/sw/ - Star Wars

The Empire did nothing wrong

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Stormtrooper 09/21/2021 (Tue) 19:42:42 No.5069 [Reply]
star wars? more like star NIGGER!
we wuz jedeyez and sheeeeeeeeeeit

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Stormtrooper 02/22/2020 (Sat) 17:14:28 No.2607 [Reply] [Last]
So the new episode of Filoni's Clone Wars cartoon came out. I implore you to watch it here rather than pay for that crap on Disney+ http://kimcartoon.to/Cartoon/Star-Wars-The-Clone-Wars-Season-7/Episode-1?id=96113&s=beta&pfail=1
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I think this is the last episode or something, anyway here we go. >Super Secret passage way that NOBODY knows about, even thought the CIS and Republic fight undersea in The Clone Wars show. >Landing platform is at sea level, even thought everything is built high enough to avoid the fucking waves. >Everything gets hand-waved with a few shitty dialogs to explain everything
>Special clones going full retard >Omega hatching out a plane I want this shit to end.
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Crosshair drops some hard trues on Hunter ass, having a little girl tagging along a bunch of retarded military special clones is wrong. Holy shit Omega did something wrong! SEE she is not a mary sue! And everybody dies! Except for one member of the diverse and inclusive team, can you guess which womyn survived? The nigger or chink?
Continue the Filoni bootlicking here goys: https://anon.cafe/sw/res/2607.html#q5023
>>2613 Ashoka doesnt even fit into the six star wars movies. Anakin being happy in episode three doesnt make any sense if clone wars season 7 is canon. Anakin in the movies and Anakin in TCW dont sound the same, dont look the same, dont act the same. They got Obi Wan wrong as well, but Anakin was completely changed.

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Stormtrooper 02/09/2020 (Sun) 19:12:11 No.2523 [Reply]
Was the Death Star a good idea?
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>>5018 >implying they did anything wrong if you only consider the OT They did nothing wrong in any subject except not compromising with the Mon Calamari. Alderaan was a terrorist world. Koruun was full of violent near-humans with access to dangerous Old Republic tech and deserved to get bombarded. Wookiees were savages prone to violent outbursts and refused to adapt to basic galactic cultural norms. So enslaving them was the only way to get the message across to these banthoids. The Galactic Republic was a highly unstable and corrupted to the core government that had long since fallen from grace and needed replacement. The Death Star would've only served as a symbol of fear to establish law and order. Alderaan and Yavin and a few others would've simply been examples until the message was made clear across the galaxy. The only real flaw in the Empire's perfection was Palpatine and his encouragement of deceit to ascend the ranks and needless use of pointless controversies to feed his ego against the jedi. So in short, Trachta did nothing wrong.
>>5022 >So in short, Trachta did nothing wrong. He did, he trusted fat people and got shot for that. Never trust fat people.
(meant to respond sooner) >>5018 if you're going to have extragalactic invaders, you need to handle that with subtlety. otherwise, you end up with the 'alien invasion' trope, which doesn't really fit in a galaxy full of aliens. there's alot wrong with them. their immunity to the Force is a contradiction, they don't fit the overall feel of Star Wars, and they basically take a sledgehammer to the setting and at the wrong time. as I've said, the Yuuzhan Vong feel like the creation of a WH40K fan who hates Star Wars. >>5022 I won't deny what you've said here (in fact, you could justify Alderaan as 'shock and awe' against terrorists). while the Empire is better than the Republic in many ways, the fact remains, they're supposed to be the antagonist. the OT is about the Rebels triumphing over the Empire, in parallel to the Jedi triumphing over the Sith. even if you believe RotJ had a bad ending, it's not intended to be that at all. if the Yuuzhan Vong happen, that means the galaxy ends up far worse off under a Rebel victory than Imperial (because the Empire could've fought them off much more effectively). the end result is the outcome of the OT being a bad thing in the long run, which subverts the core of Star Wars. with that said, I'm more than ok with Thrawn, the Imperial Remnant, and conflict continuing. but the Vong are all sorts of wrong.
>>5062 that's what I get for not checking in for awhile. thanks.

