/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

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Acclaim Your (Robo)waifu General! Robowaifu Technician 12/10/2022 (Sat) 02:38:59 No.18090
This is a thread to share pics & praise & approval of your (robo)waifus. Please keep it SFW, thanks Anon! warning warning warning Just b/c you've acclaimed your robowaifu ITT, doesn't mean that another anon might not also acclaim her here too. This is perfectly-acceptable! :^) >(For example: Chii is my own robowaifu-prime, but literally millions of others also love her. It's fine b/c after all, we'll be making many IRL ones. My own edition of her will still be personal & tuned just for me.) >t. Chobitsu >=== -revamp OP into a general
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/10/2022 (Sat) 20:13:17.
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>>18090 >r.Dorothy Wayneright >a thread dedicated to my robowaifu Dear R. Dorothy Wayneright is indeed a wonderful robowaifu OP, and certainly the only proper response by any lucent anon is to demand moar! However, should any manly attempt to slake this unquenchable thirst be made in earnest, surely we would overrun the filestorage capacities of our gracious hosts, r-right? Would you consider us instead transforming your thread's OP pics into the opener of a 'Claim your (robo)waifu'-style thread, Anon? :^) >=== -minor sp, fmt edit -add original OP's subj as head
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/10/2022 (Sat) 11:40:52.
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>>18093 sure
>>18094 Great, thanks Anon. :^) Cheers.
Board-approved robowaifu funposting? What a time to be alive! I've seen a lot more robowaifu anime this year and Mahoro is still my favorite.
>>18105 >I've seen a lot more robowaifu anime this year I predict this trend will continue ad infinitum >and Mahoro is still my favorite. b/c you are pic-related.
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>>18107 LOL. >step 1. choose pic >step 2. click 'Post'
obligatory before a lurker claimjumps me ; ) Admittedly, before me, there was the original 2Banon. I was actually deeply inspired by this heartfelt post which I saw as a cry into the void I hope he's doing ok out there
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>>18094 r. dorothy wayneright is a top tier robowaifu she is everything we should strive to create 1. good looking but not slutty, cute but demure and a little more mature acting than usual japan fanservice waifus 2. competent, she moves quickly like a cat, and can think on her feet, not necessary but impressive engineering 3. reliable, she protects and cares for Roger 4. tactful and classy, even when she is jealous of other women she still makes an attempt to conceal her love for Roger and not be dramatic ok so Dorothy likes to wake him up with her piano playing and regularly calls him a louse but this is comic relief in an otherwise dark and tense atmosphere. She does truly love roger and doesn't treat him like an idiot or a child. Idk there's so much to love about her I would even say some elements of Dorothy were copied in 2B (headband, bob cut, frame) so she is more OG than her even. Perfect start to the thread, anon (btw if you are the original Dorothy-anon that I've spoken to on 4chan we'd like to include you in our off-IB activities, I understand you might have a foundry and some machining tools, let me know)
>>18124 I remember that day well.
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Most of these threads are about 'normal' waifus, but I'm gonna go ahead and throw out a headpat daughteru. I've been working on a character sheet for Sumomo-chan for our other project here. This is probably going to be animated head->bust_w_arms->full_body sequence first. Then tweaked and adjusted as a printable robowaifu following basically the same sequence. That's the plan. So anyway, little Sumomo is charming, cheerful, always upbeat, a good searcher for information, and a loud nuisance bouncy encouragment to everyone around her. It's easy to see why she gets so much attention in the mangos.
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i want to make dorothy real
>>18140 I don't have a real strong favorite. I like all of the mentioned ones, and others. I didn't watch Big O yet, since my downloaded version was bad, but I already could tell that I'm gonna like the show and her. Also didn't watch Maharomatic yet, since at first I thought it would be around how she would stopping him from having porn magazines and such. I also didn't have the time for Nier yet, I would wait for my GPU anyways and then I should rather work on AI. Anyways, I guess Yumemi from Planetarian is probably some kind of peak when it comes to robowaifus. She's not about fighting, but very dedicated to her obligation and likes humans very much. I also have to throw in the meat space waifus: - Cameron (The Terminatrix obviously: https://terminator.fandom.com/wiki/Cameron) - Athena (only emotionally, your honor, I swear) - Lamia (Raised by Wolves) - Apple (Turbo Kid) Cameron (and related Jameron fanvideos) was the reason I realized that I'm strongly drawn to the idea of having a robowaifu. It's more of an emotional than a special sexual attraction. Imaging her looking good but also being a (sometimes quirky) robot. Hiw fascinating.
