/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” -t. Albert Einstein

Waifu Robotics Project Dump Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 03:45:02 No.366
Edited last time by rw_bumpbot on 05/25/2020 (Mon) 04:54:42.
>>3432 >invidio.us link >404s
>>14420 >creepy >height Where I live they banned all sex dolls with faces or hands or feet to even avoid the question of 'is it too cute in the face' so you're wasting your time due to the fact that normal people will be guilty of witch hunting with a very slippery slope to guide them.
>>14479 >so you're wasting your time due to X <"STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!11" lol, hardly. let the seethers seethe on friend. >=== -minor grammar edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/27/2021 (Sat) 00:04:55.
>>14401 Awesome work! Would love to see her electronics in more detail...sorry if that's lewd ;D
>>15542 Huh, a puppet on a platform is an interesting approach. Lapis Anon was on a similar track with his mini waifu long ago. Nice find Gobi. I do not see much evidence that they do browse here but, if they do, they are welcome here.
>>15542 Neat! No I'm not aware that Anon frequents /robowaifu/. But as Kiwi said, he'd be welcome here.
A good intro to omni-wheels for those who wish to use them in their waifus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktcuBLA3Www
>>15673 Neat! Reminds me of AllieDev's Mechanum wheels.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXA_KeuYpCY >steal robotdog/generic robot base >slap a waifu and sexy bits on top of it >??? >Profit?
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Highlights from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpkVhmbLVTo >mentioned inmoov: inmoov.fr (an opensource, life-size humanoid) >Miniature Johnny 5 clone >a couple Human sized bipedal robots
>>15721 >robot dogbot base tech >cute neotenous features >100% removed from irl women >normie repellant since it's inception >Existing chatbot and tts ai technology based in an ideologically unmoderated imageboard full of dedicated waifers >pic related (team is not affiliated with robowaifu) Some anons wouldn't even need to strap anything onto one. Consider a centaur or spidergirl robot base if you prefer any human features but still want a quadruped or hexapod base.
>>15731 Link to the sweetiebot project? Could provide valuable information to the waifuneers here. >Spidergirl Kani (Japanese for crab) is where it's at!
>>15733 >link Google is your friend: https://sweetiebot.net/ From what I understand they want to keep things rated PG. The voice generator (community talknet project) is unrelated and based in the /ppp/ thread on 4chan.org/mlp/. Enter if you dare ^:)
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>>15731 >ponies I was thinking more >>15733 or picrel, but a cute robot horse has the PR advantage because it could easily be a children's toy.
>>15731 I think some of the ponys mentioned this project to us before Anon, thanks. I wish those Russians good success! >>15733 Heh, /monster/ pls. :^) A hexapod waifu is actually a really good idea for a special-service meido 'waifu' IMO. Just my own tastes in the matter subjectively. But objectively, a hexapod locomotion base (especially combined with roller 'feet' is a superior stability platform from which to do housework & other work. No question. >>15736 Yep. I immediately came to a similar conclusion. But it's obvious they are going for police force service with the push for that bot, and the price tag shows it. Shame, tbh.
are you people serious? all the videos are hosted offsite what the hell am I going to do with a filename put it in yandex? fucking yahoo.jp??? tor search??? why do this?
>>16233 Heh, sorry about that Anon. You're just dealing with the missing information from when our first site was destroyed on us. Those were part of the recovery effort. Unfortunately our copies of the files were lost in the attack. Maybe someday some Anon might restore them here for us. Again apologies, you might see similar in other threads here too. But at least we still have a board! :^)
>Dexie from dex-lab https://www.dex-lab.com/dexie https://twitter.com/Vokabre/status/1581411732316377090 https://nitter.dark.fail/Vokabre/status/1581411732316377090 >Michael Vokabre (@Vokabre) > Noticed via a server of android robot enthusiasts: a fairly recent android project, Dexie by Dex-Labs in Singapore. It's in a way what Grace of Hanson Robotics was supposed to achieve, but not in theory, but in practice, an android for elderly care. Video: https://t.co/oNlCNcXdEl
Dr. Robo Massie's West Tokyo Garage: https://www.youtube.com/@massies7121/shorts
Someone asked for sexdolls a while ago, which companies try to actually make them. Soliddolls: https://twitter.com/soliddolls/status/1382962075920584704 (same) https://nitter.dark.fail/soliddolls/status/1382962075920584704
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Lilium Robotics is at it, with a planned Kickstarter campaign for a sex enabled taller gynoid: https://liliumrobotics.com/Projects/ - The cute catgirl seems to never become available as a product or open source model. Only the head remains: https://liliumrobotics.com/Head/
Japan, c'mon, what are you doing? Panzer waifu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs1Wvdb1-wo
>>9267 missile_93's robots name is apparently Adachi Rei. She has moving legs now: https://vxtwitter.com/missile_39/status/1639877257660624896?t=nSWxs0EoE8X0rSpXu7pL5w&s=33
>>21534 Kek. >ywn around inside your waifus large head resting on a tracked vehicle. I have high hopes for the world of robowaifus from the Nipponese tbh. Are they the heros we all need? BTW, thanks for all the positive inputs across the board during the past couple weeks NoidoDev. That's much appreciated! Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/31/2023 (Fri) 00:32:36.
