/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

/robowaifu/meta-2: Electric Boogaloo Robowaifu Technician 05/13/2020 (Wed) 16:22:03 No.3108
Please Note: I'm going to be continuing with occasionally repopulating our board again with old posts. Feel free to post responses to them regardless, as I will generally be watching and can often respond appropriately to your posts. But be aware these will be 'log dumps' as it were from our original board. Specifically, these bump-bot re-posts will have rw@bump.bot in the name field (usually). Cheers. >--- This thread is for off-topic and general discussions. FYI, our bunker is at https://anon.cafe/robowaifu/catalog.html probably should bookmark that now Anon. :^) Also, let's discuss ways to get more people involved. How can we grow this board? As well, let's share general robowaifu ideas, etc., to help inspire each other. This thread is meant to improve /robowaifu/ in general way and be a place to hangout with loosely off-topic talk. previous /meta thread: >>38 >=== >reverted bunker alert daily reminder >edit rw@bump.bot name field comment
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/29/2020 (Thu) 18:33:55.
>>7401 BTW, be sure to pack very dense posts just chock full of complaints here Anon ... don't ... spread ... them ... out ... After all, this thread will autosage soon! :^)
>>6700 Hmm, I see, I guess that's a little bit different then. My mistake. But Cloudfl*re is absolute anathema to all things open imageboard (as they have already amply proven in spades). And they've also grown so huge that they represent a now-critical vulnerability, both to freedom of speech and to site-access integrity across much of the Internet. But that issue notwithstanding, I'm quite surprised the Administration of zzzchan would even consider using them after what they have pulled against all us standard-issue shitposters tbh. But thanks for the tip Anon, I'll check them out now.
>>7448 Just take the ones listed in that thread seriously please. They are genuine and well-meaning even if you find them harsh or abrasive. In fact, because I don't like everything to be doom and gloom, I'll tell you plenty of things I like about this board because I don't mind giving credit where it's due. I'm not here to be a pain in the ass and endlessly critique. - Extremely unique concept for a board and one of the few with a higher purpose than socialization. This board was a 10/10 idea. - Despite moderation being unclear it is minimal. Somehow, even with minimal moderation, you have managed to do a damn good job keeping this place clean and comfy. - Real efforts to help the community. You post here, genuinely seem to be appreciative of the things community does for the benefit of all of us, and have put in effort to at least attempt organization based on topic. - Whatever anyone can say about you, you're not malicious. I also know that despite your tongue-in-cheek shitposts you're not actually power-hungry either, as you could just ban dissent but choose not to. There are many more things I like but these are some top ones. Keep up the good work on those, and all I ask is that you listen to people when they critique. The critique is because we like your board, if I didn't care about this place I wouldn't bother offering my two cents. Sorry if you perceived it as harsh, that's just a part of imageboards for the most part, and a product of frustration
>>7449 Honestly visibility was a concern in the opposite respect. I really did not want to blow up your board with this. I would have much preferred a casual chat with you where me and someone else could mull over some problems. I actually did try to get the IRC thing sorted out btw, but I don't think tom will allow it for now.
>>7451 >>7452 Alright, I'll try to respond to you more fully here sometime tomorrow. Probably won't be a lot of changes to my approach Anon (I have actually considered your issues and how they relate to the larger context of the board's long-term heath), but at the least I can probably at least be more open and frank. Hopefully that will be enough for you. Cheers.
I posted this here >>7454 and just wanted to add that rules won't solve the issue that some people want their threads on culture and politics on top. Since these are easier topics to discuss and writing something, they would be dominating the board if not bump locked. How to limit what can be written there and ensuring some quality is only a problem on top of that. I think I realized that there are anons which want to use the topic of robowaifu only as a hook to talk about women, general culture and politics. This might also have the aspect of using the idea of robowaifus, and people developing robowaifus, as some weapon in a culture war. In that case it's not about getting them, it's about using them before they exist. Which is then, why linking /cuckquean/ as friends made some anons mad. (I'm the one who was wondering why they weren't on the link list, btw. It wasn't even their idea nor were they pushing for it.) I advise against allowing political activism here to freely. Doesn't mean I'm opposed to all of the ideas, but it's the wrong way to have all of this here. The right way would be to have discussions about, and mentionings of robowaifus, in all those other boards on different sites, especially the ones which are friends with us. Or maybe the heathens which don't know about the robowaifu development or are even opposed to it. This could be done so by the people who are there anyways, and some visitors as well. While this here is were development should have the highest priority. We don't need a mirror of other boards and their ideas here. Even less so, fights over it. These other boards out there should receive the news what's going on here from time to time, instead. So even if we should have an OT thread, it shouldn't be always on top, and opening new ones shouldn't be allowed. Another option would be to have a second board about robowaifus, linked on the friends list, which is more general and less about development. More about the idea than trying to develop and build them.
