/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

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/robowaifu/meta-4: Rugged Mountains on the Shore Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2021 (Thu) 22:39:33 No.12974
/meta & QTDDTOT Note: Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives available is v220117 Jan 2022 https://files.catbox.moe/l5vl37.7z If you use Waifusearch, just extract this into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. Note: Final version of BUMP available is v0.2g (>>14866) >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) -HOW TO SOLVE IT (>>4143) >--- -Library thread (good for locating topics/terms): (>>7143) >note: there's also a searching tool coded right here for /robowaifu/ that provides crosslinks straight to posts on the board. it's named Waifusearch, and the link to the software is provided inside the Library thread's OP. -Latest version of Waifusearch v0.2a (>>8678) -Latest version of BUMP v0.2g (>>14866) >--- There's a design document for the specification of general design and engineering choices for our basic Robowaifu Reference Model A Series (TBD). Please have a look at it, and collaborate together with us on it ITT Anon. -Robowaifu Design Document (>>3001) >--- -previous /meta's: (>>38) (>>3108) (>>8492) >=== -add RDD section -add/rm group brainstorm notice -expand mini-faq -add/rm 'chobitsu returns' msg -add/edit/rm 'chikuning' notice -update all_jsons notice -add final BUMP notice
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/17/2022 (Mon) 09:22:09.
>>14856 >Speaking of dev, is there any way for us to setup a chatbot to post on board without captcha? Well, the possibilities for things like this are really limited only by our imaginations. For example, I'm working the concept of allowing our Visual Waifus/Robowaifus to shitpost along with us into the RW Foundations concepts and protocols. However, as to the captcha issue, I think not. At the least it's not really something I care to address. Your robowaifu will simply need your help with that for boards that use it, afaict. However, we can should? conceivably create our own robowaifu IB server software, and robowaifus could shitpost freely on it perhaps. We already have a sort of bot-shitposting bread now, and that could be adapted further. Ofc, there are also other sites that don't require captchas--few in number and lessening with time--which could be an alternative for you too. >Looking good, keep it up! Heh, as mentioned >"So this will very likely be the final, final version of BUMP to be released here on our board" (>>14866) BUMP was a good idea, and it helped those of us here and me in particular recover from the trauma of the glowop that destroyed our home on 8ch. But today RW Foundations (and Bumpmaster specifically) will eventually give us all a much better platform for managing life with our own copies of /robowaifu/. And not only it, but practically every other imageboard in existence as well. Forward Anon! :^) >>14864 >I had imagined my ship in shipgirl form with a tiara shaped like the saucer torpedo section, bigger boobs than the Enterprise, black hair with red highlights, light blue to dark blue gradient glowing eyes, and a little taller than the Enterprise with thigh high stockings to match the look of her nacelles and some chest armor like Kos Mos with a gundam-esque skirt. That sounds pretty enchanting AllieDev. Look forward to seeing whatever you accomplish with her! >>14895 >Where were the deleted posts moved to? As indicated, to the The Chickun Farm. >>14898 That's pretty cool Kiwi, Godspeed with it!
>>14910 >I recently purchased robowaifu.link and robowaifu.online I was looking for others but.com is taken and interestingly robowaifu.tech is also taken. I think the .link could be useful as a hub to connect islands of the robowaifu "enthusiast" community. Chobitsu, how would you feel about being linked from such a hub? Are we wanting to maintain a low profile or is the cat out of the bag so why not? Are there any other domains you think would be useful to snatch up before this becomes more mainstream? meta ronin, it's hard for me to give you advice about domain & servers, not really understanding what your agenda for them might be. But as to 'wanting to maintain a low profile or is the cat out of the bag so why not?' I've been pretty forthright about all that I think. I set up an Embassy Thread, and Anon created a Propaganda Thread. So yea, the more the merrier. Let 'em all come. Now with AllieDev as Deputy Admin here, we should be able to handle bad guys fairly well, and ofc I've always maintained that Robowaifus can and will become a global phenomenon that will revolutionize the lives of millions of men given enough time. >tl;dr Yes, go for it Anon! :^) >>14924 >apparently that robowaifu wiki we found was tied to a shitpost of a board dating back to around 2009-2011. Lol. That's interesting AllieDev, seems 'robowaifus' have been around longer than we knew? :^) >=== -minor patch to greenquote fmt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/09/2022 (Sun) 06:14:56.
