/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

/robowaifu/meta-3: Spring Blossom Tree Chobitsu Board owner 02/11/2021 (Thu) 12:06:37 No.8492
/meta & QTDDTOT Note: Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives available is 210905 Sep 2021 https://files.catbox.moe/h2xuqf.7z If you use Waifusearch, just extract this into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) >--- -Library thread (good for locating topics/terms): (>>7143) >note: there's also a searching tool coded right here for /robowaifu/ that provides crosslinks straight to posts on the board. it's named Waifusearch, and the link to the software is provided inside the Library thread's OP. -Latest version of Waifusearch v0.2a (>>8678) -Latest version of BUMP v0.2e (>>8769) >--- -previous /meta's: (>>38) (>>3108) >=== -expand /meta OP content -add BUMP xlink -rm file issues msg -add 1wk extension msg -add 'final comments' notice -rm council notices -add council decision notice -add TITS thread notification -add JSON archives link -add thread continuation notice -rm OP notice -begin mini-FAQ -add Waifusearch link -rm TITS notification -minor prose & format edits
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/05/2021 (Sun) 23:28:42.
Why have a waifu when (you) can make the waifu?
>>12345 Even without a robowaifu, one of my reasons for not wanting a human female is quite boring and unrelated to all of the insanity currently infecting Western nations. Snoring. If I ever have to sleep near another human being I usually end up having a terrible night, because of their snoring and/or loud nasal breathing. I cannot function on four hours sleep per night. I like my sleep. I'm not innocent either BTW, I've been told that I sometimes snore when in a deep sleep. Also I don't want some nosy woman going on my computer and rifling through all my porn. Throughout human history, one of the main reasons we formed tribes and families (other than for protection) was division of labour. But with all of the gadgets and machines we have nowadays, it's no longer necessary for even two people to live together. My toasters, microwave, smart oven, slow-cooker and chip-fryer already do much of the work of a domestic robowaifu. Sure, they're not in an aesthetic or sexy female form, but they get the job done with maximum efficiency. The housewife has already been replaced. If our current rate of technological progress is maintained, then eventually the cognitive processes of the average human being will also be completely replacable by machines.
>>12363 >Sure, they're not in an aesthetic or sexy female form, but they get the job done with maximum efficiency. /clang/ would like a word with you Anon. I think the insanity you mentioned is due in no small measure to the technological advances you speak of. Women have largely become useless eaters (far worse, actually. since they are the actual instigators of many broad categories of evil culturally during current year) outside of their utility as sex objects and baby factories. This reference is obviously ironic af intentionally so given their innate leftist bent. And since only young women are physically suited to or attractive enough to function effectively in their two sole roles to society, then you have a vanishingly small service to humanity they can provide at all. Once they are a reality, robowaifus will certainly have most of the advantages. Once artificial wombs are readily feasible, then even that last card goes up in smoke for them.
Alright, it looks like the initial lulz have died down. I'll go ahead and merge this thread soon. Probably the current /meta.
So, I'm the board's current primary C++ developer, post-wise. I'm currently exploring a robowaifu access-control system project using Anon's ideas (>>12431, >>12455, ...). Till now, we've been basically entirely dependent on using catbox.moe as our 'repo' server for my little projects. While there's nothing particularly bad about this, they have had issues in the past with stability, etc. Who knows? So, I'm going to attempt making multiple ways for us to have the code w/o depending on the speshul-snowflake-accommodating, CoC-loving promoting """repository""" vendors like SJWhub and (sadly, now too) Gitlab. I'm currently experimenting with actually posting the code here on the board itself, and with creating an awk'd merge.file on a place like zerobin. Since Lynxchan (probably rightly so) prevents many types of files from being posted here including zips, we'll need to use a minor (but fairly commonplace) sleight-of-hand to get by the IB-esque file restrictions. As a test, I've performed a typical meson dist on my current v0.1c WIP project. I've renamed the final .7z file I typically post up to catbox as a .pdf instead, which hopefully should allow me to post it here on the board instead. I'v also posted an awk-collected version of the codefiles, etc., that I myself have personally written and made a paste of it up on zerobin. With a little scripting effort, in a pinch this could also be used as a way to reconstruct the codebase. https://0bin.net/paste/QET3EII+#hKdk1Alw4WH7oNxJrmVb2JAEhxtiMEqR5Zv3d7ydycM Note: This paste does not include the two (yuge) external third-party header files CLI11_v2.0.hpp, and json_v3.10.hpp. Those would need to be obtained from their respective sources first if this route was needed to reconstruct the codebase. So, to test this, just download the pdf file, rename it's extension to .7z, then extract it. Then run the sha256sum -c command as usual to confirm the inner .xz archive is uncorrupted, then proceed as typical for my projects to build and run. c7cf0beb0e3f480949e39fbc1274296e81ae3e897bcce1cac70cb57f9756689a *rw_access_control-0.1c.tar.xz
>>12530 Also, since this is a test, I'd appreciate any feedback on success/failure any anons have at it. TIA.
