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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

Open file (457.29 KB 1600x1067 yummy_sepplesberries.jpg)
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Haute Sepplesberry Cuisine TBH Robowaifu Technician 09/04/2020 (Fri) 20:10:50 No.4969
Good morning /robowaifu/. For today's cooking-lesson class, we'll be baking up some delicious Sepplesberry Pies. First we prepare some crispy and light Pi crusts and get them just right, then we'll load them up with tons and tonnes of succulent and Juci Sepplesberrys. We'll also mix in lots of other tasty goodness then pop them into the oven and after a couple hours, voilà! delightful Sepplesberry Pies. >tl;dr ITT we mek C++ dev boxes from RaspberryPi computers >C++ development main thread >>4895 Embedded processors and integrated systems programming naturally go hand-in-hand for /robowaifu/. The RaspberryPi and C++ are natural baseline choices for each of these categories. At this point in time they are both popular concerns with large communities behind them, and each bring objective benefits for us as robowaifu technicians. For the Pis they are quite powerful relatively speaking, and inexpensive as well. For C++ it has great performance and other characteristics when used correctly, with generic abstraction mechanisms second to none. In an attempt to dovetail the two areas we're going to be going through setting up Raspberry Pis as little computers for learning the C++ programming language on. This should help every anon on /robowaifu/ that follows along to be on the same basic page for both embedded and programming. Once we're finished each of you will have your own little development exploration box you can literally carry around in your pocket. It will be self-contained, independent, and won't interfere with your other computing/vidya platforms. It will offer you a convenient way to begin controlling embedded hardware directly on the same machine that you write software for it on. This is a pretty compelling scenario IMO, and should serve us all as a good base from which we can branch out and grow from there. Working with other hardware and software will flow naturally from this project, and will give each of us a common experience from which we can build together and keep moving forward. So let's get started /robowaifu/.
>>5313 Thanks anon, this should save me a bit more money in my robowaifu endeavors, btw is it possible to implement this into a raspberry pi tower?
>>5320 nprb, y/w. >RPi tower if i understand you correctly, then yes. there are numerous examples of RPi Beowulf clusters out there. our Robowaifu-OS & Robowaifu-Brain(cluster) thread talks about it. >>201
Not too surprisingly, I forgot at least one step, namely we need short name symlinks for the clang compilers and debugger. from the terminal: sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/clang-9 /usr/bin/clang sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/clang++-9 /usr/bin/clang++ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/lldb-9 /usr/bin/lldb Now we can check the versions: > #1
>>5270 One thing I didn't go over for when it's needed, is how to update a local git repo and rebuild/reinstall it (whenever the source repo is updated with new software for example). Switch into the same local repo and git pull: cd jucipp git pull Since this is a repo with submodules, you should update those as well for good measure: git submodule update --init --recursive git submodule foreach --recursive git fetch git submodule foreach git merge origin master Then do the typical cmake/make dance again: cd build cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make -j2 sudo make install And actually, since we switched the llvm-toolchain dev libraries over to version 9 earlier, you should go ahead and rebuild your juci IDE anyway since it depends on those libs. >=== -add release mode to cmake cmd
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/01/2021 (Thu) 09:37:01.
BTW, I'd suggest you regularly update your system yourself. My impression is that the Raspberry Pi Foundation's approach to this is a bit lax. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
>>5313 Thanks mate, great tutorial! Apologies, I only just had a look at it. I picked a some things that I'll take away, like VNC and the juci IDE. Have you used Code Blocks? That's the one I use for C development (the subleq assembler) at the moment. Not sure how the two compare, but I'll give it a go later. C++ is definitely attractive, as long as I can optimise it sufficiently. Having namespaces would be REALLY nice XD Thanks again anon!
>>5426 Sure thing, you're welcome mate. >Have you used Code Blocks? Yes, I've both used it, and it's available in the RPi (Buster) repos at v17. Give it a try on the RPi if you'd like (I'd suggest trying Geany first though). Juci++ does a much better job of supporting the llvm/clang toolchain directly, which IMO is basically indispensable ATP. It also directly supports both CMake and the more modern Meson build systems, again, an indispensable item on the checklist. Plus for my tastes, I much prefer the simplified interface for the IDE the guys have chosen to implement for it. It's not perfect, but it's definitely my favorite IDE for writing C or C++ code on Linux with. I think we'll pretty much show that modern C++ brings a lot of benefits to the table for embedded development.
