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Reiser5 In Development Anonymous 12/31/2019 (Tue) 14:55:25 No.1218 [Reply]
https://marc.info/?l=reiserfs-devel&m=157780043509663&w=2 ReiserFS isn't dead unlike Reiser's Wife
>>1218 You mean MurderFS?
>>1218 The fact there's still madlads out there continuing to develop and maintain this obscure wife murdering file system instead of sucking Redhat's dick to get it renamed and mainlined after all these years is somewhat admirable. Is it any good though?

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He's back baby Anonymous 12/27/2019 (Fri) 14:34:39 No.1197 [Reply]
https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=GNU-FSF-Relationship-Ideas >FSF throws RMS under the bus, removes him from power >Still the head of GNU >GNU takes over FSF >Makes the FSF do their accounting/bitch-work He won boys
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We did it reddit!
>>1197 >He won boys Nothing is donned until the people who participated in this persecution have either understood the insanity of their actions or have either being thrown out of their communities. Relevant comment: https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/phoronix/general-discussion/1148130-gnu-maintainers-seeking-greater-transparency-clear-procedures-from-the-fsf?p=1148506#post1148506 >Ludovic Courtès, Andy Wingo, Carlos O’Donell, Andreas Enge and Mark Wielaard We can note that there are less people in this than the initial GUIX post. https://web.archive.org/web/20191007155242/https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2019/joint-statement-on-the-gnu-project/ I can only suppose that some of them have seen that they have been tricked.
Reminder to send your emails to the FSF telling them you disagree with how they handled this whole situation.
>>1210 No thanks, I'll just not donate this year.
>>1211 Let them know why you won't donate. It'll mean more if you specifically point to RMS and say you'll continue to withhold donations until they stop it with this shit.

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Anonymous 12/22/2019 (Sun) 01:19:49 No.1151 [Reply]
https://usa.piratesparty.org/ Alright. These guys are going to be very pro-privacy, technologically literate, anti-copyright la—the site’s SSL is deprecated, it’s filled with shit javascript, and it has one of those “Fuck you, accept the cookies” banners along the bottom. Dear lord what the hell happened with this dumpster fire? Isn't this supposed to be the pirate party? What the fuck?
>>1151 Well, nevermind on the SSL thing, since I checked yesterday it's up to date now, but still.
>>1151 > trusting pinkos > ever
>>1194 It honestly looks more like a pathetic attempt from UKians to reverse-intervene than a glowing group, but whatevs, nothing relevant to /tech/ around there. If in some years it manages to push some anti-copyright measures or something, then it will deserve another check
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The site freezes up my browser for a good 30 seconds until the browser kills the scripts on the page.

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Advent of Code is coming Anonymous 11/13/2019 (Wed) 01:06:13 No.698 [Reply] [Last]
We're 20 days out, which is clearly not enough time for 8kun/tech/ to come back.
20 days out is also about as much preparation as you'd need to use Advent of Code to learn a new language. So:
1. are you competing this year?
2. what language(s) are you going to use?
3. where are you going to talk about the puzzles?
120 posts and 9 images omitted.
7 hours remaining. You better have completed all of days 1-24 or you're not getting your last star tomorrow!
10 more minutes, and I'll be free from this LARPfest
>Unrecognized command My intcode machine is fucking broken.
Do you really solve day 18 with dumb BFS on the grid? I feel like there should be an elegant solution involving graph transformations or straight up linear programming, but I'm just too brainlet to see it.
>>1180 >dumb BFS At the very least, you can preprocess the grid and add a few heuristics to get a pseudo-A* running far faster than plain BFS. There shouldn't be a faster solution than that, since the problem statement boils down to a modified Traveling Salesman.

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Help save RMS and Free Software Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 06:11:07 No.589 [Reply]
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threres a new fad game out, ai dungeon. its run on google servers so im not gonna touch it, but its a text based game where the AI is telling the story. i hear its popular on cuck/v/, and guess what they did with it? the AI learns from inputs and they turned it into a porn text adventure. "trollish" obscenity, very uncreative.
Where is the god damn source code then? we can actually use it to resurrect Tay if the code exists, like necromancy... technomancy.
I dunno. You can download an offline version of the ai, but its very resource heavy
It's correct, go read on his blog spooge drinker, its all there

But it's not

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Old /tech/ thread Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:06:34 No.450 [Reply]
Finally got that mac mini hdd issue sorted, so might as well make this thread. Any recommendations for osx 10.4 software? Anything I had on there is pretty much gone now.
I was stuck with an old G4 PPC a decade back and a lot of people switched over to Ubuntu because of the lack of updates to software and to 10.4 in the PPC Mac world.

You already know about the TenFourFox browser that tries to keep an updated version of Firefox working on that platform, I'd take a look at what the people using and developing that have to recommend.
If I had a Mac like that I'd probably run OS 9 on it. Mac OS 7-9 had a charme nothing can compare to. I'm not sure if there is any browser that really supports current websites on OS 9. If someone knows a good browser I may try it out in an emulator, sadly I don't have a real oldworld Mac anymore.
That'd work if it wasn't for the borked PPC radeon drivers. Both I and that anon from the 8chan retro threads have had crash issues that only go away when switching to framebuffer/software mode.
Unfortunately OS 9 isn't really an option on that machine. It may be able to run things through the classic environment- but I have an iMac G3 for that.

