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Stellar Blade Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 06:30:41 No.1717 [Reply] [Last]
https://y.com.sb/watch?v=RAynTNAmj_E As Japan has fallen to the pozz, Korea takes up the mantle. Stellar Blade is Korean-made character action with hot booba lady in tight yoga pants. Day 1 buy. If you can recall, this was the game some soy journo called "baed and outdated" while praising the potato sack from Forwoken as both were revealed.
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>>9832 Did they make the character model ever so slightly fatter as well or is that a trick of light perspective or something?
>>9839 I think it's just a trick of the light. But then again I wouldn't put it past soyny to make her ever so slightly fatter every once in a while hoping people don't notice until she looks like a sexless DEI abomination.
So I assume this is getting a PC release 2 years from now or so right? That seems to be Sony's pattern...
>>9841 Soyny exclusives have gotten PC releases years after the original release? I honestly can't think of any, but I don't watch a lot of movies these days.

what are you playing? General #1 Anonymous 02/02/2023 (Thu) 16:50:11 No.363 [Reply] [Last]
new trash to old retro vidya games, all vidya is welcome. What are you playing? can you recommend said piece of vidya to anyone or should they stay away? Or are you just playing something to see how shit it is? Come on, post whatever you are playing even if it's emulator or original hardware games(olden time consoles and handhelds), even new vidya on PC or consoles.
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>>7607 don´t listen to >>7772 play Disciples instead, its the same gig, but its less about spamming units and metagaming and more about party composition and having your units survive encounters so they promote >What are you playing? suffering through playing an archer in DA:O, god the archer is bad, now im stuck trying to fix this piece of shit because turns out the way to play archer, is to pick none of the archer perks aside from Aim and just make a lethality rogue with cunning, too late i guess...
>>9773 >Is Lunacid a tranny game? Was it made in the last 10 years by a western dev? If so, then yeah it's almost assuredly a tranny gayme.
>>9789 >play Disciples instead, its the same gig, but its less about spamming units and metagaming and more about party composition and having your units survive encounters so they promote I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. The next game of that type that I try will probably be Age of Wonders. Since I made that post, I've since gotten okay at Heroes of Might and Magic 2 but feel like I've hit a wall in terms of raising my skill level. I can win Broken Alliance on normal difficulty most of the time in fheroes2, for example. If I recall correctly, normal difficulty corresponds with hard mode in the standard game. I also tried Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and didn't care that much for it. I have 4 too but haven't played it.
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Went through the Dreamcast online catalogue. Basically a dozen and a half games for it brought back online for multiplayer. I might try to upload some of them. Note that Bomberman Online multiplayer isn't fixed yet though I heard it is being worked on. PAL Available
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posting more because why not unreal and speed devils don't have online restored yet but we remain ever hopeful

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Dragon's Dogma II Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 20:20:59 No.8300 [Reply] [Last]
Does it have any chance of being good?
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Less than an hour til release. Is there any hope it will be good?
>>9783 No. Go buy the first. If you already own it, go play it again. Story was fucking terrible and the map had that fucked old mmo geometry, reminded me of white knight chronicles. The only good thing was the gameplay and the gameplay loop (really solid), and the pawn builder. Can't imagine they improved the story any and they nerfed the character creator, so you better hope that playloop is tasty enough for your $80.
>>9787 >The only good thing was the gameplay and the gameplay loop (really solid) That's all a game needs really.
>>9787 >$80 do gaymers really?

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Anonymous 04/22/2023 (Sat) 16:20:05 No.2538 [Reply] [Last]
What went wrong? It had good games but it did so badly in the market.
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I like Gamecube.
>>8670 me too, it's a nice shape
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>>9746 Sovl.
>>8670 >>9661 Agreed.

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Squeenix Thread 2 Anonymous 12/22/2023 (Fri) 15:07:29 No.7977 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread - https://archive.is/01omV Don't tell Sakaguchi how bad everything is.
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>>9767 the check didn't go through
>>9767 Well, soys don't like vidya in general unless it's a 2DEEP4U walking simulator, so there's no surprise there. What >>9770 said. They didn't get paid to give it a 7/10/
Anyone that played rebirth have any thoughts? I've been trying to watch someone's let's play but the game is so boring and uninspired to me that I don't really like watching it. It looks like kingdom hearts. For example you hit boxes to open them and run around boring corridors, complete opposite of the feel of the OG with hidden treasure chests and detailed backgrounds. I really don't like the character designs, I especially find Aeris really ugly in the game. I also hate the weird dynamic between the characters and how they expect you to simp for all the female characters. But these are just limited impressions as I can't really watch much. Anyone whose actually played it or finished it have any thoughts?
>>9782 Be real honest I played this already about twenty years ago and I don't think the rebirth is worth touching. Just watch the clips on youtube. The first has so much game depth that they can only provide a quick tour of the surface of the story, and couldn't even do that properly. Literally couldn't even retell the same story with fancier graphics, had to alter it pointlessly in a way that only diminishes instead of complements or elevates. You have to think, are you the lowest common denominator? Because that's the audience for this game, whoever and as many people as they can catch using FF& as bait.
>>9788 I think you're right. The game's so bad that my post asking if anyone had played it or had thoughts about it seems like it basically killed the thread.

