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Post Notifier Anonymous 03/16/2024 (Sat) 19:45:17 No.3519 [Reply]
I'm looking for a way to get notifications when posts are made on all my favorite imageboards as a way to A) Discourage myself from spending hours aimlessly lurking dozens of sites and finding maybe one or two new posts, while I have stuff I really should be doing. And B) Encourage activity on these places by being able to respond promptly. I want these notifications delivered to my phone, because I spend most of my time outside. I know /whitelist/ on Junkuchan has an RSS and an Atom feed, but I don't think most boards do. If there's some app that already does this that would be cool, but it needs to work for any IB. I've tried out some IB browsers but they only work on a handful of boards, and never the ones I actually use, and with the current state of IBs to rely solely on some guy, who's probably knee-deep in a computer science major, and working on 6 other projects, to learn about every new IB I like and get it on their app doesn't seem practical. And besides, I don't need a IB browser, just something that notifies me when a post is made. If this is something I'd have to make myself, I'm willing to do that, and if so, I'd love to be pointed in the right direction(s). I'm not particularly learned on computers or programming, but I've always been able to mash out anything that I set my mind to.
>>3519 >>3519 You could do this yourself by scraping the catalogs of the boards you care about. It's pretty easy, the only problem is different sites will be slightly different so you'll have to tweak the code for each one. That's why the apps you've tried don't work for every IB. I'll show you how you could do this site as an example though. Load up the catalog ( https://alogs.space/tech/catalog.html ) and either use Inspect Element or look at the page source to see how the html is laid out for the posts. On this site each post has a div container with the class "catalogCell". The cell for your post looks like this: <div class="catalogCell"> <a class="linkThumb" data-filemime="image/jpeg" href="/tech/res/3519.html"><img loading="lazy" src="/.media/t_521cc4fa7782f2124436653ee6b072f1f70c4de3df51c0ce23fb44cfcafa6d3f"></a> <p class="threadStats"> R: <span class="labelReplies">0</span> / I: <span class="labelImages">0</span> / P: <span class="labelPage">1</span> </p> <p> <span class="labelSubject">Post Notifier</span> </p> <div class="divMessage">I'm looking for a way to get notifications when posts are made on all my favorite imageboards as a way to...</div> </div>

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Controller Issues Anonymous 08/29/2020 (Sat) 10:46:35 No.3047 [Reply]
I have recently bought an 8BitDo SN30 Pro+ controller after it had been shilled to hell and back and it was pretty comfortable to play with, but I'm getting some issues with diagonal inputs with the analog sticks. More specifically, according to Windows 7 patented controller settings screen, I can't seem to get the cross in any of the four corners, no matter how hard I try or what settings I change using 8BitDo's software. Updated firmware doesn't seem to make a difference. More specifically, I'm having trouble when playing with emulated games that use wide and angled movements, think Crash Team Racing. I can play it no problem but it won't turn all the way left or right in tight corners for some reasons. Is there a way to achieve that sweet corner movement, or is my controller just defective? It's such a joke that a Linq cheap PS3 controller can do what a 40 dollarydoos controller can't.
I have two sn30s and never had any software/firmware issues but the build quality seems wildly inconsistent. I'm not a big gamer in fact I've never worn a controller out before even as a teen playing hundreds of hours of ff7, thps3 etc on psx with a dual shock controller and the first sn30s I have had at least 100 hours on it and it's in great condition... The second one has less than 100 hours and the right joystick rubber rim has already torn off and one of the buttons is stiff and does not press/depress freely depending which angle or pressure you press it with. The sn30+appears to be identical to sn30 with a dual shock bezel so I would be very wary. Any future product I buy from them will come with a warranty either from 8bd if offered or a 3rd party, again, if possible. This might be a controller mechanics issue masquerading as a firmware issue now that I think about it

