/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

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“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” -t. Albert Einstein

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Emmy the Robot Robowaifu Technician 09/07/2024 (Sat) 15:09:33 No.33430
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Off-topic posts and personal attacks will be deleted. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXuNh9ESedCiDZclVuz9uiL7nTNk3U9SgCE_CRHi3Us/htmlview# Webtoons: https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/emmy-the-robot/list?title_no=402201 > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629 >>30919 >>32205
>>35639 8.68 MB?! Imo there should be a size limit for PNGs.
>>35639 Your file is not showing up.
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>>35702 Lulu broke the wall down for fandroidslop to flood and kill the threads. Should have been stopped years ago.
>>35707 Calm down there TLO.
>>35639 Alright, let's try this again.
>>35708 >TLO >king of fandroidslop hates fandroidslop
>>35709 Rush
>>35709 Name my band? Oh good, I love those! :D >Fandroid Force Five https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9TCFIAUCM
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>>35720 I thought so, thanks. He got all his art deleted off Jumbo's SFW booru didn't he? Like displayplayer55 and the guy behind these. How often does this happen and why?
>>35721 those are the main nandroids from the comic....
>>35722 From their own testimony, Jumbo deletes people if they draw NSFW even if they have an alt account on xhitter and keep it completely separate. If he finds out about it, you're immediately out of his good graces and dealt with.
>>35724 This, you have to properly represent Jumbo's server even outside of Jumbo's server or else you're kicked out of Jumbo's server. All of internet is where you have to respect the rules of Jumbo's server.
>>35723 Kinda figured. Just being a little /b/-tard'd rn. :^) >>35725 Then he should fit right into the Current Year social milieu. >"Filthy Commies r baste, amirite fellow wh*te man!?" :D
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/17/2025 (Fri) 15:44:16.
>>35724 >>35725 Well that's a load of bullshit.
>>35732 you WILL be in VC like a good kitten and you WILL stay muted
>>35732 >asks for explanation >gets the explanation >"no, not that one!" I'll spell it out for you in a more palatable manner then: The artist had his art deleted from Jumbo's booru because: 1. the artist started drawing Nandroid NSFW pics (commissions and his own) even though he had been told by Jumbo that Jumbo would not like him to do that. 2. the artist fell into bad graces after having unfriendly arguments with Jumbo's favorite server members, and the artist would later pick on the people he had disagreements with. Jumbo took it as: 1. a transgression against his wholesome chungus community, to host an artist who partakes in the r34 satan and is not a wholesome chungus in his community 2. a direct dismissal of his will, since the artist was told (in a chungus friendly way of "you do you... ...but you better not") that it would not be good for him to draw r34, but the artist did so anyway
>>35734 Okay, I didn't know that drawing NSFW anywhere else was violation of his discord's 'terms of service.' I still see it as a load of bullshit, and makes me what to draw NSFW just to spite him. That said, is there a specific kind of Nandroid smut you guys like to see?
>>35735 cashier Natalia bondage
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>>35735 How about some more thicc/milf nan on skinny nan yuri like this?
>>35738 >megatits human "Nandroid" slop
>>35738 Seconded. Tired of all the black tar whore bodies, need some silicone on them joints.
>>35728 >Just being a little /b/-tard'd rn Reddit. >Then he should fit right into the Current Year social milieu Amazing misreading that Jumbo being so vehemently anti-porn that he'll censor people who draw suggestive images makes him a communist somehow. Not that I expected anymore from a newfag.
>>35735 Ms Bradbury x Molly
>>35744 >Not that I expected anymore from a newfag. Putting rebels up against the wall is an old Bolshevik trick, is it not? You.. you're not one of those pantyfags, are you Anon? :D
>>35746 >Putting rebels up against the wall is an old Bolshevik trick, is it not? It's a Nazi trick too retard, and is awfully closer to that considering Jumbo only trots it out whenever he sees an artist making some entartete kunst and has to purge them from his circle.
>>35748 >It's a Nazi trick too retard Perhaps, but it's hardly a mindless trick. OTOH, good leadership does need to root out God-hating (((subversives))) during this life. Personally, I'm looking forward to a City that has foundations, wherein righteousness dwells. [1][2] >protip: no God-haters will be present there. Then that, as they say, will be that! :^) --- 1. https://biblehub.com/hebrews/11-10.htm 2. https://biblehub.com/2_peter/3-13.htm
>>35749 Okay, so you're a God-fearing Christian, but think a guy cracking down on pornography and not wanting to associate with people who produce pornography is communism, and not just prudent and appropriate behavior for a fandom which contains children? Make it make sense how Jumbo and you are somehow different.
>>35751 >prudent and appropriate behavior for a fandom which contains children he thinks a lot about the children, just not in the good way
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>>35721 >>35728 >>35746 >>35749 >all these le heckin cute emoticons nantales moment
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>>35754 you wouldn't get it...
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Sunsomo made art for my oc for an art trade
>>35766 what art did you trade for this? can you post?
>>35748 >nazi!!!! nazi!!!!! nazi!!!! hello, ingram/rusty
>>35775 wouldnt nantales be more appropriate
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>>35735 Don't get gaslit, he was asking to have his stuff removed
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>>35737 >cashier Natalia bondage Nude or clothed? >>35738 >>35740 >thicc/milf nan on skinny nan yuri Like maybe Aria on Sorority? >>35745 >Ms Bradbury x Molly Who's the Dom and who's the Sub?
>>35785 >dom Ms bradbury
>>35784 Hello, Neppy
>>35785 clothed Natalia tied up in the janitor's closet
you WILL be a good kitten on every platform, and be GRATEFUL for Jumbo
>>35751 Ehh, I don't have a problem with him restricting such content on his own platform. It's the overarching overreach that is so typical of Filthy Commies during CY. I don't want off-topic or non-spoilered NSFW content here (because raisins), 'but I certainly wouldn't attempt to retributively punish Anons for doing so on r34, lebbit, et al! :^) >Make it make sense how Jumbo and you are somehow different. Actually, don't you think that it's the two of you that are practically married, Anon? :D >>35756 IKR!!??111 IT'S LE HECKIN' BASED!!111ONE :DDDDDDD
>>35784 Reading the context, it's clear this artist got art removed and thus retaliated by asking to have it all removed. Jumbo still Jumbos, that hasn't changed in the slightest.
>>35785 >nanthicc on nansticc general dixie on denise
>>35778 who?
>>35786 >Dom Bradbury I see you are a man of taste as well >>35788 >clothed Natalia tied up in the janitor's closet I'll make a thumbnail of that today >>35799 How about thicc 50's Denise on sticc 90's Denise?
>>35799 As for general dixie on denise
>>35802 >thicc 50's Denise on sticc 90's Denise I always thought both Denises would have the same physique, but sure, whatever works for you. Also she's from the 2000s, not the 90s

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