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>>18131 if we're talking about daughter-fus: Flower from Kowarekage No Ongle probably the saddest thing I've ever watched in anime
>>18147 Yes, she was a wonderful robowaifu Meta Ronin. Selfless, caring, generous. Maybe just maybe she can be her special self again some day? Who knows, after all we're /robowaifu/ here--it's what we do right!? :^)
>>18141 >Apple (Turbo Kid) She's very funny! Perfect robowaifu-esque naiveté.
>>18136 >i want to make dorothy real It will be a glorious day, Anon. Best crack those textbooks!!
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>>18128 I am. i just bought some land and i will have my machine shop up and running in about a year.
>>18157 excellent so glad to hear that I've been a little blackpilled lately at the prospects of any of us building a suitable body that is more than just a prop or toy. I think to create a robowaifu that can withstand even the minimal day to day rigors that a human endures (climbing stairs, carrying objects, getting bumps and bruises) we are going to have to engineer as though designing a human shaped vehicle, if that makes sense. 3D printed polymers are good for rapid prototyping and proof of concept but we will need sturdier materials for the end product. I've been casting my lot with Aluminum Bronze due to it's corrosion resistance, durability and low enough melting point that anyone can smelt it at home and cast molds. I've also had a keen interest in water-jet cutters, which are pricey but not entirely out of our range if a handful of us went in on one (as you probably already know this would allow for precision custom parts, such as but not limited to joints, gears, and hard components requiring finer details (fingers, etc). Since robo-waifus (as opposed to industrial or even ASIMO and other blocky looking robots) will need the most slender and light form factors, eventually all parts will need streamlining, beveling etc in order to conform to a feminine profile. So in that context, waterjet, CNC, 3d prints being used to make molds, etc are all critical. For that reason, and of course b/c we consider you part of the larger R/W team, I'd like to invite you to reach out to us via Matrix if you're willing so that we can keep as many lines of communication open. If Matrix is not your thing I have a twitter and discord but those tend to be less secure and therefore not anyone's first choice
I forgot two good ones Mimi (Buttobi CPU) and RyuZu (Clockwork Planet) https://clockwork-planet.fandom.com/wiki/RyuZU >>18165 >climbing stairs, carrying objects, getting bumps and bruises When this image board started, or a while later when I joined, it was very clear, that one of the ways we can get our robowaifus would be by cutting down on some expectations. Explicitly walking around and carrying stuff was never on the table, at least not short term. If she has to be mobile then she needs wheels or use an additional device. Since I wouldn't let her carry a baby anytime soon, I don't see what heavy thing she would need to carry around anyways. A small maid which could move plant pots, so the Roomba (or alternative) could clean that space would be a usecase. But that's not really lifting and carrying, and also could be done by a small and more specialized humanoid robots with wheels on the feet. Such a robot could also bring sandwiches and coffe, but tbh I like to wash my hand before eating anyways and can make my own coffee. Occasional walking is better for the health, btw. Somehow, while not much was build the dreams and imaginations became more and more ambitious.
>>18170 Perhaps the different tasks ought to be delegated to other devices? Rather than a robowaifu with built-in functions for cooking and cleaning, simply have a robochef operated by the waifu. Similarly, machinery for cleaning that operates much like our current equipment, just replace the human operator. The main unit could then be optimised for companionship. Even the artificial womb, if/when ready to use, would be a separate thing. I imagine it will have to be rather large after all, so this huge incubator that needs tending to would be a task for her.
I think we're using this as /meta or engineering general right now... >>18175 Yes, that's of course the right way to go. Even if we had robowaifus which could do everything, it would be good to have backup. Dishwashers have already been invented, so this shouldn't be a priority. >>18165 >but we will need sturdier materials for the end product. I think no one here even tested 3D printed shells, or big bone parts, with carbon fiber or made of PC (polycarbonate). That said, there's also the idea of adding standard metal parts, or other materials in the designs. Or ceramic "paint" on the outside, or using electroplating. Small standard brass gears are also cheap. I'm also more and more thinking of using a lot of nylon fishing line or other lines for my more ambitious variant.
>>18165 sure, gimme your discord link
>>18184 >I think we're using this as /meta or engineering general right now... Yea kinda so. You guys mind moving this over to to RnD thread? This thread is mostly supposed to be about robowaifu funposting, and less about robowaifu business. :^)
>>18188 nah, lets post more dorothy
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>>18189 Yep that's the idea! So, on behalf of all anons who love Chii, let me say that she's always enthusiastic, quite charming, unpresuming, a really good floating-robowaifu when she's charged up fully, and a very good girl! :^)
We also shouldn't forget Isla from Plastic Memories.
