/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

/robowaifu/meta-6: Christmastime Out In The Sticks Chobitsu Board owner 12/12/2022 (Mon) 23:01:06 No.18173
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT General /robowaifu/ team survey (please reply ITT) (>>15486) >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various /robowaifu/-related topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) -How to get started with AI/ML for beginners (>>18306) -"The Big 4" things we need to solve here (>>15182) -HOW TO SOLVE IT (>>4143) -Why we exist on an imageboard, and not some other forum platform (>>15638, >>17937) -This is madness! You can't possibly succeed, so why even bother? (>>20208) >--- -Library thread (good for locating terms/topics) (>>7143) >note: There's a simple searching tool coded right here for /robowaifu/ that provides crosslinks straight to posts on the board. It's named Waifusearch, and the link to the latest code should always be maintained within the Library thread's OP & also on the current /meta. -Latest version of Waifusearch v0.2a (>>8678) >note: We periodically release the full archive of the board's thread's JSON files. This is useful for robowaifu researchers in general, and is explicitly relied-upon by Waifusearch. -Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives v221213 Dec 2022 https://files.catbox.moe/6rhjl8.7z if you use Waifusearch, just extract these JSON files into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. >note: There's an archiving tool coded right here for /robowaifu/ that provides the ability to backup locally the posts & files from our board. It's named BUMP, and is basically a custom IB scraper. -Latest version of BUMP v0.2g (>>14866) >--- >note: There's a design document for the specification of general design and engineering choices for our basic Robowaifu Reference Model A Series (TBD). Please have a look at it, and collaborate together with us on it ITT Anon. -Robowaifu Design Document (>>3001) >--- >useful external resources wAIfu-collective's AI guide - https://rentry.org/waifu-diy-ai >--- -previous /meta's (>>38) (>>3108) (>>8492) (>>12974) (>>15434) >=== -minor subj edit -mini-faq edit -re-org notes/faq sections -add/rm 'community-cheer' notice -begin 'external resources' listing
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2023 (Thu) 01:14:58.
>>20139 He's thinking about the jaw and teeth. Not that this is going to stop anyone. The waifu system has to be secure enough that this doesn't matter and the jaw doesn't need to be that strong.
I don't know about you guys, but maybe we have different ideas on what we want. I want a sex bot not a robot companion... and I think a sex bot would be more straightforward... Not saying it'd be easy by any means. The sex bot would need to know how to ride, how to lay down, how to suck, how to bend over and that'd be it for now...
>>20141 That's totally fine Anon, no worries. I'd suggest you go ahead and buy one of the Harmony line from RealDolls (or a competitive, primitive-robowaifu somewhere else). We don't all have to agree on these agendas (nor are we likely to heh). As mentioned ITT, we have a Vagoo containment thread (>>419) for this topic, why not contribute in it? As for the /robowaifu/ board in general, no we're definitely not going to descend into a sexdoll-centric society here. At least not while I'm at the helm. Cheers. >=== -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/15/2023 (Wed) 03:25:20.
>>20141 That's somewhat how I wanted to go ahead to build the first prototype of a simple robowaifu. Problem is, I want to move to another country and moving something like that out of my dwelling and shipping it would be a challenge. Also, I had enough of trying to design something that I can print to make her lighter. That's why I changed course towards a desktop (/joystick) waifu without legs for now. But I will get back to that in some time. We aren't that far away from it, I think: >>16847 >>17630
I told my wife the idea that of building a robot. She said did those fucking people give you the idea? I'm like yeah. What makes you so sure you can build a robot? I'm like well some people have to take risky ventures or else we wouldn't have music or sports. But I guess i'm not an engineer... Shes like if you're not an engineer how are you going to do it? I told her well if I get stuck I'll ask those fucking people lol
>>20186 >wife What is the purpose of a robowaifu for you
>>20190 Well I said earlier just robot sex,money and to make something cool. My wife is also often not in the mood so...
>>20191 This is the first airplane... would you fly to another city on that thing even? Well I wouldn't, but it had to start somewhere... I think trying to make a complete robot companion is madness. Like I said I'll start with a sexbot that can do a handful of positions and me thinking we can make one is madness... but I am kind of crazy I think.
