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==WHY DOES IT ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME!?== Anonymous 09/01/2019 (Sun) 09:33:30 No.60 [Reply]
>fuck around with Ram because one died and jesus itself on the 3rd day
>boot manager missing
<check the fucking cables
<one disconnected
<connect it
>boot manager still missing
<go in boot
>secondary HDD as primary boot device
<lose shit because it's not
<switch back to SSD everywhere
>Boot Manager still missing
<know for certain it's on SSD because it was a solo drive install
<put all disks in boot sequence
>pc turns on
This fucking thing was moved on one of the other drives. AGAIN!
Why does it do this me?
Why does it always move the fucking boot to another drive without my say so?
4 posts and 2 images omitted.

elementary OS 5.1 'Hera' Linux distro is here Anonymous 12/04/2019 (Wed) 22:59:38 No.950 [Reply]
By Brian Fagioli

>elementary OS has long been viewed by many as the future of Linux on the PC thanks to its beautiful desktop environment and overall polished experience. Development of the Ubuntu-based operating system has been frustratingly slow, however. This shouldn't be surprising, really, as the team of developers is rather small, and its resources are likely much less than those of larger distributions such as the IBM-backed Fedora or Canonical's Ubuntu. And that is what makes elementary OS so remarkable -- its developers can make magic on a smaller budget.

>Today, the latest version of the operating system is released. Code-named "Hera," elementary OS 5.1 is now available for download. Support for Flatpak is now baked in — this is significant, as the developers explain it is “the first non-deb packaging format we've supported out of the box.” The Linux kernel now sits at a very modern 5.0. One of the most important aspects of elementary OS, the AppCenter, is now an insane 10 times faster than its predecessor. Wow.

>"elementary OS 5.1 Hera takes the same foundation as Juno -- utilizing the same underlying repositories and libraries—but builds on it with a refined experience. It is the culmination of our work over the past year packaged up into one cohesive update. As such, the 5.1 number represents that it’s a major update, but not an entirely new version (which usually come around every two years). It’s still significant enough, however, to deserve its own name and identity," says Cassidy James Blaede, Co-founder and CXO, elementary.

>Blaede further says, "The newly redesigned login and lockscreen greeter looks sharper, works better, and fixes many reported issues with the previous greeter including focus issues, HiDPI issues, and better localization. The new design in Hera was in response to user feedback from Juno, and enables some nice new features. It now always shows usernames for all users, shows users’ backgrounds as cards so you can more easily find users who maybe haven’t set differentiating avatars, notifies when Caps or Num Lock are on, and makes “Log In as Guest” more distinct when it’s enabled."

Apps are also a big focus of elementary and Blaede shares improvements below.

Calendar received a major redesign that is brighter, cleaner, and more usable -- plus we've improved support for recurring events.
Camera is now faster and compatible with many more webcam models.
Photos has new checkerboard-backed translucent image previews and improved dialogs throughout the app.
Music is greatly improved with more discoverable keyboard shortcuts, better performance, more reliability, and a fresh new orange accent color.
Videos supports auto-queuing the next episode, plus improvements to keyboard navigation and audio track titles.
Files is one of the first to support the new cross-desktop CloudProviders API which currently integrates with NextCloud.
Code has more discoverable keyboard shortcuts and greatly expanded git integration.
Terminal has better-exposed keyboard shortcuts and improved contrast.

>Overall, the number of changes and improvements found in elementary OS 5.1 'Hera' is overwhelming -- I highly recommend reading the official announcement here for all the details. Quite frankly, it extremely impressive to see what the developers have accomplished in Hera. Make no mistake, even though this is technically a point release, the move from 5.0 to 5.1 is substantial. If you want to download it for yourself, you can get it here.


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quantum supremacy Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 17:57:41 No.525 [Reply]
How long until this /tech/ starts showing up in PC's?
9 posts and 8 images omitted.
Thanks for sharing.

>looking batshit insane
Vegans are batshit insane.
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>because youtube was censoring her videos
She is the most misunderstood shooter. In reality she has the greatest manifesto.

"It's funny that youtube does not even restrict Nicki Minaj's booties, Miley Cyrus' twerks, sexuality focused clips but my sport videos."
She has a 90s aesthetic for a 30s ideology lol.
Can you post that manifesto?

The Linux Foundation bans someone from wearing a maga hat 3 years ago LF bans over years old post 11/11/2019 (Mon) 05:27:02 No.687 [Reply]
TL;DR Social justice people banned random guy 0357209 from a linux conference because he was wearing a maga hat 3 years ago.

