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Anonymous 06/23/2021 (Wed) 13:42:31 No.3259 [Reply]
looking books that talks about making system like this specifically https://youtu.be/8c264xk15o4 [Open] or something liek sega arcade stuffs (power drift, space harrier, air rescue, aqua jack so on etc) especially the physics model and how stuff sticks and not fall thru the floors despite the gaps between things and maybe lack of polygon meshes? perhaps the behind the scene/making of logic... hopefully includes several model/solutions of troubleshooting the same thing of why and whynots Thank you!

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Anonymous 06/12/2021 (Sat) 00:12:01 No.3258 [Reply]
i dont get rotation matrix used to do this... or homogenous coordinate or the inverse...mind explaining?

Anonymous 06/05/2021 (Sat) 03:01:13 No.3255 [Reply]
Helllo tech, help me understand matrix for 3d rotation of a 3d camera. what are they actually and what does it mean for screen space and world space coordinates when they are applied with MVP matrice

Anonymous 04/29/2021 (Thu) 01:52:21 No.3252 [Reply]
does anyone have a facebook magnet link?

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Infinity Cup poll Anonymous 04/23/2021 (Fri) 19:05:23 No.3251 [Reply]
Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( https://anon.cafe/icup/ ) We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in https://poal.me/6x3j1u

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Let's create a webring! Anonymous 02/22/2021 (Mon) 23:03:22 No.3225 [Reply]
How do I join? Post: - a link to your website - a 240x60 banner of your website then add the others also in the webring I'll start: https://sftn.github.io/
>>3225 your blog sux

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Anonymous 04/04/2021 (Sun) 08:02:24 No.3243 [Reply]
help https://boards.4channel.org/sci/thread/12922613 i dont understand the statement howdo they overlap
>>3243 Mind explaining a little more details here Anon? I can't see 4channel behind the great cuckflare wall, and I'm not quite sure I understand the context entirely here.

quatum kiorej 04/05/2021 (Mon) 01:51:59 No.3244 [Reply]
The great awakening of world have began ladies in gentlemen. Since when the great civilations of the world have hidden a secret that no man have revealed! today will be you date to wake up from state of dream you been sleep for many centuries maybe the goverments of world and the religious of world knows about it? you are in state of a "DREAM from the metrix" budda called it a 'illucion" life. reality being perceptual.The creation is holographic, containing all.The entire creation is Cosmic perception in varying forms of vibrational sound frequencies,containing octaves of knowledge.and forming dimensions containig that knowledge Each of these dimensions are ordered by their own universal laws that apply to the expansive potential of the information within the dimensions. " Uncounsious mind"=data transfer.01 quatum computing.or autopilot. The "preconscious" refers to the thoughts you aren"t actively thinking of but can call to mind given the right trigger."Consciousness" the state of being awake and aware of one 's surroundngs. "subconsciousness" of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not full aware but which one's actions and feelings.So you see your whole life is about "thoughts,feelings,emotions.= reality. You Are a in computer prg.0a1. 'USE THE COHERRENT THOUGHTS TO UNDERSTAND THE METRIX'

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Anonymous 03/16/2021 (Tue) 16:25:55 No.3239 [Reply]
how do you compute walking simulation of an organism given the legs and its locomotive features? maybe in 3d software animation or 2.5 d in 2d animation?
>>3239 You might pick up some ideas here, OP. >>>/robowaifu/237
>>3240 uh...ok thats lot. thx but in looking for digital ones not robotics

Robi's MultiScraper tool seems promising but broken (at least for me) Anonymous 03/11/2021 (Thu) 00:59:35 No.3233 [Reply]
Not sure if this is the place to post this. Perhaps someone can give me some pointers, I attempted to use the MultiScraper tool that Robi wrote to do some board migration, however, the script seems to break and only can migrate one thread (files are not downloaded etc). https://gitgud.io/rb/MultiScraper Link to the project. I've attached some screenshots to show the errors that I'm getting. For reference I'm using Python 3.8 (Ubuntu 20.04), and have followed the exact instructions on the repo (this is a LynxChan to LynxChan migration). A question that I have that is not answered in the repo is however the target board should be established, in other words, should I make a blank board with the target board name, or just run the script and the script will make the board by default?
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>>3233 Update: I removed inc from inc.download_file(f.path) on live 307 in lynxchan.py, this seemed to allow for files to be properly downloaded now, and one whole thread downloaded before getting this error again: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cssselect'" Or check the screenshot
>>3233 Hopefully Robi will post here (or somewhere else) and explain exactly what his code is doing. I don't into Python, but I wrote a C++-based scraper that has been working for about a year and a half now. If I knew what his stuff was doing exactly, then I could probably relate that to my work and explain exactly how I'm doing it. Maybe it would help out some.
>>3235 Post your scraper somewhere?
>>3236 Sure, OK. (It's been readily available all along, actually). I just recently made a version that supports operating on a Raspberry Pi too. BUMP currently supports about 6 different types of imageboard software, and also kind of unifies the archives into a generalized, filesystem-based structure after download. So, it's kind of both a multi-scraper, as well as a generalization of the data storage that should enable easy script-based exporting to any type of other system -- no intermediate database required. >>>/robowaifu/8772

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