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BitChan Beta v0.9.0 Release Anonymous 11/15/2020 (Sun) 19:38:41 No.3162 [Reply]
The BitChan beta just got released and is looking for people to try it out. It's a decentralized imageboard that runs on top of BitMessage. You can create and completely control your own public or private board, globally moderate as an owner, add admins who can also globally moderate, moderate your own instance locally as a user, upload literally anything with size limits theoretically up to 100gb. Uploads can be sent purely over BitMessage or you can choose to use a hosting service. Uploads that use hosting are subjected to heavy duty protection: every file is zipped, encrypted/password protected, the zip's header is removed and random chunks of the file are removed before being uploaded. The removed parts are hidden in the PGP encrypted message that's sent over BitMessage. Once the upload is received the zip is put back together again, decrypted, unzipped and displayed in the thread. 100% of BitChan traffic happens over tor. Private boards prevent posting from all but explicitly added IDs. The permitted ID list can be edited by the owner at any point to include new IDs or restrict old ones. On public boards any ID can post until it is banned, but because of how BitMessage works, you can always just make another ID. Communications on every board are PGP encrypted. This means that even if someone somehow guessed the board name on BitMessage (basically impossible for reasons I won't go into here), they would be unable to read anything without also having the BitChan PGP symmetric password. Owners can globally change CSS, banners and wordfilters. Owners can even wipe a board if they want. You can join and create as many boards as you want. There's also a prototype steganography thread running alongside of every normal thread. The steg thread shows decrypted steg from jpg/pngs. There are also public and private lists. Lists are just collections of links to boards or other lists. Owners can do much of the same moderation, CSS changes etc. as they can do on boards. They can be updated and edited after their creation. BitChan is fully dockerized so it is cross-OS compatible, but has only been tested with Ubuntu 20.04 and the most recent version of Whonix. I could go on about all the features (there's a lot more), but I just wanted to give you a taste. It's surprisingly fast for text only messages that total around 20kb or less and using hosting services for file attachments, taking usually only a few seconds to a minute depending on how many people are on your part of the BitMessage network. https://github.com/813492291816/BitChan
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BitChan Version 1.1.0 Release https://github.com/813492291816/BitChan/releases/tag/v1.1.0 Tor Address: http://bitchanr4b64govofzjthtu6qc4ytrbuwbgynapkjileajpycioikxad.onion I2P Address: http://bitchan.i2p I2P b32 Address: http://waycuw2c27ruakfblkf5tcegwmt3ot445dlfoypil6bzmm4yxg7a.b32.i2p - Fix remote file exploit bug - Fix locks not being respected by the frontend - Fix update of board/thread timestamp when post/thread is deleted - Fix adding to mod log when deleting post/thread from recent/search pages - Fix being able to post to nonexistent thread - Fix database lock issues when processing many posts - Fix deleting post with password - Add I2P support (for uploads, downloads, and hidden service) - Add I2P upload sites (bunkerfiles.i2p, 0xff.i2p)

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https://github.com/813492291816/BitChan/releases/tag/v1.2.0 1.2.0 (2023/04/24) This release incorporates several changes that are incompatible with the previous version. Therefore, it is recommended to do a clean install. This release also enables BitChan to be installed natively in a Debian-based Linux operating system without the use of Docker. This is now the recommended installation method. See INSTALL.md for instructions. - Fix hiding posts if thread is hidden - Fix preventing posting on hidden threads - Fix Automatic Wipe of boards - Fix cross-post links - Fix starting attachment downloads from /recent page - Fix adding boards/lists from passphrase links in posts - Fix issue if height/width not able to be determined from attachment images/video - Fix display of video attachments with greater height than width - Fix deleting and regenerating posts

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> using PGP in $current_year > using it for encrypted communication it's almost funny that people take this seriously.
> a decentralized, blockchain-based messaging program have these people read the whitepaper
>>3450 "We propose a message transfer mechanism similar to Bitcoin’s transaction and block transfer system" >>3449 *GPG

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Inover**head(slightly) 09/21/2023 (Thu) 08:48:13 No.3465 [Reply]
Whats to be planned preanimation when it comes to match physical correctness. Like dynamics and realism. Especially when only having keyframe and poses And a general hint of the complete motion Or generally How to. How to plan it. Based on the physics.

Anonymous 10/29/2020 (Thu) 18:05:57 No.3086 [Reply]
If you wanted to create a website that only allowed Computer and Laptop users to browse, how would you go about it?
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>>3198 >cuckflare no thanks you!!
>>3198 >wilchuj it's not only bad, it's also full of dumb polish femboys
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>>3205 >full yes >polish yes >femboys yes Where is the bad part?
>>3086 have a 1000 pixel wide left margin
>>3086 I take it the goal isn't so much to exclude phoneposters but retards who very frequently use phones. In which case I concur with simply checking whether JS is enabled or not. Can be as simple as a line of code deleting the entire document body. Disabling JS isn't hard but it'll filter at least 99% of retards. You can take it further with CSS abuse but there's ways around it too, including "desktop mode". t. Phonefagging

