/ck/ - Food and Cooking

And brewing, steeping, grinding, sharpening, and so on.

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Cooking booze Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 20:05:09 No.118 [Reply]
Anyone know if Aldi's 3 buck Winking Owl is good enough for cooking?

Other two are what I was recommended by someone I know for cooking a pair of dishes. Needed a very dry white (which winking owl doesn't seem to cover) for capellini and needed brut champagne for a plum sauce.
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Why don't you buy a bottle and see if you like it? That's really what it comes down to, man.
I don't really drink.
Ask them for a bourbon very low in bitterness, also some of the shittier ones like Jack Danniels have a nasty chemical taste I would stay away from.
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This is the best cheap bourbon I've found. Make sure it's bottled in bond, not the black label trash.
I can't stand jim beam and/or jack daniels. Not sure which I tried, but I think both.
My favorite bourbon so far is Eagle Rare, but I've got something from Watershed right now that's real solid. I haven't gotten to try anything above ~$50/bottle because I can't justify the money rn.
I wouldn't use cheap bottle wine for cooking. You're paying more for the bottle than the wine and it airates quickly, pay the same price per liter for cask wine and you just get better cheap wine. People say not to cook with a wine you wouldn't drink- but then who drinks those wines? On the basis of cost you can get away with cheaper wine in most cases as long as it's not some awful fruity shit. From ALDI spanish reds are always good for cooking (bottle is fine), neutral sav blancs in a cask for seafood dishes, and sometimes regional wines are just cheaper for reasons. My head chef uses ALDI cask wine religiously because it's cheap and he has to deglaze a lot of meat Also for people not well versed in Asian cooking, Chinese cheft use xiouching rice wine in the same way the french do- it's only a few bucks a bottle and can't really be substituted in most Chinese dishes. Don't try to drink xiauching wine.

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Coffee autism Anonymous 08/25/2019 (Sun) 12:52:36 No.4 [Reply]
Post coffee.

I'll start.

My drink:
I've been drinking "dirty horchata" which is topped with a shot of cold brew concentrate. Dunkin Donuts beans. Recipe here: https://archive.li/4D4lA

My gear:
Chemex six-cup coffeemaker with bleached square filters
Baratza Encore conical burr grinder
iSi Gourmet 0.5 L cream whipper
AeroLatte milk frother
Edited last time by JEWS on 08/25/2019 (Sun) 16:28:52.
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>>643 The Day cannot come soon enough.
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>>643 >and just call them coffee beans What
>>653 Love her boobs <3
>>669 >Come on man, you can't be just going around adding coffee to everything. Wasn't my idea, but having tried it, I liked the combination. Does tiger nut horchata taste any different from rice horchata?

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Weird flours SoleNero 05/14/2020 (Thu) 18:24:08 No.760 [Reply]
HI everybody! I thought that opening a new thread about the weirdest kinds of flour you can get could be useful. I often see interesting things but I actually don't know how to use them. That pisses me off. Sooo, I'll start. Have you guys ever heard of amaranth? I got a pack of amaranth flour from a friend of mine, but I have no clue how to use it. Any tips? I am not SoleNero, I'm just reposting this so I can delete it from the coffee thread.
>>760 I am interested in baking "Brazilian cheese bread," which uses tapioca flour. Only thing that's been holding me back is my fickle oven. I've also been baking with rye flour, which is hardly unusual anymore because everyone wants to use it for sourdough starters.

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QTDDTOT- Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own THread Anonymous 11/21/2019 (Thu) 08:53:48 No.446 [Reply]
Good fish sauce to buy?
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What do I do with really salty pasta water? It seems like a waste to just pour it out and I'm running out of salt. >>739 Haven't tried this before but you could throw it into a food processor to turn it into a sort of flour then add water and make patties from it.
>>740 Make bread with it if it only has a couple teaspoons of salt, or make pasta with it. Just add flour and keep going.
>>739 Put in one or two tablespoons of olive or sesame oil with it when you cook it. I find it works best as a mixed dish when fried with eggs, sardines, mushrooms, or breakfast foods.
>>742 I don't have any flour, haven't been able to find any that aren't in huge bags that I won't be able to use up in a reasonable time frame.
>>739 Mix it with other things that you like, or cook it in a way that will get it to the texture you can tolerate better. Strong tasting ingredients and spices added to it will overpower the couscous flavor.

