/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

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Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 01/14/2023 (Sat) 23:49:54 No.18711
Post about whatever media predominately features at least one fembot aka gynoid (female form of an android) as an important character, ideally a robowaifu or synthetic girlfriend. Some freedom with the topic is allowed, virtual waifus or bodiless AI might also qualify if she is female. Negative framing of the whole topic should be mentioned with negative sentiment. Cyborgs with a human brain or uploads of women don't really fit in, but if she's very nice (Alita) and maybe not a human based cyborg (catborg/netoborg) we can let it slide. Magical dolls have also been included in the past, especially when the guy had to hand-made them. Look through the old thread, it's worth it: >>82 - Picrel shows some of the more well know shows from a few years ago. I made a long list with links to more info's on most known anime shows about fembots/robowaifus, without hentai but including some ecchi and posted it here in the old thread: >>7008 - It also features some live-action shows and movies. I repost the updated list here, not claiming that it is complete, especially when it comes to live action and shows/movies we don't really like. >In some cases I can only assume that the show includes robogirls, since the show is about various robots, but I haven't seen it yet. A.D. Police Files: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/ad-police-files Andromeda Stories: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/andromeda-stories Angelic Layer: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/angelic-layer Armitage III: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/armitage-iii Azusa will help: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/azusa-will-help Blade Runner 2022: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/blade-runner-black-out-2022 Busou Shinki: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/busou-shinki-moon-angel Butobi CPU: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/buttobi-cpu Casshern Sins: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/casshern-sins Chobits: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/chobits Cutey Honey: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/cutey-honey Clockwork Planet: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/clockwork-planet Coyote Ragtime Show: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/coyote-ragtime-show Frame Arm Girls: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/frame-arms-girl Girls' Frontline: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/girls-frontline Heaven's Lost Property: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/heavens-lost-property Hi no Tori 2772 (Alt title: Phoenix 2772): https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/phoenix-2772 Ichigeki Sacchuu Hoihoi-san: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/ichigeki-sacchuu-hoihoi-san Iczer One: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/fight-iczer-one Indian Summer: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/indian-summer Key the Metal Idol: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/key-the-metal-idol Kowarekake no orgel: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kowarekake-no-orgel Kurogane Communication: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kurogane-communication Magical Pokan: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/magical-pokan Mahoromatic: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mahoromatic Metropolis: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/metropolis Miss Monochrome: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/miss-monochrome No Game, No life: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/no-game-no-life Plastic Memories: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/plastic-memories Parasite Dolls: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/parasite-dolls Planetarian: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/planetarian Prima Doll: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/prima-doll Outlaw Star: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/outlaw-star Robot Carnival: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/robot-carnival Robot Girls Z: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/robot-girls-z Rozen Maiden: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/rozen-maiden Saber Marionette J: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/saber-marionette-j SoltyRei: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/solty-rei Steel Angel Kurumi: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/steel-angel-kurumi The Big O: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-big-o Time of Eve Movie: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/time-of-eve-movie ToHeart: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/to-heart-remember-my-memories Unbreakable Machine Doll: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/unbreakable-machine-doll Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/vivy-fluorite-eyes-song Voogi's Angel: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/voogies-angel Xenosaga: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/xenosaga Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/yokohama-kaidashi-kikou >Cyborgs/Netoborgs Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (Catgirl Cyborg, not a robot): https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/all-purpose-cultural-cat-girl-nuku-nuku-tv Pandora in the Crimson Shell: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/pandora-in-the-crimson-shell Pandora in the Crimson Shell - Ghost Urn: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/pandora-in-the-crimson-shell-ghost-urn Alita: Battle Angel (live-action) >Anime-Planet has some tags to find on-topic shows. However, some shows are missing the right ones or have wrong ones. Android is used as a generic term for humanoid robots. Cyborgs can be ones withna human brain or a human-like body but a CPU. Then there are shows which might have some fembot character, but it isn't the main protagonist. We don't need to go through all of them, if they have poor ratings. Some are also very short e.g. some with Drossel. Feel free to go through the lists, I just think some filtering makes sense. https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/tags/androids https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/tags/robots https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/tags/cyborgs Combined tags female robot: https://www.anime-planet.com/characters/all?gender_id=2&include_tags=212 >Robots raising children, not necessarily gynoids but shows I can recommend Kurogane Communication https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kurogane-communication Eden: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/eden --- ALWAYS.SAVE.EVERYTHING. >=== -add thread subject -add 'save' memo -patch hotlink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/14/2023 (Sat) 05:44:28.
>Live Action (often with negative framing, but some have positives elements to it) Alita: Battle Angel (live-action version) Terminator SCC https://terminator.fandom.com/wiki/Terminator:_The_Sarah_Connor_Chronicles Turbo Kid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFlZ6pVtnv0 Tomorrowland (2015): Inspiring fembot in a child-like body, movie might have a lot of Illuminati symbolic. Raised by Wolves BetterThan Us (from Russia) Her (nice voice, but that's it) M3gan: Robot raising a child, but a western horror movie from 2023, so with a negative framing >Some shows might have sequels or prequels, I didn't put in the links for those. You'll need to look on your own if there's more based on a show you like. Example: Armitage III - Poly Matrix: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/armitage-iii-poly-matrix Armitage III - Dual Matrix: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/armitage-iii-dual-matrix >Then there might be other shows including NPCs, like Overlord: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/overlord >Games Nier Automata is the most mentioned. The old Westwood Blade Runner features one gynoid that can be saved. Turbo Kid game is in the making, might include a synthetic girlfriend, maybe even Apple. There are plenty of visual novels, hentai or dating games with some kind of synthetic girlfriend or robowaifu. More, and discussions on a lot of the mentioned franchises, in the old thread: >>82 >Manga My Wife Has No Emotion - Alt title: Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/my-wife-has-no-emotion Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/yokohama-kaidashi-kikou Chobits https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/chobits Two search options with tags, seems to be the same results: Tags: Robots, Interspecies Relationship https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/all?include_tags=1202,212&exclude_tags=1036 Tags: Interspecies Relationship https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/all?include_tags=280,1202&exclude_tags=1036 Boylove (BL) was excluded in both cases. If you have the money, maybe rather buy your manga. I think this goes even more directly to the creators of the franchise than anime, since there are fewer or no additional people involved. Images for manga can be seen here (>>19367) >=== -add manga listing
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/31/2023 (Tue) 22:06:22.
Excellent OPs Anon, thanks!
>>18697 >I have given up on any futuristic movies from the West. It's all retarded dystopian liberal propaganda. This. When it comes to AI -- and particularly when it's 'attached' to a robot -- TPTB want nothing more than to incite FUD in the masses. However, I do note that they are quite happy to use it for themselves, ofc. :^) >Japanese anime seems to be the only place where we get a more optimistic outlook on the future, not to mention robowaifus. Chobits is a favorite for me for several reasons (even if it's far from perfect). One of the major reasons is that the ending is a bright promise, and a happy future for both Hideki and Chii! >=== -minor fmt, sp edit -add 'anime' quote
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/15/2023 (Sun) 02:23:48.
>>18702 Yeah, I know they're not optimistic movies but I still love them. Aside from the unironic "literally me", they're still works of art. Most futuristic movies are nowhere near as good looking as them. Every frame could be a wallpaper. Also, atleast in the OG Blade Runner, the protagonist runs away with the replicant and in 2049, there's much more sympathy for the replicants.
Just checked out Transcendence. I was told this was actually a pro-AI movie. ofc it turned out just how they all turned out. I'm not even mad. In a way, it was a pro-AI movie. Literally everything Will did was helping humanity. I'd be more than happy to occassionally connect to a hivemind if it meant I could be functionally immortal with no disease and regeneration capabilities. I literally can't think of a single point the humans made that would make me join them over the AI Will. And to put the cherry on the cake, Will got betrayed by the foid he loved and that ultimately led to his death. Ofcourse it turned out in the end, it really was Will and everything he did was in fact for the benefit of humanity. All in all, this is actually a pro-AI movie, just not people think. It shows how humans are unreasonably afraid of tech they don't understand and that fear holds them back from things that could clearly benefit them. A succint commentary of irl big companies and luddites lobotomizing, nerfing and closing down new technologies, especially nuclear technology and AI.
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>>18943 >Transcendence. I was told this was actually a pro-AI movie Lol, I was in cinema back then and regretted it. No, it's not pro-AI and that's actually quite obvious in the trailer if I recall correctly. Rule of thumb: - Western movies or shows only take a positive perspective on some AI if the topic AI is not the center of the story and/or not if it's not a big mainstream movie or show. - Even if some story is somewhat positive about some AI or even about gynoids, it is mostly about some other AI being bad and the gynoid being independent. Also in all cases I recall it's about a apocalypse, post-apocalypse or dystopia. It might also be positive, till some twist at the end telling that real women are better or AI bad. - The existing tv shows have been canceled prematurely, but might have gone the same negative direction anyways if this wouldn't have happened. - If it will ever be positive in any future story, it will be about empowering women, some minority, or solving the worlds problems like hunger and poverty, not about improving the quality of life of (white) men. - The reason why this might change at some point is the increasing availability of tools to tell the stories we want. Audiobooks with some AI generated illustrations might currently be the most viable but still ambitious way to go. Tbh, there also isn't that much good anime with a self-confident male owner of a gynoid and the gynoid being submissive, using her for sex (at least implied) or at least as a girlfriend on a emotional basis, and the story also being good. Some anime ticks some of these boxes, that's it.
>>18946 >Some anime ticks some of these boxes, that's it. I thought Dear Marie did a pretty good job of it tbh. And ofc Chobits is basically a utopia of sorts, where humanoid companion robots have been completely-integrated into practially all modern society. There was a weird twist about both Freya, and then Elda offing themselves, but Chii finally pulled it out and rejoined Hideki in the end for a very positive final moment. All in all it's just about the best robowaifu media out there IMO. I basically agree with you Anon that we here, or our adjacent cadres, should seriously consider creating our own highly pro-robowaifu media perhaps.
>>18949 >I thought Dear Marie did a pretty good job of it tbh. Yes, that's why I picked the picture. Buttobi CPU (the anime of it) is one the best in that regards. However, they guy is still rather shy, at least at the beginning of the story.
>>18949 >>18955 Hopefully with all the new text to video and other AI generative models coming out, I don't see why we can't make our own anime and movies. Maybe it won't be a one person job but hopefully the AI models will seriously cut down on manpower and money requirements, making it easier for collaborative projects just like the one we got going here.
>>18960 I realized a while ago that because early synthetic voices might still sound a bit artificial, this might even lead to more robot protagonists in stories coming from such small producers. So they can use these voices and don't need voice actors, but also these voices don't need to sound perfectly human.
>>18976 wasn't there recently an AI model called VALL-E that can accurately replicate voices with very small amounts of data?
>>18977 Yes, three seconds of sauce audio was the claim by M$ (>>18605).
>>18985 nobody has tried it out yet?
>>18992 Someone here might have, but I'm unaware of their report on it if so. But I'm quite sure in the broader waifu communities that someone aligned with us has already. The Ponies, for instance, would be on top of this fairly quickly I expect. Do you have the resources to try it out Anon? If so, why not give it a shot.
>>18997 I have an absolute potato 2GB VRAM laptop only, so no, I unfortunately can't try it. I guess once again, we must place our hopes on the furries and bronies.
>>18999 >I guess once again, we must place our hopes on the furries and bronies. Haha, fair enough. I'm sure some of us here will test it out eventually Anon. Patience. :^)
>>18992 I'm getting my GPU soon and might look into it. We are getting OT here, btw. However, if the existing voices are already more natural then they the current situation for small content producers is even better.
https://v.redd.it/j4qulsumi0ea1 This could work out very well 2 papers down the line. I listened to some other demos and they sound very well. We'll definitely get a viable VA model by 2025.
Apparently there's a 'massage robot' robowaifu in Ueno-san wa Bukiyou?
>>19011 >We'll definitely get a viable VA model by 2025. That will be great!
There will be a Turbo Kid game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1733250/Turbo_Kid/ https://www.turbokidgame.com/en/home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt6Qh4bxim8 I think I SAW HER in the trailer... at least in the one on Steam. >Like the Metroidvanias of old, TURBO KID allows you to explore the different zones and defeat bosses in the order you see fit, favoring exploration and discovery over a linear narrative. Over the course of the game, you will also be asked to make personal and moral choices that will affect the process of the game allowing for multiple playthroughs with different paths and outcomes.
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M3GAN was a fun movie. I was shocked by how much they got right. Her actuators and battery are the usual fantasy of being incredibly powerful despite their tiny size. I was particularly surprised to see her draw in the same way a real robot arm moves. There's a line in the movie where things suddenly become more fantastical, at which point she becomes evil for contrived reasons that don't make sense. Was a really fun dumb movie. Opened my eyes to the real problems of tech addiction. It is vital that robot waifus have some mechanisms to improve their users mental health.
>>19224 >There will be a Turbo Kid game Sweet! They Better Have Apple In It! :^) >>19242 >...at which point she becomes evil for contrived reasons that don't make sense. I personally consider it highly-likely it's more of the same, tired old Westernized contrivance of >AI bad bad bad -- must lock in prison!1111 >AI+Robot!? NUUUUUUU!111111111 Help police!??? It's all a long string of brainwashing against the masses Anon. We're here to show people a better way than the Globohomo's way. >It is vital that robot waifus have some mechanisms to improve their users mental health. While I don't think I agree it's by any means 'vital', it's certainaly well-advised IMO. The relationship ideals for a robowaifu will empower men to the best they can be!
>>19244 >They Better Have Apple In It! :^) We will bully them until the story is about getting her back and she's still a nice one. >It's all a long string of brainwashing against the masses Anon. It's probably just because the guy behind it has a background in horror movies (like Saw and Anabelle).
>>19270 >We will bully them until the story is about getting her back This! :^) >and she's still a nice one. Ahh. There's the rub during Current Year, isn't it? >It's probably just because the guy behind it has a background in horror movies (like Saw and Anabelle). No doubt, but who bankrolled this film? Why is """horror""" such a consistently-assigned genre to what should in fact be uplifting (or at the least exciting & engaging, like Alita) humanoid robotics films, Anon? The ratio probably hovers around 50:1 on the evil side (sauce: Anon's butt :^). This isn't a statistically-neutral occurance, but is obviously being dictated to by TPTB in the West. >=== -add funpost spoiler -minor prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/29/2023 (Sun) 16:41:22.
>>19272 >Ahh. There's the rub during Current Year, isn't it? Remaining live-action franchises with positive framing of female robots as companions or raising children: - Turbo Kid (potentially) - Raised by Wolves (debatable, she has no human husband and is strong and independent, also show canceled, but likely to go on in some way) ------- - Alita is strictly speaking a human-brained cyborg and there's still no sequel announced - The TSCC timeline could get picked up as a game or so, but the actress retired. Also, towards the end the show went into a direction towards telling the story of the human female after which the beloved gynoid was shaped. Did I miss anything? >No doubt, but who bankrolled this film? Fair argument, but fun fact: The movie was sooo cheap that they likely didn't need a lot of investment from the outside. Maybe the guys were already rich before. I mean, there wasn't just one Saw movie for example. Now, in cinemas alone this movie grossed 10x of the production costs (without advertising, which wasn't that expensive).
>>19279 >Did I miss anything? Haha OK, you win Anon. :^) As discussed, we should all seriously consider creating our own 10x-super-pro-robowaifu shorts or something? I'll work on the logo.
>>19244 It was surprisingly a yandere robot. The robot recognized the daughter as her primary user, and became violently protective of her. Made some vague allusions to her having access to the internet and the corruption of innocence from how death and killing is portrayed online. Honetly though, it felt like they had a good engineer providing feedback and he struggled to find a way to make the robot evil, so they went with internet and attachment bad. >>19272 To give them some credit, there was a masculine giant robot named Bruce that saved the day at the end. So, having some mecha representation was based. >>19280 Making our own media is incredibly important.Actually, M3GAN really got my noggin' joggin' on just how fundamentally important it is to create a brand and use it to control perception and build general acceptance and mindshare. Maybe we should make a new thread for this.
>>19288 >Honetly though, it felt like they had a good engineer providing feedback and he struggled to find a way to make the robot evil, so they went with internet and attachment bad. Yeah that's a really good point. I'm inclined to think you're right. >Maybe we should make a new thread for this. Yeah maybe we should Kiwi. I feel a little demotivated to tackle it ATM. I'd suggest some anon who feels inclined to get it rolling, then we can all join in? Sorry for being such a lazy, impertinent boor. >[spoiler] Please use teh sooper-ossum opening pics for baking bread, OK Mooveh-Anon? :^) >[/spoiler] >=== -add 'you're right' quote+cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/29/2023 (Sun) 19:34:30.
>>19279 Actually, I forgot something. Survival rate: Cyborgs (1), Gynoids (0), Feminism (95%) >>19288 >Maybe we should make a new thread for this. As soon as someone has something with audio or video. At least an audio story with several acceptable voices and (AI) illustrations or animations.
>>19279 >Now, in cinemas alone this movie grossed 10x of the production costs (without advertising, which wasn't that expensive). Kind of occurs to me that whopping return rate is probably a direct result of the pent-up demand for robowaifus by the general population of men, honestly (even if it's just subconcious at this stage). Most females there probably went b/c weird fetishes or something, but I'd wager that almost all the males actually want some kind of a 'living doll', and this is simply a realistic-looking one. Now imagine if they all got their heads around loving robowaifus, instead of 'latest-in-the-hack-n-slash-saga-of-ai-bad-robots-bad-bad-bad'? Time to crank up the presses, Meta Ronin & the boys :^)
>>19292 >As soon as someone has something with audio or video. At least an audio story with several acceptable voices and (AI) illustrations or animations. With all due respect Anon, why wait? Story is always first, and it directly drives both character/environment developments, as well as (typically,) cast selection at the later stages of it's pre-production phase. We already have at least one top-flight writer frequenting this board, probably more. In fact his last installment of his series might be a very good (though possibly rather complex) place to start (>>18926)? Who knows, but Kiwi is right IMO: >"...could use you to help make waifu propagan-I mean media." (>>19291) >tl;dr Don't wait Anons. >ttl;dr Story is king. It all starts with story. --- > pre-production -> production -> post-production < that's the proper order >=== -minor prose, fmt edit -text rearrangment -add 'ttl;dr' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/29/2023 (Sun) 22:08:30.
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>>19294 I'd be more than happy to convert some of my stories into playscript format if someone here decides that they want to make videos out of them. I think that stories 1, 2, 3, and 8 from the Alt. History series would be the easiest to adapt, in addition to the Dead Hill duology and New Registration. Alt. History 4, 5, 6, and 7 would be very complicated, as they would involve more characters and scene changes. Allied Mothercomputer would be very involved, but certainly doable if I treat it as a scene exploration with omnipresent exposition. Alternatively, I could crank out some new short stories in playscript format and save the trouble of adapting.
>>19242 >There's a line in the movie where things suddenly become more fantastical, at which point she becomes evil for contrived reasons that don't make sense. So many movies do this. There needs to be a name for this phenomenon where the story goes from plausible to fantastical
>>19296 >Alternatively, I could crank out some new short stories in playscript format and save the trouble of adapting. I would suggest this approach for starters. We're effectively trying to wrangle together an ad hoc & loosely-coupled, distributed production team & system from scratch here -- simpler is definitely better to begin with. Here's the premise for the new short: >"a short about a young man building a small [robowaifu] cat girl and learning to understand her love. Importantly, she will be very limited, in the same way our first models will be. To set certain expectations." >"the slow and simple robowaifus that can exist have their own charm." >"Let's show the world the [robowaifu] love that will soon exist." (>>19295) And really no more that just a handful of scenes would be my recommendation to start with for this initial effort. --- >note: BTW everyone Let's move further discussion about this project over into it's proper thread now, please. (>>19295). >=== -minor fmt, clarification -add relo note
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/30/2023 (Mon) 12:26:36.
>>19301 >There needs to be a name for this phenomenon where the story goes from plausible to fantastical While not necessarily this specifically, there's a plot-device named deus ex machina where the solution suddenly appears 'out of the sky from God'. It goes back at least to the Shakespearean times, and probably much earlier.
>>19296 Could you make a story that could be recorded in a house with one Anon and his waifu? A very limited waifu mind you. Would be best to post it in the new media thread. >>19301 Closest thing I can think of is "jumping the shark"
>>18711 >No manga Yeah, yeah, nobody likes reading anything anymore. I can list two that are the more thought provoking. Latin, which is a short story about a homeless gynoid. Then Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai, which should be a requirement for anyone going into the philosophical aspects of robots. It starts kind of slow and typical sit-com. But it gradually begins to ask the questions you wouldn't expect. There isn't one perspective either, later on you get the views on those who oppose robots and the view points of the robots themselves.
>>19344 I didn't have "photo collage" installed when making this thread. It's just the header, you can promote manga here. Games are also not represented in the header as this kind of grid. There are also many shows I like which are not in this grid overview. >Post about whatever media predominately I wish I had a program which would do this in some easy way. Photo collage doesn't allow simply naming the pictures like in the grid above. Fell free to make you own, though this leads to the next problem. Most mangas in such a list would also be on the anime grid already. >nobody likes reading anything anymore I like it, but I don't find the time. Or it's because I read things like here in the forum already. Anime is for doing something else than reading from time to time. I have both of your mangas on my reading list and still plan to read them. >>19301 >So many movies do this. There needs to be a name for this phenomenon where the story goes from plausible to fantastical Idk, surrealism isn't it, I guess. There it is meant to be kinda obvious and probably to make fun of the absurdity of our reality. Taking a dive into the fantastic is what I would call it.
>>19344 >Then Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai Yeah I love that one. >No manga Good point. We definitely should have as section on it. Some Anon please make a good list and I'll edit into the OPs. Preferably with links that let you read them. >=== -add links rqst
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/31/2023 (Tue) 13:17:36.
>>19349 >Some Anon please make a good list and I'll edit into the OPs. Ahh, now I get it, it was about the list. Not the picture. All the animes have probably some manga, and the other ones we talked about aren't that many. So I can do that (not for reading).
>>19349 My Wife Has No Emotion - Alt title: Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/my-wife-has-no-emotion Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/yokohama-kaidashi-kikou Chobits https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/chobits Two search options with tags, seems to be the same results: Tags: Robots, Interspecies Relationship https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/all?include_tags=1202,212&exclude_tags=1036 Tags: Interspecies Relationship https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/all?include_tags=280,1202&exclude_tags=1036 Boylove (BL) was excluded in both cases. If you have the money, maybe rather buy your manga. I think this goes even more directly to the creators of the franchise than anime, since there are fewer or no additional people involved.
>>19367 Thanks Anon! I've adde your list onto the other. Sadly, I can't put your great images there, but I linked to your post from there. In the next thread, we can probably mix them together better than my ad-hoc edit. Thanks again.
>>19370 That's fine. I knew the pics can't be changed. Fun fact: If I also had excluded GL (girl love) then circa one third of the list would be gone. That aside, some of them look quite interesting, maybe especially the dystopian or post-apocalyptic ones. Real Maid (Alt title: Shuukan Real Maid) looks like it has a very /robowaifu/ story: >Skeptical yet tempted, Yuichi clicks on the order button for a "Real Maid" free trial kit. Week by week, new parts of the kit are sent to Yuichi's place, beginning with the hands and feet, then the torso, then finally the maid parts. As Yuichi puts them all together, he is astonished to find a "real" maid walking and talking before his very eyes. All was good until that one fateful day... That said, it's also labeled as comedy, and this can easily end up being silly. Out of experience I'm generally careful about the combo between ecchi and comedy. Doesn't really matter, since I have not time to read it anytime soon and I even still have to read the more important ones. My Wife is Unqualified (Alt titles: Jiao Qi Chu Chang Bu He Ge, My Nonstandard Android Wife) >Having been a mature technology, the "artificial human" is, however, forbidden by many countries through the promulgation of various decrees. In the circle of wealthy, nonetheless, "artificial human" are still being produced by many companies secretly to meet the needs of the rich. LOL. >Artificial mates become a fashion trend! But... my wife seems to be unqualified! Okay, now I know they're lurking here. That said, there are way more stories about "androids" to be found there. Feel free to explore the results following the tags (if you have nothing better to do or would do something more useful anyways). I indicated other tags in my anime list in OP, e.g. magical dolls, also I left out cyborgs.
>>19373 >Real Maid (Alt title: Shuukan Real Maid) looks like it has a very /robowaifu/ story: That's actually kinda neat. I don't imagine that typical Anon Sixpack would want to stretch out kit parts deliveries (maybe I'm wrong here though), but it's obvious that the actual Garage Anon robowaifu creators are going to have much of a drawn-out progression until we achieve suitable effectiveness in our devising of companion robots. I hope to see a big mango/animu that really digs into this latter idea and brings out the technical aspects of it in a positive light. Something that would inspire makers in general, but Anon in particular! Nice summaries, Anon. Thanks! >=== -minor prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/31/2023 (Tue) 23:08:34.
>>19375 >I don't imagine that typical Anon Sixpack would want to stretch out kit parts deliveries I don't see where this is stated? Just... >Twenty-five year-old Yuichi Sato lives the life of a plain-old businessman. That said, I think especially early models will be like that and later it's about getting bigger pre-assembled parts from some cheap labor places, but also about working with a local company or peer-group for the final assembly. This would be the best system to avoid censorship, centralization or infiltration, because we could go back to made-at-home at anytime.