>>5427 >Juci++ does a much better job of supporting the llvm/clang toolchain directly, which IMO is basically indispensable ATP. It also directly supports both CMake and the more modern Meson build systems, again, an indispensable item on the checklist. Plus for my tastes, I much prefer the simplified interface for the IDE the guys have chosen to implement for it. It's not perfect, but it's definitely my favorite IDE for writing C or C++ code on Linux with. Sure, no you definitely sold juci for me ;) >I think we'll pretty much show that modern C++ brings a lot of benefits to the table for embedded development. Actually watched a lecture by this training company (duolos) on embedded c++, and saw some really good features, some of which C seems to have taken. Definitely replacing preprocessor directives with constants and inline functions will save time and hassle as the compiler can help you. Not sure about the iostreams though, seems to be very (and perhaps too much for embedded) complex. Basically one needs to write it much more carefully than on a general computer, as I can see memory requirements become very large.
>>5430 >Not sure about the iostreams though, seems to be very (and perhaps too much for embedded) complex. I get you on that. But one of the great features about C++ streams is they are both type-aware and type-safe. They also have quite sophisticated transformations built right it. But yes, not all embedded devices will afford us the luxury of the SBC-class machines, and for them, avoiding the use of streams makes sense. One very nice thing about C++ from the very beginning is the principle You don't pay for what you don't use ( the zero-overhead principle https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines#inaims-aims ).
>>5432 *very* interesting....thanks anon. Now you made me want to read the c++ books damn it XD
>>5434 Haha, no need to rush Anon. I expect the C++ learning thread will go on for at least one year, Lord willing. I think you'll pick it up rather organically if you follow along with us (at least that's one of my goals in doing it). Take your time.
OK, Anon very graciously offered to make the effort to port his amazing WaifuSynth & Clipchan projects over to mlpack so anons can use them on older/smaller hardware, and to be freed from Big Tech stranglehold on our robowaifus. >>5718 >In a few months I'll definitely see if I can port Spleeter and WaifuSynth to mlpack. That would completely disentangle ourselves from Facebook and Google and be a huge step forward to keeping AI open. So, in an effort to both encourage him in this big undertaking, and to make a simple validation of the basic idea on our little RPi boxes, let's install mlpack and create the basic Nearest Neighbor 'hello world' test project for it. -Open synaptic & search 'mlpack'. Mark all 4 items that show up for installation. You can examine all the things with the 'Show Details' button. > #1 #2 -Visit mlpack.org and you'll see they have the basic example right on the front page. We'll use this as copypasta for our own project. > #3 -Fire up Juci and create a project. I'm naming mine 'mlpack_test' > #4 -Delete the .clang-format file from the project, so it uses our better one in our home directory. -Open the CMakeLists.txt file and make these three changes: -change -std=c++1y to -std=c++17 -add -fopenmp flag -add mlpack target_link_libraries line > #5
>>5730 Be sure your swapfile is on anon, you'll need it heh! :^) > #1 Replace the basic main.cpp code with the example code from mlpack.org, and build (ctrl+enter). This will take a while b/c raisins, and you'll get a number of 'parameter passing changed in GCC 7.1' alerts. You can gnore them. If all went well, you should see pic related. > #2 Nearest neighbor of point 0 is point 3 and the distance is 0.449757. Nearest neighbor of point 1 is point 2 and the distance is 0.918409. Nearest neighbor of point 2 is point 1 and the distance is 0.918409. Nearest neighbor of point 3 is point 0 and the distance is 0.449757. We can see these outputs precisely match the test values on their website. Congrats Anon, you now have the power of AI in your hands on your SepplesberryPi! :^) >=== -add 'ctrl+enter' note -minor prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/16/2020 (Fri) 21:41:06.
