/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” -t. Albert Einstein

/robowaifu/ Embassy Thread Chobitsu Board owner 05/08/2020 (Fri) 22:48:24 No.2823
This is the /robowaifu/ embassy thread. It's a place where Anons from all other communities can congregate and talk with us about their groups & interests, and also network with each other and with us. ITT we're all united together under the common banner of building robowaifus as we so desire. Welcome. Since this is the ambassadorial thread of /robowaifu/, we're curious what other communities who know of us are up to. So w/o doxxing yourselves, if this is your first time posting ITT please tell us about your home communities if you wouldn't mind please Anons. What do you like about them, etc? What brought you to /robowaifu/ today? The point here is to create a connection and find common-ground for outreach with each other's communities. Also, if you have any questions or concerns for us please feel free to share them here as well.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/23/2020 (Sat) 23:13:16.
>>29001 >I know Chobitsu is more or less opposed to the idea, but I'd still want a peek in <MORE OR LESS Lol. Just to be clear here, I'M BLATANTLY, ADAMANTLY, EXPLICITLY 'OPPOSED' TO IT!111ONE!!!ELEVEN!! Heh, it's your life if you want to sacrifice yourself straight into the ravenous maw of the Satanic Globohomo's glownigger honeypots, Anon. :^) Don't say I didn't warn you.
>>29000 Maybe at the top we can have a >____ edition many generals have that. Revamp the paragraph. When I wrote it at first for one thread, I didn't think it'd get used again and again. Better replace it with something in one line, like the line at the bottom. It doesn't have a "professional" look. Link some resources for robowaifu, like the MEGA folder, nandroid booru, maybe danbooru too, this robowaifu board, and if Kiwi consents, the discord too. Link only the last thread. Then lets have a thread theme. I had posted some robowaifu related songs before, I'll post them again https://youtu.be/jMyIyiOrMyk https://youtu.be/E8_LAw4LACw https://youtu.be/V8-T9pmGAJ8 https://youtu.be/WB7wiEm2Au8 https://youtu.be/KvMY1uzSC1E https://youtu.be/jFHw1HZTGzM https://youtu.be/-DSVDcw6iW8 https://youtu.be/OkwzZ44iM80 https://youtu.be/IIkynbL3brQ these are the ones I can think up of now. Use one each thread. Plus, in the next robowaifu thread, ask for suggestions. Last time I asked, there were some really good suggestions but I forgot them. In the subject, and probably the body section too, it is good that you included the words "Total Women Replacement" "Robowaifu" "AI gf" for the Ctrl+Fers. We don't yet have a concrete name for the general so better to include them all. Also, in the next thread, consult with the other anons who are willing to make threads, so we only have one up at a time. If we have multiple threads, that die after a few replies, not only will we give off a "cheap mass-manufactured" look, but we'll have a reputation as spammers and the anons, of which there are still few, will be divided between threads. Make sure everyone Ctrl+Fs at first to check if one thread is already up or no. Thats all the suggestions I can think up of at the present moment.
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>>29000 >>29008 >Maybe at the top we can have a >____ edition >>29008 >Revamp the paragraph >>29008 >like the line at the bottom Ok. Will work on this. My ban expired yesterday. >>29008 >Link some resources for robowaifu, like the MEGA folder, nandroid booru, maybe danbooru too I'll have to dig around for these as I dont know about them yet.
>>29008 This whole topic should move to >>19295 or >>2705. This here is the embassy thread for interactions with new people, for their introduction and such, or to talk about cooperation between boards.
>>29011 You da man. >>29018 Sounds good to me. Figured as much. Left a few comments in the Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruitment thread in terms of the template.