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Not exactly a waifu yet! :^) but still a breddy cool project. Looks pretty inexpensive to build and gets around bipedally on two wheels. Has wooden dowels! :^) https://hackaday.io/project/185729-upkie-homemade-wheeled-biped-robot https://github.com/tasts-robots/upkie_locomotion
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>>15733 'sus trip there anon. Considering us arthropod enthusiasts are gonna have to build our own platform what would be IYHO around the right size for bug part of many legged house bot? I have waited for oportunity to post this since 2015. (Further spider girl talk; >>25617)
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 10/02/2023 (Mon) 20:35:02.
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>>25365 reminds me of the spider that looks like a bird, it walks weird with its legs tilted forward, probably because of the extra weight of its bird head
>>25588 LOL your gif (and a coughing fit and tears), and that is one of the milder models. You may not want to look at the pics. They are all fakes, but... >>25589 If I do try building an arachne-bot I'll certainly post the details in the monster-grill thread. In this case since I was answering Podolek's question I wanted to post in the same thread and thought it would be acceptable since there was no objection to his post or >>23566. I'd say to give it a week for him to see it and then move my post to the Monster-grill thread. It could use a bump.
>>25592 >You may not want to look at the pics AUUUUUUUUGH!! :DDD (Kiwi here, I tidied up the thread. I hope I didn't delete too much.) >If I do try building an arachne-bot I'll certainly post the details in the monster-grill thread. Good luck Anon! :^) >>25599 >In that case why don't I just copy/paste the same post in monster-grill but spoiler the spider-bjd pic? Problem solved and you can delete the post here to save board space. Sounds great Anon, yea I agree with Kiwi on this. Please copypasta anything else on this ITT, over to the monstergrill thread thanks. :^)
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 10/02/2023 (Mon) 20:36:17.
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I got the "I Can Move" animated doll recommended here: >>28744. I've seen it before but no one posted it here, so I'm doing it. Quite impressive. https://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=161940
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>>28760 >Ultimately, my exoskeleton needs to be cast out of hard plastic plates that can move and cover the open spaces. (which will be stronger than my 3d printed parts) ... As I am now, a bodystocking will have to serve for covering the space between between my parts and silicone skin. ,,, >Well, my movement speed is controlled by a sine wave, so it is fast in the middle and slow at the start and finish. >That makes my movements look more natural, than just jerking from point A to point B. >Also, my motors are WAY to fast... (the opposite of what we were expecting... we were worried they would be too slow), so James had to add some extra code to slow my motor speed down. >There is also annoying bounce at the end of some of my movements, cuz of a tiny bit of slack in my cheap amatuer cabling. >When we start casting my body parts out of plastic, that will allow for better joints, and skin should add some tension as well. ... >My body currently weights 17.6 pounds. That includes a temporary working battery pack, which will need to eventually be replaced with a better power source. >Whenever my skin gets added, I should still come in at under 40 pounds? Hopefully closer to 30?