>>5731 >main.cpp // This is an interactive demo, so feel free to change the code and click the // 'Run' button. // This simple program uses the mlpack::neighbor::NeighborSearch object // to find the nearest neighbor of each point in a dataset using the L1 metric, // and then print the index of the neighbor and the distance of it to stdout. #include <mlpack/core.hpp> #include <mlpack/methods/neighbor_search/neighbor_search.hpp> using namespace mlpack; using namespace mlpack::neighbor; // NeighborSearch and NearestNeighborSort using namespace mlpack::metric; // ManhattanDistance int main() { // Load the data from data.csv (hard-coded). Use CLI for simple command-line // parameter handling. arma::mat data( "0.339406815,0.843176636,0.472701471; \ 0.212587646,0.351174901,0.81056695; \ 0.160147626,0.255047893,0.04072469; \ 0.564535197,0.943435462,0.597070812"); data = data.t(); // Use templates to specify that we want a NeighborSearch object which uses // the Manhattan distance. NeighborSearch<NearestNeighborSort, ManhattanDistance> nn(data); // Create the object we will store the nearest neighbors in. arma::Mat<size_t> neighbors; arma::mat distances; // We need to store the distance too. // Compute the neighbors. nn.Search(1, neighbors, distances); // Write each neighbor and distance using Log. for (size_t i = 0; i < neighbors.n_elem; ++i) { std::cout << "Nearest neighbor of point " << i << " is point " << neighbors[i] << " and the distance is " << distances[i] << "." << std::endl; } return 0; } >CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(mlpack_test) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -fopenmp") add_executable(mlpack_test main.cpp) target_link_libraries(mlpack_test mlpack)
Alert There's a 0-day software exploit that's been discovered regarding the FreeType library. >>6004 Your RPi machines are vulnerable to this, so please follow the instructions Anon generously provided in that post (download the zip, unzip, cd into that directory, &tc). Just change the last confirmation command to this instead as your filename is different on your RPis: ldd /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser | grep freetype
>>6009 BTW, as already mentioned ITT, but worth mentioning again here, you ought to regularly keep your RPis updated manually, as they aren't very good at keeping themselves up to date currently. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
We're going to be using FLTK as our GUI/Widget toolkit for our classwork. Visit https://www.fltk.org/ and click the Download link. > #1 We'll be building the v1.3.5 directly from source: https://www.fltk.org/pub/fltk/1.3.5/fltk-1.3.5-source.tar.bz2 > #2 Extract it then cd into it's directory on the terminal. > #3 Enter these commands in order: ./configure make -j3 sudo make install > #4 OK, you're all set. The library is installed, and so is a GUI designer tool called FLUID. You can start reading the docs and examples now to get ahead of the class. https://www.fltk.org/pub/fltk/1.3.5/fltk-1.3.5-docs-pdf.tar.gz /usr/local/share/doc/fltk >FAQ Why FLTK? -A) It's incredibly lightweight/fast. This means in can run on practically everything, including processors significantly smaller than our RPi. -B) It's actually quite a simple programming model, and one that's been wrung out for over 3 decades now on a very wide array of hardware. > #5 >"But it looks wonky. WAHHH!11 I want my iPh*ne interface." Be a man, Anon. Our robowaifus will need lightweight GUIs. :^)
>>6307 Oh Brother So, I decided to port a little sample app from my main box over to the new RPi FLTK install and only discovered afterwards there's an apparent driver incompatibility on the RPi itself with the 1.3.5 code. Sorry about that oversight class. So, just start Synaptic, search FLTK, then mark libfltk1.3-dev for installation, and this will install the older 1.3.4-9 version and prerequisites: > #
Start Juci and create a new project, using Meson as your build system. We'll overwrite it's default files in just a minute. Open [RPi Menu] > Programming > FLUID to open the graphical designer and play around with it. Here's a quick sample from it I whipped up inside FLUID. Click the 'Function', then 'Window', then 'Button' and tweak everything the way you want. > #1 Choose ''Edit > Project Settings" in FLUID and change the header and code file extensions to '.hpp' and '.cpp' respectively. > #2 Then choose File > Write Code... in the FLUID interface, and save the files out the designer created for you. Do this into the same project directory you created above in Juci. > #3 Here are all the modification to my 4 files for this example: >main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "fluid_test.hpp" int main() { std::cout << "Hello World!\n"; auto foo = make_window(); foo->show(); return Fl::run(); } >fluid_test.hpp // generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0305 #ifndef fluid_test_hpp #define fluid_test_hpp #include <FL/Fl.H> #include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H> #include <FL/Fl_Button.H> Fl_Double_Window* make_window(); #endif >fluid_test.cpp // generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0305 #include "fluid_test.hpp" Fl_Double_Window* make_window() { Fl_Double_Window* w; { Fl_Double_Window* o = new Fl_Double_Window(805, 505); w = o; if (w) {/* empty */} { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(50, 150, 705, 145, "Hello /robowaifu/ !"); o->box(FL_SHADOW_BOX); o->labelfont(11); o->labelsize(64); } // Fl_Button* o o->end(); } // Fl_Double_Window* o return w; } >meson.build project('fltk_test', 'cpp') add_project_arguments('-std=c++2a', '-Wall', '-Wextra', language: 'cpp') cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp') fltk_dep = cxx.find_library('fltk') executable('fltk_test', ['main.cpp', 'fluid_test.cpp'], dependencies : fltk_dep ) > #4 Build it (ctrl+enter) > #5 Grats, you're now haxoring GUI apps for your robowaifu Anon. Now that you've done all the legwork, you can thereafter quickly change things around inside FLUID, write the code out, then rebuild everything in Juci. It will take just seconds to tweak things around for you now. If you get stuck, just do what I did and make sure you have the same 4 files in your Juci project directory, and that they contain the same code from above (and that you named the files just like mine). As always asks questions ITT if you need to.
