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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

Batteries & Power Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 06:21:14 No.23
Robowaifus will need power to run, and since they will be mobile this means a mobile power system too. ITT post info on batteries and other mobility capable power systems. --- > related-thread : (>>5080) >=== -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/18/2023 (Fri) 22:45:53.
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This university research project aims to make recharging your power system as quick as refilling a tank of special electrolytes. While it's aimed at the automotive industry, maybe it will have importance to the robowaifu industry as well.

While being an overall cool advancement, I don't think robowaifu's will really need fast charging capabilities. After all what else would she be doing while "asleep"
In the sixth Chobits episode, 'Chii Weakens' charging you're robowaifu (ie, getting Chii's master Hideki to learn that he even needs to) is the topic, and when the landlady (secretly Chii's mom) finally begins charging her up for Hideki, the implication is that she's charging up super fast. But then again, she's a super robowaifu, so maybe that's expected.

As to 'what else would she be doing' [at night], I may hear the sound of /clang/ing off in the distance heh. Sometimes she just might need a quick recharge tbh.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/26/2019 (Thu) 17:45:34.
How about a bio-reactor that used microbes to generate energy? Bonus: you could have dinner with your waifu.
That's an interesting idea anon. Have any info links?

>Bonus: you could have dinner with your waifu.
>inb4 robowaifu farting ala the Bicentennial Man scene
Samsung claims this tech will charge 5x faster, and store 45% more energy per volume.
>In theory, a battery based on the “graphene ball” material requires only 12 minutes to fully charge. Additionally, the battery can maintain a highly stable 60 degree Celsius temperature, with stable battery temperatures particularly key for electric vehicles.

Hey guys, I've taken the plunge into learning how to use 18650 lithium ion batteries, they are world standard 3.7V rechargeable batteries used in cellphones and Teslas (which use thousands of them). I arrived at this decision since a casual browse of online shopping sites revealed more hits of 18650 battery holders and charge protection circuits than C battery cells, which I was going to originally use. C sized nickel cadmium batteries in particular are hard to find.

I also discovered the ESP32 is a 3.3V chip and can be powered by a single 18650 (in fact there's a version that comes with a battery holder and OLED built in), and two 18650 in series can provide sufficient voltage to the regulator powering the other type of Arduino boards.

Note that these batteries are particular and will be damaged if overcharged or undercharged, hence the necessary (but dirt cheap) protection circuits, picture is a one-cell 1A USB-powered one and a two-celled one that I'll have to somehow hook up to a 9V charger with enough amperage. In the meantime I can charge each individually via USB and I'll put a hardware battery level indicator in my waifubot.
Forgot to mention the newer version of the TP4056 03962A has OUT + - which you can connect to a load already, since not only does it have overcharge protection (i.e. the older versions) but also undercharge protection.
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>I also discovered the ESP32 is a 3.3V chip and can be powered by a single 18650
I was just looking into this too recently. While possible, like you say, it seems most people recommend going up to 2S to get 7.4~6V over the discharge cycle, then using a 90+ efficiency switching regulator to bring it down to the 3.3V you need, plus another for 5V or 6V for motors or whatnot. The problem with a 1S direct connection isn't so much the low end of the cycle apparently, the 2.6~3.0V or whatever your particular board cuts off at, but rather the top end, 4.2~3.7V when charging/fully charged. Toasty.

Glad to finally see some non-theoretical battery discussion too, I'm working on my own battery pack and charging setup right now. Want to get the waifu hardware organized and off of my prototyping/research desk. Thinking either 2S2P or 2S3P. Pic related. Basically the same as yours. Same deal with the charger, I've got a 9V 1.3A charger here that's hopefully up the task. The product description says it wants 8.4V but I can regulate down to that.


So it looks like it will be 2SxP for sure for me then. Turns out the Orange Pi Zero cannot be powered with a regulated 3.3V supply via the 3.3V pins. Apparently those only exist to supply 100mA or so to peripheral sensors and whatnot. So now I've got the amusing situation of the 3.3V Pi and a 3.3V Arduino pro mini clone being powered with 5V (through the RAW pin on the mini). The 2 red FTDI boards have the 3.3V jumper in place too. Now I just got to get everything on a board with double sided tape or something, and the wires routed so I don't fry something with a loose 5V lead.


I see your standard lithium batteries being chosen, very practical. We also see some theoretical discussion, very interesting. Fuel cells may be worth looking into if you want an option that doesn't require plugging in your partner. I wonder what options will be most cost efficient, but certainly your partner if using lithium batteries can't be more costly to charge than an electric car. There is the matter of energy density however. Will there be room within your partner for sufficient energy packs to run them for a day? You may also want to make your system hot-swappable in case she starts running low on energy during a late evening out.

It may be worth it to study the power systems used for artificial hearts.
My first response for technical problems like this has always been, "how did biology solve it?"
In this case, it kind of didn't. Sleep isn't a charging cycle, as much as it is a cleaning time. Spend the less-productive night hours squirreled away, healing your body and indexing the day's memories and such. What people actually do to get their energy is eat and digest, and humans only store enough energy for about three days of actually doing things. When someone eats, they are getting all the energy from the storage of whatever they are eating. That's why you eat your own body weight in food in about a month, but it's split into a pound or two three times a day: the thing you're eating also didn't solve the energy storage problem, and you use energy almost as fast as you get it if you're an active person. It's like that all the way down to the plant level, when they use the sun's energy to turn ground-minerals into chemicals they can use.
Considering that billions of years of evolution managed to get energy storage for three days of activity, the best option probably is to have some form of on-site power generator and a steady supply of fuel, as it is much easier to generate power than store it. The reliance on fossil fuels is because they have something like 40 times the energy per kilogram of current batteries. Those biobatteries that >>797 mentioned show great potential if they can be miniaturized to fit inside of a torso.

As for artificial hearts, those work via "inductive coupling" - basically, if you have two conductors set up right, you can wirelessly transfer energy short distances, as in, a few feet at most. The transmission speed decreases very drastically with range. The heart is connected to one of the conductor (along with a rechargeable battery), while outside of the body is a much bigger battery connected to the other conductor. The rechargeable battery inside has only about half an hour of charge, almost all energy goes nonstop from the external battery to the heart. Inductive coupling can be used to transfer energy without breaking the skin, but doesn't have the flexibility to be much better than regular charging in terms of range, and takes up a lot more space, since a bigger conductor means faster power transfer at a much less efficient trade than bigger charging cables.
Any refinement possible on your '3-day energy storage based on evolution' model to account for motivated humans being able to go 40 days w/o food?

>inductive coupling
what if we made a wireless-charging futon for our robowaifus to sleep on overnights?
