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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Robot skeletons and armatures Robowaifu Technician 09/13/2019 (Fri) 11:26:51 No.200
What are the best designs and materials for creating a skeleton/framework for a mobile, life-sized gynoid robot?
I found a video on drawing "must have" books for human figures and skeletons. Looking at them briefly a lot of them have metrics for the figures. What I am calling metrics is measurements that show the proportions of various body parts in relation to each other. Very useful. This video shows several books. One that looks particular good to get an idea of proportions and metrics is, Michael Hampton - Figure Drawing_ Design and Invention I think if you have not at least perused this book you are really missing out. I think that these sort of anatomy based drawing books could really save you a lot of time and make your waifu much more realistic by using proportion metrics to lay them and their movements out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnyvNpJvuSs All of these are too big to upload but can be found here by typing in the authors name. There is even a Tor download option on most of these. http://libgen.rs/ I wonder...I'm looking at Michael Hampton's book and he has all these points that show relations between skeletonal and muscle structures and the body. I can't help but wonder if you could take a picture of a naked Women and have a computer or you, identify these points and then the computer fill in the proportions of the various muscles and other parts. Hard to explain. A different way would be you load the pictures of a naked women. You first equalize the sizes of the pictures so all body parts on all the pictures have the same proportions. You draw in all these skeleton or reference points by hand. Then the computer would know know how these are in relation to a body and spit out the length of muscles, tendons, skeleton metrics, length width etc I wonder if there is some sort of ratio of muscles. Explanation. You draw the exterior of the muscle and/or body and there would be a known relation of muscle to tendon to bone to whatever, excluding fat?? Maybe all these could be globally tweaked and you would get an accurate "parts" count with all dimensions of each part all aligned? Cause there are millions of pictures of naked women for free. I saw where you could upload a picture, somewhere can't remember, the other day of a girl and an AI, I think "Stable Diffusion" ?? and it would make different girls from the basis of that picture. So if you had a business you could take these pictures using these metrics spit out parts for a waiufu that looked like, whatever. You could add a hefty fee to do this. Build to order robowaifus. People could stretch and mod the skeleton and muscles to give them what they wanted. Since it would not be molded but one off prints you would have to boost the price but I bet some would pay for it.
>>10543 >anthropomorphic-reference-measurements Scrolling up I see I had forgotten about this comment. Exactly what I'm talking about.
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>>200 >What are the best designs and materials for creating a skeleton/framework for a mobile, life-sized gynoid robot? My tip is this: DO NOT reinvent the wheel! Just invent an "add on" to existing skeletons and existing sexdolls. Starpery is the leading sexdoll innovator and this is their best skeleton: https://www.starpery.com/blog/upgraded-gear-skeleton-of-starpery-sex-doll-35/ Its easy to just ask them the dimensions and design an electromotor for the hips that lets the doll "come alive" and do cowgirl and doggystyle. Then sell your design to Starpery/ask for a commission per sale. Then just keep making small inventions based off of already existing ebay battery powered electromotors. I was sent here by a very based Anon from the 4chan NPNW threads. Here is the thread. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/436792695 If you need money for investment DO NOT use your own money! A lot of guys/MGTOWs would LOVE to fund you. If you want to set up a (joke/meme) company and issue stock you will basically be drowned in moneyand can design anything you want. Come to TFMs saturday show and ask him to propose your idea and how to fund you and I personally will fund anything you do, let alone the other lads.
>>24407 >My tip is this: DO NOT reinvent the wheel! No one has an open source or commercially available skeleton for a robot. Especially not one where you can feel the bones. >Just invent an "add on" to existing skeletons and existing sexdolls. >Starpery is the leading sexdoll innovator and this is their best skeleton: But it's still garbage. I mean it's okay for what it does for the price, but anyone reading about the limits and looks the fingers of these dolls, knows it's even not good enough for dolls. There's also no reason to go with something like that, since this is made for TPE dolls which are being baked at 200C or so, but we can't and won't do that at home, so we can develop something better.