>>6310 Oops, intended to post this cap here. >
>>6313 > using Meson as your build system Another oops. I just realized I haven't gone over doing that ITT yet, but in another thread. >>5990 Apologies about that. Meson in general is much easier to use than CMake--especially for a library like FLTK.
>>6310 >>6314 Update: I began to have a suspicion that possibly it was the prerequisites that were the issue rather than the version of FLTK source code (which frankly made no sense in this context. it's very well-done code). I went back into the source extract and reran the build/install cycle, then re-tested my little sample app in Juci. Sure enough, everything works fine now. I'm not really sure why the ./configure step didn't pick up any issues but w/e. So, you can use latest version of FLTK source after all. Just go back into the extract directory and enter the same 3 commands as before: ./configure make -j3 sudo make install > #1 Inside Juci choose Project > Recreate Build (this will nuke the previous meson build directory contents) > #2 Then build. Your GUI applications should now be using the static 1.3.5 version of the FLTK library. > #3 I suspect the issue was something wonky with the original RPi X11 lib before the install via Synaptic.
>>6307 >/usr/local/share/doc/fltk There are some nice demo programs in the examples folder there. For example, there's one called curves.cxx which demos Bézier curves and slider widgets. > Since I'm interested in creating a node-graph GUI to represent robowaifu knowledge-trees, this is a topic I'm interested in currently. If you'd like to test this (or any other examples from that folder) on your own, one way is to create a new .cpp file in your project directory, copypasta the code from the original in the examples into that new project file, > #1 and add an additional executable in mesonbuild for the new file > #2 >curve.cpp // // "$Id$" // // Curve test program for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: // // http://www.fltk.org/str.php // #include <FL/Fl.H> #include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H> #include <FL/Fl_Hor_Value_Slider.H> #include <FL/Fl_Toggle_Button.H> #include <FL/fl_draw.H> double args[9] = {20, 20, 50, 200, 100, 20, 200, 200, 0}; const char* name[9] = {"X0", "Y0", "X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2", "X3", "Y3", "rotate"}; int points; class Drawing : public Fl_Widget { void draw() { fl_push_clip(x(), y(), w(), h()); fl_color(FL_DARK3); fl_rectf(x(), y(), w(), h()); fl_push_matrix(); if (args[8]) { fl_translate(x() + w() / 2.0, y() + h() / 2.0); fl_rotate(args[8]); fl_translate(-(x() + w() / 2.0), -(y() + h() / 2.0)); } fl_translate(x(), y()); if (!points) { fl_color(FL_WHITE); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); fl_curve(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]); fl_end_complex_polygon(); } fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_begin_line(); fl_vertex(args[0], args[1]); fl_vertex(args[2], args[3]); fl_vertex(args[4], args[5]); fl_vertex(args[6], args[7]); fl_end_line(); fl_color(points ? FL_WHITE : FL_RED); points ? fl_begin_points() : fl_begin_line(); fl_curve(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]); points ? fl_end_points() : fl_end_line(); fl_pop_matrix(); fl_pop_clip(); } public: Drawing(int X, int Y, int W, int H) : Fl_Widget(X, Y, W, H) {} }; Drawing* d; void points_cb(Fl_Widget* o, void*) { points = ((Fl_Toggle_Button*)o)->value(); d->redraw(); } void slider_cb(Fl_Widget* o, void* v) { Fl_Slider* s = (Fl_Slider*)o; args[fl_intptr_t(v)] = s->value(); d->redraw(); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { Fl_Double_Window window(300, 555); Drawing drawing(10, 10, 280, 280); d = &drawing; int y = 300; for (int n = 0; n < 9; n++) { Fl_Slider* s = new Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(50, y, 240, 25, name[n]); y += 25; s->minimum(0); s->maximum(280); if (n == 8) s->maximum(360); s->step(1); s->value(args[n]); s->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); s->callback(slider_cb, (void*)(fl_intptr_t)n); } Fl_Toggle_Button but(50, y, 50, 25, "points"); but.callback(points_cb); window.end(); window.show(argc, argv); return Fl::run(); } // // End of "$Id$". // >meson.build project('fltk_test', 'cpp') add_project_arguments('-std=c++2a', '-Wall', '-Wextra', language: 'cpp') cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp') fltk_dep = cxx.find_library('fltk') executable('fltk_test', ['main.cpp', 'fluid_test.cpp'], dependencies : fltk_dep ) executable('curve_test', 'curve.cpp', dependencies : fltk_dep ) Then select the curve.cpp tab in Juci, and build (ctrl+enter). > #3 Play around with all the settings (and even the code in the file. I find it fun to watch the way the curves change and interact.