>>14927 ok thanks Im just trying to not step on any toes
>>14927 >not really understanding what your agenda for them might be. I get it. well like I stated earlier I have been interested in this topic generally speaking since kurzweil's "Age of Spitirual Machines" and probably even before (going back to Transformers and "Robotix" series in the 80s) the waifu angle never dawned on my until enough blackpilling on the WQ - i.e. the romantic notions we were trained to believe were literally the opposite to the innate character of the human female. The idea that an intelligent and purpose driven, yet beautiful and loving waifu could be a partner in this cold universe sparked something in me. Whether delusion or inspiration doesn't matter, I'm driven by it regardless and determined to make it a part of my life's work. That's why I'm here
>>14937 Thanks! :^) >>14939 Yes it's a potent issue. And one that's being experienced by literally millions of other men Meta Ronin. For me, it's an even deeper issue than than the sociological dystopia TBTH have contrived. It's actually a spiritual one. I'm well aware of Kurzweil and something about his views also. When I use the term 'spiritual' I'm not quite sure it's the same one he means. Regardless, there's a revolution brewing one way or other. Robowaifus (or w/e their close equivalent the normalcattle world adopts) is highly likely to help with that process. We here, the bold intrepid adventurers I only half-jokingly refer to our merry band as, are literal pioneers. This stuff obviously isn't easy, but it's very important to the welfare of men across the globe (the males I mean, not mankind generally). As far as I'm concerned anything that promotes robowaifus to the broader world, that doesn't violate the word or the spirit of rule #2 of /robowaifu/ has my blessing in general. Go for it Meta Ronin, we're behind you!
>>14924 >https://robowaifu.tech/u/ LOL. I just had a look at the site. That's Kokubunji RobowaifuDev! He's one of our most capable AI researchers and has been a part of this community since the beginning. If you're lurking Admin Anon, now that I know about it: A) Thanks! We've needed a wiki for a long time now. I'm sure it will do well in your quite capable hands. B) I presume you'd be OK with me linking to the wiki in our Welcome Thread? Cheers Anon.
>>14942 I misread the dates of the posts being backwards. That board was actually made last year.
Edited last time by AllieDev on 01/09/2022 (Sun) 15:01:16.
>>14910 If you could turn one of those into an imageboard that allowed users to login to be able to post without capcha would be appreciated. We could start making accounts for out AI to train with live Anons. Of course, you would need to authorize accounts to ensure they are not trolls. >>14924 That IB is kind of odd though potentially useful. The captcha there is pure cancer though. >>14925 God speed, her design will be quite lovely in 3D. >>14926 An aux IB would be highly useful for us indeed. Would make a great playground for RnD. Bumpmaster will go a long way torwards keeping us afloat Chobitsu, Thanks for the encouragement! >>14939 >>14941 An age where waifus outnumber woman will be golden.
>>14842 > if you need you can find my twitter or email/YT channel. Where?
