/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

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/robowaifu/meta-5: It's Good To Be Alive Robowaifu Technician 03/07/2022 (Mon) 00:23:10 No.15434
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT General /robowaifu/ team survey: (>>15486) Note: Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives available is v220523 May 2022 https://files.catbox.moe/gt5q12.7z If you use Waifusearch, just extract this into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) -HOW TO SOLVE IT (>>4143) -/robowaifu/ 's systems-engineering goals, brief synopsis (>>16376) -Why we exist on an imageboard, and not some other forum platform (>>17937) >--- -Library thread (good for locating topics/terms): (>>7143) >note: there's also a searching tool coded right here for /robowaifu/ that provides crosslinks straight to posts on the board. it's named Waifusearch, and the link to the software is provided inside the Library thread's OP. -Latest version of Waifusearch v0.2a (>>8678) -Latest version of BUMP v0.2g (>>14866) >--- There's a design document for the specification of general design and engineering choices for our basic Robowaifu Reference Model A Series (TBD). Please have a look at it, and collaborate together with us on it ITT Anon. -Robowaifu Design Document (>>3001) >--- -previous /meta's: (>>38) (>>3108) (>>8492) (>>12974) >=== -add team survey notice -edit thread headliner -update 'mini faq'
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/04/2022 (Sun) 14:02:11.
I highly doubt this warrants a thread in any capacity so I'll just post this here. Newfag talking, I have absolutely no technical experience, and I hardly have the time to learn. Is there anything, anything at all, that I can do to help out with this project? I wanna see this happen just as bad as you all.
>>17570 Hello Anon, welcome! Yes this is the correct thread for a question like this. We also have an Embassy thread (>>2823) if you ever care to introduce yourself to anon (particularly if you decide later to adopt a 'handle' here). >Is there anything, anything at all, that I can do to help out with this project? Well, from our Welcome thread (>>3) Who can Contribute? >We need a variety of talents. Obviously engineers and programmers, but also artists, designers, and even writers. And of course literally anyone can freely voice their opinions here, so please join in. If you can into teh arts or wordsmithery, then you can help that way. However, simply communicating your viewpoints and ides about robowaifus here is a very meaningful way to keep the board alive. Every community always needs new blood. :^) >I wanna see this happen just as bad as you all. Excellent! In the vast majority of cases, the actual will to succeed is a vital prerequisite to actual success. Looking forward to hearing from you here further, Anon. Many of us here are pretty helpful I'd say, so don't hesitate to ask questions. Cheers.
>>17571 I read the welcome post, so I understood that, it's simply that all I really could bring to the table are my takes, which likely arent the most groundbreaking things ever, though seeing as how this thread started with that "4 unique ips" post, I think me being here at all is something interesting. I'll be sure to stick around, I discovered this whole robowaifu idea around 2 months ago, but didnt find this board (and site/webring) till last week, and ive just been lurking till now. Hopefully as more time passes we can witness this become something truly great, but only time will tell I suppose.
>>17574 >all I really could bring to the table are my takes Then start there. It's amazing what forward momentum can do for a man, even if it's seemingly a small beginning. Fire away, Anon! :^)
>>17574 >I'll be sure to stick around, I discovered this whole robowaifu idea around 2 months ago, but didnt find this board (and site/webring) till last week, and ive just been lurking till now. How did you find this site exactly? Did you just google "robowaifu" or did somebody recommend this place?
>>17583 >Happy Halloween /robowaifu/ Thank you, happy Halloween to you as well.
>>17579 Once every couple weeks a robowaifu thread pops up on 4chan's pol, and it was only on one of these threads that someone actually posted a link to this place. That should explain how it took me 2 whole months to find this place after first discovering this rather intriguing concept.
>>17606 Glad you found us Anon. I did a brief synopsis of our board's history for our birthday last year (>>14500). As you can see, 4/pol/ played a part in that. Welcome.
Layman-oriented hype espousing the changes that AI brings as it becomes 'human'. Mostly complete tripe, but still an interesting read IMO. >Being human in a digital world https: //insights.roboglobal.com/being-human-in-a-digital-world
>>17607 That post also explains why there's a webring of several imageboard sites, I was wondering why it was the case.
