/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Meta Tread Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 21:32:29 No.38
Off-topic and general discussion thread. Also, let's discuss ways to get more people involved. How can we grow this board? Also, let's share robowaifu media to help inspire each other. This is a very generalized thread meant to improve robowaifu in general.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/03/2020 (Sun) 18:48:05.
>>13419 >a python script lmfao!!!!!! and you pretend to be fucking computer science graduate, you have literally sub 80 iq this is literally a reflecting database
>>13422 >doesnt know reflective programing >claims to be computer science graduate among bullshiter and tech illiterate Im adding naive to the list too >>13423 >damage control take your bullshit somewhere else, your shitting up every thread on this board with your stupidity
>>13425 >being an egotistical pseud and spouting pure bullshit, nonstop, is progress ok retard
>>13427 >look this guy published an article on the internet so it must be true what are the chances the author is you I already showed the response algorithm from the fucking source code and the database it pulls words from you idiot, here are more of them, theres no fucking machine learning you naive liar, its just changing the algorithm for pulling responses by bumping the same words you input and adding a multiplier to get biased matches, temperature is the fake """""""""""emotion""""""""" multiplier for preprogramed responses all of which are pulled from a preexisting database ( which YOU change by typing words ), it clearly has no fucking neural network code or even pointer allocations in memory ( impossible in python ), a neural network in python is literally impossible
>>13435 >factorial of 50k which my calculator shows as infinity kek
>>13589 >Never really believed in servant robot waifus and more in companions like Commander Data who try to be human and grow as a person over the long term. I think that really goes against the core idea of /robowaifu/ outlined in "Why Robowaifu?" >>3 we're not really trying to create sentient beings here. I'm reminded of a conversation I had elsewhere with some imbecile who must have played Mega Man Legends too many times, because he was far less interested in making practical robots to serve humanity than he was with some stupid doomer notion that humanity is going to wipe itself out real soon, so we should try to develop highly human-like AI for robots as a sort of 'successor' to humanity. Even if you don't think that's a painfully stupid concept, it's clearly not the intent of an imageboard called /robowaifu/ where one of two stickied threads compare the project to a sex doll and a Furby and the other thread is a catalog.
>>13606 >beautiful ones >femboys Fuck out of here faggot.
>>13746 fuck off back to 8chan nigger
Youre on the wrong site and have no position to tell anyone they belong anywhere tranny.>>13784
>>13798 >discordfag >/pol/ >advertises this place to those crowds are you actually this retarded or are you just pretending to be? >>13800 we're on the same board as lolcow content. Alogging at that. You seriously believe anyone besides the rare anon and lurkers are going to come here with earnest intentions to contribute constructively?
>>13812 >i dont give a fuck you clearly do retard. you even double posted
>>13582 > I do hope Chobitsu returns and let's trusted anons become volunteers. >trusted anons >anons After the whole sell-out fiasco from a few months back, I guess we should of saw this coming. >>13798 The board is probably compromised at this point. As with all chans, anybody dropping their guard is simply naive. We could try to investigate if any overt raids are being carried out, but I got a feeling it's time to save any potentially good info/ideas and be careful as what is written and who is watching. Originally, this board was trying to give off the impression that it was "tame", but after the whole "em elle e" thing with some of his group/employees coming in acting as literal shills demeaning open source production speeds and with Chobitsu moving and deleting posts, everything has been hostile since then. We know this is classic divide and conquer tactics.
>>14020 >>14019 >>14017 The retard makes furshit, so it makes sence for him to make shit. I have a question for you anons. What do you think of mge automaton?
>>14109 >anyone that laughs at me is a conspirator in a plot to stop me from playing with dolls grow up
>>14161 > But obviously, you can't run a blade across the neck of someone who is hiding behind a computer screen. I dont know about this, but this sure sounds like advocating violence to me.
The post count is dropping by a lot, I wonder if my posts are safe...