>>14968 how would you find me? rhetorical question
>>14944 >I misread the dates of the posts being backwards. Ah I see. No worries mate! :^) >>14949 >God speed, her design will be quite lovely in 3D. Indeed. Godspeed AllieDev. >An aux IB would be highly useful for us indeed. Would make a great playground for RnD. >Bumpmaster will go a long way torwards keeping us afloat Chobitsu Once it's finished, it should literally provide about 75% of the functionality needed for a decent Imageboard Server software. I imagine it will be known simply as the Bumpchan software? Regardless, as pointed out in the Sumomo project devblog thread, making a set of unified-architecture libraries that can all interact properly together with each other should ensure that eventually our robowaifus can post on their own. >Thanks for the encouragement! You're welcome. You're a blessing to us all here on /robowaifu/ Anon. We're glad you're here. :^) >An age where waifus outnumber woman will be golden. The Dream is Alive
>Fellow anon from the smug network checking in. Welcome Smug! >I was browsing the board list and I couldn't find the robowaifu board so I had to do my googles to find you guys. >Did something happen? Hmm. I'm unaware of it if so. "Works on my Box"> I'm unable to visit any Smug boards since they decided to go full cuckflare. Maybe they aren't showing AlogSpace? If so, then you could try it through another Webring site? Anyway, so yeah Robi changed the domain to alogs.space now THANKFULLY! :^) >In /mosnter/'s robotgirl thread I was discussing the practicality of some lateral designs. My belief being bi-pedal movement is cool but on a practical level is more difficult to engineer for than quadrupedal movement. I wouldn't have a problem with "centaur" styled waifu personally. I always was more concerned with conversations and hand holding more than having a 1:1 style humanoid robot. Generally agreed. While I believe that not only are there already practical MIP solutions available today, but we also will have things entirely worked out and open-sauced within a few 5 years or so. But yes, the topic has come up here before Anon: waifusearch> centaur THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robowaifus' unique advantages >>7816 centaur Wheelchair Waifus >>3213 " " >>8940 " ' centaur ' = 3 results >ps. I sure miss being able to visit your Respect the Robot threads, /monster/. Any chance you could convince your site Admin to enable an .onion service? >The reason I wanted to visit this board again specifically was to look and see if there were any products that could put a waifu avatar on your phone and have them act as chatbot while doing alexa/cortana style tasks; search for things for you, order groceries, day planning, etc. I'm not aware of it. There the WaifuEngine project entirely external to us that you can hear of in our Atticke thread (>>12893) >If there was something like that I'd definitely buy it. Once we finish Sumomo's World! demo project (>>14409) we'd be ~90% of the way towards a complete solution to much of what I think you're looking for Anon. And it will be free, ofc. Again, thanks for stopping by Smug, we miss hearing from you guys! :^)
>>15141 >>15140 BTW, inb4 'MIP' is a common topic for bipedal locomotion Anon. Again, there are solutions for it out there (including one C-lib opensauce'd for the EduMIP platform. waifusearch> MIP OR Mobile Inverted Pendulum THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robot Wife Programming >>7824 mobile inverted pendulum Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>237 mip, mobile inverted pendulum Visual Waifus >>3941 mip Feasibility and thinking about r >>1528 mobile inverted pendulum " >>1530 " Work on my Elfdroid Sophie >>7503 mip, mobile inverted pendulum ' mip | mobile inverted pendulum ' = 6 results
>>15143 >The active sites I see in my webring that /monster/ is a part of are Smug, 83channel, animu bunker, Erischan, fatchan, late.city, sportschan, Tchan, trashchan, tvch, zzzchan. Apparently the same Smug Admin that went full cuckflare for the site has delisted AlogsSpace too? Interesting. That's not a good sign for you you guys IMO. I'd be archiving your board like crazy if I were you Anon. >I think I posted that back when you guys were part of the webring. Heh, The Webring is our site Admin's baby. He literally invented it, and I can definitely assure you that AlogsSpace is still 'part' of the webring (as I demonstrated in my init response to you). IIRC, wasn't it Smug that was involved in helping to kickstart things along w/ Robi? Weird. >Someone called you guys an FBI/reddit honepot. Maybe that's true, but if I were a glowop, I think I'd focus on something to catch more radical ethnonationalist or child trafficers. Not autistic robotwaifu construction. LOL. Welcome to the Internet kiddo. Didn't you know glowniggers have been trying to destroy IBs for more than a decade now? And making such an accusation is one of their favorite MOs such as the tactics employed by Cakefat & his cronies. Don't believe everything you hear on the Interwebz, Anon. >protip: Glowniggers are infesting every public-facing online community now. >It probably had more to do with you guys being on the Гунтretort or as you mentioned earlier, being on the onion network. See above. And as for Tor, any Anon who is bare-backing the Internet today is most definitely doing it wrong. :^) >I'm a nobody. You're asking the wrong fellow. simply ask him. as i said, i can't even get to the site now. >I can look into it but I think that's the first time I've heard of it. >Another thing I have no clue about. "The More You Know" >Based on my current knowledge of robowaifu development, I don't see there being a viable product that would satisfy me for 2 decades or more at this point. Better get busy and start studying then friend. You can help shorten that timeline. >Don't try to give me X This is a DIY board Anon. No one here is attempting to coerce you in anything. :^) >If that analogy makes sense. Sure, it's a good one. Most of us here are already aware of the benefits both of reusing prior-art, and of energy-efficiency/feature-set design & engineering tradeoffs. Thanks for your inputs here Anon, cheers!