>>12530 (C++ dev here) OK, I tested my own dogfood to completion and it's all working fine for me. Please let me know if anything instead breaks on you.
>>12530 >Note: This paste does not include the two (yuge) external third-party header files CLI11_v2.0.hpp, and json_v3.10.hpp. Those would need to be obtained from their respective sources first if this route was needed to reconstruct the codebase. BTW, the '.pdf' does include the two libraries, just not the zerobin. Cheers.
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>>12532 >OK, I tested my own dogfood to completion and it's all working fine for me. Please let me know if anything instead breaks on you. Ulp, spoke a little soon. Everything went fine with the 'pdf', but then I decided to double-check grabbing the paste and found it was truncated quickly at around 450 bytes or so? The copypasta approach worked fine, but not the download. > Can someone here tell me if I'm doing something wrong with zerobin? https://0bin.net/paste/vvKhHDt8#pfYGz17gkj0ANOd5KuDVfFlMhGm1wwibtcK5NCR0YZf
I feel like we could use more meta type threads of a general or /rant nature, building a culture around robowaifus is important even if the discussion isn't directly applicable to the construction or programming of them. We have a team morale and sometimes we need a timeout to just bullshit on certain topics and to redpill newcomers about w*men without it dragging other threads down.
>>12556 >I feel like we could use more meta type threads of a general or /rant nature, building a culture around robowaifus is important even if the discussion isn't directly applicable to the construction or programming of them. We have a team morale and sometimes we need a timeout to just bullshit on certain topics and to redpill newcomers about w*men without it dragging other threads down. I agree that team morale is an important topic for this board (or any other for that matter). Building a good team spirit and esprit de corps is important for any men, particularly those engaged in war (which we are). The difficulty for me is that if unrestrained expression of hatred in any form is allowed, it quickly becomes the exact opposite of 'team morale', and simply devolves into a spite-filled agenda of destruction. We're hardly better ethically than the evil feminists and other Commies ourselves at that point, in my opinion. However, I do agree that a shitposting general is a good idea thus why I created the Lounge. However apparently few Anons want to use it as it's intended re-purposing as an underground speakeasy where they can let it all out. Despite that, I'll go ahead and unlock the roastie thread #2. But be advised this is only provisional. If it again becomes a cesspool of pure hatred and spite, if it once again incessantly dominates the board's frontpage, then I'll lock it up once again.
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>>12557 Perfection has been achieved. Ice cream chan ushers in new golden era of world peace and prosperity.
>>12580 >ice cream waifu sir, you are on the wrong board ;-)
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Not a robowaifu, but my single-celled companions shall never be forgotten. May they rest eternally in putrid jelly.
>>12624 there are so many reasons I'm leaving this one off the table aside from visceral disgust
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>>12624 If there was some way I could grow an organic computer I certainly would. But I wouldn't want to grow a complete, sentient, organic organism because it would likely be malformed (think of the hundreds of aborted attempts before Dolly, the first cloned mammal, was born to her surrogate). And thus it would be very susceptible to illnesses and it would suffer just as much if not more than many human children. As it is, I can only do aerobic, non-fastidious bacteria and maybe simple eukaryotes like nematode worms...and fungi. Getting hold of anything fancy like human neural tissue is hella expensive. Plus when you start getting specific with what you want to grow, some of the ingredients and lab equipment quickly becomes very pricey (anaerobic chamber, incubator and a proper autoclave rather than just a pressure-cooker). Don't even get me started on any kit related to PCR and genetic engineering LOL! Despite this, even plain nutrient agar-based microbiology for revealing a few of the different bacteria on you/inside you and your local surroundings is absolutely fascinating (as long as you don't mind making PPE and hygiene precautions part of your hobby).