OK, we're going to set up a C++ testing framework on our RaspberryPis now. There are a number of these frameworks out there for C++, but Catch2 is the simplest one to use for this language, and one of the most powerful ones as well. It's really well thought out tbh. Go to https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2 and have a look around the repository. When you're ready, go ahead and clone the repo locally: cd _repo git clone https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git > #1 There are two files we'll be using for our projects to enable testing. They are named catch_amalgamated.hpp & catch_amalgamated.cpp and located in the Catch2/extras/ directory: > #2 That's about it. You'll be copying these two files into each of your project's directories and using them from there.
OK, so there's a search utility that's been created for us and it works with the JSON files archives of /robowaifu/. We'll get that set up to work on our RaspberryPis too. First, download this file: https://files.catbox.moe/tmu6qr.7z Open File Manager, then drag the downloaded zip from above over from the desktop and into a project parent folder. In my case that's /home/pi/_prj/ > #1 Right-click on the file and choose Extract Here. This will extract two separate files, the original code files archive, and a SHA256 sum file you can verify it's integrity with. Now open a terminal and change directories to where the files are. Execute this command now: sha256sum -c waifusearch-0.1f.tar.xz.sha256sum If everything's OK, you'll get this response: waifusearch-0.1f.tar.xz: OK Now you know the original archive is untampered with, you can extract it too now. You'll get a new directory named waifusearch-0.1f, and you can delete the archive and checksum files anytime now. > #2 We need to install a new build dependency on your RPi machine first before proceeding (ofc we presume you've already followed along with us ITT for everything else needed here). Start Synaptic ([RPi Menu] > Preferences > Synaptic Package Manager), and search for 'jsoncpp' . You'll see a result named libjsoncpp-dev library for reading and writing JSON for C++ (devel files). Right-click it and choose Mark for Installation then choose 'Apply' (the little paper airplane). Alright, now you're all set to build waifusearch: > #3 Go to the terminal and cd into the new directory. From there issue the command: meson build This will configure the new project as a Mesonbuild one, and configure it properly from the already-included meson.build file. During this configuration, Meson creates a new build directory for you. In this case it's named 'build' (after the named parameter argument build that you passed). > #4 Fire up Juci, open the new project folder File > Open Folder, and build the code (ctrl+shift+enter). After about a minute or so, you should see a successful message at the bottom of Juci's embedded terminal emulator (you can ignore all the notes from the old g++ version): [2/2] Linking target waifusearch. > #5 OK, you're all set. waifusearch is built and you're ready to use it from your RPi. We'll cover some examples in the next post.
>>8026 Now go back into the terminal and make sure you're cd'd into the waifusearch-0.1f directory. From there, issue this command to run the new executable you just built in the previous post: build/waifusearch In a few seconds, you'll see the search prompt. Now, just type in any words you want to look for on /robowaifu/ . For example, here's the search for the phrase 'clone the repo locally': > #1 This gives us two results. The first one, under the ORDERED category, is from a post just a couple up ITT. BTW, 'ordered' just means that exact set of words in your search phrase were found & in that exact order. The second result, under the UN-ORDERED category, includes all those words too, just not in that exact order. It's all the way over in the /meta2 thread. You probably already noticed that waifusearch defaults to showing crosslinks in it's results list. This is so it will be easy for you to copypasta these results here onto /robowaifu/ , and have them work directly for everyone else automatically (for example, there is a search for 'Sophie' posted in the Library thread >>7997). You can change this to instead show full hyperlink URIs, which you personally can then copypasta into your browser instead. To do this (just for now) you have to change a single flag inside the codefile main.cpp and rebuild the program to switch modes. Quit waifusearch (the letter 'q' to quit), go back into Juci, open the main.cpp file and scroll down until you find the variable named make_crosslinks (~L48) , and change it from being 'true' to 'false' Build again (and again, you'll see the '[2/2' linking success message when it's completed). > #2 Then return to the terminal and rerun the program, and now waifusearch will show you the hyperlinks in it's results instead. > #3 In the future, the plan is to provide several arguments to change the behavior of waifusearch, and the the crosslinks/hyperlinks setting will be one of them. Well, I hope you managed to successfully get the search tool set up on your RaspberryPi Anon. If you find anything interesting using it, be sure to post it somewhere in a good thread for us! BTW, the OP of the Library thread will occasionally have new updated JSON archives available. If you see a new one sometime, you can download it, then extract the resulting JSON out into the all_jsons subdirectory of your project directory. This will update waifusearch's information. Simply restart the program afterwards and you'll be on the the latest data using that new archive. There are a lot of other potential plans for the tool in the future, but this should be enough for you to go on with for now Anon. Please ask me any questions or let me know if you have any issues with the program ITT, thanks. Cheers /robowaifu/ RPi Anons.
