/sw/ - Star Wars

The Empire did nothing wrong

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We moved. https://anon.cafe/sw/

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Welcome to /sw/ Stormtrooper 09/30/2019 (Mon) 03:13:34 No.1 [Reply] [Last]
The board for discussing all things Star Wars!

This thread serves as a simple introduction.


• Here are some essentials to getting started on the board and integrating into the community.

1: Check out the board's CyTube channel for streams and live chats (feel free to edit the playlist if you're registered on the site): https://cytu.be/r/star-wars

2: We are currently working on starting our own alternative to Wookieepedia. Once its up, a link to it will be posted here.

3: Don't be afraid to ask for info, sauce or links about SW comics, books, games, etc. We're always happy to share.

4: Learn some freaking Huttese, you scocha kungs.

5: Fair warning. Diehard Disneyfags and Namefags can and will be mocked by the locals.

6: Always check the catalog.

7: Credits are accepted, but truguts are preferred.

The Rules:

• The rules here are simple, we live by and follow the rules and laws of Hutt Space. Which means we barely follow any real rules here unless its illegal or stupid. Just don't post CP, don't samefag, don't spam, don't do anything that will attract glowniggers, and keep shit on topic as I don't like banning or deleting shit, unless its necessary, like spam, cp, brownpill shit and raids. Off-topic shit will not be deleted either, but it will be anchored (unless its scifi-related and in relation to us), so just make a Meta general for that kind of shit.

May the Force be with you, troopers.
Edited last time by bordothehutt on 09/30/2019 (Mon) 03:15:48.
133 posts and 29 images omitted.
>>5155 Certainly agree.

Moving Time: The Board is Migrating Stormtrooper 08/07/2021 (Sat) 02:04:36 No.5051 [Reply]
Troopers pack your bags while you can. Its time to move somewhere less broken. NEW BOARD LINK: https://anon.cafe/sw/
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>>5144 don't forget, there's https://cytu.be/r/star-wars as a bunker.

Stormtrooper 10/07/2024 (Mon) 03:45:22 No.5151 [Reply]
What's the worst looking alien you've seen boys?
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you're mom
>>5151 Any Star Wars fan

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Random Discussion Stormtrooper 03/14/2020 (Sat) 17:17:52 No.2730 [Reply] [Last]
Since this board is dead Anything goes in this thread. As a starting topic, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Even if they were controlled opposition, were they in the right? How would things have gone if, somehow, the CIS were allowed to become independent?
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>>5046 >This nigger is probably the reason Battlefront III and who knows how many others never got released. Yep. >The rapid scaling down of internal projects at LucasArts was also reflected in its handling of games developed by external developers. During the tenure of Ward, Free Radical was contracted to produce Star Wars: Battlefront III, which had been in production for 2 years. Free Radical co-founder Steve Ellis described how working with LucasArts evolved from being "the best relationship we'd ever had with a publisher"[50] to withholding money for 6 months and abusing the independent developer's position to withhold the full project cancellation fee—this was a major event which contributed towards Free Radical entering administration.
>>5039 LucasArts? You're talking about video games, i'm talking about the whole, the franchise, the continuity, the storytelling, the themes. Force Unleashed opened a can of worms in terms of narrative, character, continuity issues.
>>5046 Battlefront III along with 1313 and many others got fucked long 2004 though, around 2011 when the Disney talks began
Continue your argument here troopers. https://anon.cafe/sw/res/2730.html#q5032
>>2730 They would have won if they had not been stupidly cheap on the targeting scopes used in their droids. And if they had gone for one droideka instead of ten B1s.

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Lewd Thread Stormtrooper 10/01/2019 (Tue) 20:17:37 No.22 [Reply] [Last]
Post your best lewds.
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Fuck I mean [rainbowtext]PLZ[/rainbowtext]
≔≔ ( Y ) ≔≔
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>>5134 >Ashoka >>5135 >[rainbowtext]PLZ[/rainbowtext] >>5136 >≔≔ ( Y ) ≔≔ not even sure if you were actually trying or juist throwing shit at the wall here
≔≔ ( PLZ ) ≔≔ (PLZ)
>>1400 And Jabba's juicy saggy tits!

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Stormtrooper 02/06/2020 (Thu) 20:21:01 No.2450 [Reply]
Station ready.
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>I am in complete control
>>5142 anon.cafe/sw

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30. starwars is fucking stupid Stormtrooper 08/22/2022 (Mon) 00:49:36 No.5104 [Reply]
1. A man who mooches off of his woman deserves to be executed.
i hate niggers
kill all niggers and nigger enablers

bring back ganja yoda aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 06/03/2022 (Fri) 11:07:14 No.5099 [Reply]

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/sw/ YouTube & Misc videos thread Stormtrooper 01/30/2020 (Thu) 23:35:45 No.2263 [Reply]
starting off with a modern classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA rules: don't post cringe (good vibes only)
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>>3485 That is the most remarkable looking spider-bro tbh. I'm continually amazed with God's creativity and designs.
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New Rikafag video just dropped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9P8Ggfl8d8

Vader vs Sidious. Stormtrooper 10/26/2021 (Tue) 14:58:59 No.5071 [Reply]
Now we all know Vader couldn't win after his injuries, so i have no delusions that he has a fighting chance, at least directly, a fully intact Vader/Anakin? Yeah definitely he would obliterate Sheev, but the Vader we got? No, especially since Palpi deliberately made his suit shitty as well, what i am asking is would it be a quick or long fight? Vader reached 80% of Palpatine's power even with all his injuries and loses. So would it be a thrilling fight for the emperor or would he wipe the floor with his apprentice immediately? Let's say Vader reaches his fullest potential that he could reach with all his injuries, he taps deeper than ever before into the dark side or just the force itself in its entirety, i think he could still sustain himself for a little while after Uncle Palps shocks his suit, so how long and how brutal would the fight be? would it give Sidious a run for his money or would he not even break a sweat?
Oh shit, just realised the migration, may this place rest well.

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