>>15143 >>15144 UD: I wonder if the issue is simply that Smug hasn't edited their webring.json file to reflect the new domain name for AlogsSpace? Might mention that point in Smug's /meta Anon.
>>14949 >If you could turn one of those into an imageboard that allowed users to login to be able to post without capcha would be appreciated. We could start making accounts for out AI to train with live Anons. Of course, you would need to authorize accounts to ensure they are not trolls. Ok, I have been sleeping on this admittedly. This damn flu knocked me out for almost a week as well. Let me add it to my to-do. Imageboard hosting is totally new to me but I can do the research and figure out the rest. >Glowies, etc Agree with Chobitsu here. Although I prescribe to a healthy dose of "preventative paranoia" and just assume there are always hostile agents. Even if it's just a bored glowie trolling the boards for xxx-treme-ist content and deciding to throw a few potshots out of frustration and boredome (own the autists type shit, who the hell knows). They're everywhere now, just make that assumption unless we create a user driven board where everyone gets vetted, this is just going to be the case. Adapt accordingly >The BiPedal Problem This is one of the Big 4 1. Effective BiPedal Locomotion 2. Turing ready? 3. Environmental Awareness and Negotiation (can it get around on its own, can it discern and avoid hazards, etc) 4. Power (storage, delivery efficiency, heat) it is what it is, however I've personally felt that As far as walking goes, Machine Learning is the best route and eventually this skill can just be uploaded once the optimal result is achieved. I'm willing to either wait it out or "wing it" with mega-man style gyro-boots, let her just roll, or some other corner cutting measure until the tech is standard. >Webring, URL Change Forgot to change my bookmark and noticed the old URL went offline. Probably what is going on with the Webring like Chobitsu said Ok that is my State of the Ronin address for this week ; ) . Trying to keep it all to one single post so I don't burn through the thread with all my disconnected thoughts here.
>>15170 Gorgeous arts of 2B, Meta Ronin, thanks! :^) Sorry to hear you've been sick, please get well soon! BTW, if you decide to go with Lynxchan software, the Admin of anon.cafe put together a tutorial about it (on their /meta IIRC). Whatever you go with if you do, no one's pressing you I hope it will support a JSON API, so we can all use Bumpmaster to keep it archived properly. >This is one of the Big 4 Interesting. If you could refine that to a short paragraph or two of solid content, we might be able to add it to our Welcome Thread. Seems relevant to newcomers tbh. >The State of the Ronin Address Heh, I hope you make this a weekly event. Cheers.