I wanted to migrate on the hurd in the future but since the GUIX letter to ban RMS from the GNU project and that one of the three people working on it signed it I'm kinda disturbed.

Is there still a tech place that isn't infected with malicious niceness ?
OpenBSD. Theo is too autistic to be fake nice.

Best little programs in town Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 02:01:31 No.447 [Reply]
What are some programs that you use regularly yet never see hype surrounding them?

Here are some of mine:
arandr - intuitive gui version of the randr screen resolution configuration tool that just werks
redshift - saves my eyes regularly
torify - run anuthing through tor with very little effort
>the plethora of shells being introduced like gash, oil, etc.

arandr is almost good but for whatever reason you can't set the actual framerate and it defaults straight to 60. A bit annoying still useful if you're opening a video game fugging up your resolution
xkeysnail: You can use to configure shortcuts/remaps, easy to setup and works flawlessly.
Not just refresh, you can't set custom modes AT ALL, refresh OR resolution. That means if your driver or your monitor's EDID only lists crippled modes, you are screwed.

Furthermore, there are no other GUIs on *N*X that allow custom modes in the simple way that SwitchRes on Macs and PowerStrip or CRU on Windows.

Even if you're willing to fumble with CLI frontends like xrandr, all of the documentation is completely outdated and incomplete, e.g.:

What have you been doing? Anonymous 10/29/2019 (Tue) 17:29:48 No.573 [Reply]
I've been trying out Vulkan, even though my GPU does not support it.

What did I learn?
1. I found out that apparently the Vulkan loader shits itself if the executable that calls it exports the same symbols as Vulkan. libGL does not do this.
2. I learnt that my executables actually have bunch of symbols in .dynsym. It seems GCC/Clang likes to put global symbols into .dynsym if the executable links to a shared library that exports those symbols. I wish it didn't do that. I solved the problem by renaming the affected variables.

Once again I was bitten in my ass due to linkers being wonky. This problem would not have occurred had the linker worked differently. If nothing would be imported/exported without explicit user direction, I don't think linking problems would be so annoying or common.

Is there any reason (other than Unix autism) why image files do not specify the library from which a symbol is loaded? It sounds retarded to have some kind of load priority, when one could just specify the library manually.

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Buying, selling, exchanging funds Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 05:45:26 No.534 [Reply]
What are some truly anonymous ways of transferring funds? Crypto currency generally all seems like a massive scam and not even truly anonymous. Is the closest you can get the postal service? The problem with that is you can't receive funds anonymously that way, only send them. I don't think I can reasonably come up with a method of being paid for services anonymously. Even if you open up a PO box in a fake name or something the glow niggers now have a physical location they can monitor for you. Anyone have ideas on how to overcome this?
1 post omitted.
Whatever the correct solution turns out to be for you anon, I'd lay odds it will involve blockchain in one form or fashion.
There's always the classic gold smuggling route. Back in the days of e-gold you could transfer wealth anonymously with no problems, all it took was sending in an international money order with a piece of paper with your account number. No ID required to send or receive, not sure how the receiving part worked as I never tried that.

The authorities in the US shut that down but it was a long drawn out legal struggle that redefined what a 'money transmitter' was, the site was around since 1996 and usable up to 2009.

It's still a very popular method but it's done in person by criminal syndicates nowadays. The golden days of your average joe being able to send tens of thousands of dollars around the world anonymously in a few hours are long gone.
>your average joe being able to send tens of thousands of dollars
I should have said send and receive. As the OP points out the problem is cashing out.
Mule setup, have someone you can trust to hold and spend funds for you. Problem is you're going to lose a lot from exchanges and paying cuts.
2 of 2 multi sig wallet can help with that but once the funds are transfered into physical cash, trust is needed.

>lmfao. glorious nippon.
breddy hot tbh. sauce anon?
This shit would be alot better if it wasn't eye-raping CG.
Have you read your SICP today, Anon?

SICP book: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/full-text/book/book.html
Lectures: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=-J_xL4IGhJA&list=PLE18841CABEA24090
Site: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html
The R5RS Standard: https://schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/
the Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days book: https://ds26gte.github.io/tyscheme/index.html

Scheme implementations
Racket (Has the best IDE for learning Scheme. Remember to select R5RS from the languages menu as Racket is actually a separate language.): https://racket-lang.org/
Chicken Scheme (a Scheme compiler): https://call-cc.org/
GNU Guile: https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/
Kawa (Scheme for JVM): https://www.gnu.org/software/kawa/

Computational processes are abstract beings that inhabit computers.
As they evolve, processes manipulate other abstract things called data.
The evolution of a process is directed by a pattern of rules called a program.
People create programs to direct processes.