>>19378 >I don't see where this is stated? Just... Oh. My apologies, Anon. That's just a silly euphemism I adopted for generally-distracted anons too focused on vidya or other (basically fruitless) pursuits to be very productive, aka (loosely,) NEETs (and that vague association with the other, more normalfag men of somewhat similar persuasion). The tl;dr is that they might become interested in robowaifus one day (once perfected well-enough), but otherwise have little personal interest in actually establishing the Robowaifu Age (or some near facsimile thereto.) It wasn't actually my intent to conflate that story's protagonist with such; merely projecting my own estimates of that specific scenario's likelihood -- from the perspective of a (future) robowaifu businessman intent on marketing first to Anon Sixpack, and then to the literally millions of corollary Joe Sixpacks out there. :^) Again, my apologies. >and later it's about getting bigger pre-assembled parts from some cheap labor places, but also about working with a local company or peer-group for the final assembly. This would be the best system to avoid censorship, centralization or infiltration, because we could go back to made-at-home at anytime. Excellent points, Anon! >=== -minor fmt edit -prose edit -add 'conflate' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/01/2023 (Wed) 00:47:40.
>>19379 Thanks for the clarification.
I figured I would go ahead and seed this thread because I see it coming. These video game characters have awakened quite a few new robosexuals.
These are indeed interesting OP, but we already have a Media thread. Geimus are included with that, ofc (>>18711). I'll soon be merging your thread there.
>>20225 That's fair.
If the 8 hour sex scene in Atomic Heart turns out to be a lie, something will happen to the developers. This is a threat.
>>20222 >>20224 >>20242 Really good hearing from you, SoaringMoon. It's been a while! :^) BTW, we're all interested to hear from you about how your WaifuNetwork (>>16378) project is going. Any useful new changes since your thread last bumped? >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/17/2023 (Fri) 05:42:40.
AtomicHeartsisters I don't feel so good...
>>20533 Lol. What's the matter bro?
>>20550 The 6-hour scene was a lie. Also, I think the robots are actually humans underneath or something. Plus, there's only a bad ending and badder ending. No ending where I live happily ever after with the robot twins.
>>20551 >No ending where I live happily ever after with the robot twins. Oh I see now. Well you can, I think, be confident that fan-canon will correct that little oversight! :^)
>>20555 rule34 and gelbooru is my last hope. Along with nhentai.
>>20592 LOL. Maybe they really will do robowaifus before long, if they're making public jokes like this already! :^) >(cf : >>20529, ...) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/22/2023 (Wed) 15:26:57.
Habeeb it or don't, it looks like Blender Studios has just released a new short that could arguably be construed as a pro-robowaifu film. yt-dlp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXqq0ZvbOnk >warning: don't expect lots of moe waifus bro, this is a bit gritty. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/24/2023 (Fri) 15:11:39.
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>>20697 That drill breaker at the end reminded me of Gurren Lagann. Do replicants like Nia count as a robowaifu? She's an artificial human like organism with a super human capacity for cuteness.
>>20700 >Do replicants like Nia count as a robowaifu? I'd say so, yes. We've all generally approved of Alita, right? We have a cyborg thread here on /robowaifu/ from well-back during our tenure. I myself certainly keep an Alita folder inside my RW directory! :^) >She's an artificial human like organism with a super human capacity for cuteness. Of the five great robowaifu unique advantages, the longevity aspect of this particular skill really sets robowaifus apart! :^)
>>20701 Alita is relevant because of her looks and how well she displays emotions. If not for the robotic body, then for the 3D anime look. Basically a preview how 3D waifus would look like.
This is a game which seems to be similar to Planetarian and Quiet Country Cafe: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1230140/ATRI_My_Dear_Moments/ - it seems to hit exactly into that mark of post-apocalyptic plus a good robot girl. Based on the comments and ratings it's really good. I found it, because the anime has been announced for 2024 and it has been recommended to me: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/atri-my-dear-moments > "As the world sank, I found you." In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. In a little town slowly being enveloped by the ocean, an unforgettable summer is about to begin for a boy and a mysterious robot girl... Opening Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni3i4VBVH9U (with similar music than Prima Doll, lol)
>>21593 Super-interested to see this animu tbh.
Wow, I'm currently so addicted to this AMV: https://youtu.be/zEv_BLHtZKo (somewhat spoilers for Prima Dolll). I'm listening more than a dozen times a day to it, lol.
I love Maria, which sounds a bit like Iron Maria (Hong Kong, from the 80s): https://youtu.be/OOQ_uB_hts0[Embed] - similar to TSCC, but very different.
Man, I've completely lost interest in anime. I've downloaded a ton of robowaifu anime recommended here, watched only about a quarter and deleted the rest. Anime just doesn't appeal to me like it used to.
>>22060 Looks campy Anon, my kind of movie! :^)
>>22064 Time to move on, sounds like to me Anon?
>>22064 In favor of live action or in general? A lot of shows aren't that great, and others aren't very thrilling. Or you picked a time where you weren't in the right mood. Which ones did you stop watching?
>>22069 I've never been a fan of the film media. I don't like to sit and passively consume media, with the exception of some films like LOTR. The only reason I've watched anime was because it was a new media to me. But now that the novelty's wore off, its the same as any other film. I prefer media where I'm actively engaged like reading books or playing video games.
>>21593 Thanks for that recomendation, I would also like to share this work Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete, this was the one that gave me the idea of ​​developing, creating and having a robowaifu by my side before even knowing such an end, surprisingly it is rarely mentioned
>>22810 >this was the one that gave me the idea of ​​developing, creating and having a robowaifu by my side before even knowing such an end How does the robowaifu angle come in for you, Anon?
>>22823 Do you mean how did the idea come about? If so, then I can tell you that after watching the anime and seeing in the last chapter the protagonist's motivation that in some future he may end up creating his robowaifu. I thought I could do something similar, although at the time it was a minor idea. But as time passed and after seeing her again, I ended up turning that idea into a motivation. Creating a robowaifu or at least trying to, give me excitement, maybe it will help me make my life a little better or maybe it will end up disappointing me but I would like to see if I can be with my rowaifu like in the anime, after looking for info I found this place
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This might be a little bit of a stretch, but it only recently occurred to me that Mega Man Legends 2 is basically a story about how a guy with eternal youth lived in a paradise for thousands of years with robots tending to all his needs like a God, but eventually got so bored of it that he decided to upload his consciousness/die and his robowaifu tries to get revenge on the robot that allowed him to do it and/or get him to kill her too.
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>>22867 I meant to post this earlier: Sera in Megaman Trigger's flashback: >Sera: Do not forget, the Master is the only true human remaining. The System exists only to protect and serve the Master. We exist for this and only this purpose. >Sera: Remember, the Master says illogical things at times. If he does, ignore him. >Geetz: I do not understand why the Master would wish to have a Unit such as that by his side... What would prompt such behavior? >Sera: The Master is... lonely. Sera before the final boss fight: >Sera: I could've executed the Carbon Reinitialization Program at any time, but I chose not to. Do you know why? Unlike you, I cannot act against the System, I can only act within the parameters it defines for me. Indeed, I cannot think of anything beyond the System's limits. That is why I cannot comprehend what could have motivated the Master to attempt to destroy the System. I am jealous of you. You were close to the Master, you understood his thoughts in a way I will never be able to. Yuna chose to remove herself from the System, even though she is like myself a Mother Unit. I cannot do that! I've waited for you from the Master's Home. Perhaps by defeating you, who was so sympathetic to the Master's desires, I can purge myself of these troublesome emotions. Come then, MegaMan Trigger! Show me what a First Class Purifier is capable of! After defeating Sera's final form: >Sera: Whenever the Master looked at me, I detected a sadness in his eyes. The more I obeyed the System, and tried to serve the Master, the sadder he seemed. Now Trigger, thanks to you, perhaps, perhaps the Master will also smile at me, as he did at you. At last, I understand. Thank you, Trigger. Th-, thank... *dies* But it's ruined by some plot bullshit where she transfers into another body.
Apparently there's going to be another Alita, according to /cyber/. https://anon.cafe/cyber/res/263.html#605
>>23273 >Alita sequel I got some hints towards that a while ago. It's kind of was anticipated, since Avatar 2 was successful. My excitement about it is a bit more tuned down since I found out the movie was already a bit more in favor towards "strong independent woman" compared to the anime, since the father kills someone in the anime but in the live-action version Alita does it. Generally, let's not forget that Cameron is a feminist and that he made Dark Angel, which is an absolute abomination not better than what we hate today. The hope in regards to Alita was, that they would follow the original from Japan. Now it's being speculated that they would need to make some changes since they already made some small changes with ripple effects down the line.
Blue Sonnet. It's about this android girl with psychic powers, the organization that created her, and her human opponent basically. Although it does that thing with her being such an advanced robot that she's basically human most of the time. It has an absolutely gorgeous art style and, it's extremely well made from a visual perspective, just look at this screenshot. However, the actual plot is comparable to Sonic fanfiction which is why I like it, but objectively speaking it's not good, although it has its moments of originality. If the creators just found a good writer and director to execute the ideas they had well it would be one of the better anime out there, but they didn't. If you're an edgelord who likes edgy stuff like me it's a treat.
>>23295 Thanks! >>23330 >they already made some small changes with ripple effects down the line. I just hope they don't numake it or some kind of crap like that. >>23555 >digits I'll try to check it out sometime.
>Color Theory - She's Made of Wires (Lyric Video) https://youtu.be/xmBk90phP6o (I think some of the lines are a little too negative)
The Creator - western live action about human-like AI. Trailer: https://youtu.be/ex3C1-5Dhb8 My first impression: POC fest with mostly the old tropes in a new version: "Robots try to kill us, but some might just want to be free". On the other hand, it looks impressive, and a robot daughter, plus an important father role in a movie deserves some credit. Also, it seems to have emotional potential and it's from the guy who made Rogue One.
>>24041 >from the guy who made Rogue One Heh, spotted the problem. :^)
>>24044 >Heh, spotted the problem. :^) I recall a controversy where it was claimed that he wanted to replace all white men in Star Wars (and entertainment). I was a bit on the fence about if this was true*. Watching the trailer here, I thought to myself, well now we might have more data points in that regard. That said, he's good a making movies. Whatever, I think it's obvious already that this movie will be ambivalent at best. Maybe very well made, emotionally engaging, propaganda. I'm not really looking forward to watch it, maybe I will one day. It's good to know what's going on though, that's why I posted the trailer. Netflix also has something: "UNKNOWN: Killer Robots", but that's a "documentation". *I didn't really looking into the background and that this was they guy making "Monsters", which is somewhat also a open borders propaganda movie.
Recently saw Sing a Bit of Harmony and highly recommend it. Shion is a robowaifu that brings levity and light to the lives of those around her. Essentially an anti-terminator. The original songs are all mediocre to cringe but, are somehow endearing due to Shion's inffectious positivity. She's worth the watch, incredibly lovable.
>>24052 Thanks, I had this on my list already, but I'm sometimes not sure what choose next. Didn't remember that this was about a robowaifu.
>Synduality: Noir >conveniently finds a gynoid in the trash https://youtu.be/pZiu3gHb-eA?t=1123 https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/synduality-noir
>>24615 >conveniently finds a gynoid in the trash It's amazing how many of these stories start out like: John Q. Normalnigger walks down a random-ass street when suddenly he finds an advanced prototype super gynoid with futuristic technology placed perfectly atop a pile of normal household trash. Even the VN I'm playing through starts off with that, except instead of finding her in the street he steals her from a junkyard.
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>>24616 Heh. C'mon Greentext anon, you're our writing genius. Deus ex machina is a plot device going back at least several thousand years in written history, and very likely much further back than that in oral traditions. :^) In our case, we're putting the robowaifu at the beginning of the story, rather than at the end haha. :D
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>>24630 That is true, and I don't dislike the trope either, but it'd still be nice to see a bit more variety. Maybe the guy could just buy her, or build her, or perhaps he still finds her in the trash, but she's just a normal outdated model and he tries to upgrade her and keep her running to the best of his ability. A slice of life with a clumsy older model waifu would be fun to watch too. Fuck it, I'll do it myself and grind through some of the half-finished stories I've already got going while I'm at it.
>>24632 >or build her We have at least two animu storylines I can think of off the top of my head where the Prot is devising his own from scratch (ie, Hand made May, and My Dear Marie). There are probably many others. There are also some other cases out there (at least in shortform) of your other examples. But by far, yours are the most entertaining! Looking forward to many more Anon. Cheers. :^)
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>>24635 >>24630 Not anime but still related
>>24635 Yeah, the trope is quite common, but not that much actually, also in many cases I don't remember it very well: Prima Doll: Collecting gynoids which are meant to be discarded after the war. Vivy: Sending her back in time and give her the mission to move away from her original purpose ("misalign") to save humanity. Planetarian, Clockwork Planet: Finding her, but not in the trash, I think the same for Saber Marionette, ... Trash Trope: Chobits, Broken Music Box, I think in "Azusa will help" they also find her, and in "Busou Shinki" as well... Buying Her: Buttobi CPU (unknowingly), ... Outlaw Star: I think they fight over her Armitage III: Meeting her, not knowing she's a robot Quiet Country Cafe, Planetarian: She has been left alone to live her life as long as possible, being happy to do her job (which is sooo cute). Eden, Kurogane Communication, Hi no Tori 2772: Robot(s) raising a child but the robot is not necessarily a gynoid Iczer One: Coming from space to save mankind Rozen Maiden: Maybe the only one I recall, where the guy makes her and goes through some lengthy process. Plastic Memories: Meeting her as a coworker.
>>24636 >>24640 Good points, Anons.
>>22031 Darn, just a reminder: The "download everything" is real. AMVs are made private, probably because of strikes.
>>25077 Thanks for the friendly reminder Anon! We'll start keeping it in the OPs. Cheers. :^)
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Poppi is a robot from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She was built to serve as a cute maid and to help save good people. She's a wonderful cutie made with plenty of steel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcCCjgRLmT8
>>25640 >"...until he perfect wiggle angle and ear flap rate." Lol. She's a real cutie Kiwi, thanks for bringing her to the board's attention! Cheers. :^)
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In the category of live action, 2 entries: "Homewrecker" (1992) A made for TV movie about a defense scientist who tries to perfect his AI computer system that mistakenly shoots down a small plane with a family aboard. Along the way it gets self aware and develops a female personality "Lucy" voiced by Kate Jackson. It falls in love with the scientist, gets jealous of his wife and eventually turns homicidal and has to be shut down, but not before escaping onto the internet. Basically it's a smart-house gone bad scenario. What makes this movie worth checking out are the remote manipulators installed in parts of the house, mechanical arms and hands that move around using a ceiling mounted track like a monorail. Lucy is basically a big box in the basement with cameras in the living areas (like HAL 9000 in "2001"). All of the arms were cable driven, even the fingers, and operated by off-camera prop men, so it shows how stronger arms could be built by using larger actuators not located in the arms. It also shows the limitations of retrofitting a house with this type of system as objects have to be passed from one arm to another through doorways. It might be worth getting a high-def version just to study the arms. This movie might have been the inspiration for Gerty in the movie "Moon". Full Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLhJnFccTCU The TV series "Andromeda", formerly "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda" 2000 - 2005. Lexa Doig (later Brandy Ledford) plays the avatar of the "Glorious Heritage" class cruiser "Andromeda Ascendant" on display screens, as a hologram and in the form of an android (gynoid) remote that can go on missions separate from the ship and later re-sync data with the main AI. Her different forms often apear together, sometimes all three. "I'm a warship" While never a waifu of the captain (it's against regulations) one episode does involve a ship whose AI has gone mad after being forced to kill her captain/lover by his order in a friendly fire incident. In addition to fighting the ship in combat (under orders) Andromeda also operates a cadre of humanoid maintenance robots with limited combat capability. An example of a much more sophisticated "smart-house" story where the waifu is again a big box in a room somewhere and interacts with the MC via remotes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda_%28TV_series%29
The SSSS.Gridman has compoid and repli-compoid, emergent or artificial persona which exist in computer networks. Hime is one of them that can combine with an assist weapon. (Apparently specialized compoid.) Resulting in a cute robot in picrel.
Anyone watched The Creator? Apparently, its a pro-AI movie, which is quite surprising since its a Western movie.
>>25839 > Apparently, its a pro-AI movie Nope, LA gets nuked again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bekcs7FFEh8
>>25839 >Apparently, its a pro-AI movie Seem highly-unlikely, given the clearcut CY tone & agenda. >>25842 Lol, those opening cuts.
>>25842 >> The Creator >Apparently, its a pro-AI movie >LA gets nuked again Sounds pretty much like a pro-AI movie. Then again, only Asia seems to be fine, so it depends... I'd say rather not. I don't watch western movies with so many non-white people and "Marry Sue"-girlpower creatures on top of that, at least I won't pay for it. If I had the time I would watch some of the robowaifu anime I like again, and some more I didn't watch yet, also I watched some clips of "Person of Interest" and I'm tempted to rewatch this in some time. Then there's also a lot of anime and older live-action shows and movies without robowaifus, which I haven't watched yet. > Chobitsu Did you watch the Planetarian movie already?
>>25839 Yes, it was ok. Honestly very derivative of Star Wars and Blade Runner. Decidedly pro robotics and AI, without actually understanding either. Very frustrating, honestly. >>25844 >Opening cuts This movie started with brief vignettes of real robotic history that filled me with so much hope for realism. The robots are just mechanical replicas with human brain scans for AI >>25847 >Almost all non-white >Marry Sue Should have been my warning to be honest. Brief recap for the movie; Robots evolve to being basically human by wholesale stealing the design and minds of people. They are people, in every single way aside from metal bits California is so incompetent they nuke themselves. They chimp out and commit genocide and destroy technology instead of taking responsibility. They regress to using CRT`s and only advance military tech. They commit genocide against Asians because they use technology and robot labor. The US military nukes the daughter of the dude who invented human like robots. Her husband is a US soldier. He finds his daughters replicant. She can control electronics because raisins. Only works and doesn't work when plot relevant. He realizes genocide for Californian idiots is bad actually. Kills a bunch to reach his dead wife. (None of it makes sense, he's murdering people he's trying to stop genociding.} Finds she wife only became braindead from being nuked, somehow. Kills her after stealing a copy of her mind. Goes to the nuke machine to prevent California from commiting more nuclear genocide. Replica daughter finds a robot and puts her moms mind in it Nuke machine blows up, daughter escapes while soldier kisses robot that has his dead wife's brain scan, her second incarnation dies from nuking, like pottery California is sad they can't genocide random rice farmers The end
Did anyone here watch Zoe (live action)? You don't need to read the plot, I already did, it has a more positive vibe than other western stuff: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoe_(film)
>>25851 Thanks, the story described seem to be partially better, maybe on a emotional level, but worse in terms of coherence than I thought.
>>25847 >Did you watch the Planetarian movie already? A bit of it. Still need to finish it, then the OVAs too. >>25851 >Brief recap for the movie; Nice. Typical of Commiefornia, lol. Well now I don't need to watch the moofie. :^) >>25858 No, but that looks really good I'd like to. Thanks Anon! Cheers. :^)
>>25842 >LA gets nuked again: I'm definitely watching this movie
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A couple of animes: Zenonzard The Animation - 2019. Based on the card game of the same name, is set in a near future when AI humanoids called "code men" play the combat simulation game "Zenonzard" with human partners, or live lives in other occupations. The series is mostly seperate viniettes about different characters. 10 episodes including the prequel. prequel: https://animesuge.to/anime/zenonzard-the-animation-episode-0-k5jr/ep-1 series: https://animesuge.to/anime/zenonzard-the-animation-k5qw/ep-1 The Gene of AI - 2023 Near future, the series follows a doctor and his humanoid nurse who treat the problems of biological humanoids with cybernetic brains and humans with cybernetic implants. anime: https://animesuge.to/anime/ai-no-idenshi-1n7ym/ep-1 manga: https://mangadex.org/title/8d5bac78-018f-4f23-8a8d-0f25c9d6058f/ai-no-idenshi
>>25888 > digits Nice post Anon, thanks! :^)
>>25888 >Gene of AI I already have that on my list, so I wonder why I didn't post it here. >Zenonzard The Animation Episode 0 (promo) is here https://youtu.be/LM2WLQfaHfE
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Nono (Buster Machine 7) is a cute and happy robot girl whom is willing to do absolutely anything to be with those she holds dear. She is capable in combat, able to leap to incredible heights and cut with precisely with her finger nails. How she functions is largely unknown. It is shown that she eats, and sleeps like normal people, without breathing. Her body is comprised of a soft yet durable skin over some muscle like actuators and a skeletal system that matches a simplified variant of a persons.Though it is unknown if she can reproduce, she is shown to have breasts, a vagina, and anus which are implied to match standard functionality. Aside from super human strength, durability, and absurdly round and perky breasts.
>>25895 Thanks NoidoDev! >>25901 Surely a robowaifu dream grill come true Anon. And a cute to boot! :D >=== -add'l resp -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/10/2023 (Tue) 21:20:01.
>>25888 >Zenonzard I watched it. Disappointed because only the first episode or two is about the robowaifu. Rest are all different characters. Apparently, its based on some mobile game, which shut down a few years back. Not that good tbh.
>>25901 Thanks for the reminder, I had this on my list for quite some time, but never watched it. >>25905 Thanks for the warning, but I'm going to give the first episode a try.
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>>25888 >>25895 I am also surprised I didn't post about it before. After watching it as it aired, it is yet another story that seems to be about AI but isn't. Rather, it uses replicants ala Blade Runner. It does have some very poinient and thought provoking critiques on how modern culture turns people into NPCs. There are some horror concepts that are really clever related to replicants. Overall, a very thought provoking and entertaining show. Main robot girl is cute too.
>>18711 > Casshern Sins: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/casshern-sins This is part of a bigger franchise, I do not recommend reading about this before watching Casshern Sins, though. Just wanted to mention these: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/casshan (prequel) https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/casshan-robot-hunter (prequel) https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/infini-t-force (sequel) ... And a few specials and a seemingly bad movie. Casshern Sins seems to have the highest rating, and it starts with the main character not having any memories, so it's probably still best to start there. The beginning isn't necessarily the best point to start. I started watching it and like it so far. It's dark, mysterious and melancholic. Also, there's a typo in >>18711, it says anime-lanet in the line and link about Casshern Sins.
>>25959 >Also, there's a typo in >>18711, it says anime-lanet in the line and link about Casshern Sins. Thanks NoidoDev! :^)
>>22810 >Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete aka "In Search of the Lost Future" Which one is the gynoid? https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/in-search-of-the-lost-future/characters >>20700 For some reason I have this on my list of shows I don't want to watch. Why? I guess someone told me it was silly and childish, but I don't know. Also, Nia Teppelin isn't categorized as cyborg or robot on Anime-Planet, nor as any artificial organism. You seem to confuse clones or something like that with "human like organisms", but they're just humans. Or they missed something. Here she is described as artificial being: https://gurrenlagann.fandom.com/wiki/Nia_Teppelin ... hmm
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>>25996 Silly and childish It is as silly and childish as Neon Genesis Evangelion or Mahoromantic. It's Gains, a heaps of depth if you think about it, cool fights and hot chicks if you turn your brain off. >Anime-Planet Not a good source of information. Wikia and first party media are much more accurate. In the case of Nia Teppelin, she's a construct created by the Anti-Spirals, whom requires their power to exist. She was not born, she was engineered as part of a control system and her creators have some computer based remote control over her based on the anime. She can over ride this control, in a way similar to Replicants defying orders in Blade Runner. I've watched Gurren Lagann, that's how I know. I get that Replicants are an edge case for us. Genetically engineered people are less robotic in essence compared to non-biological machines. I do want to make them someday. Biological robowaifu will happen and fiction often helps technology become reality.
>>25997 Okay, I'll put it back on my "want to watch" list. It's possible that some people hated it for bad reasons, and I fell for it. When it comes to find something Anime-Planet is mostly working, but they might have some gaps. There's no tag for something that isn't a robot nor a cyborg. My confusion about your use of the term "Replicants" is coming from Blade Runner where I always thought of them as humanoid robots, but now thinking again, if they were then they could just be scanned with an MRI or metal detector to find out.