Could use some variety of flow battery if we're looking for in ingestion based model. Your waifu would require input of material in order to keep running however adding this new material would be quick and depending on volume could be rather convenient. As well I find the idea of my waifu having to "eat/drink" in a fashion like a live person to be appealing in some manner.
>As well I find the idea of my waifu having to "eat/drink" in a fashion like a live person to be appealing in some manner.
There's a social appeal to eating together with friends and loved ones anon. Watch the scene with K and Joi in Bladerunner 2049 and imagine instead that she was eating holographic food along with him. It becomes more charming to my thinking.
Here a long article about types of batteries: https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/types_of_lithium_ion Website itself is worth bookmarking: https://batteryuniversity.com/ Some video about some of the types (incomplete): https://youtu.be/LqgP16JQ24I Lithium-Ceramic: https://youtu.be/kJXRyWQgOY4 BMS diy: https://youtu.be/rT-1gvkFj60 LTO safety: https://youtu.be/XsrRDZxEFQE
>>4391 Excellent. Also, I appreciate the fact you took the time to post in the correct thread. Finding anything after the fact (especially weeks/months later) in off-topic threads can be like the proverbial needle in a haystack. Now, I can find this info from the catalog any day I please.
>related xpost >>4385 >>4386
>related crossposts (>>10664, >>10666)
>related xpost (>>10663)
>related xpost (>>10729)
Hydrogen is promoted by some Anons but it's worse than good batteries in terms of conversion efficiency, and much worse in terms of convenience and expense (at least in the scale of a single robowaifu's on-board power systems). But if you're interested in it, here's an interesting post on the topic. https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2018/05/08/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-using-hydrogen-to-generate-electricity/
I've been developing and building a direct ethanol/methanol fuel cell. Not specifically for this application, but it would work good I think.
>>14265 Cool. From the scratch or with some kit? If it's your own design, will you publish it on some website or will you make it into a product? How is the patent situation actually? These girls a few years ago got threatended with legal action if they try to make a product out of theirs. Just looked into it for a moment, some of such fuel cells are available for sale. Nice, good to know, but if at all then I'll need it in maybe two or three years or so. If anything, this will be some additional gimmick to a high-end luxury robowaifu, since these current commercial development kits seem to cost 1800$ while providing 400mW at less than a volt, lol. https://www.fuelcellstore.com/dmfc-flex-stak
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>>14267 Okay, but this looks much more promising: https://youtu.be/s4T3Oj9w0dk - 50W, 12-24V, needs a bit more than a liter fuel per hour. It's still too big, but not that much to make me loose hope. This guy here also made a small direct ethanol fuel cell. His video is in Italian, but he comments in English as well and seems to know about different options how to get there. He has more explainer videos up. Personally, I just hope for some product in form of a kit. As I wrote above, I'll only need that in two years or so.
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I don't know much about fuel cells and I'm not going to pretend that I do, but I realized that one idea I've been thinking about might produce oxygen and hydrogen mixed together with other potentially flammable gases. Rather than flaming-burps or trying to fit a small gas engine in there, is there a way I could use it with a fuel cell, or is burning it my only option?
>>14273 Your idea and question is rather vague. What other gases? Just look up what kinds of fuel cells exist. However, don't try to do everything differently. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. We are only a few guys here. We don't need to invent everything which we might use, let others do that, for other use cases. We only need to find out about it, and then adjust it to our use case if necessary. Batteries will be fine for many use cases. Lightweight waifus won't need much energy. Wheels reduce the amount of power needed to move around. External vehicles are another solution. Heavier waifus might be plugged in, after moving from one place to another. This heavier model will most likely have water and alcohol inside for heat distribution and cleaning, this is why a direct ethanol fuel cell might make sense.
>>14273 Anything that has an emission will damage you or your robowaifu. Ethanol fuel emissions are still poisonous unlike what the retards from earlier claim. They are essentially telling anons that they should let their car engine run while in their living space.
>>14279 >Ethanol fuel emissions are still poisonous There are not gaseous emissions with a direct ethanol fuel cell. The water involved becomes more acidic, if I recall it correctly. So, it's not like a car engine. >>14296 Fascinating. My uncalled advice is, to find something more helpful to work on. It seems to be complex, messy and inefficient.
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>>14296 >>14301 Lol. I (quite appropriately, I might add) will be moving your posts into shitposting-central soon. The topic of human (or other biological) digestion systems is certainly an issue to be addressed by the men thinking about this topic, and contributing into our biological thread. Certainly, there are many complex topics that necessarily come up when one decides to intentionally introduce biology into a robowaifu system. And the general topic of management of microbiological infestations presence on/within our robowaifus is something serious that needs to be addressed by very smart men here as well. Obviously her master's sanitation will be an issue for a robowaifu, and perhaps you'd be able to contribute to the protocols involved with reigning-in issues there? But, plainly, these posts indicates you'll be far more comfortable discussing this topic generally & specifically from within the warm, comforting environs of our mini-/b/, well-suited to this topic in general. Maybe from there you can explain effectively for us all what the directors who created these humorous mangos/animus that involve the purely-non-living robowaifus drinking/eating were thinking? :^)
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>>14302 The only reason I even brought it up was because of >>14277 asking what other gases would be involved because I was curious about burning gases for power. I already mentioned the electrolysis creating hydrogen and oxygen, regular humid air, hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, and presumably methane. I explained the process I was thinking about because genuinely don't know what other gases might be produced. If I did go through with this, I have some ideas of burning the gas to produce heat, and converting the heat into power. (another reason for the circulatory system) If there's any ideas for a more direct method of getting power, I'd like to hear it.
>>14304 yes, the infamous holzgas generator this was popular in vehicles back in the 40s due to war rationing you can find it mentioned in the nuremburg trials as this was (((their))) official story for decades before they abandoned that story and went with the insecticide zyklon b after people forgot what delousing was
>>14305 Or just a regular modern catalytic converter. I already assumed that the guy who wanted to make an ethanol fuel cell was also going to use a catalyst to deal with the carbon monoxide and other fumes, so I didn't think what I was saying was that weird.
>>14304 Heh, I'm simply joking about the topic itself--as portrayed by your posts. Very /b/-tropic. >If there's any ideas for a more direct method of getting power, I'd like to hear it. I would suggest that not only are electro-mechanical systems based on electrical motors significantly more efficient at delivering Watts directly where they are needed, but direct cabling for electricity straight into the robowaifu is a pretty direct method of getting direct current directly into the system. This form of directly getting power into a robot is still fairly commonplace in robo-prototyping labs. Our direct goal ofc, is to directly place direct-current batteries directly near our direct-current electrical motors, afaict. :^)
>>14302 This whole recent discussion seem to be based on BS. This questionable claim >>14265 starting it, was never fleshed out. - That's already suspicious - Then this seems to be trolling by acting to be stupid or new: >>14273 and >>14279 - And here >>14305 we're back to the Nazis. I made the more productive postings here, and still wouldn't care if the whole discussion would get moved over into the Basement. The biology thread doesn't deserve this nonsense. Discussion on digestion as an option would be fine, but it's a very awkward and special way to go, unless you want to live in a dark rainforest and having your waifu eating plants and animals. Based on that, discusions on that topic should imo generally getting cut down to the more serious appearing postings.