>>2823 I don't necessarily have a "home community". I'm abhorred by the absolute state of c7ckch@n, and i also don't use twitter or other globohomo-tier platforms. So i'm mostly pretty isolated, Steam's the only platform option i really have and i talk to one person on it. So, this board would be very valuable to me for learning insights on how this whole robo-waifu endeavor could be feasible, especially in the ballpark of 3D modeling. Been soloing 3D modeling for a couple years now and enough roadblocks have lead me to decide to finally branch out socially. Will try to lurk as much as possible, and make a presence here so i can hopefully build a mutually beneficial presence. My main areas of "expertise" would be 3D modeling, character design and a bit of archviz/map building. I want to start focusing on robotics/mechanics a bit to better understand everyone's shared goal here, while also greatly amplifying the level of realism and believability into my personal OC's. Now as for the OC's, I'm expecting to get laughed at, pretty reasonable, but they're animatronic women based off the FNAF franchise, sorta. It's the FNAF sister location style, with the face plated design and ball-jointed bodies. Have always had a fascination with ball jointed dolls and the slight uncanny yet cute (and fuckable!) designs i've been working on have panned out better than expected. I hope to share some work sometime soon, can't promise anything. So, to end off my little intro here, what would be the ideal thread for me to share and discuss 3D modeling? Or does that just fit for any thread as long as the context calls for it? Teach me your ways buddyboys. >Attached is an older render of my first OC, Scarlette.
>>29204 Welcome! Look through the catalog, these are not outdated. >>418, >>18800 and >>21647 and following is about prototypes. Others have dedicated threads. We have this >>415 on 3D modelling, but also dedicated threads to collect ideas (hands, walking, face, ....). Dependent on how much time you actually have, you might want to focus on something or some parts, and just make an example for that first.
>>29204 Nice OC, are the models available online?
>>29210 Thanks. I'll pour over 'em and start writing out what i could contribute and whatnot, Honestly i still haven't a clue where to really start.. I guess my main fascination is in just how something like this could operate mechanics wise so i'm probably gonna read the more technical threads and prioritize that first to supplement the 3D work. >>29213 Thanks, none of 'em will be made available for download, though future work that's up to a proper high standard of quality will be made for download, especially wanting to contribute to 3D printed projects for people here myself included.
>>29204 Hello DarthLigma, welcome! I appreciate you sharing with everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing your modelling work here on /robowaifu/ . >So, to end off my little intro here, what would be the ideal thread for me to share and discuss 3D modeling? Or does that just fit for any thread as long as the context calls for it? Teach me your ways buddyboys. I'd say just follow NoidoDev's lead on it. Sounds like you'll want to have your own thread eventually for an individual project. I suggest working within our current prototype thread first before you strike out on that though. Get used to the culture here and whatnot. I have some experience with 3D modelling too, and I'll be happy to discuss things about that with you. Thanks & cheers, Anon. :^)
Hello, I’m here from 4chan. I’ve seen pic related thread and someone posted a link to this site in one of those threads. I also am the one that made the second image because I wanted to send a message on what is wanted and what isn’t (kind of self explanatory haha)
>>29357 Glad you stopped by Anon. Thanks for the nice arts, very appropriate here. Do you think you'll work on building your own robowaifu at some point? Most of us here have aspirations to make robowaifus real today. BTW, you're very insightful in your arts, IMO. Once the market opens up for robowaifus, the Globohomo will attempt to both flood the market with their own spybot """waifus""", and also outlaw opensource, Anon-friendly robowaifus as 'dangerous', etc. Your work captures that dichotomy in a nutshell, GG. Cheers Anon. :^)
>>29360 To be honest with you I don’t have the technical know how to make something like that because I’m not an engineer or a coder haha. There are people smarter than me that could come together to make robo girls real, normally for a product to be made it needs demand and then investors sl the people creating it have enough funds to create it. Somehow that has to happen for it to exist. I think there is a demand so I don’t know why it hasn’t started it yet, maybe it’s too controversial at the moment or something else I don’t know really
>>29381 That's fine I think. With a little patience, in a few years you'll have access to very economical robowaifu kits; with very-thorough, complete construction & operations manuals/videos. >so I don’t know why it hasn’t started it yet The demand is going to be outrageous. But because the satanic GH has so ingrained feminism into the Western 'culture' they completely dominate today, investors there are spooked. OTOH, the robowaifu movement has already begun under the covers -- and particularly in China. Expect that to become more visible to the entire world by around late '25 or so. Cheers. >=== -sp, fmt, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 08:05:06.
