/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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Sorry for the delays in the BBB plan. An update will be issued in the thread soon in late August. -r

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

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Lurk Less: Tasks to Tackle Robowaifu Technician 02/13/2023 (Mon) 05:40:18 No.20037
Here we share the ideas of how to help the development of robowaifus. You can look for tasks to improve the board, or ones which would help to move the development forward. You could also come up with a task that needs to be worked on and ask for help, use the pattern on top of OP for that, replace the part in <brackets> with your own text and post it. >Pattern to copy and adjust for adding a task to the thread: Task: <Description, general or very specific and target thread for the results> Tips: <Link additional information and add tips of how to achieve it.> Constraints and preferences: <Things to avoid> Results: Post your results in the prototypes thread if you designed something >>18800, or into an on-topic thread from the catalog if you found something or created a summary or diagram. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes >>18800, current meta >>18173 and many others in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - the thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things. >General suggestions where you might be able to help: - Go through threads in the catalog here https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html and make summaries and diagrams like pointed out starting here >>10428 - Work on parts instead of trying to develop and build a whole robowaifu - Work on processes you find in some thread in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - Test existing mechanisms shared on this board, prototypes >>18800 - Try to work on sensors in some kind of rubber skin and in parts >>95 >>242 >>419 - Keep track of other sites and similar projects, for example on YouTube, Twitter or Hackaday. - Copy useful pieces of information from threads on other sites and boards talking about "sexbots", "chatbots", AI or something similar. Pick the right thread here: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - Search for interesting parts on Thingiverse and similar sites: Skeletons, BJD dolls, ... Search first if something has been mentioned already, put similar projects into one posting. First, find the right place in the catalog before posting: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - Software is more security critical, we need ways to verify your project isn't harmful if we use it. - Recruit anons for our efforts on other sites, especially in threads or subreddits with similar topics, or topics like MGTOW, BlackPill, anti-feminism, (DIY-)"sexdolls", Chatbots, ... recruit/evangelize/advocate e.g. with memes and banners >>2705 - Preparing pictures for the creation of memes or banners (remove background or text) >>2705 - Go through old meta and the project threads and crosslink posting to more topic specific threads according to the topic >>18173 >>15434 >>12974 >>8492 >>3108 >>38 - Write down topics discussed anywhere on this board, use these as search terms in Waifusearch >>8678 (after installing it), and post the result in the Archive thread >>7143 - Look for things we don't know, but should know. - Find things you think need to be done and and add tasks yourself, using the pattern above. > General Recommendations: - Try to post results into the right thread (NOT here in this thread) - Try mostly not just use google and don't just post some links as answers - Dont try to lead us, or to centralize us, or to move all of us to another platform - The catalog with all the threads is also hotlinked at the top & bottom of this board. You can use every thread to post, there's no advantage posting everything into the most active ones. Maybe look at the end of a thread if there's a follow up thread. Don't worry if you post it in the wrong place, volunteers will move it if necessary. >=== -add/rm temp appeal for help
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 11:17:16.
Task: Pick some thread you want to read through, make a list of subtopics in it and post it as a directory. Example: >>19442 - Post it into the thread itself and maybe into RnD General >>83. Tips: You could announce it first here in this thread, so no one else would work through the same one. Though, different people might see and care about different things. Which also means, doing it after someone else isn't a problem. Constraints and preferences: Filter out the unimportant stuff. Link the beginning of a sub topic and maybe some important postings, probably not all of them. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss details of your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes >>18800, current meta >>18173 and many others in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - the thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things.
Task: Search for relations and sizes of body parts and bones, on other sites and in other sources, post it here >>14388 - This is to help our modelling efforts. Tips: Anatomy books, sites, subreddits. Constraints and preferences: It's about human females and some older minors (since we might build smaller non-human characters). Male relations are only relevant to avoid them. Don't post pictures of nude males. Be patient with someone picking up on using your work to model a human skeleton. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes >>18800, current meta >>18173 and many others in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - the thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things: >>14388
I think right know what needs to be done is a robot hand or arm. Doesn't matter how you go about doing it. But if you can't make that I doubt you can make the rest.
