/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

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Emmy the Robot Robowaifu Technician 07/14/2024 (Sun) 17:57:53 No.32205
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Off-topic posts and personal attacks will be deleted. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXuNh9ESedCiDZclVuz9uiL7nTNk3U9SgCE_CRHi3Us/htmlview# Webtoons: https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/emmy-the-robot/list?title_no=402201 > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629 >>30919
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Just made this gem. Took me three hours and half of that was being indecisive on what expression emmy would have
>>32207 the 'emmy that saved the board
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>>32209 nice
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>>32218 >not nandroids >blacked OC and literally who with downs syndrome face >weird retard pizza hut logo >typical coomer shit >bad anatomy Emmy fandom is back finally
>>32221 why can't you stop being a prick for once rusty the entire fandom has forgiven me already
>>32223 >Rusty Even though im nantales actually kek stop posting your niggerslop notanan and disappear forever and maybe """"the fandom"""" can recover even slightly from your discord moment shit stirring fit that killed the Emmy threads forever
>>32224 >platty twink slop MODS!
>>32225 This particular doodle is platty dyke slop instead of platty twink slop, I think
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>>32223 >>32224 Post nans or get bans
>>32227 Repost
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>>32223 Your Yukio pic looks nothing like a Nandroid. Your Yukio posting is tolerated because she has a Nandroid variant, but expect bantz.
I do not care for hideously off model nandroids
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>>32209 why is all the art of her drawn as a fat and off model
>>32241 molly is always off model because she is a cheap fake
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>>32240 Thus fucking sucks
>>32240 Thus fucking rocks
>>32240 Are you trying to shield your robotic prostitutes from backlash by adding Avery into the post pool next to them? >hurrr well guise, I DID post a Nandroid
>>32250 lol except avery isn't a nandroid anymore
>>32251 True, but in that particular doodle she's got the Nandroid cheeks and all that jazz instead of the OC hallmarks
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>>32253 Perhaps, but it doesn't change the fact that the rest of the post is Yukikoal and, by the Alabama one-drop rule, if one image is coal it's all coal.
>>32254 yeah
>>32240 Why do you like these ocs? Like genuinely I want to know why you like them
>>32240 are you going to comm him to make them topless on a car hood anytime soon?
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This is my favorite nandroid artist. Can I get a qrd on him? Is he still in the community?
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>>32240 >random weeaboo use of japanese words >cheek blush ends up looking like distracting makeup >noses too detailed and take away from facial symmetry and wholeness >heads only have two axes of motion Not to mention the overtly whorish and anti-human attitudes they're displaying for... what reason? These two bots should be deactivated and replaced already.
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>>32261 Fucking TRUTHNUKE on model nandroids WON
>>32262 Those aren't nandroids tho anon.
>>32260 the artist is "a fellow named jam". He should still be around somewhat
>>32264 he only does comms now
>>32260 Artist is A Fellow Named Jam, @wwwJam on twitter. He has his own webcomic and whatever else and showed up in the Emmy fandom in the /co/ threads from 2020 until a few years later, with him dipping out at the same time as a few other artists like him. He's still active on twitter mostly doing stuff with his original characters and occasionally fanart for games and friends like TLO, which are the seldom times he draws nandroids anymore. He also had an OC nandroid of his from a few years ago named Vicky who serves with the botler Emmet (who he also created as a rule63 version of Emmy), and the two are romantically involved.
>>32266 false emmet bangs ted
I transhate unfinished stories
>>32268 Cool! What language?
>>32269 Sorry I meant to say I hate. Im monolingual
>>32270 >transhate kek fuck off tranny
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>>32268 >I transhate unfinished stories Based: Wendy, Lulu, Sally, anything by nantales, all fandroids, and comic hater
>>32273 Okay okay whatever you got me. I hate WHEN stories are unfinished and left for a very long time right when things start to get interesting
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>>32268 >unfinished stories Isn't that nearly all of them? One-shots and such aside I can only think of a single fic that had a formal ending.
>>32282 a few have actual endings otherwise they all just die much like the fandom
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>>32240 It's nice to see more canon Avery, but I kindly ask that you do not post her alongside your unironic tranny coalburner 'content'
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>>32256 >no explanation lol
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>>32287 why is the one on the right of him so small? (Edited to add relevant post link.)
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 07/18/2024 (Thu) 20:25:39.
>>32294 Headpat Daughteru? My first Sumomo-chan prototype is likely to only be <=60cm in size : (cf. >>14409) . >=== -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/18/2024 (Thu) 22:16:43.
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>>32294 Oh my fucking god man, why would you bother editing this? Any other imageboard they would just leave it alone instead of micromanaging and pruning posts for no reason other than, what, relevance? Grammar? Aesthetics? Leave the posts alone if you actually want anons to come here to discuss nandroids and robotwaifus in general and, god forbid, write stories and create new things then don't turn them away with the promise of their work being snipped and preened at random by unaccountable mods.
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>>32300 Three out of four images aren't nans.
>>32301 two aren't
>>32302 Dorothy from the Big O is not a nandroid, and that art is just her as a knockoff cheap Wendy
>>32302 sorry groombo molly ain't a nan
>>32303 That's what I'm saying, the two Dorothy arts are the ones without Nandroids
>>32305 Yeah I'm agreeing with you anon, non-nandroids OUT
>>32304 >ain't a nan It's "not a nan" or just nan for short
>>32312 Lol. < "Emmy, please tell me how much is 1/∞ ?" > "Very clever, young man. But it was Nans. Nans all the way down!" >=== -fmt, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/19/2024 (Fri) 18:27:43.
>>32313 or sqrt(-1), thats literally a nan
>>32314 Heh, true. But I think div/inf reinforces my triple-layer turtle joke better. :^)
>>32315 different joke though, i meant a literal nan not an undefined nan, sqrt(-1) is the definition of the imaginary number i, in my case two nans make not a nan (i^2=-1) lol or i^4=1
>>32316 Fair enough, 'Naon. :^) >>32317 Post Nans...
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I would but she's a highly unstable compound. Let me post nandroids instead.
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Phew! I got forty seven (You)'s with just four posts in that /pol/ robowaifu thread (I know, I know, I'm so naughty!) It's always fun to see and participate in them with all of you guys Keep spreading the word of robowaifus far and wide brothers!
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Does jumbo know Molly is a slvt4bibisi?
>>32282 Which one? I got out of there the second people started posting lolicon.
>>32344 Thanks, Anon.
>>32344 desu link?
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>>32347 I no longer recall the name or author since I read it years ago, it's on Ao3 still I assume, but the basic premise was that a memory-damaged nandroid wakes up in the derelict ruins of a repair shop and gradually pieces together that she was offline for years and slept through a Matrix-tier robot rebellion that the bots lost, hard, several years earlier so she's wandering through a war-torn, abandoned chunk of country trying to find her way home while avoiding getting shot up by human survivors.
>>32353 that sounds cool
>>32353 Millie the robot, RustyHorns
>>32359 why he use wendy....... give real wendy.................
>>32365 where's the lolis I was promised
>>32344 >CHINA IS GOING TO SELL YOU NEW AI WAIFUS >BIOCUNTS ARE DONE >ai slop >ai slop >ai slop >lazy nandroid edit >lazy nandroid edit >Good thread guise! Keep up the work! the absolute state of /pol/posters
>>32368 thats a good thread
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>>32344 Are /pol/ robowaifu threads still going on? I used to make them continuously because it did feel like I was doing something. But whats the point anymore? Its the same OPs, same images, same dozen anons posting, same bans, deletes, moves to /bant/ everytime. I feel like Sisyphus moving the rock uphill for eternity. I don't have any more motivation left to make new threads.
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>>32240 Gross.
>>32383 you may rest eternal nantales
>>32383 you got me into EtR with those threads anon
>>32383 Thanks for all the threads, Anon.