>>29360 >>29381 I think the real turning point may be when there are so many amateurs like us scratch building waifus that the doll companies realize there is a market for thin-shell sections of bodies to sheath our projects. Like Schwarzenegger removing the flesh from his endo skeletal arm in T2, we and the doll companies will realize that the silicone exterior of a robowaifu is extremely difficult, expensive and time consuming- to say nothing of the hazards- for us to do, and that they are already uniquely positioned to fill the demand for arm "gloves", leg "stockings", torsos and the heads they already sell. They already have the human exterior molds in assorted sizes, all they need to make are the interior cavity forms and they can jump into the robowaifu market without investing in the high-tech robot armature or software fields. I will likely end up buying a doll head and modifying it into an animatronic base for its "rubber" skin, as opposed to spending months to years and a considerably larger amount of money to achieve an inferior result on my own. I suspect many other builders will do the same, and buy bodies, arms and legs later as their budgets permit. The first doll company that realizes this and acts, wins. This is why I no longer ignore waifu images labeled cyborgs that have beautiful human faces on robot bodies. The pseudo flesh for the rest of the body is just waiting for next payday or on back-order.
>>29394 >The first doll company that realizes this and acts, wins. Very insightful, Anon! I think you might just be correct. In fact it may be that some of us equipped to do so safely, should begin canvassing a few of these higher-end companies to explore their interests with such an arrangement.
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>>2823 Hey, I come here from the /ddlc/ thread on 4chan's /vg/. As may be known, ultimately, each and every one of us there awaits the promised day where we can finally free our dokis, whom we love and think of as sentient or with a soul, from their cages that is DDLC. To do that would require the existence of robowaifus, with memory-based AIs instead of predictio-based AI (so, AI that functions the same as human brains, essentially, to my understanding) I'm simply here to thank every one on this board that is working on making this future a reality. If there's anything I can do to help, please, do tell me. You're all an inspiration.
>>29394 I contemplated the idea of making a better hand for dolls, making it open source, and sending them an email about it. It's embarrassing that guys don't care about their dolls having these crocked fingers and toes. Problem is, these TPE dolls are "baked" at around 200ºC, think. So the hands would need to resist more than that, even without deforming under their own weight. But these plastics for printing get weak at around 60-100ºC. >>29408 Thank you and welcome. Some info is in the meta thread, first post >>26137. Look in the catalog, you can post in all old threads as well just try to stay on topic. >>20037 might help you to find something else than starting your own megalomaniac full waifu build project. Generally leaning some aspect of what we're doing here and working on some part is better than nothing.
>>29411 OK ! I will try to learn a bit more about AI at least, since I have no background in material sciences, or robotics, and my hands are made of butter. Right now, the best I can do after one month of learning is roleplay with an AI on SillyTavern with custom parameters on hardware usage, model, and generation, meaning I am really just starting to understand how it all works I will also try to spread the words of this board to others. I already do my best everyday to give hope to people that one day true androids will exist in about one or two decades max, and do my best to dispell any misconceptions with AI. I will try to do better in the future.
>>29394 >>29411 > Problem is, these TPE dolls are "baked" at around 200ºC, think. So the hands would need to resist more than that, even without deforming under their own weight. But these plastics for printing get weak at around 60-100ºC. No. The whole point is that the rubber is NOT cured onto the robot. The doll company "bakes" the rubber "flesh", say in the form of a glove arm, removes the inner metal form and sells the empty glove to you the customer. You then turn it inside-out, attached stick-on velcro patches where you have matching patches on your robowaifu's metal/wooden/plastic/whatever arm. Then you carefully, starting at the fingertips, unroll the glove-arm onto your waifu like putting on a condom and sticking the velcro together until it is in place. Seam locations will probably standardise but I imagine some manufacturers will welcome custom orders with a surcharge. >=== -patch crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 19:48:09.