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>>14307 I already made the only contribution I have to make on the subject of energy storage here >>5080 and I'm not sure if I mentioned it elsewhere, but I once saw a low-resolution concept digital camera that used solar cells. As far as long-term power storage goes, you can't really get much better than generic lead-acid when they're used right.
>>791 This is going to be hilarious in application but it is entirely possible to turn used vegetable oil, rapeseed oil and canola oil into diesel fuel. I'm not sure how that'd work outside of a combustion engine but if we're talking about fuel from food that's the closest I can think of next to giving them a natural "septic tank" style stomach that comes complete with a micro biome and some sort of way to extract the energy out of it like a real stomach.
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>>14320 >it is entirely possible to turn used vegetable oil, rapeseed oil and canola oil into diesel fuel Those things are also flammable entirely on their own, we typically don't use them as fuel because they're not as energy dense. I think it makes more sense to try to use them as they are to produce energy than to take up more space with a microbrewery to convert them to another fuel.
>>14320 >Plant oil >some sort of way to extract the energy out of it Please just stop. There's nothing to improve or resolve here. Otherwise, buy some lab equipment on Ebay and go to work, or at least provide some idea how this is going to work and a reason why it is better than the existing alternatives
> power wiring conversation -related: (>>22057, ...)
Potential improvements in driving battery costs down? www.zerohedge.com/markets/mxene-related-stocks-soar-after-korean-scientists-claim-breakthrough-new-mass-production
https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2023/08/catl-m3p-battery-is-sodium-ion-chemistry-catl-tsla.html They have these sodium batteries right now for cars. They are mixing them with lithium-ion for peak current as sodium doesn't push as much. Eventually the price of these has to plummet. The active material is salt. I guess it depends on how well they have patented it and if someone can make something that gets around their patents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium-ion_battery The guy that invented the lithium-ion battery in it's present form and made it a contender has, he says, a solid state battery that can use potassium, sodium or lithium and gets high power output and low weight. Now people are skeptical, but most people who know about such things said that if it was anyone else they wouldn't believe it but him, he's the Master and a major genius at batteries so they can hardly say they know he hasn't done it. Now this was a good while ago so I don't know what happened with that.
>>24695 Neat. Thanks Grommet! Let's hope your prediction is correct. Salt is clearly a very abundant, cheap material to use in manufacturing. If it can prove to be a reliable source of energy storage in an economical form, then that would change many things. Cheers. :^)
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I've been looking at different power solutions. The easiest is lithium ion batteries. I mean it's most convenient and the electronics to deal with them are prevalent. But compare them to other tech and, they suck. Really bad. Expensive, they suck. Laying out the requirements. Somewhere on the board, can't find the link, I did a quick, very dirty, cost accounting. I did save the numbers though. ""...Normal human metabolism produces heat at a basal metabolic rate of around 80 watts..." (Note: Heat not work.) "...Over an 8-hour work shift, an average, healthy, well-fed and motivated manual laborer may sustain an output of around 75 watts of power...." "...During a bicycle race, an elite cyclist can produce close to 400 watts of mechanical power over an hour and in short bursts over double that—1000 to 1100 watts.... An adult of good fitness is more likely to average between 50 and 150 watts for an hour of vigorous exercise. Athlete human performance peak power, but only for seconds, 2,000Watts..." For reference a good horse working at a good constant rate works at 746 Watts. Let's say you need 400 watts for 2 hours a day then normal moving about at 100 Watts a hour with 7 hours for recharge at zero watts, We need 2 x 400W/h + 17 x 100W/h = 800w/h + 1,700W/h = 2,500W/h per day Some battery prices found on ebay at random. SANYO UR18650ZTA Li-ion batteries SANYO, 11 Wh, 3000 mAh, 3.7V maximum discharge rate of these batteries is 5.8A Total batteries needed at above rate = 2,500W/h per day/11.1W/h per battery = 225 batteries, @ $20 for ten = $450.45" So batteries are THE BIGGEST cost driver, I believe. I think there's a good possibility we can drive down the cost of actuators with a lot of thought and some experimentation. Especially if we use switched reluctance type actuators because they are only iron and some copper wire, and MOSFET drivers for these are super cheap. Look at the picture I uploaded and look at the energy density of Li-ion. Way, way, way down on the bottom left at damn near nothing. Pathetic. I've been looking at ethanol fuel cells. And I thought li-ion was expensive! These things are outrageous and I see no quick way anyone has found to do much better. Is there a better way? Maybe.? I had an idea. I'm not the only one that has this idea, sort of, because others were asking somewhat the same sort of thing. NASA even has a sort of program on it. Tiny jet engines. HyTEC https://www.nasa.gov/aeroresearch/updates-from-nasas-hytec-engine-core-project-show-progress I think there's a better way though. They want something very much like a regular jet engine but smaller. Now if you go back to Elon Musk ideas one of his principles is, Step one: Make the requirements less dumb So we're not trying to make some sophisticated turbine. We just want some cheap power. And it doesn't have to be super light weight. So we are going to have to have some batteries and likely some super capacitors for small period, maybe 2-4 sec. peak power. Not a problem. Affordable for short peak power but the long term stuff, expensive. What if we drove the compressor of the turbine with an electric motor instead of with a turbine that is in the hot section of the engine. Normal jet engines have a fan blown by the burning fuel connected with a shaft or gears to run the compressor. Very complicated. Very expensive. So now we only have thrust from the burning fuel. Now let's simplify this even more. Make the exhaust a rocket motor. Rockets are very efficient. So you make a nozzle and then connect to a rotating bearing and thrust it in a circle and it is connected to a generator. So it makes power to charge the batteries and run the compressor. If we use ethanol look at the stupendous amount of energy from burning ethanol compared to Li-ion batteries. Li-ion is something like 1 M-joule per liter and 1 M-joule/Kg. Pitiful. Ethanol is way more, around 25 times higher at 25MJoules/liter and 30Mjoules/Kg. Now here's where Musk requirements idea comes in. We could make a perfectly shit, very inefficient jet engine. Practically worthless and still whip the shit out of Li-ion efficiency and cost. At 5% efficiency we still get to 1.25Mj/liter. Beating the batteries. Exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about has been done before. They used tip jets to spin a huge rotor for a gyroplane. It wasn't efficient but only worked for a short time to take off. They could have made this work but it was after WWII. The British were broke and killed it before they could work out some problems they had. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairey_Rotodyne Anyways just an idea. Of course getting this to work would be much harder than just hooking up some batteries. But long term it would be extremely cheap. Only a small amount of the jet would need expensive stainless steel, which is not all that expensive, and would be less than the amount in an aluminium drink can.