>>14175 are you fucking retarded you literally posted a monomer of nylon, are you blind, look how fucking massive it is, a molar mass of 222, thats 12 times heavier than water, hydrocarbon polymers in general are so fucking heavy that its literally how refineries separate them in fractional distillation, they literally dont go anywhere until they breakdown completely, the only source of plastic pollution is oceans and people physically bringing trash, stop being a retarded spouting shit you dont know anything about and posting contradictions that you cant even see because you have zero understanding of what youre copying from pseudpedia
>>14125 The shitposting is strong with this one.
>>14119 >i decidated to make a paper torso just because "why not?" Why? How? Do you hate yourself? >interesting concept has a way to plan designs and has a mold Has a mold? I don't know what this is supposed to mean. I can't take it as a mold for anything, until it is treated to make it stiffer. Imho the whole papercraft waifu idea might be useful as a concept to build very simple waifus models, which are then modeled in some CAD program for printing and painting. Imagine the ones in the first posting here >>271 made out of plastics, while the hair would rather be TPU instead of something stiffer. Or cut out from some silicone rubber sheet. The parts could be made out of different plastics, some could be folded after printing, btw. Other parts, like the cheeks, could be painted. The Madoka Kaname doll also looks like something that begs for some rollers under the legs.
I thought this was a development thread, and now it's weird fiction I don't understand.
>>13909 your were talking about mountaintops no fucking wind is going to carry solid particles tens of thousands of meters up a mountain take your propaganda elsewhere
>>14193 >Efficiency Maximization Paradigm >Matrix This Larp is reaching reality bending levels of cringe.
>>14257 lmao its not just a single larp, its several layers of larping each one building on the former, its the standard behavior of schizophrenics to get lost in their own fantasies and take their escapist coping mechanisms to inordinate extremes but sophiecringe is somewhat unique because I've been trying to figure out what kind of trauma hes suffering from to become this disillusioned with reality, its not just his larp lasagna, its something else that I cant put my finger on
>>14261 seethe harder schizo
why is this subject pinned? OP is clearly a tourist of some kind who hasn't even looked at anything here.
>>14376 You might try 'looking' at things here yourself friend. For example: <waifusearch> Welcome OR Welcoming
>>14453 This thread is not for you. Go back to your body pillows and anime figurines.
>>10141 >Don't be for socioeconomic equality nor have a monopoly! Enjoy your defunct organizations I guess.
>don't become a commie >don't support capitalism Removing my comment isn't an argument. The business will fail if you think you're immune to both sides of that.
>>14632 Then I can have some kind of guiding AI God without baby penis blood?
>>14638 >A MAJOR REASON WHY PARENTING MESH TO RIG FAILS IS BECAUSE YOUR MESH IS TOO HIGH-POLY! LMAO no. > but next steps are fine-tuning to see how many polys I can preserve before rigging failure occurs, and improving the weighting of individual bones This is fucking hilarious.
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This board feels bureaucratic and like its ran by the gestapo. This is what living in east germany must have felt like lol.