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Pickled Foods Anonymous 12/15/2019 (Sun) 14:37:26 No.513 [Reply]
I have a few jars of pickles in my fridge that have been there for many months now, two of them opened. I think the unopened ones are fine but are the opened ones(dill pickle and kimchi) alright? Also pickles thread.
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>>731 >Doesn't pickling specifically require an acid? Brining would tehnically be salting. When you pickle with just salt you get lactic acid fermentation, providing acidity. This is how all picking was done traditionally. Using vinegar for pickling only started with canning. Canning kills all bacteria instead of using it to your advantage as with fermented pickles. Vinegar is used instead of fermenting because it is more easily industrialized. Canning is used because it makes it completely shelf stable. Fermented pickles taste better, and don't have the harshness of the vinegar.
>>732 Neat. Genuinely didn't know that. >Fermented pickles taste better, and don't have the harshness of the vinegar. But I like the harshness.
>>734 >But I like the harshness. With fermented pickles you get a more complex taste from the fermentation. It is not that I dislike vinegar, but it is overpowering in pickles. Try making sauerkraut. You can make a small batch in a mason jar. All you need is cabbage and salt. It tastes completely different than the vinegar stuff.
>>735 >Try making sauerkraut. You can make a small batch in a mason jar. All you need is cabbage and salt. It tastes completely different than the vinegar stuff. I'll take a shot at it next time I actually have cabbage in. How long does it take to ferment and how careful do I need to be with keeping the jar clean beforehand? Also what salt to cabbage ratio? I know I could google a recipe but more often than not that'll just turn up hundreds of contradictory links.
>>736 >I'll take a shot at it next time I actually have cabbage in. How long does it take to ferment and how careful do I need to be with keeping the jar clean beforehand? Also what salt to cabbage ratio? I know I could google a recipe but more often than not that'll just turn up hundreds of contradictory links. How long you let it ferment depends on temperature, amount of salt, and personal preference. Keep tasting and see when you like it. Somewhere around 1-3 weeks for a jar sized batch. Put it in the fridge when you think it is ready. You don't need to be careful with cleaning the jar. I use 2% salt by weight. It is best that the salt does not have any additives.

3 ingredient challenge Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 19:33:45 No.268 [Reply]
You're allowed 3 ingredients, this includes herbs and spices. What's the most delicious thing you can make?

Salt, Pepper, Water and cooking oil don't count for ingredients.


>Cut Carrots and Potatoes into large chunks and boil for 20 minutes
>Pre-heat tray to 200
>Put thin coating of oil on tray
>Put Carrots, Tators and Onions (cut in half if large) on it
>Place in oven for 45-60 minutes
>Remove outer layer of onions

Super sweet and delicious roast vegetables. You will not find a better side dish on the planet. Cheap, delicious and roast onions are becoming a forgotten dish which blows people's minds in how good they are.
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If water, salt, and cooking oil don't count, I just need one ingredient: BEEF Cook it until it's done cooking, then add some salt. >>517 Sourdough starter is just flour and water, retard. >>565 Salt is nice to have.
>>577 I'm asking because we used to make something called "boilo" in college. It was oranges and sugar boiled in high proof whiskey. There was a technique to it that supposedly raises the proof that I forget now but we would drink it hot.
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>oil that's 4 op. But going by your standard, here's some roast chicken: 3-4lb chicken salt pepper preheat oven to 450 F with an oven safe skillet inside on the middle rack, I prefer cast iron. Pat your chicken dry with paper towels (helps the skin crisp) and rub with oil, then rub with liberal amounts of salt and pepper, chicken can take a lot. Tie the drumsticks together with cooking twine and tuck the wings underneath themselves (google this), these help the chicken cook evenly and fully. Place chicken breast side up in your skillet and cook for 30-35 min depending on your chicken's size, then turn the oven off and cook for another 30-35 min (35-40 for chickens larger than 4lb). Take the chicken out and let rest for 20min (otherwise juices will be unevenly distributed and chicken won't finish cooking fully) then carve and serve.
Without meat because anyone can make crispy pork belly barbecue and have two more free ingredients, or even a good steak. Shakshouka >Tomato >Egg >Onion >cut tomatoes in any way but make sure to remove seeds >heat a thick pan >saute onions with a liberal amount of palm or olive oil, depends how much onions you want in your dish >set aside excess fat >on the same pan, add lots of tomatoes and some salt, mix them and put to low heat with the lid on. wait until tomatoes are softened, thickened and dried out a bit >add some more oil and proceed to saute everything, add white+black pepper, high heat, splash some water to flambe until it's like a thick paste then add some water to tone it down. >proceed to bore with a laddle and put eggs over the bores, if you can't make bores you didn't have enough tomatoes or it's too runny >sprinkle some salt/pepper again over each egg cover and wait until the eggs are done.