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Zelda and Zelda-esque games Anonymous 03/23/2023 (Thu) 00:09:28 No.1619 [Reply] [Last]
I just can't stop playing 2D Zelda clones, that style of gameplay is probably my favorite, especially when good clones add a little bit of their own personal spice into the mix.
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>>8336 I miss the innocent girl in long dress and huge leather boots trope from the '90s.
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>>8222 Say it to his face.
>>1619 What are notable Zelda clones?
>>9776 Tunic was pretty good, though some of the puzzles were vague as shit.

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Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:29:59 No.9714 [Reply]
When are they going to release a new console and save the industry?
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>>9716 >>9718 >>9719 epic schizorants, my man but the solution to IP cuckoldry is p simple: guerilla gamedev just develop games based on whatever you want and release them the problem is that faggots want shit like fame and recognition and also money so they cant resist the compulsion to slap their names on the game they make, instead of remaining anonymous and untraceable suppose some anonymous autismo made a pokemon game and release it as a torrent what the fuck is nintendo gonna do about it? who are they gonna sue? they are just gonna eat shit and seethe, thats all
Sega has a lot of first party Ips tho
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>>9764 >epic schizorants, my man thanks ive already thought about the anonymous game publishing but the thing is it takes a fair bit of effort to make a game and we're in a soyciety where we drown in taxes and possibly debt + mortgage and the type of people willing to do shit like what you described are an extreme minority and anyways my point is ip cuckoldry shouldnt exist to begin with to this extent, copyright right now is completely fucked, i SHOULD be able to use ideas that have existed for decades and not get sued by some giga kike, and what worries me even more is the legal ambiguity that allows companies to screw people over SIMILARITIES or "the look and feel" of a product
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Photorealism killed video games Anonymous 02/16/2023 (Thu) 08:32:25 No.646 [Reply] [Last]
When the opportunity to make games look like movies presented itself, it was all over for the good old gaming. Not only did it make games look ugly and cheap, with the ability to just scan somebody’s mug and then turn it into stuff of nightmares with bad shading and bamp maps and whatnot, it also opened the gates for all the failed wannabe holyjew directors who now started using gaming as an outlet for their self-assertion, which in turn attracted the unwanted attention of the msm and npcs. Even now they will tell you that photorealistic graphics are better.
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>>9626 sexo
>>9629 On the left!
>>648 westoids have always been obsessed with muh realism thats why in art school thats all anyone is taught to draw while in japan people stylize and spam moe blobs
>>9626 Left looks like The Amazing Atheist
>>9779 I dunno. Left is more manly then bananaman.

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Arcades Anonymous 02/17/2023 (Fri) 20:41:06 No.683 [Reply] [Last]
When's the last time you've been to an arcade, anon?
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>>8162 >nobody cares about the arcades why even have them then
>>8162 Looks horrible
>>8162 check these video gamers out
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the death of arcades as i knew them is something i'm still not able to come to terms with outside of JP, which even then still isn't doing too hot from what i've heard, the best arcades US (and maybe CA or EU? not sure) can scrounge up are comprised of shitty redemption games made to take up your time and provide zero actual fun aside from 'get big tickets', with very few actually enjoyable games made to just be played for fun what happened to all the good shit? the fighting games, the lightgun games, the unique racers, the beat-em-up's, the shmups, the rhythm games, the action puzzlers, hell even in terms of redemption games, the best they can do is 'remake mobile/webgame made for children'. at least back then there was original, actually enjoyable concepts and ideas. colorama, spider stompin, dunk-n-alien, all sorts of shit it just sucks. arcades are a lost cause from what i can tell, and the ones that still exist suck balls and aren't even worth going to, outside of a *very* small few, and even those can have their own niche of issues or maybe i'm just alone on this, who tf knows

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Resident Evil thread Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 17:37:49 No.893 [Reply] [Last]
Which one is your favorite? Mine is probably 3. I know it's largely inferior to 2 but I really like the vibe of the city and Jill's sexy outfit. Also is does add some interesting mechanics like powder mixing and of course Nemesis hunting you down like a dog brings some unrivaled tension.
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>>9706 pronouns are bee/bae
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>>9740 >ign >100k views >300 likes or whatever they're called on twatter oof
>>9740 i can imagine that rewrite, holy shit
>>9740 Woke slop incoming.

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