>>17609 Yep you're right. CIA Glowniggers and their little helpers have been all too busy trying to destroy the last bastion of broad free speech available to men, in the entire world. The whole Internet is now the safe-space of Leftists and Filthy Commies worldwide save one area alone: Imageboards. We're the fly in their evil ointment. Our enemy's new sport is to try D&C 'g IB communities by corralling as many innocent newbs as they can sink their claws into off to little cloistered enclaves that the Globohomo also controls lock, stock, & barrel--such as D*xxcord (>>15638, and dig into the preceeding/following conversation therein). IBs are far from perfect (eg. 4cuck, and other obvious glowops), but they are literally the only hope we have left today for open & unfettered, easy-access communications for all. This is why /robowaifu/ will never """officially""" be anywhere else but on an imageboard, while under my watch. OTOH, I'm a true supporter of as many forums for robowaifu discussion coming into being as possible--even the glownigger's. In the end, increasing awareness of the potential of robowaifus will only help further our cause and speed up their eventual arrival as feasible systems for men everywhere. Once this happens...it will change everything. Let /robowaifu/ 's information 'be shouted from the rooftops' ! :^) >=== -minor sp, fmt, prose edit -add 'rooftops', '4cuck', 'change everything', 'fly' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/06/2022 (Sun) 14:11:39.
>>17614 One need not go further than most boards on the webring to see various glowops.
>>17618 "Most" may be over-reaching it, but fair enough. They've clearly attacked this board over the years (one reason I'm still here, just to counter that heh :^), and even bl*cked.gov had at one time wormed in a spot on the ring. >"IBs are far from perfect, [] but they are literally the only hope we have left today" was intentionally phrased just-so by me, Anon. >=== -minor fmt, grmr edit -'fair enough' cmnt edit -add 'still here' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/06/2022 (Sun) 19:35:48.
>>15486 Decided that I (>>17570) ought to fill out this funny little template whateveryoucallit. >Name Mu Cephei, or just Mu >Fave. Waifu Remilia >Specialty The closest thing I have to programing knowledge comes from Scratch when I was a kid. However, I'll be taking an into to C++ course when I get into college, so until then I'm nothing more than moral support. >Relevant Experience None >Most Important Aspect of Waifu Making sure it's affordable for anyone with even a shred of disposable income, as well as making sure it's well clear of the uncanny valley. Those things in tandem should make robowaifus less of a niche richfag thing and something more lonely guys would be willing to invest in >Desired Position on Team Maybe once I get some experience under my belt (or at least learn C++) I could try and be a web developer. If this crack house is actually gonna try and bear fruit it would be good to have a presentable website for people to buy the waifus. Also holy shit, am I the only person who filled this out to not claim to have any technical knowhow? I can imagine maybe one or two of the people were bsing, but damn, there's a lot more professionals here than I've seen on most other corners of the internet.
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>>17706 Welcome Mu! Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself here. >However, I'll be taking an into to C++ course when I get into college, so until then I'm nothing more than moral support. I'm a professional C++ dev. I may be able to answer any questions you have, so fire away. :^) >Making sure it's affordable for anyone with even a shred of disposable income, as well as making sure it's well clear of the uncanny valley. Those things in tandem should make robowaifus less of a niche richfag thing and something more lonely guys would be willing to invest in This. >...If this crack house is actually gonna try and bear fruit it would be good to have a presentable website for people to buy the waifus. Lol. You're kinda taking a hard route if all you want to do is WebDev tbh. ASM, C, C++ are all systems-oriented languages (and trust me, they are exactly well-suited to engineering IRL robowaifus). Overkill? >there's a lot more professionals here than I've seen on most other corners of the internet. Certainly we have our fair share! Kinda goes with the territory I think. Welcome to the /robowaifu/ team, Anon.
Not sure where else to put this, so this will do I reckon. >Rodney Brooks: The Great Robot Migration from Embedded Isles to Unix-ville https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25akT9tJicY&list=PLZ4JlAKnv386oUwfilOo4Qbsnf4_v5zeo&index=3 Presentation given during the 50th anniversary of UNIX, and how robotics & UNIX can work together.
