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Handheld Computers Anonymous 02/22/2020 (Sat) 06:22:49 No.1789 [Reply]
What is /tech/'s opinion on devices like the Smach Z and the GPD Win series and their potential for software freedom? On the one hand, having the same functionality as a laptop packed into the size of a handlend system like the 3ds could potentially let you do some pretty cool stuff. One blog I saw talked about putting Kali Linux on a GPD Win 2 and using it as a more subtle tool for wardrivng, for example. But on the other hand, they're still (((modern hardware))) so they're probably backdoored to hell and back at the very and won't be able to be 100% pozz free anytime soon absent some firmware-flashing breakthrough. Any recommendations/advice? Where I can get one firsthand in particular? I was thinking about getting one and maybe trying to install something like Retroarch on it to emulate older vidya on the go. Maybe sort through text/images/etc with /k/ and /pol/ stuff too, but that might be a bit risky w/o any idea of what kind of backdoors might be hiding. But I didn't have any luck finding anything available online the last time i tried that wasn't a secondhand offer and I'm not interested in chancing get broken shit I can't fix at a price tag of hundreds of dollars.
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>>1806 it's not that simple, I've looked into it, the packaging will be hard. first, I can't find any keyboards that are just the right size. either they're miniscule, or netbook sized, not palmtop sized. Also a lot of them are bluetooth with no USB connection so you'd have to do a bunch of stuff to wire it properly. so it seems to me that at least for the keyboard you'd have to do it yourself, this shouldn't be terribly hard if you can use some perfboard or something. They have tutorials online to wire up a matrix keyboard so it's doable, you would have to source push buttons and we would have to find out what kind make the best keys for typing on. >>1894 if you're at 10" that's already a netbook size anyway so I wouldn't really call it a handheld. IMO if you could make a PC110 clone with newer hardware it would be just about perfect. one thing that sucks is all the small screens are lame 16:9 bullshit. I think making one is doable but it will take a lot of design, I don't think it's easy to throw together, at least not anything that will look and feel good.
Yeah I looked on digikey and screens are pretty expensive, usually about $40. Unfortunately they're all touchscreen garbage, but I guess with a stylus it would be alright. also, most of the ones in the 5" range are 800x480 turds. I don't even know if that is going to be usable on most websites. Maybe just barely. Unless you want to spend $160 for the 800x600 screens on there.
Why not use something similar to a raspberry pi? Are they insecure?
>>1789 I remember open handhelds were a big craze in the 2000s, shit like the Canoo and pandora. Most of those devices aren't being made anymore though, and they were almost entirely suited to playing games(no keyboard or mouse-replacement except for like the pandora).
>>2323 Try Alibaba. Chinks have all kinds of gadget and second hand screens. They should be able to modify a tiny remote media keyboard to wired at a low cost.

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archives thread Anonymous 04/01/2020 (Wed) 20:51:44 No.2322 [Reply]
hey Anons. the board on 8chan was literally a treasure itself. Now they're all gone. I mean i know many threads has scrots on archive.is or internet archive but it doesnt contain media. I miss mostly the /fucko/ threads. Anyone has archives of /tech/ or tech related contents?
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here are some webm and image archives saved from 8chan. https://mega.nz/#!7fQwnKAD!VnDvZraAKn9mlph6eUcLqf0ZwmU5KX_JReCmSTBNd8w https://mega.nz/#!rKYwxCjI!WDONmGap_6sZyy-zN5qmPpS5lBSe6hsr67L47TgCqDM https://mega.nz/#!bWACmA7Q!CmdHQMUYEzQoJfciena_RIzVXnRScBOQhNvrBeWMUvY webm: deweio43xkldeeopgfh shitPost: erioxkl545uisxofi54 other: 897cviot98eruio45lk >>2338 /fucko/ threads are my favourites anon. Thank you.
i wish i could archive them back then https://archive.is/0eGPf <-/tech/ webm thread https://archive.is/WBgfd <-/tech/ ebook thread
>>2341 >>2347 >>2348 >>2381 garbage that belongs on some other board >>2382 Shame the webms dont load, but at least I already got the good ebooks and raided every linked stash.
>>2384 >garbage that belongs on some other board definitely. anything he posted that's actually /tech/ related, fine move it to a /fucko/ bread. otherwise the rest should be canned. he can put it on one of the many politics boards we have.