>>24410 Thank you for replying. >No one has an open source or commercially available skeleton for a robot. Thats why I said you need a partnership with a sexdoll company, Starpery is the innovator when it comes to skeletons. I am in no way affiliated with them, I just know the market very well because I bought a doll and found that starpery was the innovator (got the internal heating doll :D) >>24410 >But it's still garbage. Bro, please, the first touchscreen blackberries were absolute dogshit but they lead to the first iPhone. Its the same thing. >we can't and won't do that at home Why the fuck would you want to do the production at home? Is it your plan to just make 1 sexbot for your own personal use and let other men be damned? Youre very selfish and shortsighted. Im thinking on a global economic scale, whereas you are thinking only on your own personal need. Disgusting. Dont ever talk to me again. For you are not a brother. Youre just mad you cant get a femoid, so you want to make one for yourself alone. Youre no different than chad&tyrone hoarding all the women for themselves, except you cant. Sad. Renounce your hatred for your fellow men, learn to love your brothers then come back. Or be cursed to be a simp.
>>24411 >you need a partnership with a sexdoll company I have absolutely no interest in making me dependent on a company. Also, again, I'm pretty sure these skeletons are for TPE dolls which are produced in a certain way. >Is it your plan to just make 1 sexbot for your own personal use and let other men be damned? Obviously not, but I want small scale production to be possible, since for example that's what would prevent any ban. Also, I want to be able to build my waifus on my own. >thinking on a global economic scale And you forgot about the bans in many countries. >Or be cursed to be a simp. That's not what it means, stop being a drama queen or trolling.
>>24407 Hello entrepreneur-Anon, thanks for stopping by. Yes, you're correct. The demand for great, opensauce robowaifus is a pent-up flood waiting to burst out onto the planet (>>23969). There certainly will be no lack of funding available once the timing is right! And unlike many industries, it is not going to be just the first-movers who capitalize on this coming wave -- not if we here on /robowaifu/ have anything to do with it! :^) Any man, anywhere, any time, can take our freely-given designs and start their own robowaifu-centric companies using them. We anticipate dozens, then hundreds/thousands of smol operations eventually producing robowaifu systems around the globe. Please enjoy yourself while you're here, and have a good look around Anon. BTW, we have a special Embassy Thread (>>2823) explicitly intended to allow visitors to introduce themselves/their communities to /robowaifu/ and to each other. Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/05/2023 (Sat) 02:01:05.
>>24411 Kindly give your antagonism a rest friend, or find yourself chikun'd. :^)
>>24419 >no interest in making me dependent on a company a company is just a couple people working together, whats your hangup against the idea of companies? Im not telling you to become a capitalist pig comrade, just email the damned company and ask them for help/free skeletons to work on etc. After you invent a moving skeleton, you will want to have access to companies that already sell sexdolls and can also sell your bots. >these skeletons are for TPE dolls which are produced in a certain way umm yes? so? > I want to be able to build my waifus on my own Oh so youre a hobbyist. Fine. I prefer to actually make sexbots for all men, not just you personally. Still, emailing some manufacturers might get you free skeletons you can weld elektromotors on, then you can send it back and they will put the TPE on it: now you have a mechanical skeleton inside a TPE doll. tl;dr: just do what I said in my post > I want to be able to build my waifus on my own.
>>24431 ill lurk
>>24432 >comrade I'm not a leftist. >you can weld elektromotors on, then you can send it back and they will put the TPE on it It's baked at high temps. Even if I would agree: The magnets, cables and electronics wouldn't survive that. There were videos about factory tours on YouTube, but many got taken down or are behind the age limited wall. >just email the damned company and ask them for help I'll do it the other way around. When I have better skeletons for hands and feet to be used in dolls (not robots) which they might be able to build and use, I will tell a bunch of manufacturers after uploading the files to Thingiverse or some other platform. If only one of them picks it up, the other ones will have to follow.
>>24434 Why would we want them involved at all? What they built appears to to be primitive to me. I would't want one. I could do what they now but feel it would be wast of time. I have seen some sex dolls that have really good shapes and great painting n them to look realistic but I bet that would wear off quick. I want something that can walk around. It might be a long time before you can have something that speaks intelligently but I think the tech is there to make something you can get to move around and you could Maybe tell to move here, there whatever. And BTW if you partner with a Chinese sex doll company they will take what you give them and give you nothing. NoidoDev way is better. Put out the data and they can make them or not.
