/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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The Basement Lounge Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 21:34:51 No.39
This is the humor & designated shitposting containment bread for anons to say anything that's on their minds. WARNING WARNING Don't come in here friend! Remember back when /b/ was good? Yeah I didn't think so. You wouldn't have wanted to hang out in there either. >Git! Shoo!!11 WARNING WARNING WARNING
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/30/2020 (Mon) 08:13:14.
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crude but sums it up nicely
Herr Frankenstein, I know all the girls are just clamoring to be a part of your experiments, but tbh it's a little outside our bailiwick here on /robowaifu/. I'll be merging this thread over into shitpost central soon, so grab it if you want it. :^)
>>14277 >>14279 I had no interest in creating a liquid fuel system to burn alcohol or whatever, but I thought a digestive system might be useful for self-maintenance. 1. Water-based lubricant flushes the mouth (and vagina), semen and anything else it ingests passes into the stomach. 2. In the stomach is heat + saltwater + disinfecting UV light + electrolysis would create hydrochloric acid and lye, with a pH meter for feedback. (Potential hydrogen leak) 3. Lungs were originally just for show, but I considered making it a self-cleaning air filter that rinses into the stomach, and gases from the stomach could go to a wood stove catalytic converter out the lungs. 4. Possibly a sort of dialysis-like osmosis system for a 'small intestine' with purified water extracting ingredients to make a water-based lubricant. 5. A water-purification system 'large intestine' using LEDs & hydrophilic tubing (https://patents.google.com/patent/US7819259B2 https://youtu.be/PtXgewzT1Fo)[Embed][Embed] long enough to create high purity water- and shit. (dialysis system could be made in a similar way) 6. The shit comes out exactly like you'd expect, and that might be reason to abandon idea entirely. Pic related. And I just keep thinking of this: https://youtu.be/ctijp4955Y4[Embed][Embed] 7. The pure water would go back as dialysate, making water-based lubricant or just rehydrate the blood supply I described here >>13165 & >>13181, which I didn't really even want to be water-based to begin with, because of electrolysis. It was just an idea I had the other night, as an alternative to just trying to blast her insides clean with a hose and feeding her some tablets instead of refilling a lube reservoir. With all the power this could end up using, I was just thinking that it might be worth trying to recapture some instead of just radiating heat. Or maybe it'll just blow-up.
>>14300 Party-pooper
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>>14507 >the nigger punched him over words in a game Realistic comic to be honest. Never knew where that banner came from. >>854 This has also potential jokes for /r9k/ types that get off on trolling.
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Nuns and holy woman are the most based. A future with nun and holy woman robots must be fought for and protected.
>>14666 Lol OK, Satan. :^) Neat looking design actually. Her shell needs a little help and lots ofsome help with her emotional software, but otherwise a nice basis for a good robowaifu tbh.
Look. I'm a noob, a chump, a foreigner and a sleezeball. Say what you want but I just want to help this industry in whatever way will get me exclusive under the table, premium account Mr big type of goodies. Brain uploading, collectables, personal AI etc. Thing is I don't have a lot of money. What organisations are most likely to do this on the industrial level and what can I provide to such a newborn business? I don't really want a waifu (though it would be nice), I just want the AI and militaristic potential for my own agendas. Is there a secret board chat that might need a few acres sometime in the future?
>I just want the AI and militaristic potential for my own agendas. Well, as mentioned in the post directly above yours Anon, you really don't need to look here for that kind of info. I'd personally suggest the Globohomo Big Tech/Gov. Google maybe? They (and the rest of the FANGS + their puppetmasters) are chock full of individuals with ill-designs towards humanity so maybe they can help you out neighbor. We're actually just a small community of simple-minded Anons who just want nice robowaifus. Most of us have little further agendas with them tbh.
