/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

The important question Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:54:39 No.419
Vagoo. I can't speak for anyone but myself but I'd like to get.. intimate with my fembot. I'd like to know what my options are for her robopussy. I was thinking something like a flesh light with sensors that triggers voice and arm action. I'm using Myrobotlab is Anyone familiar with it?

Robosex general I guess
>>33847 so there is this notion that if the robot can do certain ai tasks it can do them all. However I have an idea of how to go about doing a sex bot. For a dish cleaning bot not so much. For the sex bot it should focus on two things. The face and well the dick. How else can i put it. All motions would be based around those two things. So it see the dick, it moves towards the dick, grabs the dick it puts it in its onahole. It won't have vision of it by the time is in, but there are sensors that can detect it. Nudenet can recognize the face and the dick at multiple angles. The license kind of sucks because its AGLP3 so if the license is respected everything about the robot has to be open source i think. I haven't come many alternatives and training an ai to recognize dicks does not sound like my idea of fun.
>>33853 Anon, I'm going to make an """executive decision""", and move your post here into the ecchi-containment bread. It will fit better here, and will be less-intrusive for engineers at work. <---> So, have you begun any design work towards your snusnu-bot goals, Anon? Surely you've got a leg up over the rest of us who are attempting to fashion realworld waifus, since your problemspace is basically limited mostly to just a 'deadfish' body that doesn't need be much more than a technical sculpture? What about software, any progress on your part with that side of the house? You mentioned a model, have you set it up and begun working with that yet? What about controlling the actuators, the batteries, and the vision? Those are all areas she would benefit from too. --- P.S. If your conversation is first-and-foremost about sexbots, then please keep your posts about that contained ITT. TIA, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>33855 I've made a robot head with skin and talked to the head and you banned me.
>>33856 >conflating building a robo head with being banned Lol. If we ban someone here today it's generally for a good reason. OTOH, if it was something related to the era of one of our former mods, then maybe. If so, then my apologies Anon. <---> Just post the head again would be my recommendation. Please keep in mind we are a SFW board (please see rule #1 : >>3 ). If it's on-topic with the board but ecchi, the please a) spoiler-it, and b) keep it ITT if it's primarily about sexbots/etc. topics. Thanks, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>33856 Peteblank, you were banned for berating others to only work on sexbots, for refusing to keep your posts relevant to the threads they were in, and for generally being rude. You were given ample warnings about this. To feign ignorance and imply your robot head project was in anyways related your banning is dishonest at best. I'm willing to forget all of it so long as you keep your sexbot talk here, where it's relevant. Refrain from derailing threads in from now on. You must also not be rude going forward. I wish you luck in your endeavor, I truly hope you can find a way to make the sexbots you desire and sell them. I do not want any part of it though.
>>33863 Heh, thanks Kiwi! You're a really good leader, BTW. Cheers. :^)
>>35553 >Cleaning is just moving to cleaning table, insert cleaning wand and turn on. Easy money. Are you talking about the vagoo, Barf? To my thinking, any Anon/company that wants to go that route would be much-better served simply using toolfree-serviceable onahole-style cartridges. Easy to clean, easy to replace. Simple as. <---> BTW, if they are for sexo-specific topics (even/especially if in the context of money-making), please keep such posts corralled here in the containment thread. Thanks, Anon! Cheers. :^) >=== -fmt, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/11/2025 (Sat) 05:37:39.
>>35553 >>35554 >talking about cleaning the vagoo I have always liked the concept of the "self-cleaning oven", if not the actual process for those, where our girls are concerned (intense heat). Assuming that the mouth area is also completely fluid tight, why not connect the oral area and the vagoo area with a hose (and a valve, if a suction option is installed, say for a Venus 2000 clone). In this way, post-snu-snu activities, the robo-girl sits on the toilet, opens her "alimentary" connecting valve, inserts a hose from the faucet in her mouth and flushes any unwonted residue from her body. There are flexible rubber sleeves that can go over a bathroom faucet to provide a similar service for us meatbags, or you could install a separate spray nozzle (the familiar pistol grip style of sink sprayer) in the bathroom. You might want to install this under the sink, to avoid awkward questions when relatives visit.
