/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

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Making money with AI and robowaifus Robowaifu Technician 11/30/2019 (Sat) 03:07:12 No.1642
The greatest challenge to building robowaifus is the sheer cost of building robots and training AI. We should start brainstorming ways we can leverage our abilities with AI to make money. Even training AI quickly requires expensive hardware and computer clusters. The faster we can increase our compute power, the more money we can make and the quicker we can be on our way to building our robowaifus. Art Generation Waifu Labs sells pillows and posters of the waifus it generates, although this has caused concern and criticism due to it sometimes generating copyrighted characters from not checking if generated characters match with training data. https://waifulabs.com/ Deepart.io provides neural style transfer services. Users can pay for expedited service and high resolution images. https://deepart.io/ PaintsChainer takes sketches and colours them automatically with some direction from the user, although it's not for profit it could be turned into a business with premium services. https://paintschainer.preferred.tech/index_en.html I work as an artist and have dabbled with training my own AIs that can take a sketch and generate many different thumbnails that I've used to finish paintings. I've also created an AI that can generate random original thumbnails from a training set. In the future when I have more compute power my goal is to create an AI that does the mundane finishing touches to my work which consumes over 80% of my time painting. Applying AI to art will have huge potential in entertainment and marketing for animation, games and virtual characters. Market Research The private-label product market is booming at the moment and is still expected to grow. AI could be used to analyze what is in supply and demand and automatically create popular products. It could read through millions of research papers and generate supplement formulations for specific health issues. Cryptocurrency Trading AI can be used to forecast prices via reading news articles, finding arbitrage opportunities by hopping through different markets, riding the spread of markets by simultaneously buying low and selling high to profit off the volume, and many other uses. I've had decent success with this but competition has become increasingly difficult to overcome with simple AI and small computing power. Cryptocurrency Escrows and Payment Services There's a huge untapped market for cryptocurrency escrows and payment services. People banned by Paypal without reason lack easy ways to safely transfer money online. Businesses wishing to sell adult content cannot do so through Paypal and other payment services, and payment services that do so charge extremely high credit card processing fees due to chargebacks. AI can be used in these services for detecting fraud and improving business reputation and marketing strategies. Fintech Fintech is an emerging industry that uses technology to improve activities in finance. A recent example of this in daily life is being able to take a photo of a check and deposit it via online banking using AI. Business Attractions Speecys is marketing its robots for business attraction and entertainment such as singers, dancers, attendants, working with musicians and plays, theme park mechanisms, character in movies, and mannequins. http://speecys.com/ Robowaifus could be used to greet guests or run a meido cafe once sufficiently advanced, like the automated restaurant in Beijing or Spyce. Interactive Virtual Assistants Obviously we don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a Speecys robot. However, a convincing virtual avatar with good speech synthesis and social skills could be put to use for customer support, helping customers find items in stores, and many other applications. Toys and Construction Kits Robotic toys, drones, RC cars and boats, UAVs, and robot construction kits are quite popular, easy to make and market. https://www.robotshop.com/en/robot-toys.html https://www.robotshop.com/en/robot-construction-kits.html >related thread: >>3119
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/14/2020 (Thu) 01:15:03.
step 1.make the waifu step 2.shove a dildo on her a mouth and she closes her mouth a makes sucking sounds step 3.??? step 4.profit!
>>28035 oh sorry meant eyes not mouth. Closes her eyes lol.
>>28035 Please restrain lewdness overdrive here to the vagoo thread Anon. We're a SFW engineering & design R&D board, not /b/. Kthx.
Guys i want you to step back and think for a second about this thing being open source. First. The fact that is open source means nobody is taking it seriously. They have business to attend to and robo waifu is for the most part cooler talk. Second. Look at the reprap. 99.9% of people doing 3d printing are not using a reprap. They're using derivatives of the reprap that makerbot profited on and then other people improved upon. I have no reason to believe robo waifu wouldn't be the same. Third. It is possible to sell this thing if we put our minds into it. I think this warrants a discussion...
>>28296 100% we should go closed-source on anything worthwhile and hide behind the following options. 1. Corporation.(good members are recruited as contractors and eventually shareholders.) 2. Religious organization. 3. secret society. (freemasons, illuminate, but for robo-poon?) The big problem is leakers and people just looking to get their hands on assets. But in reality this poster is correct about the single biggest glaring issue to a project like this. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/free_rider_problem.asp This is economically related but since you are creating valuable content the same is true.