>>20192 >I think trying to make a complete robot companion is madness. Lol. Fair enough I suppose! But then again... do you really think it's """sanity""" to not create robowaifus during Current Year, Anon? Just what do you suggest we all do instead; wait around until the Globohomo creates their versions, and then sign their EULA, COC, and LGBTQXYZ++ affirmation contracts? Then you'll give them full access into your home (including your bed), and you'll pay them ever-increasing rental fees, and you'll deal with the "Oh, you couldn't make your payment this month? Sorry we can't store your waifu's data any longer -- DELETED!" humiliating debacle... as the cops and the cargo van come to collect up her now-inactive body away from you? That would be a cruel & abject-grief timeline to choose, friend. Just say no instead. Actually, it is the not trying of, to make complete & opensauce gynoid robot companions -- in this insane world -- that is the madness. Literally millions of men can be saved by this tech from the evil ravages of the Globohomo (at least for this subdomain of these evildoer's nefarious intents). We here are effectively working to save these men instead. Anyway, here's to the ones just mad enough to believe! Cheers, Anon. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/20/2023 (Mon) 16:42:00.
>>20215 Friends. Robo waifu is kind of like a zeitgeist if you know what am I saying. Yep the defining thing of our times and what not. Yeah that sounds about right.Well maybe not but it does feel like we're standing on a goldmine here. If robo waifu isn't the zeigeist then what is am i right?
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>>20216 Yeah could be just me going stir crazy though...
>>20216 >>20217 Actually the """zeitgeist""" of the times is to utterly destroy The Western Tradition, entirely. Opensauce robowaifus can help stave off some of these evil effects for men before that ending comes. And for the rest of the world, it will mean the dawning of the Robowaifu Age. And yes, the early-movers who effectively capitalize on this truly remarkable new industry coming soon, can literally be sitting on a mound of gold before all is said and done for them -- without doubt. But I'd caution you Anon (and every man)... don't make riches your priority!! That's the Globohomo's business, and it will inevitably consume their flesh at their ends (and well-deserved). If you do win bigly at this: Use it for the benefit of mankind would be my advice. Protip: that does NOT mean repeating all the Current Year shenanigans again during that era -- and particularly feminism, heh. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2023 (Thu) 02:23:12.
>>20186 >Shes like if you're not an engineer how are you going to do it? >I told her well if I get stuck I'll ask those fucking people lol Haha that's the spirit Anon. Forge ahead, we've got your back! >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2023 (Thu) 02:57:53.
>>20233 Sorry I got carried away. I will do the task I set out to do here and that is experimenting with the hasel actuator. I just have a good feeling that this might work.
>>20235 > I just have a good feeling that this might work. It's going to work. The design question is: can you fabricate it in such a way that it's both manufacturable & maintainable. For instance, how are you gonna wash it?
.>>20237 The owner would have to wash it...
>>20238 Lol, obviously. But first you must design it so that together its a complete system that: • can be easily removed intact (at least the maintenance item can) • can be cleaned properly w/o damage • can be easily re-inserted properly in it's place These are all primarily design questions, not the maintenance itself proper. BTW, these are all self-interested concerns too, Anon. That is, you yourself will benefit by solving them, with your own robowaifus. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2023 (Thu) 04:55:17.
>>20239 I think there's two ways of looking at this thing A.The waifu is the perfect full package B.The waifu is a diy kit kind of and people just hack it all kinds of ways I think many people will try to hack the waifu no matter what
>>20240 >I think many people will try to hack the waifu no matter what And we absolutely must allow for that. That doesn't change anything I've said, actually. But w/e, we're getting ahead of ourselves, it seems. Just get things at least working first for now, alright Anon? :^)
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2023 (Thu) 05:00:49.
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There is a lot of talent out there, people youtube building giant lasers and stuff, yet we're going to be the ones to build the robot waifu. This feels kind of weird. I'm not saying its unfair by any means, it is perfectly fair. heh heh. I feel kind of dizzy though.
>>20248 Don't worry. Many of these men will be joining in the robowaifu movement, once we get rolling with our first few proof-of-concept prototypes out there. Who knows? Maybe a few of them will even join us here, on /robowaifu/ ! :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2023 (Thu) 06:27:35.