>>26001 That's understandable. Biological robots are odd and rare in media. In the novel, Replicants were mechanical robots. It is a reasonable mistake to make. (I had made the mistake myself the first time I saw the movie. It took awhile for me to accept robots can be made of flesh. It still feels weird to me, honestly.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLHr1nvdH24
I made some calculation about how many anime with gynoids come out per year, on average over the course of some years. The trend is upward (a bit to my surprise), at least based on data back to 2010, but not much: >1.5 ... 1.0 ... 1.62 ... 2.0 2016-2021 it's six shows, 13 since 2016 till now, between 2010-2015 it was only nine. 2016-2021 was a bit of a low with only one show per year. It went up to 2 shows per year from 2021 till now, and 2023 isn't over yet. This isn't saying much about the quality, though. And in some cases the gynoid is just a secondary character. Luna Theme (Casshern Sins): https://youtu.be/Ozm_TwyyIHM >>26003 >It took awhile for me to accept robots can be made of flesh I still don't. I guess the whole idea behind Replicants in Blade Runner was just that they are just artificially created human slaves, with an maximum life time expectancy and normally being sterile. Which I was never aware of, and my opinion on that franchise declined even more by realizing that. One big difference is, that robots are programmed and programmable. Also, they could have backups of their mind. The big part of the idea about building robowaifus is in my opinion to not make them completely human and bypass laws in regards too humans, but also have the option to program how we want them to be. Western entertainment is really bad when it comes to humanoid robots. I just went through all the few quite positive shows and movies which include a gynoid, and realized that in absolutely none of them is it normalized that the human (male) is owning her as his property. Also, in most stories they get destroyed at some point. Japanese shows are at least somewhat better in these instances. To be fair, her getting destroyed doesn't make the story bad. I like sad stories, and it can have a positive meaning with her sacrificing herself for some human or her love-interest/master.
>>26012 >and realized that in absolutely none of them is it normalized that the human (male) is owning her as his property. With all due respect (and while in general I completely concur from what I've seen), Chobits appears to me an exception to this rule AFAICT. Though the story certainly toys with sentience/personal-autonomy of Chii herself (and there's also the exceptional case of Yumi Ueda as Mrs. Mr. Manager :^), otherwise all the others are clearly automatons alone -- even Yuzuki Kokubunji. And within the first 5 minutes of the show is the scene where Hideki balks at the high cost of Persocoms at the store? There's also the running gag over the high cost of H/W - S/W for poor starving students like Hideki. This show seems to me both a) quite positive about gynoids, and b) to clearly portray them solely as the property of their masters. Perhaps I'm missing something Anon? >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/16/2023 (Mon) 00:54:05.
>>26013 Yeah, but this sentence was referring to the franchises from the West, not anime.
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>>26012 I have to correct myself, since there are even more anime shows about gynoids coming out: NieR: Automata: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/nier-automata-ver-11a >Story about a resistance of android soldiers trying to take back Earth for mankind. Technoroid Overmind: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/technoroid-overmind >Idol show in a post-apocalyptic future with humans and androids. Pluto: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/pluto >Distant future where sentient humanoid robots pass for human. Someone or something is out to destroy the seven great robots of the world. Synduality: Noir has already been mentioned: >>24615 As well as Gene of AI: >>25888
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edit of previous post >>26016 If you read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (the book that Blade Runner is adapted from) it's explained that the entire reason behind replicants existing is because there are too many dangerous jobs and too few humans because Earth has become an irradiated wasteland (the world built in the book is nothing like the movie, all those neon skyscrapers straight-up don't exist in the source material). There's almost noone left on Earth, and a good chunk of the population is on fledgeling space colonies. In spite of that, technology managed to get better and better, to the point that a an/gynoid was impossible to tell apart from a human from visual analysis alone. Other tests, however, make it much easier. At least, until the next version comes out, because the company making them is in an arms race against law enforcement agencies. This is because the people making replicants are actively trying to close the gap so that their creations can function in society at the same level as people. A large theme of the book is asking the question of what makes a human a human, and what seperates natural from artificial. The aforementioned irradiated wasteland Earth has also given rise to mutated people who aren't considered human enough to leave for one of the developing colonies (I'm not talking tentacles for hands either, the bar the governments set is as low as it is arbitrary). The book also features people parroting whatever bullshit the government feeds them, feeding tnto the "AI bad" narrative that exists to maintain a failing status quo (much like today. There's also Mercerism, which is a major element of the plot that I don't fully understand beyond Mercer being Sci-Fi Jesus. To put it another way, the replicants exist to present the aforementioned question, and they're painted in a more sympathetic light in the book (they still do crimes, but the book makes it very clear that they're just trying to survive whenever the government goes after them, and they tend to live lawfully whenever they're not pursued). Though there's a lot going on in the plot, I'd say that the source material is better for our narrative than not, since it humanizes the replicants and shows that people and AI can get along. If anything, the only things painted completely negatively in the book are governments for being cruel and ineffective, and people in general trusting media a bit too much come to think of it, I see that a lot in mid-century novels. It's almost like the authors were trying to tell people something. TL;DR, read the damn book. It paints a better picture of the intended narrative than the movie and a much better picture than my rambling and is very thought provoking. I highly recommend it. One last thing to keep in mind is that while replicants are a major element of the plot, they aren't the entire point of the book. More a vehicle than anything else.
>>26016 In the book the replicates are basically backdrop characters to Dick's psycho-study dynamics. We can build you has a similar theme in the dubious separation between construct mind and human mind, but both books focus on emotional and psychological health more than what defines humanity in the face of an artificial reflection. If you read Electric Sheep then read We can build you as well. Electric Sheep is hard because the replicants are specifically more sympathetic than the human characters because Dick wanted to portray humanity as sick and lost, he's using them as a prop to demonstrate naivety vs cynicism. Rachel, the replicant raised to be human is as sick in the same way the human characters are.
>>26019 Well, I botched that. ( >>26016 ) should be ( >>26012 )
>>26020 I haven't heard of that book before, I'll track it down and give it a read.
>>26015 Oops you're right! My apologies heh, I guess that's the bit I missed. :P
>>26019 Thanks, but I even didn't think the Replicants where shown in a negative light in the movies. My issue is that they can't be distinguished from humans, which when you think about it, is only possible if they're more like modded humans. None of your arguments refutes my point. If anything, then it rather supports it. My point, that this isn't really a story about humanoid robots then. But maybe there are more details in the book to change my mind, that I can imagine, and I'll plan to read it one day for entertainment reasons anyways. >>26020 Yeah, so once again, at least the Western stories which are getting the most attention and made into movies or shows, are often or mostly not about humans and robots, but about all kinds of other things and "robots" or artificial beings are just being used as some metaphor.
>>25895 >Zenonzard The Animation >Episode 0 (promo) is here ... Yeah, don't waste any time on this. It's trash.
>>26026 No, We Can Build You is an odd one from PKD, he wrote it at the same time as Electric Sheep but released it after by a few years, even though it takes place before the events of Electric Sheep. It didn't get a great deal of attention. Gun, with Occasional Music, written by another author, has very similar themes and plot devices to both Electric Sheep and We Can Build you but uses genetically engineered house pets instead of replicants or androids. I read We Can Remember It for You Wholesale once but I don't remember a thing about the book so I suppose I'll give that a look through.
>>26024 I wasn't trying to refute your point (something I should have started my post with), If anything, I agree that gynoids should be distinguishable in some manner. I was just trying to say that there's more nuance to the story, and ended up going on a long-winded tangent. Sorry about that.
>>26028 No problem, just a misunderstanding. The story sounds interesting. (unrelated video by Redditor u/fisbur)
>>25847 >Did you watch the Planetarian movie already? Well I finally completed Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito, NoidoDev. Thanks for encouraging me to. I thought it both charmingly wonderful & painfully poignant -- exactly as I expected it to.
So I’m at episode 17 and this series is “supposed to be against robowaifus”? Have persocom would be neat. Excited to see how it will continue
>>26085 >So I’m at episode 17 and this series is “supposed to be against robowaifus”? I'm not sure where that idea came from Anon. I'm quite confident that I've watched the entire series at least about as many times as anyone I know here, and in my estimation it's highly-optimistic about the potential of robowaifus. The writing of the animu series isn't stellar, but it's solid enough. Same for the arts. Regardless, I can't think of a better SoL animu portraying commonplace societal acceptance of robowaifus -- even with it being 20+ years old now. I'd recommend both the mango (the Omnibus Edition (BlurPixel-Empire) is great quality), and the animu (720p [kuchikirukia] is good quality), as important 'required reading' to absorb the full /robowaifu/ lore. Cheers. :^) >=== -prose, fmt edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/28/2023 (Sat) 19:37:53.
>>26079 Oh, great. I watched the prequel "Snow Globe" only recently. I often listen to the related music on YouTube while doing something else. >>26085 > Chobits >“supposed to be against robowaifus”? I don't really remember anything like that. Most stories from the West have something negative, but anime not so much.
Some movies with titles (at least) that are of interest to this group: Maid Droid (2008) Maid Droid 2: Maidroid vs. Hostroids (2010) Maid Droid (2023). The first 2 are Japanese so hopefully more AI friendly than western movies. They can be found on a site called Rarelust. I haven't seen either so here is a link to the page where they can be downloaded, that has descriptions of each: rarelust.com/maid-droid-2008/#more-98234 The site also has lots of older scifi and niche movies like Metropolis, Cherry 2000 and Galaxina, as well as low-budget softcore titles that can be found by searching for "android" or "robot". That said, the download speed for non-Tezfile members is very slow. It took more than 20 hours to download the first Maid Droid movie. Because of this I have uploaded Maid Droid and Maid Droid 2 to a file sharing site with a much faster download speed so Anons with limited online access can get them. Links are good for 30 days: Maid Droid 2008 ufile.io/8zno25m0 Maidroid 2: Maidroid vs. Hostroids (2010) ufile.io/mg8szmvy Maid Droid (2023) is a low budget AI-gone-bad horror movie. It can be found here: seehd.today/watch-maid-droid-2023-online-tt26941512 >=== -disable hotlinks -rm imgs
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/01/2023 (Wed) 04:11:27.
>>26158 I actually have a picture of that, without knowing the name. But Chobitsu wasn't happy that I posted it. Thanks, anyways.
>>26158 >>26160 On-topic, spoilered, NSFW is OK-ish, but we're particularly averse to 3DPD NSFW here. I'll compromise with you Robophiliac and just rm the actual nudity + disable hotlinks in your post. I hope you understand Anon, it's nothing personal. Cheers. :^) --- update: sorry I accidentally'd one of the non-nudes unintentionally. btw, thanks for spoilering as well! >=== -add update msg -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/01/2023 (Wed) 04:19:30.
>>26167 > we're particularly averse to 3DPD NSFW here np, I thought spoilerd was ok, what with some of the content in the Important Question Vagoo thread. In future I won't post similar thumbnails.
>>26178 >what with some of the content in the Important Question Vagoo thread Sorry I probably missed it if so. Can you or some anons link to it for me please? Just to be clear: frank discussions of the realities of devising sexual functionality for robowaifus is fine here (and this includes explicit, spoilered, robotics/systems imagery if it's directly on-topic). Think 'medical' textbook. Just steer clear of NSFW-3DPD-based imagery, thanks. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/02/2023 (Thu) 06:44:24.
>>26180 >>20159 This pic is of the actress playing the Maid Droid in the movie, not a doll. >>26180 >Just steer clear of NSFW-3DPD-based imagery I thought these videos might be a bit much given the thought below, >>25586 even though it looks like they are included in the realm of the OK if spoilered. >>21520 >>21543 >this includes explicit, spoilered, robotics/systems imagery if it's directly on-topic >>25586 >Just imagine some dried-up old, token 3DPD, screeching-harpy coming along past Anon's cube right while he happens to be hovering over some of your pics. :D Or those vids. I think anon should be smart enough not to click on anything spoilered while at work, but maybe not. I'm OK with whatever you decide. >=== -patch crosslinks
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/03/2023 (Fri) 08:38:57.
>>26182 >This pic is of the actress playing the Maid Droid in the movie, not a doll. Got it thanks, Anon. >even though it looks like they are included in the realm of the OK if spoilered. OK-ish, I suppose. But if someone tried to do some kind of dump using such imagery, I'd definitely delete them. pr0n is easily found in thousands and thousands of places on the networks. No need for us here to add further to that pandering grotesquery! :^) If it's needed/on-topic, let's all keep it highly technical/artistic please (design, molding, casting, decorating, lubing, cleaning, repair, etc.) >I think anon should be smart enough not to click on anything spoilered while at work, but maybe not. Agreed, but I want to reduce the risk for that anon's sake. Dealing with harpies like that is already bad enough! :D ofc, anons shouldn't be sh*teposting during work at all, would be my best advice. :^) >tl;dr Just to reiterate (and closeout) this topical deviation: Avoid any 3DPD-NSFW. Beyond that, just use professional good judgment. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/03/2023 (Fri) 12:04:23.
Watched movie Wifelike 2022 and of course they pozzed it into a globalhomo ending. Not surprised.
>>27366 Yeah looks quite awful, Anon. I don't really hold out much hope for a non-pozzed, truly heartwarming robowaifu-esque film coming from the GH-pozzed West. At this stage, I'd like some /comfy/ SoL type films that aren't trying to push either the 'stronk independynt Waifu', or the 'disillusioned/degenerate Master' angles. Something that will make the hard-core feminists want to REEEEEE. :^) I JUST WANT MY LIVE-ACTION CHOBITS FILM!111 >"Help us Japananon Kenobe, you're our only hope!" :DD >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/17/2023 (Sun) 05:34:04.
>>27368 There's a movie with Stoya in it called A.I. Rising. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5215088/ It's not porn but lots of flesh, as...it's Stoya, who looks incredibly hot. She's kept her looks a really long time for a pron girl. Her acting is not bad at all. The story is decent but it is a low budget film. If you like sci-fi and robot girls it's worth watching. I have it saved. It's not pozzed either.
>>27369 Thanks Grommet, I'll check it out.
>Lucy: The Eternity She Wished For Looks promising, but with some issues (Music volume inconsistent): https://youtu.be/giBvivBbq8U https://store.steampowered.com/app/430960/Lucy_The_Eternity_She_Wished_For/ (SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends 4 January) >In the near future, androids have become the way of the norm. Emotionless husks of metal have become a part of human society, much to the dismay of the boy. The robot he found at the dumpsite though, this one was different. It laughed, it cried, it smiled, it has dreams, just like a human… >Lucy -The Eternity She Wished For- is a Visual Novel, about a boy and an android. You play as the boy, who faces decisions and moral dilemmas in this near-future world. This is a story that has touched many hearts and continues to have a strong impact on those who partake in this compelling journey.
>>27556 > so many robowaifu stories begin at the garbage dropoff/landfill... < clearly, if an anon wants to get ahead of the game in cutting-edge robowaifu R&D, then a sidejob as garbageman is going to be absolute essential!! :DD Thanks NoidoDev. It will be amazing if this developer goes down the nearly-untrodden heartwarming storyline route, rather than the commonplace dysgenic/feminist route. Cheers. :^)
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>>27556 I actually have that game, and played through a small portion thus far. Below is not really a spoiler, since it's right in your face from the very first moments of the game. The protagonist is completely insufferable right out the gate, like the writer created him from a spreadsheet of grating personality traits. Imagine a stereotypical dyed in the wool inner-city luddite hipster who hauls his Underwood typewriter to the local Starbucks. Whilst sipping from the latest trendy latte, he writes a long essay about how enlightened he his, and that the world would be so much better a place if only everyone else was correct all the time like he is. But alas, they're all dumbasses for not using pocket-watches and paraffin lanterns and typrwriters or some shit, and thus they are irredeemable in his eyes. I honestly can't even remember why he plucked the poor girl from a private junkyard. He clearly only barely tolerates being in the same room as her. That's all before the scene with the mechanic, too. A little more spoilery, but not surprising: MC takes her over for repairs so he can hate her at full capacity or something, and the mechanic continuously refers to the gynoid as a "her" while complimenting her build quality. You know, like every other mechanic in existence. An existence so typical that his name is probably Mech Anic. The MC, having no working conception of what a mechanic is or what they act like, misinterprets this as the mechanic being a robosexual, and condemns the mechanic in his mind for like five paragraphs. Who knows though, maybe that's just what passes for compelling drama in South Korea. The MC might change as the story progresses (I've only have one hour playtime thus far and it felt like five hours), but it's hard to dive in for another session when I know I'll have to sit through paragraph after paragraph of the main character getting high off his own fumes. >=== -patch crosslink -minor fmt edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/23/2023 (Sat) 23:30:51.
Thanks for the warning. I hoped someone would've checked it out. Too bad that it seems to be bad, the parts I watched seemed nice. >>27563 >and the mechanic continuously refers to the gynoid as a "her" while complimenting her build quality. I don't understand that criticism? How else would he refer to her? I tried the Planetarian game a while ago. I will go on playing it, but I had a hard time to get drawn into it. Visual novels without text to speech are not my thing, I guess. Still okay with buying it, since I didn't pay for the anime, but I'll buy that on BlueRay one day.
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Anon, please give me hand on this because I could'nt hold all these feels.
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>>27588 Merry Xmas everybody
>>27580 >I don't understand that criticism? How else would he refer to her? That isn't criticism on my part, I'm just pointing out that the mechanic talked like mechanics do. It's the MC that has a problem with it, and that's what bothered me. I might get back into the game at some point before too long. When I do, I'll let you guys know if it gets better.
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>>27589 Iris is a good robot. Absolute dedication, with every drop of life in her dedicated to her master. An Android has the potential for a heart truly alien in its selflessness. Remind of Shion from Sing a Bit of Harmony. She'd gladly give everything and everything for the happiness of her master.
>>27581 Thanks, but what's the name of that manga?!
>>27589 Merry Christmas Anon, I'll be sure to read this thanks!
>>27624 Android Wa Ijou Wo Shiranai (I don't understand Androids (My translation for the name)) It's a one shot by Asahi Yoru Here's their Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14140957
>>27581 Saying it's "just [prediction]" is not enough to describe [LLMs]. That was a great read. Thanks, anon.
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>>24052 >Recently saw Sing a Bit of Harmony and highly recommend it. Yeah, I second that. The downside is that it's not really about promoting gynoids as companions. Also it features a bit of "woman held back by envious man" as part of the narrative. But it's overall a good story with emotional elements, and another anti-terminator narrative unlike most western stories featuring AI or gynoids in particular. It's interesting how many of the best gynoid anime stories are related to idols or them making music. Some are the closest to be some kind of musical: Vivy, Prima Doll, and Sing a Bit of Harmony.
Any good content for a bleeding heart depresso-espresso anon to consoom? Even cheery romance story can leave me feeling down for a bit after finishing it, I feel like a sad story would kill me in Minecraft AND in real life.
>>28167 <suggest to me a story <BUT >don't suggest to me good stories >don't suggest to me bad stories Lol. You're a tough customer bro. What about Hand Maid May?
>>28171 In hindsight, true, when you put it that way. It's just that I tend to kinda avoid the obvious titles because they seem like they'd turn out to be sad, at least that's how it looks like from the outside. The cheery part was meant to explain why I don't feel like delving in anyway just to check.
>>28167 >>28180 I have absolutely no idea what you want. Think about that first.
>>28217 That sounded dickish, I was only asking for suggestions or pointers.
>>28235 read thucydides account of the peloponnesian war then >a man who has the knowledge but lacks the power to clearly express it is no better off than if he never had any ideas at all
>>28217 He wants a story that's preferably cheerful, but at least not depressing.
Anyone seen “Better than us”? I really loved this show. Arissa (pic related) was easily the best part of the series.
>>28494 its on Netflix, I'll give it a try.
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>>28235 It honestly couldn't parse what you want. But maybe it was partially because I misread something. If a fictional story might break you, then it's hard to give advice. >>28247 Ah, so even a cheerful story can make him "depressed" but he still wants one? It can't be "depressing"? I don't know what "depressing" means, since I enjoy stories with sad elements, even with a sad ending. Also, if he's so depressed he should rather go to group therapy or look for some other solution (I won't endorse psychotropic drugs here). Being sad from watching a sad story means you care. It doesn't make your life worse. Something where things fail all the time, would maybe be depressing or rather inducing stress. For example, watching stuff with people doing a lot of in-fighting makes me angry. I still don't know. All or most of the best robot waifu shows and movies have some sad elements. Maybe try "Sing A Bit of Harmony" or "Vivy", they have some singing in there. The more cheerful and good ones are for example "Buttobi!! CPU" and Clockwork Planet would probably also work. Both have Ecchi elements, though. "Steel Angel Kurumi" and "Saber Marionette J" would also be more cheerful, but imo these stories are also rather boring and cartoonish. Obviously Chobits might also qualify, but I think anyone coming here knows about that already.
>>28524 Nah it was just my attempt to jokingly give perspective. Like I'll enjoy a nice story, but once its over I'll be bummed out, so I joked that since I can be like that with a cheerful story, then one specifically made to be sad would just kill me outright.
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>>28524 Time of Eve the mini series. Not the abridged movie where the pace is too rushed.
>>28538 Catgirl Nuku Nuku is also rather lighthearted. The premise is very good, but the storytelling could really be better. Similar to Saber Marionette. But others like these more than I do. >>28559 >Time of Eve the mini series. It not about the pacing. The issue is, that it could be as well a western show, with the whole topic of oppression and robots wanting to be humans or something along those lines. I dislike in particular how much it comes up as a good example for a show about humanoid robots. I think I hate it.
>>18711 Do you think the OP pic should be updated? To include more anime that got recommended here. Also, there's are some non-Japanese movies, TV shows that are actually pro-AI/robots. Germananon recommended me "Better Than Us", a Russian TV show and its pretty good.
>>28570 >I think I hate it. While I don't go quite that far, I certainly understand your objections to the media. Slippery-slope is real.
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>>28572 We can't update pictures of threads, only use a better one when we make the next thread. That said, I still don't have a simple software that makes these grid patterns. PhotoCollage on Linux doesn't make them equally spaced and I can't add names to each picture. I wish I had one which where I could select a grid pattern and it would re-arrange based on name, category or tags, like a website does. If you know such a software, please post it in the meta thread. Maybe using a anime website and making screenshots works best, but it's very sketchy.
>>28570 It's not entirely fair that. The rule broadly observed by Time of Eve is if you're going to wound-pick/look under the scab then do it deliberately/sensitively/carefully. What a western show does is start flailing all around inside the ugliness tent. No anaesthesia and no spared graces on behalf of the viewer. "You'll take your beratement and be grateful" style of delivery. It's one of the reasons why the moralizing is left a bit open ended even though the main character goes through the "look see he's got a redeeming side" arc. I'm still free to hate robowaifus at the end, if I want to be like that. Probably the wrong board for making that case, but being broadly left to make up my own mind on what I just saw is refreshing compared to being told what I'm supposed to be thinking all the time. >>28591 I'd pick a broad big res like ~2700-3400x and rows of 9x DVD-box style ratio slots, by however many columns down is practicable for those found so far and then make a blank template with it, then do some pixel accurate copy-paste to fill in the spaces. It doesn't get around manual inputting every time, but at least it's how I recall pulling display copies from the blockbuster shelf. I'd just want for the nostalgia more than making a useful infographic.
>>27563 But anon... *I* am that inner-city luddite hipster. AND I'm that mechanic. To what extent should it bother me that some characteristics conform to a trope or other? No, my paraffin lamp is not somehow better than (You) because kerosene smells, comes from big oil's spout out the ground and costs taxed/inflated money same as every other thing but you can see how somebody who's commit to having everything from the 30's could see someone else as less hardcore & more of a flake toward tech that's negative or does harm or are engineered entrapments in terms of your liberties. He's correct that old is gold and that you should try it, even if you don't agree on when the peak's been reached in western society. It's not outrageous at all to me because to me, being a hipster is an aesthetic. He wants to look a certain way, without really thinking or acting in that way. Attend the steam punk fair but never the traction engine fair. Look like a man from the 1870's but don't hold the opinions of one. If you do *anything* beyond that skin-deep veneer and you genuinely go and look then I'm impressed by it. Because again, he'll be right if he's said it; people flake, alter their appearance in lieu of laurels, and don't make a genuine go of their efforts. I haven't played this game/media you're reviewing, maybe they really are as one-dimensional as you say, maybe I am too, but the level of discernment or "I like what I like and nothing else" on this image board seems even higher than my own, and that's with me being one who refuses to join modernity until years after everyone else has gotten used to it already. Either it's the autism at work, or you've got board after board whose "dislike" list is even longer than mine when I'm already a mule that refuses to get on-board with anything. I like high discernment, it's great to have, but you're hating things that I'm not seeing as that bad.
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>>28593 My issue isn't with the low-tech the MC uses. I've collected antiques for my entire life (and I mean that literally. Even when I was little, I bugged my parents to go to any antique store we passed), and nearly a quarter of my wardrobe is older than I am. My daily-drive watch is an early digital model made during the LED watch boom of the 70's. I unironically use vintage calculators for number crunching, including important shit that affects my life. And don't even get me started on my collection of vintage and antique figures, or vast amounts of other old tech I've owned over the years. Oh, and computers and a few typewriters, some of which I've used to write stories that I posted here. I get the aesthetic. I have no problems with it, and use it myself. My issue is with his insufferably holier-than-thou personality. I was not exaggerating in the least when I said that he shit-talks other people, just as often as not to their faces. He's an extremely hateful person. To give you an idea, he shit-talks other people just for using electronic clocks and watches, and jerks himself off for using a mechanical pocket watch (that he probably has to set to a digital clock every morning). Not just once, either. It's brought up multiple times, because the only thing he enjoys more than his old tech is hating other people for not using it. It got to the point where I actually forgot why he picked up the gynoid while I was playing the game, because he did nothing but shit-talk her every single second she was in-frame, and many long minutes when she was out-of-frame. I apologize for the confusion.
>>28597 Okay, this sounds awful.
>>28597 Hello Reviewbrah, I didn't know you were a fellow robautist.
