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The Empire did nothing wrong

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Visions Stormtrooper 07/04/2021 (Sun) 03:04:35 No.4703 [Reply]
Hello, fellow Otakus! You like Japanese Anime? And nuStar Wars? Well, I got a surprise for you! https://archive.md/jsYrR >stoormtrooper armor, but modified to look like samurai era armor <It's the First Order Stormtrooper armor <white girl with brown boy >art oozing with nip themes <art oozing with nip themes They only did this because nip anime/manga is more popular than burger comics/cartoon, is a desperate attempt to get those sweet sweet weeb shekels. This might be great, if it was Star Wars preDisney, but I bet is going to fail just for the fact that the faggots are going to be policing EVERYTHING in Visions and not letting the nips do whatever they want with the IP, is not like they can do more damage than disney did. What will the outcome of Visions be? Normalfag will love it, only for the reason that weebshit is popular in CY+6
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>>4747 >>4769 I think the important differences are: 1. Degenerate shit isn't all they produce unlike western media where every single thing has to have niggers, faggots and trannies in it and 2. Their degenerate shit isn't usually meant to push some agenda.
>>4770 >Their degenerate shit isn't usually meant to push some agenda. Yeah, the nips will make Vanilla all the way to Guro, because they wan to and it sells in their own specific niches.
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>>4761 >the zeltron love stench enticing even talking dogs Something must be done regarding the zeltron menace
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Found a new video, doesn't have audio, but it is mostly shitty background music. The duo star destroyer canon looks fucking retarded, I was expecting better from the rice eaters. I thought the twins were both girls, looks like I was wrong.
>>4775 >I was expecting better from the rice eaters. I doubt they had a lot of creative freedom. Just look at how yidney acted with the directors for the movies and how many were let go for "creative differences." This is 100% yidney trying to jump on the anime/manga train to make some money. It'll just be their usual shit with a prettier coat of paint.

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GHORFA TV Stormtrooper 03/04/2021 (Thu) 00:59:21 No.4169 [Reply]
>Rkr'tlruk: "Jawenko Aargh" and welcome to the first broadcast of GHORFA TV, made possible by the deaths of holovision newsmen in Anchorhead whose magical "cameras" and "translator vocalizers" now belong to us, as is tradition. Our mission is to spread the words of our people across Tatooine so that all our brother tribes may briefly unite against the source of the outlander menace. All you colonial outlanders will learn your place and know that you to will be judged by Jawenko's fury when the time comes, as well as our sibling tribes once it comes time for us to judge them for their heresies! Now let us begin with our first subject of the day... >Rkr'tlruk: Jawa-Ghorfa relations... A war of words and sticks has erupted between ghorfa shamans, the jawas that sell their wares to outlanders (on holy land no less) and between heretical tribes who defend the selling of machines by jawas in the harrar event known as the "swap meets". >Orrror: A disgusting event. Some jawa merchandise was confiscated and burnt while some merchants in the Great Swap Meet were executed and their children sold into slavery. These machines, especially the aberrations they call "droids", are bought and sold, spreading the rotten and violent outlander way of life upon our world with their machines and droids which are in truth weapons made to destroy us, and then these jawas have the gall to tell me that we, the children of jawenko are the violent ones?! >Orrror: First, do away with these Great Swap Meets which only attract outlanders and spread weapons of death upon our planet, then you jawas can talk to me about this supposed (Tusken) terrorism! >H'Caar ("Jawa-loving heretic from stupid sibling tribe that worships lizards"): But do these simple machines truly pose a threat to us and our cultural identity? From what I've seen, these machines can actually help us deal with our water shortages. Maybe even put an end to our wandering lifesty- >Orrror: Shut your dung-filled mouth before I shut it for you with my stick! >Rkr'tlruk: Brothers please! We are here to unite against the outlander terrorists and the jawas. We can't start treating each others as inferiors when we- >Orrror: You expect me to treat a lizard worshiping akkdog as anything but an inferior?! He is a parasit-
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>>4169 Priceless. Do you have more?
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>>4173 >Chieftain Gorr'r: Tune in next week outlander! You'll know the true meaning of fear then!
He is even worse than a jawa, he is - may the the Sky Brothers forgive me for utterting this word - an Outsider
>>4175 >three moons have since passed
>>4175 four times three moons have since past

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Cosmic and Living Force Stormtrooper 10/11/2019 (Fri) 00:35:53 No.101 [Reply]
So why did George introduce the Living and Cosmic Force in the prequels? It was vaguely alluded to here and there, but there never seemed to be a payoff, nor a connection to the OT (unless I'm retarded?).
What are they anyway?
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>>3845 and you should go back to reddit
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>>3846 Since when is being pro-Prequels reddit-tier? Just because a lot of post-millennials finally had their balls drop and decided to post "le ebing maymays xd" does not mean shit; a lot of those faggots believe the Prequels were objectively bad. Your kike faggot Stoklasa and his gay entourage are pure ledditor pseuds, along with your typical /tv/ pedophile. Lastly, you should know that you people generally act in the same way and are easily identifiable, 4gagger. "Reddit" has (generally speaking) specific behavior that is rather apparent when it surfaces. It is not just a way of insulting another anon or can be used to describe anything that you don't like; also, be wary of blindly following perceived mass opinion, on the board or elsewhere. Here, a little bit on Lucas' "bad script-writing/directing": https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2002/may/16/artsfeatures.starwars https://web.archive.org/web/20201101120439/https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2002/may/16/artsfeatures.starwars Where did all the Lucasfags go? Is /sw/ dead?
>>3850 >i love nigger cock in my mouth and ass plz gib me upboats fellow redditors
>>3850 >Where did all the Lucasfags go? Playing Jedi academy in sleepy/v/
>>1289 To be fair Anakin gave the little frog not enough info, just that it was someone close to him, not a pregnant wife. Even Yoda would figure that there is a realm of difference of "someone close" and "pregnant wife". For all Yoda know Anakin was now a celibate jedi knight without any living relative, nobody else to latch to. Anakin lied to the jedi with all his marriage being a secret. Obi Wan only had the suspicion that he was banging Padme, not married to her.

