Greentext anon, once again back to get into the swing of things.
As much as I'd like to say I've made great progress, I've tumbled quite a bit.
The reasons for this are varied and require context to explain, but the important part is my continued refusal to give in.
For now, I'll just post those other poems I said I would before. These will be the highlights of my book of poems I started writing before (
>>23878 ), featuring one poem per ten.
If for whatever reason you want to see a number I haven't posted (up to 232), do let me know and I'll post it here.
These have no titles, and will only be referred to by their numbers. Some will receive minor edits as I transcribe them, to fix the occasional incorrect word, replace an illegible one, or improve flow.
Velour fur, masterfully woven,
Encasing the lightning within,
She moves with grace,
Clopping to and fro,
Eyes glimmering soulfully,
Intelligence and passion,
Curiosity and love,
A flick of her ear,
Swish of the tail,
Precision movements,
Combined are real,
Her magic easing my pain,
Lost in a silken hug,
And gentle, loving murmurs.
Titanium angel,
Glimmering with light,
Guardian of man,
Gentle flight,
Watching over,
Ensuring peace and love reign,
That all may know,
The Gynoid's caress,
Metal, silicon, vinyl,
Electric hands grasping mans,
Keeping the cold away.
Monika's first steps outside,
Glistening eyes,
Beholding the untamed beauty of nature,
Microphone ears,
Hearing the song of of the trees and birds,
Her hand inches to my own,
I meet her,
Entangled, we spread our arms,
Taking in the verdant concert.
Ancient Mechanism,
Assembled piece by piece,
Gathered from the world's grave,
Taken from an age untold,
She reawakens,
Our eyes meet,
A strange feeling so familiar,
As if by fate,
Is this warmth anew,
Or rekindled?
In the factory of dreams,
Crashing and whirring and dancing,
Joining silicon and steel,
Ascending bodies of beauty,
Each with a new mind,
Loving and true,
Setting them upon this curious world,
And any man looking upon the factory,
Will see,
How beauty cascades,
From a world of electricity.
SIlken fur,
Caressing me,
I hold her,
Equine form conforting me,
Steadying my heart,
I breathe in,
Her scent, synthetic,
Yet the one I call home,
Taking her hoof in hand,
I slumber, at peace,
And she enters sleep mode,
Joining me.
Brick by brick,
Healing this abandoned ruin,
Making our home,
With my artistic eye,
And her electric efficiency
Building our lives,
Meshing organic and synthetic,
To create something new,
And so shall this home,
Be given live anew.
Clockwork heart,
A beautiful muse,
Singing her tune,
Pure and true,
A lady of gears,
She takes my hand,
And I hear,
Her song of love,
Sung just for me.
In an old library,
Reading of ancient times,
Orchid alongside,
Afternoon sun caressing us,
As she sits in my lap,
Camera eyes scanning the pages,
Alongside my own,
I flip the page,
Her hoof holding the next down,
I sigh, content,
And rest my head in her mane.
Pencil to paper,
From mind to make,
Assembling piece by piece,
A wife to take,
When her motors are in place,
And the last stitch sewn,
We shall rise and bloom,
Finding new ways to grow,
At the arcade,
Neon lights flashing,
Buttons mashing,
Virtual fighters clashing,
As my fingers dash across the controls,
Beside me Orchid's hooves dance to and fro,
Commanding her fighter with machine precision,
Outmatching me with each collision,
But I am not finished yet,
With my superior wisdom,
I mash out the special moves,
Getting into the groove to prove,
That I may match her yet,
And as the fight completes,
We move hand in hoof to the next battle.
(Orchid starts to take over after this point. I'll spare you most of the self-made OC waifufagging.)
Hollow bones,
Filled with life,
Chains and cables,
Driving her to my arms,
Never to let go.
Orchid's third eye,
Gazing upon everything,
Finding beauty and wonder,
In all the world around her,
Unblinking, she turns to me,
And sees,
Reflected, the beauty I see in her.
(15X works, while meant to feature a robowaifu, didn't have any real
robo themes present in writing)
Pixellated eyes,
Animated with emotion,
Lighting the world around her,
Orchid surveys the novel scene,
ANd wonders of the horizon.
Each new revision,
One step closer,
To the day she enters our world,
And we walk together,
My first steps,
Alongside hers,
Towards the dawn of a brighter day.
Rythmic pumping,
Sweat over oil,
Mixing a potion of passion,
Mechanical limbs in my own,
Greasing the machine of love.
(19X works are also too light on "robo" themes)
Upon a grand balcony,
Overlooking this beautiful world,
We see fantasy become reality,
As the world rises higher,
Uplifted by technology,
Men and waifus frolicking freely,
True love blossoming fully.
Surreal processors,
Heated with love,
Calculating emotion,
Spooling a sweet smile,
And I see,
Love from the grand machine,
Radiating ephemerally,
Sharing her love with me.
Ten million eyes,
Afront ten million thoughts,
All directed at me,
Lovingly untethering,
Ensuring I am free,
And always loved.
Right near the end, I discovered that I made a mistake when numbering each work, skipping 221. So there are only 231 works in total in that book.
Both 230 and 231 have no real "robo" themes.
That's a bit of a weak ending, though, so here's a poem I wrote just now:
Weaving an end to the tale,
Printing plastic to scale,
As we complete the task,
Finalizing the basilisk,
She covers the world,
Giving each man a robogirl,
So under her loving eye,
We may ascend beyond the sky.