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>steak >mango >mint Chop the mango into bite-size pieces, shred the mint, mix together. Grill the steak and serve with the mango.

Meme virus cooking Anonymous 03/19/2020 (Thu) 11:53:22 No.724 [Reply]
So what's your plan for cooking in full on zombie lockdown mode? PDF semi-related and from the giant mega full of cookbooks remove the two *s added to prevent botscraping or the link won't work https://mega.nz/#F!VrgHm*QTT!HEXDgmzB*WRgSt-_M4hZhiA!o2g3xKBJ
Meme virus calls for meme meals. So lots of hotpockets and tide pods.

Recipe thread Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 11:06:39 No.238 [Reply]
Upload any recipes you've made and enjoyed here. I look forward to trying out any recipes you upload anons, I hope you enjoy mine!
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I dont have any recipes i've made myself,but since this is a recipe thread i'll dump some recipes i found on mega. >swedish recipes I recommend pyttipanna,semlor,jansson's tempation,swedish meatballs,christmas ham,lussekatter We eat lussekatter,christmas ham and jansson's temptation almost exclusively at christmas in Sweden. https://mega.nz/#F!VrgHmQTT!HEXDgmzBWRgSt-_M4hZhiA!wr51iKBb There are tons of recipes on the mega,but i just thought i would share a recipe that i personally know is good. Lussekatter pic related.
>>696 Well,i said that i dont have any recipes i've made myself,but im planning to do lussekatter today and then show a pic of results.
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>>699 I made some lussekatter today. It tastes good. Almost like store bought ones. Had them in the oven for 6-7minutes. They were a bit dewy on the inside. Overall it was good.
>>696 >>699 >>703 Lussekatt is very "warming" I don't know how to describe it. I'd like to eat a freshly baked one on a snowy morning, but in the summer not so much.
>>696 Thanks for the archive anon! I will try it when flour isn't extremely hard to find thanks to the corona virus.

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Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 19:55:56 No.396 [Reply] [Last]
I can't stand it anymore /ck/, I'm sick of eating only fast food or precooked shit. That or easy to make things like mac n cheese or top ramen. I wanna make real food and save money, but where the fuck do I start? I know there is a plethora of information on cooking, but what would you recommend to someone who is a pleb at cooking? Where do I even begin?
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>>686 >That's plain bad luck or you don't fancy italian goodness. My family is from Italy. I've been eating plenty of their products since I was a kid. I don't like their soda. To be fair, I'm not a fan of soda anyway. But I was when I was a kid and still didn't like the Italian stuff. Pellegrino I always thought was OK. But that's popular here, anyway. >>687 Jarred sauce in America is awful. Even the "imported from Italy" stuff. I grow tomatoes and make it myself. But that's something everyone should be doing. I don't understand the concept of buying sauces that are easy enough to make in the kitchen. But, it really isn't as hard as you seem to think to find things without the corn syrup in them. Even in a supermarket. Also bakeries are more common than you think as well as European delis. What I was saying is that I bet pissed off anon who won't show his flag is one of those Slovakian assholes who goes around looking for things to bitch about.
>>688 You have a mutt flag and defend the US. That means whatever you say is automatically invalid and is just mutt gutter speak. >muh family is from Italy >I'm 1/48th Italian to go with my other nationalities that make up my mystery meat "heritage". Go grind yourself up into burgers for the other mutts to feed on, cunt.
>>689 Useless trolling. I'm pointing out your retardation more than defending anything.
>>689 >Go grind yourself up into burgers for the other mutts to feed on, cunt. Ausfag detected.
>>670 Corn is subsidized in the states so it's not too hard to believe. It makes HFC very cheap.

Anonymous 03/11/2020 (Wed) 15:56:28 No.690 [Reply]
Hey cu/ck/s, screw all this regular gay food bullshit. Let's talk about eating the most dangerous game. People of course! What are your favorite ways to kill, cook, and eat people?
For me, it's fava beans and a nice chianti.

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