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Response to the lads who've been complaining a bit lately First off, let me say thanks for taking the time to spell out your several complaints with /robowaifu/ 's moderation. They don't go unnoticed. Sadly however, I'm not going to go one-by-one down your long list and address each one specifically. My apologies in advance, Anons. However, I think I can properly address them all concisely with literally just one word: FOCUS. As in, 'we need to stay focused here on /robowaifu/'. We don't need an ongoing, unending barrage of blackpills/redpills/kill-all-3DPD-pills, etc., etc., etc. There are already a very wide array of other boards and forums for that kind of thing. However, there aren't any other robowaifu boards to my knowledge (well, at least not till yesterday heh). Feel free to visit the forums of your choices and ventilate all the concerns you have for the world at large there. Once you're finished with that and everything's off your chests, then stop back by here occasionally and check up on how we are doing OK? :^) OTOH, if you want to stay here with that, then I've accommodated your needs as best I know how atm that will allow the board itself to remain healthy. I hope it's something you can all manage to somehow live with Anons. >>7180 There's plainly much legitimacy to your complaints about everything going on out there. But honestly, I'd again suggest you each instead focus more on our practical engineering and other needs here, and much less on how bad the world outside is. We still have a long way to go yet lads, and we could still use your help here. I'll restate my basic agenda behind my actions (and implicit 'rules') again here: >...But if I feel a direct attack is being levied against the motivation and psychological state of our board's members then I'll will oppose that with vigor -- as well I should. One of my responsibilities here as BO of /robowaifu/ is to care for the welfare of our regulars as I can manage. The monumental process of successfully designing, engineering, prototyping, revising, manufacturing, marketing, & distributing of appealing, useful & successful robowaifus+kits (something obviously never done before in human history) is already quite daunting enough of a task for all of us here. We need zero political/social/other distractions from that yuge endeavor. While I'm not intentionally trying to 'confuse' anyone with my lack of rules for every.little.thing., neither do I intend to pile up more rules -- as I've already clearly stated. Rules are like snakes, they can turn and bite you. They are also high-maintenance -- once you create a rule for a thing, then you always have to attend to that thing. Commonsense should be our guide here, we're adults. After all, I only created the two we have now simply because of rampant porn being commonplace on IBs, and also to openly flaunt feminists, sodomites, and the like who might try to attack this place entirely unhindered. In due course I'll deal with anything needing our attention here as it comes up, like any good leader would. And as I've already stated only filthy Commies want a bunch of rules around, tacked-up on every wall. We are unambiguously opposed to leftists here on /robowaifu/ , and we will continue to be so in perpetuity. For once, let's have an important opensource project that doesn't get overrun, corrupted, and ultimately subverted by those 'persons' (I use that term very loosely here of course), all agreed? And for those still inclined towards extended rants and/or calls for deep social reconstructions related to robowaifus, there's always our newborn 'sister colony': https://fatchan.org/robotwives/ jolly lot of rebels and brigands in fact of course, shoulda named it OzLand instead tbh :^). I expect they will be happy to accommodate you there with all that. As for most of your other complaints -- such as my unabashed Christianity and doctrinal positions thereto -- those are basically my own private affairs, of which I have just as much right to share them here or anywhere else as you do your own. They certainly don't represent any agenda of /robowaifu/ , and are purely my own views. I don't use them as a bully-pulpit here, but neither will I apologize over them. Without my faith in Jesus Christ, I could never have begun /robowaifu/. :^) In general, I think the board is coming along very nicely. I'm excited about our recent advances, and I look forward to seeing all the great concepts and inventions, designs, art, writing, anime, arts, etc., that you've already shown yourself capable of doing here. We'll do even more in the coming years and one day the dream of walking, talking, snuggling robowaifus will be a reality before all our eyes! And that's pretty much all I have to say on those topics in general Anons, hope that satisfies. Cheers.