>>24697 how much engi time do you think it would take to develop this to a satisfactory level? and how loud is supposed to be the final result?, cause turbines arez rarely quiet
>>14332 can't we just make the microbrewery external, like a charging station or something?
>>24698 >how much engi time do you think it would take to develop this to a satisfactory level? I don't know but people are certainly doing it. This is just one. There's many. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQ7gArNmqK0 https://hackaday.com/2018/12/07/building-the-worlds-smallest-jet-turbine-by-hand/
>>24697 >Total batteries needed at above rate = 2,500W/h per day/11.1W/h per battery = 225 batteries, @ $20 for ten = $450.45" Heh, that's rather a surprising figure. Good investigative work Grommet. >So batteries are THE BIGGEST cost driver, I believe. Actually, it's the actuators. By far since we're planning to give the software -- certainly the most expensive 'part' in the end -- away for free. We are all probably looking at ~US$5K+ for them in a moderate setup for a life-sized (145cm+) robowaifu r/n. This is the primary impetus behind the more sophisticated design approaches that Kiwi and myself are attempting here. To wit: keep the skeletal, shell, and [everything else]'s mass down, and you can (potentially) significantly reduce the actuation power needed to motivate the dynamics of your robowaifu's systems (make her move) : (>>4313). This could effectively cut the actuation costs down by half (or more), all the while making her more nimble and pleasing, humanly-speaking. This cost factor is also my own primary motivator for attempting to devise opensauce actuator winding-systems so Anon can create his own, saving even more on costs (with scale). While I really appreciate your points Anon, simply put I don't think there are any other reasonable alternatives to us for mobile power contained within our robowaifu's bodies than batteries. If that's in fact the case, then the onus is on us all to devise the best compromise between cost+weight+power-density+QoL-aesthetics . R/n that best compromise means Li-ion batteries. Hopefully, better, lighter, cheaper solutions will be discovered in the future but for now I believe that's our best choice hands-down. Thankfully, scientists & engineers the world over currently are aggressively pursuing research into newer electrical power storage systems. So who knows? We may see some major breakthroughs soon. Thanks for these good posts and for all your creative, out-of-the-box thinking Anon! >"Somewhere on the board, can't find the link, I did a quick, very dirty, cost accounting." BTW, if you can think of good keywords then you might use Waifusearch (>>8678) to help you find them? Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/19/2023 (Sat) 18:45:14.
>>24701 So cool. I wish I'd had these as a child haha! :D
>>24699 >can't we just make the microbrewery external, like a charging station or something? Yes I think that's on-point Anon. Most any kind of reasonable 'power-generation system' for our robowaifus needs to be external. This is very much in line with the same reasons that any future artifical womb systems will also need to be so, such as tabletop systems. > pic related
>>24708 >pic related
You guys exaggerate the power needs of this thing really. Raspberry pi and servo motors are like around 5 volts for the mini ones ones which is like 1 lithium battery and 1 regular battery. The big motors is 12 volts each maybe. 3 lithium batteries each and so on. It's not a big deal. We'll see how many batteries are needed in the end. >But they won't last long Doesn't matter it's supposed to be a house bot for the most part.
>>24709 Well-played. :DDD >>24711 >You guys exaggerate the power needs of this thing really. I'm not really trying to debate you here Anon -- believe me, I'd be ecstatic if you can prove us all wrong -- but I think the reality of this situation is that we are not only not exaggerating the power requirements... we're actually low-balling them out of optimistic hope! :^) Our optimism is based on the efforts to minimize the mass of everything. By doing this we significantly reduce the so-called 'thrown-weight' (and therefore the inertial moments) of the 'levers' that constitute a robowaifu's arms, legs, &tc. Dear Kibo-chan (>>24608), and Poppy (>>24531) are somewhat reasonable approaches today specifically because they are smol (that is, short) and lightweight. This is just the same approach I mean to take advantage of for Sumomo-chan (>>14409) also. Well and good, such as they are (ie, headpat daughterus). But once we begin scaling robowaifu designs up to life-sized dimensions (145cm+) then strange things begin happening with the physics involved. This phenomenon is known as the Square-Cube Law [1], and has been well-understood for centuries. >tl;dr The power (Amps, not Volts) required to make a fully-loaded, realworld robowaifu move around, all day erry day, is probably more than you may think r/n Anon. But together I hope we'll all find a way to greatly reduce this requirement. May God give us good success with that, and every other one of the many dozens of things that all need to be solved here! Cheers. :^) 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square%E2%80%93cube_law >=== -patch crosslinks -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/19/2023 (Sat) 21:10:52.
>>24714 Oh no you're right. Bard says a high torque 12v motor might require a 100 ah battery which are quiet different... Something like this per big motor maybe. I don't like relying on bard though, it often times gives the wrong answer. If someone here knows how many ah is required to power a high torque 12 volts motor for say 6 hours that'd be great and again I got the 12 volts estimate from bard too so...
>>24714 >we're actually low-balling them out of optimistic hope! :^) I would have to agree. Even if our wildest dreams about the ability of AI to become faster (lees power needed) you're still going to need a reasonably fast processor to have a life like waifu. That's what I'm measuring. Not something that can walk a few feet and lay around. Even if it lays around, if you want to talk to it or have it pay attention...fast mobile processors are running at 35-40 Watts and reasonable desktops at 80-150 watts. It's a lot of power. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CPU_power_dissipation_figures
>>24717 >how many ah is required to power a high torque 12 volts motor for say 6 hours that'd be great and again I got the 12 volts estimate from bard too so... There are formulas for that you can find on the web and probably in this thread. It depends on what you mean by "high torque 12 volts motor". Also, it depends on the workload. Six hours with barely any load, just changing positions on a coach, is not the same as her walking around using it. It's a mistake to assume you could build a waifu using that for six freaking hours under full load. My target is 20-30 minutes under full load, maybe just 10-15 minutes. Of course sitting around or doing less would make the power last much longer. Related: >>23782 >>23781
>>24717 just look up the wattage of the engine eg. a 12v 240w engine requires 20a (w=va) per hour if the battery is 12v 100ah it would last 5h ( ah/a )
>>24705 >>So batteries are THE BIGGEST cost driver, I believe. Actually, it's the actuators. By far. We are all probably looking at ~US$5K+ I agree if you say,"let's buy a bunch of motors off the shelf and run our waifu with it right now", but looking at the material cost and building them ourselves I think we can go much lower. Way lower. Vastly lower. I do not have this all worked out but I have some ideas. I think it will be a good while before I can flesh them out. It will take test. One idea I had is for water hydraulics. Now I have blasted hydraulics to death but...there may be a way to get around the high cost of the control valves. Maybe. My ideas right now are so incomplete that it would futile to talk about it. I would get a ton of questions...I can not answer. If you notice I have some whacked ideas and may be wrong but I can usually answer criticisms when I post my ideas. There is some material, logical thought behind them. Maybe some, or a lot, of them are not actionable but I can usually make a case for what I think up. I'm not there yet on actuators yet but I'm thinking on it. The key is the material cost of these things is way lower than what they are selling them for. We must think a better way to arrange them to lower cost. > I don't think there are any other reasonable alternatives to us for mobile power contained within our robowaifu's bodies than batteries. Yes I see that. The ideas for lower cost power mostly reside with the idea that you could get a waifu for $2,000-3,000 dollars. You can't do that with batteries I don't think and have much more than what you can buy in China now. Just a big doll. So when I postulate these wild ass ideas it's only because I'm trying to think of a way around these battery prices. "Hope springs eternal." and it doesn't hurt to think about it.