>>20248 I feel like we could get far more geniuses on our side. 90% of the potential robowaifu technicians don't even know such a community and projects exists. I, for example, have been super into the concept of robotic waifu for years. I've frequented 8chan, 4chan and other chans for years. Yet, I only found this board about a month or two ago. Now, I'm trying my best to spread word of this site in the other forums I frequent.
>>20250 Great! I suggest you revitalize the board's Propaganda thread then (>>2705). Maybe contribute some OC, or possibly revist some old/new potential neighbors with one of the older selections? IIRC, someone (maybe Meta Ronin) misplaced more-recent propaganda materials outside that thread. You can use Waifusearch to find it probably. >searching tool (latest version: waifusearch v0.2a >>8678) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2023 (Thu) 08:50:59.
I have all the materials to make a hasel actuator or something that resembles a hasel actuator... I'm trying... If the waifu was made with motors it'd make a lot of noise and be stiff, if it was made with hydraulics I don't think it'd work out either, you guys said it can't be pneumatic muscles cause it'd need a big tank... It has to be hasel actuators. It might be experimental but if we're making a soft waifu well it has to be. If anybody wants to give it a try as well please do.
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>>20248 They'e dumb, we have Anons that are smart like RobowaifuDev
>>20248 >YouTube Big SocMed selects for content-making machines and clickbaiting showmen, not quiet dissident types with a preference for anonymity and little time to spare. Example: there are 3d printed gun channels on YouTube, but they're small and flying under the radar for obvious reasons. Hm... they might make good recruits because they have CAD knowledge (and a lot of them are male weebs)
>>20263 I didn't say we needed them. I said we're going to build the waifu and they're not.
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Friends I am going to make this robot and I'll tell you my secret sauce. The secret sauce is trying to make games. That's right if you do that you will gain super powers.
>>20301 How is this working?
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>>20302 Well I did get the voltage multiplier working technically I think
>>20303 I mean, how is it related to making games? Mysterious.
>>20307 The most important thing I learned while making games is scope and sizing up problems and breaking them into manageable tasks.
>>20309 I would have said we're going to build the robot but that's clearly not the case. I'm trying to find out which kind of diodes I have to get for the voltage multiplier. I already know you guys are going to say you're too busy so why not say fuck it and just burn the bridges. No I will build the robot by myself.
>>20314 Yeah its best that I leave either way. This site drives me crazy for some reason. Bye. Good luck to everyone.
>>20314 What are you talking about, people were looking into it and helping every day. Also, only the muscle isn't the whole robot. >site drives me crazy for some reason. You seem to bit on edge, yes. Maybe only swing by from time to time. Not sure what better place you could find, though. 4chan?
>>20316 A robot muscle isn't the whole robot but it feels like it's half of it.
>>20314 >so why not say fuck it and just burn the bridges. Because this isn't /b/, friend. Take it easy, thanks. :^)
Well when I say robot i really mean sex bot. Disney had animatronics since 1963 or so. The kind of sex bot I'm thinking of has been possible for quiet a while.
