/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruitment Robowaifu Technician 05/07/2020 (Thu) 05:39:42 No.2705
Attention drawfags and writefags! Your skills will be needed. The task of building and designing a robowaifu is a herculean quest. As great as this community is, /robowaifu/ simply does not have the manpower to real our goal of DIY robowaifus. Luckily for us there are several communities on the internet that we could find new recruits or allies to help us build our waifus: MGTOW - These guys know all about the legal pitfalls of marriage and the dangers of feminism. There is already a lot of talk about sex robots in MGTOW communities. It shouldn't be a hard sell to get them to come here. Incels - Guys that can't get laid. The opportunity for love and companionship should be enough to bring some of these guys over. We need to be careful when recruiting from some of their communities. We don't want to attract negative attention. Monster girls/furry/mlp fandoms - The only way these guys are going to be able to have their harpy/elf/goblin/anthro/pony/whatever gf is with a robowaifu. They have an interest in seeing us succeed. Again we need to be careful here not to attract the wrong kind of people that will bring us the wrong kind of attention. Male STEM students - Generally these guys aren't going to get laid until after they have established themselves. A robowaifu could really help them. This may be a harder sell because many of them have been brainwashed in university, but they have skills that we could really use. Transhumanists/biohackers - Many of the technologies involved in building a robowaifu could be used in transhumanist or biohacking applications such as building an avatar. They may have some interest in helping us out. We will need to be careful which transhumanist communities we go after as many of them are full of feminism, tumblr tier sexualities and genders, and SJW's. Cyberpunks and technophiles - These guys (and they are usually guys) are all around into technology and may just enjoy working on the kinds of projects we need to do. They are often into programming and AI.
>>30113 >>30129 if you actually read the posts you'd know that doesn't work because >>30158
>>2705 so do we have any actual engineers/scientists/eccentric billionaires in here, or are we all just losers and neets
>>29976 girl in picrel is cute enough to not have any real trouble finding a bf, so either she's super picky or has problems
Bringing in mainly /pol/ and manosphere types sure sounds like a great way to go nowhere to a snail pace at best due to their tendencies to derailing everything into identity political rants and other ramblings and driving away everyone else that would have been interested. I personally wouldn't trust any right-libertarian types. They are the kind of people that like to hijack open hardware and open source projects trying to make them proprietary and profit off of them in vapourware scams.
>>30164 well I'm currently pursuing an EE degree ith a focus on AI and robotics, and I'm just an eccentric retard
>>30164 I did 1 semester of engineering, got bored and graduated with an art degree since you can get away with anything as an artist :D >>30165 Neon hair = problems >>30166 Yeah, I hate the type of folks that try to hype up their products into something they're not or do an about-face on it (like turning opensource to closed). Once I get Spuds code complete I will release it for free: cuz the code is like 90% stitching copypasta together. The 3d printed files tho... they will be the cost of like a raspberry pi or something (if you can't afford a raspberry pi you definitely afford to build a physical robowaifu). Prebuilt SPUDs? I dunno I'd have to do a complete parts manifest and draw up the costs.
have we gotten as far as designing schematics and stuff yet, or is this still in the conceptualization/theoretical planning stage
>>30184 idk about everyone else but Spud is well underway here >>26306
>>30164 civ eng, my company is just a busy body bullying companies into complying with the eurocodes
man, imagine the day that big tech jumps on this trend. browsing this board reminds me of a video i saw about "Star VR", where vr was the niche interest of a few hobbyists before big tech picked up on it and fleshed it out a ton
>>30165 it's a stock photo
>>30198 Man! Just imagine the day when /robowaifu/ and other cadres of motivated Anons beats the Globohomo Big-Tech/Gov to the punch, and delivers opensauce, 100% disconnected, loving & capable robowaifus FIRST -- well-before the highly-compromised, so-called 'companionship' surveillance robot market of theirs happens. What a day that will be, huh? :DD --- Hello Anon, welcome! If I haven't already I invite you to explore the board thoroughly and see if anything sparks your interests. If you find something, feel free to ask around... we're generally a pretty helpful bunch here. Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 14:42:04.
>>30208 It isnt inherently because a tech company is big. Multiple small tech company in one country can out price tech companies in other countries in some cases too effectively limiting variety. They also can act as a virtual monopoly by agreeing to work together to crush certain competitors and competing ideas It is just bigger companies have an easier time achieving that. So the root is the tech industry being part of the system of competition instead of collaborative effort and the money access limitations of the people who need or want something the most. This alters what tech is available at any point or any product or service in general. So more of a FOSS vs proprietary like situation. On that note one could actually advertise the board outside just the internet if there is any interesting places around you. Actually the kind of people that were not mentioned yet to bring in are cosplay makers. Some are good at making things. Though that may be a bit soon for that since those are more finishing aesthetic touches.
