/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

ROBOWAIFU U Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 05:52:02 No.235
In this thread post links to books, videos, MOOCs, tutorials, forums, and general learning resources about creating robots (particularly humanoid robots), writing AI or other robotics related software, design or art software, electronics, makerspace training stuff or just about anything that's specifically an educational resource and also useful for anons learning how to build their own robowaifus. >tl;dr ITT we mek /robowaifu/ school.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/11/2020 (Mon) 21:31:04.
>just dropping this here for us, since neither seem to be present ITT yet? https://functionalcs.github.io/curriculum/ https://teachyourselfcs.com/ https://www.mooc.fi/en/ (pozz-warning, but much good stuff as well)
>(>>16124, related crosspost)
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So I think the time has finally come at last. I hope for the fortitude of soul to finally pursue maths. As a repeat High School dropout they kept putting me back in anyway lol, I absolutely loathed (and do even moreso today) the modern public """education""" systems. So I felt at the time my decisions were well-merited. Heh. So, fast-forward to today and I barely know how to add 2+2 haha. :^) Missing out on the basics of algebra, trig, geometry, pre-calc, calc, stats, etc., is proving a big hindrance to my progress today for us with robowaifus. Even though I'm now an adult man, I think I can still pick it up. The challenge is making the time to study on top of my already-overflowing plate, and the AFK pressures of keeping body & soul connected together. >tl;dr I'm starting with Euler's, wish me luck Anons! > >P.S. Feel free to pester me once a year -- say, during Summers -- to know how this little project is going. Sharp pointy-sticks can be a good thing after all. :^)
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>>16302 I know that feel. I also dropped out and ended up math illiterate. I feel like the only useful subjects in school were Phys. Ed. and Math. Even the ones that sound useful on paper like Philosophy weren't useful, at least as far as what school taught of them goes. A system that wastes entire childhoods has got to be the most evil idea ever.
>>16302 I know it hasn't been a year yet, but how's it going? >Elements of Algebra If you can start without knowing the basics of algebra and end up understanding that book, then you have some serious potential. A lot of higher mathematics mostly requires a ton of tenacity and creativity trying to understand what people much further ahead than you are trying to explain. Usually our education system doesn't force students to go through that unless they've chosen to get a degree in mathematics. Elements of Algebra looks like it was written in the same tradition. It reads like it's meant for highly educated and highly dedicated people, just ones that haven't studied much math. If you get stuck, don't feel like it's cheating to look up other material or ask for help. The goal is not to get through the material on your own. The goal is to develop the right intuition so that the language of math becomes second nature, and all is fair in that pursuit. Do bang your head against some problems until you figure them out, because it's good to prevent yourself from getting lazy about exercising your brain, but don't do it for every single problem you encounter, since that will slow you down too much.
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How to Get Started with Animatronics – Thought Process, Workflow, Resources and Skills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VzQshnrvN0 Will Cogley is knowledgeable with a legit ME degree. He doesn't sound like a faggot, and therefore isn't highly off-putting to listen to. He's creative and skilled, and he's accomplished in areas pertinent to robowaifu developement. I'd recommend you subscribe to his channel.
>>18698 Good idea, be he isn't new to the board. We followed his videos one or two years ago. I think he stopped at some point. One big problem is to keep in mind which video or channel covered what kind of topic. I think his moth mechanism was interesting, or how he approached speaking syllables or such. Also, his work on hands was interesting. However, problem with the common animatronics is, that they are not water proof. Especially in regards to the eye mechanism. Still a good way to get a grip on what challenges we have to go through.
>>16302 >>17436 If anyone wants a math tutor I could fill the role. I have an engineering degree and one of my minors is in math. Besides tutoring will help me keep my math skills sharp. @ribozyme:matrix.org is the best way to reach me. I might make a group depending on how many people are interested.
If anyone has some resources on material science that would be greatly appreciated.
>>18705 Thank you Ribose. I may take you up on it, since preserving my inanities over learning maths is hardly important to our community here. Please allow me some time to sort my current work/school schedules out.
>>18705 Thanks again Ribose. So what would be a good study guide for a very smart adult, but one who has 'formal' maths training only through about 9th grade, say pre-Algebra? OTOH, I've already written high-performance software that does sophisticated integrations in 2D & 3D space in professional studio environment settings. My 3D visualizaition and imagination skills are generally quite strong, but I have basically little-to-no technical training beyond self-taught efforts (apart from animation). So yeah, I'm a bit of a weird mix for maths, Ribose! :^) >=== -minor prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/29/2023 (Sun) 15:05:35.
>>19263 I recommend khan academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra You can also use wolframalpha to work problems for you if you get stuck. The website shows work and everything.
>>19317 Thanks Anon, I'd looked into it in the past maybe it's time to look back into it again. Cheers.
Crosslink: >>18306 (Getting started with AI / DL ...)
Found this book to be a good introduction to robotics. Plus, guys look up the "A Manga Guide to -" series of mangas. A good intro to any maths or science field you're just entering.