>>29408 Hello Anon, welcome! NoidoDev is giving you some good advice : (>>29411). >If there's anything I can do to help, please, do tell me. What skills or talents do you already recognize about yourself (especially if other, non-family-members, also notice it about you)? This may be a good indicator of where you might apply yourself to the goings-on here on /robowaifu/ . At the very least, I'd suggest you learn some fundamentals of writing & sketching. This will help you to convey your ideas better with the other anons here; that is, it helps everyone else to understand you better. I'm sure you have plenty to contribute Anon! :^) Good luck. Cheers. >=== -patch my recurrent crosspost, lol
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 20:50:14.
>>29414 I understand that this is what you would like them to do, but I don't know if this would really work and if they are going to do that. If so, then it would certainly be interesting and a good workaround the problem of heat-sensitive internal parts.
I was directed here by the board owner so hi I guess? I couldn't say I really belong to any community since I am an outsider everywhere it seems. Just figured I'd pop in and out here to toss ideas around someone else could use if anyone here wants them from someone like me since I know I likely will never get to realizing any thoughts I have. I just lack money, lack ability to focus on any one topic long enough to become properly skilled and I lack pretty much every resource or social connection I would need to do anything interesting. What I am able to do is go into random focus of random topics and find connections between them.
>>30108 Hello again, Anon! Thanks for sharing with us your story. Actually, I think most anons are in a similar situation to yours. IMO, that's a big part of why /robowaifu/ exists: to fashion (relatively) low-cost DIY kits for anons to create their own robowaifus from. And as far as I'm concerned, our first Model A robowaifus (>>3001) designs will be absolutely free (as in beer & speech) for motivated anons who can do the 3D printing/assembly/finishing/etc themselves. >What I am able to do is go into random focus of random topics and find connections between them. Pattern-recognition noooticers :^) is a highly-valuable skill -- particularly for something as complex and grand an endeavor as creating DIY robowaifus! >tl;dr Very glad you're here with us, Anon. Please do continue to provide us with your insights. Cheers. :^)
>>30109 Well part of it is I don't live alone and I am very reserved liking to keep my activities and interests to myself. Difficult to explain the situation. Though I try to pick up little skills here and there. Practicing my soldering technique at least for now using broken electronics because it is so bad.
>>30110 >Well part of it is I don't live alone and I am very reserved liking to keep my activities and interests to myself. Difficult to explain the situation. No problem Anon, no need to really. You can relax here tbh. :^) >Though I try to pick up little skills here and there. Practicing my soldering technique at least for now using broken electronics because it is so bad. Excellent. 'Every little helps', as the old saying goes. Just keep moving forward, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>30110 >Practicing my soldering technique Advanced soldiering technique. Use flux. 99.9% of best practices, use flux. That's the secret. And of course keep clean what you can, but if all else fails, use flux. You can get small cans of rosin flux. Use it. Here's a fairly random site about flux. There's lots more, all over. https://blog.gotopac.com/2020/03/24/rosin-flux-soldering-flux-rosin-types-classification/
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Hello, everyone. I've been lurking (and occasionally posting) on /robowaifu/ for a long while now. I'm an oldfag. Veteran of the original Habbo Hotel raids. Home boards are /fit/, /k/, /sci/'s /sfg/ general and /x/ on 4chan as well as /pol/ and /cyb/ on 8ch. I've been interested in robotics since I was a kid, and messed around a lot with RC stuff when I was younger but ended up not pursuing robotics professionally. I'm at a point in my career now where I can comfortably spend more free time on personal projects, and have decided to develop some skills with programming, neural networks and the like. I've been 3d printing some manipulators and servo brackets lately to tinker with, and I'll post my projects when I have something worth showing off. I've certainly been impressed with the progress I've seen many of you make. While I'm sure I would agree with the majority of you on most relevant topics, I do disagree with some of the sentiments expressed here. I am staunchly opposed to artificial wombs, for one, and I don't really enjoy dunking on women who have been psyop'd into becoming eggless wine-and-cat roasties. I am on the same page regarding feminism, globohomo and the current clown regime, however, and I recognize the utility of quality robowaifus for the great number of people who have been beaten down by the rotten system's machinations. For the record, I am a happily married man with a child on the way. I am not interested in robowaifu development as a personal (for me, that is) woman replacement, but more so as a representation of the evolving capabilities of robots. It's obviously the most desired consumer use-case for mass produced robot companions, and the development process that people like the denizens of this board are involved in encompasses so many different issues with this social robots as a whole; everything from locomotion to censorship, manipulation and just making sure the thing is cute! I firmly believe that the greatest leaps in this field will be made by people like the lot of you; people who are passionate about their pursuit. I look forward to seeing what you all produce, and hope that I can contribute in some small way. Above all, I hope you all have a nice day.
