The second last line needs to be changed to
so tabs will be used instead of spaces.
>>2873 Wizardry, occult, fringe zone, ...
>>3845 Advertising waifus using Roko's basilisk
Alt-title: Roko's basilisk: Help or get punished
Alt-title: Aggressive advertising
>>6187 Generating drawings of waifus automatically. Could become useful for visual waifus, VR waifus, creating manga or anime, but the thread contains not much info or value
A lot of the threads in
>>7176 or Miscellaneous or rather Meta, some could as well be merged with /meta-2. So:
- An Archive section and closing some of the unused ones with redundant topics
- Same, but merging some of them, then delete them, but adding them to the archive thread as a zip file
- A Meta section or renaming MISCELLANEOUS to META or combining it or META and MISCELLANEOUS
>>416 is empty, btw. There was another Meta thread once, or not? What happend to that one?
>>1525 seem all to be about simple waifus or alternatives like dolls
>>366 is META or engineering, a lot of information, links to external stuff
>>111 Philosophy? Speculative fiction? But also related to how to build a lovable AI, nearly no answers.
>>103 quote: "I love having a shit post thread.", but also the wheelchair waifu idea came up there?
>>107, idk, META, Feels, SOCIETY / PHILOSOPHY? It brings up the question of palliative or caring bots...
>>151 "I'm planning to have a project "... one posting, no answers... INTRODUCTIONS / ABANDONED, though it's the only Drossel von Flügel thread, CLANG maybe?
>>245 is like
>>209 a introduction thread which went nowhere, no additional value
>>152 is either philosophy or speculative fiction (ethics)
>>209 is about someone introducing himself to the forum, it seem to have no real information, could be closed and archived
>>246 and
>>412 are about speculative fiction,
>>249 also but it only has the first posting
>>1525 is partially about getting started, and in part the inofficial VR waifu thread
>>2643 Clearly about some engineering, but very short with not much information
>>4163 I hate that title, since they are robots not dolls. Might belong to
>>366 since its a waifu project...
>>4908 philosophy, what should the be able to do for us?
>>366 would fit in there
Btw, I would consider letting threads belonging to different categories/sections, I mean more than one, bc people think differently about stuff.