Some nice scholarly robotics pages. https://scaron.info/robotics/
>>21404 Wow, these are great. Thanks!
An interesting class if you're curious about animation. https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/pixar
Stanford CS Library http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/
>>24224 Someone preserved the Blinky video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i49_SNt4yfk
> ( NN / LLM training-related : >>26817, ...)
Learn yourself some magnet physics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI_HFnNTfyU
New Mind is a great place to start to catch up on engineering concepts. https://www.youtube.com/@NewMind
Is uploading pdfs banned now? I'm trying to upload some books on robotics but it says connection failed everytime.
>>30563 I don't think so, how big are the files? There's an upper limit. It worked a few days ago.
>>30566 what is the upper limit?
>>30568 I think 20MB.
>>30569 oh that explains it. these books are pretty big at 80+ MBs
>>30569 oh that explains it. these books are pretty big at 80+ MBs
>>30575 You can upload them at catbox.moe and link here. Or make a MEGA account, but they would probably need to be encrypted or something to avoid their copyright scanners. Maybe don't use the same account you want to keep for other use cases, idk.
>>30896 missing the most useful part, newtons method for solving roots and way simpler to understand convergence this example made no sense like wtf man just draw the stupid ball on a curve and anyone will get it
>>30902 Do you know of any animations showing this method in a simplified way Anon? I can't read formulas very well yet, but I can folllow concepts if they are animated well.
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>>30903 its like you would expect, the closer you get to zero the smaller your delta gets so if you just take a guess and keep adding the change to your answer eventually you will just stop moving which is your root
>>30905 Ahh, got it. Thanks kindly, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>30907 its also really simple to program if you want to play around with it, its how sqrt() is done when the cpu doesnt have a math chip void main() { float guess = 13; float ans = guess; // newtons method formula = x - f(x)/`f(x) // using f(x)= 3x^3 + 5x^2 - 3x - 2 // `f(x)= 9x^2 + 10x - 3 for ( int i=0; i<50; i++ ) { float fx = 3*(ans*ans*ans) + 5*(ans*ans) - 3*ans - 2; float dfx = 9*(ans*ans) + 18*ans - 3; float guess = ans - (fx / dfx); if ( guess == ans ) break; ans = guess; printf( "i=%d \t x=%f \n", i, ans ); } printf( "final answer = %f \n", ans ); } you only get a root though like this function has 3 but you have to play with the initial guess to get them otherwise you just get which evers closest, fun stuff
>>30908 Neat! I assume you'd add some type of Epsilon test (line #14) in for a working example, Anon? --- >also: I notice that the formula you reference in the comments (line #8), seems to be different than the code example (line #12) ? >note: for my line numbers, I'm using my own (re)formatted version of your code example. cf: https://trashchan.xyz/robowaifu/thread/26.html#27 >=== -add image hotlink -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/14/2024 (Sun) 13:40:02.
>>30909 meant to be 10*ans not 18*ans my bad, good mistake to see how the method works though since you still center in one of the roots even though the derivative is wrong it just takes more iterations lots of things you can do to make it better of course just wanted to keep it simple
>>30910 Ahh, thanks. It's rather nice that the eminent Newton devised such a computationally-simple approach to this need. I'm sure with modern superscalar architectures, the solution would converge in very few clocks. Cheers. :^)
By far the best explanation of Quaternions I've ever seen. Based Anon-produced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKd2lPjl92c
>>32792 It is a shame he doesn't have a social media presence... from what I can tell the last anyone has heard of him is a 2016 documentary (I'll be glad to be proven wrong, though). Maybe too many trolls emailed him saying "robosapien suxxx lmao" or something.
>>33266 You're right, Mechnomancer. Mark Tilden really is a kind of genius IMHO. I sure hope he'd approve of our push to create life-sized robowaifus that go so far beyond his own, foundational, works. I think he would! :^)
Complex systems are best built using an incremental approach, assembled together from small, reliable parts. This author has made important theoretical contributions for this approach to systems construction. >John Gall - Systemantics: How Systems Work and Especially How They Fail https://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=27116A9E0EBB855AE580D3D7DB3238DE >John Gall - The systems bible: the beginner's guide to systems large and small: being the third edition of Systemantics https://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=69111DA8D35908A7B774863430AFB6C1
>>33550 >“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.” >related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gall_(author)#Gall's_law https://blog.prototypr.io/galls-law-93c8ef8b651e https://nordicapis.com/what-is-galls-law-and-how-could-it-direct-api-design/ http://principles-wiki.net/principles:gall_s_law
Linguistics-focused wiki -- a topic of clear importance to us here on /robowaifu/ . http://glottopedia.org/index.php/Main_Page
> education-related : ( >>33905 )
Hundreds of different technical videos related to robotics engineering topics. >Medical robotics research laboratory at Carleton University - Laboratoire de recherche en robotique médicale chez Univeristé Carleton https://www.youtube.com/@biomechlab/playlists
I made a learning website before; this may help with learning programming for beginners. The programming lessons are in the "IT Computer Certification" section https://greertechuniversity.neocities.org/prolearn

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