>>20057 >I think right know what needs to be done is a robot hand or arm. OP: >- Work on parts instead of trying to develop and build a whole robowaifu Here's the thread for it: >>200 >>4577 search for "Arm" using Waifusearch and then add it here >>7182
Task: Learn effective programming in the C++, C, and Python programming languages. -note: We as a board are going to soon begin a semi-formal classroom for learning C++ (and C). Everyone here is advised to at least attempt the classroom, to know whether you can manage to learn to program today with our help. It will be targeted at complete beginners. Here's the classroom: (>>19777). Tips: C++ is going to constitute the bulk of our robowaifu's systems' software (which will be the vast bulk (>80%) of all the software involved). C will be the bulk of of the embedded software in things like microcontrollers (and also for onboard & internal, inter-device communications, etc.) Python will probably be the main scripting system for Anons at home to tweak their robowaifus with (possibly using Lua though additionally/instead). It's also commonly used for frontend scripting of the C++/C/ultraPozz-nuLang-duJour backend AI engines of today. Constraints and preferences: If you don't know either C or C++, then don't try learning C first. This will only slow you down for where we're going with this classroom. Python or Lua can be picked up at anytime, as they have little bearing on the systems technicalities involved. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes >>18800, current meta >>18173 and many others in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - the thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/14/2023 (Tue) 02:11:20.
>>20066 You can also look into the old prototype thread, and just search for arm: >>961 >>9142 >>12661 >>13704 >>14274 - use the existing files or drawings to work on something or show interest in how to improve it in the new meta thread: >>18800
Task: Test our (ball) joint designs for dolls Tips: Here >>8690 and >>14704. Give your opinion on if you could use it for a doll. You can also test this here >>16803 if you show interest in building an adjustable joint mechanism for a doll. The file should be behind the Mega.nz link. Constraints and preferences: You should maybe have handled dolls before, so you could tell if any of this is useful, or where it is lacking. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, keep it in the thread for prototypes >>18800, or current meta >>18173 if it's more general. If you want to read up and discuss how to build a doll, aside from the mentioned prototypes, then this thread >>372 might be also of interest to you.
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Task: Choose your own task from the MaidCom project (>>15630). task areas: • physical body .CAD modeling her body • internal mechanisms .designing internal components • consolidate relevant information .the information is scattered across several threads, and is therefore hard to parse • create robowaifu software for her .both AI, component, and systems software; see (>>22, >>367, >>20074, >>14409) Tips: This is the board's group robowaifu project. Kiwi is the project lead, and is primarily focusing on the internal mechanisms task right now. If you can do the CAD modeling of her body, collect information together, create software, or anything else important that you can think of, it would be a big help. Please participate, Anon! Constraints and preferences: Just be sure to read through the posts in the project thread first, both to get an idea of where we're going, and also to see how you might help out. We can do this if we all work together... all of us is far stronger than any of us! General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes >>18800, current meta >>18173 and many others in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - the thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/14/2023 (Tue) 13:01:16.
Task: Cycloidal drive design: Search for some, design some, test them. We will most likely need those. It should work in Blender or OpenScad and be adjustable in size and reduction, not some STL file. Tips: It's about getting the math right and translated into a modifiable file. Also, there different variants. Related: >>14513 >>16692 >>4536 Constraints and preferences: I think the patent for it is still valid, so maybe don't post anything which can be traced back to you. Though, others did that and they seem to be fine. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes >>18800 for posting your tests, and current meta >>18173 for more general questions.
Task: Start making a list of all human-like mental tasks current AI systems or software with CLI can solve, with links to the paper or name of it. Tips: Use this >>10317 to look into the topics of your downloaded papers. Ask around on other platforms. Constraints and preferences: Don't limit it to deep learning. Limit it to tasks humans would do in their mind, not protein folding or something like it. Maybe some more specialized tasks can go into it as well, but it's about common mental tasks. Be realistic about the quality of it, LLM don't know the things they're talking about. If tasks come to mind which they can't solve, or you find a list somewhere, add this as "unsolved" into the results as well. Results: Post your results in >>27 or in >>4143 for now, maybe make a new thread after getting deeper into it. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. The thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things.