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Just a dump Stormtrooper 12/01/2019 (Sun) 01:16:14 No.523 [Reply]
I think I might actually be missing quite a few of these if anyone has the rest.
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>>4715 The only thing i could on Google find was this.
>>4715 The TIE Defender never got into the cross-section books.
>>4717 My bad. I meant the TIE Bomber
>>4719 Wow, the guy is good.

I fucking love NABOO Stormtrooper 03/25/2021 (Thu) 10:47:20 No.4283 [Reply]
I love it so much in fact that I had to buy an old Xbox to play the shitty Obi wan game, and now I've finally managed to get pic related to work on Win10 and it's pretty entertaining and comfy. What are some good Naboo content, bros?
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>>4283 This download contain a bunch of stuff from Naboo from Battlefront II 2017 drive.google.com/file/d/1bI_BdfN9jKDOLp4XJ4DZ09aLdPPeAFY0/view
LEGO Star Wars allows you to wander Naboo
Galactic Battlegrounds has everything from infantry to siege artillery and watercraft.
>>4283 You can try gmod. Also try looking for mods of the games that already hve Naboo content.
>>4404 This is will be most painful

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The Mouse is turning the aliens gay Stormtrooper 10/02/2019 (Wed) 03:54:46 No.23 [Reply]
>Star Wars: Resistance Producers Confirm Orka And Felix Are Gay Aliens
>Star Wars Producers Confirm the Franchise’s First Openly Gay Onscreen Couple
vanityfair. com/hollywood/2019/1 0/star-wars-first-openly-gay-couple-star-wars-resistance
Figured I might as well make a containment thread for disneyshit given they've recently announced some ayys from the show nobody watched were prolapsing eachother's anal cavities.
Dunno why they think anyone cares about Resistance though, let alone that they'd win woke points for pulling a JK Rowling on a canceled series.
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What, no respect for the walking toilet bounty hunter and his BF?
this cant be real
>the woke crow
I just imagined a crow flying round spouting the headlines and tweets from >>5 and >>6
>the new bounty hunter favorite is the Star Wars version of the Sonic the Hedgehog toilet OC from DeviantArt
>move over Mandalorian pissbabies

How does this fucker even see and aim his rifle? Why are his intestines exposed? Why the fuck does he have a blender on his back for pulping the shit that going down his gullet? This is so bad.
Jones was right.........

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Stormtrooper 01/10/2020 (Fri) 20:56:03 No.1743 [Reply]
Attack of the Clones [RTX ON]
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>>4641 Blame the jedi, they can't into military tactics.
>>4647 Most of the operations were conducted by the clones themselves. Yoda only give some retarded orders like "concentrate your fire on nearest starship" but it was the clones who informed "all positions were advancing" I know, RL explanation is that Lucas wanted all those "War and Peace" and WWII battles and dogfights, but even so
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>>4666 >scary and effective guys in Episode II >bumbling idiots in III Kind of sad.
>>4647 No, it's the writers the ones who can't into military tactics.

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Stormtrooper 06/29/2021 (Tue) 15:27:20 No.4637 [Reply]
Is Satine Kryze the most glaring case of an unintentionally unsympathetic character in Lucas' Star Wars?
Too be fair i tend to ignore that Clone Wars 3D cartoon, even if it was shat by Lucas himself. It just contradict too much the rest of the whole continuity, up to the movies themselves.
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>>4637 Do you think her "nephew" is actually the kid she had with Obi-Wan?
>>4648 Nah, she was just a huge slut.
>>4648 Considering how corny their relationship was portrayed, yes. But again, 3D Clone Wars is gay.

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Stormtrooper 05/16/2020 (Sat) 18:18:21 No.3060 [Reply]
This board has been inactive for a few days, is everything alright anons?
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>>4484 He looks somewhat too thin for my tastes but i can still be gay for Hayden...
Everything is fine, and you? Here, have this soothing view of Coruscant. Coruscant sunsets are surely lovely.
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>>4568 >ywn be as comfy as Palpy
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>>4569 Those chairs of his can be really comfy.
>>3061 Got any of the rest of these?

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Stormtrooper 05/09/2021 (Sun) 00:47:44 No.4431 [Reply]
Hey Star Wars fags. i just designed a blaster that can easily kill lightsaber wielders. By shooting three lasers in a triangle pattern all at once, the lightsaber will only be able to block at most two of the projectiles at once, meaning the third one will always hit.
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>>4431 It'd be unstable as fuck like Skynxnex's.
You sure you were designing a weapon to kill jedi and not niggers?
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>>4602 Kek.
>precog >faster reflexes in general >either it's too spread and the jedi can block each bolt or too tight that he can block in a single motion Your idea is stupid.

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