>>8027 >example waifusearch for 'Chobits Chii' , to demonstrate copypasta'ing searches here on /robowaifu/ (use codeblocks for good formatting Anon): search: Chobits Chii ORDERED: ======== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Early Business Ideas >>3148 @ch: ~170 UN-ORDERED: =========== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK (Robo)Waifu personality thread >>468 " >>2056 Batteries & Power >>788 Electronics General >>843 Speech Synthesis general >>5530 " >>5532 Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruit >>2792 ' chobits chii ' [1 : 7] = 8 results
>>8026 OK I've pushed a new version up to catbox, v0.1g waifusearch searching tool (latest version) >>8063
>>8064 AUGGGGH. :^) Quick hotfix: For some reason at the last minute I failed to add a using statement that keeps this version from building on the RPi. In the file main.cpp, add this using for duration_cast: using std::chrono::duration_cast; > Then you can build. My apologies RPi bros, this little patch will be in the next rev.
>>8065 New push today. Includes the little using fix, but also includes CLI argument parsing finally :^) >>8103
waifusearch v0.1j >>8337
OK, some Anons wanted to set up BUMP for downloading /robowaifu/ and some other boards. One thing I neglected before when I originally wrote it was to support building it on the RaspberryPi. I've fixed that now. Note: Many boards are at least 1GB in size when downloaded. Lots of pics, video, pdf files, etc. For example, /robowaifu/ is currently ~2.3GB in size. >tl;dr Make sure you have either plenty of storage on your basic RPi MicroSD, or use a big pendrive in a USB port for downloading the board data onto. 1. We're presuming you're already following along ITT and have set up your RPi for building C++ code, building and running waifusearch, etc. While none of these things are necessary to building and running BUMP, these instructions presume you have. So if you still have unmet dependencies, etc., b/c you're only setting up this program, then you'll need to look up higher ITT to find the instructions, etc. Nothing too complicated. And ofc, some things will be different if you're running on a different flavor of Linux. YMMV, but as long as you can meet the basic dependencies then you should be good to go. 2. That being said there are two additional required dependencies, and one optional dependency. The first two are the developer libcurl library straight from the RPi's repo. The second is the curlcpp library which you'll need to download from their SJWhub repo and build/install it locally. The last, optional, one is torsocks just in case you want to hide your power level on your local network/ISP, etc. You are hiding your power level concerning anything you do online (particularly on IBs), aren't you Anon? :^). It also comes from the RPi's official repos. 3. I'd say you should go ahead and update/upgrade your RPi install first things first Anon. This can help make sure you have everything on your system patched first. Open a terminal and run an upgrade from the repos. (You should probably be doing this regularly, btw.) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade 4. Let's go ahead and set up libcurl (I'll also add torsocks for myself). Open Synaptic and search 'libcurl' , and mark libcurl4-openssl-dev for installation. > #1 #2 #3 5. Clone the curlcpp repo locally. git clone https://github.com/JosephP91/curlcpp.git > #4 -Build/install it with the CMake/Make dance. cd curlcpp/ && mkdir build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make -j2 sudo make install > #5
>>8769 1. Alright, now we can go ahead and download the updated BUMP software for today. You should check the signature of the archive file first, then again extract the codefiles themselves somewhere. I keep my software work in a _prj directory off my home dir. But (as mentioned above) if you need to use a different drive to store files onto, then I'd recommend you extract (or move) BUMP onto that same drive somewhere since BUMP stores all it's downloads inside it's own directory. >note: I plan to change that requirement for Bumpmaster, to allow better flexibility for storage, etc., but for now just put the codefiles on your intended storage drive. >version.log 210301 - v0.2e -------------- -add support for building on RaspberryPi -add build notes inside meson.build file -add AlogSpace onion to .sites.config -various minor comment cleanups https://files.catbox.moe/kigqqd.7z 49f53c2658c50e00a56d20d0e7299809eccae67d1ac7329cfe1891dfd45e67a8 BUMP-0.2e.tar.xz 2. Open a terminal in the extract directory and tell mesonbuild to configure this project: meson build > #1 -Now you can build it. cd build && ninja && cd .. > #2 3. OK, you're all set. BUMP is now built and ready to download any board from any site listed in it's .sites.config file. So to start off with, let's download AlogSpace /ck/ (since why not?) I'm going to access the hidden service via torsocks on my machine. torsocks -i build/bump bhlnasxdkbaoxf4gtpbhavref7l2j3bwooes77hqcacxztkindztzrad.onion ck > #3 >Note: If you aren't using BUMP over Tor, then you can just use the normal address and omit the torsocks -i prefix from the command. ie, build/bump alogs.theГунтretort.com ck 4. Once everything's finished downloading you can run it again, and BUMP is smart enough after the initial big dump to download only the new stuff that's changed since your last download. For example, re-running the previous command indicates nothing's changed yet: > #4 5. If you want to download other boards using BUMP -- /robowaifu/, say :^) -- then simply use the correct sitename boardname suffix to the terminal command. For example: torsocks -i build/bump bhlnasxdkbaoxf4gtpbhavref7l2j3bwooes77hqcacxztkindztzrad.onion robowaifu > #5 Hope that's got it all worked out for you Anon. As always, just ask ITT if you get stuck anywhere. Cheers. >=== -add latest version.log entry
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/01/2021 (Mon) 22:42:30.