>>35554 >toolfree-serviceable onahole-style cartridges Indeed, the olde hot swappable vagina solution. Until we're producing very sophisticated bots capable of highly dexterous work or blade runner-style replicants that emulate human biology, detachable holes that are easy to clean and replace will be the superior solution. I regularly see people talking about "self-cleaning" bots which don't make sense with our current tech. It reads like cope to me. It's either people not understanding how hard it can be to clean a silicone-wrapped body or wanting to have an artificial vagina that has to be bathed in chemicals regularly to maintain hygiene. Having a vagina that you can remove (for cleaning or repair) or simply having the bot manipulate an onahole for you with their hand is best solution with our current tech and will be the best solution for the next decade at least. This bleeds into the bigger issue of cleaning and maintaining a bot that I don't think is addressed as often. Humans are gross, we're oily, bacteria-laden, smelly creatures. Even without the sex supposition, simply cuddling your bot would leave them needing a thorough cleaning after a few sessions. Particularly if they're coated in synthetic skin meant to behave like human skin. This is why I'm in favor of an easier-to-clean ceramic plated frame or similar hard surface rather than a synth skin which might feel better but act like a bacteria trap. Segmented frame type bodies are also easier to repair and replace I think since you don't have to contend with a silicone body glove. >>35561 >In this way, post-snu-snu activities, the robo-girl sits on the toilet, opens her "alimentary" connecting valve, inserts a hose from the faucet in her mouth and flushes any unwonted residue from her body. This is a big ask both mechanically and logically for a robot to handle in the short term. It might be a nice concept in about 2 decades but for the immediate future it's too ambitious I think. >needs to be able to navigate your house >needs the dexterity to manipulate the necessary valves and hoses to initiate the cleaning process >needs to be able to maintain their own internal "plumbing" to make sure this closed system doesn't leak and damage other components inside their body Instead of having the bot need to manage all that shit, just have them tend to you with an onahole.
>>35562 >detachable holes that are easy to clean and replace will be the superior solution Debatable as the "best" solution for cleaning, but desirable for variety of experience. Have you seen the sheer variety of internal designs available in onaholes? >I regularly see people talking about "self-cleaning" bots which don't make sense with our current tech. I regularly see people decrying some idea as being unworkable, without providing any information on their background, experience or their own attempts at solving the problem, or who list a variety of obstacles that have already been solved elsewhere, or in your case both. >It's either people not understanding how hard it can be to clean a silicone-wrapped body It's called showering, or bathing. Meat women and men have been doing it together for generations. I look forward to repeating the experience (it was a lot of fun) with my robowaifu. Assuming a faux-skin engineered to behave like human skin (as many lovedolls already are) ordinary soap and water should suffice, with occasional supplements of plasticizers or other compounds. This is of course assuming that you don't have a Cherry 2000 that isn't waterproof. >or wanting to have an artificial vagina that has to be bathed in chemicals regularly to maintain hygiene. Meat women do this all the time (or should, if they are sexually active). It's called douche. You can probably walk to a store that sells it. >humans are messy See bathing, above. >hard surfaces are easier to remove in pieces for maintenance Ziplock seals for flexible containers have been around for ever, and work so well that they used them in the Apollo spacesuits. >In this way, post-snu-snu activities, the robo-girl sits on the toilet, opens her "alimentary" connecting valve, inserts a hose from the faucet in her mouth and flushes any unwonted residue from her body. >This is a big ask both mechanically and logically for a robot to handle in the short term. It might be a nice concept in about 2 decades but for the immediate future it's too ambitious I think. More like less than 2 years, at least that's my schedule, because it's mostly repurposing existing hardware, with only a few new (and some old) ideas. >needs to be able to navigate your house Many robots already do this, including robot vacuums >needs the dexterity to manipulate the necessary valves and hoses to initiate the cleaning process Robochefs are already performing more complicated tasks. It will probably take more time to get in and out of the teleoperation rig to train the motions for the robot, than the actual training will take. And that's if training is even necessary- we are at the singularity. And finally my favorite objection: >needs to be able to maintain their own internal "plumbing" to make sure this closed system doesn't leak and damage other components inside their body When was the last time you had a problem with the hoses to your washer or dishwasher? They do fail but it's very rare, unless it's 20 years old or you've got mice. It's almost always the electronics that kills an appliance, because switch contacts or components simply wear out. If the idea of a hose going bad in your waifu worries you, you can replace it every 5 years, and moisture sensors are cheap. The design issue I'm working on as part of this system, is a watertight seal between a removable face and the interior of the mouth, but I think Tupperware may have already cracked it. Presumably the doll manufacturers already have a seal system for the removable onaholes. To be clear, I'm not trying to put you down or be insulting. I hope you will continue to contribute. We also need luddites to try to anticipate problems we may not have already thought of- God knows it would have been great if someone like you had pointed out in the design phase that it would be a good idea if the CO2 scrubber cartridges in the Apollo CM and LM were the same size and shape, just in case. But before you post an objection, try to falsify it yourself. Assume you are wrong and try to figure out why. Or that someone else has already solved it and try to find that solution. If you can't, then it may really be an issue of concern to the community. Otherwise someone has to take the time to point out why these are not really problems, but more importantly, you have held yourself back for some time being concerned over non issues. Good luck with your project.