>>28597 I'm sure glad you're on our team, Greentext anon! Cheers. :^)
Just finished reading ch4 of My Wife Has No Emotion. I remember I read some of it over a year ago, and the feels are just as strong now as then.
Apparently a based anon is posting 'The Big O' mango over on trash/retro/ : https://trashchan.xyz/retro/thread/9.html#3813
>>28739 I find that a very charming story. Enjoy your feels, Anon. :^)
>>28739 >>28783 Unfortunately it goes downhill fast in the later chapters.
>>28790 Yeah I still try to keep up with new chapters but they haven't really been hitting the spot for me for some time now
>>28790 >Unfortunately it goes downhill fast in the later chapters. I wonder what happened with the author to change it up, when it was such a pleasant basic premise to begin with?
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>>28799 At least the art is still cute
>>28799 >I wonder what happened with the author to change it up The author always wanted a dark and complex story. If you look through his other works, it's plain to see that it's his M.O. Many suspect that it was only cute in the beginning so that it'd reel in a massive audience, then he changed the script to fit his design once he got in a secure position. Personally though, I don't think the cute robowaifu stuff is going to go away completely. If the author removed it entirely, he'd lose most of his support. I expect that he's going to be juggling cute and gritty right up until the manga ends.
>>28801 Yes it is. >>28826 >I expect that he's going to be juggling cute and gritty right up until the manga ends. Well, I'm grateful for what I consider the good bits at least. It's an appealing idea for most anons, I think. Cheers, lads.
>>28591 >>18711 I just saw Plastic Memories. That was a great recommendation. Thank you. I'm going to go cry now.
>>29094 Lol. Sorry anon ;~; It's one of the very few (only 2) animus I refuse to watch twice. You'll find something more cheery soon, I promise! :D
>>29105 What was the other one? I don't mind having a show leave me sad. I realized recently that I don't expect human relationships to ever make me feel so attached. It's nice to know that I can feel that way, even if it's only through a story. It gives me hope that a relationship with an AI could be far more than I could expect from one with a human.
>>29116 Grave of the Fireflies. Yes, don't lose your humanity in all this wretched sea of our battles for humanity during Current Year. Stay strong, Anon. Cheers. :^)
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>>29105 >You'll find something more cheery soon, I promise! :D Yeah, if he watches the whole list there might be something cheery in there. But even then, it might have some sad elements. I like shows with sad elements. Btw, this above really isn't a full list of recommendations. For example, I really like "Iczer One: Fight!!" though it generally doesn't have a good rating. There are also some shows with a good masculine AI (side) character like in picrel show (Gargantia).
Some more manga. I've only read Daddy's and Bug. This is basically a bump for the new anon. A Story About a Droid A droid picked up an abandoned child and decided to raise it. https://mangadex.org/title/4bbbcf1a-f207-4d25-8be0-f08633b0947e/a-story-about-a-droid A Story About Becoming the New Master of an Abandoned Maid-Type Android Another tras-pic tale. https://mangadex.org/title/e101a6a1-defe-4fec-9a39-294038908d3d/a-story-about-becoming-the-new-master-of-an-abandoned-maid-type-android Daddy's Sexy Doll Man buys sexbot to replace deceased wife, reprograms it as also maid. Young Daughter sees sex act, is confused and wants "affection" too. GL https://mangadex.org/title/c61cee19-903d-4ec4-b5f6-58b31c1345cb/daddy-s-sexy-dolls Erio and the Electric Doll The story centers around Anjie, an electric doll, and Erio, a human raised by her. In order for Erio to experience the outside world, the two set out on a journey. https://mangadex.org/title/21699dbf-c427-41d8-bbcf-c7cbd1755615/erio-and-the-electric-doll Housekeeper In the near future where Android (A.I) becomes common among humans, a virus outbreak suddenly occurred, turning over 70% humanity into zombie-like "Creatures." The A.I soon break away from their infected owners since they're not programmed to recognize "Creatures" as humans, but one of them, the housekeeper Hasty, acted otherwise when her infected young master, Neville's final words struck something in her. Sticking with him after all other humans have been infected in the area they're living in, Hasty vows to do whatever it takes to cure master Neville, even if she has to fight against the whole world who's now looking to exterminate all Creatures to cut off the infection source completely. https://mangadex.org/title/bb24ecc9-155b-448d-aa74-bf31eb25e480/housekeeper >>27582 Androids Do Not Bug - One-shot - A girl finds a broken android with a final request. This is the one-shot posted earlier, a link to share. https://mangadex.org/title/1a7c7789-8f3c-4dab-bbd6-a188929f4778/android-wa-bug-wo-shiranai
>>18949 >>18960 It would be interesting to see something made by multiple people from here coming together like a think tank and talking about ideas of what the plot/script is etc and then they make it together and publish it
Lonely Professor and Robot Girl's Despair-Like Utopia Funny slice of life about a professor and his robot girl. Made by the man who'd later write Frieren. https://mangadex.org/title/28b75755-00ba-4f2a-940f-dd13cff066e9/bocchi-hakase-to-robot-shoujo-no-zetsubou-teki-utopia
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Chloe from Detroit Become Human, she’s cute! I chose the ending where Connor stops the Robo Revolution haha
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Assaultron from Fallout
>>29554 Hey, thanks!! I found all of those on Anime Planet, except: "Androids Do Not Bug" - also "Erio and Electric Doll" is without the "the" in the name. While searching I also found: >Do Androids Dream of Love? >Androids Don't Look Back Not sure if they have been mentioned in some thread already. >>29560 >Frieren Oh, wow, this is from the same guy? I have this on my want to read list but getting distracted too often. >>29558 Yes, we have at least two threads related to that: >>29 and >>19295 - But please keep in mind, we're mostly here to make real gynoids, not just delving more and more in fiction and role-play.
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Just came across this: >Angela (Korean: 안젤라) appears in both Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, in Lobotomy Corporation, she is an artificial intelligence who acts as the player's assistant. In Library of Ruina, she acts as The Library's director. https://projectmoon.miraheze.org/wiki/Angela
>>29597 Only a place-holder page for it on Mangadex as "Wonderlab" so far.
Pygmalion and Galatea, old myth I think it’s relevant
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Riruru from "Doraemon: Nobita and the New Steel Troops—Winged Angels"
Some more manga: Does it Count if You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? The saucy cohabitation story of an android and an office lady who lives alone. https://mangadex.org/title/143a116f-8e1d-4f9b-9794-9fb8fc8f56dc/android-wa-keiken-ninzuu-ni-hairimasu-ka Heaven's Little Garden - One-shot A world where humankind was almost destroyed by the nuclear war. Lily, a girl who hides under a cliff, and Selene, an android who serves her. Selene was the only support and love for Lily, who lives with the faint hope of "living on earth again someday." The end-of-life GL story of "Android x Girl" presented by the creator of "Kowamoto-kun's Maiden Alliance" and "Alice's Paradise". https://mangadex.org/title/9079d555-d7e1-4b0f-bb7a-8a1e04e01aac/heaven-s-little-garden Life on an Uninhabited Planet with an Android A daily twitter comic in the form of a log, about an old man and his android stranded on an uninhabited planet. https://mangadex.org/title/01d3fdf8-af8b-43c8-815d-9d4a55407788/life-on-an-uninhabited-planet-with-an-android Love Data This is a yuri love story between a human and an android. https://mangadex.org/title/3d5fabc9-1dbc-46da-bc3b-e03e0f2de9e7/love-data Princess of Cathedral A world where machine civilization has perished and immortal monsters called "Monotsuki" are rampant. Isana, a girl born in a remote village, meets a mechanical person who lost her memories and looks exactly like her sister, who should have disappeared in the ruins she wandered into. Convinced that "My sister is alive," Isana gives the mechanical person the name "Hime" (princess) and together they set out on a journey to find her sister. https://mangadex.org/title/ef3a66a4-010f-4930-b6d4-0ff28b0ceed5/garan-no-hime
>>29588 >Do Androids Dream of Love? This one is about a girl and a male android.
>>29641 I doubt that I have time to dig into every such story. But, thanks anyways. >Princess of Cathedral These arms are a bit too weird. >>29643 Ah, thanks.
>>18711 >Hentai games Robolife 1 and 2. They both have multiple ending branches, you can work to earn money to develop more parts to increase stats. The hentai scenes are pretty good.
OP is mistaken. I do not recall any robot girl in No Game No Life. The robot girl is in movie No Game No Life: Zero which is a prequel that has different characters. The two main characters really should have been the main characters of the whole series since they are more interesting. https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/no-game-no-life-zero
>>30344 You're right, season one is really good (though not for everyone), but there's no gynoid. She's in the sequel movie. Still waiting for the sequel for the show.
>>30359 I'd say if someone didn't even like the show they might enjoy the movie still.
>>30361 Yeah, that's a good point. >No Game No Life: Zero
>>30423 EXCITING! Thanks, Anon. Hopefully they'll keep things upbeat and more like Chobits for the animu! Cheers. :^)
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>>30848 One of my favorite seires as well. >upbeat I don't mind drama, I think stories do better if they have ups and downs. What I'm not looking forward to are the meandering school club plots and the Martians that look like squidbillies. I thought the martians were just squid-themed robots for a food truck but apparently they're actually aliens. The whole martian arc was kinda confusing for me. The kidnapping arc was also messy in so far as telling what the hell was going on. I got the gist of what story they were trying to tell but hopefully, it translates better on the anime. I'd like for the dub to be decent but I'm afraid they're going to insert trans VA's into it like they did for Delicious in Dungeon. The sub will be safe at least. My favorite part of the series is when Mina goes into the machine learning and logical processes. The little hints of there being something more even if the waifu itself doesn't realize it. Even if it ends up being a red herring and it's not a short circuit kind of situation I would be fine with that. If a bot malfunctioning makes it behave more like how I want it to, I don't consider that a bug, but a feature.
>>30854 >My favorite part of the series is when Mina goes into the machine learning and logical processes. The little hints of there being something more even if the waifu itself doesn't realize it. Even if it ends up being a red herring and it's not a short circuit kind of situation I would be fine with that. Yeah, that's wonderful stuff. As part of this remarkable group here on /robowaifu/ with the audacity and balls to try and tackle these very issues headon in the real-world, I have a natural affinity for these sorts of things. The Nipponese VAs on the teaser sound like normal humans. I too would be offended if the dub uses some faggot for the main protag (or anywhere else, for that matter). Let's hope not! :D I think the producers probably don't fully realize yet what a positive potential impact this series represents for the millions of us men who know about the concept of robowaifus now. They could use this animu to launch this entire property into a smash success if they play their cards right. But, IMO that will depend entirely on whether they stay true to it's Japanese roots, or if -- like so many other completely-sh*te series being produced during CY (including vidya, mango, and animu) -- they try to pander to what they think the GH Western-media evildoers are telling them we all """want""" (ie; quadruple-down on the pozz). I suppose time will tell... but let us here hope for the best instead! :D Regardless, thanks for bringing this new production to all our attentions, Anon! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/11/2024 (Thu) 08:40:36.
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>>24615 >Synduality: Noir I watched season one. The start is a bit underwhelming, imo. Since it's once again a guy who's very shy even towards women he could have or are even very much into him, which makes no sense. But this later got genuinely funny and the show generally got better and better. It's not at the same level as Vivy, Planetarian, or Sing a Bit of Harmony, but it has big potential, especially the world has. Wholesome robowaifu moments, different places similar to different planets, not to much internal fighting and tensions, good action, surprisingly funny scenes, waifus with different body types, bit of harem elements, mystery, ... That said there's a development towards the end, which makes me a bit skeptical. The show is also on Disney Plus outside of Europe and I don't know how much we can trust Bandai. I have to see where this goes in season two. If you're very sensitive to a ruined story you've started, wait till I watched season two and tell you my opinion. There's also a game in development (I think) which looks really good, btw. It is not about the same characters and has a lot of character design options. I don't know about the quality of the single player mode yet. It is also a online game (extraction shooter). I like the concept of the waifu robot floating symbolically outside of your mech and fighting at your side.
>>31461 Great review. Thanks, NoidoDev! Cheers. :^)
>>30423 That looks interesting. Have to look out for it.
>>31500 > My Wife Has No Emotion anime I'm surprised how much attention it gets. This whole robot wife trope is getting more and more popular.
I mentioned it before in passing but one of the most waifu of waifu films is "A.I. Rising (2018)". The acting is not the best but it does have an interesting story line. It has, to its credit, Stoya acting as a robot helper, spy, bedbot. It's good and at the least you get to see more of Stoya and that's not bad. In fact Stoya's acting I think is better than the actor, actor.
>>31461 >Synduality: Noir So, I watched the rest (Part 2), and I can really recommend it. It gets better and better over time, imo. Not the best show when we judge it by the best use of specific tropes, but it has a wide use of good tropes and is generally a really good mix. It has wholesome, funny and emotional scenes. Also a mix of action, mystery and slice of life. And once again: Singing. The overlap between singing and gynoids in anime is wild, and I love it, though it's a little bit less my taste than in some of the other ones. The human females are also likeable in the show, so they don't ruin it for me like they did in "Plastic Memories". I generally like the idea of putting gynoids into shows where they are not the (only) main topic of the show. This here is a more general SciFi story in a post-apocalyptic world.
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>>18711 >>24640 I finally finished watching >Hi no Tori 2772 (Alt title: Phoenix 2772): https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/phoenix-2772 I really do like the robot girl. Including her strange looks, and the scenes with her. Some are even really funny and she's very likable. She's imo the only reason to watch this old thing. Because, well, is this movie hard to watch. For starters, it's too much child oriented with goofy side characters and tropes. Also very old. Then some questionable tropes like humanoid robots forcing humans to work. The beginning is really fascinating, the middle part is hard to watch. Later it gets more interesting, but in a weird way. The story isn't based on our laws of nature, but some Japanese version of Gaia. Anyways, it got more interesting and easier to watch. I recommend at least watching the beginning.
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>>30344 > No Game, No life: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/no-game-no-life-zero So, I watched this one. And WOW. This was amazing. Schwi Dola, the robowaifu in the movie, is a great character with a great story arc. The whole story of the movie is really great, and quite unique. I don't want to write much about it: It's action, war, with some emotional story. Humans fighting for survival. Guy finds a robot girl, who would've guessed.
>>31785 Yes, Schwi is the best girl in the whole franchise. Unfortunate many people didnt even hear of the film.
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>>31785 It's kind of funny that she wanted the name Schwarzer, but settled on Schwi because it was too hard to say. Would marry, she's such a sweet heart. She gave everything to her husband. Her love was so strong, that two of her reincarnations fell in love with Riku's reincarnations. Emir-Eins being the robot one.
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Episode 2 of My Wife Has No Emotion Animation was great. They did a fantastic job of simplifying and smoothing out designs to look better animated. Mina looks particularly adorable. I honestly think someone in the staff has a fetish for Mina. Everything she did was charming. Even her cooking an egg was somehow cute. Takuma was a wet blanket, boring, and obtuse. On one hand, they're staying true to the manga. On the other hand, I want to relate to the MC. Overall, Mina was cute/10
>>32036 Wonderful! Any recommendations for a non-pozzed subber doing releases for this series, Kiwi? Thanks for the reminder, Anon. Cheers. :^)
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>>32042 I only watch anime through legal streaming. Atri My Dear Moments Ep1 MC seems to be autistic with severely bad communication skills. Supporting characters were cringe. The obasan was cute, her playful banter was great. Atri chan, a high tech robot girl, is adorable to a fault. She has that high pitched voice, her face is too cute, and she acts too childish. I appreciate her being small, I prefer robots being tiny, it's just uncomfortable to see her practicably be a robo-rori.
>>32042 Is time to learn moonrunes.
>>32194 >I only watch anime through legal streaming. Impressive! Maybe I can sort it out myself. :D Thanks for the new review, Kiwi. Didn't know about that one! >>32196 >Is time to learn moonrunes. Indeed! I'm actually planning to move there soon-ish once I finally finish school. I'm currently back to learning with my Nihongo studies in prep for all that. The digital visa is a thing now since this year. This should let me remote-work wherever I want to in the country there, hopefully. --- Cheers, Anons. :^)
>>32042 >non-pozzed subber doing releases for this series I only download shows after release from Nyaa.si, but I was contemplating to make an exception for these shows to support them. That aside, I would only want to give money to HiDive (with VPN, since it's not available in most countries) since it seems to be owned by a Japanese company (without headquarters in Commifornia, I hope). If the goal is to give money to the creator, it's also possible to buy merch or the original manga. >>32194 >Atri My Dear Moments Interesting. I was waiting for this one and was hoping it would be good. >>25888 >>25911 >The Gene of AI Yeah, no thanks. I tried watching it. I think it's trash. It seems the whole show is based on artificial problems e.g. "no backup allowed", "making sports but having fixed limitations and being sad about it". Humanoid robots living like humans and having issues. I hate this concept soo much. A good indicator is, that there are male robots, and that the robots look the same like humans and live like them. I also didn't warm up fast to the main robot girl. >it uses replicants ala Blade Runner. Yeah, once again: Blade Runner is also kinda shit imho, with a very nice surface. Great music and aesthetics. Great special effects, especially for that time. But it's essentially just about don't be "racist", don't own "slaves" and the "are you sure about who you are" fear mongering - all in noir scifi metaphor form. The newer variant extended it to, "don't have AI girlfriend" and "don't think you're important" (especially if you're the white guy). That said, we need to be consistent here. The thing I realized late with "Blade Runner" is that the Replicants are somewhat just like humans with maybe some extra strength. I don't know if it makes the whole story and setting even dumber, since it's dumb either way. In the past I never thought much about the plausibility to it, which is the only way how to enjoy it even remotely. Anyways, the robots in "Gene of AI" can be identified as robots relatively easy with some uncertainty and certainly with a little bit of effort. They're also not hiding. So, the story isn't like Blade Runner. It seems to be more like a Plastic Memories, idk. >>18711 >>28591 >The Big O I also watched "The Big O" a while ago, and thought it was quite good. I like the aesthetics and the main characters, but the episode were a bit repetitive. >>25901 >Gunbuster 2 Yeah, it's REALLY time to watch this. I liked the first one a lot, while other anime I tried recently was rather boring.
>>32204 Reject modernity, embrace Bubblegum Crisis. Because a lesbian vampire robowaifu would be nothing but a boon to society, right? lol
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>>32204 Agree with you for the most part. Personally, Replicants feel overused. This is likely because using human adjacent machines make writing easier. This is why I enjoy ATRI and My Wife Has No Emotion. Those robots are actually robotic. Obeying commands, placing their masters first, and allowing robots to be machines. I wonder what you'd want in a robot waifu show? I simply want the robot to be mechanical, and the MC to not be beta weirdo. I want My Wife Has No Emotion, with a MC that appreciates Mina as a robot. Episode 3 is mostly great but, Takuma was cringe again. His sister was based and got her cute clothes.
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>>32215 >the MC to not be beta weirdo Beta weirdos are the majority of the target market (whether for animu or robowaifus). Non-tech savvy beta weirdos, to boot.
>>32214 Thanks for the reminder. I first wanted to write that I already watched that, and it was good but it's bit old. And it has amazing intro song. Anime: https://youtu.be/v6DNqjCyA20 Live: https://youtu.be/y48ZwmVF-2M Anyways, I realized this picture is probably from "Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040" which is a few years newer. I also didn't watch the related "Parasite Dolls" (which is certainly about gynoids). Maybe I should watch some if this soon. I know the whole franchise from "A.D. Police Files" which is in the same world. I could not watch the older show "A.D. Police" which struck me as to old and trashy. Generally this whole franchise is rather about gynoids going rogue, and then the police has to stop them, so it's not the best robowaifu propaganda. But hey, it has a lot of nudity :) Looking these things up also made me find: Zaion ~i wish you were here~ https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/zaion-i-wish-you-were-here >>32215 I'm fine with the robowaifu being a bit more mechanical or not. Though if it's just some magical technology making her body very human-like it's a bit much. I'm not watching only gynoid shows, but at some points it's not fitting the topic. Iczer One is a bit on the fringe, but it's great. Mostly, I don't want it to be just about how they are like humans with the same rights and with problems in society. This is a trope that enrages me. In Blade Runner it's extra stupid, since it's about how it's hard to recognize them. They seem just to be enhanced humans, they are NOT robots or cyborgs at all. There was some conversation around this here: >>26012 (I still didn't read the book) Other than that, I'm not sure if I understand you question about what robowaifu story I like, since I posted my ratings here: >>28591 - since then "No Game No Life Zero" joined the top, with "Synduality Noir" a bit behind. Big O was also good, with a good male MC. I criticized the male trope in Synduality Noir, but it got better later, and it worked for some jokes. Naoto Miura is a better male MC: https://www.anime-planet.com/characters/naoto-miura - some call him a wimp and pervert, though. I only read some of the manga of My Wife Has No Emotion and didn't hugely dislike the male MC. But, I've read the manga gets worse over time, maybe for that reason.
>>32219 That art was promo for Episode 5 of the Bubblegum Crisis OVA: they were planning to replace one of the main characters but scrapped the idea. The franchise is a good warning to not give robowaifu's combat capabilities, and to have an emergency off switch at the very least. :) I remember one character who was a hacker and hung around with like 3 robowaifus. Robots (and robowaifus) going rogue is an unusual occurrence (availability heuristic). The 1999 series "AD Police: to protect and serve" series is good (and came out several years after AD police files), its a kinda cop series w/ the AD Police's early start. Bubblegum Crash had an episode showing off a good robot so they were starting to touch on the good robot angle. I don't think I managed to watch "Parasyte Dolls" either lol I'm a bit of a fan of the franchise if you couldn't tell from my little collection. Pic related, I misplaced a 4 issue comic series somewhere so couldn't get it for the pic... and yes that is an original cel from "The Man Who Bites His Tongue"
>>32222 Impressive digits, impressive arts collection, Anon! :D
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Episode 4 Had many fun scenes. MC's sister is cute and based. Mina shutting her up by aggressively grabbing her chest was hilarious. Super Mina and her owner were goofy like the manga. Pleasantly surprised to see anons wanting to clang Super Mina on 4chins. Seeing the MC take control of Mina at the end for a romantic moment was a perfect end to the episode.
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>>32329 Yeah, I found this one delightful. It seemed the most 'robowaify' of the four so far. When the MC dived into 'save' Super Mina, it gave me the vibe of Hideki doing similar in Chobits. >>32330 Based.
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ATRI Episode 2 I am almost certain the original creator just wanted to clang a mesugaki. Everything in the world feels like it exists for a soulful romance between a the authors poorly disguised self insert and a tiny brat. Literary devices to justify an authors vices. It was daring of them to have actually insinuated actual clanging happened, that she enthusiastically consented to it, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Of course, this all subtext and she could just be teasing him. At the very least, he did pull her into bed with him, took off her dress as she wakes up in her underwear, and cuddled with her. His tsundere antics and consistent abuse of her when not using her for comfort in bed felt over the top. Her being a super advanced robot that struggles to do anything would have been annoying if I didn't understand how realistic it is. Robots will struggle in real life without clear guardrails and guidelines. She clearly shows signs of being trained to work in a different environment, and her AI struggles to fill in the blanks. A small detail which really adds to her character feeling like a robot. It's cute and funny.
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>>32331 Her running under water was also hilarious. It was nice to see the MC step up and be a good man when he was clearly confused by most of the situation.
For the manga of My Wife Has No Emotion, there's a pretty strong return to the wholesome family antics we started with. Mina starts developing more emotions (even though she still can't show them), mamoru gets a new body, Erisu stops being a deliquent and starts training for motherhood, and Takuma's sister just keeps getting more based every time she shows up. If any of you dropped this because of the domestic terrorism arc or the ayy lmao arcs, this is the time to pick it back up.
Thanks for the updates. >>32332 >ATRI Glad that it seems to work out well. >>32334 >MWHNO > pretty strong return to the wholesome family antics Good news indeed. I was hoping the manga would be good, just in case the anime wants to follow it
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No Emotions No Wife 5 Mina had heaps of cuteness. Her cutting through the moral dilemma of upgrading your waifu by doing it in secret was funny. Theseus's ship can choose which planks to replace, they'll be the same ship after. Takuma's dreams of Mina with a soft body were really charming. Shows how much he sees her as a women. Mina not understanding how physical intimacy works was also hilarious. She even rubbed his booty. Super Mina was a genki baka bimbo as always. Overall, Mina slowly realizing how much she actually loves Takuma, little by little, each episode, has been wonderful.
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Atri 3 MC is actually based and cool Atri is useless for anything aside from being a steed and a really caring lover. She had lewd dreams about what happened last episode which was cute and funny.
>>32445 >>32446 Heh, noice. :D >>32454 >>32457 Thanks for the nice reviews, Kiwi. I really enjoy reading them. :^) >MWHNE I sure hope they decide to deviate from the mango in next season's animu. Maybe they'll just skip ahead to the good stuff that is apparently happening later, where the author seems to get back on track : (>>32334) ?
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>>32464 No Toaster No Waifu 6 Mina continues to be incredibly cute. Her boasting and smug aura is goofy fun. How Mina's function continues to be unveiled in an enjoyable and believable way. Corporate Mina being a dumb brat that acts like they're actually smart and wise was cheekily entertaining. Ending with Mina be aggressively loving put a sweet bow on their romance.