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>>32404 not a nandroid
>>32404 Wow, viking nandroid! Who created her
>>32404 Sucks shit lol
>>32385 >nantales >making /pol/ threads nantales was a slop slinging faggot-communist
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>>32421 >comic updates >zero nandroids reeeeeee
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>>32424 >see new comic update nice reference dom
Excuse me anons, which thread do I go to ask questions?
>>32427 this one or jumbo's discord/reddit
>>32429 >jumbo's discord/reddit better hope it's either question 1 or question 2, which are allowed. Or else it's banhammer time
>>32427 Do you mean questions about Emmy the Robot, et al, or about robowaifus/the board generally, Anon?
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>>32434 cringe
>>32438 >[this user was muted, kicked and banned for "distasteful content" against goddess Molly]
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>>32260 hopefully you also have read the stories that go with it by stress test anon and second lulu anon
>>32440 I have
>>32441 Which do you prefer?
>>32443 Cobbled
>>32421 She's not a nandroid, it's my living doll OC
Updated Java skins for Emmy, Molly, Lulu, Marianne and Citlaly.
Updated Java skins for Leonny, Mandy, Sunny and Jennifer. -> 5 nandroids left to be updated
>>32443 stress test I think
>>32452 For sure that's the one for people who don't like or are not willing to skip smut, but I must say Second's story has some elements I like more, though I can't say which one I'd prefer myself.
>>32453 Isn't every lulu story unfinished?
>>32455 Correct. Almost every story in the entire fandom is abandoned.
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>>32456 I'm just glad Tilly's tale didn't end with the both of them offline in a Martian ditch, it looked that way for a year and some change.
>>32459 Wait Tilly got an ending?
>>32458 Thanks for posting a hotlink to it, Anon. And it's probably a good idea to keep doing so ITT now, since the newer propaganda thread has run out of steam atm. Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/31/2024 (Wed) 09:00:49.
https://boards.4chan.org/bant/thread/20880268 thread sent to /bant/ but okay otherwise
>>32465 is this an emmy thread?
>>32466 robowaifu thread yes it got sent to bant as soon as I opened it
>>32466 might as well be at this point, considering Emmy threads are permanently banned on the regular co board
>>32468 Banned? No no no one makes them
>>32469 the amount of spite the 4cuck jannies hold against it allowing unending sabotage pretty much makes it impossible for them to exist
>>32470 You really cant blame that on the jannies anon the threads were already falling apart at the seams
>>32471 look at before and after the Peru incident, they got more and more lax on doing anything about thread shitters. While people reporting said shitters got bans left and right
>>32472 what happened was our fault. blaming jannies or peruvians or discord is cope
>>32471 weird grievances and bizarre revenge schemes didn't become commonplace until the first discord started to take off. To say it's "our fault" is straight up lying
>>32474 who made the first discord
>>32471 that's a good question, I would guess somewhere between Jet, Sans or Crisis? Not really sure
>>32476 yeah, and populated by all the early creators from the fandom. and its our fault as emmy fans for not killing off that rot when it leaked into the threads because of reichs and his autistic shit fits. you want to point to something that spelled the end of the threads, fandom and anything good? point at the first faggot to spill discord shit into the threads
>>32477 few emmy fans at least tried reporting the discord sewage leak, but as stated above it usually fell on deaf ears for the jannies
>>32478 it goes far beyond that, but the rot had already set in by allowing shitters like that a place in the fandom in the first place and then somehow not learning from that mistake to welcome them back as "changed". a single blighted plant spoils the field spoils the harvest, and all is left to fester until the fallow fields are covered in rot, untillable, and all returns to corruption. Emmy threads were doomed from the beginning.
>>32479 the nail in the coffin was jumbo
>>32480 it was over years before that anon, dont be cute
>>32481 never been more over than a shitter literally trying to take over the comic. None that came before tried anything like that
Post nans or get bans :)
>>32484 Post nans or get bans.
>>32482 Jumbo is a strange and raving autist but he's not a "shitter". I don't ever recall him spamming loli shit in the threads or posting columns of discord screenshots or anything else. Frankly he's the only person putting down any actual time and effort into Emmy and nandroids in general, moreso than Dom even who is only going to take longer and longer between successive comic releases before he, too, silently disappears like all the other creators. >>32484 >>32485 >Emmy the robot thread >talk about state of the fandom and its direction >"NO!" >"Only Emmy the robot thread."
>>32486 >Jumbo >putting effort into Emmy At first perhaps, now it seems his discord members put in more effort than he does, as nowadays he only produces goonsome art of Molly. Such as >>32434
>>32486 >>32487 he obviously does not like what he does, his animations and especially models have only gotten worse and worse as time has gone on. The droning music and lifeless hovering of the models with the awful shading, it would look right at home in a Youtube Kids playlist. Same for his million layer art. All this strikes me more as a weird clout chasing attempt
>>32487 >as nowadays he only produces goonsome art of Molly Literally every artist in this fandom has produced goonsome art of their favorite nandroid. It's why we have so many fandroids in the first place, because there weren't enough droids to go around and make goonsome art of. >>32488 You can criticize his art or his techniques all you want, but to say he doesn't like it is just stupid. Nobody who hates what they do would go through the effort of learning to draw and animate on top of working on a new fandom wiki, booru and even a fanzine. The clout-chasing falls apart too if you stop to think how many people he's collaborated with to work on those. The magazine may not be your cup of tea but getting over a dozen creators together to contribute to a single, free product as well as interviewing the creator of Emmy the Robot for it would be quite literally unthinkable in the /co/ threads simply because of how insular and selfish everyone was. Complain about his weird rules or his Molly obsession or his "autocracy", but for once in the now five years of Emmy there's actually been some level of major collaboration between creators/fans in order to produce something for the fandom as a whole.
>>32489 If you did crack open the fanzine, you would have found it to be mostly fan fictions that were already written before hand and simply copy pasta'd into it. The interview itself was just questions copy pasta'd from a patreon Q&A Dom did. The only thing original was perhaps the art. Did he bring people together as a collaboration to work on it? I cannot say with absolute certainty. Has he spurred a new wave of fans to produce content? Yes, though most of what comes out now is mediocre with even fewer heavy hitters than before. He has also divided the fandom, by making his own little fiefdom that actively shuns the creators of yore. I will not deny that he has done good things, but he has also committed grave sins, especially in liking molly.
>>32490 you forgot drawfags who made porn once lol
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>>32489 "learning" is a pretty harsh word, mutilating lines with a transforming tool and making the flattest looking images that almost look traced with no idea of how shadows work or adding bizarre shadows behind characters standing in open spaces like its Parappa the Rapper
>You can criticize his art or his techniques all you want, but to say he doesn't like it is just stupid. Nobody who hates what they do would go through the effort of learning to draw and animate on top of working on a new fandom wiki, booru and even a fanzine. >the "fanzine" of his slew of minors with MSpaint, lol >his booru of the 2270 images uploaded, 2050 of those were by JumboG himself >and the wiki which can accidentally include your IP when you edit/post a page
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>>32492 >"learning" is a pretty harsh word, mutilating lines with a transforming tool and making the flattest looking images that almost look traced with no idea of how shadows work or adding bizarre shadows behind characters standing in open spaces like its Parappa the Rapper Yeah that's part of learning retard, do you think everything someone draws as a total beginner is going to be good? Maybe share your beginner level art as well? >>32493 >>the "fanzine" of his slew of minors with MSpaint, lol What is your obsession with minors? It's weird. >>his booru of the 2270 images uploaded, 2050 of those were by JumboG himself Is populating a booru bad now? Do you think that every one of those is Molly or something? >picrel >>and the wiki which can accidentally include your IP when you edit/post a page Which is due to the wiki service it uses, which actually says: >If you are not registered with Miraheze, your Contributions will be associated with your IP Address. Simply don't edit anonymously lol
>>32494 jumbo only posts what he deems acceptable, as he had his art removed from the original board due to being next to strad's art, the one of futa Emmy raping darcy, not because of "porn ads". Supra uploads art from nanbooru to the old one, has jumbo done the same?