In effect, we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.

Beyond Scheme - Other lisps
Clojure website: https://clojure.org/
the Clojure For The Brave And True book: https://www.braveclojure.com/clojure-for-the-brave-and-true/
Leiningen (manage your Clojure projects): https://leiningen.org/

Common Lisp (CL)
the Common Lisp Hyperspec: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/index.htm
the Common Lisp Wiki: https://www.cliki.net/
Nikodemus' Common Lisp FAQ: http://random-state.net/files/nikodemus-cl-faq.html
A rundown of CL's features: http://random-state.net/features-of-common-lisp.html

the Practical Common Lisp book: http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/
The Common Lisp Cookbook: https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/
the Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming book: https://github.com/norvig/paip-lisp
the Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation book: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/

Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL, a compiled Common Lisp implementation. Just pick this one.): http://www.sbcl.org/
Clozure Common Lisp (CCL, another compiled CL implementation.): https://ccl.clozure.com/
CLISP (yet another CL implementation): https://clisp.sourceforge.io/
Quicklisp (basically the equivalent of Ruby Gems or NPM for CL): https://www.quicklisp.org
More info on different CL implementations: https://www.cliki.net/Common+Lisp+implementation

GNU Emacs
GNU Emacs website: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
GNU Emacs Propaganda: https://emacs.sexy
Emacs Rocks video series: https://www.invidio.us/playlist?list=PLVfFIUHWy-aNaF08m34sO81dsVr4L7uI-
SLIME (CL development environment for GNU Emacs): https://common-lisp.net/project/slime/
CIDER (clojure development environment for GNU Emacs): https://cider.mx/
(Also read this: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/MELPA)
(Also, remember than you can access the GNU Emacs tutorial by typing: C-h t)

Whatever happened to TempleOS? Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 00:03:16 No.421 [Reply]
Did those two faggots ever get a hold of it? I miss Terry.
1 post omitted.
I guess no one has bothered picking up the development. But it's a cool piece of software, I wish I had a few days of free time to expriment with TOS and HolyC.
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Anon! I can grant you any wish, but in return, you must become a high priest and fight CIA niggers.
You can still download the iso from this link: https://archive.org/download/TempleOS_ISO_Archive/TempleOSCDV4.13.ISO
Do it like a white man!
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TempleOS Video Archive
* https://archive.org/details/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive
* https://ia600600.us.archive.org/31/items/TerryADavis_TempleOS_Archive/videos/
* There are also a few channels on YT (for example, NIST Oracle and Terry Davis Archive).

TempleOS ISO Archive
* https://archive.org/details/TempleOS_ISO_Archive
* https://archive.org/download/TempleOS_ISO_Archive
* Download version 4.13 because it has most programs (like After Egypt)
* Shrine (unofficial TOS distro) https://github.com/minexew/Shrine
* You must install TOS inside a VM; Use QEMU, VirtualBox or VMware. To get sound, your VM must support PC speaker. (Note that sound doesn't work with VirtualBox)
* TempleOS FAQ: https://web.archive.org/web/20161129044519/http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Doc/FAQ.html
* HolyC: https://web.archive.org/web/20170325000321/http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Doc/HolyC.html
* Compiler overview: https://web.archive.org/web/20170305045826/http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Doc/CompilerOverview.html
* Guidelines: https://web.archive.org/web/20170306232214/http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Doc/GuideLines.html
* Demands: https://web.archive.org/web/20170305045050/http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Doc/Demands.html


You can't do anything until you burn a TempleOS CD/DVD from the ISO file
and boot it, or you aim your virtual machine's CD/DVD at the ISO file
and boot.

TempleOS is 64-bit and will not run on 32-bit hardware.

TempleOS requires 512 Meg of RAM minimum and can have 256 Gig of RAM or more!

TempleOS files are compressed with a nonstandard LZW format and the source
code can only be compiled by the TempleOS compiler because it is HolyC, a
nonstandard C/C++ dialect. You must boot TempleOS. Then, you can compile it
because it is 100% open source and all source present on the distro.

If attempting to run on native hardware, TempleOS may require you to enter I/O
port addresses for the CD/DVD drive and the hard drive. In Windows, you can
find I/O port info in the Accessories/System Tools/System Info/Hardware
Resources/I/O ports. Look for and write down "IDE", "ATA" or "SATA" port numbers.
In Linux, use "lspci -v". Then, boot the TempleOS CD and try all combinations.
(Sorry, it's too difficult for TempleOS to figure-out port numbers, automatically.)
TempleOS Charter (abridged)

* TempleOS is God's official temple. Just like Solomon's temple, this is a
community focal point where offerings are made and God's oracle is consulted.