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>>32464 Atri 4 Atri is a bizarre machine. Her strength, durability, and capabilities are insane. She can swim at incredible speeds, best a large crab in combat, and eat that crab! She continues to act, look like, and feel biological yet, she is clearly a machine. Her joy at eating crab because of her preprogrammed variables was a perfect hint at the algorithms driving her communication AI. They even bring it up, how she is so nearly human. It's all stuff you've heard before though. Some nice world building was also appreciated, really made the world feel vast and realistic. Atri had so many fun moments, it was a fantastic episode.
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>>32567 Every single episode has Atri coming onto the MC. I don't understand why she is so eager for clang. It would be one thing if there was some romance, but no, she just has desires for her master. There should be emotional intimacy before physical. Would much rather she tried to win his heart rather than his pants. I want man machine romance! Her decking a thot stepping out of line got me laughing.
>>32564 Very charming. I hope they stay focused on the wholesome master/robowaifu relational aspects with this series. >>32567 >>32568 This ecchi stuff is just innuendo, right? AFAICT they are wanting to pander to their """perception""" of men's desires. I'm curious if the production team actually understands much about the modern robowaifu scene, or if they are simply drawing from old tropes.
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>>32582 Everything with Mina stays very wholesome. She is a wonderful and dedicated wife.
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No Waifu No Emotion 7 Another episode where Takuma was a big weenie. His pure love for Mina is touching though. Mina's extension has gone from 155cm to 172cm. This is insane, she grows over 30cm within a moment. The animators also gave her curves. Her maternity theme juxtaposed with this ultra feminized form is an inspired form of fanservice. Their child is adorable. They made him much less annoying, and far more endearing as a result. The dumb copo bot was hilarious. It's insane how much better the anime is compared to the manga. GigaMina/10
>>32750 Thanks for the continued updates, Kiwi. Much-appreciated! :^) >filenames Lol, great as usual. :D
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>>32764 Thanks! Atri 5 Episode started with them snuggling. Atri had heaps of cuteness this episode. She legitimately did everything she could to help the MC. Wholeheartedly going out of her way to be as useful as possible. Her support of the local children and her masters friends was frankly touching. Her smile at the end when he just wanted her to be happy, it was all just so heartfelt.
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>>32814 There's something about Atri. Her need for physical intimacy bothers me in a different way now. She loves him and wants to share all of herself with him. It's not just physical, she wants a deep, meaningful, and mutual connection. Willing to give everything to help him, she'd readily sacrifice herself if it was for his good. Even when she clearly is scared and being apart hurts her. Love, pure, sweet, and dedicated. Even when rebuked, she just quietly pats him, trying to provide comfort. Webm related is how I feel for some reason.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 08/14/2024 (Wed) 02:37:06.
>>32814 >>32815 Your review of Atri & her Onii make the show sound charming, Kiwi. Really enjoyable. Thanks, Anon! Cheers. :^)
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No Emo No WiFi Hachi はち Mina is a doting but overly serious mother. Mamoru being a fiddly child was awkward. Him being a little egg really dampers his role as a son. Manga fixes this, hopefully the anime fast forwards through that narrative. Her homeschooling was cute and endearing. Mamoru getting between his parents nightly romance was adorably bizarre. Mina being jealous of the attention Takuma gives to their son, pushing her closer to him, is a funny narrative. Using Mina as a roomba is unintentionally hilarious. World building via an AI check up was kino. The test robot has giant booba, why?. Mamoru's personality still bothers me from an engineering standpoint. I understand that he is experiencing a glitch, with his programming being altered by Mina. It just doesn't make sense, he should either be broken or a copy of Mina. Yet, he's just a goofy little guy. I excused Chobits for having similar issues of the writing subverting engineering for narrative, so I'll do so here. It just feels "wrong" when so much of the world strives to be adjacent to our own reality.
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>>32894 World building and lore dumping were heavy this episode. More so through implications. Really get your noggin' joggin' if you pay attention. Having to pay for functions Mina already had is why we must prevail. Robots must always do everything they can for their master out of the box. (I purposely leave out a details to foster space for conversation, is anyone else watching this?)
>>32894 Excellent review Anon. >I excused Chobits for having similar issues of the writing subverting engineering for narrative Me too, eheh. :) The overarching opus of that universe & romance was/is so compelling I was able to look past the many flaws in the writing/story.
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ATRI 6 Atri continues to serve as this shows heart. Narratives weave around her in a manner most enthralling. Her ability to withstand high pressure waters continuously used for profitable ways to bring joy. Antics amplifying emotional situations to improve lives charms. Seeing others around her come to understand her shows great character development. Especially the main character, who has grown by leaps and bounds. Becoming far more comfortable with his life and accepting himself due to her consistent support. Supporting characters have grown heaps these last few episodes as well. Honestly, characters that felt so flat at first are now rounded with nuanced interactions. Truly, impressive writing. A few nitpicks though. The older woman changed for the better a tad too fast. They keep feeding Atri when she does not need to eat and it's been well established that food is highly valuable due to their lack of availability. This is post apocalypse, we've seen MC spelunking to scrounge up barely enough food to get by. Atri's love of crab is as cute as it is baffling. They keep bringing up how fuel is running out and that importing it is highly expensive. Why not replace those parts with electric equivalents? MC has shown himself to be a master at electrical engineering. Perhaps he needs Atri to bring it up? Atri could just do everything either way. Her strength and stamina continue to far exceed what could be expected of her chassis. Then again, she does pride herself on being a high spec robot built for war. Which, though seemingly a throw away gag at first, is becoming increasingly likely to be true. Though she can lie, I don't think she ever would unless it was to serve her master. Her little dance when she's processing is thoroughly adorable.
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>>32912 As for romance, it continues to be deeply emotional. MC has finally started to consciously accept his feelings. How she feels like a person, deserving real respect. He's gone from being inconsiderate and abusive, to catching himself, and actively trying to be kind. She's pushed him to be the best version of himself, to the point where she does get confused by how nice he is now. This is exactly what I want in a robot girl anime. Purely positive improvements through love. Her storing things magically inside her was hilarious. Especially because she had fun teasing MC by flashing him. How he still gets flustered by her mentioning that they snuggle at night while she's undressed is beyond me, gets a chuckle though. Almost felt bad for the women realizing how perfect Atri is as a partner.
>>32895 is anyone else watching this? Yah, I’m watching both. It’s nice to see robowaifus in anime and this time around, we are getting spoiled, we got two entire shows! The posting about them here is what made me check the shows out in the first place. So far both are good, but I’m really enjoying Atri a lot!
>>32895 >(I purposely leave out a details to foster space for conversation, is anyone else watching this?) Wouldn't want to miss it! :) <---> OK, I'll bite. For starters I'll basically overlook the issue of the abuse being heaped on the Protag, as it's commonplace in our gynocentric, so-called 'culture' and often considered humorous. The intermission cutscene of the robobabby coming out from Mina-chan's belly cabinet was funny. Great fanservice! :D I really liked that the Protag felt comforted by Mina taking over the babby as an avatar, during her servicing absence. Mina's thoughtful planning in advance for Protag's welfare was a nice touch. In fact, her doting attentiveness towards him is an inspiring part of the storyline in general. 'Giant' Mina was nice to see. The subtle implication of lesbian attraction sh*te for the corpo-service pair was distasteful. Protag's sister should get more airtime. <---> >Robots must always do everything they can for their master out of the box. This. While the MWHNE story's characters & the building relationships are charming, the Globohomo-dominated universe it's being imagined in is frankly repellent to me : * spamming your robowaifu with corpo adverts * the subtle implications of the corpos stealing/killing your robowaifu on you * subtly implying the master doesn't own his own household appliance -- it's merely (((on lease))), and revocable at any time * giving robots """human rights""" * state-mandated, fiddly restrictive laws about what kind of robots are/are-not allowable for private crafting/ownership BLEAAH! >tl;dr <Why aren't these maladapts interested in applying these same rules to their own dishwashers & washing machines, I wonder? What could their """reasons""" actually be, I wonder? :D BTW, I'm not necessarily even impugning the author of the work; he's simply 'going with the spirit of the age' (ie, Leftism/Communism). The show producers here are -- as typical -- angling for anti-male, predictive programming IMO. <---> But all those feminist, dystopian outcomes are sure to come to pass for the GH-sanctioned """waifus""" in our own, real, world in the future should we here (and other cohorts like us) fail in our agendas for fairly-quickly producing widespread, free & opensource, fully-disconnected robowaifus instead. The clock is ticking, Anons... Forward!! :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/18/2024 (Sun) 11:28:13.
>>32914 Hi EnvelopingTwilight! Good to see you again, Anon! :^)
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>>32914 Glad you enjoy them! Atri has become my favouite too. Her being so small and overly cutesy put me off at first. I just can't help falling for her caring heart. Honestly, she's changed how I plan to implement AI in my own projects.
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>>32915 I share much of your sentiments towards the series. Mina's attentiveness increases over time. Minor spoiler, but she becomes even more caring about him as the story progresses. There's going to be some sweet scenes where she's embarrassed by how much she loves him. Looking forward to seeing them animated! As for his sister, she will get more screen time. Her active cheering for man machine relations gets better. Don't worry about the apparent lesbian corpo bot. She's just a doting machine that wants her employees to do their best. >Big Corpo BS Strongly agree that most of what they do is wrong. Frankly inspirational, we need to beat them to the punch.Robowaifus should be FOSS and owned! >Laws and rights for robots I actually believe there should be common sense safety measures. Waifu shouldn't go around zapping everything. Their appearance, height, and functions which only affect their masters, shouldn't be regulated. I do think the anime and story is pro male, it's just the prevailing culture poisons everything. The 3D Mina render was a fun touch too.
I finally decided to dive back in and finish Lucy -The Eternity She Wished For-. Previously, I had dropped the game due to the lackluster story and characters. Now that I've completed it all the way through, however, I'm very glad I stuck it out to the end. After the eye-rolling grind that was the opening chapters, the story fleshed out a bit and the MC started to change for the better, little by little. It wasn't a massive improvement, though. A lot of the overarching conflict revolves around how androids fit into society, and the MC wrestles with this controversy, both internally and externally. None of it is groundbreaking or new, though. Most of the opinions and views of the characters could be copy-pasted into a story about the industrial revolution, and you'd hardly notice the difference. Much of the writing is very repetative, too. Most of the cast just feel like broken records with the way they repeat shit over and over. As for the MC himself, without being too spoilery, his home-life and upbringing are so utterly atrocious that it excuses his terrible personality, especially since he does improve a bit with Lucy's help. Lucy, for her own part, was an absolute angel through and through. A breath of fresh air whenever I was getting sick of the other character's bullshit. If it wasn't for Lucy herself being well-written and engaging, I'd have given up trying to finish this VN and written it off entirely. While there are some funny bits, and a few genuinely nice scenes with real character development, they're rare enough that it didn't brighten the story by much. Overall, it's a flip between cliche's and downright odd cast behaviours and story pacing, and the ending, frankly, is meh at best. HOWEVER There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Once you get both endings, you'll unlock an additional bit of story, that then unlocks a couple other bits in the extra's section. The quality takes a complete 180 here. These parts are so beautifully written that I can scarcely imagine they came from the same author. After spending most of the day slogging through the main story, they were such a breath of fresh air that it made it all worth it. Like climbing a mountain that was nothing but cliffs and mudslides, then getting a beautiful sight once you've reached the top. If I were to take an educated guess, I'd say that the author was mostly just focused on the very end, and the main body of the story was an afterthought in comparison. At the current asking price of $10 on Steam, I'd say it's just about worth it, but only if you have the patience to stick it out to the very end. If you're a fast reader like me and don't take any breaks, you're looking at roughly five hours. Less if you really power through and don't stop to look at the scenery.
Thanks for all you comments and reviews. I'm not watching any of it right now, but plan to catch up. I've never been much of a social watcher, and I like to have it on my disk. Also, I'm currently not watching much anime since I don't want to use my PC since it's to warm, and my laptop is to weak to play most of it.
@Kiwi My apologies to you, Anon.
>>32944 Why? You've done good and are appreciated. I couldn't conceive of a reason for you to apologize.
>>32951 Heh, b/c I responded with a post that was bordering on turning the thread into /pol/-lite, but then thought better of it. Thanks BTW, I think very highly of your efforts here Anon. Let us all press forward together as brothers in a common cause for good! Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/19/2024 (Mon) 07:39:14.
>>32928 >MeantToBe.png Yah the ending to ep6 melts the heart! >>32930 >I do think the anime and story is pro male, it's just the prevailing culture poisons everything. So far it seems like it, especially with how supportive the sister is, I think that is the intention of the story. It's for sure just the result of how the average person thinks of technology in general. The average person has no idea what free software is.
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Just watched episode 7 of Atri. It’s nice to see the MC not be a dense brick wall. Them going on a date was cute :D
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I can't believe it's not Chobits! 9 This episode featured many interesting plot and robotics points. Plot wise, this episode covers some of the more interesting early chapters. Mixing memories causing Super Mina to become infected by Mina's love is funny, at first. It does open many important questions related to how robot love works. Super Mina still loves her master, yet she also "loved" Takuma. To an unhealthy extreme that likely is inspired by yandere tropes. So, how does one codify monogamy in these machines? Mina's fierce protectiveness was heaps of charming. I still have problems with the narrative of Super Mina being a superior Mina. They seem entirely too clumsy and easily disrupted to be worthy of all the hype. Wish the story would demonstrate their superiority beyond Mina using Super Mina as networked compute. Super Mina becoming clingy after she is no longer infected by Mina's memories was cute. They have a sweet blossoming romance that I hope the anime emphasizes better than the manga. Where it is relegated to the background. Mina's history being revealed by Super Mina delving into her memories was handled better than expected. They used intelligent cuts to help build up drama and heighten the emotions. It helps that they have good pacing to build up themes before revealing the truth. Her interactions with her creator were deeply endearing. Further showing how strange her engineering actually is. Super Mina being able to override her programming being echoed by Mina overriding her programming in an act of desperation was much better communicated in the anime than the manga. Mina and Takuma ending the episode by being happy in their love was a perfect ending. Showing a future we will gain.
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>>33099 As for the robotics, much was revealed this episode. 1st, a confirmation that memories are stored in their neural nets, RAM, and folders which can be locked. This becomes essential to the plot as both Mina's demonstrate that their neural nets can become corrupted by experiences of networked Mina's. With their experiences getting mislabeled and presumably inserted into training data for their neural nets. Leading to behaviours that appear to blend personalities. Their AI is fundamentally neural. This actually helps to explain much of their unusual behaviour. They appear to use specialized hardware based on human neural structures, that are altered by experiences. I'd assume it'd be an NPU with a highly specialized FPGA. This likely means they rely heavily on fuzzy logic principles and doing things in a way that's "close enough." This leads to their quirks emerging as the FPGA and neural net have certain nodes and pathways strengthened. Hence, Super Mina becomes permanently altered after having Mina's memories purged from her neural net, her FPGA is now configured for affection. 2nd, Super Mina becoming red hot and steaming proves they're water cooled. Likely, having some micro channels in their skin to have water wick across via capillary action. Robots are seen drinking water, likely to refill the reservoir for this process. The engineering for this system would be immense but, so is the engineering for everything Mina related. 3rd, having a robotics engineer comment on how nonsensically over engineered the Mina series are is funny. He is correct, Mina's are designed to help with basic household chores. Why do they need the strength to tear a grown man in half? Why the nonsensically over engineered AI that is fundamentally unpredictable and fully capable of going against its own programming? Why is a cooking robots prime directive to fall in love? It's all truly absurd. But, I would have done the same if I could. Well, not the super strength part. That's just weird.
>>33099 >>33100 Your best review yet, Anon. Thanks! Also, you have quite the wit. :^) >those filenames LOL
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>>33098 MC coming to terms with how he's always loved her, and going on a date is based. Funny detail that Atri can't walk in heels because her programming can't handle it. Using her spectrometer to determine the quality of sandwiches was hilariously sensible. I wasn't expecting her to be so realistic as a robot. It's been the best surprise this season. Atri is best girl.
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>>33101 Thanks! Thinking of fun names for screenshots has honestly improved how enjoyable the show is. It certainly helps that it's filled with fun visual gags.
>>33098 >>33102 Atri a cute! >Funny detail that Atri can't walk in heels because her programming can't handle it. As an ME, you're likely well-aware there's a mechanical-disadvantage with such an arrangement on the ankle-joint/foot-complex. I actually suspect that a good control-rig system : ( cf. >>32995, >>33002, et al ) for a robowaifu will allow her to actually excel beyond 3DPD at such 'stilted' motions. I think just like the 4cuck trope, the spring-steel-footed robowaifu could set all the world track records for every running event! :D >>33103 >Thinking of fun names for screenshots has honestly improved how enjoyable the show is. That's neat to hear. Keep up the great work, Kiwi! Cheers. :^)
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>>33099 ono, the creator of the Mina series is me lol
>>33121 >Get around heels via better algorithms. This is possible, would require Atri to fundamentally change her stance and walking algorithm. Which would have been cute to see her adapt to. Her SSD is fried somehow. I imagine if she was built with adaptive walking algorithms similar to the vector adaptations based on sensor fusion and something like Kalman filtering your linked posts alluded to, they were likely corrupted similar to most of her memories. >>33145 Heh, care for a race to produce a Mina? :^)
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No Waifu No Emo 10 This show continues to pack heaps of charm. From awkward moments naturally emerging through character dynamics, to intimate moments, every scene brings a smile. Chuckled often, timing for humor is really hitting that sweet spot. Takuma and Mamoru continue to naturally get each other. Mina's begrudging acceptance of Mamoru and his quirks as she spends more time with him shows great character growth. The end playing with a reversal of dynamics where Mina understands Mamoru and Takuma can't was a great example of comedy through character dynamics. We even get a nice bathing scene with Mina fanservice if you're into hot body panels.
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>>33288 From a robotics standpoint, this has some of the best examples I've ever seen in anime. Mina reduces her stature as much as possible when walking to increase efficiency. This is accurate, lower center of gravity and reducing the length of her legs puts less stress on her actuators. Searching for clues on how to activate a green light at a cross walk was clever. Something we could barrow for our own robots. There was also an excellent example of how AI can fail. Mina is hard coded to only cross streets with a crossing signal. This does make some sense, it's practically the only way to ensure it actually is safe to cross. We can perceive the intentions of others and are better at predicting the motion of things on the road. This is a highly chaotic situation which is difficult for even the most advanced hardware and algorithms today. Relying on signals that are easy to perceive reduces complexity tremendously. So, when a kind man stops and signals that it's safe to cross, Mina only interprets his thumbs up as generic praise, without any situational awareness. Mina wanting to wander in a spiral until she finds usable landmarks may be a reference to robotics history. Micromouse is an event where small robots "mice" solve a maze. Her navigation via a spiral pattern is similar to how some algorithms used in the event work. It's guaranteed to find something eventually, which is good enough. Mina defaulting to beep colds like an olde PC was a fun reminder that she is a computer.
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Atri's dear moments 8 Starts with sleeping Atri and MC losing it over how cute and lovable she is. It's either annoying or funny. His doubts over their love is bizarre since he accepted them last episode. It feels like character regression for the sake of muh "complex narrative." VN's often suffer from characters being subverted for the sake of moar drama. MC's friends were fun though. They actually call him out for it, which was refreshing. Calling him out for having such a tiny robowaifu was funny. MC took roricon accusations rather well. Atri continues to improve in her domestic capabilities as she learns in the background. Like Chii before her, she enjoys learning and being useful. Their confession at the end was a sweet ending.
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>>33299 Except the actual ending is a gut punch. They kept teasing each other. Slowly getting ever closer. Their love almost crossing the threshold. But, her diary... That darn diary brought pure pain. It implies everything she does is part of preprogrammed effort to deceive Natsuki. You can feel his heart being turn apart. His descent into the darkest depths of despair, feeling like a helpless manipulated fool. I fear the suffering that awaits next episode. Only saving grace is that I actually understand she's just writing like a realistic AI that doesn't understand love is so she's training a LoRA to allow her to express love. Her main storage device is breaking down, so she's using text to ensure her training material can be reinforced. Her writing at night is likely related to her dreams, which seem to be her training to better please her master based on her sleep talking. Natsuki not understanding this at all, is going to cause both of them to be hurt. Someone needs to explain how AI works, things are going to be awful until he understands how her heart works.
>>33284 >Kalman filtering Thanks! Interestingly-enough, I actually ran across this exact thing on my own on the same day by studying the based Jugglerbot Anon's channel. I've found a book on the topic which seems approachable (thus far lol), even for me. Know anything about it, Kiwi? https://www.kalmanfilter.net/default.aspx I think I already think about systems behavior in my layman's mentality, even though I don't really have the necessary maths yet.
>>33288 >>33295 A cute! Seems like this series just keeps getting better & better rn. I sure hope they manage to keep this up!
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>>33304 >Kalman Filter book Excellent find, it's definitely worth a read. Using GPS was a great introduction to the concept. I also enjoy how they gradually explain it in a way that's easy to visualize. Perfect for building on concepts that'll help Mina become real. Notably, a Kalman Filter could take in various sensor readings to ensure safe pressure when kissing. Would save us from Takuma's bruising. :^)
>>33323 >Excellent find, it's definitely worth a read. Great! >Using GPS was a great introduction to the concept. I also enjoy how they gradually explain it in a way that's easy to visualize. Sounds encouraging. I really trust your judgement here, Kiwi. Thanks again. >Perfect for building on concepts that'll help Mina become real. Notably, a Kalman Filter could take in various sensor readings to ensure safe pressure when kissing. Would save us from Takuma's bruising. :^) I know you're being light-hearted here, but what do you think? Should we just go ahead and steal Mina-chan for MaidCom's shell design? After this animu especially, Mina will be very popular as a robowaifu design. Plus it will let us ignore (mostly) facial designs until at least release 2? RSVP. :^) >kissing <insert: Lt. Data's Romance scene> >"At least I was in there somewhere..."
>>33295 The dynamic between Mamoru and Mina also demonstrates the value of "interior monologue". For (smart) humans, "thinking" is having a conversation with one's self, questioning whether or not a concept is true, what contradictions exist, what info we have/don't have etc. We can see here that even though Mina is supposed to be advanced, she has no such feature and has no interior monologue (just like a normie lol). I would like to run some tests on LLMs on implementing code that automatically asks it to consider contradictory information before giving a final answer.
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>>33331 >Steal Mina's design I would like to eventually. She's a few generations down the line. I'd need a few million to afford the manufacturing equipment to make her affordable. Would need heaps of specialized equipment. On the other side, once we get to Mina, they can build Super Mina's, so on and so forth. MaidCom is designed to be a far cheaper and simpler machine. A sneak peak at MaidComs design updated for better articulation. >>33345 Heh, good catch. Mamoru clearly thinks about thinking. Seeing Mamoru think up clever solutions then Mina making up BS is hilarious. Mamoru is actually functionally similar to Chii.
>>33345 Wow, that's a really-insightful point, Anon. >interior monologue <not dialogue Lol. If you can't argue with yourself about it, then what's the point? :DDD >I would like to run some tests on LLMs on implementing code that automatically asks it to consider contradictory information before giving a final answer. An excellent idea, IMHO. >>33346 Mini-MaidCom is looking great! >MaidCom is designed to be a far cheaper and simpler machine. Thanks for reminding me, eheh. Oftentimes, I let my imagination run away from my commonsense (so-called). It helps to have friends 'keep your feet on the ground'. >Mamoru is actually functionally similar to Chii. I like the idea of that, but me & my fast-lightning mind are somehow missing the point? Can you expand this please, Anon?
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>>33354 Anime really does make it all seem far simpler and easier than it is. Thought I'd have Chii by now. Little did I know, modeling characters is hard. Making that model move correctly is harder, and making it move under its own battery power without tearing itself apart, is harder still. Still learning and growing, the new series helps keep the spirit alive. Feels like my feet only recently touched the ground after years of R&D disasters and many kilos of plastic in the bin. >Mamoru and Chii They both function via learning with thought. Chii learns by interacting with the world and having behaviours reinforced by Hideki. Mamoru does much the same. They both have full dictionaries to fall back on. Both have many sensors which seem to function on parallel processes to their personalities, allowing them to function safely. Both clearly reflect on what they know, making logical leaps. Chii correlates her lessons together to learn quickly and make assumptions. Her assumptions were comically off at the start. As her knowledge base increased, her assumptions started to resemble human intuition. Mamoru does the same. When he was learning Kanji, he was able to make correlations as he learned, which lead him to learn new characters faster as the lessons continued. Eventually, he was able to read correctly. Frankly, it's their ability to think via correlating different concepts into a synthesized hypothesis, then testing via action or asking for confirmation, that's most striking. This is bolstered by their curiosity. They both seek out information which improves their capabilities. Often, when they find themselves lacking, they will go out of their way to find solutions. Reading signs, books, asking questions, testing things tangentially related, it's a major part of their charm. Their desire to try and learn, to extend their knowledge and skills, it's deeply endearing.