>>24433 Thanks kindly Anon. Friendly bantz are fine, but please keep it toned down. Please remember we're all on the same team here. Even thinking about the complexities we all face here together is quite difficult enough. Let's not compound it with intra-team antagonisms, or the laughter of our mutual enemies will be our only reward. Cheers Anon. >=== -sp edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/08/2023 (Tue) 22:38:24.
>>24434 >I will tell a bunch of manufacturers after uploading the files to Thingiverse or some other platform. Neat! Thanks for your generosity-based approach NoidoDev. For those of us who really want to, making money at building robowaifus won't be at all difficult, insofar as far as public demand goes. Plenty to go around for all, and to spare! :^) >>24486 >but I think the tech is there to make something you can get to move around and you could Maybe tell to move here, there whatever. I think we'll have that relatively soon Anon. I predict we'll see a major transition for the drive to robowaifus within the year 2025 or so. And not just from the usual Anon-driven corners of the world, either. What a time to be alive! :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/10/2023 (Thu) 16:54:02.
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Interesting manufacturing method. A mold is used as a scaffold to hold carbon fibers. This mold is submerged into a electroplating bath to plate the fibers with metal. This creates a very stiff and sturdy composite material. A video that explains the process via demonstration using a resin printed mold. https://www.tiktok.com/@michal_baran/video/7016168169643527430?lang=pl-PL
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Self-assembling material pops into 3D (boobs): https://youtu.be/vrOjy-v5JgQ > This bistable auxetic material gets bigger in all directions when you stretch it. It's also becomes 3 dimensional! > The paper by Tian Chen and colleagues is: Bistable auxetic surface structures, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 40(4), 1-9. (Chen, T., Panetta, J., Schnaubelt, M., & Pauly, M. (2021): https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3450626.3459940 > Tian is currently working at the Architected Intelligent Matter Laboratory: https://aim.me.uh.edu/ Related: Steffen's polyhedron is a flexible concave polyhedron (I think this is something I wanted) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiC6DbBoV4Y And tensegrity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0onncd0_0-o
>>24407 I wouldn't mind some funding :^) Pls
What kind of lubricants will you guys be using on your waifu's joints? I've done a bit of looking around, but I can't really find any fully comprehensive tables on what kinds of lubricants work best for which kinds of plastics, and there seem to be some differing opinions. For instance, there isn't much data on PLA that I can find (the sole material I plan to load into the 3D printer, it will comprise every joint and some miscellaneous frame structure), although some people say it can take almost anything. If so, that'd be nice, but a cursory search found even less for fiberglass (the material I'll use for every hinge. To be more specific, since there are different kinds of fiberglass, I'll be cutting up road markers. You know, those thin orange poles designed to be visible and not fall apart whenever weather happens), so I'm not certain everything will work cleanly together. Of course, I plan on testing everything anyways, but the less testing I have to do the better. Kiwi mentioned previously that powdered graphite would be a good choice for a dry lubricant and a cursory search revealed that it comes in spray cans, and that I won't have to purchase a tub of literal powdered graphite like I initially suspected. Overall, other people seem to support this appraoch as well. Since I'm taking the plushbot approach, and thus every joint is going to be directly interacting with fabric in some capacity, I believe it's necessary to fully commit to only using dry lubricants. What about the rest of you, though? How do you plan on keeping your waifu well-oiled and happy? Do you plan on using entirely dry lubricants, liquids/gels, or a mixture?
>>25807 Regardless of what you decide upon, we all look forward to your continued posts, GTA. Cheers. :^)
>>25807 "...dry lubricants..." You know you can't get much cheaper than milk cartons. HDPE. Very slippery rubbing against each other and easily replaced cheaply. Try it, cut up a gallon milk jug and then rub the pieces together.
>>25807 >Since I'm taking the plushbot approach, and thus every joint is going to be directly interacting with fabric in some capacity You should probably consider taking the no-lube approach. Any lubricant you might use will eventually work it's way out to the fabric skin, making a mess, so graphite would be the worst choice . This includes the PLA dust that will be created if there are no "bearings" to reduce friction. Sealed roller or ball-bearings are made so that they can be used in dirty environments and come pre-lubed, so no addition lubrication is necessary, or possible. Some materials are very slippery, like Teflon, but there are other materials that are very slippery together like brass and stainless steel. They have been used in ink-type printers since the dot-matrix era, sometimes lubed, sometimes not. I used brass sleeve bearings from old printers to replace the crappy bearings that came with my 3D printer and the print quality went up noticeably. They glide over those stainless rods. Similarly, you could use stainless rod and brass tube (K+S stock) to make your own bearings for finger joints (my plan) for pennies each, no lube necessary.