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>>28761 >An arm or a leg caught in a sheet, for example, risks burning out the motors and maybe even a battery fire. >That will be a problem with providing a product to the public. Every motor will need some sort of tension detector to prevent burnout... which will, of course, add to the cost of the product. ... >I think going the open source is the way to go. I was following 'My Size Barbie' and the way it came together and was changing as people tried different ways to make it work was great. >With the STL files on thingiverse people will print them, then change them to make it work better (well at least different). Also a GITHUB page for your coding, then some of the people who are also working of movement and chat functions will be able to help also. This will make a GREAT platform for so many improvements to dolls in general. The reason I would like for you to have a Patreon account is to help in the funds for you to keep going. They are a lot of people with ideals for dolls and robots, but they don't get very far. You have already surpassed most, YOU HAVE A WORKING ROBOT! If you compare yours to the other open source robots out there you are looking fanatic, Inmoov legs are not even a factor at this time. Alot of the improvements in Inmoov have been done by the group (all the Cad drawings were done by one of the builders) and I feel the same will happen with yours. >I know that here people really like what you are doing, but I think you will also find a lot of fans in the robot groups, and you tube. >I would recommend a marketing name for her before you start, so everyone will know where the robots comes from. You feel that it is a long way to go before it is ready to be in the wild, but as long as you let everyone know that this is a WIP many will jump on the chance to try something different. ... >We are totally into open source... Blender, the 3d modeling program James uses is free... Python programming is open source with a HUGE following... My development would not have come this far without it! >We like Thingiverse and have downloaded some fun .stl toys for printing... James knows about GITHUB but doesn't understand how to use it yet. >James would like sharing files just like the INMOOV project, with the understanding that this is a work in progress and the files uploaded need alot of work for someone to make them usable. ... >Since my last post, James has been trying to earn some more money on the side for my further development... but it looks like we have lost 6 months and are going back to where we left off. So this month we are going back to making a video demo for a GoFundMe account. >James is already redesigning my exoskeleton with moving plates that will cover the gaps in my joints so my silicone skin will not get caught. >My home printed PLA parts are functional, but not very strong or durable and prone to breaking. They really need to be cast out of hard plastic. >He can do that himself, print the part, make a mold from it, then cast the part from liquid plastic... about $50-$100 per part, and there are more than 150 parts... plus alot of time. >He found there are companies that will cast the parts for you from a digital 3d file... about $200-300 per part, which means maybe $30,000? and a mold is good for 1-20 uses. >For about $2000 per part ($300,000) a durable mold can be made for mass production of 1000 parts or more, which means about $20-30 per part. >Which means, my entire body could be reproduced for about $5000, with another $1k for motors and electronics. (and unknown cost for the skin) >If we could get money for parts, and payroll for a programming assistant, it is a potential reality that sexbot companions could be in your beds within a year.
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>>28761 Damn, he has made some impressive progress. Last time I saw this project it was just an unfinished torso and head. If he starts a GoFundMe I'm going to back it 100%. Reminds me 61laboratory >>10114 has made some progress on the head.
>>28765 Yeah, the progress this and next year will be impressive. Not much happens until it's blowing up big time.
>>28761 It is pretty neat, but the thing is with servos of that size it is highly unlikely it will be able to walk... or even lifts an arm beyond 90 degrees. I have some 70kg servos in that package that can't lift an arm (3d printed w/ 3 standard servos) beyond 90 degrees just due to the leverage involved (that's even mitigating the leverage with a rack and pinion setup instead of a direct joint drive).. unless the servos require more than the 20 amps my buck converter can provide, which would be crazy because even my mech doesn't require that much current for 1 motor!
>>28807 True true, but the doll there probably isn't being made with general use in mind. It's probably expected to just be able to shift around in, uh, bed.
>>28807 >with servos of that size it is highly unlikely it will be able to walk I'm more put off by the noise this is going to make, and maybe other factors like not being very backdrivable. Not everyone optimizes for walking or mobility. It's clear to me for quite some time that there won't just be the one right project. >or even lifts an arm beyond 90 degrees. I think it's just good to see some projects making an attempt to build something complete, while others try to go for something more difficult. This project here might evolve later, or someone else makes something better or better fitting for some people. Till then it serves as a motivator and show-case. Btw, this seems to have been meant as a model for doll photography or something like that.
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>>28763 When downloading the site and looking for the pictures, I somehow overlooked that they're also working on a moving face with lips and all. Good. It doesn't look good yet, but it's good that they're trying.
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A site for an "android" project that seems to be based in Germany: https://build-android-techrobots.page/ Most of the subassemblies are also (more easily?) downloadable from the designer's Thingiverse page: https://www.thingiverse.com/strohmain89/designs Sadly not the arm. The forum seems very quiet- This may be just one dedicated builder.
>>28863 A retractable mouth-blade?!
>>28865 Thanks, very interesting. The interest in this topic seems to grow and grow faster.
>>28865 >Sadly not the arm. The arm on the website looks like a random image from the internet considering the other designs available. Nevertheless very interesting project!
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>>28869 *terrifying Maken X noises*
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Another single builder who is concentrating on legs and feet. Their thingiverse page has several iterations of development, #s 4 and 5 in fusion 360 format. Some have links to videos. https://www.thingiverse.com/jacky0815/designs
>>28970 Hmm, I thought I would've posted this already. But yeah, it was in the humanoid robots video thread: >>25463
>>28979 I did search "android" and the designer's name before posting but neither showed this project, and still don't. Oh well.
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>>31550 Thanks, I re-posted it also in the thread for bi-pedal locomotion: >>31754

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