>>8769 Thank, just build it. The ... behind the cmake command should be ../ for the path, following your instructions.
>>8772 Great, well done. Building worked. For the sake of completing the turorial, in case you make a textfile out of it: In point 2/> #1. One needs to create a build folder again, go into it, then use meson <path>, then call ninja. Obvious for experinced users, but I needed a moment to try stuff out. Also the .sites.config file needs to be copied into the build folder to work. Actually, it needs to be in the current working dir. Calling Bump from a folder /Backups/ requires the file to be in that folder. Testing it after building... Sorry, it failed. You might have choosen the naive approach when it comes to downloading files. It assumes if it started the download, that it worked? My backup of the board has 10.9 MB and it tells me that's all when restarting it. My connection very shacky, so it skipped a lot.
>>8863 Hmm. If you'd care to, maybe you can try again from scratch (w/o DL'ing again ofc) and take captures of the terminal at each step? The steps in 2. meson build cd build && ninja && cd .. are explicitly crafted that way in particular. The 'meson build' command will call the build system mesonbuild and instruct it to both create a subdirectory named 'build', and also to configure it as a proper build directory for the project. You could just as easily call 'meson foo' and it would still work just as well, but 'build' is the canonical folder name. The following three-step command is also specific: -'cd build' changes directories down into the new mesonbuild-created directory. -'ninja' calls the ninja build program (which needs to be run inside the mesonbuild's project build directory). When it completes, it will leave a new, compiled executable in that directory named bump. -'cd ..' jumps back up to the project directory after the build, which is where the program expects to run from. Which brings us to the step 3. executing the program. The command (just as an example): build/bump anon.cafe comfy also has three parts, all of them important: -'build/bump' tells the shell to look down into the 'build' directory and find an executable there named 'bump'. The BUMP program itself, however, expects to be called from the directory you're currently in (the project directory) again b/c of the hard-coded directory layouts. Thus the directory/program form of the command. -'anon.cafe' is the site name BUMP will lookup online, and use it to find the board's contents, which in this example is: -'comfy' I realize this can all be a little confusing at first, but once you've run the program a few times, it becomes 2nd-nature. I have a big script I call from my crontab which downloads ~50 boards now, basically automatically. So yeah, I'd suggest you start over perhaps, and capp screens of each step along the way and then post those here (in order) if you have issues again. Cheers.
>>8872 One more thing: YOU ONLY HAVE TO BUILD THE PROGRAM ONCE! It just dawned on me that newcomers might think they have to do all this every.single.time. heh. :^) After the program has been built (once), thereafter you just call it like any other, passing the specific sitename boardname arguments for each board you might want to archive. (The currently-supported sires are listed inside the version.log file.)
>>8872 Ah, I didn't know the meson build would create the dir. I tend to just look vaguely at things. I also overlooked that the line with the two ampersands were a legit Linux command line, despite doing this myself every day. Lol. I'm calling Bump from some dir where I want the backups to be, not from the dir of Bump itself. I don't know what the best way would be to solve the not downloaded file problem. On one hand I'm glad that you might even not have a library that reads files from the disk in you project, but checking if a file would be there, might make the most sense that way.
>>8877 >I'm calling Bump from some dir where I want the backups to be, not from the dir of Bump itself. No, that's perfectly OK, but in that case I would simply copy the build compiled executable from the build directory to wherever you want to run it from in that case. There's no reason the BUMP executable has to reside in any particular directory. >I don't know what the best way would be to solve the not downloaded file problem. On one hand I'm glad that you might even not have a library that reads files from the disk in you project, but checking if a file would be there, might make the most sense that way. Please share the message or a screen capp.
>>8878 >in that case I would simply copy or symlink the build compiled executable*
>>8878 Ah, now I see the problem. We misunderstood each other. I meant the .sites.config file needs to be in the folder where I'm calling Bump from. It seem not to look in the build folder, or wherever it resides but in CWD.