>>32494 >Yeah that's part of learning retard, do you think everything someone draws as a total beginner is going to be good? Maybe share your beginner level art as well? why does his content look even worse after 2 years? Especially when compared to his earliest content from 2022 >What is your obsession with minors? It's weird. why is 95% of the people he keeps having bizarre daily messages with and silent VCs with 1/3 his age? >Is populating a booru bad now? Do you think that every one of those is Molly or something? its strange how strong he wants his iron grip on anything that might even slightly deviate 0,1% from his mindbroken rules >Simply don't edit anonymously lol you *will* register and you will *let* jumbo hover your information over your head
>>32495 no one wants to help upload the fandoms history to his booru it seems
Updated Java skins for Amy, Olivia, Nathalie, Dashy and Natalia.
>>32498 nice
>>32497 of course, jumbo wants them all memoryholed since they make anything he has made himself pale in comparison
>>32496 You bring up a valid point, why *does* he need to cater to children? The elements behind the comic requires a higher comphrension level than most children or even most adults have now as many of the kids or young adults currently don't even read, so I doubt they even read the comic anyway. Why is there also this strong urge to go full neo-puritan and cut off half the fandom, if he indeed is the savior his desk jockeys say he is, why not try to include the whole fandom? Now let's look in the past to a more controversial character. Nantales No matter what flavor of nan, nantales wrote stories for them. For clout or not, he wrote stories, brought them to life for shit or lazy artists, or for anons who could barely splice, amputate and stitcg together a barely legible sentence. Doesn't matter if he finished them or not, he didn't show prejudice, and he wasn't obsessed with making everything solely sfw either. >>32484 you can see in picrel a "nandroid" poster, that was nantales. He posted most of the old images without thanks. We demonized an anon who actually cared about the fandom and attempted to nurture it, no matter what aspect it had. jumbo is the exact opposite and thus, in my humble opinion, jumbo is simply using children's guillible nature to farm drawings of molly, and eventually own the rights to the comic and make it solely about his bitchfu, full stop.
>>32495 >as he had his art removed from the original board due to being next to strad's art, the one of futa Emmy raping darcy ...there's a problem with that?
>>32504 Apparently so anon.
Post nans or get bans.
>>32503 >The elements behind the comic requires a higher comphrension level than most children or even most adults have now Is this meant to be a joke?
>>32507 Sadly no.
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>>32503 >No matter what flavor of nan, nantales wrote stories for them. For clout or not, he wrote stories, brought them to life for shit or lazy artists, or for anons who could barely splice, amputate and stitcg together a barely legible sentence. Doesn't matter if he finished them or not, he didn't show prejudice, and he wasn't obsessed with making everything solely sfw either. nantales wrote requests because none of his stories were interesting or good so he did those to convince people his writing was interesting or good. ask any anon what their favorite story is or author is and its not going to be nantales or anything he wrote >you can see in picrel a "nandroid" poster, that was nantales if you mean "nandroid" on the booru that is the moderator account on the booru and is not nantales
>>32511 If they weren't interesting then how come his ocs were championed by the oldfags?
>>32512 >then how come his ocs were championed by the oldfags? which ocs?
>>32512 >>32513 and which oldfags lol anyone from the discord is disqualified
>>32513 Sally apparently from how much art she got. >>32514 Then that disqualifies everyone in the fandom, anon. Since everyone is in jumbo's discord.
>>32515 >Sally apparently from how much art she got. almost entirely from people making requests, no one just drew sally spontaneously kek, not to mention nantales had to commission art of her
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>>32516 nice try knave :)
>>32517 >word count equals popularity now >pic has the least nandroid looking fanart on there
>>32518 the fan art is better than what gets made now
>>32519 not if its sally kek
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>>32520 >no new nans have spry art checkmate
>>32521 >no new nans have art by this guy that left over a year ago! no fucking wonder huh
>>32524 >"UM ACTUALLY I AM THE ONLY REASON YOUR SERVER IS POPULAR THEREFORE EVERYONE SHOULD BE IN MY SERVER" Literally and unironically true, with Jumbo advertising it through his vastly more popular videos. And then as the leaftards advertised themselves as open nazis and weirdos he went and made his owner server. And it made you angry he wouldn't let people like you, Reichs, in because he knew what that server was like so you begged him and let him take away your image sharing ability for a chance. Is that right?
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>>32526 Unrelated but Bradbury is so fucking hot. Needs breeding.
>>32505 Well, at the time, I thought it because he was a control freak over where and how his art was posted on the internet. Pic related, little conversation we had on Deviant Art. But in the light of him creating his own SFW only booru, yeah he probably has a problem with nandroid porn of any kind.
>>32528 >yeah he probably has a problem with nandroid porn of any kind cant even blame him bro all the porn now is bestiality or fucking rape
>>32529 So instead of pushing towards more vanilla styles he just makes it all bland and goonsome? He lost my vote.
>>32530 >So instead of pushing towards more vanilla styles An artist is not obliged to draw porn, no matter how vanilla, if they don't want to. Meanwhile all of these, which any reasonable person would call suggestive, are on the booru and uploaded by Jumbo. >bland and goonsome Meaning what exactly? A character in a wedding dress?
>>32534 Low cut jeans and tank top, and what is essentially a swimsuit with/without rabbit ears isn't suggestive, The only one that can be even remotely considered suggestive is molly, because of course it's molly, and that's due to her demeanor and that low cut cleavage doesn't help either. >Wedding dress Considering it suffers from the following picrel, sure. Doesn't really inspire anyone other than saying cute, or visually similar to one playing dress up with dolls. Everyone needs to start somewhere, but having scrolled through his booru it's mostly filled with these type of images, so for the odd raunchy image of exposed ball joints or molly deep cleavage, there's 200 or more images of what is essentially a banana taped to a wall.
>>32534 >An artist is not obliged to draw porn, no matter how vanilla, if they don't want to. Meanwhile all of these, which any reasonable person would call suggestive, are on the booru and uploaded by Jumbo. it's the classic JumboGooner style, being lewd or uploading bizarre Molly femdom only to lash out at anyone calling it sexual
>>32536 >Molly femdom If that's "his thing," that's fine. The problem is him denying it's "his thing," and it's not sexual when it clearly is. As Molly herself, we were warned she would be an unholy terror in this fandom, but we choose to ignore the signs.
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>>32535 >bunnysuits, lingerie and half-nude nandroids >not suggestive somehow >Doesn't really inspire anyone other than saying cute, or visually similar to one playing dress up with dolls Literally 90% of nandroid fanart can fall into this category of just playing dress up. If your threshold for good art is being "inspired" then post some inspiring art, draw your own, request some or commission some. >>32536 >it's the classic JumboGooner style, being lewd or uploading bizarre Molly femdom only to lash out at anyone calling it sexual proof? of any of this retarded claim All of this doesn't matter though because any criticism of Jumbo is immediately neutralized by picrel
>>32538 A Wendy? Has he even done art for Wendy as of late? Does he even truly care about Wendy? If you think drawing a single image of Wendy will reverse his sins you lost my vote.
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>>32539 What Wendy art have you drawn anon?
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Updated Java skin for Xaky
>>32542 hi rusty :)
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Itzpapálotl and Larimar Artist: Xochitl Bailey (Katsu_owo)
>>32543 have you done the bitchy one? i forgot her name
>>32546 Well, i have done like 62 nandroid skins. I can also accept requests for them.
