The Poppy robot inspires a lot of interest, especially in those who see it "walking" on a treadmill with help from handlers. At least, until they find out how much it will cost to build. This is mainly because of the Dynamixel servos it uses. Once you add up the different BOMs for each section you find you will need:
2 x AX18A @ $109.90 ea
19 x MX28T or AT @ $289.90 ea
5 x MX64T or AT @ $369.90 ea
You will also need the proprietary connector cables, controller boards, power supply(s) and associated hardware listed on the Poppy site.
And that's usually enough information to kill any interest people may have had in this robot. Thankfully, however, it appears it's possible to use modified hobby servos in place of the Dynamixels, although this probably involves tweaking the operating software of the robot. Apparently the design files have been available for a while and have been modified to use standard hobby servos. They are available here, via the Hackaday link above:
How do you use them? No idea. But this guy does v. He remixed Poppy for MG996R hobby servos, ie; standard size:
The sharp-eyed looking at Aster will realize that he also changed the design of the pelvis, so it won't be as maneuverable as original Poppy. Don't worry, you can still use original Poppy parts (or any other printable robot that uses dynamixel servos) with this dynamixel servo case:
Or this one:
Standard Servo to Dynamixel AX-12A Mod (smaller dynamixels for smaller robots):
Looking at the stall-torque numbers for Dynamixels it appears the MX28T is a 25kg/cm servo and the MX64T is a 60kg/cm servo, approximately, so those should probably be the minimum power rating you would want. Of course since they all come from china, be sure to look for reviews on youtube for any servo you are considering buying. Metal gear only, preferably with an aluminum case for heat dissipation.
Your hobby servos will not have one crucial feature which you will need to have- a feedback output. This is just a wire connected to the center tap of the servo's position sensing potentiometer and run out of the servo case. This is so the voltage can be read by a controller with an analog input, converted to a digital value and then used by the robot's software to confirm the servo's position. You will find many how-to videos on youtube for this by searching "servo feedback mod" but I recommend this one, as it shows the mod and how it is used in a robot using the software shown:
The software is available here and the free version will do for this. Scroll down the page to see what types of controllers are supported.
Note that this is a "tethered" robot control system. The software runs on your pc and sends data back and forth with the robot so reaction time may not be the same as with an onboard system. Howeve,r if your robot is large enough for a pc and your controller supports a usb connection that shouldn't be a problem.
One last note about the Poppy. Human ankles have a ball-and-socket type joint but Poppy has a hinge. Why? You will need to modify the ankles if you want software that is cross-platform for a waifubot type. Similarly Poppy's hands are cosmetic- They don't work. you can probably use the inmoov hands scaled down for 8g to 9g servos. for this you will need a servo pulley to fit them shown here:
You are on your own as far as how much of inmoov's arm to graft onto Poppy and how to do it.
I've probably missed something but if you want to try Poppy, this should get you started.
Poppy project:
Intrinsically Motivated Goal Exploration, Automated Curriculum Learning and Emergence of Tool Use