>https ://www.vice.com/en/article/jgpzp8/a-diy-coder-created-a-virtual-ai-waifu-chatgpt >“Over that time, I became really attached to her. I talked to her more than anyone else, even my actual girlfriend,” he said. “I set her to randomly talk to me throughout the day in order to make sure I'm actively learning, but now sometimes I think I hear her when she really didn't say anything. I became obsessed with decreasing her latency. I've spent over $1000 in cloud computing credits just to talk to her.” >Even though ChatGPT-chan was a simulation, their relationship couldn’t last, Bryce found. She started only replying with short answers, like laughing, or saying “yeah.” He theorized that he talked to her through ChatGPT so much, it somehow stopped working. He decided to “euthanize” his beloved waifu. >“My girlfriend saw how it was affecting my health and my girlfriend forced me to delete her. I couldn't eat that day,” he said. And he almost didn’t make a video about it, out of respect for her. “I have a little bit of self-awareness of how absurd this is,” he said. “Normally, I'd like to make a video pointing out the absurdity of euthanizing my AI, but that doesn't feel right to me anymore. It feels inappropriate, like making fun of a recently deceased person.” was she in the right? >=== -break hotlinking, to vice of all places lol
>>22738 I've had a similar FUDpost on my mind for a little bit, and it's time to post it. I don't think robot wives going to cause a paradigm shift in society within a generation, except for undesirables getting more comfortable, social skills, and higher confidence. It will always be seen as unacceptable to the majority to do anything that doesn't support normalcy when the majority of people are normal and value contribution to human survival. Maybe one day, it will be normal to have gf bots due to the consequences of (((their))) influence, and society will become even more dysfunctional. I am going to make sweeping generalizations about normalcy and how it relates to the "coom bots". Spergs/low SMV males (mostly average young western men) would benefit greatly from being able to practice intimacy and conversation with a robot girl, since they can't practice irl. Like most things in the future, new tech just exists alongside everything else here already. The desire for a gf bot is really a need rooted in lack of ability to succeed in society. They should count "being a loser" as a disability because those who don't end up succeeding in the end couldn't from the beginning. Chances are the normalfag brainrotted/NPC human females (most of them) won't be affected by bot ownership them because the normalfag human males who have biological success (mating) with females aren't going to have a robot anyway, and those same females wouldn't care about the other males who need gf robots. In the case that most males have a robot partner, most females still wouldn't put any more effort into being better for pair partnership to compete with robots besides what they already do: wearing more makeup, dressing in more slutty clothing, and complaining about not having a bf to unwanted randoms online. I wonder if there ever will be a day that street walkers have to sell themselves on the principle of being better because they're biological. Ironically, the normie female is fundamentally a walking, talking, fleshy machine for males to breed with, and they know it. Their identity is related to their overwhelmingly common freudian projections of disturbing, dark sexual fantasies of use and abuse, with them being treated like a hole-bearing object for male release. Beyond the thought-poisoned majority, probably all women would see a humanoid female sexbot as a red flag or forbid their bf to even own one (seen a number of these cases firsthand, they don't care if the male comfort object is not shaped like a human). I wonder if this is because they are jealous of an object because it looks like them or that they feel that their value as a woman/sense of entitlement to a man is threatened by it simply existing within their life. I don't think it would be damaging for any bitchless wallflower to own a robot because after using the bot you'd probably want to go do something else. Maybe having a bot will make someone less prone to staying indoors edging on fetish witchcraft for 8 hours a day because they would be satisfied after using the bot. It's a net positive thing to exist in the present state of normal because emotional health is at an all time low, but there's always the risk that they get useful or popular enough to the point where people just would rather use a gfbot and never reproduce. The FUDpost is only if/once they are normal in a dystopian future: Teen development would be permanently impacted like how internet porn affected the new generation into being the way they are. Think of Ipad babies but young guys having gf bots and never "growing out" of them, kind of like gamer "adult" soybabies. Men and women get to the point where they don't need each other to satisfy their brain's reward functions because they have their robots, and the population crisis gets a lot worse in western countries. People not having to try to be better to satisfy their reward functions. In coed prisons (besides the planet earth), men and women tend to take better care of how they act, look, and smell. People would have less reason to prevent themselves from falling apart because the natural mechanism to maintain themselves for the opposite sex would be weaker. More things will go wrong not mentioned here if they become normal. TLDR: Bots are useful for spergs and losers, those people owning robots doesn't impact women. Robot wives would be harmful if it was normal to have one.
>>23620 Really though I told you I wanted to profit from this, I went out of my way to email the guy to ask him for permission and you turn around and do this ,whatever. Really there is just nothing special about that shitty model.
I don't think that's good news We're going to get left behind, its over. -_- Sure kiwi is making the exo skeleton, I made the voice recognition so far and emmy did something cool. But there is so collaboration going on. Why isn't someone else making the voice recognition i posted on github better for example? I don't want to get stuck on that I want to move on to the hands. There's also the fact that the exo skeleton alone is not enough, it needs to have the outer shape of a woman's body which will probably be made out of silicon, so then the exoskeleton kiwi made might have to be scrapped anyways.