If you want to make a waifubot you can think with your heart, but if you're like me and you want to make a sex bot you're going to have to start thinking with your dick lol
>>20112 >I have a BS in chemical engineering. My degree probably won't be useful until later on in the project when we are working with fluids. Well I can think of a use right now. I have an idea of making bones from cheap concrete. (I hope you see this). Concrete hardens by making a bunch of crystals that interlock. What's needed is reinforcement. There are some used now. Polyethylene, metal, basalt, etc. My idea idea is to use resorcinol (1,3-dihy- droxybenzene) glue or Urea Formaldehyde Glue, also known as Plastic Resin Glue. Now some of these are typical Urea Formaldehyde Glue which is used for typical glues used for all sorts of stuff. A thermoset plastic. They use these for all sorts of wallboard and other stuff. Bakelite is one of these. The regular water based stuff doesn't have that good of water resistance (normally). Not bad but not good as in continuous immersion. The Resorcinol based formulas do have really, really good water resistance. Even in boiling water. Here's the problem. These glues are mostly activated by an acid reaction. We need a basic catalyzed reaction. I know there is such a thing but it's a bit complicated for me and I'm not sure I understand how to get to that point. Is there any reasonable way to make basic(akaline) as opposed to acid catalyzed reaction? It's also needed to be water activated. In the past these sort of things were used for boats. Some older names for water based glues people used for boats, Resintite, Extramite Polymite, Aerolite, Cascamite. These are mostly the same, I think. A urea-formaldehyde with activator in a powder mix activated with water. A new glue supposedly the same as the older glues is Semforite, available here, http://www.maragon.co.uk/glue.html They say it's waterproof but...most of these water based glues are not. They are water resistant. The Resorcinol based ones are used for boats and to glue outdoor plywood together. Great stuff, but expensive. Both these glues are used in the millions of tons a year. And please don't say use epoxy as that stuff is not waterproof and expensive. Here's a patent US3689463A - Method of producing liquid water-soluble urea-formaldehyde resins employing an aryl or alkyl sulfonic acid - Google Patents https://patents.google.com/patent/US3689463A/en Is there any way to make this legible to someone with Chem 101 and 102? The basic idea is it makes a composite. The crystals in the concrete provide the compression strength the glue the tension. Using carefully graded sand, silica fume and fly ash you can get a very strong mixture. The glue would act like "Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE, UHMW)". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra-high-molecular-weight_polyethylene UHMWPE bonds are not in themselves super strong but there are a LOT of them making the plastic very strong in tension. Better than Kevlar. They use UHMWPE for all sorts of stuff. Like bullet proof vest and sports equipment. All these tiny glue reactions between the crystals would give it strong tensile strength. Another class of glue that might be useful is barnacle glue. Which is again a little over my head. What is needed is a shake and bake sort of formula you can do without a chemical lab. Here's a paper on barnacle glue. The ones they have made are actually stronger than barnacle glues. which are some of the strongest bonds. "High Strength Underwater Bonding with Polymer Mimics of Mussel Adhesive Proteins (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 9, issue 8) (2017)" http://libgen.rs/scimag/?q=High+Strength+Underwater+Bonding+with+Polymer+Mimics+of+Mussel+Adhesive+Proteins Some key words for these mussel type bonds are "Catechol-Containing", "poly(catechol-styrene)", "Click chemistry" I saw a paper where they used this sort of barnacle chemistry on cheap PVA glue to make a barnacle type bond. Some links https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/10/2/155 Recent Trends in Mussel-Inspired Catechol-Containing Polymers (A Review) http://libgen.rs/scimag/?q=Recent+Trends+in+Mussel-Inspired+Catechol-Containing+Polymers+%28A+Review%29 https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2022/03/mussels-synthetic-glue/ https://phys.org/news/2021-06-scientists-powerful-underwater-barnacles-mussels.html http://libgen.rs/scimag/?q=Simple+but+Strong_+A+Mussel-Inspired+Hot+Curing+Adhesive+Based+on+Polyvinyl+Alcohol+Backbone+%28Macromolecular+Rapid+Communications%2C+vol.+37%2C+issue+6%29+%282016%29 I know this is far out stuff but...why not mention it. It could greatly advance things.
>>23296 polymer and silicates yes, concrete no. Bones need to be flexible in a way that concrete cannot be without cracking or chipping, as well as too dense, water absorbent with the potential to develop interior mold if not perfectly cast and vibrated to release air pockets, and like you say, also needs a skeleton to maintain it's integrity. Concrete is often mixed with glues and emulsifiers to strengthen the bond and decrease curing times, but concrete isn't suitable for your purpose. You want something made like old roman or japanese armor, layers of resin and carbon fiber or acrylic laminate like a prosthetic limbs are made. Actually a high density 'plastic' bone is a good idea.
>>23297 >concrete isn't suitable for your >purpose I disagree. All the detriments you state for concrete are for the stuff you buy in a sack at home depot. Not what I'm talking about, at all. The goal is cost reduction. Sure carbon fiber would be better but at what cost? Fiberglass would be fine but at what cost? Titanium would be even better, but at what cost? There is such a thing as concrete that can be made into flexible credit card type card stock. Another alternative would be the same type glue I talked about with bamboo fibers making up the bulk of the material. It wold cost more because processing the bamboo fibers is a lot of work.
