You sure have tried your hardest on hitting that word limit on your essay.
As far as i can tell though, you're repeating yourself a little too much in an attempt to make something seem like a bigger deal then it is.
The main point of your arguement seems to boil down to
>spoonfeeding is bad cause they don't get a chance to fail
>information is everywhere!! it better not like old net
All of these i have a issue with.
Firstly, i didn't spoonfeed.
He asked a question and i gave him an outline of things and terms to look up. with some small tips like using eix instead of emerge --search
But for the most part, when i mentioned something like Setting VIDEO_CARDS in make.conf, i didn't say "now go put this line here in this FULLPATH. I simple said, you may want to do this.
Which obviously set him into motion to look for things listed under XORG and MESA.
Some other things like "tips" were not largely documented, like when i said to change the INDEX of the loaded audio module, didn't ass to tell all the small details of everything, i just said that hdmi is loaded first and you'll want to change that, because the alternative would be using gayass pulseaudio shit.
Is this spoonfeeding? To name alternatives and point someone in the direction where they can learn?
No, it is not. I didn't make a full writeup tutorial on "how to do thing" i just said "thing".
Secondly, if you were to look up "thing" you'll probably just find a thousand pages of "HOW TO DO THING (NOT CLICKBAIT) (WORKS) (FIXED)" which i argue is actually fucking worse.
Which is where the second problem to your argument.
>this isn't the dark age before universities and search engine
Have you literally ever used a search engine to look up a thing you weren't 100% intouch with the termonolgy of? You often get jack shit in terms of results because everything is bogged down by post modernist content farms that will spew the most bullshit of advice in exchange for clicks, doesn't matter if it actually works or not. Either that, or you get tens of dozens of pages full of shit for old and obsolete advice.
If you looked up now "get x to work on linux" where "x" is your specified program or game, you'll either get nothing, or someone from playonlinux or the fucking linux mint fourms telling you to install some shit that actually doesn't fucking work.
I'll never understand how debianfags can cope with this
The internet is largely composed of Aldous Huxley nightmare fuel. Lots of trivial shit which fucks up the legit shit.
Do you honestly think someone would fucking ask a obscure literally fuck ass no where imageboard (that has even less traffic then 8kunt) for fucking advice on something they could've figured out with a search engine? Porbably fucking not.
As seen from the replies of the good fellow i "spoonfeeded" He is legit taking things into his own hands, following the handbook (lol more like spoonfeedbook)
The real reason he's asking questions is because 1) he just wants to discuss 2) legit actually can't find it
to someone who isn't well versed in everything gentoo it actually is rather difficult to get into, it requires a lot more knowledge on how things work, the gentoo wiki often has a lot of stubs with some good (but outdated) info on them, followed by lots of terms that your average user doesn't know from the start.
>y-you cheated him out of failing/learning
He's still going to fail anyway lol.. better to get his bareends before he turns into some shitty debianfag comic about why linux sux.
>your mentality is reddit
Go back to 8kunt.
Unnecessary discussion policing and bullshit conditioning into only talking about bland uninteresting shit is exactly what they do all the fucking time there.
I don't give a shit if you state me as being "reddit", i most certainly never fucking used that site in my life and i don't give a single shit for pointless bland circle jerks just to get some ecred in the Greek system.
> It was good because top power level users are engaging each other, not because it was a charity soup kitchen.
tbh i just had to look up what the fuck a "power level user" was.
Your claim is that users who shoe horn themselfs in normal conversation proping themselves up on a pedistal like their some authority figure on X are somehow related to a guy giving a small tip to a guy who asked a question in a thread specified for such questions?
You are off your rocker.
By that logic this entire fucking thread should be deleted, no one should attempt to have any discussions with anyone at all or help anyone ever because muh boogieman.
i find it funny that your entire argument cited a post that i made in the first place, lol
And by all means call this low quality posting on the same vain as /g/ cause clearly /g/ isn't full of niggercattle who can't post more then two fucking words at a time.