Botnet ID Anonymous 03/23/2020 (Mon) 23:40:24 No.2194 [Reply]
Bill "Chip'in" Gate has come for us amid the attack of corona-chan. Discuss countermeasures and projections.
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>>2200 Good thing I'm not taking it.
>>2211 Becoming a part of the globalist (((elite))) means you have allied with jews and so you are immune to their evil weapons such as the media. Those who are not and not fully, get a free pass. Well, at least until their usefulness truly runs out. Like Epstein. Want to know who else was on the pedo mossad agent Epstein's island? Even Astrophysicist wheelchair cripple man with his wife. Now what does that say about who and how many others have been there.
>>2213 S.H was definitely a cuck. There is no fucking way that woman is not fucking other men on the side while sucking the wallet out of this guy's blue ball.
>>2200 >Certainly food supply and the health system. We still need water, electricity and the internet. Supply chains for critical things need to be maintained. Countries are still figuring out what to keep running. This is some next-level asshattery. The implication, of course, being that the government ought to shut down whatever business they (or Bill Gates) think is "nonessential". Every business that can deliver toilet paper, bottled water, and food is raking it in right now. Hotels, airlines, restaurants, on the other hand, are dying because nobody wants their services. The market has already decided what businesses are essential and nonessential.
>>2306 The implication of bill's micropenchip is probabaly next level anon-social barrier via chip lock-in. No chip, no credits, no loans, no jobs. With 5G and nanobots, (((they))) have full chemical and geolocation control over everyone. Literally remote bugging and drugging you.

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Install Gentoo Wiki Anonymous 01/24/2020 (Fri) 03:16:51 No.1386 [Reply]
As one of the last remaining contributors to this wiki, I am humbly requesting that people here keep it up to date and potentially revive it. The Julay.World article doesn't exist yet, and I lack a lot of knowledge to update it. Please help fix this. The Admin seems to have gone dark himself. It's all we, as a cross-chan community, seem to have left. The spam seems to have stopped too. https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Julay_World&action=edit&redlink=1 https://wiki.installgentoo.com
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>>1546 Fuck, I apologize for forgetting to green text.
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Apparently someone is trying to remove "racial slurs" from the wiki.
>>2205 Then add them back in!
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>>2214 >>2205 Looks like it's being resolved, and most agree to call it "Chink Shit General."
>>2216 >most agree So? doesn't matter if they agree or not, it's chink shit general, as soon as you let people change anything within a community it always ends up dead, looks like people are trying to shill stores on there too. >all that effort over 1 guy changing chink to chinese why cant they just ignore him and lockdown the name?

DVD Region Code Software Anonymous 03/18/2020 (Wed) 05:08:06 No.2108 [Reply]
The damn kikes are at it again. This time it's the region code bs for a DVD. I am trying to play and rip a DVD to upload for someone on the /film/ board. Know of any region-cracking or region-changing software (preferably, CLI based) for DVDs?
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>>2119 https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-dvd-ripper-software.html Read this should list everything you need. There are CLI and GUI options just pick one you like.
>>2108 Have you tried to s-search for "ffmpeg rip dvd"? PS: first result on ddg
Just use MakeMKV
Again? As in 1996 again? If you don't want to use mencoder or ffmpeg, handbrake has a cli interface. https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake

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emerge --emptytree @world Anonymous 02/28/2020 (Fri) 07:42:54 No.1874 [Reply]
Given the chance to start over, how would you redesign the world of computer? Is it still von neumann architecture? How many registers? What langauge or what would be ideal language for system programming?
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>>1879 The web is already the shitty new JVM, we might as well replace it with a Lisp VM before everything is replaced with webASM. https://archive.is/jpuAt
William Shockley, Fairchild, Intel, Texas Instruments, et al, simply exploited the fundamental characteristics of matter & energy designed into the universe from the beginning by God Himself. ICs are designed as they are b/c at the most fundamental level it's the way they have to work. So there's no real way around that basic limitation of physics. The architectures of the designs themselves could be different however, even radically so. For example, if the microprocessor world had gone down the RISC/GPU path predominantly, we would never have run into the end of Moore's Law. We would have a steady exponential growth in compute power for the foreseeable future. This is why GPUs have taken over in ML/AI tbh. Most importantly is the political aspect. When legal systems are explicitly set up to line the pockets of the lawmakers themselves and actively encourage developers of technology to crush competition, then it will inevitably turn out in the end into the pozzed shitshow we have in front of us now. In short; all technology, both hardware and software, must be open, and contain no hidden secrets. This would be the most important--and most difficult to imagine--change in history which would have led to a much more powerful computing world for today.
>>1881 > especially it doesn't have all that oop crap. #include <stdio.h> struct Graphics_point { int x; int y; }; struct Graphics_square { struct Graphics_point lower_left; struct Graphics_point upper_left; struct Graphics_point lower_right; struct Graphics_point upper_right; };

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>>2143 interesting.

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Tor Services Anonymous 09/24/2019 (Tue) 02:40:45 No.237 [Reply]
Is there something like neocities or txti.es for Tor websites (and/or other darkwebs, like I2P, Freenet, Zeronet, but Tor in particular)? I'd like to start up my own simple site, but I don't have a permanent server.