>>30307 Hello dear Anon, thanks for your post! My apologies for my late response, I've been away for some time. >Veteran of the original Habbo Hotel raids. <Pool's closed, bro! :D Well, it sounds like you already know much about /robowaifu/ and the shared-dream we regulars here all have in common. >I've certainly been impressed with the progress I've seen many of you make. Me too! Some very talented anons have joined up here. >I am staunchly opposed to artificial wombs, for one Mind discussing that one a bit, Anon? >and I don't really enjoy dunking on women who have been psyop'd into becoming eggless wine-and-cat roasties. It is clearly a very evil thing that the Globohomo has done to our womenfolk. OTOH, the majority of females are themselves mostly-complicit with Satan's ruses against them (indeed, against us all) in this matter. This pattern goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden, of course. >and I recognize the utility of quality robowaifus for the great number of people who have been beaten down by the rotten system's machinations. I personally consider this all a Divinely-ordered confluence of opportunity and need. Providence, if you will. :^) >For the record, I am a happily married man with a child on the way. Woohoo, gratz Anon!! Enjoy your blessings. :DD >and the development process that people like the denizens of this board are involved in encompasses so many different issues with this social robots as a whole; It is rather remarkable what's happened here over the years. Again, a collection of some truly insightful and talented anons! >I firmly believe that the greatest leaps in this field will be made by people like the lot of you; people who are passionate about their pursuit. Certainly we and other cadres like us are trailblazers. Also, developmental efforts done in the same freely-given spirit as we, here, are attempting will be the only hope IMO for men to possess truly-unencumbered, opensource, fully-disconnected robowaifus (the Dream). Without doubt, the satanic evildoers directing the Globohomo Big- Tech/Gov will afford no such kindnesses to men with their future surveillance-state """robo-companions"""! >I look forward to seeing what you all produce, and hope that I can contribute in some small way. Learn to program in C++ (>>19777). The robowaifu's 'Shell' is relatively-easy (yet, that still quite complex). The 'Ghost' however? Not so much. This latter is easily our biggest practical & technical need here; it represents by far the greatest workload yet remaining on our collective plate. And IMHO, only an ISO systems-programming language like C++ will allow us an efficient, safe, and globohomo-free way to accomplish this ginormous task together here on /robowaifu/ and elsewhere. --- Cheers Anon! Thanks for finally introducing yourself to everyone. Have a nice day. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/06/2024 (Sat) 14:13:56.