>>24717 > If someone here knows how many ah is required to power a high torque 12 volts motor for say 6 hours that'd be great I have a few, very rough, estimates on power needed for lifting things and then extrapolated to all day in the actuator thread. Here's one, but ignore my hate of hydraulics, I may have changed my mind on that due to cost. Keep in mind I over estimated a bit because the processor alone will use substantial power any time it moves, talks or listens. >>12014 >>12140 I did some rough cost accounting here and came up with $10,846 for parts alone. It's too high to be profitable for individuals to buy. As has been said before I bet the break point is around $2,000-3,000 with $2.000 being far more desirable. So to make this really work you might need a parts cost of half that or less. Difficult. >>13408 One more that talks about forces needed and what that portends for the amount of power. >>13229 My cost are based on something that would follow simple directions like a dog. Train for your voice for a hour or so. Then have it do stuff like,"move over here", "pick that up", "follow me", "get me a beer". And the always popular,"go to the bedroom". I think if the above could be done for $2,000-3,000 they would sell fairly well. People would take into account the price. Sell upgrades, "orifices" .for maybe $200-300, (I don't think they should be built in for legal and propaganda reasons but be easy to add), and better software and hardware. I think it would at least have to move around without constantly falling over in built areas, like sidewalks, stairs, in houses and do a a little fetching. I think people would be happy with that as a start.
was looking at old crystal radios and it made me think the fact were saturated with so much emf waves might be useful in the future, these early radios didnt use an electricity, not directly at least, the radio waves themselves provided enough electricity to power the speaker so hypothetically you could be constantly charging the battery so long as theres emf waves like from your neighbors wifi, only thing is the power is so small so no idea how your going to push it into a battery that already has a charge pushing back
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Though it's a bit antithetical to this thread, I have to ask: do we really need batteries right now? I've been mulling over the issue on my own time, and it seems that there really isn't any good solution to the mobile power problem at this time. But I don't think we need a solution, at least not straight away. Consider this: what would do with your wife's theoretical mobility if you had her immediately? Not five years from now, but right now. Realistically, there isn't a whole lot she can do outside the house. With our current level of technology, she won't be agile enough to walk on stairs, much less go on nature walks with you. With our current social situation, she really shouldn't be out in public. I believe that the limited benefit of batteries simply doesn't outweigh the cost or added engineering complexity right now. Plus, I can't imagine any of us are really going to stick with the V1 design of our wives forever. Parts break down and better parts release to market, there are many reasons to upgrade in the future. Thus, I think that the battery question should be shelved for the time being. The issue can be revisited in a few years when the technology gets a bit better (or cheaper, if nothing else). As for right now, a cable harness will do the job of delivering power for far cheaper. If you keep her brains in a server (which I will) you can add ethernet cables to the harness to facilitate cheaper, lower latency connections between her controllers and the server compared to WiFi.
This will help determine battery characteristics for a mobile robot. If she walks, triple the power required. https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/drive-motor-sizing-tool
>>24725 >do we really need batteries right now? ...there isn't a whole lot she can do outside the house That's a good point. Could also see it as, use very limited battery power now with frequent recharge if not plugged in.
>>24722 >I think we can go much lower. Way lower. Vastly lower. I sure hope so Anon! In fact, I'm counting on it. :^) >>24725 You make some good points Anon. I'll give this some serious consideration. >>24732 Thanks!
Please don't take the threat of Li-Ion explosions/fires lightly, Anon. nitter.net/roller2426/status/1572892393791455232 nitter.net/JimNotBob/status/1456705971993169924 >=== -add 2nd link
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/12/2023 (Tue) 16:42:04.
News: Yuge Li ore deposit in Burgerland discovered, possibly the largest found on Earth so far. www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adh8183 nypost.com/2023/09/11/lithium-deposit-found-in-us-mcdermitt-caldera/ >=== -add 2nd link -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/13/2023 (Wed) 10:37:17.
>>25325 Old news, but thanks for the reminder. IF I use Li-Ion at all, then in something like additional belts as external source. The right way to deal with such a fire seems to be wet sand, btw. Difficult in case of a bus, but it should work with a smaller device.
>>14332 >we typically don't use them as fuel because they're not as energy dense We don't use them cause they cost more per liter than gasoline/diesel and used oil is considered worthless waste; same applies for etanol.
So after years I am first person to point out LiFePO4 (lithium iron phosphate) batteries are safer than lithium ion? They dont heat up as much and are more difficult to explode. They also are better value for the cost in the long term because they do not lose capacity as fast. Part of the reason being they are able to operate lower voltages. But down side is they are heavier and less energy dense. Under development are NaFePO batteries, which likely would be cheaper if they ever come around and are supposed to perform better than current sodium ion batteries unless I had misread.
>>800 >40 days w/o food this is a really interesting phenomenon that i'm not sure will be able to be replicated in machines. my best guess is that the body does some incredible optimization after a while, so you spend energy a lot less than usual
>>30197 that and beer lol, its why monasteries have a reputation for brewing because of lent
>>30199 what does beer have to do with lent? do worshippers go on a beer fast or smth?
>>30200 the monks in medieval europe started it because it didnt count as food so it didnt break your fast, they then got the reputation because they were brewing the strongest beers out of necessity
>>30201 how do you mean "necessity"? does stronger beer help you stave off hunger?
>>30202 Bread was originally invented as a way to store beer. High enough concentration of grains and it becomes liquid bread.
>>30212 >a way to store beer today i found out...