Not what I want. Think some small fry like me is going to into the elite silicon prestige tier? I mean to help out the precursor group (because there will be one, and you WILL become globohomo regardless of your weeb shit rn) so that I can realise my own goals. I don't care what happens to humanity, I just want to live forever in my cave network defended by robots and have my AI automate everything and stimulate my mind. Tbh if I was smart enough I would do it myself or become ancap.
Chobitsu, that anon who kept talking about wanting to make militaristic robots seemed very much like a troll or glowposter. This place isnt about politics or violence at all.
Hmm. You very well may be right Anon. One thing's for certain, as Jesus said; "In this life you will have tribulation." For us Christians, He then added, "But be encouraged, I have overcome the world." It's an inevitability that this tech will be used as weaponry I suppose. But certainly we don't need to espouse or promote those concepts here on /robowaifu/ IMO.
>Protecting yourself is bad >But Jesus will let you have perverted sex with an abomination and this should be allowed
>Protecting yourself is bad >But Jesus will let you have perverted sex with an abomination and this should be allowed Lol, you seem to be kind of talking out both sides of your mouth Friend. And I doubt you speak for Jesus one way or other, quite frankly. :^) I'll let your response determine where this conversation gets moved to. It plainly is off-topic in this one.
I do not care about Jesus, you do. You are the hypocrite. I can not have a "robowaifu" for self defense and my own gain, but fucking/marrying one is ok. You are the one that brought up Jesus, dickhead.
>>13679 Yeah, I don't think this is going to happen and I'm very opposed to it. Website shouldn't need to remove links because some SEO stuff. It's also a bold move to ask people to remove links for that reason from the internet, lol. I first thought this was spam. That aside, optimizing for website traffic from search engines? LOL. Just have good content and people actually linking to it.
>>13679 I looked into it out of curiosity. I knew this can't be real or normal. It's not my job to solve such things, but I found this: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/2648487?hl=en - which explains how sites that link to one's website can be disavowed. So one doesn't need to go around to request link removals from other sites. This is normally for link farms and such, but we only had one link to that website. I wonder if this website here is flagged as bad / 'low quality' by Google or if they go after image boards in general. Either way its outrageous but also not surprising. We are the technological spearhead of the manosphere and of humanity as a whole. I request this whole topic to be moved to the basement in some time, since it is OT and now resolved. Please don't go on discussing it here.
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What did the AI mean by this?
>>15357 Of course these little Elves also come in handy for smuggling drugs, chemical weapons and Western microchips into Russia. Don't worry comrade, the last customs officer who checked didn't last long! His biomass was rapidly converted into more little elves.
>>15351 LOL. Aigis certainly isn't Jesus Christ, so it's off there. But maybe God will bless us with our own Aigis one day Anon? :^)
>site listed as Friend died >sticky listing feminism as reason to 'chose' robot Incel
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Happy Matariki! (Maori New Year)
>>17574 Just a heads up to newfags to not tolerate anons contributing nothing themselves to any collaborative efforts they claim to want to be a part of. They are just looking to take advantage of anything you have to make and take all the credit for it. Once you put your foot down they will also make up a mockery of a project just to spite you and fuck off once they think you are gone. Its best to just do your own project and have fun. Happy Halloween /robowaifu/
>>16793 A cute! Happy belated New Year Kywy.
https://twitter.com/connorobrienNH/status/1598442858142650368 https://twitter.com/tori_bateman/status/1598706099171241984 https://archive.md/2WiZG Just shows that as long as women continue to have the monopoly on sex and reproduction, things will only get worse for men.
>>17890 There's a lot going on behind why things are so fucked with womyn today mate, but yea you're right. Until robowaifus arrive on the scene, things will get worse quickly.
Um if we can make a robot waifus should we sell them or use them to commit crime get more money to make more robots amass a robot army and take over the world?
>>19883 The latter ofc is my plan. Otherwise, we'll never make headway against normalniggers and the globohomo.
>>19884 I'd be okay with selling them but I think I'd get scammed by the illuminati/jews/free masons. I guess we're taking over the world then.