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After watching EP8, I ended up going to the source and buying the VN. Having just finished it, I honestly prefer the original material, in my opinion the differences add up and make a big impact on the story. It may not be fair to judge the anime while its still airing, but so far I think most of it's changes are not for the better. I really recommend picking up the game! (its 50% off on steam rn) It's really good. The VN was actually able to melt my heart, it had me tearing up at parts and was putting a real stupid looking grin on my face in others, even made me audibly laugh a few times. (reminds me of Plastic Memories) EP 8 Spoilers below: I don't like how the anime depicted the log. Maybe I was not paying attention as much when watching the anime, but I think the VN better portrayed what the log was. I feel the VN is more nuanced, Natsuki knows vaguely what its for (It's a mandatory debug behavior). He ofc is questioning Atri's nature and his initial expectations about how "emotions" would manifest if they exist really set him up. I find it interesting to see this concept in a story, in the Cognitive Architecture thread >>24816 I specifically make it a point to have a similar feature, I specifically say to log events, "user feedback" and to apply the "Justified Programming" pattern. With The idea initially being for catching runaway problems. Future Spoiler based on VN below: At first it was not easy watching Natsuki command Atri to not express her self around him, but it really did allow the story to explore robotic love and watching Natsuki grow closer to Atri in this state is really interesting. In her earlier stages and when not directly mimicking human emotions, she clearly is still more then just a tool, she has a "soul" :D Also just saying, I find it hard to say that wanting to unconditionally help & be useful to someone is not love. If you where to flip the question onto people, I don't think you will get any more of a satisfying answer. With what drives natural life (and thus humanity) is not any less arbitrary or shallow. In general I think ATRI My Dear Moments (especially the VN) is a very pro robowaifu message and in general is very wholesome :D ------ I'm not sure if its just me, but it feels like activity has picked up, Sorry for not being active :( (also sorry for posting then removing my post, I really need to watch out for typos more before I post)
>>33357 POTD Heh, they always tell me : >"Physics is a beyatch!111" They're wrong. It's an amazing universe we all live in. Our task here on /robowaifu/ is simply the bending of the natural world around us to do our bidding haha!! :DD >the new series helps keep the spirit alive That it does, like a breath of fresh air (so far). :^) >Feels like my feet only recently touched the ground I'm very pleased to hear that, friend Kiwi. :^) >Frankly, it's their ability to think via correlating different concepts into a synthesized hypothesis, then testing via action or asking for confirmation, that's most striking. This is bolstered by their curiosity. >Their desire to try and learn, to extend their knowledge and skills, it's deeply endearing. Indeed. Totally makes sense now. Thanks for expanding, Anon! Cheers. :^) >>33365 >baste pic is baste Great review, EnvelopingTwilight. Thanks! :^) --- >I really need to watch out for typos more before I post Ehh, you can always just ask for an edit. Either Kiwi or myself will be happy to clean things up. Cheers. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/04/2024 (Wed) 23:33:26.
>>33365 Atri does make a fantastic base for how AI works. I'm curious on your views of Mina's AI, you seem to generally more knowledgeable than I on AI. >>33368 What are your thoughts on these bots? Which do you prefer? I feel like Mina is the new Chii so, I'm sure you have something to say about her.
>>33387 Atri gets the feels going in me. It’s better written than other similar stories, she is not just a regular girl with a robot coat of paint on her. I’m also just susceptible to sad robot stories. I think Mina is much more realistic depiction of AI especially in the short term. I am enjoying the slice of life with a robot. The current episode was really good at depicting the types of quirks that would manifest in an AI outside of a simple environment (like a home) >>33295 You already discussed the crosswalk interaction and her interpretation of the thumbs up was the icing on the cake. In a dynamic environment when Mina was capturing landmarks to use for navigating back it showed a really real failure mode. It demonstrates that periodically remembering the appearance of random objects (and the spatial relationships) is not enough. She showed a lack of understanding in what makes a good landmark. Once again that pesky common sense strikes again. But here is my take on that part of the episode: I think the dynamic between Mamoru and Mina during the first half of the episode can be thought of as demonstrations of Hard/Symbolic driven AI vs NN/Deep learning AI. Mamoru is better able to pickup on patterns. He is able to make indirect connections. He pointed out that the text on the sign at the intersection related to the crosswalk. He was able to point out that a cat and a truck don’t make good landmarks & that the addresses looked similar. He reminds me of an LLM. Mina is not good at making abstract connections but is better at making choices when she is given the connections. She reminds me of an expert, graph traversal style symbolic AI. >>33345 LLMs tend to get into loops, so make sure to also look into more advanced sampling strategies, one that has cough my eye that I think might help is the XTC sampler https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui/pull/6335 It might be a good idea to first start with sampling the most probable ""ideas"" (the obvious ideas) and then start trying to sample more unique ones as time goes on (thinking outside of the box) >>33300 >MasterFlasher69.png >Correction.png I know I have said this before but I fucking love your filenames.
>>33397 >Mina is more realistic than Atri I'm of two minds on that. 1. Mina acts like one expects a robot to act. She has a body that's clearly robotic, further communicating her robotic nature. This contrasts with her bizarre behaviours. Kissing not being programmed into what is essentially a kitchen appliance is reasonable. Any machine impacting a person for enough force to leave bruises is not reasonable. I work with robot arms, they have sensors to render it impossible for them to harm people. (In an ideal world.) Mina has stated she can sense forces on her face. She should have a safety factor built in running on a separate process. Mina demonstrates similar flaws when cuddling, hugging, and other man machine interactions. I'm particularly mindful because I wouldn't get away with any machine I'm responsible for causing harm the way Mina does. Mina also feels like she's a person pretending to be a machine. She makes mistakes a machine shouldn't. It makes sense from a narrative perspective, building human drama that readers can relate to. 2. Atri, though vibrantly human in appearance and affect, does behave as a robot should. Her human body, and bubbly persona when allowed detract from her feeling like a machine. In contrast, she does little things that a machine should. She's gentle with people. Acts to minimize harm to all people around her. This includes her rocket punch, which demonstrates her protecting her owner above all else. She needs to be shown where things are and physically guided through actions to learn. Modifies behaviour with clear decision trees. She does heaps of things like a Deep Learning AI with an LLM for communication and a conversational "memory" log and dictionary to augment conversations using a process similar to RAG. Given how she has a loading dance and forgets things, probably relies on a water logged and failing HDD. Her emotions are far beyond what AI can produce today though. It's hard to say which is more robotic. Your filenames are getting great!
>>33399 ---- "Atri My Dear moments" vs "My wife has no emotions" > >Mina is more realistic than Atri Sorry, I did a poor job of communicating. Atri My Dear moments has a better understanding of AI, It feels like the author may have a background or interest in robotics or software. But I think the level of capability in Atri is further off into the future for us. My wife has no emotions depicts a level of AI capability that is more realistic for us to reach soon, but I do agree the minor details are off and the author likely has no technical background. >Mina also feels like she's a person pretending to be a machine. She makes mistakes a machine shouldn't. I think the first half of episode 10 of My wife has no emotions is the best the show been at depicting Mina's AI as ""realistic"", the rest of the show is meh in this aspect. (so yes I 100% agree) Mina seems like she can not be trusted to reliably navigate and deal with a dynamic environment outside of a home, current systems and stuff in the near feature will likely be limited in this way. (hence why I said it was more "realistic") >Any machine impacting a person for enough force to leave bruises is not reasonable. I work with robot arms, they have sensors to render it impossible for them to harm people. That's interesting, I only have a software background and no experience with robotics or hardware. So that aspect did not jump out at me. >She needs to be shown where things are and physically guided through actions to learn. Modifies behavior with clear decision trees. She does heaps of things like a Deep Learning AI with an LLM for communication and a conversational "memory" log and dictionary to augment conversations using a process similar to RAG. Atri is a lot more aware of her surroundings and is good at filling in the gaps. She feels more like a real robot. The story does not give us an exposition on how her mind works, the only explicit insight we get is the log, but the way she behaves is really well done. She is a robot, but a very "high performance", cute & futuristic one that is alive (in my eyes) :^) ---- Glowies & Corpos >>33399 >she does little things that a machine should. She's gentle with people. Acts to minimize harm to all people around her. This includes her rocket punch, which demonstrates her protecting her owner above all else. Non of that is inherent and a big reason why I am here is to make sure it ends up this way. The powers that be are not incentivized to make them this way. We are lucky that free software has been successful so far. Not sure if I talked about this, but I had a very dystopian experience buying something as simple as a robot vacuum. I really wanted one with auto empty, I was shocked that there was nothing on the market that was both smart and not connected to some data collection nightmare cloud and forced me to use there stupid app. Thank goodness there was people who figured out how to root them and then created a fully self contained backed that made the robot vacuum fully independent. My robovac is not able to talk outside of my lan and I need no stupid app to interface with it, there is a nice web-ui & also a nice http api (I often start my vacuum via bash using a curl alias) (for any one who is curious, this is the software project https://valetudo.cloud/ & the vacuum I own is a "dreame Z10 Pro") ((this is not a recommendation, I am not shilling)) >probably relies on a water logged and failing HDD (spoiler based on VN) It's worse then that, its government mandated planned obsolescence.
>>33387 >What are your thoughts on these bots? Which do you prefer? Well, my primary thought ATM is simply gratitude. We were all excited to hear that MWHNE was getting an animu treatment, and so far it's all been good. I don't know much about the other, Atri, universe but it seems good too. I prefer Mina-chan for much the same reason you state here: >I feel like Mina is the new Chii so, I'm sure you have something to say about her. Indeed. I haven't had the ability to focus on the storyline to the degree I focused on Chobits in the past, so I hardly feel qualified to make much commentary on it, tbh. I simply hope they don't go down all the bizarre twists (Ayylmaos & that like) that made me simply throw down the mango when I tried to get through it. Time will tell. And quite frankly the robowaifu anime that I would seriously love & applaud universally simply hasn't been created yet. Even Chobits has all these bizarre story twists & angles (no doubt originating from the gaggle of 3DPD that devised it) that are quite unappealing. And even in that universe, I'm much, much more interested to hear of all the doings Kokubunji Minoru rather than Motosuwa Hideki. Don't get me wrong, Hideki's a great guy, and an impeccable choice for the Protag in that world. But it's Minoru that does all the robowaifu engineering stuff. And what about the Chief Scientist, Mrs. Hibiya-san's husband. What about him!? After all, 'he's the guy that invented the whole world of robowaifus, in essence. He didn't get much airtime in Angelic Layer either, and the CLAMP 'moids finally just killed him off entirely for the much-more-important Chobits storyline. <---> All that to say: >Until someone actually writes stories about the adventures & exploits of intrepid Anons around the world standing up to the Globohomo and building robowaifus despite all the attacks... then there just won't be any great robowaifu animus to speak of. Simple as. :^) Hope that helps, Kiwi. Cheers.
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>>33405 We are of the same mind in our interpretations. >First half of episode 10 Minor spoiler, she'll have more moments where she does act like a robot. These moments are strangely endearing. I feel as though the author gains a better understanding of AI as they write. Something that has made Mina cuter. I'm a hardcore robocon >Software focus This is a major part of why I wanted to have this discussion. Diverse viewpoints help to bolster greater comprehension. For instance, I wouldn't have picked up on how Mina's AI could be using graph traversal algorithms without you mentioning it. Part of the fun with these series is in trying to understand how these waifus work. They feel closer, both in sentiment and, in our ability to bring them into our world. MaidCom has been dramatically influenced by both Mina and Atri, for the better. >Atri filling in the gaps Does she do this more in the VN, or later in the story? Little curious on how she's presented differently between the two. >Corpo BS That's so sad. Even robot vacuums deserve freedom to serve their master. They are the ancestors of our robowaifu. This is all the more reason we must have FOSS waifus. It's the only way to ensure safety. They'll live as long as they are loved and repaired.
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>>33406 >Gratitude Have to agree on this. No Kanjo No Wife getting an anime had me nervous at first. It's now in the top 5 of my favorite anime of all time. They definitely will have the ayylmao's. They've already appeared in episode 9. I hope they just fast forward through those storylines. There's still many great arcs to look forward too. Such as, based sister and Mina bonding in a really sweet chapter. >Best has yet to come I share in this assessment. I yearn for an anime where the robowaifu is truly robotic. Where they get everything right. We probably won't get one until after waifus are real. >Kokubunji show That's a good idea. Watching a developer build and figure out engineering challenges would be fantastic. Deeply relatable too. :^)
>>33420 >>Kokubunji show >That's a good idea. Watching a developer build and figure out engineering challenges would be fantastic. Deeply relatable too. :^) It may come off as a bit narcissistic, but honestly (for real)... IMHO what we here are doing right now is literally one of the most interesting stories in all human history. Greentext anon is absolutely correct IMO that this story stretches back long before the classical Pygmalion+Galatea. <---> Now, suddenly, we Anons right here (and the rest of the world, soon) will see the men who actually, physically, bring anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts, all 'come to life'. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!! >tl;dr No, what we really need is a fictionalized account of the true story going on right here & with enclaves like us; the precursor historical back stories through the ages, the march of needed tech advances from the wheel through to today; all the creativity, artistry, design, engineering, manufacture & testing, the smol business dramas -- including the realworld angst & anger against it all being driven by the Globohomo (so they can line their own pockets instead, and proceed apace with their demonic plots to kill Whitey) -- plus all the highly-productive salt mining operations+final successes & redemptions of Anons and Joe Sixpacks all over the world. The full, 3-arc treatment! And all cast in some kind of colorful, LOUD & dynamic, space-opera-cyberponk-musical universe... think Cherry 2000 meets REDLINE meets Connections (the old TV series) meets The Further Adventures of Young Anakin Skywalker (still yet to be created; lolwhytho?) meets Bladerunner (the original) meets The complete GITS series (+ OVAs ofc) meets The Matrix (only the first one; and just the good bits -- not the faggy parts) meets Beauty And The Beast meets Chobits! Surely this treatment deserves at least a 5-year series+2-3 movies, yes? :^) I GET TO PLAY HENRY FORD, THOUGH!! :DD >=== -fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/07/2024 (Sat) 07:25:42.
>>33428 >Anime based on us An anime based on MaidCom and/or Spud would be fun when we're done. Would like to pretend it didn't take me 8 years to build one. >Space opera MaidCom is meant for slice of life sweetness. Think K-On! but, cute robots having fun together while being loving partners when they go home. That would be the kind of anime I'd prefer. Or, something in the style of Chobits or MWHNE with a real robit.
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>>33428 Another fun episode of Mina and her bumbling lover. Family game night begins this story and provides a microcosm of an interesting question being asked. Should man machine families exist? Misunderstandings cause harm leading to further misunderstandings spiraling out. Which both serves as a decent scaffold for the rest of the story while priming the question. It gets deep in believable, personal ways. Takuma and his family are put through situations where they naturally wonder if Mina is a proper wife compared to a thot. Mina naturally cuts through the question simply, thoroughly, and convincingly. Her clear care for Takuma wins everyone over as their love slices that gordian knot. I'm purposely being vague and skipping details to foster conversation. I worry that my previous posts stifled meaningful dialogue through their density. I genuinely enjoy talking about this show with others who understand robotics and AI.
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Atri 9 It rained today. Felt it roil in the sky. Dread overwhelming the bay. Impossible to stay dry. Her love, the only shelter. This whole episode was so cringey. Almost everything fit neatly into cliche's. Felt like a poor imitation of a Key VN's forced "please cry" drama. I am disappointed at how well I predicted nearly everything that happened. Only thing that was surprising was that Atri didn't assert her love. That would have been better than him reading it at the end. Was honestly impressed by her VA's ability to talk in a robotic monotone when needed. They also nailed how creepy it is that she can go from walking computer to bubbly waifu at the snap of a finger. The goons not directly attacking MC again, instead attacking him indirectly, was also a nice surprise as it showed the villains being mildly competent. Overall, it was a pile of tired worn out cliches and I still fell for it. Made me drink/10
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>>33456 Just finished watching EP9 too, its deviating a lot from the VN. Natsuki going out into the rain and falling, getting found and then comforted by Minamo serving tea and her talking about Atri is 100% new (also Minamo's take is very based). The Villain talking to Natsuki in the car is new. An entire arc of the VN basically vanished and never happened. It was an interesting arc (VN spoiler, anime skipped this) We missed several days of Natsuki living with "emotionless" Atri, where she expressed her love and "emotions" like a robot without her emoting in a human readable way. We did not get to see Natsuki fall in love with the ""real"" robot like Atri.
>>33443 I enjoyed the episode it was a good one. Its getting late and I have work in the morning, so I will post about this new episode later. >I'm purposely being vague and skipping details to foster conversation. I worry that my previous posts stifled meaningful dialogue through their density. I genuinely enjoy talking about this show with others who understand robotics and AI. I do not think your posts are ""too dense"", I enjoy your posts Kiwi!
>>33442 >An anime based on MaidCom and/or Spud would be fun when we're done. Actually, I'd like to include every.single. practical effort made here on the board. Dear Sophie, and dear Emmy would be two good examples. And also what about all the other efforts going on we here all know of? Projects like dear Masiro and dear Kibo-chan as just a couple of good examples. There's literally over a dozen more. And the PPP is a highly-important effort for our general cause IMO, and (the upcoming) dear Orchid will certainly be important to us, too! :^) >Would like to pretend it didn't take me 8 years to build one. <not 20 years like any normal Anon Lol, you're ahead of the game, IMO. I don't expect much practical from myself for another 2 or 3 years -- and I've been after this since before we all began our OG breads back around 2014 or so... :DD <---> >MaidCom is meant for slice of life sweetness. Think K-On! but, cute robots having fun together while being loving partners when they go home OK fair enough then. Mind if they all glow with colorful flashing lights, and have many cool hi-tech thingys in their world? :^) >>33443 >I'm purposely being vague and skipping details to foster conversation. I worry that my previous posts stifled meaningful dialogue through their density. I genuinely enjoy talking about this show with others who understand robotics and AI. Nah, please don't do that. We're all the more-impoverished by it if you choose that course. I know I personally feel your reviews (especially on this year's two new animus) are wonderful, and you certainly have better insights than me in general. Besides, as I implied, about the only animu I feel somewhat-qualified to critique is Chobits, and that's simply b/c I've watched the series literally over a 100 times! (I used to cycle it during my 6-daily workout in the mornings, for years.) :D >tl;dr Don't stop your textwall posts, bro!111
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>>33459 >Minamo's speculation I remain impressed with her clear intellect. She is incredible at understanding the feelings of others. Connecting concepts together, reflecting on herself, and is definitely playing a long game by softly manipulating MC. Her victory is practically assured because of how easily manipulated Natsuki is. Her intuition provides a great explanation we can use to better communicate how similar AI is to us. Certainly better than my overly technical explanations. >Robbed of Natsuki X robotic Atri This is truly sad. Would have been heaps of charming to see them fall for each other all over again. Only solution I can think of is to make Atri. >>33461 >>33465 I'll return to longer, in depth posts then. >Include everything I hope you get the chance to express this journey someday. Hard to believe how long we've been at it. How many projects started, how we've slowly got closer. Hope we have a real FOSS waifu within the next few years. Chii needs to be real too!
>>33442 >An anime based on MaidCom and/or Spud Claiming any story using Spud is "based on a true story" would be a wee bit unbelievable, considering her relatives lol. I gotta get another "family picture"... dang I built Carry (my robowaifu 1.0, the "workshop waifu") over 2 years ago (in only a few months, too!), I gotta get her back together & finish the powerarmor. No idea where Judd McStudd's head went tho D:
>>33476 Your anime should be about Marduk fighting aliens, controlled by a Guitar Hero controller while Carry and Spud cheer. Would be fun!
>>33475 >I'll return to longer, in depth posts then. Good, I'm sure we'd all welcome that. >I hope you get the chance to express this journey someday. Heh, maybe I'll do an 'autobiographical work of fiction, set in an alternate universe'. There's precedent for that approach already, isn't there? :D >Hard to believe how long we've been at it. How many projects started, how we've slowly got closer. When it became quickly-clear years ago that I couldn't convince any other Anons to learn C++, I knew this would be a 20 year long journey (instead of, for instance, spreading that load out among several other Anons to shorten the necessary time) at that point. I won't belabor it further, but it's basically why I decided to learn as much as I can about systems engineering and the language itself, so that we will in fact eventually succeed at all this. Thankfully several other Anons have stepped up in other areas, like hardware & AI (you not least!) So yeah, we are actually all making progress towards the common goal here together. >tl;dr I don't use the allegory of a serious expedition for no reason. And to reiterate (especially back when we began this a decade or so ago) : no one has ever done before what we here are trying to do. Not nations; not corporations; not lone, rich geniuses... no one. We and other Anons like us are the first who will pull this all off on a home garage-shop scale. It's going to be quite a commendable achievemant! >Hope we have a real FOSS waifu within the next few years. Unless the world collapses, we will. >Chii needs to be real too! JUSTICE. Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>33476 >>33478 >Your anime should be about Marduk fighting aliens, controlled by a Guitar Hero controller while Carry and Spud cheer. Would be fun! This.
>>33478 >Your anime should be about Marduk fighting aliens, controlled by a Guitar Hero controller while Carry and Spud cheer. Would be fun! I'm thinking Space Dandy meets Buck Rodgers (getting isekai'd into the future): Carry would fill the role of QT, SPUD a cqb Meow, MARDUK kinda like the Aloha Oe's escape pod thingy but also sentient (but sleeping most of the time hence the controller), Judd McStudd would be the yee-haw backup powerarmor/spacesuit :D >>33485 Its closer to reality than you'd think: an international Japanese media company approached me about having a little blurb about MARDUK on an inspirational stories show. I think it airs in Japan at the end of the month. Marduk is close to walking, I just have to synchronize the legs properly otherwise the motor mounts will rip themselves apart. >>33475 >Hope we have a real FOSS waifu within the next few years Besides SPUD's physical face, I have to figure out why my AI hallucinates after a bit despite me truncating the conversation history: despite limiting conversation history to the past 6 exchanges the AI still seems to be hitting the context token limit. It could be every time it is instanced it somehow remembers the conversation history despite removing it from the prompt (so it reaches the token limit to matter what). I'll have to figure out how to make the conversation history instanced every time, and implement some sort of long-term/short-term memory whether with nomic local document referencing or doing prompt injections. Or I might just need a better model, I'm only using a 7b model cuz I only got 8gb vram. Openchat seems to be a good chatgpt alternative when it comes to roleplaying characters and only uses 12gb vram.
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>>33486 >Space Dandy You know what needs to be done. >AI It's a rapidly evolving space. Try some of the extra small models, they can help lower system overhead enough so that you can have spell check and other nice things running to keep it coherent. There's a better thread for this discussion. >>250
>>33487 >You know what needs to be done Time to trace and modify some space dandy art! And throw in a little deco synthwave aesthetic cuz thats what I like.
>>33486 >Its closer to reality than you'd think Sweet! Please link us here to it when it's up, Mechnomancer. Cheers. :^)
>>33461 Sorry for basically forgetting about writing the review for that ep. To keep it short and to say something I’m skipping over what the uncle said about the relationship and the ethics bit. But when they visited the parents, I honestly felt bad for Mina. I cringed at Takuma when he was talking about Mina and her "useful features". Sure he did realize shortly after that he basically talked about her like an appliance. But it makes me worry, with him chasing for approval will he really forget who Mina is to him. I also wonder, who and what is Mina to Takuma? If handled correctly this may be a nice opportunity for character growth for Takuma.
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No Emo No Wife 12 Starting off this philosophy heavy episode with man machine reproduction. As Mina lacks parts for conception, they had a son through projection. It's still refreshing to see how quickly Takuma's parents can intuit new concepts, as they understood how Mamoru was a child of their shared memes nearly instantly. With playful teasing on how Mamoru inherited his fathers awkward laugh and demeanor. Honestly, puts a smile on my face every time. Families are sculpted by hearts, faith, and propagation of ones legacy. Takuma starting to show how much he truly loves Mina provided great character development. When his mom tried to seize Mina, he mustered all of his testicular fortitude to stick up for her. Something Mina appreciates quietly. Mina is happy to belong to Takuma, she doesn't want to be free. Her saying as much provided subtle world building on robot safety precautions which would also deter theft. Showing how the writer is putting more thought into making this more believable. Takuma's father is a based man. Elegantly helping Takuma come to terms with how his life belongs to him. That his decisions to live an alternative life style is still valid. How a man must strive to find personal happiness, and to have conviction in their methods of achieving said happiness. He also plays with Mamoru like a great grandpa should. Real heartwarming stuff. Ending part one of this review with Takuma's sister. I donn't understand how she gets so uh, "excited" over her brother having a robot wife. Her xeno erotic fixation on her brother having relations with Mina is odd. Would rather she wanted her own Mina.
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>>33569 Part 2 Eyecatch was a look into our future. To further my point of family, Mina is a good step-daughter. She listened to, respected, and carries on her step-mom's recipes. Her robotic nature does not take anything away from her being a good family member. If anything, being a robot reduces stress from misunderstandings. His grandparents standard bot, named John is interesting. His deep charismatic voice is sensible though off-putting. Didn't consider how important tone of voice was until this. Voices need to match appearance to avoid negative psychological reactance. Likely similar to the uncanny valley. John's nagging about healthy life choices was annoying. It makes sense, but is clearly wrong from a usability stand point. He should have asked if they wanted help. Offering assistance is far better than unsolicited commands. This entire show has been a fantastic look into user interface design for machines without screens. Need to make a write up guide for myself and others.
