Kashyyyk would never fucking do. I needed some place remote, super primitive and chock full of biodiversity from across the galaxy. Dxun would've been a nice choice except that while it does have a large range of dangerous creatures, it still pales in comparison to Endor's stupidly large number of invasive species, which is only possible thanks to all the space arks navigated by complete retards that kept crashing their over the millennia because of Endor's fucked up gravity. I initially wanted to use Ithor due to probably having even more biodiversity, but it wasn't remote enough and Ithorians are absolute "no fun allowed" pussies in regards to letting visitors go around fondling the moist green folds of their precious Mother Jungle.
As for the project I already gave a gist about what it might be above before, Revanite.
Primarily, its just a bunch of SW 3D models of creatures that have never been done before to be used as free resources in whatever project anyone might ever want to make. Which is why I had to choose a planet with plenty of biodiversity from across the galaxy instead of just a lot of local fauna, since making models of only one planet's fauna would severely limit their usage. Secondly, if I finish up enough models in time (March is my deadline) I'll implement them into a mod for an easily modifiable game that converts the location to Endor.
>Chuckles the Terentatek DLC when?
>Fuck, this is retarded, I feel like some autist would actually want this. I might kill myself from the cringe.
I refuse to do this. But thank you everyone for permanently ruining Terentateks for me. Now I can't unsee them as mutant Sega Hedgehogs.