>>28296 Well, at least it's in the right thread. That said, I think most of us already told you their view and arguments, maybe even more than once. I personally want this to be quite exactly like the 3D printing business, but with even fewer important patents, which are only running out soon or did recently. This whole space blew up because of the open source. DIY, hackers and tinkerers constant developing something, plus kits from countries with low wages and shipping costs, and some companies with more polished products. Then again, I think there will be differences, for example I think companies will have it much harder for legal, social and privacy reasons. >free_rider_problem The guys working on this learn how to build their own, and learn skills which can be used commercially. The real business opportunities are in finding some niches or temporary areas of profit close to the development of robowaifus e.g. "AI influencers", generally content production, using AI for other things, ...
>>28306 Yeah the free-rider problem is a real issue. Making open source/file downloads might be easier, then you have to deal with people stealing/using plans and claiming it as their own (eg I own a "Sovol" brand printer that uses a creality board). I attended a business lecture series a while ago, and it was explained that ofttimes this can be mitigated by just putting copyright notice on it: you don't actually have to file a copyright, you can just put a notice on to intimidate. Or as it was colloquially put "pretend to be an 800lb legal gorilla". If you have record of your copyright being in trade (eg someone purchasing your product) before the violator has, that is legal grounds for legal action. But again that would require money upfront for legal fees, and/or the promise of a big fat payout in the end. Can't do much against random anons being a jerk but most folks get intimidated by big walls of legalese anyway. This guy https://www.youbionic.com/newallrobots was selling plans/assembly instructions of his 2 ft robot for $5000. Oh excuse me they were on sale for $250. They're no longer available but I remember being struck by his audacity when I saw it. Selling pre-assembled waifus is more effort, but more folks are likely to buy because they don't have to build it and thenn you just gotta worry about maintenance or reverse-engineering (which most anons don't/cant do).
>>28304 So for those that one to work on the private parts pun intended. We should get on a private discord or something and then once its presentable it put it up on kickstarter.
Guys id like to let you know i made a shit token once and made some money from that. I did do sone stuff for it like being able to buy it with paypal(although that got canceled lol) now if obamasonichu10inu can he sold and funded. A robowaifu can be sold and funded.
>>28314 >Yeah the free-rider problem is a real issue. My argument was, that it isn't. >https://www.youbionic.com/newallrobots Oh, wow, I never saw this one anywhere!
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>>28338 >My argument was, that it isn't. Oops! :) But I have seen folks stealing free .stls and claiming them as their own. Which is not nice. >Oh, wow, I never saw this one anywhere! The hand is available for free at https://github.com/Youbionic-com/Youbionic/tree/master but you could also just pick up a prefab hand off amazon for $100 each if you're feeling lazy.
>>28341 Thanks, I think the project looks fascinating as a showcase. But it's not what I want.
We can't go into detail of how to make male equivalents of robowaifus or AI girlfriends for women, but I think it's good to mention that making money of lonely women might be something that can be used with the skills of somebody developing some AI elements for robowaifus: https://restofworld.org/2023/boyfriend-chatbot-ai-voiced-shutdown/
Not looking good for Startup Bros: https://youtu.be/1ecu0YsCGxg
>>29906 Rich people protect their assets by creating an LLC or other some such separate legal/financial entity to hold their assets, whereupon they then "rent" their assets from that company. In this manner, even if someone sues you personally, you still have your house, car, etc because it is owned by a separate legal entity. A simple example would be Elon Musk eating at his own company's cafeteria. Sounds like an excellent workaround would be to make 2 companies: your main company does the marketing stuff, which then contracts R&D from your second company.
Are there any CAD Designers or Mechanical Engineers in this catalog who are seeking employment? I have a legitimate job opportunity for you. You must know Onshape though.
>>32274 Chobitsu, is there a more appropriate thread to ask this question in?