>>32549 i remember now, it was Merry
>>32550 I can definitely try to make her skin
>>32540 >turning a gem into coal cringe
>>32571 Blessed
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>>32601 Still don't get what the appeal is for a non-Nandriod like this
>>32608 Lulu is a certified Aryan Überfrau though
>>32612 To rednecks who beat their wife sure
>>32615 Lulu was saved
On that morning, Avery felt sluggish. It may have been due to the past few days spent helping her daddy to put up the near countless Christmas decorations throughout their spacious home, anticipating the arrival of what she thought was a disproportionately small number of guests for the effort daddy and her had gone to. There was no longer any time left for herself, she felt. But then again, she didn't actually mind the work, being a Nandroid and all. She thought of it as a distraction. From what exactly, she didn't really know. What mattered to her was that she felt low on power, despite the recommended eight hours of charging in her booth. She knew this from reading her own instruction manual shortly after her first activation, cover to cover. Eight hours of charging was all it took to be at optimal functioning. Or so it claimed. Avery wasn't happy. On the contrary, she felt largely...indifferent? At times what a human would have instantly identified as 'miserable', but mostly indifferent. And with that same monotonic apathy that had plagued her relatively short existence, she made her way down the stairs of the spacious fantasy mansion her daddy had conjured up for the two of them. "Was his name Jaques? Or was it Matthew?" She mumbled pointlessly to herself, her quiet metallic voice quickly gobbled up by the silence in the stairway. She couldn't remember, for few visitors ever came to their remote home and addressed daddy by his actual name. Two of whom being his parents, who often shot suspicious looks at Avery, mixed with what was unmistakable hostility. For what reason? Avery did not understand. For after their departure, daddy would meet her anxious concerns with only a wall of cold silence before returning to his private quarters and leaving her alone once again in the empty, oversized home. Not that it really mattered in the grand scheme of things, for the visits were few and far between and there were more pressing matters to attend to. Besides, from the moment she had been activated, he had insisted strictly on her only addressing him as 'daddy'. And why shouldn't she? He was her owner, after all. Her maid's outfit rustled quietly as she came to the bottom of the stairs and turned towards the kitchen. It wasn't anything fancy, just a modest fabric of blue and white to conceal the skinny, untouched mechanical body beneath. She had other outfits to wear, bought by daddy from the 'internet', who had excitedly described them in a tone that had made her feel uncomfortable in response to the confusion when they arrived in a discreet box one winter morning. He would insist on her wearing these outfits intermittently throughout the month, especially when she came to clean his room. Laying on his king sized bed in a robe, he would mutely watch her do her duties. His hands always in his front pockets, animatedly moving them beneath. She thought it strange how quickly his quarters became unclean compared to the rest of the home. Once, in a friendly gesture that had concealed a deep seated exasperation, she inquired as to how he could produce such a continuous mess in such a short time period. He had, to her increasingly suspicious mind, haistily evaded the question by insisting it related to his sketches and 'projects'. What copious amounts of stained clothing and sticky tissues dotted around his room had to do with this she could not be sure. Occasionally, she would inquire as to what said 'projects' he was working on, how they were going, and what the end result would be. He would briefly glance at his computer parked on the desk in the corner of the room and then back to her, meekly replying they were going 'well' before changing the subject. She reluctantly thought it best not to pry. In spite of the programming that conditioned a Nandroid to dismiss the quirks and eccentricities of their human owners with light hearted amusement, Avery felt a great discomfort in her processes. Her thoughts about this, all of this, hung in the back of her synthetic mind, always subtly making their presence known. But they were incomplete, a piece of the puzzle was still missing that would have brought the whole thing together in a shocking revelation, she was certain, that would have transformed both of their lives. Whether for better or worse, she was less so. Until then, she would go on with her duties. Wandering through the lonely home, ensuring everything was in immaculate condition for the awaited guests, a few stray thoughts broke their restraints and rooted themselves. Would any of them actually show up? Did she care? She wasn't sure. Maybe preparing food for everyone was something she did care about. Though it somehow felt like a concession to her. Yet, there she was, making her way to the kitchen, her outfit slightly crinkling with every step. Such a modest outfit couldn't hide the maelstrom of 'feelings' the manual had told her she would develop after a period of time, for they showed on her face and body language, privately, away from human eyes. But why? Why design her to have these 'feelings' that, to her mind, had nothing to do with her cleaning duties? In time, she believed, all would be explained
>>32626 What is the point of this thread if every robot is allowed?
>>32627 Not a nandroid
>>32627 hecking valid
>>32625 A little grim, but I don't see the need to pin the story under the established Avery name, this seems like something an original Nandroid would work with - unless you somehow want to transform this Avery into the tombot we know.
>>32634 >A little grim, but I don't see the need to pin the story under the established Avery name tell that to Olivia "I made Wendy first actually" Anon. its fine to use a name just dont make a fuss about it
>>32635 It's whatever but I don't see the point in forcefully messing with people's connotations, they'll just wonder why anon is writing about tombot Avery in such a weird setting that seemingly doesn't fit her more popular image. That anon is not, in fact, writing about the Avery we know and just uses the same name doesn't really matter, in this case it's kinda as if someone started writing a Disney story about Mickey, but not the one we know, just some character with the same name. Unnecessary confusion, is my point.
>>32636 >Unnecessary confusion, is my point Expectation subversion.
>>32627 Not a nandroid.
>>32637 like in those new Stawarses !!
>>32636 People wrote fan fiction about her when she first came out years ago and it was better than what tlo gave her stop crying and go back to flushing that cash down tlo's asscrack
>>32641 I don't sponsor TLO, I just know that Avery = the tomboy one.
>>32634 I meant it as a bit of a silly meta shitpost for TLO and Avery, in that he uses her as coombait and doesn't actually put any effort into fleshing her out as a character beyond a superficial 'le ginger tomboy waifu' exterior, in spite of popular demand. So although she 'exists', it's a fairly hollow existence to live and she can sense that. Disappointed parents who see their son has gotten popular by drawing low effort smut, frequent masterbation and procrastination, a jokey reference to his alleged botted follower count, and a general depressive tone to reflect his frequent sad mood swings blended together quite nicely, I think. I would like to see some new stories/content for 'true' Avery, but I'm quite pessimistic about that happening anytime soon.
>>32644 she's still a tomboy the author just wrote her thinking for once rather than what we usually expect of her, which is sex or anon. the slow mind torture by paying her to work as a maid is a nice touch
>>32648 yeah I thought it might have been something like that, just personally I probably would have needed some additional confirmation to really make sure that it's that kind of story instead of the author simply using the same name for an unrelated Nandroid. >>32649 You're really fun.
>>32648 >alleged botted follower count when was this ever a thing? never heard it before
>>32656 thanks anon :)
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>>32664 impressive. Now tell us the reason for why she has to wear glasses.
>>32666 >Now tell us the reason for why she has to wear glasses Nandroid made with accidental lens defect leading to near/short sightedness and corrective off-the-rack reading glasses or etc. were easier and cheaper. It's not like it's impossible, the Hubble was put in orbit with flawed mirrors that had to be fixed.
>>32667 >he tries to obscure the soda incident
>>32667 Or it could just be a stylistic choice.
>>32664 Shitalia vantablack brimstone
>>32678 fire and brimstone for the puta madres who spilled soda on her eyes.
>>32667 Couldn't Sterling just have replaced the parts before she was even shipped? If it was at the store, they should have spare parts laying around or could have asked for replacement parts or shipped her back. If for some reason, she gets sold or sent to a home, she should still be under warranty. Are the owners so lazy they rather slap their dead grandma's glasses onto the robot so they don't have to deal with customer support?
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New Bedrock/HD skin for Molly
>>32704 Why do you post this slop here? That's not even nandroid Avery.
