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Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 01:17:21 No.3436 [Reply]
If the restrict act passes the government can ban any technology they want. If you access banned technology you will face up to a million dollar fine and 20 years imprisonment. The RESTRICT Act is not limited to just TikTok. It gives the government authority over all forms of communication domestic or abroad and grants powers to “enforce any mitigation measure to address any risk” to national security now and in any “potential future transaction” This includes the possibility of banning Tor/ I2P / VPN or even foreign CHAN sites in the name of "National security" under threat of fine/imprisonment for anyone caught using them. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text?s=1&r=15 Cosponsors / date Sen. Thune, John [R-SD]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Sullivan, Dan [R-AK]* 03/07/2023

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>>3436 This is like the draconian shit they pulled with the patriot act after 9/11 but this time its for the internet.
>>3436 I'd sure like to know A) how many of these are kikes or cryptokikes B) how many of them are vocal supporters of war with China. Clearly, (((they))) are positioning things to attack the based Chinese, and this move would be a necessary precursor to SHUT IT DOWN if the uppity goyim can be distracted away from (((Netflix))) long enough to mention online, "Hey maybe we shouldn't be getting into an all-out nuclear armageddon with the chinks, even if they are The Great Evil(tm)?'' They certainly fucked up their estimations on their proxy war with based Russia, so this edition maybe they are angling beforehand to keep the niggercattle silent?

Anonymous 03/30/2023 (Thu) 04:17:21 No.3435 [Reply]
WPA KRACK for dummies? faggots wouldnt release it untill everything is patched.

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Anonymous 09/23/2022 (Fri) 16:40:58 No.3377 [Reply]
Thoughts on qubes os?
>>3377 >not temple os
>>3378 the more niggers use FOSS, the more anonymity we whites get
>>3377 consumes a lot of RAM not super useful unless you are being actively targeted by some group (like Snowden)
>>3377 Developed by a feminist femoid. Built upon Linux and GNU niggershit written by soyboy trannies. >>3378 BASED!

commie shithole dead dude 03/16/2023 (Thu) 20:08:57 No.3416 [Reply]
I am living in a pre commie shithole and i need to denounce moles to anti commie parties before they fall into a trap, but there is no way to do it because american services dont let anonymous connections or check websites and private mails are just kicked to the spam folder, if i do it openly i am gonna get jailed before somebody read anything, any hint? for obvious reasons i cant post in open sites and i dont have a zombie machine or something like that, i am boomer i i want to do the right thing before dying.
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>>3421 >>3422 Thanks! I already would disable WebRTC in the browser settings, but now I understand why a little better now. >Most journos are intel agency assets, the others are killed. I guess I can believe that much. How do the inhabitants of China get around their Great Firewall? Maybe some of those ideas might help you.
>>3423 >How do the inhabitants of China get around their Great Firewall? Thanks, again, the problem isnt bypassing it, the problem is posting there anonymous, they just go clear and talk with codewords, btw, chinese are jailed and harvested every day, so basically its about numbers, you have so many that a few survives, also a lot of info is false, like that square bloodbath, it wasnt about democracy, that history benefits both Usa and China, it was about anti migrants crimes protests, no chinese would talk about that ever, but you have the pics.
>>3423 I know this is a bit too much, but cant somebody from Usa or a free country try to contact them? the site is antro.cl and i need to talk with 5 or ten users, same text for everyone, basically telling them the name of police dude and that they have to keep the talk with tor in mail2tor, no guy in a bike would travel to the states to kill you, fun fact, the mole worked for the campora in Argentina.
>>3416 sounds like you're completely delusional and spend all your time watching fox news so your brain has turned to mush
>>3427 A friend was already detainee for talking about corruption in judges, i lost my job, my mom was threatened by migrants and my bro almost assaulted in the highway, Perú is fighting them back, but here the army just got the money and forgot us, in Argentina the people is fighting them, but here the army is too strong, just check the amount of leos and f-16 my shihole has, btw your media is saying that everything is fine here.