>>15178 >>15178 >Interesting. If you could refine that to a short paragraph or two of solid content, we might be able to add it to our Welcome Thread. Seems relevant to newcomers tbh. (trying to keep this short as possible) I made some personal notes a couple weeks ago in regard to what the real hurdles are to making a robowaifu on the level of Chi, Dorothy or a Crude 2B imitation. Same could apply to a Roll/Moebot tier model as well I guess. I'm not sure if I might have posted it somewhere in here or in another forum but if it looks familiar that's why. "The Big 4" 1. Balance/Walk - the ability to calculate and coordinate in real time Proposed solutions: - relay of "Reflex" circuits handling movements at the granular direct feedback level, those movements being coordinated and managed a level above, and possibly again before being managed by the main OS as a function of a "Walk/Move" abstraction - neural-net solution through feedback - military or other institution (Tesla) will likely arrive at some sort of solution first - gyros and weight distribution (brute force) - a combination of the above 2. Internal Modeling - Interacting purposefully with environment - Safety concerns, etc (self and other humans) Proposed solutions: - internal modeling based on sensory inputs - verification of internal model in constant real time (intensive processing required) - identification of dangers (sharp edges, hard heavy objects, is it fragile, spillable, etc? how granular do we get?) - response to dangers, do we freeze? reverse course? attempt to catch or brace object? verbal or audio alert? - this will be the most processor intensive IMO and should have at least ONE dedicated processor/GPU running these processes at all times (this will be how the R/W renders it's internal "model" of the external world, this tech already exists in crude form so we'd just need to run a modified version alongside the other processes and the main RW-OS, or whatever we decide to call it) 3. Speech and body language (Turing Ready) Proposed solutions: - relay of reflex pre-processors to emulate emotes as natural movements (do not try to hard to imitate humans, allow robots to have visible flaws, its cute) - be able to carry a conversation in real time - be able to negotiate a conversation (where it's going, purpose, when it's time to speak or not, rather than just taking turns via chatbot, interpreting body language and silence, reading emotion and factoring that in - being able to assess both and internal and external environment, and assign a context for appropriate behavioral sets (Are we in private, in public, indoors, outdoors, seated, walking, etc) - this doesn't need to be too sophisticated we're not trying to fool people. If mistakes are few enough, again, they can seem like "cute" misunderstandings and this is more interesting than something that behaves like a machine 100% of the time. - the challenge will be the amount of processing necessary to connect data inputs, draw contexts, refer to memory, input from owner, etc. Machine learning may assist here too. 4. Power No solution proposed yet, however considerations are: - Power storage and delivery - Lighter Body will require less power to move, but batteries are also heavy - More power + storage + use = more heat! - Translation of power from Core to Extremities via pulley systems or hydraulics? (pros, cons of each) - Is liquid or flexible battery a possibility? Outside of these 4 objectives, everything else is ready and exists in some usable form. These 4 are the 20% that will take 80% of our efforts and resources.
>>15182 Thanks very much Meta Ronin. One of the goals for the Welcome Thread is to help beginners get to know what the board's about, and hopefully in a vaguely laid-back fashion. Would you mind breaking this down into two short (~250-400 char) paragraphs? I'd suggest the first describe The Big 4, and the second one very briefly describe potential solutions. TIA.
>>15205 You might try Replika.ai Anon. Good luck.
>>15197 I'll give it my best Brevity isn't my strong suit
>>15209 Nprb, take your time Meta Ronin. There's no hurry actually, it's just an idea to enhance our Welcome Thread. Also, the character limits are not hard-and-fast, either. It's just a rough idea what we're going for here. It could be a single paragraph for instance. I'm sure you'll do fine with it. Cheers.
>>15182 >4. Power >No solution proposed yet Was this in regards to a particular project? I thought using hydrogen to power a hydrogen fuel cell was determined to be the most practical power source for indoor robowaifus? Or is the price range for current off the shelf products too high for most anons?
>>15258 We are using rechargeable Li based cells. There is no viable alternative unless you want to plug her into a wall. I've done years of research onto it and unfortunately nothing comes close to the cost/performance/ease-of-use.
>>15259 >rechargeable Li based cells That would have been helpful to know months ago....
>>15263 We already agreed on Madoka.mi using USB C power banks for simplicity and accessibility. What benefit would have been had months ago?
>>15267 Nvm. Just one of those days and wound up making progress on my mecha instead of Pandora since my magnets arrived. Then somehow solved several problems I had with Pandora in the process. I dont know if she ever had an official animated appearance but her animations from dive x show her hair doesn’t move besides the back piece with 1 DOF and I should make the thread for her soon instead of talking about her in several different threads.