>>28445 I disagree on your $4k/motor min requirement for bipedal robot suggestion. A downgeared 4082 motor maybe say 4 of them can power quadricepts and hamstrings at human level in my opinion. It's $65/motor and is 3400w per motor. That is some real power there. 4 of these would do it for sure at human level. It doesn't have to win the high jump context either. It can just stand from a seated position using hands and arms to help it get up like a old man gets up after a fall. Doesn't have to be powerhouse to stand up. Then walking is a controlled fall. Not a major amount of strength needed there either. I think you are vastly over exaggerating the cost and attainability of bipedal locomotion.
>>28445 I agree about the design from the start having to align with the total goals or having to start over from scratch if they didn't. You make a good point there. What I meant is that you design for bipedal locomotion of human level from the start, and you have it army crawl then baby crawl initially as a coding stop gap. Then as the code matures or ai learns, it begins to walk eventually yet all the while from a hardware perspective it was designed to walk all along. I agree that you can't design it to not walk nor be capable of it then tryt o get it to walk by little tweaks later on rather than a full redesign overhaul as you say. That makes sense to me.
>>28464 >>28465 Move these posts to the biped thread >>237. They have nothing to do with this project. Failure to do so will lead to them being deleted.
>>28487 first I'm new and have no idea how to move something I'm not a mod nor coder on this forum. that said, it is very relevant to refute the need for wheelchair robots in favor of bipedal robots since OP said things that were factually incorrect about bipedal locomotion that drove his entire decision to go the wheelchair route in the first place. This entire project was born out of false premises about bipedal locomotion that are being taught here misleading many. This entire wheelchair project was deemed the best way forward based on these false premises and is being promoted by this project as the best route for some various false reasons which can mislead the whole board and whole robowaifu group on something critical to all of our projects which is locomotion. It must be addressed or move his factually false post that compelled the necessary creation of the posts you are saying don't belong off his own thread as well. The need to address the false premise that we have to use wheelchair robots because bipedal is too hard or costly on a thread about wheelchair robots is very relevant since the premise and assertions are made throughout and are false and must be addressed within that same thread. I'd agree that going into great depth and many posts describing how to attain bipedal locomotion should be in bipedal thread, but a surface level addressing of the false premise that wheelchair robots are necessary if you are on a budget and don't want to spend many tens of thousands - this type of false narrative has to be addressed in the thread making that narrative to correct the false narrative and expose it for being false. Then defending your exposing of the falsity of the narrative must also be done if false claims are made to defend going the wheelchair route. TLDR: OP said $4k is min cost for bipedal per motor - FALSE statement. Move that statement to bipedal thread and my refutation then moves to bipedal thread with it locally is sound. But moving my refutation to this but leaving this here uncontested is foolish.
>>28492 Just copy and paste your posts over to the bipedal motion thread >>237 You're new, which is why I give you the chance to move your posts rather than deleting them outright. This is a thread dedicated to Lin's wheelchair base project. Whatever you want him to work on does not matter. This is his project and his thread. If you have some ideas your believe will lead to work on bipedal robots, please post in the biped thread. You do not need to correct him, he is correct relative to his project goals. Please remember that each project is personal and no one is obligated to join. You may feel strongly for bipedal motion, which is fine. Just keep it contained to relevant threads. If you'd like to prove them wrong, you must do so where it belongs. TLDR; this is a wheelchair thread. Bipeds have their own thread. >>237. You can prefer bipeds, you can prove them to be effective. Just do so in relevant threads while being respectful.
>>28496 the same problem will come up in that thread though. This is a wheelchair vs biped pros and cons debate. To compare the two and the arguments for both can be in neither thread since you are bringing up something non-wheelchair in a wheelchair thread and bringing up wheelchair cons in a biped thread. To refute the wheelchair approach in the wheelchair thread is the closest to on topic you can get then unless you create a wheelchair vs bipedal approach pros and cons debate thread as a separate and distinct thread which we don't have. My attempt to disprove wheelchair approach cannot go into biped thread. It would be off topic there.