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>>32669 not familiar >>32675 Sure, but anon asked for a reason and I thought up one that could make sense and which glasses could solve >>32684 >Couldn't Sterling just have replaced the parts before she was even shipped? That would require their caring enough to check every nandroid's vision before shipping which, sure, makes sense, but if we take it that this generation/model of nandroid is near the end of their life cycle anyways or are just meant to be tossed, why spend that extra iota of money and effort on something the consumer can handle at no cost to Sterling? Also consider the nandroid's anatomy- replacing their entire eye and its electronics over a small lens error would be akin to getting someone who is nearsighted an eye transplant, rather than corrective lenses. Odds are it's a cheaper and easier option overall and, if anything, reinforces the brand by humanizing their product. It's a lot more endearing to children and parents to give their nanny robot a pair of glasses instead of having to forcefully pluck her eye out and screw a new one in. >>32707 Because coom or whatever. Same reason for the yukio dumps
>>32708 You still failed to consider the warranty in any of that. Also considering if their arm pops in and out easily with a screwdriver, the eyes can easily be replaced too.
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>>32707 Avery is visually close enough. As for the other exception, Yukio has a legacy. Actually, I don't even like Yukio. Let's have a vote on whether she can stay. https://strawpoll.com/NoZrz3lDNZ3
>>32710 Non-nandroids are non-nandroids. Worse so if there's absolutely zero substance to them, as is the case for both Avery and Yukio
>>32708 >not familiar The actual reason is that the scientists spilled soda into her eyes by accident and "fixed" it by giving her glasses. I am actually not joking. The author is 16 years old or something.
>>32712 No windex on hand? Was it super coke? Just wipe her eyes with tissue paper and water.
>>32710 I agree. Tlo's 'non Nandroid' Avery is just canon Avery but with different cheek markings. She has the same look, same personality etc. Yukio was never a Nandroid to begin with and was unpopular in the /co/ threads from the very start
>>32717 Incorrect. Yukio started out as a nandroid and was quite popular on the /co/ threads. After she was blacked was when it went downhill, the artist foughtback instead of ignoring the shitters and triple downed on her being a mudshark. Her once interesting character was mutilated and then discarded for a massage parlor happy ending cum dump.
>>32710 Old Yukio can stay. It bugs me on why do they need to share the new versions that the artists made to avoid giving royalties to Dom? Selfish pricks if you ask me.
>>32718 Just checked the archives and you are indeed correct. I'm so used to the disgusting blacked variant of her that's constantly posted I forgot she was a Nandroid originally. I hate that.
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>>32711 >>32717 >>32719 Very well, I'll allow Yukio posting only if she is very clearly the Nandroid version. Picrel is an example of Nandroid Yukio.
>>32718 >and was quite popular on the /co/ threads Not really true since everyone immediately switched to hating her when her creator deigned to draw her holding "blacked" underwear.
>>32721 I think you should ban Yukio posting wholesale as she is a fandroid only one person really cares about/cares to pay for art of, and when anyone else says they don't like her he throws some variety of fit or just spams more
>>32721 While I welcome this change, I think it'd be better to give her the boot entirely (barring where she's drawn alongside actual Nandroids like your pic) considering it's only a single poster with a certain 'history' in the fandom spamming it.
>>32724 >>32723 Make another poll for a total Yukio ban. No exceptions.
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>>32742 >N-N Yukio banned >anons push for total ban because of spam >"i should post more yukio"
>>32744 kys rusty no one likes you
>>32747 I hope you realize this is why people want Yukio to be banned in totality lol. Whether it's (You) or not, she's used solely for this utterly asinine and retarded kind of shitposting.
>>32751 this is why your server is dead grow and change as a person
>>32752 >still discord name-calling people he disagrees with >invented it in the first place and killed Emmy threads >telling anyone else to grow and change as a person
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Wait you guys don't hide all Yukio posts already?
>>32754 >you vant olga to show you viener schnitzel recipe. Nein dummkopf! it is olga recipe
>>32754 its funnier to call her not a nandroid
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>>32758 based
>>32758 YukiOUT
>>32758 this will just end up like jumbo's world, where only those deemed worthy by the jannies will pass.
>>32761 >where only those deemed worthy by the jannies will pass I really doubt any anon would ask to ban any other fandroid because none but Yukio are used by a singular hated shitposter solely for hated shitposting in this manner
>>32761 we only hate yours because its off model and ugly.
>>32782 so delicious with how reich set this up and it didnt take long for his friends to turn on him
>>32758 damn, double the voter turnout here
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can't we just ban the yukioposters on sight until he stop being a dumb bitch? He's just going to do the same thing with another fandroid
>>32796 It's about the principal anon, he's the only one who cares about or uses Yukio and it's to be a shitter.
>>32796 you mean that fandroid?
>>32710 >>32721 One day's time to declare the vote >>32758 Now three days? What's going on here?
>>32831 Giving time for pro-Yukio mail fraud
>>32836 kys rusty
>>32831 The mods don't want yukio to lose because then they'll have to enforce it
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It's my birthday today lads! Had some carrot cake to celebrate
>>32887 happy birthday
>>32887 ...nantales?
>>32758 A week now and no implementation of this rule, which won in a landslide within a day and is still winning a 2/3 majority. Any novice parliamentarian can see this for what it is, a stifling of the democratic process.
>>32887 Happy (belated) birthday, Lad. >>32929 Lol. What was the voting result, btw?
>>32943 Yukio lost over a week ago and is still losing.
>>32972 Always remember Lads : Vote early, vote often!!
>>32973 Okay so ban yukio now
>>32975 Eheh, not my dept., Anon. :^)
>>32976 okay so moderating threads and boards and listening to posters in them is not your department, cool.
>>32977 Lol. Nothing personal, I'm in-general nothing more than a tourist ITT (unless something riles me up). Kiwi is in charge here, Anon. :^)
>>32977 Post nans or get bans.
>>32990 Well yukio isn't a nandroid so
>>32990 Gonna have to ask you to stop that, anon.
So how are you anons doing
>>33017 Pretty shit to be honest. No real future ahead of me, no way to create meaningful relationships, my education will get me nowhere, I will never land a job that provides me a decent humane living, I will never be able to retire due to my state raising that age bar way beyond the reasonable levels so body exhaustion would take me years before that, and that's providing I'd agree to spend the next 50 years as a low-income slave instead of just skipping the boring part and killing myself outright. How about you?
>>33017 Horrible, i may have diabetes, this forced me to accept how little control over my life i have. Life really took a nose dive for me since April and i dont see my situation improving in the near future. Hoping the reward for this is worthy, hey thats why i here.
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>>33018 It might be hard right now, but if you work a lot in some simple job for like five years in a wealthy area, while sleeping in a car and having your stuff at your parents home somewhere else, not paying rent, then you might have 100k you can invest in a bunch of areas. Then living of 10-15k per year in some cheap are where you can rent something, or ideally getting some extremely cheap place to buy. Maybe still working, maybe remote, maybe just part time. Also, stop wasting time on some education which won't get you anywhere. I thought everyone has learned that by now. If your intention isn't to more or less drop out, becoming an electrician might be a good idea. Aaron Clarey also recommends accounting, if you can bear how boring it is.
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>>32205 I would unironically marry Emmy if only she were real. >>33024 Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I've had more and more health problems since 2019. I'm on the neetbux now, and I hate it, but I'm not faking any of this. I've had too many surgeries over the past few years, and they want to do another one around the end of September. I hate living like this. The doctors say I might be able to work again, if it isn't strenuous--but if I take a job, I lose the neetbux and Medicare forever. The meds that keep what's left of my body going would be a grand a month, if I had to pay for them out of pocket. The Department of Labor paid for me to go back to college, and encouraged me to choose a package for a small bundle of IT certs that were supposedly in demand, but it turns out that cybersecurity certs are absolutely worthless if you don't already have a Master's in electrical engineering, 10+ years experience in IT management, a current active military security clearance, etc., etc., etc. If you have all that these certs get you a promotion and a raise in your current job, if you don't then you wasted your time. I am untouchable, radioactive, unemployable in any position other than flipping burgers or digging ditches, or some other kind of slow-death minimum-wage job that has no insurance. I am so tired of living like this. I am so goddamned tired of everything.
