OK, the obvious first step is simply to get your news
straight from the horse's mouth Anon.
There are tutorials there that will get you up and running quickly. The library's software is written in the C++ programming language. So, if you really want to dig into their system as an engineer, then I'd recommend you take that path through both the tutorials and the codebase. This will help you with gaining a deeper understanding of the library itself if you do.
Additionally, if you choose this path, then I can also be of more assistance to you here since I have some experience both with C++, and with using OpenCV in the context of C++ engineering aimed at some basic image processing tasks.
OTOH, if your intent is more as a hobbyist simply exploring the ideas for CV that are out there, then there are both Python & JS tutorial pathways as well. I'm pretty sure Java is supported as well. The API of the system are quite similar for all the languages. The basic, fundamental idea to get your head around to start with is that OpenCV treats images as a big matrix (as in, the linear algebra matrix) of data. All image-processing operations orbit around this fundamental paradigm. Get your head around that notion from the beginning, and the rest of the library can quickly come into focus for you.
Given your post, it sounds like perhaps you are just trying to get your head around the general field itself for the time being. In that case, you can just keep scouring the Internet for general articles, various forum posts, all the other imageboards like /robowaifu/
that's a joke BTW :^), blogs, and various YT feeds. There are also many scientific papers on the subject. Eventually you'll get the hang of it Anon.
So it kind of depends on both your experience level and where you want to go with this as to what I'd suggest to you here Anon. Others here may have alternate perspectives they might choose to share with you.
various prose edits
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/30/2021 (Tue) 02:05:18.