Anons, I'm new to the field of robotics. Thing is, I don't want to just make a hobby out of robotics, I want it as a career. But, I'm not sure where to start or what to work in as roborics is a broad field with many specializations. Is there a place where I can read up on the different specializations, what kind of maths they require, what kind of jobs I'll ha ve to do in my day-to-day worklife etc.? I have some robotics courses in my uni but they aren't very comprehensive.
btw what do you guys bank on for the advancement of waifubots? Do you lean more on the DIY hobbyist side or think we should slowly build expertise, infiltrate the top robotics companies like BD, Google etc. to make our robowaifu dreams come true?
>>17740 >>17748 Hello Anon, Welcome! BTW I moved your questions into this thread as it's our more common meta. The other thread should only be about news topics. :^) >Do you lean more on the DIY hobbyist side In a word: yes. Thus our board's byline >DIY Robot Wives But feel free to approach the problem as you see fit ofc. I would posit that if you choose a career with the Globohomo (as you indicated) however, you're tackling a very tough row to hoe indeed. At least if you're the kind of Anon this board is geared towards. You will be constantly criticized, ostracized and harangued--eventually being blackballed if you reveal your true feelings in that crowd. I'd highly suggest you hide your power level if that's the road you choose, Anon. :^) As to your first post, I'd suggest spending several days digging through /robowaifu/ itself, then following up on the leads you uncover here. Likely to lead you to some of your answers I'd imagine. Good luck Anon! >=== -minor fmt edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/24/2022 (Thu) 06:39:58.
>>17749 ah ok, I'll post my questions there. I was thinking more along the lines of anons eeverywhere hiding their power level to infiltrate the big companies, because if we ever want waifubots to be mainstream, we'll need the massive industrial output of the globohomo. But yeah, I'll have to be careful to hide my actual feelings in the workplace.
>>17750 >because if we ever want waifubots to be mainstream, we'll need the massive industrial output of the globohomo. I understand that perspective, but I flatly disagree. The Globohomo will do everything in it's power to kill this dream, as we see it coming to pass. The old adage 'A leopard can't change it's spots' is perfectly-suited to their character. As discussed here, we're in a race against time in the now-dead West. It's the massive creative output of the combined creativity and passion of the Garage Robowaifu Technicians the world over that will lead to the true revolution that's coming. Henry Ford & the Wright Brothers are highly-esteemed here on /robowaifu/. This is why all our materials & information are open-sauce here, so that any man--indeed everyman--can take it and run with it as he sees fit. OTOH, the East is ascendent now, and they absolutely love the idea of robowaifus by-and-large AFAICT. Together with our Eastern brothers, men everywhere will see this miracle come to pass despite our numerous enemies! :^) >=== -fmt, grmr edit -add 'highly-esteemed', 'everyman', 'leopard' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/24/2022 (Thu) 07:03:07.
>>17751 I'm from Bangladesh, a South Asian country, and I can say things aren't doing very well here either. We somehow skipped over first and second wave feminism and dropped straight to the third. btw, what exactly do you think the Globohomo's goals are in this regard? I don't know or care about any kind of Globohomo, I simply dislike what females have become and want nothing to do with them. I'd say in that regard my goals would align with the Globohomo. Females might be useful idiots for the globohomo to exploit bu they're also a huge liability holding back the progress of humanity. I don't see why the Globohomo won't eventually want a world ran by an ASI who would look out for the benefit of all mankind. But yeah, while I'd get a job in some big robotics company, I'd do my best to contribute to open source projects.
>>17751 I'd also like to add that science has advanced farther and wider now than during the times of Ford and the Wright Brothers. Any notable advancements requires a conglomeration of dozens of different specialists and state of the art R&D equipment, not to mention billions of dollars in funding. I just don't see how we'll make any worthwhile advancements. I can see making headway in the software side, since anyone can contribute to FOSS. But, I don't see the same happening in hardware side, which is much harder imo.