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>>25933 theres also those orange goo lubricants you see in tiny motors for electronics like in toothbrushes, i dont know what it actually is but its definetly not dry or oil based its some goop that doesnt move no matter what but if you put an oil based lubricant on it its completely ruined
>>25935 also kinda off topic but this has annoyed me since forever but what the hell gives wd40 its smell???? is it something they fking add intentionally cuz i swear if someone used wd40 on anything i can tell just by the smell its so damn distinct
>>25929 That might be good. I'm still working out the best way to go about things, but the shoulders in particular would go well with this, since the current concept has them as large disks (by necessity, since I've just about settled on mounting the motors directly to the shoulders, instead of deeper in the torso). Cutting out strips of HDPE and gluing them on there would be easy. >>25933 >no-lube If I go that approach, then tension-held ball joints won't really be an option anymore (I know I mentioned hinges, but I was planning on putting them where ball joints wouldn't work). The reason I want ball-joints is to simplify the joint design and decrease the number of parts (at the cost of precision, which is acceptable for me). I'll consider it. Switching back to hinges for the legs won't be a marrive problem, but I'll have to completely redesign the head base into something more complicated if I abandon the ball jointed approach there. >>25936 They might be using an additive, much like how gas companies will dope propane (which has no odor) to give it that distinct smell so you can tell if there's a gas leak. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there's some law saying that potentially dangerous industrial chemicals have to come with a strong and repulsive smell. In fact, some of those aerosol cans might have propane in them, since propane is a common refridgerant.
>>25938 >Cutting out strips of HDPE and gluing them on there would be easy. HDPE is really hard to glue but it will melt in a regular oven. Make a mold and you can shape them however you want. Make a socket with tabs to hold it in place. Take your time to let it melt into place and don't burn it. To make a mold you could use paper mache or modeling clay to make a positive. Then cover with plaster of paris for the mold to melt the HDPE in to. use a little Vaseline or olive oil for release. You could do this real cheap.
>>25938 >tension-held ball joints won't really be an option anymore With HDPE melted in a mold you couldmake some steel wire frame supports that are comletely covered by the plastic. The wire provides support but HDPE is really strong by itself. Make the socket in pieces so it is clamped on the ball.
Guess this belong here https://www.dolldreaming.com/topic/17099-smart-doll-spine-repair/ Anyways i wanted to talk about the SPINE
>>27713 >Anyways i wanted to talk about the SPINE Since we're going for the humanoid form, then I'd suggest we attempt a design that biomimics the human spine. Vertebra, fascia & tensegrity, synovial lubrication, the works.
>>27714 I also came across this https://youtu.be/EUEp-AfvvzE?si=55z6gYhuqOF-MssM Maybe combine the two and make the spheres+disc idk
>>27715 Yes, that a really nice design Anon: simple, clean, obvious mechanism. I also really like the 'multi-actuated' extension to the basic idea there at the end as well. Good find Peteblank, thanks! Cheers. :^)
> (concepts -related : >>27799, ...)