>>30171 >LiFePO4 (lithium iron phosphate) batteries are safer than lithium ion I was mentioning LTOs instead, for years. Maybe LiFePO4 wasn't mentioned explicitly, but sites and channels where these batteries are talked about were certainly mentioned at some point. Or it was assumed people knew about it, or would find out when they'll need to. It might also a cause of going for the extremes, LiFePO4 is in the middle between lithium ion and LTOs. In my case, my argument is the number of loading cycles which speaks for LTOs, which is of course more important for a waifu body where the batteries are hard to access. Yes, maybe in a belt, boots or other external battery holders like mentioned in >>25328 lithium iron phosphate might be a better alternative.
This might be a moot point, but has anyone considered removing the computation from the machine body and treating it like a client-server relationship, where the body sends and recieves signals to the "brain"/server?
>>30249 I've been mentioning LiFePO4 for years. I even discussed charging them.
>>30252 I'll iterate; by having a low power client sending signals to a larger computer that is connected to power, there should not be too much of an issue for battery power; any room the computer would fit inside would be able to be used for space for a battery.
>>30253 I see. I was just meaning in this thread specifically I didn't see it mentioned. >>30249 Looking up LTO and it seems a lot more expensive and doesnt necessarily last as long as LiFeOP4. Why do you think you need direct access to the battery rather than some sort of charging port that can be covered? You only need access if you were hotswapping batteries or the battery is dead and wont charge. If you go hotswapping route charge time doesnt matter.
>>30252 >anyone considered removing the computation from the machine body and treating it like a client-server relationship Yes, this is one of the most important epiphany to have. That the compute doesn't necessarily need to happen in the body, it could be some external server. That said, it would be nice to do as much as possible internally. >>30253 Yeah, I didn't remember the details but wanted to communicate that it's not big news to us. Anyone looking into battery comparisons would've come across it, even if it wasn't mentioned, or even just not in this thread here. >>30261 I guess this thread here was just underused, it would be good to link all mentions of discussions about batteries into it one day. >Looking up LTO and it seems a lot more expensive and doesnt necessarily last as long as LiFeOP4 Last time I checked, it was the variant with the most charging cycles. But I don't follow all the new developments.
>>30252 >>30254 This even has it's own thread >>2956 (which it shouldn't have, a lot of threads should be merged one day)
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Kiwi’s Basic Battery Guide! Watts are volts multiplied by amps. For example, a tiny computer using 5 volts at 2 amps is consuming 10 watts. Watt hours is how long a battery can supply power. A 50 watt hour battery would be able to power this tiny computer for 5 hours. In reality, it’s best to assume you’ll get less than this as your watts consumed will vary over time and things like voltage regulators and other aspects of her power system will drain the battery slightly faster than expected. Assuming 80% of the batteries power is usable by your waifu is a safe rule of thumb. Lithium LiIon Lithium Ion cells generally have 100-250 watt hours per kg of mass (higher density can be had, they’re uncommon and expensive). 250 to 700 watt hours per liter of volume. They can be expected to last between 300 to 1,000+ charge cycles before dropping to 80% of initial capacity. From there, expect the usable energy to drop significantly over time. Safe cell voltage ranges between 2.5 to 4.35. Voltage ranges between 3 to 4.1 will allow the cells to last longer. LiPo Lithium Polymer cells are designed to reach higher energy densities. They are closer to the 250 watt hours per kg and 700 watt hours per liter than LiIon batteries of the same cost. They will inflate and potentially explode if discharged below 2.5 volts or charged above 4.4 volts. They are tempting given their low cost and high energy density, they’re too explodey for me. These batteries need to be kept at normal temperatures or they go boom. Costs are reasonable. LiFePO4 Llithium Iron Phosphate cells typically have 90 to 150 watt hours per kg of mass. 200 to ~300 watt hours per liter of volume. Expect them to last ~3,000 charge cycles before dropping to 80% usable energy if you abuse them by over discharging them and charging them with poorly regulated voltage. They will last 4,000 to 10,000+ charge cycles before reaching 80% if you are careful. They tolerate over charging and complete discharging, but will lose capacity faster if done so. Safe voltage range is 2 to 3.6 volts. Only discharging to 2.8 volts will allow them to last hundreds to thousands more cycles. More tolerant to heat and cold, try to keep them at normal temperatures. Usually the lowest cost of the 3. LTO Lithium Titanate cells have an energy density of 30 to 100+ watt hours per kg. 100 to 150 watt hours per liter. They can last between 6,000 to 30,000+ charge cycles before reaching 80%. Safe voltage range of 1.8 to 2.8 volts. I’m unfamiliar with them, but they seem to have the potential to last for well over 30 years before they noticeably degrade in usable capacity. They are safe at extreme temperature ranges of -40c/f to 60c or 140f. The most expensive.
>>30276 i thought they only get swol when they heat up, its something to do with gases being produced which is why spotlights still use lead batteries because the amp required for a spotlight is too high to avoid heat from the draw the holy grail will always be pic related though but im not too into biology to figure out why its so hard to replicate in a machine
>>30276 Thanks, that's good for having an overview in this thread here. >Only discharging to 2.8 volts will allow them to last hundreds to thousands more cycles. More tolerant to heat and cold, try to keep them at normal temperatures. Usually the lowest cost of the 3. This here is the important part I didn't know about. Yes, this very likely makes LiFePO4 even more interesting than LTOs.
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>>30252 Yup, that is how SPUD >>30161 works: raspberry pi for the avatar, server is a PC w/ RTX 2070 running an LLM and ai TTS. Data latency via wifi is neligible because the data transmitted per response can be measured in kb (server recieves about 20 bytes of text, then outputs a 120kb wav file), delay mostly comes from my graphics card being smol and taking a while. I'm using some premade batteries. They might be expensive (price has nearly doubled thanks to biden-omics) but sometimes they can be found in Harbor Freight's open box section on discount: folks buying the incorrect battery for their tools, I suspect. Comes with a built-in board to help with battery management and whatnot, but somehow I managed to brick one lol. Still not sure if I can fit it into SPUD's body though, might end up making some chonky megaman-esque boots for her to wear to hold the batteries and lower the center of gravity like the robosapien line does. >>30276 I had some LiPos start to inflate/heat up while charging them. Chucked 'em in a snowbank for a day to make sure they were cool then disposed of 'em.
>>30276 >>30278 I kept coming across videos of people buying LTOs and reporting their grade A battery was only giving performance of grade B so they got ripped off.
This has me thinking. Are soft pack batteries safer than hard pack? Since soft pack cant build up pressure so it cant explode so dangerously if punctured or something. >>30285 > I had some LiPos start to inflate/heat up while charging them. Chucked 'em in a snowbank for a day to make sure they were cool then disposed of 'em. Considering lithium is highly reactive to water that wasn't exactly the best move. In future you need a class D powder extinguisher in case of lithium fires. Though in a pinch you maybe could use a box of sodium bicarbonate sprinkled on it.