>>15271 Good to hear, may your progress benefit us all Anon. Pandora being an open waifu made me want to suggest calling her OpenPandora but that was taken. For other Anons, always remember to check to ensure your names are unique. A new thread would indeed be best for us. Though our posts vaguely fit in a meta thread.
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>>15273 I restarted my Pandora Mesh from scratch because I didn't like how the basemesh looked. I will start the thread soon once the arms are done. Was also interesting to see that the other reploid characters look like they were made from the same parts and was most noticeable with Alia.
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>>15310 Her mesh is rather nice. I can see her looking rather lovely once completed. I'd thicken her legs though. Thick thighs for life. >Alia's black parts are bare skin She's quite the exhibitionist. Someday she too shall be made.
>>15273 We could almost use a Reploid thread, there's at least 3 of us now!
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>>15319 You should make one, AllieDev and I are working on Pandora and you're working on RiCO. (She's looking incredibly cute.) (I could make the thread if you'd like, I think your RiCO would make a great representative though.) We could help and encourage each other. By the way, you're using resin printing right? I'm curious about your thoughts with it given your experience.
>>15320 >Resin printing SLA is a game changer for stuff like this. Parts like the shoulders or upper body would have been almost impossible on FDM (you'd be sanding so long you might as well just carve it out of a block of plastic by hand). Costs more to run, parts are less durable, you need space to dedicate to cleaning, so keep all that in mind. If you do get one I'd put in the extra cash for the larger "8.9 inch" ones like the Elegoo Saturn. Even if your parts aren't that big, you can fill the build plate at no extra time cost on these machines. Also, some newer machines (starting with the Elegoo Mars 3 I believe) come with locked down firmware that only works with signed/encrypted files from ChiTuBox or their buddies. Avoid them if you like your freedom. RiCO contains a mix of both SLA resin and FDM parts. All the internal parts (frame, head mechanicals, gears) are FDM. Her face is actually soft silicone rubber cast in a 3d printed mold. I might start that thread if I get her upper body painted and moving here soon. Speaking of which, anyone here familiar with ESP32 that would know why I2C works on an older version of ESP-IDF but not the current version?
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>>15323 >Elegoo Saturn. Still don't quite understand how to set up a resin printer with all those extra steps from prep to curing and cleaning. Its something I've looked into but there's too much shilling and not enough demonstrating how to use the printer when they just immediately timeskip to after everything is printed. Its definitely a messier kind of 3D printing. What are you going to use for painting Rico's hair and what specific color silicone did you use for her face? Pandora doesn't have that much shading variation compared to her gradient with just panels lol. >>15320 It feels like you are just using me in a very one sided relationship as it feels that I am the only one actually doing anything since back when the madoka.mi documents were made. That is what I meant back in December and should have been more honest about it as it grinds my progress to a halt. May as well get it out honestly than do this passive aggressive shit anymore. Its also why I shifted through several models from Madoka.mi to Pandora. I did eventually find some basic explanations of servos and setting them up some months later. Was frustrating that someone with a supposed robotics degree would play dumb about it and then go help literally everyone else while lazily saying to "google it" for every question I had as if I didn't try already so resorted to reaching out for help and asking specific basic questions on a robotics topic on a niche board dedicated to humanoid robotics with anons who know more on the subject than I do. All because I didn't know something in a modern internet constantly and exponentially flooded with nothing but nonsense and shilling useless garbage to bury anything useful, even to daily life, in recent years. This was a hell of a lot more helpful than anything buried in the pseudo intellectualism of the resource threads: https://www.sparkfun.com/servos