>>8882 Ah that's true. I'd suggest you copy both .sites.config (holds all the site configuration data in a JSON) + the bump executable into whatever folder you want to store the data in. Then it will be: >from whatever data directory: ./bump anon.cafe comfy or whichever sitename boardname (like robowaifu). Apologies about the confusion. Hopefully the new approach for Bumpmaster will be simpler to use in the future. >=== -edit example command
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/19/2021 (Fri) 16:36:03.
>>8883 No problem, no apologies required, I'm glad to have it. Just wanted to mention it, in case someone runs into the same problem and also as a bug report.
>>5270 Update The developers of Juci have made a big update that now takes advantage of ccache to speed up the compilation process if parts of a project have already done. I recommend you install ccache under Synaptic > and also follow the steps to update Juci and rebuild it. >>5346
>>8863 I renamed a file named .archbot.config to make it downloading the files again. It might only redownload the catalog.json anyways. Need to do more testing. Can't really imagine that this Curl library cant be given some attribute to not redownload files which have the same name and size (maybe hashsum).
>>9376 So, by doing this renaming you're basically telling BUMP to reconstruct the entire archive from scratch. This is because the program explicitly checks this .archbot.config file (named in honor of the very earliest version of the tool Archive Bot >>610) to find this archive's configuration setup. If it can't find that exact filename, it presumes this is a new archive that anon is setting up. Note: However, since this is not a new setup, it simply redownloads & rechecks all the JSON files from the board (potentially downloading any new files that haven't been yet) during this 'new setup' process, overwriting the previous JSONs (& simply reusing the already-created, custom-named thread directories within the archive's directory tree). Rather than going to all the trouble of doing this, if you want to re-download all the JSONs you can instead simply pass an 'undocumented' flag 1 at the end of the statement to do this: build/bump anon.cafe comfy 1 This force_recheck flag tells BUMP to redownload & recheck all the board's thread's JSON files. Note: The catalog.json is the single file that will always be downloaded with every invocation of BUMP, since it contains all the information needed that tells the program which (if any) threads have been, well, BUMPed. :^) As far as your other comment about checking the status of a file before attempting to download, yes. Both HTTP/2 & cURL both support this type of tag in the header (however a website may or may not provide it). I simply hadn't gotten around to addressing it since the algorithm already did all the required 'update-needed' checks by simply using the board's catalog JSON file itself. CBA to change it ATP, but it's something I'm likely the adopt in the new Bumpmaster program instead. >tl;dr Just put a '1' on the end of the command if you need a re-check, Anon.
>>9382 >Just put a '1' on the end of the command if you need a re-check, Anon. Okay, I'll try that. It's not urgent, if there are others using the program to make a backup of the board. I can wait. Another thing: Which files would I need to copy into Waifusearch, to use the updated jsons for search. I know you're planning to join these anyways, just wondering if I can do it manually or with a small script on my own. Again, I'm not trying to urge anything here. Not that important.
>>9396 >Which files would I need to copy into Waifusearch, to use the updated jsons for search. Well, here's my crappy shell script I use for it. >cp_jsons.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash unalias cp cd /home/johnny/_prj/BUMP-0.2e/ torify -i build/bump alogs.theГунтretort.com robowaifu cd alogs.theГунтretort.com/robowaifu/ find threads/ -iname '*.json' -exec cp -f -t all_jsons/ {} + rm all_jsons/*_file_404s.json rm all_jsons/7143.json rm all_jsons/273.json cp -f all_jsons/* /home/johnny/_prj/waifusearch/all_jsons/ cd .. >tl;dr All of them (well except the library/archive threads). >=== -add Bash env specifier
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/03/2021 (Sat) 08:49:45.
>>9399 Note: I should add, I created an all_jsons subdirectory under the BUMP robowaifu archive directory once I had written Waifusearch, for just this purpose. It's not part of the base BUMP directory creation process, so you'll need to do it manually beforehand prior to running a script like this ofc. >=== -minor prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/31/2021 (Wed) 22:41:21.
>>9396 >Okay, I'll try that. It's not urgent, if there are others using the program to make a backup of the board. I can wait. I'm not aware of anyone but myself doing so ATM. I've been presuming that you yourself were doing so Anon. It would certainly be good to have several of us doing so. Just in case something happened both simultaneously to the AlogSpace and to one of us as well...it could spell the end of /robowaifu/ if no one else was there to step up with a recovery. Again, as mentioned before here, if this ever happens, then one of you approach the Administration of our two bunker sites with the backups and request a full restoration of the board there. Robowaifus are an idea whose time has come. A little thing like leftists and glowniggers trying to end this board isn't going to stop it now! :^)

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