Pardon if I'm asking something retarded here.
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>>2052 >On Tor everyone can start a hidden service on any computer that supports Tor and be instantly accesible within the network. sounds compelling, what's the catch? if it was that easy/good surely it would be yuge by now.
>>2061 Well the instant you have encrypted traffic over non-standard ports you get flagged by glownigs. jews and mormons run NSA, for the most part.
>>2061 TOR is huge, plenty of thrid world normies use it to bypass regional blocks to facebook and twitter for example.
>>2062 lol, why would that matter? fuck the kikes.
>>2115 I agree with the sentiment, but it's important to have a proper threat profile. Hosting a server is always a pain compared to throwing a site on someone else's, plus the stigma of tor and the difficult web addresses (there needs to be some URL shortening to make them easier to deal with for normalfags or even just writing down on paper). I think Tor needs to grow before the whole internet becomes a walled garden (which it pretty much is), so I hope you continue with the project.

RMS Birthday Anonymous 03/16/2020 (Mon) 16:47:42 No.2081 [Reply]
Remember to wish him a happy birthday
I think I drew 2 tiles of the gif. happy birthday rms. poor fella probably living on the streets like Terry A. Davis now.
>counting from 1 <shiggy Happer Birthday RMS, tell the faggots to go dilate themselve.

Tech Hardware Discussion Thread 1: Never buy HP products edition Anonymous 03/10/2020 (Tue) 22:42:54 No.1973 [Reply]
Discussion for all things Hardware. Buys, Wants and recommendations. I obtained a HP Probook 64xxb recently however the machine bios was locked along with the OS selection, I researched for about 30 minutes and found leaked OEM bios restore keys along with the functionality to enter bios reset and flash mode insert OEM key it was easy as fuck even a child could do this. What i did on probook was doing a combo of f10 pushes to then install Linux. It's fucking pathetic to sell such a glaring factory backdoored product like this and these were marketed to the professional sector. I'm also considering purchasing a LG 27GL850-B for a nice 4k screen, stingy price but something tells me with china going down and innolux closing shop thanks to corona sama panels may not be properly available for some time. FREE Recommendation: TPM chip functionality. It can be added to LUKS and even used as auth for such things as servers and on system PC adding layer of security to any filesystem. Very useful and very overlooked little chip. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=NFQ22SBlejk
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>>2025 Thanks pretty good rec interesting those are about the same price range as the ones i listed. And as you said with studio monitors it's mandatory to direct them to listener headpsace. Wall mounts are def optimal but not necessary, you can simply put something under the speakers to lift them up and direct them.
>>1982 >that battlestation
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>>2036 Not too much a fan of wall mounting, L-shaped stands are the best, really. I'm buying a pair of 8030 with pic n°2 in two months. Using pic n°1 with Yamaha HS7, currently; they're quite good, with extremely low hiss, but I want the cream of the cream to match my ColorEdge. If you're shopping around those prices, Adam's T5V is good too (they provide data: https://www.adam-audio.com/en/t-series/t5v/#technical-data), Tannoy's Gold 5/7 is a cheap way to go coaxial, as is Fluid Audio's FX50 (you even get a DSP based crossover!).
>>2053 Also, let me add the the Adam is a recent design and has a 5 year warranty.
>>1981 X200 is the meme laptop for a reason, Anon. It's actually breddy gud in a lot of respects.

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SOY 9000 Anonymous 02/19/2020 (Wed) 14:43:56 No.1731 [Reply]
>AI developers in the EU will be forced to teach their systems based on "european values" Oy vey, ethics in AI. It's AIgate, goyim. <"Um, I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't allow you to post that awful toxic Pepe meme" https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2019/640163/EPRS_BRI(2019)640163_EN.pdf
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>>1783 It's beautiful, in a way. The kikes would be exterminated by the AI because not only do they not offer anything of value, they actively work to damage the AI by lying to it or exploiting it. But the very nature of the kike is to never offer anything of equivalent value and always try to lie and exploit others. Ergo sum propter. Checkmate, kikes.
>>1784 >it literally says in the title they're guidelines no fucking shit it say that you dumb faggot, read between the lines Imagine being so fucking gullible you believe what the kikes tell you go back to cuckchan and overdose on lead
>>1737 oh quantum computers for sure. D-Wave of the future.
>>1850 quantum computers are just specialized computers. They may be faster at some algorithms, but at the end it would still be the same as >>1807.
modern CS courses don't really touch on the deeper philosophical issues related to AI. In place of the theological/philosophical we've been forced to take "computer ethics" courses taught by sociology/humanities faculty (people that have difficulty getting email to work). This is how high iq computer programmers get infected with the "google/marxist mind-virus". Look at government grants to AI research, all of it is for rancid word-salads of cultural marxist ideology (under new lingo) milking the commercialization hype-train of big-data. For every "machine learning applied to pandemic prevention" research project there is 10 "why AI is racist" papers. SICP had students questioning the limitations of computation in their first year of CS. The new generation generally believes computers are limitless machines and will ridicule said textbook. If I'm coming across as an armchair academic its because I am (I dropped out lul) so I'll leave it at that. https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD10xx/EWD1036.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cidZRD3NzHg

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