>>12580 >Perfection has been achieved. Ice cream chan ushers in new golden era of world peace and prosperity. LOL. <Unleash Icecream-chan robowaifu on an unsuspecting world >The Madmen >>12584 >>12585 Interesting posts meta ronin. I hope we eventually will see robowaifus and 'she could walk and hold conversation', and in the not too distant future as well. >>12601 Would you two like me to move these 3 posts over to the roastie thread? >>12623 Heh. F :^)
After the chatbot thread, which was unofficially our AI thread, the humanoid robot project thread seems to have reached the bump limit as well.
>>12691 Thanks for the heads-up Anon. Mind linking to the the specific thread you mean here? I'm not seeing which one you mean, thanks.
>>12692 Never mind. I think te forum has problems. My comment wasn't there, so the thread got not bumped.
Ey there, i'm someone interested in making robo waifus possible, what would you say is the biggest hurdle right now? Programming? Modeling? materials? I ask because i want to know what kind of money would need to be put where to have this kind of stuff be an actual possibility, would i need to give money to a hardware engineer? etc? give me some info on what the people here would actually like funding for.
>>12721 This is a great set of questions OP but it's not really something that supports it's own thread. I'm going to merge it soon with our QTDDTOT thread (>>8492). And actually, there are answers to your questions already here on the board in various places. If you can afford the time in your schedule, you might have a look around (or task someone else to do so) and see what's already been discussed here. Also, if no one else steps up to answer you in the other thread, I'll take a shot at it later in the week there myself. Regards.
>>>12721 lightweight streamlined and powerful actuators, power storage and delivery systems, a kinesthetic AI with the processing power to translate all of the small movements and on the fly adjustments into actual functions of a type we would understand (walk over here, pick that object up, turn on light switch, don't step on that cat) and that being said the ability to model it's environment and make sense of it all on the fly.
>>12723 i think he forgot to properly move the post over.... but hold on let me break that down, lightweight streamlined and powerful actuators, what do you mean by this, can you show me examples? how much are they normally?
>>12724 This guy is onto something https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEVelHmwuCqyje6YTAP2UIA But still to build a waifu from all those parts you might end up with something bulky, noisy, and overheated. Granted there are innovations such as miniature/micro pneumatics, hydraulic transformers (as someone else brought up). But yes, as far as moving like a we do, seems animals still have the market on efficient energy storage, delivery and power per pound. It's theoretically possible, but it seems like rather than duplicating flexible natural movements of opposing muscle groups - robotics is still stuck on robots that move via electrical/mechanical servos, slow, rigid, awkward and often requiring a large bulky battery to power. If we could deliver power enough to create a fully self-ambulatory waifu, in streamlined, feminine form-factor, while via creative use of cabling/hydraulics deliver the massive power necessary and coordinate it properly so the thing doesn't hurt others or itself in the process, this would be a significant leap toward our goal.
>>12724 >i think he forgot to properly move the post over.... Heh apologies. Because of the typically sporadic nature of traffic on imageboards, I usually try to give anons a little advance notice before just abruptly moving things here, and leave it up for a few hours or so before doing so. Just let us know if we can help you with further information (but you already have a well-versed anon helping you out it seems).
>>12725 Well we don't need to jump the gun, but you didn't answer me, how much would moving towards even somewhat okay movement cost? what parts would you need? how much would they cost, would they need to be custom made? give me ballpark ranges
>>12721 >Programming? Modeling? materials? >what the people here would actually like funding for. I could only think of some specialist from the outside building something which would help us. Examples which come to mind: - Model of a simplified female skeleton (probably in OpenScad or Blender), which can be changed in size or in some details as easy as possible. - Face generator for faces similar to some female celebrity names as an input, maybe finding similar looking faces as the first step, transformation of the generated face into 3D anime version of it (bigger eyes, like Alita), then 3D model transformation, maybe generation of a crude skull from it based on how it would look based on that face (I think Disney has a patent on that last part). >would i need to give money to a hardware engineer? etc? Idk. What kind of hardware? For a full robowaifu? He wouldn't know how to do that, just bc he's an engineer.
>>12733 >- Model of a simplified female skeleton (probably in OpenScad or Blender), which can be changed in size or in some details as easy as possible. This sounds feasible and rather cheap, i'll ask around the 3d lads i know for you.
>>12727 I'd imagine in the tens of thousands of dollars are a bare minimum entry level enthusiast garage lab, asking for a price point on such a project is really up for grabs. Maybe someone else here who has an active project in the works might have a better idea. My goal is to eventually budget 20k for a starter garage/outbuilding lab.