>>32276 Hmm. We already have a couple of business-oriented threads here. OTOH, I know some Anons would like the opportunity to earn money/experience professionally in robowaifu-oriented work already. OTOOH, as any oldfag can tell you, you shouldn't trust anything on teh Internets! :D Actually, I think I'm going to pin this thread for a while in hopes the community here will speak up on the basic idea of a 'Robowaifu Jobs Board' thread. After all, many of us want to start our own businesses eventually. I myself plan to do so, and would want to work with Anons I already know from here on /robowaifu/ once that's feasible. >tl;dr Ideas, /robowaifu/ ? How should we coordinate working professionally together? Cheers, Anons. :^) --- note: for OP, if we decide to leave this thread up, be prepared for Kiwi and I to edit your OP's text to generalize the future context for the thread moving forward. Your OP pic would remain in that case. >=== -add 'note' msg -fmt, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/17/2024 (Wed) 03:37:30.
Why would you look in particular for somebody on this board?
>>32277 >OTOOH, as any oldfag can tell you, you shouldn't trust anything on teh Internets! :D This is for the company called "Realbotix" (realdoll, Abyss creations) https://www.realbotix.ai/ >>32286 >Why would you look in particular for somebody on this board? Great Question. Ive posted here before and you could say that im looking out for my fellow robowaifu anons. You guys get first dibs. The most important factor that a robowaifu anon could bring to the table is their mindset and vision about the sexbot endeavor we hold dearly that clearly shows through the various threads that populate this catalog, let alone the creation of this website to begin with. We need someone who is comfortable (preferably passionate) about the subject matter of Adult entertainment which I believe is abundant here.
Anyone interested?
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>>32306 >>32289 Looking through the pages about the executive commitee and the board of directors, I'm seeing a whole lot of entrepeneurs with varying levels of experience in the finance sector, but not much else. There's also a whole bunch of references to the metaverse, crypto, and some for NFTs (read: volatile and unpredictable markets). While I'm sure the people running things are experienced enough to make money off of that, it raises ideological concerns, and this is a very ideologically driven community. Is there really any long-term thinking coming from the top brass regarding the dissemination and viability of waifubots, or is it just another step to corporate-controlled AI? While my perspective may be a bit jaded, it's looking more like the latter than the former. That was just the first impressions, though. A basic lookover of the website. Regarding the content: while I haven't taken the time to watch any of the videos (they just looked like standard corporate meme-fests, based on the thumbnails and titles), I have thoroughly scanned the investor presentation and looked through the "news" portion. Again: there's no long-term strategy for waifubots. While there were references to the medical sector, which is good, there weren't any real details regarding disseminating that technology to the point of widespread adoption even in that setting. The healthcare sector is very profitable, but only if you know how to navigate the extremely complex system it's built around. As far as waifubots are concerned, their main strategy seems to just be "make them more realistic", and not much else. While I can understand that they don't exactly know how a brand-new market is going to evolve, and I understand that one needs to confidently speak nonsense to navigate the corporate world, it still doesn't inspire much confidence. There's also the consideration of price. The investor presentation says that the cost ranges from $25k to $200k. This matters because they're missing the mark on the real billion-dollar idea: selling cost-effective waifus to working-class young jaded men. I think I speak for most everyone in this demographic when I say that I'd much rather put money like that to making a down-payment on a house than giving it to some randos in silicon valley for a product which uses trade-secret technology that may very well be defunct in a few years. If said waifu was only a couple thousand dollars, though? Sign me the fuck up. This all wraps back to the ideological motivations of the people on this board. While we don't all entirely agree on which politcal or economical system is the best, and we don't all share the same religion, we all agree that every man should be able to have a waifu, and that a healthy waifu market needs cost-effective waifus with industry-standard parts. Furthermore, that said waifus must be untethered from the corporate elite. Or in other words: from each man according to his ability, to each man a waifu to fulfill his needs. The TL;DR: Based on what I've seen, I'm not getting good vibes from that company. I don't want to spit on your goodwill, anon. I'm sure you mean well, but the leadership concerns me.
>>32308 >and this is a very ideologically driven community. This >This matters because they're missing the mark on the real billion-dollar idea: selling cost-effective waifus to working-class young jaded men. THIS >If said waifu was only a couple thousand dollars, though? Sign me the fuck up. THIS >Furthermore, that said waifus must be untethered from the corporate elite. THIS
>>32306 Thanks for your interest, but I think we aren't that many here (who knows). Those who have some skills, want to work on free hardware and software designs. Also, I never saw anyone here using Onshape.
>>32308 Don't forget the 60% profit margin: so the $25k starting model has production cost of $15k, and given there are 3d printed parts I think that is inflated (need to include costs for massive facilities and all the staff). The most successful startups are lean, because when you can't solve the problem by throwing money at it you actually have to come up with a solution to solve the problem.