>>7455 >to add that rules won't solve the issue that some people want their threads on culture and politics on top First of all there's no evidence this is true. People were using threads that were available. The threads are no longer available and posting has stopped. And yes, clear rules outlining the policies that are being enforced would definitely help. People with good intentions are going to follow rules set forth. If you couldn't find a single rule, made a thread you thought was on-topic, and got locked immediately, you'd think that's a major problem too. I find it laughable that you keep going on about off-topic but seem to be very for /cuckquean/ self admitting this is nothing but a sexual fetish for them and that they basically want sex dolls. >Another option would be to have a second board about robowaifus Well your wish was granted Your post is mostly a strawman. That's not what me and others were arguing for the most part. Nobody wants this place to turn into /b/. >>7477 >While I'm not intentionally trying to 'confuse' anyone with my lack of rules I know it's not your intention. You have good intentions for the community. But you need to realize that even if you did not intend to, by not having better rule transparency you accidentally did. Nobody is going to get mad at you for listing the rules. If someone accuses you of rulecucking they're an idiot. >Commonsense should be our guide here, we're adults. I'm telling you, you need to at least define what kind of discussion is topical or not. You killed a QTDDTOT. Why? If you're going to moderate content like that, please be transparent about it. If there was something indicating that this thread wasn't going to allowed I wouldn't have even posted it. >And as I've already stated only filthy Commies want a bunch of rules around, tacked-up on every wall Is there no such thing as a grey area anymore? Is there only anarchists and commies? I didn't say they need to be tacked up everywhere. A clear statement of the rules would be good in the welcome thread. >but neither will I apologize over them Okay, I don't think anyone wanted you to. That's fine.
>>7481 >A clear statement of the rules would be good in the welcome thread. Fair enough, done. >>3 I've already answered your other points in my post. My sincere apologies if they aren't to your liking Anon.
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>>7482 >Fair enough, done. Thank you. fucking hell dude, holy fucking shit, was that so hard?
>>7481 You kind of ignore what I wrote in >>7455 and before. The Lounge isn't locked, it just isn't on the frontpage anymore. If you read the discussion, that's what some anons were upset about. >made a thread you thought was on-topic, and got locked immediately Depends, if it was redundant and the postings are being are being moved over, what's the problem? Don't try to make politics and talk about woman to the dominating issue here. It's basically OT if it isn't really on topic. >Your post is mostly a strawman. ...Nobody wants this place to turn into /b/. No. I never wrote that, and explained it above. Also, /cuckquean/ isn't pushing their topic here. I don't mind if people want to use their waifus for sex, but we currently don't have the problem here that people are only interested in simple sexbots and writing about that all the time.
>>7483 Kek. The rules page has been available here since day one. You could pester Robi about the link being removed from the postbox during his Lynxchan frontend reboot.
>>7455 Thanks for the general approval in this and your other posts Anon. Appreciated.
>>7490 I'm thankful to you for running this board, it's amazing and needs to go on. With focus on building robowaifus. It's often quite hard to do, to even get started doing actual work, seeing other people working on it and sharing ideas helps of course.