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Anonymous 07/14/2020 (Tue) 21:01:16 No.2997 [Reply]
Reminder that you niggers shouldn't trust lunduke.
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Except the internet circa 1996 was mostly anonymous and everybody was having fun
>>3016 >jewish pop. in US >hovering around 6 million no pls not again
>>3316 Anonymous as in normal people didn't use their real names or attach much of their lives to their online activity. It wasn't uncommon for people to have static pages about themselves and their interests, but it wasn't like the video bloggers or social media superusers we have now. Everything now is branding/marketing.
well you all decided to use anonymity to say the nword a lot that's not how it was used in 1996
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>>3380 well people are a little tired of black people acting like niggers, ya know with all the looting, raping, murdering, etc. but lets censor the whole internet so niggers and kikes can escape accountability lol fuck off faggot. when you hear about some niggers getting hit by another Dylan Roof, maybe you'll know why next time

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Anonymous 08/29/2022 (Mon) 16:40:10 No.3370 [Reply]
male poon is shit

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Alternative OS thread Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 21:32:41 No.480 [Reply]
Personally, I believe that *BSD (minus FreeBSD) are the most realistic alternatives for Linux.
Pls don't start spamming "blackpills" or the "cuck license" bikeshed.

+ The default installation is very secure. OpenBSD has many interesting security features (pledge for example).
+ Competent developers who are committed to developing their OS
+ OpenBSD's sister projects like mandoc, OpenSSH and LibreSSl are cool
+ sndio sound server is comfy
+ Especially well-written man-pages and FAQs
+ Theo de Raadt is based
+/- Its developers and users expect you to at lest try to fix the problem yourself before they will help you. You get replies quickly on the mailing-lists. #openbsd @ Freenode is active.
+/- Doesn't have Bluetooth support anymore
+/- OpenBSD uses cvs

notes and resources
* https://www.openbsd.org/
* OpenBSD Journal: https://undeadly.org/
* Default package management: OpenBSD's ports and pkg_ tools. Currently has about 10578 packages in ports.
* The OpenBSD FAQ (the installation guide): https://www.openbsd.org/faq/index.html
* Simply put, you can use pkg_info -Q foobar to find a package and pkg_add foobar to install it
* If you want, you can install the standard Ganoo tools: pkg_add coreutils
* If you wish to run X11 (xenocara) you should also enable automatic starting of OpenBSD's DM (xenodm) during the installation
* The ability to run startx as regular user was re-added in 6.6 release, however, it is still recommended to use Xenodm as startx might pick the wrong driver in some cases, apparently
* You should install ALL file sets during the installation
* If you have (created) a (MBR or GPT) partition with OpenBSD's partition type (A6) then OpenBSD's installer will recognize it and ask whether you want to install to that partition.
* OpenBSD gaming resource: https://mrsatterly.com/openbsd_games.html
* Rundown of OpenBSD's security features: https://www.openbsd.org/security.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenBSD_security_features
* You can install non-free firmware using the fw_update tool. Its man-page is self-explanatory.
* You can install patches with syspatch. Its man-page is self-explanatory.
* You can upgrade to the next release by using the sysupgrade utility, which was added in 6.5 patch no. 012. (N.B. Be sure to read the man-page as you probably want to use the -k option!) You can read more about this feature from its announcement email (https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-announce&m=156577865917831)
* The binary packages are now also getting updates on the latest "stable" release! Currently, updates for binary packages are provided on AMD64, i386 and arm64/aarch64 platforms. Previously, your only options were to either build from source or use pkgsrc if you wanted newer packages.
* If you want to install pkgsrc on OpenBSD, make backups of the original pkg_add, pkg_delete, pkg_info and pkg_check binaries. (ProTip: use whereis command and cp) Or install pkgsrc into your home directory (use ./bootstrap --unprivileged)
* I got pkgsrc working on OpenBSD 6.3 on AMD64, by using the following command-line: ./bootstrap --compiler clang --unprivileged --prefer-pkgsrc=openssl
* When you are creating disk partitions, you can specify a partition's size in (for example) gigabytes, by appending G to the desired size (for example, 42G means 42 gigabytes). (see also, man 8 disklabel, man 8 fdisk and man 8 newfs)
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Tails for opsec. r8
Anyone used Debian kFreeBSD? I'm a Debian user interested in trying out a BSD so I figure that might be a good bridge, unless it's just a novelty and I'm better off going full BSD.
>>2510 or GNU/HURD for that matter
>>2510 If you're a debian user stay away from BSD we don't want you.
>>2510 >Debian kFreeBSD Don't install it. If you want to use a *BSD, install real FreeBSD or OpenBSD.

Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 18:00:01 No.2743 [Reply]
Cross post from >>>/meta/ 2 days ago As the end draws near, I want to share my ideas on Final solution. Note: I am not an expert, this is just personal thoughts Idea: >p2p >semi-centralized moderation >anon via Tor/i2p/freenet/loki/Gnunet >hierarchial tag based "boards" Idea detailed: >all posts + data(eg:images) is seed and transfered by p2p >moderation providers can be subscribed, anyone can be a moderation provider >moderation can be inherited with some personal changes >banned posts/checksums/regexs will not be seeded >anonymity can be provided through any chosen protocol >overboard is root, eg: /tech/robowaifu, /pol/left Reasons: >no single point of failure >easy moderation, semi-decentralized, less drama

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>>2838 Fine, let me show you how it works, agent. >global p2p chan infiltrator can >1. try to get in the biggest mods provider >2. sway discussion by sliding ddos 1 is protected by the anon nature of the network, mods data can be like posts on the p2p network but with cypto signature 1 is also as strong as the opssec and mind of the admins, so don't trust anyone if 1 falls, seasoned anons will see the difference. Then they can use another mods provider or become one. 2 is protected by glow detecting mods providers Together the quality and level of subversion depends only on the decentralized mod providers. Decentralized means no central authority, in this case everyone can be the central authority. Now go suck your boss's fuck and report to him.
>>2841 >he thinks infiltrators can only infiltrate moderation or ddos This is why you're a tourist and you're being mocked. Ever heard of astroturfing? Raiding? Brigading? Shilling? >b-but mods will fix it No they won't, they'll split on the first controversial case and from then onwards it's reddit v2. And even ignoring all of that, keep in mind that you're a faggot so assblated you think any one guy disagreeing with you on a niche site must be a CIA nigger: you're going to snap at other mods and start drana faster that I can type "told you so".
>>2844 I wonder if your anus glow much brighter, assbusted agent. >astroturfing? Raiding? Brigading? Shilling? Cool with that ass glow, you can't read with that glare. >mods will ignore that You are the mod. Oh wait, you are still blinded. >guy disagreeing with you on a niche site must be a CIA nigger But you are, or you are niggerlicious.
retard niggerlicious retardation nigger niggerlicious reta​rd r​etarded
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Anonymous 08/20/2019 (Tue) 21:14:13 No.1 [Reply]
>literally dead
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Then post a libbie thread or something you faggot.
>literally dead
>figuratively and conceptually dead smug.sitx
don't cry because it's over, cry because you're gay.
>yay I found a new board, I am finally out of /g/ >Tfw it's dead ...

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Arch Linux Eliteism Anonymous 12/31/2019 (Tue) 23:30:03 No.1221 [Reply]
Does anyone know why the Arch community is eliteist? Out of all communities, they are the most eletist and toxic, even gentoo isn't that bad, despite similarities.
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>>3050 Do you ever want to keep an old version of a package, because the updated version isn't working? How would you set that up with pacman?
>>3227 Pacman installs packages compressed then decompresses them to install them. Everything you have ever installed as a package is stored on the pc. The directory tars are stored is the variable called cacheDIR or someting in /etc/pacman.conf. The default is is /var/pacman/pkg or something. Also op is a literal faggot, i have never mat a elitist arch user but i fucking met at least 5 autist obsessed with the elitist arch user boogeyman, op is one of them.
>>1221 It used to be because of the relatively cumbersome install process, but that's not really the case anymore, archinstall makes what used to be a journey and a half for beginners into a pretty breezy experience. Why anyone would pride themselves on the obtuseness and lack of functionality of their software is beyond me. I do use arch, btw.
>>3055 Imagine trying to use Gentoo 20 years ago. It has become more usable over the years. Trying to compile everything used to take days.
>>1225 But I love SystemD though.

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