>>32308 > I understand that one needs to confidently speak nonsense to navigate the corporate world, it still doesn't inspire much confidence. Covertly speak nonsense to navigate the corporate world anon... We knew this. This is why we are simply providing "robots". Lets just say that no one wants to invest in a waifu based/themed company. However, if the person whose interested in purchasing a robot wants to then make it a "sexbot", then we will fulfill that command. Catch my drift?...
>update: OP, I'm going to go ahead an unpin/lock this thread. If I were to judge the lackluster response to your offer, I'd say that we're not really a 'sexbot' community here. It's an Anon thing, and money-making isn't a high priority here. But I want to allow you a little time to hopefully see this message before merging it into one one of our business-oriented threads before long.
>>32274 If you just want to break into the booming robotics field Anon, then why not do something like this for now instead? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jul/20/robot-weedkillers-pesticides Many's the time I've thought of all the other duties that robowaifus could perform (perimeter surveillance, grounds keeping, gardening, home repair, etc., etc.) But the simple fact is that devising sci-fi grade robowaifus is arguably the single most-complex human endeavor ever undertaken in history. Period. So, using purpose-built droids for such work will be much easier to design and optimize for (in costs, materials, power, etc.) than general-purpose humanoid robots ever will be. >tl;dr Do the simple things first, bro! Cheers. :^) >=== -sp, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/26/2024 (Fri) 04:03:11.
>>32289 >realbotix Do you guys have a viable product? Last I heard of Harmony X was in 2018. After that, I've never even seen a working model. The Harmony Brick DOllbanger has was very crude. Haven't you guys made any improvements in the pproduct since then? Is Harmony X still just a talking head?
>>32363 To an outsider it appears there is a desire for just sexbots, but a closer examination (perhaps even calling it a "deep dive") that doesn't seem particularly true: Somewhere in chobits hideki says something like: "I don't wanna clang Chi because I want to love the robot, I love the robot so I want to clang." A "waifu" is typically an emotional connection first and foremost, and the clanging is the ultimate expression of the deep emotional connection. There's lots of lonely anons out there who desire companionship first (we can see this in the plethora of greentexts about anons being friend zoned), wishing for the ultimate expression of their companionship to be intercourse. Any company (or maker) failing to take this into account will (likely) be stuck with mediocrity.
>>32387 Yes. Since men all desire just one thing, and it's disgusting >insert picture of mountain cabin in the woods, loving wife, happy family, etc..., and the Globohomo have effectively robbed the average man of such simple pleasures (by rotting """modern""" women's minds with their satanic lies, according to their father's will in the matter), then he'll seek satisfaction elsewhere. For Anon, this largely entails creating robowaifus + turning away from 3DPD. It's a much, much deeper topic than even this entire board could cover, but those are a couple of the highlights. >Any company (or maker) failing to take this into account will (likely) be stuck with mediocrity. This. >"If you build the waifus, Anons will come." :^)
This is a good question. Nobody wants to fund the robowaifus. Maybe even if it was finished for ideological reasons.
>>32289 >>32306 >>32341 If you are still around, I am someone with the skills and curiosity. I'm an embedded systems engineer who now works in crypto for a day job. However, I saw through the marketing terms and got a similar impression to >>32308 . Your site is tailored for magazine blurbs and is not giving much information for enthusiasts. I dipped into your Robots external link and it is a quickly made wordpress site. I don't mean this rudely, but your robots seem to be mechanical busts of substandard sex dolls. In another community, dedicated to love dolls, we recognize that Taiwanese factories are producing better sculpts than what you have there. On the technical side, are you using a fully custom OS? How locked down is it? Do you have more details besides "robust processor"? Perhaps your presentation is just out-dated. If so, it needs to shift to a more technical focus to attract the people who want to make waifus.
id like to hear some reasons on what the advantage of making the maidbot opensource are. i say maidbot because apparently sex bot is off limits around here. if its to be made opensource it should be gpl if its to be made for profit itd be however much harder. i dont see selling individual unlicensed kits as viable. even with the gpl only the us might respect that license and might.
