/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

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Robowaifu Technician 01/19/2025 (Sun) 00:07:32 No.35816
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Off-topic posts and personal attacks will be deleted. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXuNh9ESedCiDZclVuz9uiL7nTNk3U9SgCE_CRHi3Us/htmlview# Webtoons: https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/emmy-the-robot/list?title_no=402201 > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629 >>30919 >>32205 >>33430
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>>35816 would a Nandroid look at me like this?
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>>35823 you must deposit one hug first
>>35828 why not?
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Here's the thumbnail sketch of Natalia tied up in the janitor's closet.
>>35847 Blessed
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>>35800 Nantales is, or was, a fandom writefag who did a lot of short stories as well as a few chapter-based ones. He quickly fell out of favor over discord-related threadshitting, etc. Nothing lost because he's probably a pedophile/communist or something in that group going from testimony, discord screens, etc. >inb4 RESPECT NANTALES >inb4 post nans or get bans I'm allowed to answer a question asked of me, especially if it pertains to the Emmy the Robot comic and its fandom.
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>>35849 Glad you like it that much. Final sketch will have her leaning forward a bit more. Show off the arms tied behind her back better. Tomorrow I'll also make some thumbnails for Dom/Sub Bradbury/Molly and Thicc/Sticc 50's Denise/00's Denise. Till then here's that Dom Bradbury drawing again, and what it looks after being ran throught AI Mirror.
>>35858 >and what it looks after being ran throught AI Mirror For what purpose?
What is the meaning of this
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>>35861 Once upon an /aco/ thread some rando put a bunch of nandroid art through AI Mirror just to see what would happen https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/7198677/#7223984
>>35879 Whoa
Now you made her more human 😳
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>>35894 Pretty much what the program did with every pass. Here's what it did with some of my art.
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>>35895 shit got even weirder with the non-goth/non-kink version
>>35879 >>35895 >>35896 Verily, I must inquire as to the purpose of feeding your art into such an infernal machine! One worries as to the machinations of such a despicable engine of anti-creativity as the Artificial Intellects so used in the pursuit not of artistry, but in its suppression, its derision. Why debase your hard work? Why let a machine, whose ultimate output is nothing more than an aggregate of what the input *should* look like, tagged and weighed like a cadaver in a mortuary, decide what to do with your art?
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doing a comic for my nan any sugestion on the transitions so far?
>>35921 looks fine
>>35921 Looks fine.
>>35962 fook lines you know all the planets except mercury are in a line tonight
>>35963 Good for them?
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>>35965 Explain the meme, is she the nandroid Jingwei?
>>35966 This is my OC Motya copying V.I.V.A's pose (Am not proud)
>>35968 V.IV.A?
>>35987 latinofandom oc stuff
any new chapters?
>>35996 lol lmao, even.
>>35997 dom still on hiatus?
>>36000 he is cucking the patreon by working on the physical version
>>35879 good god i remember making that shit. Im honestly surprised anyone bothered to save it :D Moved on to perchance for better gens not based on existing artwork. Mostly all fandroids. I've got a lulu/sammy/avery archive i had been tinkering on a year or so ago. seeing this getting reposted makes me want to fiddle around again
I made some new art
>>36058 slop factory proprietor
>>36063 Dude what the heck man
>>36074 waaahwaaah
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Still need to draw the background stuff, but the main part of the bound Natalia pic is drawn.
>>36092 Excellent.
>>36091 learn to draw
>>36094 20 steps then turn then draw "it simples"
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>>36093 Here's the finished version "I sorry ma'am, Natalia can't come to phone right now. She's all TIED UP at the moment."
>>36096 I know there are some Anons out there who plan to handcuff their robowaifus in the locked closet when not in use, once we make them real. Kinda paranoid IMO, but I get the basic concept (cf. >>10000, et all).
>>36096 what this
>>36096 Not bad. I do suggest adding the notch for where the door knob goes into though.
>>36100 I will >>36099 floor moulding but I forgot the perspective. I'll fix that too.
>>36095 you cant afford pencil and paper?
>>36106 diplomacy isnt my style now draw
>>36108 I draw plenty and I dont need an AI to do it for me
>>36128 oh you mean that 'draw'... you know theres only two types of people; people that say parallel lines never intersect and people that say they do
>>36131 pick up a pencil chuddy
>>36153 I know who you are
>>36157 you dont know a thing about me chudly
>>36158 I think the way you write and the content of your posts are pretty distinctive :^)
>>36161 okay nantales
>>36162 >robowaifus & vidya Truly a natural match.
>>36166 hell yeah I got promoted
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>>36166 Post nans or get bans
>>36162 hey! another one of mine get to the board :D
>>36168 demoted*
>>36190 promoted to living rent free in people's heads
>>36190 going from who to nantales would be considered a demotion? i dont see anyone saying wendyanon moment for it to make sense
>>36195 wendyanon isn't a shitter
>>36198 Is there a fandom shitter tierlist to reference? Or iceberg?
>>36200 There's only nantales and >>36169
>>36203 whos dorothyanon?
>>36205 Nemesis to rusty, who is nemesis to himself.