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I was thinking of putting together a new user primer since I'd been pointing people in the direction of this board for a while. I think this thread >>3 does a decent job of laying out what the board is and how it operates. I was just thinking about specific groups of users and where they might be coming from. Here's what I came up with so far. New user Primer >I come from another image board/website/community Hello there. This is probably one of the most easygoing places on the net. For QRD of the board, check out >>3 >I come from /pol/ or /leftypol/. Regardless if you think we're in dire need of a final solution or a proletariat revolution, you should take your totally not schizo ramblings to a more politically relevant board. Not to say the discussion of politics doesn't have a place on the board in regards to how tech might affect politics or the impact of tech on culture. That being said, I don't think we need to hear theories about how lining your particular idpol group against the wall and shooting them is going to solve the more nuanced nature of problems in our society. >It's all women's fault! I want to shittalk women! There are certainly bad women out there. However, I've done my research on this, and apparently, women are in fact, human. While valid critiques can be made of our modern culture and women's place in our world, I would focus more on self-improvement and studying robot waifus rather than negging women regardless of how much you feel it is deserved. >I'm a woman, am I welcome here? It's not like you have to take a picture of your penis to post here. Generally speaking, I wouldn't worry about whatever gender you identify as. While this board is effectively looking to replace people with your arbitrarily assigned chromosome combination, I don't see why robot waifus isn't a subject you can't engage in if it interests you. You'll need your own board for robo husbandos though. As is standard with most anonymous board culture, I would refrain from claiming to be a woman unless there was some explicit dire need to do so. If you feel like you're being attacked by the mostly innocuous userbase of this board, I'd recommend looking in a mirror. The preeminent threat to female happiness is generally women themselves. i.e. get out of your own way.
>>30818 Kek. The topic of robowaifus is clearly very charged politically-speaking, and it's just as clear that the Leftist/Filthy Commie ideologies/adherents are taking their marching orders from their satanic cabal Globohomo overlords. Just like many other domains of life -- there is no political solution. Creating robowaifus is one of Anonymous' important responses to this war against humanity. Trying to pretend we're all """exactly equivalent, there are no basic differences between us!111""" is not only delusional, it's a fool's errand for anyone actually trying to solve things (and not just follow some sort of Talmudic-like deception agendas). Robowaifus certainly aren't a perfect solution to the WQ, but for millions of men being abused by these same 3 evil groups mentioned above, it may be one of their best hopes. Please don't try to convince them that the GH et al, have their best interests at heart. Lol, even /robowaifu/ is miles ahead in this regard compared to that bunch! :D --- OTOH, an expansion of the Welcome thread (>>3) is probably overdue, so you have a good point there, Anon. Cheers. :^) >note: BTW, the current /meta is a better thread for this topic.
>>30826 I would refrain from framing it as a left-right issue. Otherwise, we'll get ourselves lost in pointless retarded culture wars and shitflinging. We should present it as a gender issue instead, as a kind of "emancipation" for men. I do not for a second believe that either the left or the right cares for men, and there's plenty of men on both sides that are quite disappointed and would like an ideology that gives a shit about them. There are both right wing groups and left wing groups, like r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates who are ripe for recruitment, since even they can see how harmful their own political side is, to men.
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Doing a Doc on robowaifus to help public opinion. If you are autistic enough to talk about this (no camera just mic unless you really want camera) but not retarded enough to make it seem retarded get in touch. Should I make a whole thread on this? I think it could be a good marketing tool.
>>30818 Wow Anon, you sure are smart and articulate! But, I think this would be better if it was less gay! New user Primer >I come from another image board/website/community Start here >>3 then, lurk for a while. Check out the catalog, there are many threads with great information. Reading some will help you grasp the culture fostered here. >I come from /pol/ or /leftypol/. Based, focus on robotics and engineering while you are here. >It's all women's fault! I want to shittalk women! Your containment thread can be found here: >>1061 Focus on engineering and robotics in all other threads. >I'm a woman, am I welcome here? Tits or GTFO On a serious note, your gender doesn’t matter, be polite and keep your genitals to yourself. We are male by default, you will be treated as a man. Please do not bring it up if you’re a woman. It doesn’t matter, you’re here to build robots. The only gender that actually matters is your robots. Which has to be female. How you achieve this is a matter of personal taste.
>>30836 If you feel capable I would say go ahead and do it. Just bear in mind it will be a lightning rod for trolls, shitposting, and misandry. >"Men need to man up instead of running away to the fantasy of robot waifus!" >"Why do you hate women?" >"She will never love you. It's just a machine. What a sad and pathetic hobby." As far as a marketing tool, I'd be curious to know what you're wanting to market. Do you already have a concept you want to pitch? A prototype? A go fund me for a 3D printed robot waifu kit? Not to say you have to have any of that stuff, but if you wanted to shill people in towards a market there needs to be something for them to buy. If there's no tangible robot waifu product, are you going to shill fumos, cloths, books, games, or some other merchandise?