>>7492 Thanks! >this board, it's amazing and needs to go on I certainly agree with both these points Anon. When we see robowaifus become a commonplace reality -- even inexpensively so -- I think it will revolutionize the lives of so many men for the better. A sense of despair from loneliness may be alleviated for many of them. This is a noble goal, and worthy of our earnest efforts. The greatest threat to /robowaifu/ are two groups from without, not within. 1) Leftist infiltrators trying to subvert the program and ultimately to emasculate it into uselessness, and 2) glowniggers and other goons trying to deplatform it at the behest of their puppetmasters. For the former case, we all just need to stay on our guards and immediately shut down leftists whenever they pop their heads up here. Politically-correct ideologies and language are clear warning signs of their presence. We're Anons here on /robowaifu/, not soygoys. It's pretty easy to tell the difference actually. Basically, The Left Can't Meme, since that takes an independent soul to succeed at. All they are, are bugmen and even worse -- leftist bugmen. We have secondary and tertiary sites available to us and full board backups for the latter case. Even if something happened to me or this place, some of you just approach the Administration of the other two sites, explain the situation clearly, give them a full backup of this place and ask for a full migration of /robowaifu/ to their site. I'm sure it will all work out somehow. OTOH, the idea of robowaifus appears to be, roughly speaking, wildly popular among the imageboard crowd. I think we will have little concern about our friends and neighbors turning on us. They have nothing but goodwill towards us AFAICT, and I know everyone will here do the right thing when and if the time comes! :^) >With focus on building robowaifus. No doubt about this. It's hard to keep politics, etc., out of the mix because it affects all of us. But as I stated earlier, we need to stay focused. I'll do my best at this, and I believe all the anons here on /robowaifu/ will do the same. >It's often quite hard to do, to even get started doing actual work, seeing other people working on it and sharing ideas helps of course. Teamwork is the key of course. But each of us have to study hard and grow our own creativity individually as well. Then, by turning around and opensourcing that information back to the group keeps that flow going for us all. Remember 'All of us are smarter than any of us.' Even the best and brightest among us can learn a thing or two from the others, and you never know where that next bit of genius inspiration may arise. >"Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist can come from anywhere" All of us pulling together, I know we can succeed at this Anon.
Did anyone try to download some paper from Reseachgate recently? Did they always have this wall were one has to register and tell about their occupation and organisation they're with? Maybe this has always been an option, and they didn't use it all the time. I did download papers there in the past, without asking for permission. Similar thing with Disney ResearchHub videos on Youtube. I think they had links to papers in the past, but some days ago, I couldn't even find the paper they were referring to anywhere online. It's not that important, just wanted to archive it. No, I don't need help to get a specific paper. Just asking, if this is a trend others realized as well. Are they cutting of the public or some players from research in certain areas like soft robotics? Also, nothing urgent to investigate, but keep it in mind and inform others here about such trends.
Don't know if this belongs into Meta or Vision general or Fail-safe. Maybe not everyone knows, but data from neural networks seem to be recoverable. There's a new system named InstaHide, which won a price from Bell Labs, but it doesn't really work. Even with it: "we recover extremely high fidelity reconstructions". https://nicholas.carlini.com/writing/2020/instahide_disappointingly_wins_bell_labs_prize.html https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.05315 Money quote and general interest here: "The reason this award really gets to me is that InstaHide really is a culmination of all the weaknesses that machine learning papers tend to have, ranging from focusing on having a good story over a good technique, to the fact that the claims aren't refutable."
okay chobitsu seriously, what was wrong with that post? I literally did nothing wrong, this is stupid.
>>7750 It's hard to count the many times I've admonished everyone here to make newcomers welcome. This isn't the typical muh_edge IB, nor do I intend it to be. There are a lot of men counting on us here, try and keep that in mind friend.
>>7753 you act like I went in and called the guy a nigger. I laughed at the spectacle of having to show someone how to use an imageboard and asked how we were managing to get people here who had never used an imageboard in their life, when we are extremely small and shit like 4chan is extremely popular and has existed for ages. if this is too offensive for your damn board then maybe it's time I fuck off. you're going to lose others too. everyone needs some thicker skin.
>>7755 >everyone needs some thicker skin. Fair enough. I'd suggest you start with yourself. Stay focused here Anon.
>>7756 >I'd suggest you start with yourself Fuck off, chobtisu. You moderate people for undisclosed reasons, that's why people get upset at you, not because they need thicker skin. If you're going to start slapping people for not being "welcoming" enough to newcomers then write another fucking rule. This is retarded. You can't run a board worth a shit. I think I'm done here.
>>7755 4chan and others are only a small part of the net. This board gets mentioned on other places, like comments on Youtube, Twitter, tech and anime sites. So it's going to attract people from there.
>>7757 Both Sophie and I disagree. Any moderation disagreements aside, this imageboard is useful...where else on the internet is there for people to meet who are actually building robotic companions? Without being inundated by trolls and normies.