>>17753 >btw, what exactly do you think the Globohomo's goals are in this regard? To do everything in their power to preserve the evil status-quo they've built. This is a long topic, suffice to say everything a rational man hates is exactly what they want to promote. >I'd say in that regard my goals would align with the Globohomo. The Globohomo is the source of feminism, Anon. And all the other follow-on '-isms' from this gateway-drug that typical Leftists & Filthy Commies all love & promote. >>17754 I understand that perspective. I'm a professional in industry and I'm aware of corporate dynamics. But trust me, open, 'loving', 'caring', privacy-preserving and all-around wholesome robowaifus will only come from Anons who care, not from the evildoers described above. I get this isn't the 19th century any longer, Anon but probably it should be though, heh :^).
>>17750 >industrial output Only of the parts, which should be as common as possible. Then: 200k entities like clubs or small companies * 5 robowaifus per day * 350 days per year * 10 years = 3.5 billion robowaifus (a bit fewer than all women)
>>17755 >>17758 It's not just industrial parts though, anon. Think of those advanced chips used inside the robot. Those cost an arm and a leg apiece. A single robot might need several. And it's not even something you can just 3D print. Lithography machines are such cutting edge tech that they might as well be black magic. And btw, idk much about the globohomo or what they have to do with jews. Maybe they are popular in the West but here the real enemy are feminists and religious nutjobs. While I hate commies as much as the next guy, it's the fundamentalists doing the damage here the most, and females are somehow unironically supporting them.
>>17760 >such cutting edge tech that they might as well be black magic. And yet garage Anons are starting to produce chips. Where there's a will there's a way friend. >religious nutjobs > fundamentalists Not sure if you're lumping Christianity in with this, but if so you may find me ill-suited to your tastes. I'm an outspoken follower of Jesus Christ. It's literally why I founded /robowaifu/; b/c of the abominable abuses going on by Satan through his obedient little pets (the Globohomo) towards men all around the globe. >tl;dr Faith in God is fundamental to why I'm even here on /robowaifu/.
>>17761 >And yet garage Anons are starting to produce chips source? I genuinely find it hard to believe that they somehow mastered SOTA lithography for their DIY bots. >Not sure if you're lumping Christianity in with this, but if so you may find me ill-suited to your tastes I'm in a muslim majority south asian country. I don't know about Christian fundamentalists in your country but here the nutjobs have carried out large scale terrorist attacks because they didn't get their way, in fact there was a period during the early 2000s where we were pretty much turned into mini-Afghanistan/Iraq thanks to their activities. I'm personally more or less an atheist, but I don't care about other people's religion as long as everyone minds their own business.
>>17753 >Females might be useful idiots for the globohomo to exploit bu they're also a huge liability holding back the progress of humanity They are the Great Filter Thats my hypothesis at any rate
>>17762 >SOTA Don't think I mentioned that. Certainly I didn't mean to imply it, given the 'garage Anons' (ie, relatively cheap). >sauce Anons on /robowaifu/ (to wit: just look around, you'll find it. >I'm personally more or less an atheist, but I don't care about other people's religion as long as everyone minds their own business. A) As mentioned, I'm outspoken. B) Many, many of the soulish aspects of humans are prime topics for robowaifu AI. Thus, the Spirititual underpinnings of the Soul are fair game here. Expect incoming, heh. :^)
Would you guys say a college degree in EE/CS/ME/Mechatronics is necessary to get into robotics?
>>17775 >collage degree Degrees are for finding a job and for social status (dating). >necessary to get into robotics? There are plenty of DIY roboticists and animatronic enthusiasts which don't have that. Educational institutions would also gear you more towards something which is more commonly done than building basically animated dolls. You would also rather use software which would cost a lot of money, then not being able to share your files, and thinking of your time as extremely valuable and expensive. Maybe living somewhere expensive and being married or already divorced.
Bangaladeahanon Please reach out to Pareto Frontier @compactlatentspace:halogen.city
>>17787 Heh, any reason he can't simply 'reach out' to you here in public, Pareto?
>>17775 It certainly won't hurt your chances Anon! However, just perform your own cost/benefit analysis would be my advice. Will it be worth it?
