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“Stubbornly persist, and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of your limits.” -t. Robert Brault

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Robowaifu Technician 01/19/2025 (Sun) 00:07:32 No.35816
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Off-topic posts and personal attacks will be deleted. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXuNh9ESedCiDZclVuz9uiL7nTNk3U9SgCE_CRHi3Us/htmlview# Webtoons: https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/emmy-the-robot/list?title_no=402201 > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629 >>30919 >>32205 >>33430
>>36162 hey! another one of mine get to the board :D
>>36168 demoted*
>>36190 promoted to living rent free in people's heads
>>36190 going from who to nantales would be considered a demotion? i dont see anyone saying wendyanon moment for it to make sense
>>36195 wendyanon isn't a shitter
>>36198 Is there a fandom shitter tierlist to reference? Or iceberg?
>>36200 There's only nantales and >>36169
>>36203 whos dorothyanon?
>>36205 Nemesis to rusty, who is nemesis to himself.
>>36205 reichsfuhrer, oppaishitter, fusefag, hitman, etc, etc. he constantly changes his name when he gets into hot water
>>36215 fascinating
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Working on a comic
>>36280 nice line tool brah
>>36285 Brainrot
>>36289 Brahnrot
>>36286 accepted
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Made by sunsomo
>>36407 Hes a 12 year old kid that got banned from LEAF for annoying everyone
>>36410 >Hes a 12 year old kid that got banned from LEAF for annoying everyone >question instantly answered by another reichsona lol
>>36410 >Hes a 12 year old kid that got banned from LEAF for annoying everyone >12 year old kid >banned for being annoying >not for being a minor LEAF moment
>>36418 are you 18? you must be 18 to post here
>>36424 kek the point is the leaftroons didnt care there was a kid there, just that he was annoying
>>36410 he didn't get banned, he left on his own
>>36426 smart kid saved himself from being groomed. still shouldnt be here
>>36427 >still shouldnt be here true
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>>36469 yummy nummy ai slop
>>36411 didnt got banned he left becuase grow as man behave like children instead of what they supose to be and spook more people as colateral mayor retard braindead moment
>>36475 i just got braindead from reading this
>>36528 got? must be congenital
>>36475 You're right, everyone should have adjusted to accommodate for a small child instead.
>>36531 if you cant stand the kids dont sit at the kids table
>>36427 >groomed by leaf >groomed by jumbo sad state of affairs
>>36427 Leaf is fine, they're a bunch of good lads. No minors getting groomed there.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 02/04/2025 (Tue) 18:25:49.
>>36535 Even though I know that's true, holy hell, this post makes it sound like the complete opposite, especially with that edit notice
>>36536 I accidentally posted "lead" instead of "leaf." I actually like the Leaf server. They make fun posts and Al is working on a real Emmy which is heaps exciting.
>>36535 t. Janny Kiwi Esq.
>>36535 So why did they let him in in the first place? Or not insta-ban him when they found out he was a literal 12 year old?
>>36539 I do not know, I didn't know there was a kid to begin with. Never came up while I was there. Admittedly, I don't go there often.
>>36541 >Admittedly, I don't go there often. So you can't say there was no grooming then
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>>36543 I've yet to see any evidence. Everyone there isn't the type to do such. I see no reason to mindlessly accept baseless rumors and speculation. Post Nans, not squawking with rude rumors.
>>36531 nah just block him and problem solved
>>36546 >Everyone there isn't the type to do such. yeah the insular shitposting 4channer discord isnt the type to groom a child, very salient perspective
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>>36554 >nah just block him and problem solved naive

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