>be me about 4 months ago
>have a post typed in 8/sw/ TOR thread about some stuff
>site goes down while attempting to post
>doesn't come back up
>no backup board, cytube won't load for me for some reason
>go to vch
>find out that the vch board was there after several weeks because it wasn't actually on the vch board list due to just up and deciding to go to the front page on a whim and finding recent /sw/ posts there when I usually skip directly to /v/
>by then I have lots of stuff to do at work and don't have enough hours in the day to post on imageboards
>eventually go back and find that the vch board is gone
>where the fuck am I supposed to go now
>eventually hear about julay
>come here
>Disney's latest faggot abomination is out now
>rofl if anybody is actually paying to see this crap
>spoilers are even shittier than I thought they'd be
>movie is basically Rey stealing the entire history of the franchise after it was previously burned down
>Jim still can't manage to get his rickety pig farm stable enough to actually post on despite having ostensibly been up for over a month
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