>>35565 >obstacles that have already been solved elsewhere have they? Show me one video demonstrating these self cleaning sexbots or realdolls cleaning themselves. I'll wait. >It's called showering, or bathing. It's easy enough to write that, but show me a bot getting into the shower with you, lathering itself up, scrubbing itself down, rinsing itself fully, and applying whatever special oinments it needs after the fact. Some decades into the future I'm sure they'll be sophisticated enough to do that, but right now the current realdolls and assorted "sex bot" cleaning regiments I've seen can be, at best, described as a chore. Dragging what is effectively a silicone-wrapped mannequin into the shower to clean it by hand is not my idea of a fun time. >More like less than 2 years, That's very optimistic. Perhaps you can have some prototype model in your garage but as far as mass produced modular waifus for the public market, I don't see that being a reality any time soon. I'm happy for all the techs here with 3-D printers and silicone mold injectors who are also trained electricians, mechanics, and coders who can build their waifu from the ground up but not everyone has those varying expertise locked down. >Many robots already do this, including robot vacuums This isn't some roomba we're talking about that effectively operates on a 2-d plane. Bipedal humanoids need to interact with objects of varying heights in 3-D space. >we are at the singularity If that's the case, why aren't we enjoying the spoils of post-scarcity courtesy of AI solving all of our problems? I'm fairly optimistic for the future but I'm also pragmatic. I've seen plenty of promos for bipedal bots doing things with their hands but until I see these bots working at a gas station or in an Amazon warehouse I view it as little more than corpo shilling for stock price pumping. >When was the last time you had a problem with the hoses to your washer or dishwasher? A dishwasher is a static machine for the most part. Depending on how mobile and flexible you want your bot to be, those fittings and orifices (along with the rest of its body) need to be able to stand up to the wear and tear of locomotion which begs the question, why bother having a complex system of internal plumbing if you don't need that? Internal plumbing sounds neat, but is it really necessary? >Good luck with your project. Sorry, I'm an ideas guy. Unless the hypothetical waifu bot is a mass-produced item, I won't be getting my hands on one. For the average anon, I think AI holds the most promise in the near future. Of course, I'd love to be wrong about the singularity and have all of our problems hand-waved away by magical future tech courtesy of AI overlords but we've been waiting on fusion since the 50's because it's "just around the corner". I'm more inclined to believe tech gurus proselytizing is merely hype, rather than be hyped.
>>35566 So, he takes my replies out of context to make more negative comments, makes new negative comments, and finally admits to having no intent to do anything himself. No qualifications, skills or experience, just negativity. I can only conclude that you are just a fucking troll, and not worth even the time I have already wasted on you Toodles Everyone else, learn from my mistake. Don't feed the troll.
>>35561 > "self-cleaning oven"...connect the oral area and the vagoo area with a hose Yes that's the way that seems most reasonable and requires the least work. After all that's what we want bots for, do the work. Combine this with clenching of the affected parts to soak, then using the fingers to clean. Possibly a brush with soft bristles of some sort. Having a tube between mouth and private parts with some valves is not a big ask. I know any waifu I want to build will be able to shower and clean itself inside and out. I don't see this as any sort of block even remotely. The only block I can see is the computer power needed to make something remotely realistic. And I'm talking about cost effective not whether it can be done or not. I see compute for a $3,000 robowaifu as being a real problem. Right now maybe you could build something but I expect the computer would be $3,000 or more by itself with no body at all. I think there has to be some sort of rethinking of LLM's or some other sort of path to doing this. And there may well be none and all that can be done is wait until the computing power becomes cost effective.