>>12721 I think about it's so: If enthusiasts work on it, then it won't cost a lot but it'll take quite some time. If specialized engineers would work on it, it might go fast but it would be immensely expensive. That aside, constraints are the problem. Each of us has a different goal and different approach when it comes to details. Hard shell on the outside is different than something like some animated doll. >>12734 Thanks. >>12735 I have no idea how you come up with such a number. Doing deep learning might be expensive, the rest is rather about learning and trial and error.
>>12746 >I have no idea how you come up with such a number. Doing deep learning might be expensive, the rest is rather about learning and trial and error. you're going to want parts to build the body right? even if you're reverse engineering another robot body you're going to need tools, spare parts and testing equipment. If you're just looking at making a disembodied AI like that anon with the chatbot/waifu, then that's a whole other thing.
>>12746 here's a good thread for that question >>4797
>>12734 >Skeleton model I believe it's way harder than you think. If you actually do that, maybe break it down. Focus on the skull or the hips and legs. I want to flesh out how I meant it: - bones of the legs should be splittable in the middle, so the can be printed, but also something added inside. The ends of such bones, next to the next bone probably don't need to be modeled (sculpted) exactly, since we would ad our own connectors in there anyway. - important are mainly the parts which are visible or recognized through touch from the outside of a human body. These parts should probably feel the same. But it's also about the angle of the legs to the hips, so if she would walk it would look femine. - generally some assembly out of mostly CAD parts with some sculpted parts where it can't be avoided would be ideal. The whole assembly (skull for exampl) should thn be scalable, while the parts still fitting together. Idealy the individual parts would be broken down into printable parts without need of much supports. - If you're going for the skull, let's maybe directly go for extended eye sockets, like Alita would have. Waifu skull, not realistic human. >>12756 I don't see the expensive tool part. Space for building different prototypes and testing parts will become more and more important, though. It's better to live in a house than flat, or even better to have some big hall.
>>12809 So one anon has a workshop with a milling machine, aluminum foundry, welding gear and lathe. Not counting the structure I can't image all of that was under 10k - I'd consider that bare minimum, and I can't imagine not also needing more specialized and durable tools than your basic set at w*l-mart. Plus materials. That's where I got that ballpark from tbh.
>>12809 Can you give me a full shopping list of what you want in the model then? I think if i just get a basic skeleton and then add onto it that would be easier at first, so far i haven't found anybody who can do the job.
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>>12866 Well, at the end we need all of it, but it doesn't need to be one big assembly. Just the single parts have to be modifiable so they can fit together. I'm currently working on a simple spine. But this wont have a the s-curve humans have. I strongly assume that a model of a human (female) one would help. I mean in form of an spine assembly, which would mostly or entirely be based on CAD instead of sculpting, therefore be a bit simplified. Otherwise, a female pelvis, which would be printable would be great. Maybe out of around five parts which can be screwed together. At least the connectors and screw holders should be parametric (in CAD). I also mentioned the idea of a waifu skull above. Here my spine early prototype: >>12882 obj bone models: >>12878
>>12884 You want a female pelvis, to be modeled?
Apologies if i'm not understanding by the way, you're just wording what you want in a very confusing way.
>>12886 That goes both ways, I don't understand what the question is.
>>12866 The skeleton needs to be printable and based on a female skeleton. We need all of it at some point, but people (myself) are already working very slowly on modelling useable parts. >>12814 That's someone who does all of it on his own, and working with metal. Also, I don't share your assumptions about more durable tools. Machined metal parts seemingly can be ordered from online services, if one even needs those. Also, such developer doesn't need all of it to get started. Get a 3D printer for ~250€, a PC and a start buying electronics, that's it. Doing deep learning at home would add to the costs, though.
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May we move skelly talk to the other thread? >>200 Pic unrelated generated by artflow.ai when I typed the robowaifu ai goddess. was expecting some amalgam of 2b and hatsune miku but this is as close as that probably gets
>>12911 >>May we move skelly talk to the other thread I agree. It's just here because someone offered to sponsor some development and asked for ideas. >https://artflow.ai/ >Due to site traffic, estimated waiting time: 970 minute(s)
>>12920 mine said 578 mins but realistically it was ready in 10 just keep the tab open
>>12921 Lol, I got mine but it didn't know who Cameron Phillips was, so I got some guy back.
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>>12922 It didn't work with Summer Glau's roles, have to try again later, but still got something nice out of it.
>>12928 The website is somewhat overrun, currently down, and it seems not to know about Chi?!? Didn't get a result including her after more than a day.
>>12967 I think the idea is to ask it to show you the face of something more general and not specific but who knows, keep trying I guess

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