Task: Think about the config options robowaifus should have, in terms of behavior, opinion and psychology. Make lists sorted by some criteria or pattern, and describe how you mean it. Tips: Complex tests and categories for political views and psychology might help, but try to think of more. Behavior in conversations, sarcasm, ... Traits used for characters in entertainment might be a useful list, ... Constraints and preferences: No idea right now. If you make it too simplistic it can be extended later. The terms should be as unabigious as possible. Results: Posting it in the threads for personality >>18 or psychology >>2731 might be the right place. You can also pick another on-topic thread from the catalog if you prefer. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. The thread for posting the results might also be the best place to discuss things.
I'd appreciate it if someone could work on the wowky python integration. https://github.com/robot-waifu/wokwi-python I don't know. Turn it into an AI if you want(or can)
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>>27957 Bit of a necro-post, aint it? :) You can just use the requests library in python to interact with oobabooga. append a string onto user_message for any extra inputs to go to the llm (such as a button press adds phrase "I give you headpats"). Or you can run scripts/whatevery by detecting certain words/phrases in assistant_message. Basic string manipulation, really. Oobabooga be here yo: https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui Happy coding!
>>27968 >Bit of a necro-post, aint it? :) Just a heads-up for you Anon (and any newcomers): we don't actually have any such thing as necroposting here on /robowaifu/. So, by all means locate the proper thread in the catalog and make related posts in it! Cheers. :^) >=== minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/03/2024 (Wed) 00:39:17.
>>27970 Necroposting is generally defined as just replying to an old, inactive discussion. :) Anyway I just gave y'all the secret sauce to talking using the clickety-clack on the keyboard with your own locally hosted LLM (the conversational brains for a robowaifu). You're welcome.
>>27989 >the secret sauce to talking using the clickety-clack on the keyboard with your own locally hosted LLM (the conversational brains for a robowaifu). Thanks, I'm not sure, but I think I read about this before on Reddit.
Task: Think about conversations or listen to other peoples conversations and write down scenarios we would need to catch to have a really good conversational AI. Always think about what pattern would need to be understood and how to avoid misunderstandings. Also, collect sources for such pattern and share it (later). Examples: - Recalling things you told her, and things she already told you - Recognizing if you speak in a strange way, audio or different kind of words - Someone replacing words with other words as a joke or to talk in some kind of code - General detection of aberrations - Understanding what someone wants as early as possible in a sentence - Corrections in a sentences, changes of the topic mid sentence - Realizing you talk to someone else or to yourself - ... Constraints and preferences: This here is not about how to solve these examples, I want more such examples of things we need to solve. Also, don't bother me with "deep learning will solve this" or other reasons why this is unnecessary. Results: Make notes for now and announce that you're working on this in the meta or in the thread for cognitive architecture >>24783. We might work on this later in this thread or get a specialized one. If not enough people working on this here, we might also do it somewhere else, e.g. Reddit or Github. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. The thread for posting the results might also be the best place to discuss things.
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Task: Assist in the maintenance of Waifubot General (/wbg/) on 4Chan's /pol/. /pol/ has been one of the primary sources of /robowaifu/'s new users, so making sure that we have a stable presence on there will greatly improve how many people we can get from there. You can help out by designing logos for the thread, discussing possible revisions to the OP, or simply participating in the threads. Of all the tasks on here, this is probably has the lowest skill barrier. Don't know how to help out? Then help us find people who might. Tips: You can find all current and previous wbg threads using https://rentry.org/WBG2024 Results: Post any notable happenings in /wbg/ or any discussions regarding /wbg/ in the recruitment thread >>2705 General Disclaimer: Try to have a basic understanding of 4Chan/pol culture (ie, don't memeflag, dont tripfag, etc)
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>>29903 I would really appreciate it if you all used this.
<<placeholder for task description. To be expanded later>> --- > (forearm/hand -related : >>32974, ...) >=== -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/19/2024 (Mon) 22:15:09.
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>>29990 Made a new badge.
>>31452 I keep meaning to but until now have not praised your great badge. It's really good. Fantastic.
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you willl install linux and use python with miniconda and use c++ sparingly for microcontrollers you will get a 3d printer capable of melting carbon fiber you will use onshape for cad you will use lithium batteries por power all the logic will be done on your pc via localhost via wifi or 4/5g you will use the ai that is available and not try to make your own spaghetti abomination
>>33524 Lolno. I WILL NOT EAT ZE BUGS! <---> Somebody need to do a mashup with BB=The evil, bald, jewish Globohomo guy. :D

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