>>30289 I forgot to mention a few details like I did seal it in a bag first and the snowbank was in the middle of a field :D Talking with a fellow who did beetleweights battlebots that did use lithium batteries he needed contingency plans for insurance reasons. His plan (which he had to implement once) was putting the beastie in a sturdy metal box until the lithium burned itself out. And that is why I'm sticking with Lead-acid for my non-robowafiu projects. Those break the worst you have is an acid spill (which I've had to deal with before).
>>30290 yeah your friend has the right approach, found out these things are unstoppable bombs, all the oxygen is already there in the uh lithium oxide, once its hot enough to free the oxygen you get a runaway reaction of more heat leading to more oxidation leading to more heat and more oxygen and so on and so forth, all you can do is cover it and wait it out because its not stopping
>>30289 >class D powder extinguisher I would really like to never use that in a domestic place. I hope the carbon dioxide ones are good enough. That said,... >>30295 >all you can do is cover it and wait it out because its not stopping Maybe I'm not well informed yet, but I thought wet sand was the best way to go.
>>30299 CO2 extinguishers are for class B and C fires. Class C being electrical fires but I think that's more like fire from the arcing electricity or flaming cables or something. Class D fires are metal fires including lithium though oddly some extinguishers do not even mention lithium. I am seeing some mixed information online some suggesting certain class C extinguishers might work but I think that's possibly wrong since lithium is self oxidizing if I recall right. Probably best to go physically to a fire station and chat with them for ideas if you have trouble finding info from reliable sources. One thing you can do is avoid full charges and full discharges which will extend the battery life and keep it from getting too hot when charging. Yet then again I actually did find out you can actually buy sodium ion cells even now. Probably not ideal for charge cycles but for testing as long as the voltage is as much as you need they might do fine. They can still explode if punctured or something but they dont burst into flames so it might be useful for just testing maybe?
>>30299 any covering will do, just anything to isolate it from the surroundings, its basically thermite at that point
>>30285 > Comes with a built-in board to help with battery management and whatnot, but somehow I managed to brick one Do you still have it? I have a hoverboard battery that was reading 1 volt, and was able to "restore" it by the method in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ru28-1yMKE In my case the BMS board was glitched, and though I had the battery on the charger for several days (apparently not charging) the battery read 11 volts, when it was actually fully charged. By doing the short circuit- with a pair of plastic handled scissors- the battery immediately "revived" (the BMS reset) and now works properly.
>>30328 Ive done the short circuit thing on some lithium batteries before. They get extremely hot very quickly and risk exploding into flames. Something to do with the heat breaking up crystals formed in them or something if i recall right. It of course causes damage to the battery but yeah it can work.
>>30328 >Do you still have it? Of course, that little shit was expensive. One of these days I'm going to be dissecting it and replacing/recharging the cells individually.
>>30308 Good news on the battery fire front or lack there of. I was watching some electric sail boat stuff, and they now have solid state batteries. You can drive a nail through them and they won't catch on fire. They have super long life of 12,000 cycles and comparative energy density. I've read before that they can be higher. @7:00 EXCLUSIVE_ Secrets Shared by Marine Battery Manufacturers _ Step 381 They have tested it so it will be product soon. This won't help right away but the fact that they have production tested cells means not so very long they will have more of them. The advantages in lifetime and safety will likely drive the market to them.
>>30348 Wouldnt the right battery size be more like something for an ebike, moped or motorcycle?
>>30348 Yes, solid state batteries are being talked about for quite some time, and they might become very interesting, but it needs to be a real product and available in the right size made for hobbyists and robots in particular. >>30350 >something for an ebike, moped or motorcycle Still too big. At least the later two.
>>30356 its been a thing since forever its just not used as a battery most of the time because its no where near as effective as a chemical battery, dont think there will ever be anything better than liion
So a while ago I did this long calculation based on the energy used by humans to do work and an estimate of what power would be needed by a waifu here, >>13408 So today I'm looking a site where they have an actual humanoid robot built now and they say they will have a 2.25 KWh battery pack. https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2024/08/figure-2-humanoid-bot.html My estimate, 2,500W/h. So yes I'm bragging. I wonder what their robot sells for? I estimated a total cost at the link, and I think it could be cheaper but with all the bells and whistles, materials alone $10,846. The highest cost in my estimates was in muscles $6000 and batteries $1,960. Silicon and miscellaneous was also high at $1,000 which is realistic if you use a good deal of it. It's expensive. Before I have mentioned I thought you could get a waifu for $3,000. I'm not so sure now. It would be really hard. You would have to do some sort of miracle, and I think it can be done, for muscles, and likely it would have limited battery power. The price of batteries has come down and if you limited the waifu to easy work, a lot of sitting around and maybe frequent recharges then you could likely chop the battery cost to 25%, lower the electronics cost to $600 (tough to do and a close call), lose the silicon and miscellaneous for $1,000 and crush it to $100 you get $3,056. But that's no profit. I think it would not be too tough to get a material cost of $4,000 but this doesn't include labor and it also does not include making the machinery, molds, etc. you would need to make these in quantity. I believe at the original $10,000 USD cost you could build these, include labor and make a profit but it would take a long time to get back the labor you spent on design and equipment to build these. My guess is they will sell these bots at over $40,000 to account for all these cost. Maybe as high as $75,000 to get some good return on their money. Now this may seem silly to try and cost these but even if the numbers are wrong they give you some sort of guideline on where you need to trim or be super creative to cut cost. Muscles are the biggest. I don't believe we can cut too much on the electronics or batteries. We have no control over those but muscle cost is something we do so it would seem that effort there would be rewarding. I haven't included a dime for touch sensing because I have no idea how to do this cheaply. It's a difficult problem. So far I assume if something doesn't come up you will have to use position sensing and force feedback from the muscles to tell if something is being touched and how hard. Not very elegant, At all but that's what is "cost effective" right now that I can see. The shin and meat on it is also something that needs to be thought about. I have some ideas but they are not whole yet. Bones I think are not too difficult. Cheapest would be concrete and wire mesh. Also Titebond 3 glue and fiber would likely be fine. Cartilage, HDPE is the cheapest. Used milk bottles would work, melted into shape, with string tendons. Just some thoughts.
>>32819 First of all: 2.25 KWh battery is not 2.25 KW per hour consumption in a regular use case. I mean, it doesn't say the robot will need that amount, unless it's supposed to work for one hour (didn't read the linked article). It could work less time or more than an hour. Also, this is a robot walking around for a while and working. It was never realistic to get that for less than 20k as a fully build robot or for even less than 5k. That said, our waifus would sit around much more, and shouldn't need to carry anything heavy. Maybe water containers in some areas, lifting one to fill some can. Or lifting a toddler a little bit (not walking and carrying it around anytime soon). Maybe a 5kg pet.