I'd like to just chime in here for a bit. Without firmly adopting either side of the debate, I applaud such diplomacy as: >To be clear, I'm not trying to put you down or be insulting. >Good luck with your project. ( >>35565 ) Regardless of our facts/arguments/opinions, please exhibit humility towards each other. We all certainly have much, much more to learn before we've finished & done a good job here! :^) > "Personal differences aside please..." >>35429 ) <---> Having said that, as someone actually trying to solve the software control side of these things in a general way (ie, that works properly across a wide array of SBCs/MCUs/actuators/et-al -- not just a specific concrete case) -- and one that can be shared freely with everynon out there, I can certainly agree with this Anon's current evaluation of such a """simple""" task as bathing oneself : ( >>35562, >>35566 ). Anon isn't trolling. He isn't niggerpilling. These are incredibly-complex sets of parallel & sequential tasks to pull off safely & robustly. They demand precise control & planning. There is no 'common sense' in a robot. The difficulties involved here make most modern complex industrial control systems look like child's-play by comparison, IMO. And that's just for a robowaifu to take a shower & clean up every nook & cranny! :D This will all be solved eventually! But it isn't going to happen by a magical 'make not suck' button. Rather, it's going to take an arduous amount of design & engineering, countless prototyping efforts, and meticulous assemblages to pull off correctly. But we'll all get there, as long as we stick together! >>35568 >I see compute for a $3,000 robowaifu as being a real problem. There will be many tiers of quality for robowaifus, Grommet. >US$150K+ models, down to the stuff I'm designing using cardboard, foam, & drinking straws for everyman around the planet. And everything in-between. $3K for compute isn't either unreasonable or unexpected. I'd say even more is reasonable, tbh. The goals many of us have in mind put that number much lower, ofc. More like <US$500. Many, many different robowaifu approaches, and many different engineering compromises will be solved during the next decade. I can't wait to see it all! Cheers. :^)
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>>35571 >The goals many of us have in mind put that number much lower, ofc. More like <US$500.
>>35562 >This is why I'm in favor of an easier-to-clean ceramic plated frame or similar hard surface rather than a synth skin However whacky it sounds this is exactly why I talked so much about a NASA chain mail based skin but having the chain elements very small. Small as we can get them. Right now I would see them made of fiberglass resin with some micro fibers type reinforcement. Though lately some possibilities using a PVC based material, Plastisol", have become known to me. Might be something good.
>>20144 Pringle Can lifehack ;)
>>35571 >$3K for compute isn't either unreasonable or unexpected. I agree, but that, to me, is a problem. If compute is $3,000 I can't make a capable doll for $3,000, which I have now, with inflation, pulled a number out of hat saying this would be a good selling point. Before it was $2,000 but I don't think it's possible. As I have said before if you could get one to $2,000 that was capable, you could sell them in mass quantities. >More like <US$500 Yes that would be ideal. Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I want something more than a doll and I feel the computing power, right now, is too expensive for what I want. Though I just had an epiphany. I think I might could possibly make a doll cheaper than what they have now and more capable while not having all the things I want.
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>>35571 >Around whites, internet fights. While I indeed wasn't niggerpilling, in certain circles I have come off as pessimistic regarding robotwaifu scaled production timelines (in my opinion realistic). That being said, I have the same fantasies of robotwaifus like Mina from My Wife Has No Emotion or Dorothy from Big O. I enjoy them and I wish for a future in which they became a reality. I take care to measure my enthusiasm though, and don't want to hype myself for a future that is far in the future still. I also tend to demand proof that I know won't be on hand to make a point which I know can be a rather caustic form of ribbing. >"Leap the wall if you're so great!" I'm sure Robophilliac has some has something interesting cooking and I just need to LET HIM COOK. I would not want my pragmatic outlook to be mistaken as doom pilled on the robotwaifu question. Rather, I fear feature creep more than anything else. Bipedal locomotion is a big ask unto itself, never mind the laundry list of features like integrated AI chat, realistic skin, long battery life, wombs, and more. Even a humble quradped or wheeled waifubot still requires a great deal of engineering. While my "hugbot" concept was somewhat of a shitpost, that high-speed low-drag design philosophy of "cut away the fat and reduce down to only the most necessary components" I think is important for creating bots that are both affordable and easier to build than more feature rich creations. Hugbot might be a little too stripped down but as the image suggests, other parts could be added at the owner's discretion. I have the same sentiment towards screen faces. With them, you don't need to worry about mechanical mouth articulation, (lips, cheek, & jaw), eye movement, or eyebrows. That's not counting all the subtle face movements needed to keep a human-like creature from appearing uncanny. It has its own set of problems being a screen face but it avoids a number of different mechanical hurdles in exchange for a screen interface you can swap out if it becomes damaged. Their interFACE(hue) can also double smart device which is always nifty. >>35579 Whatever the solution, lighter & cheaper would be better in most cases. Hopefully without reducing the structural strength along the way. My only issue with plastics would be the emerging news of microplastics being found all over our bodies. I suppose the most important attribute of a waifu crafting material would be they don't harm us. Hypoallergenic fears aside, an internal frame that could be fitted with a fleece body glove might be a workable solution. Something easy to clean and replace like you would a pillowcase.