>>36205 reichsfuhrer, oppaishitter, fusefag, hitman, etc, etc. he constantly changes his name when he gets into hot water
>>36215 fascinating
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Working on a comic
>>36280 nice line tool brah
>>36285 Brainrot
>>36289 Brahnrot
>>36286 accepted
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Made by sunsomo
>>36407 Hes a 12 year old kid that got banned from LEAF for annoying everyone
>>36410 >Hes a 12 year old kid that got banned from LEAF for annoying everyone >question instantly answered by another reichsona lol
>>36410 >Hes a 12 year old kid that got banned from LEAF for annoying everyone >12 year old kid >banned for being annoying >not for being a minor LEAF moment
>>36418 are you 18? you must be 18 to post here
>>36424 kek the point is the leaftroons didnt care there was a kid there, just that he was annoying
>>36410 he didn't get banned, he left on his own
>>36426 smart kid saved himself from being groomed. still shouldnt be here
>>36427 >still shouldnt be here true
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>>36469 yummy nummy ai slop
>>36411 didnt got banned he left becuase grow as man behave like children instead of what they supose to be and spook more people as colateral mayor retard braindead moment
>>36475 i just got braindead from reading this
>>36528 got? must be congenital
>>36475 You're right, everyone should have adjusted to accommodate for a small child instead.
>>36531 if you cant stand the kids dont sit at the kids table
>>36427 >groomed by leaf >groomed by jumbo sad state of affairs
>>36427 Leaf is fine, they're a bunch of good lads. No minors getting groomed there.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 02/04/2025 (Tue) 18:25:49.
>>36535 Even though I know that's true, holy hell, this post makes it sound like the complete opposite, especially with that edit notice
>>36536 I accidentally posted "lead" instead of "leaf." I actually like the Leaf server. They make fun posts and Al is working on a real Emmy which is heaps exciting.
>>36535 t. Janny Kiwi Esq.
>>36535 So why did they let him in in the first place? Or not insta-ban him when they found out he was a literal 12 year old?
>>36539 I do not know, I didn't know there was a kid to begin with. Never came up while I was there. Admittedly, I don't go there often.
>>36541 >Admittedly, I don't go there often. So you can't say there was no grooming then
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>>36543 I've yet to see any evidence. Everyone there isn't the type to do such. I see no reason to mindlessly accept baseless rumors and speculation. Post Nans, not squawking with rude rumors.
>>36531 nah just block him and problem solved
>>36546 >Everyone there isn't the type to do such. yeah the insular shitposting 4channer discord isnt the type to groom a child, very salient perspective
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>>36554 >nah just block him and problem solved naive
>>36427 is there any good content anymore
>>36632 not much, the jumbotroon slop >>36532 is enforced full force at this point
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>>36632 No. Comic dead. Fandom dead.
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>>36632 that would depend on your standards because there is still people out there doing fanart and fanfiction
>>36715 fan art of what? xhitter ocs? only person doing fan art is jumbo he jerk to being spit on by molly
Post nans or get bans.
>>36732 No one fucking cares man. There are no nans to post. The comic has slowed to a glacial pace with worse writing than ever, the /co/ threads are dead, there are no other fandom spaces outside of it that have the same environment or creativity, and whatever was left has been destroyed or scattered because of the same shitters who still stalk around the ruins of the threads.
>>36733 ok negative nancy your like a silica packet, total desiccant, do not eat
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>>36731 have you do something to improve that situation??
>not allowed to make posts critical of moderation >not allowed to make posts critical of the fandom >not allowed to make posts critical of Dom >not allowed to make posts that adress any of the above in frank terms This place is just a discord without the grooming, and even then there are minors posting lol
>>36733 at this point Groombo might just try and buy the comic from Dom, seeing how it's going nowhere
>>36750 destroyed the child
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>>36697 New pages are inconsistent and don't appear every Saturday, nobody makes threads on /co/ when they do drop, nobody shows up to random haphazard threads if they are made. A flourishing fandom that once generated hundreds of pieces of fanart, dozens upon dozens of OCs, whole libraries of fanfics and even game assets/mods, now completely obliterated by mod overreach and Dom's slowdown. Thanks I hate it.
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>>36734 Post nans or get bans.
>>36773 engage super jelqing protocol stat
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I luv Molly so much
>>36777 h-h-holy trips, Jumbo
>>36777 the fandom is healing...
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>>36697 >>36731 >>36733 >>36753 Stop being a cunt, post Nans.
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>>36769 Upload content to catbox, we'll keep the links curated. Archiving is important for us.
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>>36787 Damn, those are some pretty wide hips if I ever saw any. you can tell she is pretty gapped down there
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>>36861 do you know what group these belong to
>>36861 So she dies?
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>>36864 Is the bug humping her head?
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Can we all just agree that among all nans Queen Molly has the best ballistic characteristics?
>>36777 >>36866 you just can't stop getting digits, Jumbo!
>>36867 >you just can't stop getting digits, Jumbo! haha "digits", i get it
>>36865 no he is covering her from the rain (its gona be rain)
>>36777 >digits Hi JumboG, welcome! <---> I have request to make. Would you mind reducing the sizes of your art, please? This site is a hobby effort by the Admin here, not a glownigger-funded gayop like 4cuck. Also, it impacts all of us downstream who are archivers to the board, as well. TIA & Cheers.
>>36874 this is like asking Picasso to paint Guernica on a notepad. you accommodate the artist, not the other way around.
>>36876 >this is like asking Picasso to paint Guernica on a notepad So a good thing?
>>36877 subtard
>>36878 hi ingram
>>36879 [X] Guess again
>>36880 zamn, so you put in effort to act like him sad!
>>36882 >talking like nantales
>>36895 respect nantales + respect jumbo + post nans or get bans >:^)
>>36896 but you no post nan?
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Post nans or get bans.
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>>36898 >>36902 NiggsieAnon
>>36902 boomercore fetish (deviant)art
>>36902 who this
>>36909 Denise, oc of dixieanon
>>36103 Here's the fixed version. Sorry it took a while.
>>36925 looking good

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