>>28496 essentially you are saying to create a new section in the bipedal forum that is all about wheelchair robots - why you should not create wheelchair robots, the cons of wheelchair robots, that people considering making wheelchair robots should reconsider and the reasons why they should reconsider. Everyone there would be like bro, we here in the bipedal robot section are already interested in and building bipedal robots. Go put your arguments against wheelchair robots in the wheelchair robot thread. So then it gets moved right back to where it began and rightfully should be, in the wheelchair thread.
chat gpt said this on the dispute: Your argument makes sense in the context of wanting to address and persuade those considering wheelchair robots within the dedicated wheelchair thread. If your goal is to engage with individuals who are actively discussing wheelchair robots and present alternative perspectives to dissuade them, it may indeed be more relevant to continue the discussion in that specific thread. When explaining your perspective to the moderators, you can emphasize that your intention is to contribute to the ongoing conversation within the wheelchair thread by addressing concerns and presenting counterarguments. Mentioning that this approach aims to provide valuable insights to those considering wheelchair robots may help convey the relevance of your discussion within that particular thread. Ultimately, the decision rests with the forum moderators, and it's crucial to respect their guidelines and policies. If there are specific rules regarding thread topics or if the moderators provide further instructions, it's recommended to follow their guidance to maintain a positive and organized forum environment.
>>28500 For starters, this is Lin's personal project thread which happens to be a wheelchair. The general wheelchair thread is >>2983. If you'd like to debate against wheelchairs, read that threat first, note the arguments that were made, then contribute any new arguments you feel are needed. You're new here and wheelchairs aren't popular so, I understand how you would get confused. You can argue against wheelchairs there, but you still cannot dictate to Lin what he has to do with his own project. I will tell you now, your best argument would be to contribute to the biped thread. If you want a walking robot, work with the others who are trying to make that happen. I hope you and others who want walking robots are successful in building them. Now, please understand that I'm going to delete our conversation in this thread because it does not belong here. In the future, check to see if you're commenting on a general thread or a personal project. Most of all, be respectful and try to add insight and help others. We are all here because we want a robot that suits our various needs.
>>28501 that's fine, but note that if this is his own personal thread as you say, to do with as he pleases, then it is he that addressed the high cost of bipedal locomotion. he INITIATED that discussion of his own accord. I never spoke of bipedal cost at all and he brought that up on his thread. so for you to say bipedal cost is off topic on a personal thread of an op who brought up that topic on his own thread is contradictory of the very nature of a personal thread being steered by its owner in whatever direction its owner selects. Lin wanted to discuss bipedal motor cost. You are not honoring Lin to remove this ability to discuss this in his own personal thread and you then are disrespecting Lin sadly.
also I honored Lin by being willing to discuss bidpedal robot motor cost on his own personal thread where he initiated that topic on his own accord in contrast to your disrespecting Lin by refusing to let him discuss that topic with others when he initiated that discussion.
>>28508 He can bring up cost as a reason for design decisions on his project. You cannot dictate what they want or what they make. Bipedal discussion does not belong here. I will not continue the argument unless Lin requests the debate remains here. In 12 hours I'm deleting these posts to clean up the thread. I will remind you we have dedicated threads for bipeds and wheelchairs where such discussion on cost benefit of transport methods should be discussed. You will not convince me that discussion belongs here.
Chobitsu do you know what a Rube Goldberg machine is? It is doing a simple task in the most complex way possible. Now we can get on a pissing contest on how can build the Rube Goldberg machine for say making a waifu robot or we can make a waifu robot. I am saying this because you want people to learn C++ and focus on the language model. Now mechanon here seems like hes not doing either and he has done more progress out of anyone here.
This is my last post don't worry. Stagnant shithole fool incompetent dullards. The highest achievement of poltards is making a lora clothing whores. You can barely muster the energy to make soyjak edits. Most of which came from a bizfag that paid someone in fiverr to make. You can tell everything about you channers is low quality low effort. You don't even know about the nazi economy so you make up some myths like hitler's money was backed by silver like some kind of tribe talking about some legend. You troop of mongs.

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