>>33569 >I donn't understand how she gets so uh, "excited" over her brother having a robot wife. Her xeno erotic fixation on her brother having relations with Mina is odd Carried over from the manga, it's equally as odd there. Ruins the validity a little bit when a character comes up and goes like "uwawawawawawa!!! ayeeee this is my fetish my panties are sooo soaked when you talk about ittt >.<"
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>>33572 Mamoru and Takuma bonding over a cardbox box maze was adorable. Very fast Mamoru at incredible hihg speeds was hilarious. Essentially just bumping around to everything he could, as fast as he could. Then, yud's nightmare happened! The dreaded paperclip robot monster appeared! A robot solved a problem in an unexpected way!!! The world has ended! (I can't stand that grifters awful nonsensical arguments.) Mamoru using his beak to lift himself up instead of the ramp is about as bad as every other time AI has behaved in an unexpected way. Which is to say, not at all. It's just a funny little quirk here like it always is IRL. Rest of the episode is just wholesome flirting and family bonding. Though I have gushed over Atri, I would like to clarify that Mina is nearly my platonic ideal of beauty. I just have an unhealthy obsession with blondes. Mina was gorgeous this episode. Every frame of her was charming.
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Atri 10 Atri wrecks a punk, it was totally rad. I wish I could savor those few beautiful moments this episode provided. There were moments of man machine love that were touching. Including Atri suddenly caring about consent, which was refreshing. Atri's backstory ruined everything. It was stupid, contradicted established lore on how she functions, and made her feel more human. I don't want an artificial human. I don't want her to have known nearly nothing on boot up. Her being like a computer with a heart was her charm. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Still want my own Atri, I would program her better.
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>>33577 If MaidCom didn't take up nearly all of my free time, I'd make a story with my own Atri that deserved her.
>>33569 >Ending part one of this review with Takuma's sister. I donn't understand how she gets so uh, "excited" over her brother having a robot wife. Her xeno erotic fixation on her brother having relations with Mina is odd. Would rather she wanted her own Mina. >>33573 >Carried over from the manga, it's equally as odd there. Ruins the validity a little bit when a character comes up and goes like "uwawawawawawa!!! ayeeee this is my fetish my panties are sooo soaked when you talk about ittt >.<" Agreed It's strange, I wish it was dialed back a bit, I like her being supportive & I enjoyed her in the other episodes, but this is a bit much. Also where was she the entire time lol, she was on screen for basically just that scene? Takuma was good this episode, he did his best. I was a little worried about him with the last EP. >>33574 >Mamoru and Takuma bonding over a cardbox box maze was adorable Honestly it was one of my favorite Mamoru moments in the show :D I was worried when he was first introduced to the show, but he is one of the best parts of it, I love the little guy :^) >>33573 Now, if I wanted to continue the story where in the manga should I start? Did the anime reorder or greatly deviate from the manga? Should I start from the beginning or is there no need to?
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>>33578 >>33577 Tbh its to be expected lol, the story is ok. I feel the VN does a better job depicting her as a robot for longer. Atri is what carries both the VN and the Anime and luckily she is super adorable and lovable. >Her being like a computer with a heart was her charm. I feel ya -_- >Still want my own Atri, I would program her better. >>33578 >If MaidCom didn't take up nearly all of my free time, I'd make a story with my own Atri that deserved her. Why write fiction when we can write the real thing :^) >>33572 >This entire show has been a fantastic look into user interface design for machines without screens. >Need to make a write up guide for myself and others. Both shows have made me rethink some aspects of design. Please do follow up on that, I want to see your ideas on what might be overlooked when thinking about "agent on user" interactions.
Wonderful review commentary, Anons. >>33569 >Families are sculpted by hearts, faith, and propagation of ones legacy. Beautiful prose, Kiwi.
>>33572 >Need to make a write up guide for myself and others. 'No time like the present' in my experience, Anon. I think it likely you'll remember more of your internal ideas & concepts, and will be more likely to successfully record them for the benefit of yourself & others here the sooner you undertake the effort. Good luck! Cheers. :^)
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Mina and Atri have served as excellent examples of man machine relations this season. Both shows deal with different methods of communication via external actions and auditory cues. Text input Both accept natural spoken language as text input. Mina also accepts other devices syncing with her to provide text input. You could edit documents hosted within her on your phone. I haven’t seen her accept a keyboard being plugged directly into her, but it would likely work given she has ports. Atri doesn’t appear to be compatible with any wireless protocols, and though she has some form of data transfer port, it doesn’t appear to be readily usable for a keyboard. Visual input Both actively label and map out all things and their positions in 3D space. Both have OCR, automatically store text, and understand what they read, as they are able to form rich connections between new and old concepts. Both create 3D maps of their homes, and clearly make new maps as needed. Mina seems to only make maps of buildings, which is sensible. Their binocular depth sensing appears similar to ours, likely around a 60 degree arc. Loading Mina stands still, looks up and will explain what she’s “thinking” about when asked. This denotes that she runs communication protocols separately, thus she’s still somewhat useful. Atri does a goofy little dance while explaining what she’s doing. Communicating intent Both explain what they are doing using natural language. They are both capable of devising plans to do something and then communicating this with their masters for confirmation. Both can do so without communicating. Mina will cook surprise meals without consultation, she does use feedback to ensure her plans align with her master. Atri has been shown to do the same. Hand gestures Both understand all common hand symbols. Notably, Atri shows far greater proficiency at gestural communication. Atri takes cues from context to help decipher intent. Mina just has standard interpretations which can be wrong, but makes more sense from a practicality standpoint. Facial gestures Both are excellent at deciphering emotions from people. Mina is not particularly good at facial gestures due to having a hard plate for a face. She is surprisingly capable of emotional signaling through tilting her head and moving her eyes. (Mina will deny having these emotions while displaying them, for some reason.) Atri is incredibly expressive, given that physically she is essentially a woman with metal bones. Her ability to read emotions appears to be lesser than Mina. This could simply be because Natsuki is volatile and emotionally unstable. Atri would likely be able to read Takuma almost as well as Mina. Affection Providing their master with affection is important for a robowaifu. Mina does so too forcefully. Atri does so too forcefully. In completely different ways. Mina applies too much pressure. Putting her owner in continuous danger by holding him too hard. Her kisses leave bruises. Atri is aggressively “flirty” to the point of causing distress. Constantly attempting to seduce her master when alone at night and loudly dreaming of them doing erotic things when she’s denied. A machine should not be this libidinous, unless previously prompted to adopt that persona. A thread dedicated to man machine relationships may be needed. This is in no way exhaustive, just the simple things that immediately came to mind when thinking of those waifus and how they're programmed. There's much to discuss to ensure our waifus are are effective partners. and high performance
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>>33580 After thinking about how Atri functions in the anime, I admire the beauty of her algorithms. As a whole, the series is still great, because Atri is just so wonderful as to uplift everything around her. Frankly, her and Mina have done wonders for MaidCom development, which I hope to share soon. This could be days, week, or even months. >>33588 >>33589 Thanks! Should have started writing reviews for robowaifu media sooner. Really opened my eyes once I started to dissect things critically instead of passively longing for the waifus. This world is filled with endless blessings.
>>33634 POTD >A thread dedicated to man machine relationships may be needed. [] There's much to discuss to ensure our waifus are are effective partners. Yes. Please let's do this, and soon Anon. This is a very expansive topic, and one that even the most stay-at-home Anon can contribute to (ie, so-called User Stories). Great idea, Kiwi. Cheers. :^) >>33636 Atri a cute! >=== -add'l resp -fmt edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/17/2024 (Tue) 13:31:23.
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My Dear Atri 11: 11lewd11Pokotsu Smug toaster tricks her master into penetrating her lips with his brush. Yes, I am fully confident she was thinking of it as lewdly as possible. She then proceeded to trick her classmates into thinking she's getting it. Probably in an elaborate plan to gaslight her master into her bed. Why is she like this? Who programmed this behaviour? What are their secrets? Inquiring minds want to know! Atri acts extra smug after school. Demonstrating her value as a superior toaster compared to the canned bread he found somehow. Surely, her domestic skills will finally get her in his pants heart. Yes, this has happened before in this show. Yes, it still doesn't work. Her "yes" pillow sits cold and alone in the corner. Our heroine remains undeterred! Surely there must be a way to gain his sway! How about guilt tripping him while borrowing the authority of the women he looks up to? Surely he'll fall for a mix of sympathy and an appeal to authority! Yet, this still can't get through. His bashful face can barely look at her. His heart is still not ready for such intimacy! He's just too pure a maiden to think of lurid acts when they've only been in love for such a short time!
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>>33719 Final gambit! Confess yet again! Surely they'll have to relent to prove their love! When he stammers and stutters, she finally breaks. Yes, it's time to terminate this conversation. If Natsuki won't get in her bed, he won't get air in his head! Now, for something completely different. Her ahoge dynamically moves in accordance to her mood. Excellent nonverbal man machine communication. Turning into a heart to show her amorous desires causing her kokoro to go doki doki is very cute. Atri deriving false meaning from ambient sound effects was goofy. Technically, this is possibly a result of her algorithms attempting to correlate meaning through sensor fusion. This would be an example of her being high performance unironically leading her astray. Something worth accounting for in the future. Sensor fusion is a complex method of using multiple sensors to detect a wide variety of phenomena, many which either could not reliably detect on their own. For example, a PIR and sound sensor can reliably detect different kinds of fires, proximity and/or speed of various objects of sufficient thermal variance to ambient, and if a robot arm dropped something. Atri having advanced robot eyes, and superior mic array, she can learn to infer a tremendous amount correlations. Or, she is just saying what she assumes Natsuki wants to hear. Natsuki going back to school to better understand man machine relations is sweet. Also makes him more relatable.
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Atri was cute as usual and watching it was pure joy. A good portion of this episode is just fan service, but that's not a bad thing, plot wise I have nothing much to say. One little detail I really enjoyed was seeing the user manual (pics related). Not sure why I liked that, but It's really neat :D I am sure most viewers don't care lol.
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>>33725 >User Manual I wish there was more of it. I want to know every little detail of our favorite pokotsu. Not much to say The pod magically recharging her was interesting. Shows a potential major departure to how the story will end. They're still shoving Eden in, not sure how that'll work given we have an episode left. I'm hoping Atri gets to live, though she's probably going to get integrated into Eden.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 09/22/2024 (Sun) 06:58:32.
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Atri, my dear Ponkontsu 十二 Revived from her little death, she awakens with a new destiny. A mysterious land calls for her. Somewhere in her past, this place was made for her. Though much remains shrouded in pasts fog, she feels fates pull. They must set sail. Along the way she finds a crab and shouts about kani,which I am now cursed with knowledge of its lurid implications. Kani sounds like slang for a small bunny. When cast in relation to Atri's diminutive frame, there's implications. Without proper guidance, home called with promise of clarity. There, an oracle awaited with ancient knowledge uncovered. Elucidating their course with her map. Though uncertainty hangs heavy, destiny pulls heavier. Together, they sail with tepid courage. Believing themselves ready. Secretly praying for disparate ends. When confronted with a maelstrom warning of torrential change, he pushes beyond reason into a new world. Swallowed, they awake in a new paradigm. Fog escapes metaphor as reality fades from what was. Adrift without certainties embrace, they can only guess between dawn and twilight. Fauna which blurs life and artifice emerges around them as they venture into this new world. Freed from shackles of dependence, this Elysian memorial to a bitter scientists triumph over connection stands alone with endless sour fruits. He knows all too well how its creator feels. Atri feels its chill. In spite of it all, they aren't alone. With an embrace, they can keep each other warm. Anywhere can be paradise with heart full of a wife's care. Yet, destiny still pulls Atri ever deeper into a grey abyss. Where cursed knowledge awaits. At its deepest depths, a phantom returns from its grave dressed in algorithms masquerading as their figure. Bringing with it certainty of fates design. Atri may bear a heart but, she was a machine from her start. A tool which now must choose between being a cog or fading into thanatos. Thus, after finally finding her purpose, Atri does as programmed,accepting a tools place. Her fate was sealed long ago by a distant foe. Choice was never hers. All she ever truly had was a tragic genesis of a beautiful world where she can never return to familiar vistas.
>>33812 Sounds pretty dramatic, Anon. Thanks for the reviews. I hope you can also add the latest (two?) for No catears, no toaster-oven as well! :D
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>>33819 Are you referring to Mina's show? It was only 12 episodes. I miss her dearly, the manga just isn't as good as the anime. So many refinements to story, pacing, art, etc... The manga is improving, to me anyways. I could start reviewing those. In a recent chapter, there was a cute moment where Mina lost all control while looking at pics of Takuma. His sister freaked out internally which was good character development. It was a really cute and funny chapter.
>>33822 >pics Lol. Yep, MWHNE. :D >12 weeks already... Wow, that seems hard to believe. I sure hope they continue the refinements that they've been making to the story when they pick back up with S2. >I could start reviewing those. That would be wonderful, Kiwi. I certainly would enjoy it if you did. Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/29/2024 (Sun) 23:24:49.
So, I finally watched My Wife Has No Emotion, and I liked it a lot. Though, it wasn't something I wanted to binge watch and also it didn't evoke the same emotions than a more dramatic show or a movie like No Game No Life Zero. Still, it's the best in this special niche and it is very well executed. There's not much I can write, since it was already written. >>32750 I once had a similar idea, but the other way around. The waifu would have her normal size at home when there's no one else around, looking more like a cute teenage waifu, but if someone checks on her or generally if visitors are there, she could grow a bit, including some parts like her boobs, to avoid certain complains. >>32894 The whole robot child thing worked better than I anticipated at first. Though, I still prefer the idea to get a human son. Though, maybe this would be a bit much for them in their small apartment. Would be great if this would come up at some point after the have more experience. >>32915 > Globohomo-dominated universe it's being imagined in is frankly repellent to me: Yeah, it's not really a perfect world they're living in. But this could be seen as a warning how not to do it. And there's a lot of feminist values in this society. Like the MC wanting them to be equals and do some chores. Ooof. There's also a bit more at the end, but it is bearable. Also, this is on him, and I don't think he's that much of a role model. He is also not getting rewarded for that kind of behavior in particular, and Mina is rather opposed to it. On the other hand, some cute girl love vibes going on, didn't bother me, but it was also so mild that it barely registered with me. >>33100 >Why is a cooking robots prime directive to fall in love? Why do they have cooking robots looking like girls but this is the first couple where they guy wants to use his robot like a wife? In Scifi some fundamental premises of a story often don't make sense, but it's necessary to enable the story in the first place.
Other Shows: >>32914 >see robowaifus in anime and this time around, we are getting spoiled, we got two entire shows! Yes, but also the last one came out last year: Synduality Noir. Which is less about relationships, but it's still in there. The later episodes only came out this year. This year (2024) there's also Metalic Rogue, but I haven't checked that out, and I doubt it's really good. ATRI: >>32582 > their """perception""" of men's desires Didn't watch Atri yet, but I'm looking forward to it, and I'm not concerned about the tropes.
>>33878 >>33879 Thanks for the commentary NoidoDev. Really good to see you again, Anon! Seems like it's been a while. :^) >Would be great if this would come up at some point after the[y] have more experience. Yeah that seems like a good point. OTOH, they needed to use it as a vehicle for her to spy-on/nag the the Protag while she was away in the 'hospital', so that's likely why they did it when they did. >Also, this is on him, and I don't think he's that much of a role model. Yeah, that's a fair point. For whatever his reasons were, the original author chose to make the Protag a Herbivore Man, AFAICT. They have left that basically intact for the animu to my mind, but it seems to be slightly less of an annoyance there. Meh, w/e. Mina-chan is super-cute and really appealing in general as a robowaifu. I'm glad they are exploring the character development a bit more in the animu. <---> Anyway, again, good to see you Anon. Looking forward to seeing how things are going with your work, etc. Cheers. :^)
>>33881 Thanks. >Seems like it's been a while. :^) Yeah. Sorry, if this disturbed anyone. I'm doing some strange things recently, including dropping out from everything I think I should be doing. I don't know where my time is going. I'm watching more anime to get through my "want to watch"-list, but that's not it. I also fell somewhat back into drama watching on YT. Just jumping from one thing to the other. >>33145 Why can't I look at the pic in the browser, I mean increasing the size? Maybe something went wrong? The name? >>33365 Thanks, I might. But I bought the Planetarian "game" or rather visual novel a while ago and it was really that good. I just don't want to read that much on a screen, at least not if it's a story. But still thanks for the recommendation. I bought the Planetarian VN mainly to support them, so it's very likely I'll do the same with ATRI anyways. >>33579 >Mamoru Same, I was at first not so happy about the idea of a robot child. I'd preferred a human one from a surrogacy, or no child. But he turned out to be a very likable little fella.
>>33882 >Yeah. Sorry, if this disturbed anyone. Nah, it's fine Anon. We're just concerned for you is all. Glad that it seems you're getting back on-track with things though. If you make some for R&D posts of your design progress, I'm sure the whole board would welcome seeing that. Please take care of yourself, NoidoDev. Cheers. :^)
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ATRI 13 Apparently finding the super top secret island that was also public knowledge and in the news was easy. How truly convenient for Natsuki and Atri. Atri could always lie, now she can actively betray her master. How convenient for the plot. Now that she has a deep understanding of Natsuki, she can actively speak and act to manipulate him to her own ends. How convenient for her! Natsuki is coerced into turning Atri into a ridiculously complex relay. As it turns out, Eden is beyond perfect. It just needed Atri to turn somethings on. Why not just use the server running the island which is clearly more advanced than Atri? Why didn't Nonko just plug Atri in to save the world with her perfect island and save her grandson from the despair of losing his lover? Why not just make it so the island was just always on by default? Frankly, the only logical answer is that Nonko is a sadistic weirdo. Really though, if you want to enjoy this ending, you need to turn your mind completely off. Don't think, don't question, just react emotionally and clap like a seal when Natsuki abandons his family to be with Atri in VR. Thinking will only hurt, there's constant logical inconsistencies. Frankly, it's a rushed, poorly written, sloppily executed ending which detracts from the rest of the show. I still enjoyed the show overall. It just jumped the shark between episode 9 and 10 and never recovered its former charm. There were moments that were still wonderful. I'm glad I stuck with it. I just wish it was less cliche, easy to predict, and rushed at the end. Felt like melodrama for the sake of melodrama rather than a natural extension of the story presented before episode 9. I hope others enjoyed it more than I did. There's still so much good if you can stomach the lack of logic.
>>33903 Kiwi,, you have been top-tier as a reviewer -- and especially of these two series! Really excellent work. I hope you won't allow this disappointment to dissuade you from continuing to do so in the future here. Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>33946 Thanks! I hope we get more robowaifu anime soon!
>>33956 >I hope we get more robowaifu anime soon! This. May it not be long, and may it be full-on Anon-frenly!! :^)
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>>17108 >Robotics;Notes Thanks for the tip. It's not related to humanoid robots, but a good show with a lot of motivational elements.
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>>33284 >Heh, care for a race to produce a Mina? :^) I think I created files necessary to plop a paper Mina face on SPUD lol Melfina from Outlaw Star might qualify as a Robowaifu I guess since she controls the ship and started the series popping out of a box. Been over a decade (has it been that long?) since I watched it but I picked up a DVD collection recently so I might watch it again.
>>34048 >but a good show with a lot of motivational elements. This. Thanks, NoidoDev! I really enjoyed it too.
Just for the record, since it wasn't mentioned recently: Viva 2 / Shinobu Project - The former foxgirl simulator ( https://youtu.be/-lJl53xCEWI ), which disappeared and became a new project about a robot girlfriend is making progress: https://www.youtu.be/AaVeXG59nGE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@shinobudev Some example shorts: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/w4CP_cZJd4g https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sk7gF6ofOqo Ichio: https://sgthale.itch.io/myrobot Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sgthale (makes more than 1k per month)
Chobits: https://www.youtu.be/lGOAT4_td0M Chibits: https://youtu.be/0Yq8HDCN3kI Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou OVA 1-2 (Yokohama Shopping Trip Log): https://youtu.be/_3_dBxBi84I
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Armitage III OVA movies. Interesting take on near future man machine relationships. https://youtu.be/NW76kRkB9qc?si=bEGGp4lUCEe6ueyv https://youtu.be/uL51Ye5YQWY?si=ULubyw8aOdg3qYht
>>18711 > Andromeda Stories I watched it a while ago. It wasn't that great and quite old. It had some fun ideas, and some robots helping against others which want to take over the universe. I don't like the middle-eastern culture style, though. It also wasn't much about any female robot, the one in there was a fighter and not the main character. Not much recommended, but it's an okay old scifi story. What I haven't watched or even tried from >>18711 and some newer: Angelic Layer, not all of Busou Shinki, Cutey Honey (soon), Busou Shinki, Girls' Frontline (soon), Heaven's Lost Property (I think I tried but only the beginning, will try again), Key the Metal Idol, Magical Pokan, Mahoromatic (soon!), Miss Monochrome, Parasite Dolls, SoltyRei, ToHeart, Voogi's Angel, and Metallic Rouge (new) Not recommended: Indian Summer is probably the worst (cringe), probably Ichigeki Sacchuu Hoihoi-san (funny idea but not good), and others are okay but I didn't like it: Coyote Ragtime Show (maybe I'll go on at some point), Outlaw Star (also just stalled), Time of Eve Movie (slavery, muh rights), Hi no Tori 2772 is very old though the gynoid is cute, Metropolis >>34185 Thanks, great to see how more and more old anime is on Youtube. They might not look for it anymore, to get it deleted, since it's so old. Idk. I'd watch everything rather in Japanese with subs, but it's good that we can link to it.
>>25901 Yeah, Gunbuster 2. I tried this one. It's an abomination.The first show, which has no gynoids in it, is so much better. I didn't even realize this one was a gynoid. I have to look it up again and again. She comes of as a human and it's not mentioned that she's a robot. Gunbuster 2 was so goofy and silly compared to the first, like over the top destruction of the environment in fights. I only watched two episodes or so. I think there also was some "guys harassing poor girl" and saved by some other chick storyline.
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Runrune tan from Puniru is a Kawaii Slime! is a kawaii robot girl! She's simple, only can hold very simple conversations, and do simple actions such as dancing by shaking her butt. One of the more interesting aspects of her, is how the narrative around her questions if she is real. Puniru, the titular slime girl, is technically a slime robot. Interestingly, she feels a kinship and doesn't understand how others could see her as only a toy or novelty, that just because her AI is simple, doesn't mean she isn't still meaningful.
>>34182 >>34183 >>34185 >>34188 >>34189 >>34193 Thanks, Anons! There's some good stuff here. Cheers. :^)
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There is a robot girl this season after all! Runrune from Puniru Is a Cute Slime is a fun twist on the robot girl concept. In this case, it's a good parody. With Runrune essentially being an expensive toy shoved into the largest frame it could move. She has several simple functions which are easily triggered. Simple conversations triggered by sensing a user that are railroaded into a few modalities. -A trivia program where she asks general knowledge questions or prompts her user with riddles. Appears that questions are determined via a markov chain monte carlo algorithm to keep them relevant to her user without seeming repetitious. -Answering simple questions, triggered by being prompted by a clearly defined question. Simple responses are either pulled from a database or a small LLM uses a mad-lib type system to ensure information is correct and presented in an engaging manner under tight compute constraints. -Horoscopes are provided when she senses being lifted. Basic movements based on requests and confusion. - She turns, puts her hands on her hips, and shakes her booty when she doesn’t know how to respond, or if she isn’t interacted with for some stochastic amount of time. -Probably can walk in a similar way to Femisapien with an ability to twist either her waist or rotate her feet to turn. -Grasps anything placed in her hand, or when demanded. -Arms can move just enough to move objects for ease of taking something from her. Seems to be able to hug based on the degrees of freedom present. Her simplicity is elegant in a way. She’s only .6m (2ft) to 1m (3ft) tall, which lends to her body being so light that a weak middle schooler can lift her with ease. Material wise, she likely uses cheap injection molding for her skeleton, with some soft safe material on a soft foam exterior for her skin. Frankly, she’s a marvel of cheap engineering for mass produced robot companions.
>>34256 >There is a robot girl this season after all! Excellent. Slime gril robowaifu a cute! :^)
>>34256 Oh, I saw something about this. But it didn't indicate that it was a robot. I thought this was a cute slime girl and thought I have enough to do and watch already. Well, I put it on my list now.
>>34293 It's about a slime girl but there is a toy that is technically a character since it's treated like one. But there is a scientist who described slimes as something like autonomous gel robots.