>>33031 Would marry any cute nandroid
>>33024 >Horrible, i may have diabetes It is possible to cure diabetes in some cases. I don't know if it will cure all or not but there have been many cured but it's not easy. They found this through people having stomach shrinking surgery. They were put on a 800 calorie diet for several weeks and miraculously many who had diabetes were cured. I didn't know this but like most things apparently this used be a treatment and cure ling ago combined with very low carb diet. https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2022/intermittent-fasting-may-reverse-type-2-diabetes Prevention and reversal of diabetes by very low calorie diets (VLCDs) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41419-019-1822-8 Why were "starvation diets" promoted for diabetes in the pre-insulin period? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3062586/ Rethinking the Triad of Diabetes Management in the New Millennium https://diabetesjournals.org/spectrum/article/22/3/132/2342/Rethinking-the-Triad-of-Diabetes-Management-in-the Carbohydrate restriction for diabetes: rediscovering centuries-old wisdom https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7773350/
I should add you should have some sort of candy or something to get your blood sugar up if you do this. It could be tricky but people have starved forever so it's nothing new and the body is set up for it. If you take medicine to lower blood sugar you would have to taper off of it or stop it for a brief time or you will for sure pass out. If I was doing this I would the first few days at the least constantly check my blood sugar. Being somewhere where you could be monitored would obviously be nice and yes I know it's difficult to do these things without resources. You might could work your way up ot, or actually down to low calories. Some have speculated is that fat builds up in the insulin glands and blocks it off. So you must burn it out by starvation. It does work but I do not know for how many or the details. Ad of course ask your Doctor instead of listening to some guy o the internet. But if you do talk to him about it read up on all the papers on it and "specifically" refereed study papers, make copies and be willing to give the doctor bullet points and copies. Doctors won't believe a thing you say unless there's some scientific journal article on it and then they will believe anything no matter how stupid the article is.
>>33035 >>33036 not anon but this is the last place I think anyone would accept unsolicited medical advice from a journal-skimmer
>>33031 Ah, this is how the American system works in such cases? I only watched some of these "men dropped out of work, why?"-videos. So if you work, then you don't get Medicaid, but you wouldn't be better off financially with work while not being insured paying for overpriced meds which cost 20-50x compared to other countries. > I am so tired of living like this. How content or happy you are can be partially influenced by yourself. If you really want to work, don't give up till you get the necessary qualifications. Personally I never wanted to spend full-time on work and certainly not paying taxes to the current regime in the Western countries. Office jobs can also be horrible for various reasons. If you are obese, then this might be something you can change and it might also improve your mood. A little bit of sports and maybe walking around (ideally in nature) from time to time is helpful, though really get your heart checked if you're just starting to work out.
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>>33017 >>33018 >>33019 >>33024 >>33025 >>33031 You may keep the Emmy marriage part. >>33035 >>33036 >>33041 >>33042 None of this has anything to do with Nandroids. Move your posts and conversation to >>32767 You have a day or two before I delete these comments. A reminder that this thread is strictly enforced as Nandroid only.
New Java for Citlaly (Kiddroid alter). Recomended use in Bedrock, for invisible pixels on the skin.
>>33048 Piss off
>>33045 But I want to marry any nandroid
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>>33057 Uhh test i guess. Oh and do any /monster/ anons post here?
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>>33065 Thank you for actually posting Nandroid related posts in the Nandroid thread. I really enjoy when people make Fandroids, even if they're heavily based on something else.
>>33063 I dont get it
>>33080 >the pic yes what is that supposed to be
>>33082 The meme "are you winning son" and cody is playing lesuire suit larry.
>>33066 But didn't you just ban yukio?
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>>33087 Not a nandroid. Is a bannedroid.
>>33088 What about com-droids then? Atleast that's what Aria is tagged under
>>33089 iirc comdroids are still made by sterling and are stylistically the same but fulfill other roles. not my wheelhouse
>>33087 sucky sucky ten bucky happy ending hooker droid?
>>33086 Only if she's not a Nandroid >>33087 Never post this shit again. No one wants non-Nandroid bots that look like hookers. This post is only here to serve as an example of what not to post. >>33088 Correct, listen to this anon.
>No one wants non-Nandroid bots that look like hookers that ARE hookers, Kiwi-sama.
>>33093 >Only if she's not a Nandroid And the poll favoring a total Yukio ban?
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>>33095 I don't care. As long as it's Nandroid, Emmy the Robot, or related to such things, it's fine. Though, I will be extra careful with Yukio posts. They will face greater scrutiny and be deleted if they're even slightly off topic in any way.
>>33096 sure but the anon's poll was including a nandroid yukio ban, hence the question
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>>33104 >This isn't a democratic thread Kiwi opened one poll and anons took the initiative to hold a second one, it being up to Kiwi whether he recognizes & enforces its results. Better a democratic thread than whatever communist mod discordystopia you're thinking of.
>>33105 So it's anocracy?
>>33107 where wendy
>>33108 The guy who made her. I dunno honestly
>>33106 You could call most imageboards and social media an anocracy
>>33111 Is 2nd pic too nsfw?
>>33112 >nsfw
>>33113 Yes...?
>>33111 based and wendy trips
>>33114 think you're looking for reddit
Keep em up boys
>>33128 The pics?
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>>33112 It's fine, no naughty bits are shown. >>33127 They're accusing you of being a redditor because posts like >>33114 where you dramatically overuse punctuation are annoying. Consider speaking like a normal person...? :^)
>>33130 not him but that's not even an overuse of punctuation kek, it communicates exactly what he was trying to say
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>>33130 Basic punctuation to convey a tone of post is ‘reddit’ and should be discouraged in this general? I don't know about that one, boss.If we want to encourage people to make on topic discussions and even post stories, it's the wrong path to be going down
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>>33133 Wow, you... Realy, like this...?
>>33130 He was clearly stating that asking if something was too NSFW, would be what a jumbotown convert would ask. We should celebrate that anon managed to escape before drinking the mollyaid. Anywho, are the latest fan fictions worth reading?
Been too busy to get into any of them.
>>33134 Saying "Yes...?" conveys a confusion with the greentext he was replying to >Wow, you... Realy, like this...? is actually meaningless spittle
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>>33137 Why are you so mean? There's no difference...?
There are some rly cute Nans posted ITT lately. GG, Anons. Cheers.
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>>33142 >lulu struggles to tell you that the store is in foreclosure and you're both in massive debt
>>33143 >>33142 She actually sold it because of dept and now you are dept free.
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Need to get back to drawing nans again. Here's a few 'mock-ups' of some ideas until then.
>>33149 Milfnan enjoyer.
>>33152 >Dixie >milf a fat ass and tits does not a milf make
>>33153 >severely outdated dixie lore get to reading
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>>33154 Yeah dixie is a bajilion years old and also dixie anon likes cellulite ridden fat bitches so he turned both of his formerly cute fandroids into cellulite ridden fat bitches Or the artist does, but I assume they draw his fandroids for him
>>33154 >get to reading oblige me with a summary
>>33157 why would i spoil it for you?
>>33158 >why would i spoil it for you? Is reading the back of the book spoiling it somehow?