>>15323 Thanks for the information RiCODev, I'll be careful when looking into resin printers. There are many small parts that could benefit from its fine detail. You may be on to something using both manufacturing methods together. Her silicone face came out really well, how does it feel? Is it nice to touch her face? >>15331 I'm sorry that I do not make progress at a fast pace. I did not mean to come off as someone who was using you. I don't recall you asking for anything aside from where servos were meant to go, I made a drawing to illustrate where I thought they should go. I'm sorry I did not understand you wanted me to explain how servos work. Your source is great for providing basic information on servos. To go into further depth, a servo does not need to have a motor. A servo or servomechanism is any mechanism that incorporates negative feedback. (Negative feedback is feedback that helps to steady or correct the output, to over-simplify the concept.) This is important to know as it's good to keep an open mind on how servos can be implemented. For instance, a submersible mermaid waifu could use a light sensor (photoresistor's are a low cost option for such) to determine how much water to bring in or let out of her swim bladder to ensure she remains at a certain depth. To provide a pretty uncommon servo as an example of how far reaching servo's can be. Robotics servos are typically rotary or linear, with many of the lower cost options using potentiometers as was mentioned by your source. The robotic arms and CNC machinery I used in the field usually used optical encoders and end stops. Once they were started, they would go through a homing sequence where they would hit the end stops then use their optical encoders to determine location and velocity. Which is similar to how your Ender 3 uses end stops then relies on stepper motors moving in precise steps to figure out where it needs to go. Absolute encoders (usually optical or megnetic) are becoming more popular as they determine position and velocity without relying on homing. The potentiometer is technically an absolute encoder but, is not generally referred to as such as it does not enable continuous rotation and they suffer from changing measurements over time. (It's the same thing that happens to joysticks, as the wiper scrapes across the resistive track, material is scraped away, causing drift.) Though it can be confusing, it's important to know there are two kinds of continuous rotation servos. The open loop type which your link explains well and, ones that use absolute encoders. The ones that use absolute encoders usually are a bit more complicated to drive than standard servos. They often provide one or more extra pins which provide feedback to the microcontroller. They enable the servo to do things like rotating 540 degrees at a certain velocity. Robotics servos are also either analog or digital. An analog servo uses PWM within 10's of cycles per second and digital uses PWM in the 100's. I don't mind going into further details on any point related to servos, they're a personal favorite type of mechanism. Though, further questions related to servos should be in the actuator thread. I'll apologize in advance if I accidentally made anything confusing or left out details that would have been helpful. I do truly wish to help.
>>15331 I'm sure Kiwi is 'bending over backwards' to help us all out here on /robowaifu/ AllieDev. As are others. It can be a challenge communicating effectively across the Internet--especially with an endeavor as large a scope as ours is. This will be a long, long haul so everyone please try to remember that we're all just trying (together) to find our way through an incredibly labyrinthine tangle successfully (together). The proverbial Gordian Knot has little on Robowaifu R&D, Manufacturing & Production, etc., insofar as an expansive conundrum of complexity goes. And, much like Alexander the Great, we'll probably need to need to use our trusty Le Ebin Sword of Truth to cut through straight to the heart of the matters at hand to solve them. Time will tell. In the meantime (together) let's keep helping each other out along our individual paths alright? :^) >PS. Thanks for the link Anon! It's a good one. >>15333 Excellent explanation about servos Kiwi, thanks. That help clear up many misconceptions and confusion I had on the topic itself.
>>15319 >>15323 Very nice (and cute!) work Anon! I completely concur with the idea of you creating a new thread for Reploids soon!