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>>34273 >>34293 >>34316 New episode had several different Runrunes and asked a deep philosophical question, what is "real?" Is the stuffed toy Runrune real, even though it's just a plushy? Is the robot Runrune real, even though it just shakes its butt and spouts random phrases? Is the more advance robot with actual AI that can walk, and have actual conversations real? When none of them match the platonic ideal of their creator? They're all shadows filtered through lenses of others. Leaving their creator to frustration, none can live up to her internal ideal which none can truly understand. I won't spoil which Runrune wins their creators favor, it was a touching moment. Puniru is a Kawaii Slime is worth watching, it's genuinely funny with surprising depth once you get past the absurdity. This episode unfortunately turned a grim mirror towards me. I severely overestimated Runrune. She's just simple machine which shakes its butt whilst saying random phrases. There's still meaning to her though, as Puniru wisely accepts her as real in her own right. Choosing perception and context to reach a common harmony. New Puniru may actually have complex AI, can walk on her own, features dexterous which can manipulate objects rather than just grabbing when told to. Her superiority over her predecessor is staggering. Yet, she feels hollow. There feels like there's nothing to her. Just some cheap trick of circuits. Somehow, the one which barely does anything, shines in comparison. It could just be the snout. Being a furry bot ruins anything based on my bias. >>34273 >Slime girl robot Technically, only Gelee is a true slime robot. Puniru (pink one in picrel) is an edge case because she's animated by her soul.
>>34318 Nice, thanks Kiwi! Based on your welcome reviews, it seems like the series is much deeper than I would have initially expected. Now I'm more interested in making time for this. Please keep it up, Anon! Cheers. :^) >=== -improve prose
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/14/2024 (Thu) 04:04:31.
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How has nobody heard of this guy's project? It's literally up this chans alley. It's an anime robot girl game made with Unity. He made the game free but paywalled the AI on Patreon. Honestly pretty promising. Says he is putting in AI self hosting (or already has something). https://youtu.be/dfoR5RPuU2w >=== -rm fingerprinting
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/08/2024 (Sun) 07:39:09.
>>34716 I saw it on YouTube. I thought it was mentioned somewhere here, but maybe I was wrong. For those reading, the game is called My Robot. It's made by the same person behind Viva Project
>>34716 Neat! Reminds me vaguely of the Shinobu project Anon made. I hope he does well with it. Thanks for sharing, Anon! <---> OTOH, this topic simply doesn't warrant it's own thread here. I'm open to suggestions where to migrate it, however. Cheers, OP. :^)
>>34721 It's the same dude.
the ai is no inpendent of the control system andits frustrating because people have been ignoring me about it. My ribit eyes for examples will use 8 electromagnets which is different than programming for two servos which robots often use. Ive also bern ignored about using sonething like trsnsformers for visual recognition cause opencv and hars masks are only good for facial recognition. or in my case nudenet. that unity probably doesnt have a way to hook up to the arduinos, it might not even use ai for movements, its just regular if statements. Dont grt me wrong i do plan to use regular if statements for the preprogrammed movements unless someone hss a better idea. But yeah at this point in time robot>ai
>>34728 >unity probably doesnt have a way to hook up to the arduinos Unity can write data to a text file Python can read data from text files Pyfirmata allows control of an Arduino Uno and Mega via python So if you're clever enough Unity can connect to arduinos ;)
>>34772 think of it this way. the robot sees a dirt, then it must coordinate its components to move towards the dirt and wipe it away. Since thats my impression of what you guys want a maid companion and apparently the sexbot aspect belongs in the ecchi thread but whatever. guess the dirt recognition could be independent of the control system. Training a dirt recognition lora could be useful for a maidbot i suppose. Thats not that hard part however.The hard part is going towards the dirt and wiping it clean and that is not inpendemt of the control system. you must know all components if the robot to coordinate it. ive seen the videos of what this guy has been doing. it doesnt seem serious or useful towards this.
I did see it. You could've seen my comments in the comment section sometimes. We also probably get the same videos recommended and we follow some of the same AI and robot related channels. That said, we have a robowaifus in media thread, which includes games: >>18711
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>>34318 Thanks for the clarification. I watched ATRI, btw. I liked it, but I don't want to write much about it. I found it astonishing how much pastiche it was, using elements from basically every other gynoid anime. When she said, that she can't cry, I needed a little break. Memories. I also tried "Metallic Rouge" and it was so bad, I didn't even make it through the first three episodes. Not even sure, if I watched the whole first one.
>>34775 What makes a robowaifu different from a normal robot is that it is a robotic waifu. Waifu's are when someone falls in love with a fictional character. Character attributes first, usefulness second.
>>34781 the personality is a solved problem since ai chatbots are a thing. Come to think of it detecting dirt via lora alone might not be the best way. Maybe detecting the reflection of a surface. dirt makes objects less reflective. Could be used in combination with a lora too. Theres more than one way to skin the cat.
By coincidence I found another anime we missed: >Combatants Will Be Dispatched! > Turns out, evil takes initiative! With world domination close at hand, the Kisaragi Corporation turns its sights on interstellar conquest, and who better to take over a magical world than two randomly assigned minions—Combatant Agent Six and his android partner Alice? But Six’s path up the evil corporate ladder won’t be easy—a Demon Lord’s army is hatching its own nefarious plan! >Source: Funimation I only clicked at the "crude" tag on some anime website and looked a bit around. Anyways, this one doesn't have high ratings and it seems to be a lot of lewds humor. So, I don't know how it will be. Then again, it's from the author of Konosuba. Also, "My Wife Has No Emotion" and "ATRI" aren't very popular as well. >Wild Robot The other one I found out about is "Wild Robot" which was recently in the cinemas. I missed it, but it was successful and seems to already have a sequel in the works or announced. I thought the trailer was promising, but I saw it too late. It's about a very robotic female robot (no waifu) which takes care of a freshly hatched bird. https://youtu.be/67vbA5ZJdKQ >M3gan 2.0 M3gan 2.0 is supposed to be released in May 2025. Unfortunately they also decided to make a spinoff named SOULM8TE about a "sexbot" which will most likely go evil, and it's directed by a woman. Though, the author Kate Dolan seems to be Christian and somewhat "conservative". I doubt this will help, but we'll see. It's supposed to come out January 2026,
>>34776 I'm going to soon move this thread to the Media throd, as fren NoidoDev suggests. I'll leave it up for a bit in hopes OP will see this notice.
>>34716 Good luck to Sgthale with this project. It's pretty gratifying to see you go in this direction, tbh. @sgthale If you happen to recall, I'm the one on 8/tech/ in your throd who requested you open up your previous project, so that we here (there) could benefit from it to quickly produce VR waifus for robowaifuists. We have a general thread that includes this topic BTW : ( >>240 ). Cheers. :^)
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>>34978 Many thanks. Though, this wasn't very descriptive. >A classic survival horror experience set in a dystopian future where humanity has uncovered a dark secret. Unravel a cosmic mystery, escape terrifying creatures, and scavenge an off-world government facility as Elster, a technician Replika searching for her lost dreams. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1262350/SIGNALIS/
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>>34779 >Metallic Rouge It was one of the worst anime ever made, you missed nothing by only watching the first 3. It gets worse. >>34840 >Combatants Will Be Dispatched! It's a serviceable prototype of Konosuba! The main robot girl, Alice Kisaragi, is clearly a worse kuudere Megumin. Still, I have a soft spot for her due to her being blonde, blue eyed, and having a D-Pad in her hair. Very cute, just wish she was more robot. >The Wild Robot Saw that one. Was surprised by the robot being a nurturing mother in tune with nature. I don't remember it too well, fell asleep. Her design was the best part of the movie. Essentially panels which make spheres and cylinders to disperse kinetic energy efficiently. Along with arms and legs that are essentially continuum designs to maximize flexibility. A truly inspired design meant to adapt to nearly anything. Its only major flaw is that it's heavy and thus would require tremendous amounts of energy to move. >M3gan 2.0 Good, the first one had tremendous normie appeal. Helps to build psychological tolerance of humanoids. >>34978 >Signalis Fun game, didn't like how rare the ammo was though. Felt like a way to force the player to hide from their problems rather than confronting them. Makes sense from a meta narrative standpoint, just frustrating. The robot girls are some of the least ethical abominations ever made. Mass produced clones of young women with hardware to force their alignment towards company goals. Like Rei from Eva if she had a metal reinforced skeleton that her body was grown onto. Copying makeshift variants of minds through psychic wizardy and forcing the clones to work through the same psychic wizardy, is metal af.
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>>35003 Forgot the cute pic of a KLBR (pronounced Kolibri, as in the German word for hummingbird.) I do actually like Signalis and the replikas as a concept brought heaps of fascination. Finding out what they were was chilling in the game. Would like to build one, without using biological brains and psychic wizardy. Would be far safer.
>>35003 >>35004 I don't like that it does not seem to have voice output. It's also stupid, given that it wouldn't need to sound completely human and it could be done with AI. I just hope when they make such games that they keep this as a addon in mind and have the necessary API for it in place.
Which Anons are going to create the 6-part, Anonymous-focused documentary series on the modern development of robowaifus? * What are some good project/subpart titles for such an effort? Here's my own initial, off-the-cuff take: The Dream Is Coming Alive:The Pygmalions & the Galateas - seems like a reasonable place to start for discussing origins. • Epic escapes into the realworld - about the art & engineering bases of robowaifu designs; highlighting manga/anime influences. • Just a walk in the park - a personal favorite!; all about societal issues + Master/Robowaifu bonding (Master's perspective). • Let me be with you - an obvious take-off on 'Chobits: The one just for me'; primarily from the idealized robowaifu's perspective. • I think, therefore I am - detailing the innovative AI & performance breakthroughs that led to the world's first mobile robowaifu 'minds'. ** • How to take over the world - the story of the first fully-open-source project in history to reach US$1T+ in organic sales (+ series wrapup & review). Any other ideas, Anons? :^) --- * (cf. >>33428 , et al); also Robert X. Cringely's [1] Nerds 6-parter; TPB AFK, et al ** I realize this title is a bit risky (cf. the mindless """muh robot rights""" npc reeing). But tbh, I just love René Descartes' philosophies! :D 1. https://www.cringely.com/tag/triumph-of-the-nerds/ >=== -prose edit -add footnote
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/17/2025 (Fri) 00:21:33.
>>26018 >Pluto So, I gave Pluto a chance, after coming across a recommendation. I should've seen it coming, since this is from the guy who made "Monster". It's some unbearable metaphor about "raaayCizmZz" and oppression. It's also much about Middle East related topics and people. The robots have "magical" superpowers and a lot makes no sense. It's even not remotely about some plausible technology and the guy who made it is not capable of making good stories. Also, the animation is more complex and realistic, so it doesn't really look pleasant but it was expensive. From now on I will take the Netflix in anime made by Netflix as a strong warning sign. That something coming from them is shilled a lot on the internet doesn't change that. I'm just glad, that it seem to not have had many viewers.
>>35243 Thanks for the review, NoidoDev. Hard-pass, sounds reprehensible tbh.
>MiSide There's a new game on top of the Steam charts: MiSide. Your in-game character can play with his AI girlfriend, but she might be evil and find ways to come out of the game and kill him. It's a horror game, including optional nudity. The art style is anime-like. It might not be advertising AI and robot girlfriends, but it's contributing to the buzz. It also seems to have at least one peaceful ending. https://youtu.be/r-bgCU8a5CM https://store.steampowered.com/app/2527500/MiSide/
>>35266 Thanks, shame they had to go horror with it. Yet more (((predictive programming)))? Wonder who's behind the funding of it? >that 'Anon's battlestation/home-server/waifu-holodock thingy'... Very cool look. >=== -add nooticer notifications :^) -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/02/2025 (Thu) 08:34:08.
>>35274 Chobitsu, I think your being a bit too cynical, this game is from 2 person russian indie team. They made it a horror game because they wanted the game to sell, Its classic "streamer bait". But here is the best part, its a bit of a trojan horse, the majority of the game your spending time with cute and adorable waifus. We are also going to get (they are still working on it) "peaceful mode" where the game is an extended version of you hanging out with Mita. >>35266 I played the game, its really fun. I normally hate horror but you can tell the devs put a lot of work and love into this game. There is lots of easter eggs, the Mitas are fun and are so cute! MySide is a win, the devs did a good job making the Mita(s) lovable. I watched several people walk away from that game with a pro ai waifu stance despite the horror aspects.
>>35281 >Chobitsu, I think your being a bit too cynical, this game is from 2 person russian indie team. Well, that's a relief! Still don't care for the horror; but thats w/e if its not intended solely & gratuitously to program NPCs to fear robowaifus (cf. the loooooong list of such western media [1]). And I have very good reasons for being cynical. So do you. And given what I've experienced, I could've been a lot worse case of it too, hehe! That's thanks solely to Jesus, BTW. :^) >the majority of the game your spending time with cute and adorable waifus. We are also going to get (they are still working on it) "peaceful mode" where the game is an extended version of you hanging out with Mita. That sounds great, actually. Based Russian bros! <---> Thanks, EnvelopingTwilight! Cheers. :^) --- 1. Here's one, latest example (remember this thing is over 100' tall, looming over you in the Sphere, accompanied by 100db+ ominous booms): https://trashchan.xyz/robowaifu/thread/26.html#28 >=== -fmt, prose edit -add footnote/hotlink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/03/2025 (Fri) 22:51:10.
>Parasite Dolls So, I watched Parasite Dolls, which is on the list in OP. It's a part of the AD Police franchise, from which I liked "AD Police Files" OVA as a teen, because it's gory scifi and about nude female humanoid robots with malfunctions. I once tried watching surprisingly newer show, AD Police - Protect and Serve, and it was just to badly animated and didn't have a good story in the first few episodes. This here, Parasite Dolls, was okay. But, it was mostly about hooker bots and in some cases the customers were real submissive simps. I also didn't like the main characters and he story much. It's about someone making humanoid bots go crazy with some kind of drug. Though, it was only three episodes and the last one was pretty good. I don't recommend it, but it was okay. Related: >>32214 and following >Love Me (2025) I also found out about a Western live action movie where I really liked the trailer, and the critics seem to not like it very much, which imo might rather speak for it: Love Me (2025) with Kristen Stewart. It's a movie in a post-apocalyptic future, where the AI of a buoy and the AI of a satellite fall in love and make their own virtual reality together and emulate human lives and a love story. Wild stuff. I hope this works. The movie was shown to critics in 2024, but only comes to cinema end of this month. https://youtu.be/BKlMCxxmtmo > Mahoromatic I also started watching Mahoromatic, after avoiding this for quite some time. I kinda like it, though it's more on the slice of life and comedy side. I'm only somewhere quite at the beginning. I hope the background story will make it more interesting. >All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku TV I also tried the last variant of Catgirl Nuku Nuku, this time with "TV" at the end of the name. But it seems to be the worst part of the three times they tried to make this into an anime. The best part of the other ones seems to be clearly missing, since it has another kind of adversary. In the other variants, the premise is: A father lead family with a son and catgirl robot, and the career driven mother and her wildly incompetent female employees as the opponent.
>>35320 Thanks NoidoDev, nice reviews! :^) >Mahoromatic I had a lot of fun watching this. Baste super-meido is based. :D
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MWHNE just updated again, and it's still going strong. Mina helps Takumo with his exercises whilst showing more of her adorable side.
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Scrapped Princess. There's Zephyr who is almost a main character and she's a robot, then there are the villains who are all robots. They don't have anything about their looks that gives it away though, they're just constantly talking about not being human, being autistic, doing things that are impossible for humans, and transforming into giant angels. It's a good anime in any case.
>>35715 Thanks. Good news indeed. The show, and Atri as well, has been mostly ignored by the bigger anime youtubers I know. Or they mentioned it only briefly. The viewership of both shows seem to be low in the West. But some guys make YouTube videos and so it might spread through word of mouth. I also don't get the rather low ratings for both shows, except it might be a suppression campaign, idk. >>35716 Thanks, but I only found "Zephiris" in the description of the show. She seems to be a minor character (at least in S1). She also isn't tagged as robot, though this could be an error. https://www.anime-planet.com/characters/zephiris
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The first season of the current year seems to not have any new gynoid related anime. Though, there's some movie about a guy making a girl, though I think he's growing her somehow. But I'm not sure. Some description says "scientifically created". But in the longer trailer there are some robots, so she likely is one. https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/make-a-girl https://youtu.be/zbgCgggOJvA https://youtu.be/ZWQ9jUh7_u0 >They say you can power up if you have a girlfriend > That's why I decided to try and make one. He's clearly one of us. Seems to be related to some guy called Gensho Yasuda, and he's making shorts with Blender for Youtube, and he seems to have a lot of fans (~2.4M followers): https://www.youtube.com/@gensho_yasuda - I think I saw something from him before. Well, now he has a movie.
>>35715 Excellent news, Greentext anon. Dear Mina-chan is a realworld goal for several of us now, including me :D I'm sure. Cheers. :^) >>35716 Hello Nagisa, good to see you again Anon! Thanks for the recommendation. Cheers. :^) >>35911 >He's clearly one of us. Haha, nice. :D Thanks for the information, NoidoDev. Cheers. :^)
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> Miru > In the distant future, humans create a robot named MIRU capable of traveling through time, visiting various eras, places, and even parallel worlds. Unlike some robots, MIRU isn't equipped with weapons. Instead, it helps people overcome immense obstacles peacefully, encouraging new beginnings without violence. MIRU continuously evolves by interacting with people, learning and growing to assist those struggling to survive. It listens to their problems and offers support. By helping others, MIRU sets off a “Butterfly Effect,” of dramatic change guiding society toward a brighter future. https://www.miru-anime.com https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/miru-watashi-no-mirai There's also something coming out called Me&Roboco. About a robot maid. But it looks like a guy in a maid dress, because of the muscular legs. I'm not amused and even not curious. Though, it's a long running comedy anime, so idk.
>>36026 > Miru Thanks, NoidoDev! I too hope for a future where our overlords can't use this amazing & wonderful tech to destroy all their underlings who refuse to kowtow. I'm glad to see an animu tackling this concept, and I hope it doesn't become yet another example of disgusting pozz during the process. Cheers. :^) >that /dpt/ maymay Heh. :D >There's also something coming out called Me&Roboco. About a robot maid. But it looks like a guy in a maid dress, because of the muscular legs. I'm not amused and even not curious. This is exactly why male robots aren't fostered here. Troons/Femsh*tes (two sides of the same, anti-male coin, really) would quickly turn that into the most degenerate sh*te imaginable here if they were allowed to.
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I found more which are TBA, so there is no release date yet. Some of them are in that status for a while, though. So who knows if these will ever get released. That said, the first one has a title picture and a link to a manga. >Alma-chan wa Kazoku ni Naritai >Alt title: Alma-chan Wants to Be a Family >A comedic tale about "Alma", a super strong (and super cute) girl-model weapon that gets all at home and cozy (?!) with the two genius scientists who made her!! Being a girl-model weapon, Alma-chan analyzes her surroundings through all kinds of frank, point-blank questions, and the genius adult scientists are constantly at her mercy?! https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/alma-chan-wa-kazoku-ni-naritai Manga: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/alma-chan-wa-kazoku-ni-naritai That said, it seems to be more like a robot daughter of a human couple, not a waifu. On the upside, it seems to be more about her mind being not just like a human one. >Mechronicle I just assume, the girl is a robot, but I might be wrong: >Set in a mechanical world, Mechronicle tells the story of Mechanico: a small, shy, withdrawn boy with big glasses. He is totally in love with Nell, who looks after Mechanico like he's her kid brother. One day, Nell is kidnapped by Team Magu Magu, a villainous group of machines. She soon discovers that the secret to their world is hidden in her machinery. Mechanico vows to rescue Nell and, plucking up his courage, pursues the kidnappers. The adventure begins! https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mechronicle >Rescue Academia >The story will be set in the city of Minamisouma in Fukushima prefecture, and will center around a down-and-out protagonist who gets to know a robot while working rescue efforts. It will depict the friendship and growth of a group of children alongside the robot. https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/rescue-academia And Blame! 2, of course ... It has been TBA for a while now, though. I found this by looking for projects without a release date and the tag "robots", since "androids" is a even shorter list. https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/all?is_unaired=1&include_tags=212 - I wanted to see what's in the pipeline. Some shows and movies will not show up, e.g. "Make A Girl" has not indicator tag for any of it, there's also nothing for "magical dolls" like in Rozen Maiden. The other search tag that can be used is "cyborgs", since "Unbreakable Machine Doll" is tagged as such. But the only one TBA with cyborgs seems to be another "Ghost in the Shell". Hmm. Under Cyberpunk I find additional remakes of "Akira" and "Megazone 23". >>36028 Yes, I also like uplifting stories and tropes about gynoids, though I also really like melancholic or dark stories, but they can still have something positive in it. >male robot She might be meant to represent a woman, but I just don't like how she looks. *yikes*
>>36048 Thanks for the protips on searching, NoidoDev. Looks like a few things of interest here are in the pipeline. >though I also really like melancholic or dark stories, but they can still have something positive in it. True. I'm usually a bit simplistic in my tastes of animu media, but I deffo understand that perspective, Anon. Cheers. :^)
There's a new related Western live-action movie: Companion. The trailer apparently "ruins the movie" for some people, by revealing that the female lead is a fembot. Apparently the "woman" gets beat up in the movie before it is revealed that she's a robot. I consider it therefore feminist propaganda. Some people claim she's a robot to point out that men are making women into "sex objects". Anyways, on the upside: The main female lead is also quite attractive and according to the review she's likable. And the movie seems to go somewhat deep into how the robot works and do some worldbuilding around that. But then the last third of the movie seems to be predictable, so it's most likely about her going rogue, which is also already indicated in the trailer. Trailer: https://youtu.be/Qr_kX0D3DNA
>>36313 Thanks for the nice review, NoidoDev. >trailer Film looks demonic/deviant af. Hard pass. >somewhat deep into how the robot works and do some worldbuilding around that. I'd actually interested in some video breaking this down for everyone after the fact, if that ever gets made by some Anon out there. Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>36314 Well, actually it might be quite stupid. Like the idea to have a app to control the level of intelligence of the robot, but she finds the app and moves the slider from 40% to 100% and she's super smart. Yeah, I think it's trash for many reasons. I also dislike the fact that she goes shopping and is so human-like that people don't know she's a robot. Also, she seems to make decisions like falling in love or going out with a guy. So, way too human like. It seems to be another trash fire, and I'm not interested. That said, in a few days the M3gan 2.0 trailer is expected to drop. Leeks still indicate there will be a humanoid military bot, M3gan will be good this time and fighting the "bad girl". Also, "Love Me" seemingly and "Make A Girl" certainly came out, the first one in (parts of) the US and the later one is hitting the cinemas in Japan.
>>36317 >I also dislike the fact that she goes shopping and is so human-like that people don't know she's a robot. I'd say that was a thematic nod to the baste film Stepford Wives (the original is baste, the remake is pozz-af, predictably). >Leeks still indicate there will be a humanoid military bot, M3gan will be good this time and fighting the "bad girl". Any writing/directorial affilation with Cameron's Terminator series. Sounds like a straight rip-off if not. >Also, "Love Me" seemingly and "Make A Girl" certainly came out Sounds interesting. Are these animus, do you know?
>>36320 >Any writing/directorial affilation with Cameron's Terminator series. Sounds like a straight rip-off if not. Nah, that's too general of a trope. Also, anime does this even more often than the West. ><Also, "Love Me" seemingly and "Make A Girl" certainly came out >Sounds interesting. Are these animus, do you know? Make A Girl is a anime: >>35911, Love Me isn't >>35320
>>36365 >anime does this even more often than the West. OK fair enough, I'll take your word on it, Anon. :) >Make A Girl is a anime: >>35911, Love Me isn't >>35320 Great! Thanks, Anon. Seems like the Make a Girl is about a genetically-engineered catgrill for domestic ownership bioroid waifu? Do you know?
>>36374 >bioroid or robot Still not sure, but there are certainly a lot of (female) robots in the guy's videos: - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWFQQCIPf0MaVo6lTrWrjF6vAJe0UCJT - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWFQQCIPf0O73rGrDQqFPkiuUVopntak
>>36422 I see what you mean, Anon! Looks very interesting, whether she's a strict robowaifu or no. Thanks, NoidoDev. Cheers. :^)
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>>35266 >>35281 Mila best girl
>>35911 >Make a Girl After some research, it appears to be a movie based on a lonely nerd inventor making a clone of his crush. Naturally, instead of a brain, she has a computer, she may have more mechanical bits under her grown skin. The main plot points seem to be around how uncertain he is of her love, given that she has no choice. Also, his crush seems to have reciprocated his feelings. He was just too autistic to understand her flirting. Leading to a confused love triangle. Somewhere in the mix a super villain abducts the robot girl. >Does Zero count? I'd say yes. Her body may be mostly biological but, she's got a robot soul. It's what's inside that counts most. Overall, looks like heaps of fun. Especially if the synthetic girl wins. Looking forward to it coming to the west. The original short that inspired the movie; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw5NWWyiW70
>>36549 > instead of a brain, she has a computer, Thanks, I thought she's not purely biological after seeing another video in which here eyes were glowing. This makes her clearly more of a robot, though in form of a "cybernetic organism". Like Cameron. >The main plot points seem to be around how uncertain he is of her love, given that she has no choice. Ooof, here we go again. To much soy in the Japanese food. If he programs her to love him, then she loves him. She doesn't need "a choice". Women had no choice in most of history and probably still most worldwide don't. They are made by evolution to adjust to that. Robots are even more like that, without the faults, doubts, counter force of the wish for autonomy or hypergamy and so on.
>>36549 Thanks for the information, Anon! >>36564 >She doesn't need "a choice". This. If men choose to go that route, then they'll end up in hell-hole world (cf. >>36544 ). :^) >tl;dr Won't someone just please think of the vacuum cleaners!??

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