>>33970 heres something else i thought of. why do we consider making a maidbot more doable than making an indistrual machine? say we wanted make a machine that makes 3d filaments or making springs or paper clips? a welding bot too but for some reason i can see myself selling paperclips, 3d filament or springs. i cant see myself selling welding bots...
making a waifubot is not immediately profitable. it cost money and be better off to be done with a paid team. im thinking of shifting focus towards making a videogame i think. Once the money is made then the robot waifu can be made properly.
>>35268 Yeah, it's kind of a 'Chicken & Egg' problem at this stage of history, peteblank. >just like, mek gaem Neat! Good luck with your project, Anon! I hope you'll keep us here up to date on it, given our board context/rules/etc. Cheers. :^)
>>35268 Is making a robot wife about profit?
>>35276 A robot wife was never possible. Only a robot sex doll that can kind of move. robot wife is version 3 and even then i wouldnt encourage it but thats just me.
>>35277 >A robot wife was never possible. (((Sweeping))) generalization. I've warned you about niggerpilling here before, peteblank. Find another spot to attempt dumping your angst on others, kthx. <---> If you can't find the encouragement you need here on /robowaifu/ of all places to continue on your quest, then maybe you should take a breather from all this for a while, Anon? We'll still be here when you get back. Cheers. :^)
>>35278 Pete don't even know what a "waifu" is but thinks he an expert lmao.
>>35277 >>making a waifubot is not immediately profitable >A robot wife was never possible I wouldn't be so sure. I've been steadily gathering tools and materials and scoping out the cost to do so. Heavily focused on low cost and I think it VERY possible to make one for $3,000. Maybe possible for $2,000. I would say the only unknown is the AI. I think, though I really can't prove it, that a limited AI with say 16b, whatever that means, like PC level compute "might" be able to to do a fairly good amount of stuff. Like tell it to go here, go there. With a big terabyte SSD and swapping out task I think it likely it could follow you around and do some stuff you want. I don't know how to do this. To put it together. But I do know a ESP32 microcontroller can do face recognition. I know a PC can do voice recognition and I do not find it impossible that with voice recognition you could not get it to follow commands. I don't think the movement/coordination part would require much compute. I bet a couple ESP32 level would be enough for it to navigate. The real crunch, a black hole for me, is can it with a limited AI take commands and turn that into actions that are not retarded? I don't know about that. It seems like a lot of the pieces are present but they are just not put together. One of the problems is all these AI's are trained on these huge vast data sets but what we need is far smaller, but these data sets do not exist in an ordered fashion, nor has anyone trained an AI with them. No focus. Someone wrote about "control vectors" which, if I understand correctly, makes neural pathways in the AI that conforms to your wishes. I think if you could write a program that writes these for you, with verbal command, then you could slowly train the robowaifu with a huge mass of control vectors.
>>35288 peteblank has come a long way since joining us here. I wish him & every'non here good luck with their efforts! We're all in this together. >>35296 Not only is it possible, but we here will all live to see it begin to come alive! It's simply a matter of time.
>>35296 the ai is mostly important as far as object recognition. The movements still have to be algorithms because there is no data on robot movements other than the roomba and lidar i think. Another thing that could be done is mocap and train the robot to move with the mocap movements. Usually youd use those ping pong ball suits but mocap can be done with a camera too. So yes coding the mocap to movemrnt pipeline. Theres the blank slate robot idea but thats is far out there. Happy 2025 everyone. Celebrating my 100th OS reinstall...
>>35433 well theres also the reinforced learning via simulation. it all goes back to the simulation. i think you can use nvidia isaac with open ai gym but im not sure. awfully quiet around here...
>>35433 Happy New Year, peteblank.
>>35434 good news everyone i just came across this https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/isaac-gr00t-blueprint-humanoid-robotics/ if there us to be collaboration i strongly urge everyone to download nvidia issac and start learning about it... now
Plenty of ways to make money. Anyone know of a place to buy the Emmy the Robot outfit? I really don't want to have to learn to sew too, but I will if I have to. Already know the basics lol
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>>35463 Was joking sorta but here's an Emmy outfit. As you can see, they never quite fit. Roboclothes could become a niche product since even the Kardashians are trying to capitalize probably. Plenty of other options though. I'd charge $100/hr for her if you clean up, and $200 if I have to clean. Cleaning is just moving to cleaning table, insert cleaning wand and turn on. Easy money.
> (AI money-making opportunity -related : >>36470 )

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