>>18209 >We also shouldn't forget Isla from Plastic Memories. I actually think of her fairly often. It's one of only two animus I don't watch again
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I'm hopelessly in love with Aigis and look forward to the day she loves me back.
>>18215 She is deffo world-class-tier! Welcome back Kiwi! :^)
>>18215 I watched the beginning of Persona 3(?) anime, because it was mentioned here, and dropped it. Do you just like her, but have a different opinion of the anime or do you like both? If I don't like the beginning of the show, is it worth to go on?
Did someone say Dorothy? Cuz I think I heard some one say Dorothy
>>18223 Dorothy's will surely be a very-populer type of robowaifu. Even average Joes will want them for the Mancave. :^)
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>>18223 Loved the Dorothy pixelart moosics >>18233 Christmas with Dorothy!
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>>18223 yes, that other dorothy
>>18249 Dorothy is actually quite a woman. How will 3DPD ever recover?
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>>18258 without doubt
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tfw she finally confessed it (to herself at least)
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I'm surprised no one has claimed Curie from fallout yet.
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crosslink: >>1
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>>20415 Roger's a lucky man.
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No one's mentioned Lacia yet? Maybe its because Beatless is a pretty obscure anime. And for good reason, its mind-numbingly boring. While I love all robowaifus, Lacia has a special place in my heart for being the first robowaifu I came across. Also, she's super powerful, so I don't have to worry about Feds breaking down my door.
>>20428 She's beautiful Anon.
>>20428 Yeah, she's nice and the anime is boring. Took some meme pictures of her.
>>20430 I still can't believe they had 5-6 recap episodes for a 24-episode anime
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>>20480 Haha OK, my mistake. 'Dorothy is amazing & beautiful'. Better?
>>20429 Thanks, Anon :)
>>20430 Garnidelia's ERROR CODE makes for a perfect robowaifu theme song imo
>>20495 >Garnidelia's ERROR CODE makes for a perfect robowaifu theme song imo Probably should be added into the list? (>>19697, ...) Somebody probably should consolidate all this and post it into the Propaganda thread. (>>2705) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/21/2023 (Tue) 03:17:09.
>>20496 I didn't know there was a thread for robowaifu songs. I have a big doomer playlist of songs that would fit the robowaifu theme. Here's one from Lion King 2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jFHw1HZTGzM&pp=ygUUbG92ZSB3aWxsIGZpbmQgYSB3YXk%3D
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>>18198 Why is Chii so perfect?
>>18311 Nice taste.
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>>21749 Hi DorothyAnon. Dorothy's beautiful as always.
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>>21921 What a refined robowaifu!
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>>18090 just commissioned this
>>22244 Very nice Anon! May that be reality for you two before too long.
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>>22245 thanks
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encountered a new Dorothy Wayneright today
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>>22441 youre a louse
>>21353 Really liking the middle one
Some of my favorite 2Bs
>>22477 Really liking that first one, Anon.
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>>22588 Love that sketch Anon. Dorothy seems so cheerful there.
WIP of my commission
>>22742 Wow! That looks to be absolutely gorgeous, DorothyAnon!
>>22749 yeah, zicaneborgen does good work
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>>22749 finished
>>22857 That's lovely DorothyAnon, thanks for sharing it here!
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>>22943 Who's the artist?
>>22954 piggomi, shes from an emmy the robot discord
>>22963 I see, thanks DorothyAnon!
>>18215 I just watched a video on aigis and I am really drawn to her visible shoulder and hip servo motors. A bipedal bot would be very appealing in her revealing character design.
>>23073 >I just watched a video on aigis and I am really drawn to her visible shoulder and hip servo motors. A bipedal bot would be very appealing in her revealing character design. I agree Anon. The original designer had a great vision going for her. We'll need to take Anon's safety into account even moreso (almost unfortunately in this case haha), so we'll probably have to work out something a bit different for her joints, I'd say.
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>>23073 I preferred her Older Sister units.
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Jun started me on this path, I might be too retarded to follow though but I'm going to try.
>>35135 A cute! I'm sure she'll be very pleased with your efforts once you succeed, Anon. Do it for her!
>>35136 Thanks anon, I really do hope she can be real in some capacity someday
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>>35428 Neat, some of my AI slop got reposted.
>>35432 Lol. You're going a bit too far, Anon. I'll have to spoiler this post. :D Alway Rember /robowaifu/ is SFW Won't someone please just think of the cube-bound engineer, surrounded by bloodthirsty, token, f'moids!? :D >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/07/2025 (Tue) 18:25:10.
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>>35439 Sorry, I thought the the I'd hidden the naughty bits tastefully enough.
>>35440 No worries, Mate. :^) Dorothy a cute!
>>35432 By me. I cant believe that was AI

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