>>19885 I'm not a businessman and don't have a lick of business sense. If I invented them, I'd just opensource everything anyway. To ensure they can proliferate freely without globohomo interference. The best thing ofc, is taking over the world with my robowaifu army.
>>19886 Bros, this is lack of direction is getting us nowhere. Are we making a waifu bot or are we making a crime bot? If we're making a crime bot all we need for it to do is recognize gold and cash and kill everything that's not cash or gold and put the cash and gold in a bag ff.. Or if we're merciful make it only kill if it gets shot. Waifu bots also need to be soft whereas killbots need to be hard...
>>19887 My first aim is ofc a robowaifu army. And idc about ethics or morals. I'll order them to kill anyone that stands in our way. True robowaifu lovers would never offer any resistance so they're safe. The first step towards that I think, is to open source everything so that they proliferate out of control. So, globohomo won't be able to ban them. It's like guns in USA, they're so ubiquitous thats its virtually impossible to ban them. Same with robowaifu. All anons 3d print their own militia which can unite to take over the world.
>>19888 No bros if anything we don't want to release the blueprints. We'd want them to be as secret as possible. Joe six pack isn't going to build a waifu even if he has the blueprints anyways. If people don't make guns in places where they're banned what makes you think they'll make a robot?
>>19890 I'm pretty sure people make make plenty of guns in secret. Not to mention, once 3D printing is suffciently good, they'll start printing them en masse. Who will you keep the blueprints secret from? The government? They have the top science minds on their side, they don't need our blueprints. If anything they'll come out with far better robots to defeat our army. Ou only hope is that through open source community development, we can match the development of the government.
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>>19891 I'm sure they have robots in the basement. But they don't have robots on the street. If someone built a robot and robbed say a jewelry store the people on the street would be police humans.
>>19893 The first time, yeah. Then they'll quickly roll out the robots and replacing the human police. I mean, police departments already use BD's spot and there's one instance of them using explosives with a bot to take out a criminal.
>>19894 That's why we got to make it count. We either do one grand heist or a bunch of heist across the country at the same time. The goal is like 1 billion dollars, then we can build like +3 million robots and take over the US and then China and then the world. Or China and then then the US. It doesn't matter with kill bots nobody can stop us muahaha.
>>19883 Joking aside, they won't have the energy to do anything like that. Or the intelligence... CHIIIII
>>19890 >don't want to release the blueprints. This board is about sharing the development and ideas, also many or all results.
>>19895 Or we make them so attractive that many guys spend money on them, and build them decentralized everywhere...
>>20208 If the homoglobo is evil and we get to seat at the homoglobo table somehow we'd just have to join in the wickedness I'm afraid... Oh well its a price I'd be willing to pay.
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I suppose once Tw*tter's new CEO > supposedly takes the helm at the end of the year, I may finally reconsider my categorization of them as part of the globohomo? Who knows, we'll see. :^)
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>>7839 This is one of the most underrated AI/robot Anime ever: Time of Eve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B_TWMp-_pE
reminder that if you fail to profit from a robot waifu you'll still have a waifubot in the end lol And if you prioritize the maid aspect you'll have a robot that can clean maybe. However if you prioritize the sex aspect you'll have a 24/7 dick sucker. Which is more important I wonder. I know I can clean my room but I can't suck my dick.
>>23856 Yes it's a wonderful OVA Anon, thanks for the recommendation. I'm curious why you posted it down here though, since it's a legit choice?
>>24820 It's the perfect place, since it is ... how should I put it ... not really that good.
>>25766 Lol, OK fair enough. :D
>>28764 If everything goes perfectly right, just imagine how many high iq white and asian breeds can be born through this method? It's literally the end of dumb nigger monkey breed all together since we can out pace the number of nigger monkey breed with high iq new born babies through artificial womb technology. No more niggers around, no more shit genes and no more shitskin or retarded genetics. We shall have a populace of smart upstanding men and women living in high standard society.

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