>>23298 Well because it probably won't be strong enough to maintain integrity along the vertical if you're casting bones in concrete. You're specifically talking about something like foamcrete, which you would mix with your own resinite or polymer. Flexible concrete is a foamcrete concrete mixed with fibers and plastizier, and still requires a rebar bracing, so your cost and labor is not insignificant. You admit there's better materials, and I'll tell you that the concrete is not going to be cheaper, and you're creating a structural issue for yourself right away. Flexible concrete is stronger that traditional concrete, but bones get pretty thin and you're connecting them by drilling into them or molding holes to pin into, or even setting joiners into the bones, which gets difficult the smaller the area of concrete you're working with. Rebar is also going to be a mess or a rod and the rod will have to flex. Plus you're developing this process from scratch so add that to your cost. I'm not saying don't try, but there are easier and cheaper methods.
>>23299 >You're specifically talking about something like foamcrete... No I'm not.You are throwing up straw Men that are not what I'm talking about. >You admit there's better materials The best material is that which is cheapest which will do the job you want. I'm not interested in building Olympic athlete level bone. Look I just asked some questions about a sort of glue on an off chance that someone would know how to proceed with a more basic activated waterproof formaldehyde glue. It's a odd thing but someone might happen to have an answer to this. I did give a patent reference of just such a thing. You keep telling me I must do it this way or that way but I'm telling you that there have been different ways that are not your way and that your way is not what I'm talking about. The bottom line is that there are huge advantages in cost and manufacturing if you could pour concrete into molds to make a whole skeleton or many of them at once. Fiberglass, carbon fiber, etc. requires either hand lay up, vacuum resin infusion or machinery that pressurizes the resin into the mold. All these requiring either a lot of hand labor. expensive consumables in the case of resin infusion or expensive machinery. I don't want to talk about this anymore because we're not talking about the same thing and I don't want to talk about concrete for hours.
It just came to me. I;ve been barking up the wrong tree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moisture_cure_polyurethane Gorilla glue. Gorilla glue is waterproof, expands so it would coat good. https://www.gorillatough.com/product/original-gorilla-glue/ If you graded the concrete aggregate so that all spaces were very small you could likely have a very strong material. The Army did a study on concrete and that is how you make high strength concrete. This is why I write such weird stuff at times. Somehow writing this stuff down sometimes creates odd connections. I have no idea why I did not see this before. Of course it may not set in the extremely alkaline conditions of concrete. I'll have to find out. BTW way I have a folder on concrete and it's over 4GB in size on papers and books on concrete. Not that I've read every bit of it but I've seen a good bit. I really like concrete. It's an amazing material. Here's one paper with a mix for Ultra High Performance Concrete Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Use in The Highway Bridge Sector 13100
After looking further. Too much water. Likely not work for gorilla glue but...will look more.
>>23303 Do you even know what a strawman is? I said foamcrete because it's actually the product you're looking for, not because I want to argue about it. You set up your concrete mold, get the chairs for your mesh or rod support, put the chairs under it, pour your mix, vibrate it until it's settled ,wait until the concrete begins to set, remove the chairs, set the skeleton back in, shake it again... You're doing a lot of hand work any way. I'm not telling you what you're going to do, I'm telling you what the properties of the material you are talking about will *allow* you to do. Considering I haven't actually told you to do anything, I've only offered some practical advice, I'll follow up with more advice. By all means please use concrete for diameters less than an inch because you're not worried about Olympic athlete level bones, I'm sure your books and folders on concrete will help you realise why it won't pass any stress tests.
>>23313 >Do you even know what a strawman is? Yeah it's an idea that someone proffers that is sure not to work so that they tell someone what they are doing is wrong. Like, >I said foamcrete because it's actually the product you're looking for... then you say, > I'm sure your books and folders on concrete will help you realise why it won't pass any stress tests. So yeah I'm fairly confident that what you're doing here is propping up a straw man. >I've only offered some practical advice Practical? I don't need any advice from people who tell me to use foamcrete for waifu bones. You don't know what I'm talking about. The question I asked was fairly narrow and likely very few people would know the answer. I only asked because...you never know. Someone might know the answer. Those that did would understand the references I gave. You did not. Hence your telling me about foamcrete and totally misunderstanding.

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