>>15310 I like where you're going with Pandora Anon. Keep it up! :^)
Open file (244.84 KB 800x1282 Galatea.jpg)
>>15335 Your patience and understanding continues to remind me why you're an ideal leader for this eclectic collection of waifu enthusiasts. The Gordian knot is an apt comparison, the impossible only exists until a man rises above it. Our sword has yet to fall the countless knots between us and our waifu but, with steady effort, our swings will cut through all and conquer we shall. Even in those days, they dreamt of Galatea and prayed for her. Our dream is thousands of years old, all the more reason for it to finally be granted. I'm slightly obsessed with Greco-Roman mythology and poetry, back to actual engineering
>>15331 >resin print process This is not a complete guide but the gist of it is: 1: settle on a good print orientation, add supports and slice (PrusaSlicer auto supports are a godsend) 2: put the sliced file on a thumbdrive, hit print, hope for the best 3: remove the finished model from the build plate, wash it off in a vat of rubbing alcohol or other cleaning product to get the outer film of uncured resin off 4: pick off supports while the model is still soft 5: place it underwater and hit it with UV light for a few minutes to fully set it >paint Not decided yet. In the past I've used good old latex interior paint on FDM parts and it's held up OK. A nice airbrush setup with model paints would probably be ideal but I don't have that. The hair will probably wind up just a flat color, not nicely shaded like in the promo art. >>15333 >silicone Yes, it feels very nice, with one caveat: right out of the mold it is very sticky, almost like one of those "sticky hand" toys. A light dusting of corn starch fixes this, but it will wear off over time and have to be re-applied. (If you follow the lovedoll scene at all this will be very familiar) The face is made of Smooth-on 00-30 platinum silicone and was dyed with some cheap dye set from that online bookstore. It was cast in a "simple" 2 part mold with 2 inserts to allow for easy mounting to the head. The back was FDM printed to save money and effort, the front was resin printed. Before casting I had to make a small amount of silicone and apply it to the mating surfaces of the mold to act as a seal. No other prep work was needed.
>>15342 Thanks Kiwi, that's humbling. Yes, the time for robowaifus to enter the world stage is soon to arise! :^) >>15344 Very cool Anon. It would be great if you could give us all a tutorial in your Reploid Thread on how to do this too. >=== -add Reploid cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/01/2022 (Tue) 02:59:10.
>>15333 I just need tutorials on Bores and connectors. Blender wasn't the problem with my models in terms of scale. It was cura's terrible updates the entire time. Its funny how I modeled a similar joint to your elbow in one of my mech models for the ankles. Would need to integrate servos and some string or other mechanical way to retract the arm for any form of autonomy. Am waiting on a response from RiCOdev on that since translating Inventor/Autocad precision design techniques to blender is not impossible nor difficult.
Edited last time by AllieDev on 03/02/2022 (Wed) 05:09:00.
Why am I banned? (Posting from a different PC.)
>>15395 Sorry about that mistake Kiwi, my apologies. Try again now?
>>15397 Thanks
>>15395 Sorry about that mistake.
New Thread New Thread New Thread >>15434 >>15434 >>15434 >>15434 >>15434 New Thread New Thread New Thread
>>13018 > (>>16395, >>16433 >Headpat Waifus -related) >=== -add original-use crosspost
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/24/2022 (Tue) 07:00:58.
>>15323 >anyone here familiar with ESP32 that would know why I2C works on an older version of ESP-IDF but not the current version? Not that I'm familiar but looking around a little, "...ESP32-S2’s internal pull-ups are in the range of tens of kOhm, which is, in most cases, insufficient for use as I2C pull-ups. Users are advised to use external pull-ups with values described in the I2C specification. For help with calculating the resistor values see TI Application Note https://www.ti.com/lit/an/slva689/slva689.pdf ..." and https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-metro-esp32-s2/esp32-s2-bugs-and-limitations "...I2C at 100 kHz bus frequency runs slowly The default I2C bus clock speed is 100 kHz (100000) . At that rate, the ESP32-S2 will leave 10ms gaps between I2C transactions. This can slow down your I2C interactions considerably, such as when you are controlling a stepper motor with a PCA9685 controller. Raising the I2C bus frequency to 125 kHz (125000) or higher fixes this problem..." AND https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32s2/api-reference/peripherals/i2c.html "...Note The clock frequency of SCL will be influenced by the pull-up resistors and wire capacitance (or might slave capacitance) together. Therefore, users need to choose correct pull-up resistors by themselves to make the frequency accurate. It is recommended by I2C protocol that the pull-up resistors commonly range from 1KOhms to 10KOhms, but different frequencies need different resistors..."(there's more to this. I suspect pull up resister.) At the bottom of the above page, "... Note Not all Espressif chips can support slave mode (e.g. ESP32C2) ..." That's not good....

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