>>35575 :^) >>35580 Haha. I spent about 1.5 years kind of obsessively looking over every kind of consumer product -- whether scrap/waste or otherwise -- trying to find materials for robowaifu designs. I actually found several that could be of use. Once I can staff a project, I mean to have some investigation done on these things as available resources to everyman around the planet that has access to such consumer goods items. >tl;dr Good thinking, Anon! :^) >>35581 >I want something more than a doll and I feel the computing power, right now, is too expensive for what I want. I get that. Trust me, I'm trying to understand everywhere we can possibly reduce costs. An RPi5 w/ 8GB is about US$55 rn IIRC. This is a more powerful cheap computer than we could have imagined having in a mobile system just 10 years ago I think; so yeah, gimme 4. :^) And there are much less expensive systems as well, but it's all a matter of divvying up the compute load across a variety of distributed, internetworked onboard devices (think a modern car's 30+ smol computers) to really bring the costs down in this area. That takes engineering complex distributed computing algorithms; so there's an innate cost there in software development as well. Neuromorphics (mentioned several times on this board by yours truly & others) [1] also hold great promise in reducing our costs quite dramatically, once we're at scale sufficient for designing & mass-producing such custom PCBs/electronics. >>35582 I'll plan to give you a response a bit later Anon. --- 1. ( >>12828, >>12861, et al) >=== -sp, prose edit -add crosslinks
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/13/2025 (Mon) 00:26:44.
>>35582 >While I indeed wasn't niggerpilling, in certain circles I have come off as pessimistic regarding robotwaifu scaled production timelines (in my opinion realistic). A healthy dose of skepticism is, well, healthy in general. >That being said, I have the same fantasies of robotwaifus like Mina from My Wife Has No Emotion or Dorothy from Big O. I enjoy them and I wish for a future in which they became a reality. You are truly human, IMO. Once the Robowaifu Age dawns the many evils that have been wrought against men will begin to heal. Onward! :^) >I take care to measure my enthusiasm though, and don't want to hype myself for a future that is far in the future still. >I also tend to demand proof that I know won't be on hand to make a point which I know can be a rather caustic form of ribbing. As an amateur scientist, I not only don't have any problems with this, I applaud it. And as a wannabe-engineer, I constantly seek concrete solutions to realworld problems. >I'm sure Robophilliac has some has something interesting cooking and I just need to LET HIM COOK. All of us have our own levels & styles. I simply encourage us to make great accommodations one for the other. Thanks, Anon! :D >Bipedal locomotion is a big ask unto itself Yes indeedy. But one day the general consensus will be solved, and we'll all move on to the next big conundrum! :^) >While my "hugbot" concept was somewhat of a shitpost, that high-speed low-drag design philosophy of "cut away the fat and reduce down to only the most necessary components" I think is important for creating bots that are both affordable and easier to build than more feature rich creations. It will all come in stages, Anon. After all Carroll Shelby was only 4yrs old when the first Model A rolled off the assembly line! :DD >I have the same sentiment towards screen faces. While I'm generally inclined to agree, they aren't in fact very 'snuggly'. This is an important concept for most people, I think. Hopefully some seriously-good design compromises with come down the pike here that combine the best of both worlds. Why not start on that today, Anon? :^) >Hopefully without reducing the structural strength along the way. This. My little experiments with jumbo drinking straws afforded a remarkable 1400:1 compression/mass ratio! So, just like birbs (cf. >>35604, et al), clever design tricks can get us all across 'the finish line' in this area. Great post Anon, thanks! Cheers. :^)
>>35554 Didn't know about this thread. I think this one feature would pave the way to wide adoption. Maybe something like Jlube and a auto-cleaning douche they make for dolls? Using Greertech's robovacwaifu, could have it move to home station, and then have wand next to home base, and maybe rig something to insert. But even if not automatic 100%, that would be self lubing for 20-30 times, and then you simply insert wand that's already next to base station ad it washes and dries itself. https://www.reddit.com/r/SexToys/comments/rcjmn0/tips_for_j_lube/ https://www.rosemarydoll.com/product/automatic-love-holes-cleaning-drying-douche-for-sex-doll/ Have to go through rest of this thread but sounds like some are already considering detachable strokers, so this would just make it slightly easier for about $125
Recently I was thinking a lot about the cost. Initial cost is no problem, but the cheapest way to keep the cost of cleaning down is to use a material that can be cleaned using only hot water instead of needing a cleaning solution. The only other recurring cost besides maintenance is lube. And running out of cleaner or lube could be a problem that lasts until both have been supplied. If a material could be used that is slippery enough when wet with just body-temperature water would be ideal, but as far as I can tell it may be possible with a very hydrophilic material that is still soft and flexible enough to use, but otherwise I'm drawing a complete blank. It doesn't help that the slippery-when-wet materials ChatGPT and other LLMs suggest are silicone, rubber, aluminum and steel, but if it were that easy nobody would be paying for lube.