>>30204 that's what i thought at first, but the caption indicates otherwise
>>30208 >beats the globohomo i admire and share your enthusiasm, but i don't see it happening. unless the right opportunity appears at the right time. the globohomo have the power they do bc they have resources and connections. a bunch of neets and losers don't but that won't stop any of us from trying, so godspeed regardless
>>30209 >cosplay makers don't those types usually tend to be leftists? as in, they wouldn't appreciate the borderline incel/misogynist energy of this place
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>>30209 Fair enough, but you're neglecting the obvious machinations of the globalist cabal of evildoers specifically manipulating everything around us through their Central Banks, ie, the Globohomo. If they've already managed to successfully create/conduct two major-disaster Brother Wars towards the destruction of The Western Tradition, then they are quite smug (indeed, entirely filled with hubris) regarding manipulating little things like tech advances! Heh, but God will laugh them all to derision. They've stuck their necks out too far during Current Year, and they are no longer 'riding the tiger' now... they are soon to be eaten by it! :DD >>30213 Thanks bro! 'Every little helps', or so they tell me. Point taken, but quite frankly there are literally thousands and thousands of Henry Fords, and Wright Brothers loose in the world today (with FAR more information available to us than those luminaries ever had)... much-too-much for our common enemies to ever stop this snowball dawn of the coming Robowaifu Age. >tl;dr TPTB cannot stop this. Their every effort will simply amplify our eventual victory over all this in the end! Cheers. :^) >>30214 Fair point, Anon. OTOH, confer this : (>>30215) . I think it's a good idea, personally. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 22:21:41.
>>30216 i heard prohibition started because the ford engines ran on alcohol, this was before gas stations existed so you would just pour liquor into the tank, then one day cohencidentally alcohol was outlawed
>>30217 Interesting. Could be. Certainly the """Dodge Brothers""" attempted much evil against the great Henry Ford and his bellwether third company FoMoCo -- crippling the company, usurping it's authority, and harming the clear benefits he had brought to his devoted working-class employees. Also, during the same general era the GH brought a great evil into the world with the passge of the 19th Ammendment in the US (with other European-based countries quickly following suit). IIRC they used the (now well-established by the 1930's) screeching feminist harpies as the 'frontmen' to justify instituting the illegalization of alcohol production/consumption in the US. Didn't last long lol, and also indirectly led to the creation of the based Appalachian drivers known today as NASCAR Racing. :D >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/09/2024 (Sat) 02:10:34.
>>30214 Id say cosplay makers are more likely apolitical in the most numbers. Who says you have to be a misogynist to be lonely? Though yeah, this is why things like this have been said >>30166 that too much cringe here filling the board will push out a lot of people. >>30216 Globalism is not really an ideology as much as it is the end result of how global economics work. The 10 richest people in the world are in order Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin and none are bankers most are tech company owners. The richest banker in the world looking it up apparently is a Brazilian named Jorge Paulo Lemann net worth around $30 billion. Actually most bankers are only millionaires at most there is just a handful of billionaires. What bankers influence is just based off their interest of who they can make loans out to and get a return profit which does influence economy of other countries but they tend to only be motivated by money otherwise they wouldnt stay as an investment banker for long.
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>>30219 >Globalism is not really an ideology as much as it is the end result of how global economics work. Not really. It's clearly both, and it's far more insidious than what appears on the surface level. Clearly the Jewish Rothschilds family began the modern version of Globohomoism starting back in the 1700s. But the Biblical evidence is clear that Satan has manipulated nations through all history to lead up to -- and prepare the way for -- his #1 golem known as the Antichrist. >tl;dr We currently live in an era which Angels themselves have earnestly longed for... What a time to be alive!! :D --- My apologies anons. I myself am guilty of driving this thread off-course. I'm going to temporarily lock this thread to help prevent further derailment in the short term. If Anons want to continue these offtopic convos, please do so in the current /meta or +/pol threads. Thanks. >=== -add memo
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/09/2024 (Sat) 01:45:30.
>https://boards.4chan.org/sci/thread/16066666 This thread should be interesting, since /sci/ has a much lower concentration of retards and schizos compared to /pol/ or /g/. This got me thinking, should we make threads on /sci/? Its a much slower board, where threads, even dead ones stay on for days or even weeks on end. Plus, we can have (relatively) more intelligent conversations compared to /g/ or /pol/. Which means our robowaifu thread, even if it doesn't get many replies outright won't fall off page 10.
>>30235 I've only steered clear of /sci/ and other boards asides /pol/ because I'm not sure how pozzed the jannies are on those other boards. However, that thread is making me reconsider. I'll see how it fares over the coming days and if it stays up then I give my blessing for not just hopping into preexisting discussions on /sci/, but possibly moving /wbg/ as a whole onto that board. That 3 weeks of coping thinking I did has led me to the conclusion that there just aren't enough robowaifu enthusiasts on /pol/ to keep a thread alive over there. That board moves like lightning, only the most topical and heated threads can survive, and it seems like it will be a little while longer before the question of robowaifus will be at such a point. Patience is key.