* God said 640x480 16 color graphics is a covenant like circumcision. Children
will do offerings. Think of 16 colors like the Simpson's cartoons. In the
future, even if one GPU were universal, we would keep 640x480 16 color and not
use GPU acceleration. Graphics operations should be transparent, not hidden in
a GPU.

* God said to use a single-voice 8-bit signed MIDI-like sample for sound. God
does not want death screams, perhaps, because God has PTSD or soldiers have
PTSD. (Imagine wounded on battlefields.)

* God said His temple must be perfect. We don't think twice about breaking
compatibility. God said we do a seven year release cycle. I say the PC
hardware follows a 49 year, jubilee cycle, like broadcast TV upgrades.

* The vision is the same usage model and niche as the Commodore 64 -- a
non-networked, simple machine where programming was the goal, not just a means
to an end. However, it is modern, 64-bit and multi-cored. It is special
purpose, not general purpose, so some things it will not do. Also, it's a
kayak, not a Titanic. The priority is user developers, not 3rd party developers.

* We do not put any hooks for future changes. "Perfect" means we always act as
though it is final, for all time. Microsoft allowed the Windows BMP file format
to adapt to the future and it became grotesque.

* Low line count is the highest good, so it is easy to learn the whole thing.
Users should see the light at the end of the tunnel. One file system, for
example, is better than many file systems.

* There is a limit of 100,000 lines of code for all time, not including
applications and demos. Code comments count, however. Currently, there are
81,502 lines of code. 3rd party libraries are banned because they circumvent
the intent of this limit. The vision is a Commodore 64 ROM -- a fixed core API
that is the only dependency of applications. Dependency on components and
libraries creates a hell that is no longer blissful.

* Minimal abstraction is a goal. Sheep are fools. They always respect a design
that is more complicated than another. Any genius can make it complicated.
Like in physics, it takes a supra-genius to make it simple.

* One platform. x86_64 PC compatibles. Desk-tops are all we design for, but
laptops can tag along.

* All hardware access will be done through x86 IN/OUT instructions, not PCI
drivers. A frame buffer for VGA is an exception.

* One driver for each class of device. Limited exceptions are allowed. With
divergent device capabilities, it is a nightmare for user applications and what
is gained? A three bttn mouse is like a leg you cannot put weight on.

* Ring-0-only. Everything runs in kernel mode, including user applications.

* Full access to everything. All memory, I/O ports, instructions, and similar
things must never be off limits. All functions, variables and class members
will be accessible. There are no C++ public/private protections and all
functions, even secondary ones in the kernel, can be called.

* Single-address-map as though paging is not used. Long mode requires paging,
however, so the nearest thing is keeping all memory identity-mapped.

* No networking, so malware is not an issue.

* No encryption or passwords. Files are compressed, not encrypted.

* Free and public domain.

* 100% open source with all source included.

* Documents are not for printing. They're dynamic, intended for the scrn.

* Just one 8x8 fixed-width font. No Unicode, just Extended ASCII. Other
countries can make their own versions. The versions should be just for one
language and platform.

* No multimedia. Sounds and images will be primarily calculated in real-time,
not fetched from storage.

* "Commodore 64" is a trademark owned by Polabe Holding NV.
* "The Simpso
Thanks anon for the links. That archive.org repo must be nearly exhaustive.

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Blender 2.80 Anonymous 08/21/2019 (Wed) 22:04:26 No.30 [Reply]
Hope you're used to the new interface. Now Studio Khara's using it:

Discuss your rendering/video editing tasks or problems here.
5 posts omitted.
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>pythonshit is now killing anime
I did some basic modeling in 2.79, only saw a bit of 2.80 but didn't have time to use it yet. I will need to replace my placeholders one day anyway.
your post is a little confusing to me anon. are you sperging literally because of python? or is it because of 3D CGI computer animation moving into the realm of hand-drawn anime production?

For the first point, Blender is written in C and C++, with just a smidge of Python for UI management mostly. For the second point, Glorious Nippon has been doing that for a long time now, much earlier than it became common in the West to do so.
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Nvidia is starting to fund Blender development. Also for 2.81, RTX support is coming through OptiX. Will you still buy RTX, goy?
thanks for the tip. and no, not at this time. maybe later.

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