>>7765 >Any moderation disagreements aside but that's the entire argument, an argument about moderation. why don't you start reading here to get the full extent of how shit Chobitsu is: >>7401 >where else on the internet is there for people to meet who are actually building robotic companions https://robowaif.us/ https://fatchan.org/robotwives/index.html >Without being inundated by trolls and normies this place has an unwritten rule of "be nice to each other" and chobitsu might as well be running a damn subreddit by this point. also some anon just said it's being shilled on youtube and twitter. expect normies at the very least. I'm out
>>7770 That fatchan place is...interesting. A lot more porn but less useful engineering/programming information...but it appears to be the place to go if you want to blow off steam. Also I get the impression that https://robowaif.us/ never really got off the ground...probably because all the relevant info is already here. >>some anon just said it's being shilled on youtube and twitter. expect normies. That is excellent news that word is getting out! Let them come, then! The longer they stay...they will not remain normies for long. *insane cackling*
>>7770 How often do you want to start this drama again? Robowaif.us is an offer in case we wanted to register to a forum. fatchan/robotwives is the place for people to go if they want to talk about robowaifus as an idea, but then going OT in all directions, without any focus on building them. Which is okay, but no alternative to this board. The software to copy this imageboard is freely available, btw, but it didn't happen, and the board on fatchan has barely users posting anything, even just general talk. .>>7771 Yeah, but no offence, you only need one return after some text which is still related... I think what you're doing is regarded as reddit spacing on imagboards.
I absolutely want new forums for robowaifu discussion and development. I certainly don't have even the slightest agenda to make /robowaifu/ the sole outlet (nor even imageboard) on the topic. It will only benefit us all (and men everywhere ultimately) to have a very broad diversity of efforts going on across the board everywhere. And I especially applaud any man in particular who is actually doing the work, and not just armchair speculating about it. We all should convey our appreciation to such men when the opportunity arises. As far as a 'normalfag invasion' is concerned, trust me I know the detrimental effect that can have on an imageboard's culture. But the benefits of new minds joining is literally incalculable, in particular to such a trailblazing, forging-new-frontiers industry as robowaifus. We simply cannot ignore the benefits of that. And after all, each of us were newfags ourselves at one point. For a more particular comment by myself on this and other topics, please see the general priorities post I made a few months ago in direct response to a good OP by a newcomer >>2701 . In particular I'd bring up the idea again of >explaining things which I'll repeat again here. > Every invention or even just idea is new to someone who hasn't ever seen it before. I trust that makes my 'hidden rule' about 'being nice' clear enough Anons. We simply have to be accommodating to newcomers here on /robowaifu/ if we are to succeed at this monumentally challenging task. Cheers /robowaifu/ , I honestly think so highly of you all tbh.
>>7770 >normies Men which want fembots... Men going their own way... (which is still on Youtube, though often demonitized) and probably on Reddit if it hasn't been purged by now. There are also still quite some amounts of people on Twitter which aren't NPCs.
Has anyone else noticed that since the plandemic we seem to be by far the number one hit for the search term 'robowaifu'? Is it just that these search engines match a single term or is there more to it?
>>7812 lol, check that. obviously other interests are at stake here. apologies for my apparently limited search-engine exploration anon. :/
So the whole philosophy of Existentialism can't be mentioned here in the board outside of this /meta thread here and the basement? I looked into the interviews with Hubert Dreyfus and the No Excuses series and couldn't find anything harmful, though I wasn't looking explicitly for that and I might have forgotten it. It certainly doesn't fit the cliche which you might have in mind. They try to explain human despair, it's not about endorsing it or starting to worship the king of hell. If you want to ban the mentioning of Existentialism here (for now), that's one thing. However, ideas from there are something which are mentioned in relation to understanding the human mind and building something similar quite often (cognitive sciences), so we won't be able to avoid discussing some ideas related to it. Philosophical theories on how the mind works aren't just believe systems which can be ignored entirely. It might become quite a dance not mentioning where ideas came from or were inspired by, and it will look like people claiming to have come up with it on their own. Yeah, well, we'll see how that goes. Since we don't use names, at least it won't look like someone building his own reputation on stolen ideas. (added pic is just for keeping everyone's mind sane and relaxed)
>>7880 >So the whole philosophy of Existentialism can't be mentioned here in the board outside of this /meta thread here and the basement? 'Mention' it wherever you like, ofc. To quote: >>7876 >Feel free to continue posting this type of thing here on /robowaifu/ as you see fit, but by the same token don't be surprised or offended if they get rearranged elsewhere. But If you actually promote something so antithetical to mental health and well-being here on /robowaifu/, then as mentioned above '...don't be surprised or offended if they get rearranged elsewhere.' I trust that's clear enough on my part. While psychology is obviously an important topic, it certainly doesn't qualify as a scientific field it's practitioner's complaints notwithstanding. I'm perfectly comfortable making ad-hoc, arbitrary judgements based on my own insights and wisdom on such vague issues. I suspect you do something similar in your own sphere of influence. So would any man with commonsense. Don't worry about where you make posts on /robowaifu/, Anon. As I mentioned elsewhere, do as you see fit here. We'll do the same.