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Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 01:17:21 No.3436 [Reply]
If the restrict act passes the government can ban any technology they want. If you access banned technology you will face up to a million dollar fine and 20 years imprisonment. The RESTRICT Act is not limited to just TikTok. It gives the government authority over all forms of communication domestic or abroad and grants powers to “enforce any mitigation measure to address any risk” to national security now and in any “potential future transaction” This includes the possibility of banning Tor/ I2P / VPN or even foreign CHAN sites in the name of "National security" under threat of fine/imprisonment for anyone caught using them. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text?s=1&r=15 Cosponsors / date Sen. Thune, John [R-SD]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]* 03/07/2023 Sen. Sullivan, Dan [R-AK]* 03/07/2023

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>>3436 This is like the draconian shit they pulled with the patriot act after 9/11 but this time its for the internet.
>>3436 I'd sure like to know A) how many of these are kikes or cryptokikes B) how many of them are vocal supporters of war with China. Clearly, (((they))) are positioning things to attack the based Chinese, and this move would be a necessary precursor to SHUT IT DOWN if the uppity goyim can be distracted away from (((Netflix))) long enough to mention online, "Hey maybe we shouldn't be getting into an all-out nuclear armageddon with the chinks, even if they are The Great Evil(tm)?'' They certainly fucked up their estimations on their proxy war with based Russia, so this edition maybe they are angling beforehand to keep the niggercattle silent?

Anonymous 03/30/2023 (Thu) 04:17:21 No.3435 [Reply]
WPA KRACK for dummies? faggots wouldnt release it untill everything is patched.

commie shithole dead dude 03/16/2023 (Thu) 20:08:57 No.3416 [Reply]
I am living in a pre commie shithole and i need to denounce moles to anti commie parties before they fall into a trap, but there is no way to do it because american services dont let anonymous connections or check websites and private mails are just kicked to the spam folder, if i do it openly i am gonna get jailed before somebody read anything, any hint? for obvious reasons i cant post in open sites and i dont have a zombie machine or something like that, i am boomer i i want to do the right thing before dying.
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>>3421 >>3422 Thanks! I already would disable WebRTC in the browser settings, but now I understand why a little better now. >Most journos are intel agency assets, the others are killed. I guess I can believe that much. How do the inhabitants of China get around their Great Firewall? Maybe some of those ideas might help you.
>>3423 >How do the inhabitants of China get around their Great Firewall? Thanks, again, the problem isnt bypassing it, the problem is posting there anonymous, they just go clear and talk with codewords, btw, chinese are jailed and harvested every day, so basically its about numbers, you have so many that a few survives, also a lot of info is false, like that square bloodbath, it wasnt about democracy, that history benefits both Usa and China, it was about anti migrants crimes protests, no chinese would talk about that ever, but you have the pics.
>>3423 I know this is a bit too much, but cant somebody from Usa or a free country try to contact them? the site is antro.cl and i need to talk with 5 or ten users, same text for everyone, basically telling them the name of police dude and that they have to keep the talk with tor in mail2tor, no guy in a bike would travel to the states to kill you, fun fact, the mole worked for the campora in Argentina.
>>3416 sounds like you're completely delusional and spend all your time watching fox news so your brain has turned to mush
>>3427 A friend was already detainee for talking about corruption in judges, i lost my job, my mom was threatened by migrants and my bro almost assaulted in the highway, Perú is fighting them back, but here the army just got the money and forgot us, in Argentina the people is fighting them, but here the army is too strong, just check the amount of leos and f-16 my shihole has, btw your media is saying that everything is fine here.

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Anonymous 07/14/2020 (Tue) 21:01:16 No.2997 [Reply]
Reminder that you niggers shouldn't trust lunduke.
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Except the internet circa 1996 was mostly anonymous and everybody was having fun
>>3016 >jewish pop. in US >hovering around 6 million no pls not again
>>3316 Anonymous as in normal people didn't use their real names or attach much of their lives to their online activity. It wasn't uncommon for people to have static pages about themselves and their interests, but it wasn't like the video bloggers or social media superusers we have now. Everything now is branding/marketing.
well you all decided to use anonymity to say the nword a lot that's not how it was used in 1996
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>>3380 well people are a little tired of black people acting like niggers, ya know with all the looting, raping, murdering, etc. but lets censor the whole internet so niggers and kikes can escape accountability lol fuck off faggot. when you hear about some niggers getting hit by another Dylan Roof, maybe you'll know why next time

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Anonymous 08/29/2022 (Mon) 16:40:10 No.3370 [Reply]
male poon is shit

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