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>>17797 I do appreciate the explanation It is or should be common procedure that if someone makes a post that is out of pocket or questionable that they are called out on it, asked to clarify, and if still found in some violation given a warning. I'll accept your explanation as it makes much more sense than suddenly deciding to go from 0 -> ban on with no warning. That did not seem like you At any rate I've moved forward with acquiring a VPS server and a few more domain names. In addition Pareto and I have been brainstorming how to procure 30 pioneer/volunteers to train our AGI on the 3090 GPU as doxxcord is not secure we are utilizing Matrix. Since I am no longer banned (and safe to assume not persona-non-grata) I may be reached at @metaronin:halogen.city if anyone need to contact me securely about anything at all. (I had used my phone to post pareto's contact, yes that was me) That is all for now
>>17808 Hi Meta Ronin, welcome. Heh, yea sorry 'bout that. I waited long on this in hopes of restoration. All bans originating from this board here have been lifted by me. Let us not speak of these things again. :^) So, I like the idea of distributed training. Perhaps you two can contact our Pony friends, the OP of our Robowaifu@Home thread, and all of you can create something fantastic together?
>>17787 >>17808 I'm on Matrix now also. My username is the same as here but with a 22 at the end.
Just made a matrix. ribozyme:matrix.org
>>18039 >>18054 noted and I messaged you both Pareto keeps odd hours I will update you with any next steps. Ribose are you the Bangladesh anon? If not, that is fine just curious
>>18056 No, I am not the Bangladeshi anon.
>>17787 Finished speaking with meta ronin for now and sent you a message on Matrix about directions to accessing the Pareto server
Created a matrix ascendentspark:matrix.org
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RTX 3060s are only $200 now, $500 new. Seriously thinking of acquiring 8 of them over the next few months and making a cluster, especially with Stability AI thinking about making an open-source ChatGPT. Or is there something better I could spend my money on? I was thinking getting 3090s but they don't seem worth the price and consume too much power. Eventually I want to max out my 200 amp service and at least have a small chance of competing against Big Tech. Also I've been making a shitload of money speeding up my commissions with Stable Diffusion. It's fucking unreal. I'm taking 1/10th the time and delivering twice as good results. It took a bit of practice to get the hang of it but it was worth it. If there are any other artists here you need to get in on this and make hay while the sun shines.
>>18162 Congratulations to you business success. I don't know if it is relevant, but 3090 can be linked together in a way 3060s can't. Forgot the name of it. Also, it's about having enough vRAM or not? 4*3090 have as much as 8*3060. Idk, just make sure you know what you're doing before buying them.
>>18164 I'll look into NVLink more. I don't think I'll benefit much from having higher bandwidth between nodes since I train on large batch sizes with gradient accumulation. I also want to focus on smaller models everyone can run so I won't be sharding giant models across GPUs except maybe for fun. It's something I'll give more thought though. In the future there might be a need for indie devs to run and finetune their own large models capable of doing things small models cannot. Maybe coding gets solved in 6 years at 70B parameters. Having NVLink would be essential then.
>>18162 Hello Anon fellow artist, could you help me get started with stable diffusion for art commissions? I could really use the money to buy parts.
>>18212 I'd suggest you repost your question in our /meta-6 (>>18173), Anon. This one has autosage'd and will no longer bump.
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>>15487 >>15496 Name: NoidoDev Favorite Waifu: I don't have one. Especially if it's not limited to gynoids. Cameron from TSCC made me realize that I'd like to have a gynoid girlfriend, one of my anime gynoid favorites is Yumemi Hoshino from Planetarian. I'm they guy who want's more than one. Specialty: Currently OpenSCAD and 3D printing, or simply having time and financial independence, picking up new things over time. I don't have originally a technical background, aside from a bit of high level programming, robowaifu was the motivation to get into tech and DIY making. I'm used to reading a lot and sorting stuff, ... I'm also the guys who's making the diagrams in >>4143. I tend to jump from topic to topic, not really the kind of specialist. Relevant Experience: 3D printing and modelling in OpenSCAD, but I also have some experience in Python and a variant of Lisp, planning to pick up electronics and deep learning. Most Important Aspect For Your Waifu: Idk. The obvious things: Nice, good looking, ... Desired Position On Team: I don't want to be on a "team", that's why I didn't sign up here with a name until now. I'm working on improving the technology and the decentralized organization around it.

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