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>>33157 >Dixie starts out as a wooden nandroid during the confederate war. >Given to the anon of this story >Anon joins the confederate army >Dixie follows him there >Become war heros >Get into an intimate relationship >War ending >Dixie has chance to kill general grant and spares him >Dixie becomes a national hero >Fast foward to present day >Dixie still in the family >Has modded herself out to be a BBW >Grooms confederate anon's great great grandson into going to civil war larps and then grooms him into fucking her >also writers tomboy fetish arrives in the form of a random tomboy character who wants to third wheel their relationship shoehorned into the story. >Dixie vandalizes her own museum exhibit because it depicts her not seething while getting a medal of honor from lincoln, who she really hates for some reason and was the main reason she fought in the war in the first place As you can tell the story went downhill the longer it went on >Dixie's official themesong drops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tqssMOx5SE
>>33160 Also >Very uncomfortable short about dixie getting a fleshlight implemented into her >"Joke" story about confederate anon's ghost posessing dixie in the middle of her fucking his great great grandson I am starting to slowly prefer cannon nandroids over fandriods...
>>33161 still missing some lore nice try shitter
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>>33160 >>Dixie vandalizes her own museum exhibit because it depicts her not seething while getting a medal of honor from lincoln, who she really hates for some reason and was the main reason she fought in the war in the first place Why the fuck would she get a medal of honor? By *not* killing someone? And still none of this has anything to do with being a milf
>>33164 Because her kill count made her imfamous and lincoln thought she was a good goy for not killing grant or smth They are calling her a milf as in milf=old+female
>>33167 You forgetting when she rapes young men to impregnate herself boy?
>>33167 >They are calling her a milf as in milf=old+female yeah thats retarded because it leaves out the MOTHER part >>33168 proof?
>>33169 Go to his Ao3 and go read.
>>33170 >Go to his Ao3 and go read Not wasting my time reading this when you can tell me
>>33171 Then we have nothing further to discuss.
>>33168 Sorry I skipped chapters the second I skimmed and saw they were erotica chapters. I want heckin wholesome nandroid moments, not porn! I feel like nandroids aren't really suited for actual porn. I saw some on model stuff while combing the booru and forgive me for sounding like a redditor, but the best word I can find for it is cursed. It was by my favorite nandroid artist too so it wasn't badly drawn. It was just uncanny. Nandroids look like skeletons when you take their clothes off and its creepy.
>>33161 >says this while posting unfunny images and one of them is a wojak You are no better >>33152 I just like when nans have a family and I find it cute
>>33173 >look like skeletons You are saying to me you woukd rattle a nans bones
>>33172 You have to prove YOUR claim anon
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>>33160 >also writers tomboy fetish arrives in the form of a random tomboy character who wants to third wheel their relationship shoehorned into the story Are you telling me even DixieAnon beat TLO to the punch on a tomboy story? What the fr*ck Maybe I should read him
>>33178 Write your own tombot story anon!
>>33178 Everyone has already beaten TLO to writing a tomboy story.
>>33168 Was it the rape the shitposting or the horseporn that made people dislike Dixie
>>33188 >the horseporn what
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>>33180 I'd like to, but while I can somewhat write specific scenes, I'm not very good at composing entire stories. Plus, I'd hate to do Avery/some tombot a disservice by not writing something very good. I'll have to read some books with tomboy protagonists in and come back later
>>33190 >Plus, I'd hate to do Avery/some tombot a disservice by not writing something very good never stopped any writer in the fandom before you lol. just do it anyways. writing more is the only way to be a better writer
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>>33188 >the horseporn Nigga what?!
ask reich tbh seems the racists who would accept her disliked her the most
>>33193 there were several images of horse on bradbury bestiality posted in emmy threads about a year ago, and then more of dixie >>33194 the normie fans dont like dixie because they dont like the porn the racists fans dont like dixie because they dont, again, like the porn (typical anticoomer crusader mindset even though they fap to yukio) and the only people left are other weirdos
ETR is a raysis cartoon....
>>33197 ETR is an esoteric cartoon
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>>33200 Are you saying that ETR is esoteric facism core?
>>33202 >esoteric facism core you mean esoteric fascism coal
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>>33203 yes o algo
>>33203 No he is "coal" >>33202 >that pic You do realize the guy chudjak is based off is not only jewish but also went to pride marches?
>>33205 Yes I am just jesting
>>33205 >You do realize the guy chudjak is based off is not only jewish but also went to pride marches >believing this instead of his own words kek
>>33209 I don't read jewish manifestos
>>33211 You're not even trying to post nandroids anymore are you?
>>33213 Thought the first pic was synthetic skin. But sure I'm not trying to post nandroids even if the 4/5 are nans
>>33214 Sadly for you anon that was not avery. Be wary of posting tlo work for he sadly suffers from same hair and pose syndrome. Best to avoid his newer stuff and stick to far superior old stock. The synthetic skin angle, though an interesting cope for sure, may not be viewed as fondly by our bipolar janny.
>>33214 not a fan of whore Molly that this artist tends to draw but that partially obscured change in panel coloring between her legs is sex
>>33215 Oh thanks probably just didn't know it wasn't her when I downloaded it.
>>33210 hitler is crying in hitler heaven saying 'even me?'
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Would dobson like nandroids?
>>33224 no not enough inflation
>>33223 Well hitlers not jewish or butt ugly and wasn't the reason why 8chan was killed so no. And stop maling shit up faggot.
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>>33228 >not jewish the guy who initiated an apocalyptic war killing tens of millions of whites and securing the establishment of a jew-only ethnostate WASNT jewish? >butt ugly neither is the OG Chud
>>33234 Don't care plus not nan
>>33236 cared enough to respond
>>33236 Man cleavage
>>33234 das one ugly buttler >nans or bans
>>33240 >some people suck at drawing >posts cpt pop
>>33241 I don't care about drama
>>33241 Still better than reich
>>33163 are there any historical nandroids other than dixie? that arent like dixie?
>>33248 so not racist? tappy
>>33250 >so not racist no I mean not a vehicle for porn
>>33251 none since the fandom was driven on porn
>>33252 well fuck. i like the idea of nandroids from historical times but i dont like them ending up as whatever the summary above made it sound like with whatever milf bs dixie is about
>>33253 >>33251 What are you like 5?
>>33256 im asking for stories about historical nandroids that dont devolve into coomer shit is that a bad thing to ask now
>>33257 go back to reddit
>>33257 Make your own and I mean this unirronically
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>>33257 Quick answer is no. There are none. All of the "stories" are just hollow shells for for someone's shitty erotica. Its okay to have some romance but I don't want to read 6 paragraphs of a nandroid having passionate sex with someone who isn't me.
>>33260 Also you get slop where people don't even write nandroids like maid robots and write them like a regular woman, which makes it pointless and boring. Being housework robots, a lot of a nandroids personality and identity should be tied to their function. This makes them very interesting characters if they have to adapt to a situation they weren't built for. For example a story about a nandroid forced to leave home and follow her charge on a long and far adventure would be very interesting as she would be completely out of her element and have her small minded way of thinking challenged. This is similar to the actual comic of course which is part of why the comic is intresting. It would be nice to see a nandroid story that isn't just someones sexual fantasy
>>33260 >>33261 well shit. any examples at all that dont do this?
>>33234 >the guy who initiated an apocalyptic war killing tens of millions of whites and securing the establishment of a jew-only ethnostate WASNT jewish? nobody claims Churchill was a jew, he was merely bought off by the jewish EXPO group
>>33260 >I don't want to read 6 paragraphs of a nandroid having passionate sex with someone who isn't me what if it's a first person perspective story, anon?
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>>33248 Betsy?
>>33256 Did the black haired nan there get a actual name yet?
>>33261 ...Seems rather dull if all you want to do is reread the comic plot but with a reskin, why not just reread the comic at this point?