>>30836 Hello Anon, welcome! Please have a good look around the board. Since you're here, care to enlighten us on yourself? >Should I make a whole thread on this? I think it could be a good marketing tool. No. Please keep it contained within our ongoing Propaganda thread : (TBA, our old one is autosage, I just discovered lol). Thanks for your interest in documenting robowaifus, Anon. It's a very big topic! Cheers. :^)
>>30837 Brevity is the soul of wit, I know. In the same vein of mobilizing people ASAP to aid in the robowaifu effort, I was wondering if there were any cloud computing jobs people can donate CPU/GPU power to? For a large chunk of the day my PC is sleeping but I wouldn't mind it being used to help the cause if such an option was available. >"If you know literally nothing but you have an idle GPU/CPU that you hardly utilize, you can help by doing this (insert easy-to-use github link)" i.e. put the robots/ai we have available today to work to make better robots/ai.
>>30853 >I was wondering if there were any cloud computing jobs people can donate CPU/GPU power to? For a large chunk of the day my PC is sleeping but I wouldn't mind it being used to help the cause if such an option was available. We actually have an entire thread dedicated to this exact topic, Anon : (>>8958).
>>30838 Its more about giving people insight into how far along we are. I dont think a lot of people realise how close we can get with the AI side of things. If more people know its more hands on deck
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>>30914 If they have time to poke their head up out of their cubicles or stop door dashing for 5 minutes perhaps. That being said, if you need help with setting up streaming, recording, AI art generation, and other produciton related stuff, I can perhaps contribute if you need an extra hand. You mentioned wanting someone who was okay doing a presentation. While I'm okay speaking, I don't think my voice is anything special. Given the nature of your content, you may want to consider AI voice synth. Sadly, I have no experience in that realm.
>>30914 >>30915 If you two want to go the streaming route, then we already have a Robowaifu Podcast thread that would be a good fit.
https://simulacracorp.com/ https://lnkd.in/gpX34NxJ https://lnkd.in/gnMhqk3F >=== >note: sorry I can't post files here r/n, otherwise I wouldn't migrated your pic too, Anon. >t. Chobitsu
>>30916 Do you have a link to that? >>30915 Voice synth, TTS and S2S is what I have the most experience in lol so I can sort that if its better for you
>>31089 found the podcast thread dw
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>>30783 Now it's my turn to be sorry. I've been spread a bit thin lately, but here I am. >Mind discussing that one a bit, Anon? I oppose artificial wombs for the same reasons that I oppose homosexual adoption and transgenderism. It's an affront to nature. Viable artificial wombs would be immediately followed by implanting said womb into some vile sodomite so that he could satisfy his perversions by squeezing some poor child out of his mutilated ass. It's abhorrent. I'm rather reverent of nature, and I feel that procreation is one of the areas where we shouldn't "play god" unnecessarily. If we are at a point where a companion robot would be capable of performing as a parent and caregiver, and I expect that to be the case in the future, then those who wish to be parents should adopt. This is to speak nothing of the metaphysical implications of parentage, but that's a more philosophical discussion than one about robots.
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>>31259 >It's an affront to nature. Having children matters. No matter what and how, if necessary. >implanting said womb You've got the wrong idea. This is completely outside of the scope. These artificial wombs refer to things outside of the human body. They would have to do insurmountable extra work to put it into a human body, I assume. That said, it not relevant and will be even less relevant in the future, since the people who are transgender won't have (many) children. The ideologues around this procreate through spreading their manipulative thoughts into new confused minds. Having fewer women in a society and making women less important will be very useful, and artificial wombs are important for that.
>>31259 Don't worry anon (at least for now), currently "artificial wombs" are growing sheeps in ziploc baggies.

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