Webm thread Stormtrooper 12/02/2019 (Mon) 08:28:03 No.571 [Reply] [Last]
Post them webms
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The absolute madman in Aberdeen, WA.
>>5020 Blessed pic.
>>5020 https://nitter.42l.fr/Dataracer117/status/1423567579805732864#m >Transgender City Council member harasses a Star Wars shop owner over a sign in his store. >This was a planned attack by a radical city council member on an elderly small business owner.
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>>5020 RIP they are going to burndown his store tomorrow in a protest.
Were moving https://anon.cafe/sw/res/571.html#q5020 continue this convo there

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/sw/ community Stormtrooper 07/14/2021 (Wed) 22:18:59 No.4782 [Reply]
For any new /sw/ members not in the bunker/general chat discord here you go https://discord.com/invite/KKuRXej6
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>>4930 looks like we're moving to anon.cafe I guess
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>>4933 I got my bags ready. When we leaving bros?
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/sw/ humor thread Anonymous 01/09/2021 (Sat) 05:04:36 No.3927 [Reply] [Last]
post them star wars memes
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>>4971 Based and Goddess pilled
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>>4969 It is a Republic tradition to ignore the Hutt menace.
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>>4985 Would have unironically been better movies then the yidsney shit pile.
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Ryloth Stormtrooper 08/05/2021 (Thu) 18:14:20 No.5000 [Reply]
I'm running a game of star wars saga edition and my players are going to Ryloth next session. Unfortunately I can barely find any information on what pre-filoni Ryloth was like. Do you guys know any online sources or know the information yourselves?
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>>5000 (checked) Comic of the old republic https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Star-Wars-Tales-of-the-Jedi-Redemption/Issue-1?id=79988&readType=1 Training Mission in the game Empire at War https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_of_Ryloth_(Galactic_Civil_War) This has info on Ryloth. http://d6holocron.com/downloads/books/WEG40107.pdf Two tracks are set in the sunny and Nightlands in Ryloth https://yewtu.be/watch?v=zCnUay6EcEY All that media was made before Feloni nuClone Wars.
>>5006 Thanks
>>5006 >galaxy with hyperdrives and tamed weather in places like Coruscant >squidheads still live in caves, uses carts and can't build artificial cities outside the habitable strip What a fucked up shithole.
>>5008 There's a reason they're used as cock holsters for the rest of the galaxy.
>>5000 Ryloth is a planet that is tidally locked around its sun, so one side is always blazing hot and barren while the other side is cold and dark. These are divided into the Bright Lands and the Night Lands. The Bright Lands are essentially nothing but barren arid plateaus and sandy desserts with huge rocky spires in some parts and the bones of dead giant creatures of either creatures that actually live there or went extinct centuries ago. The Bright Lands are probably one of the deadliest places in the galaxy, for if the heat doesn't kill you, the vicious predators will, which include giant arthropods. The worst thing about Ryloth are the Heat Storms, literal hurricanes of fire and death. The Bright Lands are so deadly that no Twi'lek has ever trekked through it all alone and survived except a blind twilek child who was later worshiped as divine. The Night Lands are cold and always dark, but its generally not so bad that its frozen over, at near the equator. Its covered in beautiful glowing crystals and giant bio-luminescent plants and fungi which are the main source of light. Despite the beauty, its full of even more dangerous animals, like the Doashim, which is like a demon crossed with a T-Rex. Most Twi'leks live along the equator aka the Band of Twilight where night and day meet, hence the whole twilight theme. Mainly in caves or in the sides of mountains or cliffs where the shade is. But even on the equator it can get hot and heatstorms may still happen. In terms of Government, the planet is pretty divided among the twi'lek tribes but all are ruled by the Clan Council which is made up of elected officials from the big tribes. Also the planet is corrupt as shit and is always selling their own kind as slaves or dealing in drugs because that's all they really have of value.

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QTDDTOT Stormtrooper 04/02/2021 (Fri) 18:03:50 No.4319 [Reply] [Last]
Ask your questions and get your answers here. How much did the wroonian got fucked over when they added the Pantoran in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?
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>>4984 Disney employees don't give a fuck about lore anymore, not even the nuCanon.
>>4984 Look up Matt Martin on twitter. He's the cuck who manages Disney canon these days and he admits there's no continuity anymore.
>>4984 Wasn't the Kyber crystals' pseudosapience a Lucas concept?
>>4989 I don't doubt that but that might be something from the very early concepts, when blue and red were the only lightsaber colors.
>>4989 There was a version of the script in the first movie were you needed a Kyber crystal to use force powers, but he dropped that idea.

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Xim the Despot Stormtrooper 08/03/2021 (Tue) 20:48:30 No.4976 [Reply]
>That feel when one of the coolest characters in the expanded universe will never get explored as much as he deserves It just isn't fair. He doesn't even have an official depiction, pic related is just fanart. In this thread let's discuss SW's version of Alexander the Great.
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Starting with the info we have about Xim:
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What, no Despotica?
>>4995 I'm getting there. I have a lot going on, my dump will be a bit sporadic. This is the intro material, written by the same guy as the despotica, meant to be read before it. I like the background it gives, and the information about the Tion cluster, a very interesting setting.

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Stormtrooper 08/05/2021 (Thu) 00:26:53 No.4991 [Reply]
JW Rinzler, former author and compiler of many behind-the-scenes SW books has passed away. https://twitter.com/jwrinzler/status/1422966386419064832

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