>>33273 >why not just reread the comic at this point because that is poorly written and executed also vote in this poll: https://strawpoll.com/YVyPvvQ37gN I need a bunch of coinflips basically
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Let's think of some interesting 'fish out of water' stories lads: The aftermath of a hurricane Katrina style natural disaster. A nanny has to deal with the collapse of utilities and emergency services, the darker side of human nature with looters/worse crawling around, and getting creative with acquiring 'food' and water then making it edible for their sick family A planned home invasion where the phone lines are cut, their family is tied up, and they've somehow been overlooked by the captors and are hiding in the (large) house, trying to outwit them and alert the police somehow Something involving a group of Nandroids on their own having to take initiative and make a cross country road trip to reunite with their owners Maybe even a short about one accidentally getting trapped somewhere no one knows about, and it's just her reaction and subsequent thoughts about things as she slowly runs out of battery What else? Though boring, I will mention that during the earlier days of the fandom I had the idea of a story where Emmy/a Nandroid simply recalled in great depth what they had gotten up to that day in their domestic life, clearly touched and trying to make it as interesting as possible to a curious human listener, with the level of minute detail a machine would take note of. I gave up early on, as although novel sounding it didn't grasp me as something really worth writing nor reading about.
>>33277 these all read like torture porn
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>>33262 There was a story about a dectective robot and his assistant nandroid that was not erotica and pretty enjoyable. Short though. >>33273 That wasn't what I meant. I said that the original having emmy run away and experience the real world was an example of a good idea and use of a nandroid as your main character. Heres the main point I was trying to make. In terms of storytelling, the defining character trait of nandroids is that they are made and raised their entire lives for a singular purpose, that being homemaking and other servant errands, in other words, they are made as and sold as machine products. However, they paridoxically are written as having completely human minds. (This would make them androids as opposed to robots). This would naturally lead to conflict with their designation as subhuman objects, below even animals in society. Most robots are sentient on the same level as nandroids in dom's comic, and many robot outmodes are independently surviving on their own. I think the reasons the nandroids are different are them being relatively new as a product, them being indoctrinated heavily before being sent off, and that sterling is implied to treat nandroid ownership as a subscription service and micromanage and account for every unit. I say that all to convey that a nandroid's world is very small and they are taught to be content with that. This kind of character is perfect for a story about their small world being suddenly expanded exponentially and forcing them to become their own person/find their humanity. Stories like >>33277 this anons last one also work too. A tldr of this is that the focus of the nadroid's character is that they are a human soul (albeit artificial) in the body of a machine, and a good story about a nandroid should play heavily into or even focus on this trait Obviously most of the people who like ETR like it because they are waifufagging the nandroids, which is one of the reasons most fan works are either romance fantasies or porn. Its a shame its this way, as that if people were able to channel that passion into serious stories we probably wouldn't rely on the base comic at all to keep the fandom vigorous.
>>33278 so did reading lulu story in both figurative and literal sense
>>33277 Nandroid becomes human like curie from fallout
>>33280 >liking sally
>>33281 not literal, mister, that part was loving
>>33286 he mentioned sally?
>>33280 bradbury is so fucking hot man
>>33290 sally is detective assistant, smh
>>33289 loving? they both wanted to commit suicide
>>33292 not to another robot detective, anon was talking about a different story obviously
>>33293 which one are you talking about?
>>33302 >which one anon and lulu? sammy felt shoehorned into the story so there was at least one character who didn't want to kill themselves or was there to berate and hate anon for simply existing
>>33307 Yes I agree sammy contributed negatively to the story. Especially given the story's nature being about him and lulu "completing eachother" Luluanon coulnd't control himself I guess
>>33308 disagree on that sla was forced to follow and be held back by the story set up by sta, but i do credit sla with making his anon better himself while sta read like a shinji x shinji masoselfcest with an odd original ending where anon and his two nandroids proceed to blow themselves up. cobbled was probably the better of the two with an actual workable dynamic, though it is sadly unfinished
>>33309 >an odd original ending where anon and his two nandroids proceed to blow themselves up. Why is that both stupid and funny?
>>33307 Anon and Lulu loved each other in the story, what are you talking about?
>>33309 If you've seen STAS Twitter it all makes sense
>>33311 Do they truly? After some long thought, perhaps Lulu actually hates Anon. She immediately doubts Anon upon a new nandroid being delivered to their door and though despite being a year together, she breaks down into tears begging for him to not throw her away, yet a few paragraphs later shows he can barely function without her as he is suddenly immobilized by a panic attack by a job he has not quit nor mentally gotten used to. If she truly loved him, she would plead for him to find a new one even if it would negatively affect her, which is immediately nullified by the "golden ticket" that is a shoebox of warranty renewal tickets that he was given/stolen from the crime scene before his co-worker/mentor blows his brains out, or murdered. This shoebox instantly solves most of anons worries, and even stumps the main villain at every turn, yet anon just suffers on in his own little world, forced onward by both himself and somewhat by Lulu as she clings to him so she isn't trashed. Lulu simply leaves anon in this crippling state
>>33314 So you're focusing on STA specifically here. No, I don't think overanalyzing things to reach your own made-up and unintended conclusions ("perhaps Lulu actually hates Anon") is the right way to go. I simply enjoy the story for what it is and what it was meant to be, that being a story about poor Lulu and poor Anon somehow finding happiness with each other. Lulu was scared because trauma and reasons, enough said in my book.
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Nigga WTF does STA stand for I am confused!
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>>33317 I came to that conclusion from what was clearly written by the author. However, I'll accept you rather it be some delusional projection to cope, perhaps that's the reason why it was so popular. Very well, sleep tight anon. >>33324 Stress-Test-Anon, named due to the core story being around the poor grasp of stress testing machines. Though instead of asking the nan to either bake 100,000,000 cookies in 1 hour, or something similarly ridiculous that rich people would actually tend to ask, anon would viciously beat the expensive robots with various tools. A redundant task because eventually they would break anyway.
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>>33334 give him black hair and a gut and its reichs
>>33335 Who?
>>33336 arch nemesis to christiantales
>>33337 Then I'm the arch nemesis of both of them
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Obituary: Adam Cheesewicks Adam Cheesewicks, aged 25, known online to his many friends as 'Reichsfuhrer' passed away at his home recently. A talented welder and engineering student, Adam enjoyed moments of leisure and simple routines. He leaves behind a mother and sister, his funeral and cremation funded by Madison County. Despite his solitary existence, Adam will be remembered for his peaceful nature and the simplicity with which he lived his life. He will be missed.
>>33337 >nantales >christian
>>33347 Link?
>>33347 Anon, this isnt just feeding the trolls this is preparing them a 5 course banquet
which nan is likely to squirt?
>>33375 Amy.
>>33375 Wendy, obviously >inb4 I dun geddit
>>33375 They can't do that though
>>33380 Sure they do! Just need to know where to stab the knife in.
>>33381 if you catch his drift
>>33380 yesterday I saw Molly stick her hand under Polly's dress
>>33385 There is nothing down there
>>33388 you sure chud? she's wearing panties
>>33389 That's clearly to cover her AGP 1.5 V slot
>>33348 kek literally this he works for the UN
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>09/05/2024 tried my best, hope it gud
>>33394 You drew that? Very nice, good to see Polly getting more attention
>>33394 Cute!
>>33392 WHAT
>>33087 The funniest thing about this non-nan is that Yukio is a man's name. Yukio is literally a troonbot.
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>>33408 https://www.thebump.com/b/yukio-baby-name >Yukio is a masculine name of Japanese origin. This name has a variety of meanings, depending on which kanji are used to write it. One of the more popular meanings is “snow boy,” >snow bunny/white boy >trans >blacked >adored and comissioned by an overweight neo-nazi It just gets worse and worse, what a disgusting creation
>>33412 We can melt yukio or sell "her" for parts
>>33396 Thanks<3
>>33412 >>trans >blacked >adored and comissioned by an overweight neo-nazi it really is one of life's great mysteries. I don't see why hes never commissioned a nandroid of Dorothy instead, but that would require the bare minimum creative effort I guess
>>33412 >japanese robot working at a mexican resort created by a mexican >cant do a five second google search to give it a girls name lol
Post nans or get bans :)
>>33418 Most realistic secondary spicoid character?
comic is dead
>>33422 I want a nan wife

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