>>32819 >I wonder what their robot sells for? My guess at this early stage is that Figure AI is trying to compete directly with Tesla's Optimus [1]. Since Elon's stated 'eventual' price point is about US$20K, then I'd imagine the cost of Figure 02 should eventually settle out on a similar amount. Competition for both of them (and others) with the baste Chinese may quickly drive these cost numbers lower, however [2]. Let us hope so!! :D --- 1. related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEiHJIqRZok 2. 1Bn Optimus'-related : ( >>32829 ) >=== -fmt, prose edit -add hotlink, crosslink footnotes -retract funpost, apparently I was wrong lol
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/14/2024 (Wed) 23:45:30.
>>32826 >Elon's stated 'eventual' price point is about US$20K I hadn't heard that. I think he could easily get there if the compute was not too expensive. I'm fairly sure I could build one for 10K, likely less, but I couldn't do the programming. I read Elon's self driving chip cost, if I remember correctly, $35. I think this was from a Jim Keller interview who helped design it. He has two in a Tesla car. You can bet his robot likely has the same processors to cut cost. "...Each Tesla AI chip runs at 2GHz and performs 36 trillion operations per second. That performance is possible because Tesla optimized the chips for self-driving cars and dropped anything more general purpose, said Debjit Das Sarma, another Tesla chip designer and former AMD engineer. For example, the chip handles data recorded as 8-bit integers instead of the 16-bit floating-point numbers more common in AI tasks but that require more power to process. For another, it's got an extremely limited set of instructions it can process. And it's got a gargantuan 32 megabytes of high-speed SRAM memory on the chip, which means it doesn't have to wait around while fetching data from much slower conventional DRAM memory...." https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/meet-tesla-self-driving-car-computer-and-its-two-ai-brains/ (36 trillion operations per second) damn that's fast We were talking about how likely a lot of stuff could be 8 bit and that seems to be true, or at least for self driving. Robots should be the same. It's going to be tough to find something with that speed and mass of built in memory. All that memory on the same chip is like a cache memory and means it can haul ass on compute with the focused task it has. All these 32 bit chips power are wasted when you only need 8-bits. Comparing two 32 bit and the 8-bit take the same amount of time. Maybe we could cheat by having less RAM and use SSD, "...Currently, the maximum speed for an NVMe PCIe 3.0 (aka Gen 3) SSD is up to 3,500MB per second, while a NVMe PCIe 4.0 (aka Gen 4) SSD can hit up to 7,500MB per second..." NVMe PCIe 3.0 (aka Gen 3) SSD 3,500MB = $128 or so. It's likely for us the sweet spot on cost would be to buy a standard PC motherboard with room for a lot of RAM, NVMe PCIe slot and maybe a mass produced one generation back processor. When I buy motherboards every few years that's what I do. Usually I get like two generations back. So the latest processor might be $1,000 I get something for around $100-120 or so. Any older and cost goes up and the performance is not worth the money unless you are a game freak. And I don't play any games. Of course lately I've been lusting for AI power for making graphics, but it's soooo expensive. What I have now is perfect for what I mostly do but useless for AI work.
>>3282 > 2.25 KWh battery is not 2.25 KW per hour consumption in a regular use case. Yeh, could be 225W for 10 hours. I think they were figuring 20 hours. I found, "...Over an 8-hour work shift, an average, healthy, well-fed and motivated manual laborer may sustain an output of around 75 watts of power...."
>>32848 >I hadn't heard that He mentioned it during his 2024 Tesla shareholder meeting : ( >>31772 ) . >You can bet his robot likely has the same processors to cut cost. It does. They have one in the chest (exactly where I'm urging Anons to locate the 'breadbox' [a cooled Faraday cage+protective frame] for their robowaifus). BTW, this AI "chip" is actually a largish assembly of about 1ft^2 in area (think chip carrier on steroids). You can check out the first Tesla AI Day event to see it. >(36 trillion operations per second) damn that's fast Certainly impressive, but nothing like what's coming in the future! :D >It's going to be tough to find something with that speed and mass of built in memory. We won't need to IMO. We're already on a trajectory to deliver robowaifus at a much-lower cost factor, and using nothing more than commodity, specialized compute hardware suited to amateur DIY'rs (RPis, ESP32s, etc.). We may devise some custom encoders if we can't find suitable ones for things like the knuckles, eyes, etc., but other than that we are looking at COTS stuff+3D-printed physical components. The actuators are the biggest cost-factor, by far (since the software [at least ours] will all be free-as-in-speech & free-as-in-beer). >muh home server My intent is to do everything onboard the robowaifu. Any other approach will preclude smooth-and-fun Walk&Picnic in the Park days with robowaifu -- OBVIOUSLY A VERY-HIGH PRIORITY DESIGN GOAL!! : ( cf. >>32036 ) :DD OTOH, having a detachable-randoseru for extra battery/compute/cooling capacity is a given for my designs during these early years. Also, a home server (-room?) setup is a must if you want to produce private & custom -trained language models, etc., as well. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/16/2024 (Fri) 19:37:25.
>>32851 >We're already on a trajectory to deliver robowaifus at a much-lower cost factor, and using nothing more than commodity, specialized compute hardware I ran across some astound new micro-controller parts and commented on them in the MC thread here, >>32871 Truly amazing stuff and huge enablers.
Really good news o the battery front. “Natron Energy to build GW-scale sodium-ion battery factory in U.S.The new planned manufacturing facility will produce 24 GW” American company. No rare earths or limited minerals. It uses sodium and Prussian blue , a iron based compound used as blue paint. All cost effective stuff. I think it might be possible to make one of these from scratch. Charges way, way faster. Order of magnitude. Last longer, does not overheat, does not catch on fire. Look at their specs. They don’t compare to Lithium-iron phosphate which has better specs, but theirs are still good. https://natron.energy/our-technology They are aiming for bulk storage first. Industrial stuff. Which makes sense. Less packaging, less cost to start. THis could eventually drive the cost of batteries to very low levels. A rule of thumb is you can mass produce a product for 10% over material cost. A rough but fairly valid rule and the cost of this stuff is next to nothing.
>>32997 Very encouraging, Anon... here's to hoping your prediction comes true! Cheers. :^)
>>32997 A glitch in the sodium prussian blue battery. Not as good Wh/kg. Basically between lead acid and Li-ion. 70Wh/kg. Though this is not really a total disadvantage. Especially if it is cheap. The advantages of it are very high.
>>32997 >>33013 >doesn't catch fire That's all I need to hear. Less energy density is a perfectly acceptable tradeoff for not having to worry about catastrophic battery failure when I'm cuddling mai waifu.
>>33015 >Less energy density is a perfectly acceptable tradeoff for not having to worry about catastrophic battery failure when I'm cuddling mai waifu. THIS.
Related: >>33073 > Post-apocalyptic power supply, EMP robustness, internal solar steam driven energy support

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