I got here from dollforum so good thread to read. I always knew of robowaifu and followed threads but can't really code without AI so basically useless For those, they do sell autolube vagoos which sounds like it's just that jlube powder. They normally charge like $100 for it but you can just buy a can of the powder for $25 but haven't tried it. I also haven't tried the auto cleaning tool I posted, but was just thinking of what is already available for them. For something that requires no lube or powder and water only, I am not sure. I can say my silicone doll definitely requires more than water. It does have the auto-clamping\sucking feature that uses air hoses and I hooked that up to a potentiometer which was fun but pointless. The feature works better other ways.
>>36339 >For something that requires no lube or powder and water only, I am not sure. I can say my silicone doll definitely requires more than water. Yeah, it's tricky. While silicone as a material can be slippery when wet, the texture of the surface plays a major role, and a number of materials that I can find that are hydrophilic only are after some kind of treatment on the surface, which would eventually wear-off over time, especially if it's a flexible material.
>>36340 Yea, Qwen suggested Hyaluronic Acid Serum or Sodium Alginate as a Hydrogel layer or making silicon microchannels using lithography to hold water, but those will only be temporary and not sure if I trust that! The stuff doll makers are using lasts 20 times they say but less if you wash heavily. "The condensed lubricant formula loses effectiveness after each use and a single application of a water based lubricant can last up to 20 times."
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>>36338 If this here is in general about self-cleaning and self-lubricating, then my way of thinking about it is that the waifu can drink things or might have alternative methods of taking in liquid. Then she can open internal tanks and let liquid run down through her vagoo. Maybe while internal mechanisms move the liquid around for a while before flushing it out. So, what's the big deal? We could use any drips of plant oil or whatever going into it. She could have a special mechanism for that. After use, it will be flushed out. The lubricant doesn't need to have special traits beyond needing to work, and not being harmful to the user or the silicone rubber. That said, if someone has water kefir (Tibicos), it might be a good idea to experiment with that. I don't have it right now, since mine died. Maybe the shredded crystals can be used for lubrication. It might even work to let them dry and then add some water to make it into something slippery. >Water kefir grains (also called tibicos) are small, gelatinous structures that contain a variety of bacteria and yeast. These grains are the source of beneficial microorganisms that will transform sugar water into a bubbly, probiotic drink. The context is, that one of my ideas is to use this anyways. Ideally the waifu would grow some of it inside of her and use it as one of the liquids going to her system to eliminate germs. In that case I was specifically thinking that the water kefir (the liquid) would be salvia for the mouth. It's basically real lemonade with some human friendly and editable microorganisms and also a bit of alcohol. This could help to keep germs down. Anyways, in that case we would have these crystals already. Maybe even inside the waifu. In case we have to many, there needs to be a small shredder and then they can be flushed out with cleaning liquid. Maybe they can be used as some kind of lubricant instead and be useful once more. Even if you don't want the whole salvia thing, it might still be worth it if you want something that grows inside and can be used as a lubricant. Having some special gel isn't necessary if we let her drink some water and maybe cleaning fluids to flush her system out when she's in the bathroom. I don't mind it being in the tub or shower, but if others do, the can put her on the bowl.
>>36459 its probably easier to kill everything than to manage a culture, that should be a quote i think embedding a uv led in clear silicon would be enough to sterilize the surface but yeah cleaning out debris and gunk requires a liquid, i think its just a question of finding something that doesnt destroy the silicon over time
>>36460 >easier to kill everything than to manage a culture I doubt that. The idea is doing both. Especially when it's close to impossible to keep some areas completely dry.