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>>7883 Neither psychology nor philosophy aren't really sciences in general, but they have areas where one can have a idea and then test it by experiment. Also, some observations can be better than others to explain things like the human mind. I'm not promoting anything else, than people looking into the existing work on such topics. In that regard, the posting in question (>>7874) should rather have gone into the thread on AI Design principles and philosophy >>27, since it's about AI in general, things like perception of the world, etc. Maybe posting it into the psychology thread implied something which I didn't intend to. Looking through my notes today, made me realize, that such philosophies on the mind might be important much earlier than I recently thought. It was interesting when I was reading (or hearing) that material a while ago, but I had no idea how to use it. Keeping the useful parts in mind and looking into my notes and sources, while thinking on what kind of programs a system would need and how they would need to work together, and then designing those parts, might be the best way to go. I'll try to do my best to filter out everything that is "antithetical to mental health and well-being".
>>7886 >I'll try to do my best to filter out everything that is "antithetical to mental health and well-being". No, please don't. That's my whole point I'm trying to make here. Just post whatever you want whenever. I trust you and practically every other board regular here that you have our mutual benefits in mind. If I feel something needs to be addressed, I'll very likely do so in due course. Also, please forgive for coming across as brusk if I do. I certainly don't mean to be dismissive of you (or anyone else for that matter). And -- as in this case -- I'll generally try to make some attempt at giving an advance notice of my actions to reduce any surprises for anyone. I appreciate your and everyone else's inputs here.
>>7888 Okay, I had difficulties to understand what you meant then. I'm not going to promote Existentialism as a philosophy to live by, just mining it's ideas for our purpose. (Though, these negative and maybe harmful interpretations are probably only coming from other sources anyways. Any idea or system of ideas is distorted by others, which come later and use it for their purpose, or by people building a strawman they can attack.) >please forgive for coming across as brusk if I do Not the problem, it was just confusing.
>>4814 >i have not been able to continue the college meme and finish my AS degree. It's not a meme Anon. Accept it as a personal challenge. I can't pretend to explain how you can take that and wrangle it into success in life. In fact I'm not too convinced there is any such guarantee. Regardless, you yourself will benefit for your honest efforts, succeed or fail. Gambatte.
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Merry Christmas, /robowaifu/ .
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>>7968 Thanks! While I view the BD stuff as mostly just inspiration material, your post led me indirectly to the mjbots quad project, which might prove to have practical benefits for /robowaifu/ . Good work, Anon. :^) https://hackaday.io/project/167845-mjbots-quad https://github.com/mjbots/quad https://jpieper.com/
>>7968 Wow! Real-life electric boogaloo! What a time to be alive (or robotic for that matter)!
Sandman (MGTOW advocate) talks again about his sexbot project, he hopes to start at some time soon. I posted the link to his video and some additional infos int the basement thread >>39 bc it might go towards discussing women, female nature, politics, ... It is related to us, however.
Yeah, not linking to it, wasn't intentional: >>8187
>>8188 Thanks for the update literally Hitler Anon.
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You said there would be a new chatbot chobitsu.
>>8487 Heh, I guess you need to send moar pizzas first Anon. Also, grats you've just opened up for us a new subterranean zone. Probably filled with gold and jewels tbh. Any topic suggestions?
>>8487 When did he make such a promise and in what time frame? And when did we have a chatbot? GPT2 is a text generator. It doesn't know what it says, nor remember it.
>>8490 I actually wasn't quite too sure on that one myself heh. But I'm willing to give Anon the benefit of the doubt. We'll eventually get there with several effective chat systems I'm sure!

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