis-proportioned arms really annoy me.
>>35998 >Was interesting to compare Robotica to my MaidCom design MaidCom is much, much better IMO. Yours has sovl, theirs hasn't managed that yet. Anyway, please take the good ideas about the BJD designs where you can, Kiwi. Thanks for the protip about the 'glove', Kiwi. I think our general consensus here is that we'll almost all devise padded, full bodysuits. Not only will it make our robowaifus more comfy in general, it increasing safety & cleanliness (both ours and waifus). >>36002 Excellent resource, Robophiliac. Thanks Anon. >>36016 >Not sure that's better than having the pinch zone. Pretty unappealing design in general IMO. But I do like the oversized hip-ball. I think that can be integrated into a highly pleasing female hip/thigh design with tweaking. >>36018 >You are designing from scratch, so you can design for whatever spacing you want, and the mechanics should still allow for the legs to spread, if desired. Really good points, Anon. <---> Cheers, Anons. :^)
>>35991 One more point, though it's a relatively minor consideration. Overlapping rigid material that can move tends to act like scissors, whenever any material that can be cut finds its way between two pieces of it. I speak from experience. Years ago, when I had much longer hair and still had complete coverage I used to fight for fun in full medieval plate armor I'm back on my meds and feeling much better now. It was part of a lifelong interest in all things robotic, including the concept of powered armor . After one particular day of battle, I realized that my hair- except for a few wispy strands- was several inches shorter than it had been. It had been trimmed by the plates of armor as I moved. Your picrels didn't show what wig, if any, your waifu will wear, but if it's going to be something very expensive like human hair (and long enough to fall down her back) you may want to take steps to protect it from a similar misfortune. I ended up using felt pads glued under the edges of the plates so that the surfaces could glide over each other without ever actually touching. It was also much quieter in use. This may also be a concern in the "pinch" zone- not so much trimming hair as snagging and plucking it from anon at extremely annoying moments, if anon doesn't trim down there. Yes, there are so many details... Cheers
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>>36045 Maybe then a Tomboy robot?
>>36045 >Haircut unawares by your favorite LARPwear. LOL I'm really glad that didn't take off anything more important, Robophiliac!! :D Thanks for the great safety advice here, BTW. >crosslinked to safety throd Cheers, Anon. :^)
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Getting there
>>36346 Good job!
>>36346 This looks like some very solid progress, Kiwi. GG.
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>>36348 >>36349 Thanks! Still learning but, I know it's getting close to done.
>>36579 That's looking really good now, Anon. I've been banging a number of ideas around about cheap actuation solutions that will fit into the volume available for each hip/upper_thigh. For some reason (maybe b/c thinking about pinching) I'm finding this render that NoidoDev posted ( >>36561 ) inspiring rn. I'm also picturing a partial inner ball to rest inside the visible outer ball that could allow for nearby linear actuators to rest inside the torso volume, w/o interfering with the needed major two servos per joint. This would allow for 3-axis movements, wouldn't over-complicate the mechanisms additionally, and would still provide good pinch-protection given those two constraints. When I pick up modelling, I'll diagram my ideas about this for everyone to brainstorm & critique together. <---> Looking forward to seeing what's coming next, Kiwi! Cheers. :^) Soon.
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>>36346 >>36579 Great progress. I like it. At least with the imagined flesh suit on top of it. Though, the back in the last pic still looks a bit to bubbly for my taste, but okay. Anyways, I posted many of the pics on this thread on Reddit. If you mind, tell me. It's here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gynoidappreciation/comments/1iiqpgg/maidcom_project/
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>>36609 Not quite sure I understand your idea. Could you provide a drawing? >>36646 I'm endeavoring to de-bubble her booty. Feel free to share anything I post anywhere. Heck, I'll freely share any model I still have with anyone that asks. I welcome distribution of anything related to MaidCom
>>36657 >I'm endeavoring to de-bubble her booty OH NO! I was looking and thinking,"Wow look at that booty", and now your going to debootie it. A crime.

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