>>27713 This here is they way, I plan to go: https://youtu.be/mqrDYsjBjoY
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A how-to project to learn about pulleys and cables for robotics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJiauHFUbn8
>>29565 Thanks. This is really interesting. Though, when I'm going to try this I will attempt to make the wheels smaller and maybe go with a double pulley (block and tackle) like here https://youtu.be/M2w3NZzPwOM?t=232 since I want the joints to be smaller. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6489553
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> IK/FK -related
>>7631 (Sophie) >>30520 (prototyping threads) >>28970 (some project) https://youtu.be/alTuWe4o1CQ (Dara project) https://youtu.be/ROd1Acma64o (anatomy, ligaments) https://youtu.be/EDBwIrAo0do (drawing anatomy) https://youtu.be/yjZPexKpZI8 (foot bones) https://youtu.be/xSlnrPys43w (ankle prosthesis) https://youtu.be/ALdmo-DKebM (sting pull and spring) https://youtu.be/3VFliOgTZ2g (InMoov)
It might help for modelling something human-like and understanding it better. >This dynamic shoulder rotator cuff model is designed specifically to simulate shoulder dislocations and treatments but can be used for a range of clinical education applications. https://youtu.be/GVXmNw9ABjo >In this model, the humerus is held in place by a series of elastic cords that simulate the pull of rotator cuff muscles and ligaments. Tension on the elastics can be adjusted to simulate variability in rotator cuff integrity and support around the glenohumeral joint. >See here for instructions and 3D files: https://thangs.com/mythangs/file/64965
I saw someone modeling teeth. Thought I would comment here in skeleton. The old school, and cheap, way to make fake dental is acrylic. Here's one site, I have no financial interest in them I just found their products interesting. https://dental.keystoneindustries.com/product-category/dental-lab/acrylics/ You can search on ebay and elsewhere for "dental acrylic" and get a large assortment of different products. More upscale and tougher are the glass Isomers A link discussing them for actual teeth on humans but the same info would be good for robowaifus. https://www.oralhealthgroup.com/features/glass-ionomers-why-where-and-how/ They can be pricey but generic stuff is not so bad. Acrylic is likely the lowest cost and best, I think, but if you want more tooth looking realism I expect the glass isomer would be better.
>>32877 Hey, thanks, I think this was me. These were only meant as placeholders. But you can buy something like crowns. For example on AliExpress. I think the ones I saw there were pre-modelled. You still need the metal rods to put them on in the right place, so the placeholders could just get replaced by that.
> (skeleton kinematic-chain & motion-planning convo -related : >>32974, ... ) >=== -sp edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/24/2024 (Sat) 19:07:33.
I made a post on super strong structures called "Isogrids" but it's sort of in the wrong place. A link so that I'm not double posting. It has great utility not only in strength but a special form I linked is great for prototyping and production with less work or machinery needed. Good cost savings without sacrificing strength. >>34491 If you see the link imagine you made these quarter isogrids for bones and had hollow areas in them. Most of the strength would remain and you could channel wires, tubing, whatever through the holes.
>>34493 An idea for quick prototyping is to use cheap canvas cloth tarp. Lay this out on regular polyethylene sheets like you use for covering the floor in painting. Lay the canvas out and squeegee in titebond glue or regular elmers white glue. This makes a strong structure. Then you cut out the part/slats and cut slots in them. Connect and you have strong structures for super cheap. You could also cut out your structures first, stiffen with glue then use a cut off grinder to cut slots.
I mentioned leaving holes in the slats but you could also build the bones like hollow tanks. See the links in the above other thread. There's pictures of tanks make this way. They use them for missiles, rockets, etc. Saves a LOT of weight while gaining lots of strength.
> (topics-related: >>34509, >>34550 )
This here https://youtu.be/Fd-0tHewFf4 is related to 3D printing >>94 and modelling >>415 but I think it's more general and is useful for armatures (shells) and flexible subskin elements. The video shows a method how to make 3D printed parts that can give in to pressure from different directions. Something I was try to do for quite some time: >>17110 >>17151 >>17195 >>17630 and related comments. It refers to PLA in the headline and in the video, but this doesn't matter. It's just that the part itself is flexible, while the material itself doesn't have to be.
>>36324 I noticed that the Missle_39 video you posted ( >>36299 ) contains this same style of structural, flexible printing within the torso volume of their robowaifu. That video convinced me of the value of such an approach, so it's added to the long list of research topics for me. Cheers NoidoDev, and thanks! :^)
>>36324 >>36325 Decided to do a snap to clarify specifically: https://trashchan.xyz/robowaifu/thread/26.html#43
>>36331 This in the middle is just some regular infill, I think. It can be selected in the slicer. Looks clearly like "Gyroid Infill" https://help.prusa3d.com/article/infill-patterns_177130
>>36366 POTD Excellent resource, NoidoDev, thanks!! Yeah, that looks exactly like the same kind of infill. Just looking at it, I knew it would be strong in every direction (a fairly high-priority, in a dynamic system like a robowaifu), and the notes in your link confirmed that. <---> Thanks again, Anon. Cheers. :^)

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