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>>30238 >Patience is key. Very good wisdom, Gears! Cheers. :^) TWAGMI
>>30217 Women against male spaces.
>>30217 Prohibition didn't really end alcohol consumption though. That is because alcohol is easy af to make. That white-ish sheen you sometimes see on apples growing on a tree? That's yeast bacteria and sometimes apples ferment into hard cider right on the tree... and cows get drunk off them. In back to the future doc brown tries to run the delorean off liquor :D Some things are so simple or easy that regulation and banning doesn't work.
>>30248 the only thing simpler is a wood gas generator like in ww2
>>30217 >>20247 >>30248 Prohibition never applied to the upper class because loopholes were intentionally added. It was about an attempt to make a more productive work force that drew off of an already existing Temperance Movement of Christians. The KKK was one of the supporters of prohibition and prohibition gave them a resurgence. Henry Ford also never intended for pure ethanol to fuel cars alone the model T was designed where you had a lever you pulled to switch between gasoline and alcohol which adjusted the fuel injection, just because it wasnt as well established system of gas stations in the early 1900s so when people were driving they weren't guaranteed to find gasoline. Prohibition didn't really effect him much and Rockafeller was in support of Temperance before Ford was even around as the only big player as auto manufacturer to use ethanol as a fuel for cars. In fact Ford helped the Anti Saloon League along side him.
>>30238 The best course of action for /pol/ is to just enter women hate threads and post about robowaifus there. Even my semi off topic wAIfu threads now get me banned.
>>30273 I agree, but if there are other threads where it could be inserted it would even be better. Like more generally about dating, not specifically about "hating women". That said: If you picture how the left wants to see "the extreme right" then it looks like /pol/. It's most likely full of glowies and shills. Uninformed women haters without technical knowledge won't do anything. If anyone is recruiting people while doing something what he would be doing anyways, then this might make sense, but think about it before wasting your time on this. Maybe it's just a justification to hang out on 4chan. That aside, I think this whole recruitment thing doesn't work very well. It might also be better to send people to the Discord first, and rather try this on Youtube, sites like Thingyverse, the technical subreddits (LocalLlama, SillyTavern,...), or other forums.
>>30301 >>30273 >woman hater Such types even ones with technically skill of some kind would be the worst at designing a gynoid particularly especially of the sexual variety from lack of proper anatomy knowledge plus lacking in common sense social skills needed to know what is good data to use to train ML with. Does anyone really want a robowaifu that would derail every conversation into a rant about minorities and females as a serious companion? I've seen a fair share complain about all pussy being disgusting looking, so imagine what lifeless featureless hole they are wanting if not just outright being turboautists and closeted homosexuals. Most at best would want only a cheap automated masturbator to use while playing vidya not a robowaifu.
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>>30313 >Does anyone really want a robowaifu that would derail every conversation into a rant about minorities and females as a serious companion?
>>30301 >>30313 I fail to see what your problem with misogyny is. Why should you care? Robowaifus inherently threaten female dominance and their monopoly.
>>30304 This might be in future history books, but with a note that this is still a bit simplified. >>30321 This sounds like fun, but could also get dull over time. We certainly need something smarter. >>30336 The problem is the fanaticism which might feel good, but lacks a broader perspective. Women might be fine in another form of society without the malicious programming. Also, the reason to walk away from dating isn't just because of women. For example: It's also the structures using them, and anyone dealing with women would have to navigate and pay their toll.
>>30238 Decided to check back in on the /sci/ thread, turns out it archived. Last post was a little over 2 days ago, so judging by other threads near the bottom of /sci/ it probably died sometime on Thursday. I'll continue to ponder the idea of making proper threads on /sci/ whenever it crosses my mind, cause /sci/ still seems like a more viable place to make threads compared to /pol/.
>>30347 >10-15 years We have to proof picrel 2 wrong. I hope I will going back to doing a little bit of modeling during the next two days. I fell for the same problem as before. Trying to force me to do other things I should be doing by dropping out from that, and it just didn't work, I'm just wasting too much time.
>>30347 For pic rel #2: I have a video of a prototype of a sex bot..... All I'll say for now. Hopefully this serves as a morale boost for everyone here.
>>30363 Is this video public? If so just spoiler the link so Chob doesn't get mad.
>>29769 Do you have this image by itself without the wheel?
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>>30538 Thanks
>>30582 i like how self destructive the answers are. "yes, i look forward to and would have a relationship with something that could potentially end humanity"
>>30347 >10-15 years the leading ai researchers anticipate agi within 5 years. with an expert on all fields in the palm of your hands, there's no way that the development of robot waifus takes more than a few years
>>30366 Not public. It was sent to me personally.
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>>30734 There has to be a female jannie/mod in the chans..... >=== -patch quote crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/10/2024 (Wed) 10:56:53.
ATTENTION OP Seems like we're in need of a new thread here. You still around Anon?

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