>>36464 from experience from making sourdough i know cultures are pretty damn sensitive, all it takes is the wrong acidity or temperature or water content or feeding intervals or too much alcohol/byproducts or getting rid of too much and the whole thing dies or gets taken over by something else and makes it smell like a dirty diaper or something nasty and its not theres any regularity to it where you can just follow a predictable plan, one day it may smell like apricot and then the next day it will smell like cheese with mold growing on top
>>36343 >Hyaluronic Acid I used this and it was great. I used jlube mixed with this and a pinch of borax. The borax kills and mold, fungus, etc. And it's just 20 mule team borax. I don't remember exactly what mix I used but I took notes and here's what they were, 1 tsp jlube this did not seem to be enough, too watery, 100mg Pure Hyaluronic Acid in powder form, one scoop from package = 1 heaping smidgen added 3 more smidgen Hyaluronic Acid 1/8 tsp borax(I don't think I used this much but maybe I did) 8oz boiling water Smidgen = 1/32 teaspoon I know this is rough and incomplete but, it's something and it works great. Used with a TPU Meiki No Syoumei 005 Zhang Xiao Yu)(it's unbelievable)onahole. I had a fleshlight before and it's completely worthless in comparison to the Meiki. You will not believe the water this, and think specifically the Hyaluronic Acid, will suck up. You will likely have to add more water over time. Now my understanding from reading long threads on DIY lube(I would link but they are gone) is that Klube is better because jlube has sugar in it. I can't say if true as I only have jlube and it works fine. One idea is that you could make a onahole from TPU and in the mold add a lot of small sticks like toothpick size. When inserted it would squeeze the holes down and they would be small. Lube could be forced through the holes but most of it washed out. You only have to make sure that you have some sort of additive to stop mold, fungus, etc. I used boric acid, and I read about something called Phenylpropanol but I haven't used it but heard good reports. https://incidecoder.com/ingredients/phenylpropanol
>>36510 Interesting. I was thinking of something similar and then also just hose attachment on TPU mold, so one tube could squeeze in the lube and other would be used to flush it out with water, so you have a mostly auto lube and cleaning device. The last mile is always the hardest though for complete automation
>>36519 Probably the simplest and easiest way for a somewhat smart waifu is to have it use a douche. A read about a guy who during covid and the great toilet paper hoarding came up with the bright idea to get a sprayer like used to spay dishes in the sink and he added a valve to the water supply on the toilet and made a spray bidet out of it. That would be ideal, cheap and easy. Lubrication could still be automatic. Grab her crotch and she lubricates or just tell her, get wet.
>>36521 Good idea. Self lubing via voice command or at certain detected times sounds much easier than the cleaning part. But if it's DIY, it can be part of the docking station so when it recharges it is also auto cleaning. If you only have to insert cleaning wand, the docking station can just have a decent servo cram it inside.
>>36330 >self-lubricating and self-cleaning orifices...trying to find a solid material that would be slippery to the touch with just water I maybe, possibly, have a solution to this. There's this video I've linked before because it's a super damn good composites video. This guy goes over a whole range a substances added to epoxy and what they can be used for,. If you want to ever do anything with any sort of composite or glue you really need to see it. In it he talks about "boron nitride cubic" an extremely hard material but it's super slippery. Now it happened to come to me that you could mix this with something like TPU, or Plastisol that I talked about here >>35259 (it's PVC but a jelly bear like consistency elastomer) And have a stretchy substance but with a good heavy mix of the boran notride on the surface have something slippery. I haven't tried this. I'm going by what I've been told but "if" this worked I could see it being a good material. Because B.N. is a mineral it would not rot or mold and PVC, is a stable material ,maybe this would be of some value. The boron nitride is used in cutting bits but what you would use would be a very fine power so no it would not cut you, I don't think. Where he talks about BN in the video is 27:52 but the whole video is stupendously good and will give you years of education in a very short time. In fact all his videos are good. He very meticulous but explains things very easily and completely on all sorts of subjects. From making alcohol to pulse jet engine carts. Super Strong Epoxy with Diamonds and More! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KjlyXKeo8c another on a composites in general I'll throw in it's good also. Easy Tricks Using Fiberglass Strengthening! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pc-Sd_J26E As for self lubricating. You could mix your own mix, have the waifu swallow it. Provide suitable valves so that the swallowed mixture went to the right place. When you make your whoopie fun parts add in a bunch of toothpicks or small wires or whatever to make little channels. These would close up when the orifice is installed. Add a pump from the lube to these small holes and pump a few times. Instant autolube. For cleaning, powered douche or she could swallow water and drain it out below. Might be nice to do to rinse the mouth and other parts anyways. >=== -patch hotlink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/04/2025 (Tue) 23:10:30.