As for browsers, classilla appears to be the best option that Mac OS 9 has.
>Old /tech/ thread
>OP unaware of entire board made for this

Artificial neurons developed Anonymous 12/06/2019 (Fri) 12:48:32 No.987 [Reply]
Scientists from the University of Bath report the creation of artificial neurons that reproduce the electrical properties of biological neurons onto semiconductor chips.


I'm hyped, imagine the possibilities, looks like i won't have to die from Alzheimer's disease after all, by the time i'll become senile these chips might be powerful enough for healthy people to use them to enhance themselves. Imagine having a second brain inside your brain, or better yet a cluster of these chips so that you don't lose a big chunk of consciousness if/when a chip brakes.
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I think you're right anon. Also, that scenario sounds a lot like the Biblical prophecy of the one world government and not being able to buy or sell without a special mark to me tbh.
>slippery slope the biblical prophecy
Pretty much; been predicting this for years. It might be 50 years between convenience and requirement but it will happen once they get their mitts on the tech. Also funny how correct the Bible tends to be on a lot of other stuff like jews being evil.
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>foreseeable future
>In 2050 deux ex tier badthink monitoring will be installed in mandatory, from birth, neuron chips where Israeli tech companies/ZOG will zap your brain when bad goy wrongthink is autodetected and turns you into a vegetable

>the future you chose
That's right, but we will have to manufacture and implant our kids with the good "Jesus chips" so our kids can compete with the evil jews who have enhanced themselves with brain chips to jew even harder.

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==WHY DOES IT ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME!?== Anonymous 09/01/2019 (Sun) 09:33:30 No.60 [Reply]
>fuck around with Ram because one died and jesus itself on the 3rd day
>boot manager missing
<check the fucking cables
<one disconnected
<connect it
>boot manager still missing
<go in boot
>secondary HDD as primary boot device
<lose shit because it's not
<switch back to SSD everywhere
>Boot Manager still missing
<know for certain it's on SSD because it was a solo drive install
<put all disks in boot sequence
>pc turns on
This fucking thing was moved on one of the other drives. AGAIN!
Why does it do this me?
Why does it always move the fucking boot to another drive without my say so?
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elementary OS 5.1 'Hera' Linux distro is here Anonymous 12/04/2019 (Wed) 22:59:38 No.950 [Reply]
By Brian Fagioli

>elementary OS has long been viewed by many as the future of Linux on the PC thanks to its beautiful desktop environment and overall polished experience. Development of the Ubuntu-based operating system has been frustratingly slow, however. This shouldn't be surprising, really, as the team of developers is rather small, and its resources are likely much less than those of larger distributions such as the IBM-backed Fedora or Canonical's Ubuntu. And that is what makes elementary OS so remarkable -- its developers can make magic on a smaller budget.

>Today, the latest version of the operating system is released. Code-named "Hera," elementary OS 5.1 is now available for download. Support for Flatpak is now baked in — this is significant, as the developers explain it is “the first non-deb packaging format we've supported out of the box.” The Linux kernel now sits at a very modern 5.0. One of the most important aspects of elementary OS, the AppCenter, is now an insane 10 times faster than its predecessor. Wow.

>"elementary OS 5.1 Hera takes the same foundation as Juno -- utilizing the same underlying repositories and libraries—but builds on it with a refined experience. It is the culmination of our work over the past year packaged up into one cohesive update. As such, the 5.1 number represents that it’s a major update, but not an entirely new version (which usually come around every two years). It’s still significant enough, however, to deserve its own name and identity," says Cassidy James Blaede, Co-founder and CXO, elementary.

>Blaede further says, "The newly redesigned login and lockscreen greeter looks sharper, works better, and fixes many reported issues with the previous greeter including focus issues, HiDPI issues, and better localization. The new design in Hera was in response to user feedback from Juno, and enables some nice new features. It now always shows usernames for all users, shows users’ backgrounds as cards so you can more easily find users who maybe haven’t set differentiating avatars, notifies when Caps or Num Lock are on, and makes “Log In as Guest” more distinct when it’s enabled."

Apps are also a big focus of elementary and Blaede shares improvements below.

Calendar received a major redesign that is brighter, cleaner, and more usable -- plus we've improved support for recurring events.
Camera is now faster and compatible with many more webcam models.
Photos has new checkerboard-backed translucent image previews and improved dialogs throughout the app.
Music is greatly improved with more discoverable keyboard shortcuts, better performance, more reliability, and a fresh new orange accent color.
Videos supports auto-queuing the next episode, plus improvements to keyboard navigation and audio track titles.
Files is one of the first to support the new cross-desktop CloudProviders API which currently integrates with NextCloud.
Code has more discoverable keyboard shortcuts and greatly expanded git integration.
Terminal has better-exposed keyboard shortcuts and improved contrast.

>Overall, the number of changes and improvements found in elementary OS 5.1 'Hera' is overwhelming -- I highly recommend reading the official announcement here for all the details. Quite frankly, it extremely impressive to see what the developers have accomplished in Hera. Make no mistake, even though this is technically a point release, the move from 5.0 to 5.1 is substantial. If you want to download it for yourself, you can get it here.


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quantum supremacy Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 17:57:41 No.525 [Reply]
How long until this /tech/ starts showing up in PC's?
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Thanks for sharing.

>looking batshit insane
Vegans are batshit insane.
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>because youtube was censoring her videos
She is the most misunderstood shooter. In reality she has the greatest manifesto.

"It's funny that youtube does not even restrict Nicki Minaj's booties, Miley Cyrus' twerks, sexuality focused clips but my sport videos."
She has a 90s aesthetic for a 30s ideology lol.
Can you post that manifesto?

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