>>36884 I thought my post went through sometime last week, but I guess it didn't. Years ago I saw a video by Gerald Pollack (possibly this video: https://youtu.be/p9UC0chfXcg ) and his university found out a hydrophilic material will create a layer of water on it that's thick enough to push water impurities away by up to a few millimeters if there's infrared light or a similar energy source acting on it. He patented a water filtration system using this, with no filters, with a water intake being split into more pure and more contaminated water output, which could be looped until the pure water is practically deionized. I wanted to use this for a filtration system in my waifu, every one of her holes would constantly be flushed with pure water for cleaning them and anything consumed by any of those hole would lead to a small digestion system to break-down anything and extract water from it, then piss-out the waste later. It would mostly just be tap water impurities and old cum, but if it can dehumidify the air for moisture then dust and other shit in the air taken in by breathing would also get filtered out. Obviously, none of that requires the hydrophilic material to be soft. But I figured if it could repel salts and other things a few mm from the surface with only nice, warm infrared light, then maybe if that layer of water could be thick and strong enough to reduce friction on contact with skin, and that really seems to be what lubrication is all about.
>>36934 >I thought my post went through sometime last week, but I guess it didn't. Hmm. In my experience here, Alogs' server has generally been quite reliable (apart from some human-error issues. :), and I'm sure we wouldn't have baleeted such a post. If you notice it happening again, please let us know in our current /meta thread. Thanks, Anon.
>>36935 I have to post from work, because my entire IP range at home is banned from here. And the Internet I have at work isn't reliable. So the issue is likely on my end.
>>36934 That is amazing. You know I think I had heard of something like this a long time ago but had totally forgotten. I have been trying to think of ways to purify water but forgot that. It might come in super handy. Thanks. I wonder if a resin 3D printer due to it's high resolution could print out these channels, or, print a mold on which you could cat the channel? I also wonder, haven't viewed the video downloading now, if it would separate viruses and bacteria? One thing I have looked at is ozone generation. Ozone wipes out everything, that I know of, making the water sterile.
>>36940 >I have to post from work, because my entire IP range at home is banned from here. Hmm. Must be global, we ourselves have no range bans active. You probably are yet another incidental victim of troonposters attacking this site. Apologies, Anon. Did you make an appeal?
>>36943 I got range banned some months back as well and have to post on my cell phone now. It’s very annoying. How do you appeal it?
>>36962 >How do you appeal it? In my experience, there's typically a form to fill out you see once upon notification of being banned. Never been banned here on Alogs though, so I'm not entirely-certain in this specific case. Barring that, there's an email address for Robi on the contact page. https://alogs.space/.static/pages/contact.html As with the other Anon, my apologies Artbyrobot.
>>36942 I'd like to make a filtration system using this method to purify my tap water, but the issue I just keep running into is the material used. He used nafion, which isn't very durable and absorbs water, and I don't really trust it. The only other materials I find are hydrophilic are a bitch to machine like borosilicate glass, need a coating of a chemical that will probably wear off over time, or need some kind of surface treatment I have no idea how to do. And until I find a material to use I can't come up with a good design, or at least one that isn't just the same as what Gerald Pollack already patented. But as for viruses and bacteria I think it can filter them out too, but for the sake of caution I was going to add a UV light for disinfection, although where the light is added in the design still depends on the material used. I could get much better use out of a UV light if I don't have to worry about it degrading plastic. I've also considered ozone nano bubbles, but my main concern with that was taking a shower. Ozone is great and all, I use it on my laundry, but if it's not agitated out of the water before it sprays out of my showerhead, then it might make breathing in the shower a bit unpleasant. I figured that a soft hydrophilic material was a higher priority than one that's easy to machine. (and I have other tech secrets I intend on keeping to myself until the time is right)
>>36884 The second link doesn't work.
>>37286 >The second link doesn't work I tried it and it worked fine for me????
BTW this guy here has a huge number of fiberglass videos. It's for boats but fiberglass is fiberglass. It covers a wide range of techniques, coatings, and all sorts of stuff for boats but like I said, it all much the same. https://www.youtube.com/@FishBumpTV/videos
>>37310 Thanks, Grommet! He seems like an expert on these topic.
>>37286 >>37309 I patched it in the interim.
>>37334 >I patched it in the interim Thanks
>>37352 Nprb, mate. I wouldn't have noticed it if NoidoDev hadn't pointed out it was broken. Cheers. :^) >=== -add'l edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/07/2025 (Fri) 07:48:03.

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